4 BAity OgAELOTTE OBSElftYfifi: TMURSCaY, JUNE ili882, L. p9 jfttTiertiBjemeiits. THE BOOK FOR THE TIMES !-One that sells. rBK WOMEN OF MOBMORISM.' Tbesttry of the victims tbemselres! IUustrated. IsiSts " ' 888 Broadway, N. T. f1 T EVERY ONE Information Will get valuable for circular to STUDYING MUSIC FREE by sending B. TOUBJKJS, Boston, Haas, Br in re impboyed boot beer, 25c. Into package makes 5 gallons of a de "llclrua, wholesome, sparkling temperance : 43 Jr. Del. At., phihvlelphla. 1 : Parkers B HI G R TONIC. Beat Health and Strength Used. Restorer Cures complaints ot Women and diseases of the Stomach, Boois, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and entirely ainerent rrem uiuera, ,w.cr'tfrTOfrr rge savings Dtmng si nze- i. a tv., new ion. and other Tonic, enU sod si tigs. PRYOR'S OINTMENT IS A SFEKDT CUBE FOB Blind or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoids, Sores, Ul cers, Tumors, Itching of the Parts, Fistulas and all Kindred Diseases; also of Bums, Corns, Felons, Fever Boras, Scald Head, Tetter, Sore Nipples, etc. Atlanta, Ga., August 25, 1877. After an experience of twenty-five years In sell ing this ointment, and during that time having closely watched Irs effects, and having the testi mony of my friends and neighbors to confirm my confidence in its merits, I beeame fully satisfied of Its value, and T have bought the exclusive right to make and sell U and offer It to you as the best remedy in the world, especially lor all forms of Piles. BEAD THS TESTIMONIALS: 1 his Is to certify that I have tried Pryor's Pile Ointment In a case of piles, and state that it gave more relief than anything I have ever tried. I fur ther state that as a remedy for burns it Is unpar alleled. I a! so used it for a case of tetter In my I feet of twenty years' standing, ard say that It is the first thing that I have ever tried that gave me more than momentary relief. I consider now that I am entirely relieved from that distressing d 8 ease. . JOBN D. NEWSON.' iroup county, ua. STATE NEWS. to Agent Wanted fer Sullivan' Havintr been afflicted for ten years, at Intervals, with that distressing malady, the piles, and after many Ineffectual trials of the remedies In common In r i I Hn (IT TflfllV I use,. I commenced a short time ago to use your R F I 11 D 0 F T ITU A I. l-PUe Ointment. I , experienced lmnredlate relief. n L "VS U o" 1 1 ' - From the relief experienced In my case, as well as from the reputation so rapidly acquired Dy your Ointment m this vicinity, I have no hesitancy In exposing the opinion that it is the most efficient miiuuIu fnr PHa tvp.r Invented. v ' O. A. BULL, LaGrange, Ga. This is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment In a case of severe bum, and that In a very lew days it was entirely relieved of all Inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the firat application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain iwnatsver. , i i LaGrange, Ga. f'' v i ? . By the advice of Mr. Wynn, I U3ed jour Pile Ointment on a servant girl who had been suffering for eight i ears with a most aggravated case ol piles. She improved from the very first day s use of your Ointment, and before using the box she was entirely recovered a G-wjJwB?l I J ms til ..frt Thislftocartlfyibat'I nave used Pryor's Pile OlntaenWandV say thai it Is. In my oplnloa, the best remedy for piles ever presented td tfie public. I say this from a positive application of the reme dy on my own person. THOS. B. MORGAN. Troup county, Ga. For sa'e by all dealers In medicine. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt of price. DB. J. B1ADFIELD. Atlanta, a. For sale by Dr. T. C. S.mithj Charlotte, N. C. inayll $ -r (Introduction by fhojL Power O'Connor, L P.) Centuries of English oppression set forth. It de scribes Ireland's ruin and the people's despera tion. It shows how the land was confiscated and . W tnnoMaa ltubniOL It ATnlfUnS 1116 LBnO. orr' AmTd the Coercion BiUv Contains 82 engravtogs and map In colore. Price only S2 per cepy.T8ales' immense. Send fifty cent for full outfit and begin work at once. For full Particulars, address & McCUBDY & Chicago. 