i VOJ- XXVII. GHAHEOTTE, N. TUESDAY MAY 3a, 1882. NO. 4,112. VISITORS O TBJC 20th of Mnyv Calebratioir are oordUly invite 4 . - ; I CAL1 AND SEE THK HANDSoMFST Retail Dry Goods : EstjibltaeBt In the State of North Carolina. ALEXAHDER & HARRIS, PEG It AnM CU) H VK A PBKTTY LINE OF GENTS' and LADIES' .SUPPERS. PEGRAM & CO., HwU Bfesta.ockof-. i ; Gents' Hani-Sewed Shoes : slxLXliB ft ?r rILL display during the 20 0 of My Celebra tion the most eleuant stock of KANCY DBf GOODS In tbe Ue. Ull and e them. ALKXaNDRK ft HARRIS. PEGRAM &' C O . , HAVg ALL KINDS OF a Childrens' Shoes a iiil Slippers. JJ wj: CALL pe-4i U mlon h i,ur jtuck of NECK WKH. viz: i.ace Collar. ' lchu, Embroider ed Collars ami er ry variety I L nen and Percale n Polk i Lot and sUipes. (ley are beautifuL Call and ate t" m. ' ALEX VtKti HARBIN PEGRAM & CO,, KKKP A WKLL gKLKCTiD sTOCK OF Trunk id Vaiices OF ALL PRICES A D SIZES Alexander & Harris HAVR a mngnlflcrnt stock if WHlTB HOODS viz: Linen i.awim . InUU Lwus. .Mas&llas. Nrtlni(H)k8. India VTurM. ort unshed TJaoo34s. Polka Dot Swiss, Mu II i In Win e and Hcrnef ffCtu, with Lace and Kinb'uMtTv to 'rim. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST BKCHVEH A FINK t-TOCK OF Silk, Feltkl Strai Hats Of the Latest 8tylp. Ot 1 be Lntest Styles. -WE- TTAVR a tremendous 8tock of Ladlu'. Mls-8 and Cbt drenWoljry, wfetetuKwe wlsb to re duce. Special prloes wlU h Biale fti these goods . 1 s ALXA.adLHABitllM v. ax CAN SUIT THK B Farmer) Friends f Wllh any klDds BOOT8 and 6BOIS TBKT WISH. VISITCTKS' n 1 TO the celebration will be astonished when they i bear onr prices oa Domestle Goods. We: make a specialty of these caods. j A LEX. A DEB ft HABBIS. -OUR- CTOCK of tBBSSObDSlvlf Hufa! TrtltolFt? kj in 1 all mlnr& with trim mil lira hat PEG R.JCKE'CkJeDEfe Shoe DressiDg 11 Bfacing -WHERE VISITORS- tr apalroflhe. el maris Pegrara fea TRftVELIIIG BAGS, Our store will be closed Baturdsy, My 20th, frem 11 o'clock a. i s. tamu ccioca p. 0 ' FKGBAM t l 1U DoaltlvrdihVjrrTumeif6 tiaaj. . ... n arna I Grenaaines, Brocaded SlUu, etc, etc., in I OF . fin O&ociAa, lcrttttttg, Ac, econd Stocks JAVING just returned from the X astern Mar kets the second time this season, we an now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS In tbe way of Novelties ot the season. We have replenished our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shades Bummer silks and Foulards, Also a handsome stock of Satteens' In fancy colors. Nuns Veiling In all colors from 85c to 81 per yardr A new lot of Laces In all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of -LAWNS- To be found In the city. Mull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, ' The cheapest and most handsome styles! Some new Neck Wear In new styles. A new lot of Bunt lLg In all coTors from 12c to 91 per yard. Come and see and be convinced . that- we have the goods and prloes to suit you. ' Tery Bespetef ally, T. Xte 8EIGLE Sc. CO. may7 1 .j - ' . JHcrtlcal, A StevBr-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty -years of-trial, Perry Davis Pain KillcWstaads unriYaled It is safe t It acts immediately t It never fails I Editor of the St. John (N. B.) Ne-ws, says : In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc., i T ltls the 7o8 effectual remedy we know of. - I No family should be without a bottle of It lor a single hour. From the Cincinnati TMsnatch : : - We have teen lia mak; effects, and know it to De a gooa article. From L S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, Hhenlsh Prussia: After Ion? years of rise. I am satisfied It is positively efficient as a healing remedy ior wounos, Druises, ana Bprains. n . ff. . mini m , v wHvavai vim. , j a r v It is a panacea ior all bruises and burns. iff-.. It gave mft train filiate relief, R. Lewis says: .