VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1882. NO. 4,114. VISITORS 10 THE of ion are cordially Invite CALL AND i f SEE THK HANDSOMEST Retail Dry Goods Establishment In the State of North Carolina. AlEXAKDEE & 'gABBS; PEG R A M & G O ., HIVE 1. PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' 9 LOWERS, PEGRAM & CO.,' K 'p. .- ... ff Have the Best Stock of Gents' Uand-Sewed -Shoes y - 'V-. - . .1 ; '4. IN THE STATE. , -WE- WILL dlsplaj during the 20tl of May Celebra tion the mosLeleganfr stock ! WANCY DBY GOODS In the 8tat& ChII and see them. - ALK2UNDKR 4 HARRIS. PE (jiR AlJ& C O., HAVE ALL KINDS OK til W Shoes and Slippers. WE- CALL snecUl Mtrntlon to our stock of NRCK WKAK. viz: l.aee Oollarn. Hi-hus, mrroider ed Collars, and every variety of Lnen and Percale n Polka Dot t and alilpes. i hey are beautlfuL; Call and ste ttm. ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. PEGRAM & CO;, KEEP A WiSELEED STOCK OF Trunks and Valices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. Alexander & Harris HAVK a magnlflcf-nt stock of WHITE GOODS . viz: Ltnerr Lawns. India Lmwas, Masallas Nainsooks, India Mulls, soft finished Jacoaets, Polka Dot Swiss, Matins In Whue and. Jtcru ef fects, with Lace and Embroidery to trim. ' PEGRAM; & f&K HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINS STOCK OF i - . .1 ::-.!,. ilk , Felt and traw Hats f the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Styles. H AVE a tremendous stock? 'of La!d1eaTlflsses Aiil Pkl.drAnla ll ".. I wktk OIA Utah M. duee. Special prices will btf'tnade trrthese goods." ALUXAMDKR 4 HARRIS. P E G4t A M 'III ? -5 1 I SCAMS i ira i a I With any kinds BOOTS and SHOES THEY WISH. T n th Miehratlon will be astonished wh n they hear our prices on Domeaue ,ooas. we e a specialty or these woods, t i t, ',1 . ALEXANDER 4 HARRI3. make v-OUR-, STOCK of DRESS GOODS, viz: Nun's Vellirit in ail colors with trimmings to match, will be found In all grades and prices. . - ALEXANDER 4 HARRIS. KEEP ALL KINDS OF mm, rrencrBiae Be Only Place' id levoty:-: "WHERE "VISITORS-. can get a pair of the may 18 DEALERS IN - TRAVELING BAG?, .;n uneu BOj ui UMBRELLAS, pegramTciU w Can lurfai ion with the a a i BBBABDS ridATES. Bjrtr -r OF-: t v4 r AOasraltyotBLACK.GC).n " nunvait fliemaw ins niuiuDvinvk t n ively display the- panoin t Lwuunerea nun s Twmi,, tt riV. thi 20th May nil j leietai m xr r. r. i I M E 3 S 1 Fra m l mm as. ni , i : mi - r I 1 r i iiV niili ltMvtfv rl Second Stock. "LEAVING ust returned from the Eastern Mar kets toe second time this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NEW THINGS la the way of Novelties of the season. We have replenished our BLACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs in all shades, Summer Bilks and Foulard?. Also a handsome stock of Satteens la fancy colors. Nuns Veiling In all colors from 85c to $1 per yard. A new lot of Laces in all the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of LAWNS To be found In the city. Mull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles In Linen and Mohair. A new stock of PARASOLS, The cheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear in new styles. A new lot of Bunt- lLg In all colors from 12c to $1 per yard. Come and see and be convinced .that we have the goods and prices to suit yon. Very Respetcfuliy, T. L,. SE1GL.E & CO. may7 - A Naver-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. --After forty years of trial, Perry Davis' Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe! ' It acts immediately ! It never fails t Editor of the St. John OSS. B.) News, Bays : In flesh wound3, acliea, pains, sores, etc., It is the most effectual remedy we know ot No family should be without a bottle of It ' tor a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch : We have teen Its mogie effects, and know t " It to be a good artlele. From US. Poster, U. SlCoasnl at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied ft :. ia positively emcient as aneanng remeay for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ga. , says : Itlsapanaeea for all bruises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Baco, He.: It gave me Immediate relief. R. Lewis says: i , In forty years' use It never bas failed me. v