111. aiaavnetoren ox Patent Portabla Circuhtr saw inns Si Grist and Var Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Wortmg a Barrel juacmiiwry. omiurie mum, vareuiar oya FIN TK Kin KK. w Ann MmSnppli and Gtlili - COfl PXRwlKK-tan be made-In an-locality. J)uU Something entirely new for agents. $5 out fit free. G. W. IN GRAHAM & CO. , Boston, Mass. mayl6-Ufcw4w WHEEL Cl v. n 'tf v. MflSTETT jjCP CELEBRATED sS -Z-r Mm WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW mm mm -or- MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the MILL1N&BI-LINK BATS, " " ' ' 'f BONNETS, FLOWERS, - ?i.uaiEsfc. RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, 4cc, In aO 09 fife sSrTesl cWori ami onallUea. Alno. an the new strlei aid analltieS of LACES, embracing White Good.veck-tWear, Ho4ery Gloves, Parasols, Ac., the LARGEST and MOST COMPL1TI STOCK IN TEX CITY. Forsythe county Superior court con tributed three convicts to the peniten tiary and nine to help, grade the O. F. &Y.V. Railroad. Rev T H Pegram, of Winston, has been granted a .patent on his car coup ler. T B Cain, colored, of Winston, has been expelled from the church for ap propriating $16, contributed by the faithful te buy the pastor a suit of clothes. Near the town of Fremont, in Wayne county, a white man named Leonard O'Neal, and two negroes, Robert Pratt and Frank Moore, went into the woods to drink and play cards. A quarrel occurred over the cArds when Pratt shot O'Neal dead. He has been ar rested. Mr W F Askew has purchased the Falls of Neuse paper mills. The Su preme court has finished the docket and will hear no more arguments in cases. Pullman palace cars have been put on at Greensboro to ran over the Western North Carolina road to Warm Springs. It is said that Col W H H Tucker, of Raleigh, had his life insured for $50,000. The Lenoir Topic brings forward Adam Heefner, who claims to be 116 years old. Mr McDairmid. of the Lumberton Robesonian, writes nearly four columns describing the Mecklenburg ceieDra- tion. and incidents connected there with. Rev Bennett T Blake, said to be the oldest member of the North Carolina conference, died at his home in Wake county last Saturday, aged eighty-five. Mr Julius A Bonitz, editor of the Goldsboro Messenger, is recommended by a correspondent in the Raleigh News ana uuserver ror me posiuon 01 cou' gressman-at-large in his district. The Gretnsboro Patriot tells a mar velous story about a New Garden hen that hatched out a brood of ducks, was very much disturbed at the little chaps dashing into the water, but seeing no harm came to them got oyer her scare and then regularly took 'them to the pond for their daily bath. Afterwards she hatched out a brood of chickens and as she did with the ducks led them to the pond to indulge in aquatic exer cises, but the little chickens didn't take rn if- and shfi cnt marl and drowned the last one of them. The singular part of this is that it all happened at JNew uar den. a neighborhood where veracity is ranked among'the virtues. Chapel Hill celebrated her connection with the rest of the world by ran ana telegraph last Tuesday, and the little burg steps to the front joyously, feeling herselt out ot the woods at last. The Lumberton Robesonian prints Senator Bayard s Mecklenburtr Declara tion speech in full in this week's issue. Jefferson's Remains to be Removed Washington, Washington, May 31. At a meeting of the lot owners and trustees of Green wood cemetery last night a communi cation was read from Mrs. Weikleham, grand-daughter of Thomas Jefferson stating that if a suitable and sufficient ot m the cemeterv be conveved tn thn United States for the burial of her grand-father and such of his family as it may be hereafter reauested ba buried there, she would procure a re moval of the remains of Jefferson to to that place at as early day as may be practicable and convenient. Immedi ate action was taken, and the trustees ordered a deed to be executed convey ing the ground selected in fee simple to the United States for the purposes ex pressed. John Snprising Himself. Milwaukee Sun. The Chinese question has settled itself in St. Paul. There were fourteen Chinaman in the city doing laundry work, and one day another one arrived. The fourteen called a meeting and decide that fourteen was all St. Paul could stand, and they notified the newcomer that if