-XalortK yearsluse ltnexer Lhas failed me. W. W. Lnm. NichblvineTNrirrB-ayS : l use your rm ivituiB ireauenuy. ii relieve pain and Boreness, andAeoi woasds lute magKi. f a I I yer ftcalda and; burns if has no equal " FEatBT DAVISt PAXN knxfeB,fis not a lew untried remedy, dfcr forty years it aa& ten la toi9iantBM;na tnoae wrno have u4l tt Ui tony est 91 4 it belt frieids It aaess is greJeawe of jnrlt. Since the FaJn Killer was first introdaced, hundred ef new medicines have come and gone, while to-day this medicine is more extensively used audi more hisaiy valued than eterbei&re. "Evert familiLsiwAilfl have bottle ready for use. Much pain and heavy doctors' bius may often be taved hy prompt application of the. Pain Killer. Unlike most medicine, it nerfealv safe even in the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove iUyalne. Your drnggist has it miim-i Kon. &nd 1 .00 or bottle. Cjept d tw sept & oeu ive IlilierallWatif f l t A BOCKBBIDGE (VA.) :ii i- 1 3" sif .4311 "Hill CUBES iffestfen, Jorpid Liver, f ! y? -! S'i'i St Chronic Diarrhoea" and Dysetttery, Skin Diseases, . 1 : II S 5 . Scrofula, unronie meumonia, etc It is a Dowerfol AMerattva Tonlaind Is ANTI-j M ALA kLLL in It eflects.-r Bead certificates from eminent physicians In ur pamphlets. ! 'BotoiioWpAta aatelxtoeci from tb SurtniM. which bv eaatiaai nocaiea m mock bridge oouity;aanvlr8aeen-iot the reception of .visitors ftronVffane 1st -to October 1st, each H. Me4 Vnp-Mh-iiAUwlA and. relallf bf Wt J ADEN and Dr. T. a SMITH, Chaflotta c. 1 maria ly WHITE GLOVE3. aINENCOLLAB3. VS NiUflOriHANBEBCpIEFa at 1 Oc. HOSIBBY FROM 6c up, FANS FHOM 21&C up. 1 i J a. a, &c. UNDER TRADERS' NAT. BANK1. LER&WILSON'B 3T6D9i$B!w3S10T8. ioIbbb fJchiMt I - - ir tinriiw any other. 1 " J AO: m a. RICHMOND, ,a ntn may 11 perry -PAIN , killer 1 n4 MVl jTLa. firi i SI J" 1 i lAmmk. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Reported for the Observer by Walton M. Busbee, of the BaleighBar. State et al. vs. Crouse Gaston. Ashe, J.; This was an issue of bastardy tried before Avery Judge at Pall Term 1881 -XJastou court. The defendant had been acq uitted be fore the magistrate and the appeal was taken by the woman. The defendant's i exceptions to the rulings xf bis Honor are, taken on his refusal1 'to dismiss' the , base,' on the Rrouads 1st; Because the warrant was issued before the child was born. 2oa. Because the prosecutrix had no right of appeal to the Superior Court; and; ,f 1 '? ' , 8rd. Because there . was no notice of "appeal on the -papers." ' There wasalso an exception to the ruling upon the re jection of certain evidence. Ttye court says: The act of 1879 was intended , especially to repeal eamuch of sec. 1, ch. 9, as gave the, justice the .right to initiate proceedings, but to leave it entirely with tbe womaD, un less after the. birth it should appear that the child was about to become a pauper, &c. In legal intendment the mother is as much so during the period of gestation as after the birth of the child. Lord Coka says "that everyiegit imaite infant in ventre sa mere is con sidered as born for ail beneficial pur- poses. An issue of bastardy is a civil suit and the right of . appeal is given to any party against whom judgment is ren dered in a civil action and no notice of appeal is necessary wherl the adverse party is present at; the time of the mo tion. Where the5 testimony which it is proposed to contradict is not material, evidence towards that end is properly excluded. i .! No error. Affirmed. " State vs. Hastings Mecklenburg. Smitii.C. J. ':'- The defendant was tried and convict ed of forgery. Before the jury was "empanelled the defendant moved to quash the bill, ..for that a bilfor the same offense had been found at" a form er term and having become mutilated a second bill had been drawn and carried 0 thegtand jury 1 o m and handed to the foreman by an attorney employed to did in -the prosecution, and returned a . jue bill; that upon objection for this j irregularity a third bill was sent by the solicitor, and upon which the defend- j pendant was put on trial. j 2nd., Exception to the admission of "rtain evidence. 