v t n -A..., ti l . r V- nA.M . I use your Padt Kilxjsb frequently. It ' retinm pain and aoreneaa, and heai wouada use magic. FBCdVaaS !)PrTi8"lt has no equal rERKY DAVIS PACT "KHXEB Is not a new untried remedy. Tor forty years itnas beenJn constant use; ana tnose wno have used it the longest -are tu oent-jnenas. Ita mcces la entirely because of Its merit. Since the Pain Killex was first introduced. hundreds of new roedicineS have come and ne while, to-day tfcia mediefaie is more exteastveiynjed and more htgnly'valned Bbeii fnorr ' lUvfrrr fainlly should have m bottle rrcuiv for iim. Much nain and heaw doctors' bills may often be tared by prompt appiicanon or the rain juuer. umixe mpst medirinstlt lM nfrfecilv mft even In the hands of a cbdJdiTry It onoe thoroughly, and it will prove Its value. Your druggist has it at ooc. ana si.uo per ooiue. VlPEHBnLAAVIS & 80N. Proorletors. Providence, R.I. r sept dtwseptoot. Native Mine'raf Water!! ROCK Bit I DUE (VA.) A XJ M ' W ATKR i Djspepsiaf'Indigestien, Torjid Liier, auonte DlarrtKBaand Dysentery, Skin. Diseases, OCTviuia. vnrunro x-ueuiuvuio, cwj j . r"- JLM? TTtMtAa Tnnl nn1 lit 1 NTI j MALARIAL n its effects.- Read certificates from eminent pnysicians in our pamyu ru. NO ARTIFICIAX. OASES OR SALTS. Bottled in its natural state, ""direct from the 0- i ' mAIA ... : iMaiillhill.; nfntui In Rrwlr OUT1UKB WU1UU wy. UTOUMMiu, Jbrldge eoonty, Va.; aDd are rpen for the reception .t.ylBl5Brsi. f rpm June 1st. to; October 1st, each r yar;,eapacuy, l,uuuguesis. s j Fotsale7wlK)lesale andretalL fcy Dr J. HwMe ADE" arid W. T; Jt PMi i anHrimm, i fit Iff J &ETT FANS KROM 2iC up. &C. SkC, &C i AT THE VARIETY STORE, C. M. ETHEREDQE. may 19 flights nnnnlng ruacnise iu iuo . WorW. Triiheforebajtnaany other. filing a5Sd, X DAVIS'S WBWfW)VES4 fffl' "T-J lllfCOLtlRsl V ,f I !lfN r35BQHlKfaf LOc. JIulI XHbyEjy KBOaitciup. I SB J .i, r i is f i mj-tl from I " L til taaa. . I andBeatSewini COL. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, What is Said in His Defence. Tbe Ust issue of Ihe Newbernian publishes the following defence of Colonel Johnston, which we publish for the benefit of that gentleman and his friends : The political course which it has pleased Col. Wm. Johnston, of Char lotte, of late to pursue, has filled"many Democratic papers of North Carolina with virtuous indignation ; much sharp biting and censorious criticism has been indulged in with apparent serene complacency and self-satisfaction; his name has been coupled and loaded down with vituperation and abuse, and the tongue of slander has been busy with his character ; his every word and act has been tortured into high treason. And for why? . CqI. Johnston has dared to entertain honest convictions! f arid., has had the manliness and independence to give voice to opinions that .are shared in secret by a vefy large andrespectable number of voters in this State; he has dared to entertain and express opin ions at variance with those held and cherished by both the Republican and Democratic parties, as illustrated by their action in our State and national councils. CpL Johnston charges that the Democracy has been recreant to its trusts and false to its promises, nor does the Colonel stop here, but proves hi3, assertion by citing the action of the Democratic party when in control of both houses of Congress. It had prom ised to redress wrongs, to suppress and wright abuses and to introduce reform ; in these it incontinently failed. It neither abolished nor at least modified the tariff, it did not abolish the odious test oath.'it did not stop the pension lraudsit did not repeal the civil rights bill, it did not investigate the internal revenue service.it did not unearth the frauds and thefts with which the Treas ury and Naval Department reek and btink in the nostrils of honesty. That -til this should be done, was promised uie people when the Democratic parly rarty came into power. That it has signally failed to make good its prom ises, is known of all men, but Col. John sion alone has dared to declore it and herald it in broad day. Is there any treason in this? Does to declare a fuel, which is pattsut, constitute one a sore head, a disappointed, cbrmiic ifth:e-&t:t-ker, a broken down, political hack ? Yet all these