he went ayay from St. Paul on the first train he was liable to continue to enjoy very fair health, but if he remained overnight he would be subject to malarial influences that could not help breaking down his constitution. The newcomer could see that there was an earnest desire on their part for him to go, the more so as they put their hands on the handles of their knives, and seemed to look wild, like Guiteau, so he went right down to the train, and exodusted. Then the Chin- men said, striking their breasts with clenched fiats, "Chinaman heap tuffy, ane same vigilance committee. Awful Tragedy, Lumberton Robesonian. A man named Retler, residing in Moore county, went to mill the other morning with a load of corn, taking his two young sons on the wagon with him. The boys crawled under several bags of corn. One of them fell asleep and was smothered by one of the bags falling on .his face. While the father was getting the body from under the bags, the other boy, who had jumped to the ground and was standing near the wagon, was kicked on the head and killed. The father returned home with the bodies in the wagon. Broke Her Back. WdmlDgton Review. Annie Williams, one of the mourners at the camp-meeting, had her back broken on Sunday. She was kneeling at the altar.when Milly Morris, who is generally known on account of her enor mous size, commenced to shout and fell over on the unfortunate woman, break ing her back. The feeble and emaciated, suffering f rem dys pepsia or indigestion in any form, are advised for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort, to tn HnatatiAr'a Stomach Bitters. Ladies Of the most delicate constitution testify to its harmless ani ita TMtnnttivn nrnnerties. Phislclans every where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe it as tl.e safest and most re liable of all stomachics. . grQB 8ALX BT ALL DRUGGISTS AMD DEALERS 'GKNEBALLT.- Junl WILL OPEN VjVj yjr nn iMf w Bonnets When we wul be pleased to show GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE t hey, have ever seen In this city. Respectfully, the Ladle the MILLINERY mar22 Mrs. P. Query. springs: si t H'CURIC'SB WHOLESALE- ' J l X; ? mm a 5 TBYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N.C., f U 9p 1 Offer to the trade the largest stock ot GROCERIES and PROVISIONS In the city, at prices as low as tke lowest; .. bai aid eximtne' oftr stock before buying. All orders shall have our personal at tention and satisfaction guaranteed. may 2 5 Me ropolitan Slice t rA S3 r i. J FOR1JUNE, WJ TH IPJA TlLE 8 N.8 , Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the causs must be removed, ax.d In no other, way xan a cure ever be effected. WAR- KER'3 T& IDNEY. and. LIVER QDRK is es tablishedon Just this principle. It realizes that 3 on. i. entire distillincr interest of all diseases arise from deianged kidneys an I T m , w liver, and it striKes at once ai ine rooi 01 me aun- The Bonded Spirits Bill Investigation. Washington, May 29. The Senate select committee to inquire if any im proper means have been used to in fluence the passage of the bonded spir its bill held a session this morning. Mr. W. H. Thomas, of Louisville, Ky., was the only witness examined. His testi mony failed to show any improper in fluences to secure legislation upon the bonded spirits bill, and was mainly di rected to an inquiry into the status of the liquor interest and the effect of the pending bill relative to-bonded spirits. He gave a detailed description of the distillers' business, mode of manufac ture, putting up, etc., and described the difference between high winesand dis tilled liquors. He had been at Wash ington several times in behalf of legis lation, but he had never paid anybody a single cent, nor bad any suggestion of that character escaped him. He had visited the members of Congress from his own State, and submitted to them points in favor of the bill. He had never spoken to a lobbyist about the measure." He had -received two remit tances rone of $200 and another Df $3Cg) td pay his expenses, and that was ia J a . 1 !. an jne money ne naa uunng nis pres ence in Washington. 