3rd. Exception to the refusal to give certain instructions. The court says: 1st. That the motion was properly de nied, for the former bills in connection vith the facta stated constituted no ;f-gal impediment to the putting'defend--nt on trial upon the last bill, at the ; lection of the solicitor. State vs. Dix on. 7S; 558. 2nd. Where evidence, though of it self insufficient to warrant a conviction, but as facts in connection with others pointing to the party and with the aid of the other evidence is sfifficient to tisfy the minds of the jury, it is no i-ror in allowing it to be heard, it 13 learly competent. 3rd. The instructions as given pre ntihe defendant's case fairly before he jury and it is not error to charge' iat"theact wasjdone with intent to ( fraud some person' whether the per ns whose uaros , are subscribed as Minora or others.? i t ; No error. Affirmed, ' ',Tittkowsky?&Rintelp vsLbgan et afel ! J ; . i -rllutherf ord. &ak$ J.I f . j j I r -1 5 ' 1 I ' Tfiii wa ft initta mala l)y the.de- odarit to file a bill of exceptions tau iie report of a referee, upon argu ment his lionor ref used the motion. This is a stronger case, if anything, thin that of Long vs.-Long, decided al'this term; lit this ease there is nfC excuse of his laches offered. It was entirely within the discretion of his Honor to allow or refuse the mo tion, and not reyiewable here ' Barrett vs .!iC4 t .. t, i Brown, trustee Mecklen- jRUFFIN, J.: This case was -4ried. upon demurrer to the complaint.' ' McM-urray, & Dayis, failing in busi nesa ii 1875 execnted a deed in tn&t U) defendant, whereby they conveyed: an their, effects to deienaanc in trust to sell and apply the' proceeds in payment of their debt. !The complaint further cites Jhat the trustee has paid to the other creditors 45 "per cent, of their 4e mandsand has in? hand, assets sufficient to pay a like rate upon the plaintiff's tjlaim but refuses to do bo. The prayer ia thatt&B'trust deed may be exhibited in couffand'the same inquired of and that plaintiff have judgment for a pro rata share of ber claim in proportion which th whole amount of assets hears to the whole amount of indebtedness. - The demurrer is: t 1st. The failure .jot the plaintiff to make Davis &MeM.urray parties. 2nd., Tbf failure to? make the other creditors parties ' " , '. ' Demurrer sustained. Plaintiff ap pealed J I t.l V - w ' Held? The general rule is that m suits respecting the administration of trusts, tb5WUsteesandJteestuies qu trusts areallfnejcessajjiparties, tbe former as having the legal estate and he latter the; equitable i and ultimate interest td Aeaffected by tfie decreelt i said to depend upon the intention of ue courtrio do complete, justice, by de ciding upon and settling the rights fnt5re3ted. in one action, Hoas to prevent futuraJitigation and to render the performance of the decree nerf ectlY safe to those who may be com melted i acUinder it. This rule ja es- peciaiiy appuuauitj tu hid hicocuu a for here each cestuiquavtmst is direct ly interested in contesting every claim other than his own. "When it appears that a trustee having had assets suffici ent to pay all the editors in full, had declared a dividend and paid all but the plaiDtfff,nhen the action at law fot mohey had and received would lie; for thpri the narties in iotTQSt would be re- si tiw1 1 the Dlaintiff on the one hand and the aeienaant on me oiuc. fiynuMOiiiler CoCleVela'nd. trade-andbwning astQQ or Kooas mu tually agreed tddissoiVe copartners nip. blinder whichV the former aasignwaujuia share inlheistock to miner wuouu April 20,1878, by mortgage Tecdnveyed tneBtocK witn sucu uiaM iswiiiiiii.j ba added to secpre the. paymentof the debt This was followed a week "later m w twnti(i mnrtiraee of tbe interest or TLfinor lTtfh same troods. and future thArAtn in the wav of rtt)leat 1 ishini? the same wttn OMium p tYdi ifith&dfcbt Shuldjbedisvh ged Ott or before the lstNovemoer.anuou ureve8ting iuthe mortgagee the power disch (linnharire or tne nrm iiauiiinea uu iio Q n resrisiicrcu iu ibcuiw; vear. In April. 