vile, abusive epithets are applied to Col. Johnston, because for sooth, he has dared to see and proclaim these shortcomings of Democracy. Such is the head and front of his of fending. Again, Col. Johnston opposes tne uresent system of county governments and gives his reasons therefor, chieliy among v hich is that it is subverse of I Uie meat i unaameniai principle or lo cal self-goverument, which underlies the very foundations ana existence or our liberties. Under this sjstem, he saj s, the county com missiouers are au tocrats, not recognizing or accounting any responsibiiity they may be suppos ed to owe to ihe will aDd wishes of the people; in illustration of this, he recites the action or lue county commissioners of Mecklenburg and oilier counties in the State, in refusing to grant license to retail spirituous liquors, after these same counties had repudiated the mon ster, prohibition, by unprecedented ma jorities. Because Col. Johnston enter tains sentiments ana opinions antago nistic and averse to the continuance of the present system of county govern ments, does it constitute mm a aisgrace f ul. disgruntled sore-head, and disap pointed, chronic office seeker? If it does", tfien"Nbrth Carolina is most for tunately largely peopled -witn sore-nead3 and chronic office seekers. We believe if like the question of prohibition, the question of the continuance of the pres ;ntsystem of county governments could be I divested of all political prejudice kid could dp'oiilt abstract merits, as to right or wrong, 'lie submittied to the free unbiased Vote ot tne people, tne present system would be rejected by a majority , . - i i i . i . approximating anu rivaling Ltiat which killed and buried prohibition last Au- Jgus,t;. .Jf this ia.treason, then make the most of iu Col. Johnston further opposes both existing political parties oecause of the manifold abuses that hive . crept into the respective Organizations; among them can be numbered "false promises, K.H loitalaHn pnmint. anrl BYtravflffanf. party leaders, besides their modes of suppressing puoiic sentiment Dy cau cuses, packed, conventions, and invasion of popular right's.' If a gentlemen is to be bounded down Dy every nt,ue petty perrny-A-lmrl in the State, : Debause he mav have opinions of his own not in agreement or accord with those of some others, and dares express tnem ana needs maintainv them? then have we fal len upon evil times indeed, and the press paridering to such disgraceful methods' if s tiotj dishonoring itself, has sadly compromised its usefulness. Vituperation and abuse are not argu ments and those who put their trust in them as such, Will ,.SQoner v or, later, in their recoil, be overwhelmed in confus iofc: The days of proscription for con science or opinion's sake are happily past and now find but little sympathy in the hearts of the better people of the land; that cause mus,t be weals indeed that lookg for Rn ally in 'the blistered tongue ot slander. ; We are no apologist for Col. Johnston. We have yet to learn that he needs one. We know that there are manv true and tried Democrats still 'alive, who in the troublous times of 18o2, wnen tne politician stoou upon a higher planBtBanine does in these de generate days; were:proud and esteem ed at a nrivileeed honor to cast their ivotes for Col. William Johnston for Governor of the State of North Caroli na, though the honored Zsbulon B. Vance Avashis successful competitor. Jhe.questionis pertinent : What ha3 f!nt .lolii.siariidone'sincelthdseldays to forfeit the confidence, the respect and the esteem of the people now t It we differ with'TJol. Johnston now, let us assail his position with arguments, facts and figures ; let us not condescend to modes familiar only to Billingsgate. Let us mee argument with, argument, reason with reason, and above all, let us accord to others that which we! claim for ourselves, the right to entertain and express an opinion. g . T Sheep Statistics. : Trustworthy statistics of the number of sheep in the United States are said to be as follows:. The total number of sheep in i860 was 22.4T1, 275. In 1870 it was 28,477,951. In 1880 it was 35,191,650, or including; ranch sheep, 42,381,389, During the last ten years there has been an increase in thirty States and Terri