9 " Mr. Thomas seated that owing to the over-prod uction which was stimulated by the flush times in 1878, the stock of whisky now on hand would be sufficient to meet the demand if no more should be produced for the next four years; that the only relief which the House bill, if passed, would give the distillers would be to save them from bankruptcy. Ht farther stated that 50,000,000 pf the appqaooo galloflsfiovf tn fcondthave al readj? J&en liypbthlcafed ?for money borrowed, and loat it one distillers are eclirrJeiled by the government to pay at the expiration of two years the $72,000, 000 of tax which will accrue within the next two years on the spirits now in bond, (as they are required by the ex isting law to do,) the effect would be not only disastrous, but ruinous to the D.corating Confederate Graves. Chicago, May 31 The 5,000 graves of Confederate soldiers (prisoners) who died at Camp Douglas were decorated at Oak wood Cemetery by the Grand Army posts. ilis c e U a uc oua. n iai i - " ----- - fcOTTOM GliMS, I mi culty. The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food todssroBKBind, by placing them In a healthy JoaudanditSB disease and pain from the sys tem. For the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal Beware of lmpostera, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. Fot Diabetes, aitt for WARHER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. II. H. WAR HE 11 & CO., Rochester, It. V. NEWS NOTES. Hi aprlS THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ALL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. WiU open for the season of 1 882, on the 1 5th day of. May. They have enlarged their hotels to ac- icotnmodate 200 guests, and have added every -AmdsemanLealeiilated to nramote health and im. 4ort- These wonderful Waters cure DrsDeDSIa. Sick Headache, Constipation and all Derange ments of th Digestive Organs All Skin Diseases, and Ulcers of every kind. Scrofula, Catarrh and all Kidney Affections yield to their healing virtues. Syphilitic patients who had visited Hot Springs of Arkansas without relief, found it here last season. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects ap on Female Complaints, and many distressing cases were eared last season. The owners Intend to make this the most complete Health Resort in tee United States. Besides a; Table 'd'hote they will open a Restaurant, and vUltors may suit their tastes and their purses. Excursion tickets will he Issued from all points to King's Mountain, the de pot for thee Springs. For further Information, address DR. F. M GARRET T, Manager, King's Mountain, N. C. apr27 8m YORK RIVER LINE, PASSENGER ROU IX TO BALTIMORE and ALL POINTS NORTH. Dally except Sunday. f Nate the reduce! firs-clasS rales to U H l4 im T A h m e . Leave Burkesville, 4 22 p m fare $ 8.70 Danville, 10.12 pm fare 6.70 Greensboro, 8.20 pm fare 7 90 Balelgh, 8.55 pm fare 11.80 Charlotte, 4.40 pm fare 11.95 ' Spartanburg. 1225 pm fa?e 18.00 qreenvme, . lL4Qam far 14.80 a ; i f .- . i i Arriving at Baltlmo e, 7.80 a. m., connecting with the morning trains for Philadelphia and New York. By this line the opportunity Is given of spending a few hours pleasantly In Richmond before de parture of trains for West Point ! jror runner lnioimatlon apply to; agents at the - At trvtrs. above named points. may iv it -H- Genl Pass. Cleaveland Mineral Springs, OPENED MAT 15th. 1882. fpHESX 8prlogs are two miles from Shelby. 54 ? Jt f kities West of QlotieTand within 1 mile of ine uarouna ventral Kauway running loom Char lotte to Shelby. Hacks will be at the; Springs' Station on arrival of every train. i ... i ' i ao hi ni Whu AND WARM BATHS. . f ; s i - t Whit and Red Sulphur and Chaljbeate Wate'rri yATupture of diplomatic relations be tween Spain and Uruaguay is probable. The persistent attentions the nihilists have been paying the Czar of Russia have at last resulted in a promise'of certain reforms by that gentleman. The Czar of Russia, in order to con ciliate the people, has promised import ant reforms in the method of adminis tering the government. It it authorita tively announced that the coronation or tne Lzar nas been postponed for a year. Turkey has dispatched a special com missioner to Egypt. France lias de cided to send special envovs. Arabi Bev is still defiant, and the situation has ntt improved. , JudgeThayer, in Philadelphia Mon