1879, Miller executed a deed tqrJhtjefCTdari for the -enQw stoaUiei750fef 91 the considera ,tuipnp6il9r I rtrtjnaha,elaim.iiud& nim' ind iJettatxbsBQBt purchaser 6z sonal property from one wnoiiMa viously made a fraudulent assignment of it, or an assignment without consid eration and for his own benefit, whether the purchase be with or without notice and for valuable consideration and such assignment has been proved and registered as required, stands in the plaee of the assignor, and neither is per-, mitted to impeach its face and validity. The estoppel upon the assignor extends to his subsequent vender, and as to both; the conveyance, though it'-tnay be void as to creditors, is equally aflica-. cious as to them. Venire de novo. Error. n i Leach vs. Jones Wake, i Ash,J. Tie plaintiff claims title to the land in controversy by virtue of a judgment against the defendant as executrix of Lerpy Jones. Upon report of the referee, that she was guilty of a devastavit wf 4 the assets of her testator, ana the judge meit was against ber as executrix and and in her own right by reason of the devastavit. Several excep tions were taken by defendant to . the report but were overruled by s ibis Hoor.T? She offered to place in ri denfce a' mortgage deed executed byvfcer in 1875, duly registered; conveyinjthe land in question, which, ' was tH"4iii satisfied. His Honor rejected the eryi derice. Shealso Insisted that she wais entitled to her homeatead-t-m the- laid, contendlhg that.She was not fixed wfth the devastavit until Ihe report of the ref erree was confirmed by the juds ment against her in 1878. - ' The. coert says: Wherfera mortgagee' had ri(r ppssession and there is no '.in sertion of a mortgage in the answer, a defendant having been a defendant in the execution and in possession when the1 land was sold and when the sum mons in the action was issued, can not defeat a plaintiff's recovery by showing title in a third person. Isfay vs. Stew art 4 D. and B. 100 yhb liability of !an executrix who commits a devastavit attaches upon her qualification as such, and as her liability then commenced she is hot en titled to a homestead. Eash vs. Har die 80 N. C. 177. No error. Affirmed. Love vs. Rhyne Gaston. Smith C. J. Action begun before justice of peace for the recovery of $104.83 tbe duo by note. The defense set up as a counter-claim is an alleged indebtedness arising out of unadjusted partnership dealings between the parties and to be ascertained upon a settlement. The only question is, whether the justice has jurisdiction of the defense set up in the answer." The plaintiff demurr ed upon the ground that tbe matters of defense were riot within the jurisdic tion of the justice and moved judg ment. Motion overruled. Plaintiff ap pealed. The eourt says : The jurisdiction in the adjustment of partnership transac tions under our former sy&tem was committed alone to the courts of equi ty and no act ion could be maintained t lavr by one partner against another, until settlement and for a definite sum found to be due. As a settlement of a part nership can not tw enforced in an ac tion befoie a justice, neither is it ad missible whea urged as a means of ex tinguishing, oy a resultant balance to be ascertained upon settlement. The plaintiff was entitled to his mo tion. Judgrienf reversed end judg ment here lor the plaintiff. Reversed." Shilfofd & Weathers vs. Hayes, Sheriff, et als Lincoln, No. 271 Thorn burg ' vs. Board' rjf Commissioners of Gas ton. 233 Gaston. RufftS J4 - ' v These two actions have a common object. It is to enjoin certain rates imposed by the commissioners of. the above counties, for the purpose of erect ing fences around certain townships within those counties 'tinder act 1879 "Stock law." It is insisted by the plaintiff 1st. That inasmuch as that statute made, the adoption of its provisions