tories; and ft decrease in sixteen. Four of tha'latter were Southern States and twelve were Northern States east of the Missouri river, including five New Wnrriand Rratftft; "NTftw -"Vrrrk: Nftw Jer- av Pormsvlvania., Ohio. Indiana. Illi nois and lowa. rne net aeprease m an the Northern states east or tne mis urtorl rivflr ia mora than an offset bv the licrease in the single State of Texas.' The real fact seems to be that sheep trrnvointr hna heAna.bandoned.in certain ll-ftitejIWrp pOtJible cripationa, or because it couia do aone more cneap ly elsewhere in the country. But on hewhole the indostry bastad an enor mnna lnrrnsft t.hfi number Of sheeD in the mitMStetesTlavinfclncreased fifty percetokftteVy aoYo r .... Led-Aairav T.JUaTv.JrfnnTvv Via.. March 99. 1R80. CnUOUUll4niprfH t" T i ;i mta f oand n-to do whaHs-otaimitf for It. The J't nHVH IIHH1I lir II11II1UU1 LI1TCL UCKUeaWJ. wuv last Dottle ana x wo paoKages -aia nw bo goou anu rere worse taan nothing. 6 1 see It Is tfqt put up by j H Zftilin A. Co. snd not aenuine,; and a waste of money to buy it. I would be glad to get the pure annfau QtmA nut iaiiia fmm hnrttst hsndfl (with red Z and Zailin Go's signature pa Wrap- iMrk'i xne uouuwua nuu.huh wm nuuij V. 10 hs4U. Xour oL'i serrw- vi.'. x i The Colored Voter and the So-Called Liberal Movement. To the Editor of 1 he North Sttte : Chaklotte, N. C, May 22, 1882. We would like to ask of the colored people of Mecklenburg county, in the Sixth district of North Carolina, what inducements are held out to them by the so called liberal party i it is a well known fact that the great stronghold of this mongrel party is in this district. Dr. Mott, as the Republican head- of the concern, after being in office these many years, out of 365 appointments. has only appointed three colored men to office, as storekeepers; of these one is out of employment because he can't swallow the sentiments of Mott s crowd. Why is it that this same man Mott has appointed three Democrats as store keepers in Gaston county, who never voted a Republican ticket in ttteir lives ? Why are these men employed when good Republicans who holdWcom mis sions are standing idle? Tho few col ored strikers he has collected here, if not idiots, would do well .tr took at this, if they would judge the future by the past If hunger for office is so greft, let them first get it, and then they will be saved the humiliation of being dupes. We wish to ask more. Why is it that a revenue officer, with no semblance of official business in this county, is work ing up the independent move, being paid by the -go vernment, we expect, for services rendered ? Who is he working for, and why does he advise colored men in some precincts to send white men as delegates here on the 27th of May, when the same precincts always send colored delegates? And why did he move in one ward in the city in order to be elected as a delegate the next week, and who sent the jug of whisky to the meeting that elected him as al ternate? Was it not sent in order to secure votes for the independent move, uf which he is an active member? And who is foolish enough not to know that Dr. Mott and Col. Johnston are in full accord in this movement, and that all"' movements toward inde pendentism is only a move to put men over you who have been repudiated by their own party? Who ever heard of Col. Johnston voting a Republican ticket? And did he not say, at Con cord, some years ago, tin -it there was too much good Democratic blood ia his veins to bolt the Democratic nomina tions? And has he ev r repudiated it? Has lie ever said anytl-ing that savors of Rt publifunisui ? " Who Is thri chief cook and bottle washer of tie Republican parly in this county who is stronglv helping the in dei endent niuve, anu who i ailed to vote the Republican ticket in 1880. when we stunned every nerve to win? Why is it tht whisky Democrats are being elected in some precincts to our convention here on the 27th? Colored men look sharp, or you will be voting the Democratic ticket under the name of Republicanism for the mongrels are waiting for you. Old Axe. America's Future Grain Rivals. Ntw Or eans Times Democrat The fact that the development of a country depends -upon the iacililies it affords ivr transportation, and that the prosperity