to depend Upon the concurrence of 'arna jofity of the voted cat" at an election held for the purpose of ascertaining the. will of the citizens affected: in regard, thereto, it, was in violation of sec 7, art. vii of the constitution, which declares that no tax shall be levied by any coun ty or municipal corporation unless sanctioned "by a vote of the majority of the Qualified yoters therein."' zpa. mat as tne tax was-to oe ivtu only on the lands situated within the townships, it was m vioiauon oi tue 9th section of the same article whicn says that all taxes levied by any ueh corporation"shall be uniform and ad va Zorem upon all property1 ia the same. The court says: rnaB in iaur DTorjositibn has alreadv received their attention in Cain' vs; Commissioners, of Davie county, aild adds thfe following authorities to those cited in that opin ion : In Palmer vs. Stamph, 29 lad. 330 Ttrarheldrthata provisies-of the con stitution which directed the legislature "to prescribe4y law for a uniform and equal rate or taxauon anu ior au evjuai and just valuation pi taxation oi mi property real and person al"did not apply where snecial assessment was laid upon specific property the value of which was intended to be advanced by a local im provement To the same effect is Nor folk. VS. .Ellis, 520 urat. in rrvtsuy- terian church vs. City of Wayne, 36 Ind. 338, it was held, that a claim in their State constitution which declared that no nronertv used for religious purposes should be liable to be taxed did not ex empt such property from a local assess ment for the construction of a sewer in its vicinity. "Taxes are public burthens imposed, as burthens for the purpose of general revenue: assessment are uuauo with reference to special benefit deriv ed by the property assessed from the expendltion. So also Bridgeport va Kailroad, 86 uonn. a&o. . aiien.vs. onei ten 14 I.u Ann. 498. By the English court of Exchecquer in Guardains of the Poor vs. The Commissioners of Bedford, 7 Exch 777, where a provision in the. atat. 34 Geo. Ill . to the effect that certain buildihgi erected for the use of the poor of the town, snouio do irep from all parochial and parlitnentary taxes, was held not to' exempt them from local, improvements ; the taxes mentioned, being construed to mean such as were levied for the benefit of the whole kingdom. Noerrorf AJhrmea, ; ' l i t Led Astray. Fernandlna, Nassau eo., Fla., March 29, 1880. "I have used Dr 8mmons Liver Regulator and always found tt to do what U claimed for It The last bottle and two packages did me no good and were worse tcan nothing. I see It Is not put up by J H Zeuln 4 Co, and not genuine, and a waste of mone ttflrofiu I weald be lad to get the pure and genuftaJ Send me some from how st hanos (with red Z and Zeilln Co'g signature on Wrap per) The fictitious stuff sold will Injure some ope badly. Yoorbten.V - - BEMTBICH." ii BmBJfTaASD llJ'E. Depend more fa. the WgoMwItt rihr menstreal hnui an mi nv or all eaoae eomMned. An actual oi aT'MTtPt l 'U towBabto result BrsDgemeh oman ill laoferynipnpii mm, mental anV bodUy, epBSuranon, dlate relief from t stick fetange men ts is the oorr safeguard against wrecked ruin. In all eases af, toppage.11 wt. cth-jBswdaBjrfij, eouraee,' Dt-J-. BraojieMaAemaie;jifaiK (bVoSly sure remedy ItJhT glylr-K Jo the nwroosr tentoee. imprevtng the biood, and d. termlnte gdJrrctly te the og&o ef men srruUoa.i 1 cent physicians Mnt obvsicians use a. - rreuarou ur . r iwwuuoin Atlahta?' PrieeiS,Tis mmf awn we l&k JltatsbyaUdrngglrts. til ft Caat Get It. ii'J titaitea.lhigbi'l' ttseeMifaMtleV, ritoary er Srl7 rr,leHTM thai Will VJOSltlvlT OON VeO. Dont forget thhv and dea'ti get aome pm ad np itnfl that wlU only harm you. v, M,.J,:i! j R j f your family If Hop Bitter are. used, and 7Q i ready have any et ti.ese. diseases Hop Bitter by Not Partial, Bat Complete. Alexandria, Va- August 4, 1881. H H Warner ft Co ira-Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has