of a nation depends upon the economy of production and cheapness of freight is being exemplified by the countries hitherto unknown to the world as w heat exporters. As late as two decades ago Hindoos- tan was almost unprovided with rail transportation. Its dense population depended for food upon the agricultur al resources or tneir native districts. When the harvests of one locality fail ed, the want 1 transportation render ed it extremely difficult to provide the li ongry 'proim?' with roon from more fortunate district, and thousands, and in several cases, millions died of starva tion before relief reached them. To day the iron horse has brought the prin cipal population centres in rapid com munication witn eacn otner, ana tneir drnger of a serious famine, in any single locality, is no longer to be feared. But the railroad movement in India has solved a no less important problem by the r jmmunicaiion estab'ed be tween I he lower country and the eleva ted nlateau of Northern Indh In this loca.ity the climate is temperate, rains are frequent and rivers and streams so picntiiui tuab irrigation is lauuc anu inexpesive. Here vast quantities of wheat and other cereal products of the temoerate zone are beingproduced.and India is gradually assuming a proud po sition asa gr 'n exporting country. More than half the entire territory 01 Mexico may ba considered as possessing a strictly temperate climate. In some localities it is rather cold than temper ate. On the wide plains of Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Mexico, Morelos, Michoacan. Pueblaand Hid? igo, cereals of a'l kinds find a climate and soil con genial to their perfect development. It is more than probable that tne largest, whitest and most superior wheat on the planet is produced in the temperate cli mate of the wondrously fertile valley of Maravateo. The grain grown in these districts wull find its way to the coast via the Mexican Southern Railroad at Port San Anton Lizardo, by the Mexican Rail road at Vera Cruz, and by the eastern branch of the Mexican Central at Tam picb. The cereals or uoanuna, in uevo jeon andTamaulmas will be freighted to the seaboard by the Gould-De Grees system arirl Tolfanor Holt T.mp Jinrt lhnsTpvi- cj may safely be counted among the great cereal producing rivals of the United States within the next five years. In India, as in Mexico, the rate of wages for farm hands is-very low. In the former the agricultural labor gets but a few cents a day, while in Mexico from $6 to $10 per month is considered rather high pay. The price of labor is not the only advantage Mexico posses ses. Its soil is so fertile that an acre of avei age ground will yield twice as mm h as the same area of o'ur best farm land. By consequence the price of labor and the yield of the harvests are both against the American farmer. The curious and, possibly, alarming facts given above are worthy the con sideration of our agriculturists. One fact is certainly patent, both India and Mexico are destined soon to be the ce real producing rivals of this country. The Denver and New Orleans Railroad Company on Top. The Times says ex-Gov. John Evan?, of Denver, who is president of the Den ver and New Orleans Railroad com pany, informed the Times' reporter last evening that the contest between that corporation and the Denver and Rio Grande company, had been settled in favor of his company. He received on yesterday a telegram from General Superintendents W Eccles, stating that the Denver and Rio Grande company had been enjoined from interfering ; that the Denver and New Orleans trains now enter Union depot on a temporary trap over flherrv creek. DehVer. and that everything else was in excellent condition. Crushing a Jailer's Skull. GrLVESTON.Texas, May 81: A News Tan Eiin special savs: -sunoay morn ing Fred Walte, in ail for theft, struck fha iailftr nver thA head with an iron har. nrnshincr his skull. The nrlsoners escaped but were "subseiiaently; recap tured, .-i . j i j f!.--ti If Nearly Dead , d after taking some hlgh'y puffed up t-tuff, with long teaHmnniau. torn to Hod Bitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Drlnuary Troubles, fine hta' Dls m Tnahfltea or Liver ComnlainL These dis eases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bit ters; besides it is the best family medicine on ; earth. :..J.-? ' . .;-: .-jMs .. Sore Throat, Coneliv, Colde and similar troubles, if suffered to progress, result in serious1 pulmonary affections, oftentimes incura- Die. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" reach directly the seat of the disease, and give almost instant relieL Not Partial , But Complete. Alexandria, Va.. Aueost4. 1881. H H Warner & Co: Sirs Your Safe Kidney and i.icr i,ure uas eueciea na eni'e cure in my case. I suffered every form ol kidney difficulty. W J Summers. Sew fltrerttsemeuts. From the Toledo Blade. J SUBPRISIM EFFECTS OF IXTBitT OF CELERV AND CHinOHILE trPON THE NERVOUS 8Y8TF1TI and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, A Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Benien'a Celery and Chamo mile Pill. They have been tested t me and azaln, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation jiut meets the necesslUes of the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness,, files: Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness. Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondeccy, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, Indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be iully restored to health and hap piness is a priceless boon, ar.d yet, for 60 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resected to be, and are guaranteed to give satis facUon If used as directed and will cure any case. Bold by all druggists. Pi;c 50 cents a box. Depot 108 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1, or s x boxes for 82.50, to any address. v i ? q y DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE la Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, 8CROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartsof the body. It makea the skin white, aoft and smooth; removea tan and freokiea, and la the BEST toilet dressing-in THI WOBLD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, oonaiitrng of both internal and external treatment. All first olass dmggista have It. Frioetl.perpaokage. C N. Olttenton. Sole Whfleale Agent for Dr. C. w, Benson's PnifCIes 115 Fulton stree New York. iui 1 LYDIA E. PINKHAKI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is s Pogitiva Care For all tkese Painful Complalfeta mad WeaWfaeS so aosusoa to oar best feaaale popalattaa. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. The 6ratst Xedleal Dlvsoyery Stae tbs Dswa ot History. CF"It rerlres the drooping- spirits, lnrigorate, and harmonises the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman tne fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. tPhysicfans Use It and Presents It Freely -S It removea falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cored by Its use. For the care of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound la unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXKHASri BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Haas. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail In the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, gl perbex for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of, inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No family should be without LYDIA E. PIKKHAiTS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. S5 cents per box. itS-Sold by oULrrug-gists.- it SCARE'S li'RUIT Preservative, one 2oc package win pre A? serve 20 pounds or fruit For sale by R. H JOBDAN & CO., may26 Tryon street WHITE'S TOOTH SO P. Jewsbe. and Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste and Sozoiont; fi r sale by B. H. JOBDAN CO., mpy26 Druggists. VIOLA COI.OUNK is the best; for sale only by R. H. JOBDAN A CO. mn)2'S A FRESH SUPPLY OF MlH-lssquol, lmpcrtt-d Vichey, Apolllnarls, Hthom and Congress Water. just received hy H. H. JoBUAN t CO., maj2rt Druggi ts WIIKELEK'S TON i " K Ixl , I nn Bi.tcrs, Hop Biiters, Hostet ter Hi ri. Fellow's Compound f yrup of the Hypoph s hi s Hor'.ford's Acid Phosphate, a full s.ii-piy dt K. H JoBDAN & CO., u,;n2B Druggitts. WE KEEP CON-TaT Yon hand the finest Green and Bi;.ck leus ioi tlie retail irade. B. H. J0BD1N & CO , maj2tf Tryon street FLESH BRUSHES AND Bath Tow. Is, for sale by K. H. JORDAN 4 CO.. maj26 Druggists. WE KEEP rvTrK Rpst Kc and 1 0c C'Tars. B. H. JORDAN 4 CO., may26 Druggists, Tryon street F. C. MUNZLER AiiEKT FOR Tke Berper & EbM Brewery Company s (Of Philadelphia, Pa.,) : : f( h brated Lager Beer, , la Kegs and Bottles. . BOTTLGh BEER A SPECIALTY., rf-Have inst received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE and POBTKB, which I offer to the public at a rfmsonable ndee.