effected an entire cure in my ease. I suffered-every form,of kidney difficulty. .w J&uyxiBS. H i jjixp gidtrcyttsemctits, Tronj the Home Journal. A Remarkable DUcovery A REAL SKIN CURE. THXBX IS OKLY ONX AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME. Beware of Impostors, pirates, or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best. They have been! tried and found wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable success. ho roxrors hams This curative needs no pompous or tncompre lienslble title of Greek or Latin to sustain it, but its alnrple English name appeals directly to the -sense of the people. And the people are manifesting their appreciating of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's SSJN CUBE in preference to all other professed remedies. ' 'Di C. W. Benson has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life study has been the diseases of the nervous system and of the skin; since he has been persuaded to pot bis New Bemedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin Core'' on the market, various things have sprung tip Into existence, or have woke np from the sleepy state In which they were before, and now claim to be The Great Skin Cures. larBewaze of Unltaaons, or the various article which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real hold or merit on the public, that now endeavor to keep head above water by advertising themseives as "The Great Skin Cure." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C W. Benson's Skin Core. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles in one package. Price 81.00, get at your druggists. Relief for alt Overworked Brains, CAUSE AND CtJBX. Dr. C W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable lor school children who suffer from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain la (heir studies, and for all classes of hard braln wotkera whose overtasked nervous cente s need Nrepjiir and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness. and pararysis are Dting am y curea oy mese puis. They correct oostlveness. but Hie not purgative. Pries, 60 cents or six hoxas for $2 50. postage free, to any address For cale by all drugul-itA. Dp not, Raltlmrvre. Md . bre the Doctor fttn be HilMdaArl 1 altan Af Innnlrv fruAlv unsoMMl 'T C H. Crlttenton, Aew Toik. Is Uojqnle agent tor Dr. C, w". Benson's rt medtes. may2 BBS. LYDUL PIHKHAM, OF LYNX, BASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAr.VS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is ft Positive Cure ' for mfl those Painful Complaints ul WoatkneasM jteuuM to our boot reniale population. ItwlUoore entirely th worst form of -Female Com- '. plaints, all OTarlan troublos, InnatnmaUoB and TJlcora tlon,. FaUIng; and Dlnplaceroenta, and the conaequent Spinal We&kneaa, and to particularly adapted to tho Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumor from the titermia an early (tag-e of derelopmeut. The tendency to can cerous humors there U checked Tery speedily by 1U no. It remores fointness, flatulency, destroys aU c raring for stimulants, and relieves woaknoes of the stonsach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous .Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under all eireumstancoa act ia harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Tor the oureof Kidney Complaints of either aaz this Compound Is unsurpassed. 1VTBIA K. PIIWIAM'S VEGETABLE COM POlIXDis prepared at t and S35 Western arenua, f jTit ITfi-T Frtoe AL Six bottles for S. Sent by mall In the form of plllt, also In the form. 6f losangas, on receipt of price, 1 per box fo either. Mrs. Pinkhaza freely answers all lettersof inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mtntian (ais Paper. Ho family should ba without "LYDIA E. PUrgBAlPt IXVXR PILLS. They euro constipation, billousneai and torpidity ct ae avar. U eenta per box. aaT Said tr all Drngsista. SCARR'S iiBUiT Preservative, one 25c pscksge will pre Jj serve 20 pounds of fruit. For sale by B. EL JOBDAN ft CO., may26 ' Tryon street. WHITE'S TOOTH SO 4 P. Jewsbeiyand Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste and Sozodont; t- rsaleby B. H. JUKDAN 4 CO.. may28 , Dniggista. VIOLA COLOGNE is the best; for sale only by B. H. ioBDANdUO. maj2ft A FRESH SUPPLY AF HIsslssquot, Imported Vlchey, Apotlinarts, Hathora and Congress Water just received by may2d Druggl ,ts WHEELER'S TRONIC Hlxlr, Iron Bitters. Hop Bitter. Hostet L ter's Bitters, Fellow's Compound Hyrup-of the Bypopbosfthltes, Horsford's Add Phosphate, a fulfsupplyat m. H. JoBDAN & CO.. ma52a Draggltts. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand the finest Green and Black Teas forthewtail trade. B, H. JOKDN 4 CO, jnay26 Tryon street. FLESH BRUSHES" A ND Bath Tow Is, for sale by" tt. XL. 4JtWA.CI a w . Druggists. may26 WE KEEP rpHKBetScandlCcClrs. may26 Droggista, Tryon street. F. C. MUNZLER Afi E7IT FOR The Berper & W tery Ccipys . Of Philadelphia, Pa ,) Ctlttrated Lager Beer, tn Kegs and Bottles. .., BOTTLiED VSBBL 'rl1GCI A LT twaM imt MMcawnd a arnM.ll ha Of BOTTLKD ALB awl PuHTEit, which l efta to the pubUe at s i 'A LoekBoxa65,Chartoae,N.a mbr28 f.. . 6: ":V I r-r a-rrwfl wow rwe snore Ems In addition to onr 4J?BPJpD4L.iL vuertper to FI tt ftlsTOfiltaV raoaWLY, on short notice, and Jiricea mat fiery eompen tloo. We gnataweaotyjnd wake neeharge tmieat UBM proves earrarawnrj ' WakoMB IMMf 4, Char mervUle; who will reoelro orden lor siaall lots et ..box HO, juanrieTVKr.r snideJI TO! EECMTOi : A Large shipment ef that Very Popular 44 Bleached Domestic at 10 Cents, The Best ever sold In thuv We are offering Special Barsalna In Dress Goods, 8ammer Silks, Ladles' and Children's Hosiery; if you want a half dozen Hose at a sacrifice come and see our stock; Lace Curtains In all new designs and very cheap; Dress Trimmings m all shades and varieUea; we hare a very hand some piece of Bugle Fringe at $1.25: a large stock of rPassamentrlea and Ornaments; Ihe largest and CHEAPEST STOCK OF LACES, Of an descriptions, to be found In the dty; Ladles' Ulsters at 1,$1.25.1 50, 92. S8.S8.50. S5 and S6 each; Pearl Shirts, Universal Patterns; Turner's handsome Shoes for Genia, Kvltt'i Ladles' Shoes; the Best Corset for $1; Trunks, Valises, Hats; Boots, , Shoes, Ac; Plain and Lace BuntlDg?, at 13c, 13e, 35c, 30c, 65c and 73c HAEGEAVES & WIXiHEIjM --THE-- -THE--FOR THE G&MSSImS ' ' . ' . ; ...... i . . ' ' , If h " . pas I " "jllg W-n'-T mmmmmm a, - - w l a A,oHV A RION, SIMPSON & CO., SOUTHERN GEM Organs within Reach of Everybody. MASON & HAMLIN, S00MGER BELL CHIME, PILOUBET 4 CO, and STKBLING. Neier Before Such Low Prices 1 Easy Terms ' to ' H ; TVtcS IV1 00 as o . tt H O o CO p H o 1 w M 2 H s T ! 0 ! C. 11 1. W. i 5Sr 00 00 nVl 'I'l'i'tTJt t? TTOB BALX any twe of tare f r rirr)o4efes,aaoXtbem I tbe best of jaakea. One small, 1 one medium and one large; Ap-1 ""iuo i CBtlWt&Jmm .fwUvIHf? avob Iraq r i; S3 " tin I ! Market for that Honey. ( f Hi KRANIGH & BAGE; I. rl -1 1VF A TWTT.Q T-T TT1 TtT a . J v a a 172 1 - ' 7 tW LOOK HOW OLD MAN FBOWN8 and scratehes hist head while reading lie's 4y Kalte ' him reidVlet Wi'jft 'vfate tome ridt will send yoira photo (not 6f inyelf)lutClay .PlaaW'andOr gtns. lirake your selecabff, 'then MrrbriiicB and write me for a few mere- dots; snett : as ' prloes, terms, Ac. Address, or call on i . ' . I I I'M V. ITH, Charlotte; C 1 3, CD 8 s CJ- s 5 H a H ' 'ItTfCTAA -V " nmaUaajOlilUUVVe; HMta referred esmditDti mderftper Trost Deed LE- ol Ui V. .i?erCrae,whe shall; file, their claims with tbe undersigned wm receive- m umaena oy calling at my ornoe on uonoay. nay zzna, tst Bnone indebted to Lv V. eerdae U please call d settle lmmedlatelyi' -J u- .' t l;tJ Sill tJOHM YANiJ-ABipUiOHAM, . W smt a. avmn A - - " - WsnaTaa a, ann AIIWWVI iafurtlr, m t b-lqohr, 5 M . ; So I td 1 05 t f 13 ! h 1

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