- Address I r.;; Jou , 1 1 LoctBox 266, Charlotte, N G mbr28 'A To Our Friends and Patrons." JUST EECLOTE! : A large shipment of that Very Popular 4-4 Bleached Domestic at 10 Cents, The Best ever sold In this Market for that Money. We are offering Speoial Bare alxia In Dress Ooods,43umBtur-llks, LadlesVand Children's Hosiery; if you want a half dozen Hose at a sacrifice come and see our stock; Lace Curtains In all new designs and very cheap; Dress Trimmings in all shades and varieties; we have a very hand some piece of Bugle Fringe at $1.26: a large stock of ,Passamentrlesnd Ornaments; the largest and CHEAPEST STOCK OF LACES, Of all descriptions, to be found in the city; Iiadlesm8tersatll,$1.25;tl.50, $2,$3,$3.l, $oaadJ8 each; Pearl Shirts, Universal Patterns; Turner's handsome Shoes for Gents, Ivltt's Ladles' Shoes; the Best Corset for 91; Trunks, Valises, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Ac; Plain and Lace Buntings, at 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 65c and 75c 1 HAEGEAYES& WHiHBIjM THE-- 66 JT TTT WT ITn TTS99 FOB. THE I t . v .... ; pub ! i i t m k ( i I " ! I IMQj;;l:; PI All OS WJHIN REflCH i EllERlfBOOY ARION, SIMPSON & CO;, SOUTHERN QE M Organs withia' Reach of Everybody, MASON & HAMLIN, SHONIMER BELL II I11F, PlLotTBTET AtO. and STERLING. Never Before Sock Low Prices 1 Easy Terms 1 . i.,; . : ,and 1 htm 1ST H. McSIVllTH; ChaHbtfe; ISI. C. NEAR ' MoitGANTON; THT8aitractlvesnmuier resort will be ofied for the terllon of vlsitofa on the 1st day of June. The beauty of the scenery and the curitlve properties ol the water are well known, Coaches meet trains on the Western North Carolina Railroad at f20andS2S. Address " . ; ';!! mayiw eod lm Sparkling CatawlaSprings- CATAWB A COVKTTf N.C. rjHE best Medicinal Mineral Waters, and most extensively fitted ; up place in the State, near Hickory and Western North Carolina EaUroad, is pen for select guests. For further particulars address Di'.I.O.SLLIOTT, Proprietor.' mayl7 tf nnHK Board of Counts Commissioners of Marl X horo eonntv . S. CL. are now ready to receive bids for building a new court house in Bennetts' vUle, a a2 as authorized by Aet cffareoerai As? seme blr. Plana at a specini lans atd sDecmcatlcnS'Tumlshed on applicauoa. .Also plans ana speancauoa soucu Corresoondence from oerBons ueslriDg. the eontraet soiiatea. Aoureas ir-m ! - i - ..;-V r - t- AL1X. McR Chairman BC XL. Benne may2 4.1 i' 3yl Ifnii Nofejo Wracfe. !" ' -li .vir-w ' i'i f.( .; ,1 ... C&ROMKL&S. . . ' f , 7 ...... i .n.l .i .. U'l. ViJ.i 1 KRANICH & BACHf MATHUSHEK, I'.... - . ... r e (4J1 look iowoiWrnft foxhim ii ' r. e ; . v ! , . scratches his head while reading He's adv, Make read let hUn,.frown, , Write to me and I will send you a phot'(not'of myself) but of my Pianos and Or- ' gins. Mafee yoto selectrdn, then go for hlrh arid write ; i' . ! !":, : 1 . to me for a few more dots, such as prices, terms, 4c. Address, pr call on f.V Morgauto - '. Dally mMl and express.- Board per month : JOHN H. Pi ARSON, Proprietor, uienu ajpme opnugs. RELIABLE SELFLCURE. A favorite DreecrlDtion of one of the most noted and successful speciaHsta in tke V. S. now retirea) for tne cure or jrei wmmm XfeiHitry, Tmt TKantfod.. WeateHtmm and jDeow. Sent 1" r-llnW iTftlopaWui. DrayyialM caji fill IU AMrea DR. WARD A CO., U iaiaaa, Mo. Offl on Trade street J over L. Berwangef 41 Bro''ioittisiore.vi7T Office hours from a,m.to o p. m. , v . .w -XL l -THREES JD Fire Proof Safes, ell ol them J the best ot makes, one maii, t i one inedlrOn and one laigvaApr 1 rix nli to or address " . . ,r.ll awlS tiiij diusl iciftiyino tl ut 'ten i(A ifiuiliiiodu-aab aA ftrl ftilHt?. S nm-u .v.iKit rtii.. - i ii i ft 1 i i if v 1 i -r H I' if i i ,3.T las a'iij .JikK ui ...8 01 i t i;-l feifii ix-'je-'tifi J thin Wi-l -.

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