day-sustained tlie indictments against Julius Chambers, correspondent of the New York Herald, and Charles E. Smith, of the Philadelphia Press, ciarg d with libeling United States Senator McPhersoo in connection with the laim of the Peruvian Company. At SprinjfHeld, Ohio, Monday, Leon ard Kitzelman killed his daughter be cause she had gone from home to es cape his brutality. She had sought ref uge at a neighbor s, lie persuaded her to return, and as soon as she got inside of the house he shot her. She lived long enough to make a statement of the facts and to say she left home be cause he had outraged her. The reported conference between Senator Cameron and business men of Philadelphia, in which the Senator is alleged to have intimated that unless they supported him during the contest he would devote the remainder of his term in opposing measures in their ins berest, particularly tariff measures, has created great interest in various part ed the State. The Boston Traveller states that Mr. Charles IIReed, counsel for Guiteau, conferred with Justice Gray, of the United States Supreme Court, in that city, on Friday, and applied for a writ of habeas corpus for his client. Judge Gray stated that he preferred to wait until the case had been presented to his associates, and Mr. Reed was unsuc cessful in, his application. Arrivals at Castle Garden for the wgBkaendedftturdajMtggregated 20,191, making a total of 78,000 ror the month 1.hu8jartijTb'e4eriian4for labor from all parts of the country is unabated. Anl i ma IX am m i I , fliauY ttppnuanuue are uuiuiug lu irom theSodthernStates for families of five u liu ill 1 , ISL l aU-smjggwwCQtton.grii Cpj Dill1 ft QkfesgUL HcwXan&nuCt. Jjj. a lu I j NEVER FAILS. mm The only known Specific Remedy for Epl'epttc Fits. SAMARITAN NERYINE Cures Epileptic Fits, 8pasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hlsterics, Insanity, Apoplexy, i-araiysis, uneumausm, neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive Jy eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates tne disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrhcaa or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion ot the uterus, internal Beat, u ravel, limam matlon of the Bladder. Irritability of the Bladder, For Wakefulness at nteht. there is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be without It It Quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comiort, and nature's sweet sieep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drues. The drunkard drinks Manor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treaung his friends, little ininamg inai ne is on his road to mln. Like the Opium Kater. he first uses the arue in small Quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence of the. drug takes btrorg hold upon its victim. leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveneas, as ever eating first In flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. bo every drinK or liquor or aose oi opium, insieau of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then Itself. Like the glu.tonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" nut never enougn unm lis own rapuuijr uevuun ItselL Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief In such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores oooy and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma. Bronchitis. Scrofula. Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous ueDUiry, causea oy ine indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covering your suner- 1' ga as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments K) society, auu jewem iu ui crimn ui jum iu. If you wllL Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your mats, ana aesiroys ooui uuuy unu souL ft von are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND S HAMARITANTiERYINB. it win restore vour shattered nerves, arrest premature delay, and impart tone and energy to the whole system. Tbe following; Schedule ure nnr. recti d by the ltallro&d Officials, and may be Relied oa wlm Correct t North Car OOJTDEJTSED SCHEDULES. "TRAINS GOING XAST. Date, April 80th, 1882. Leave Charlotte, saiiBbury, " High Point ... Arrive Greensboro,. . . Leave ttreensboro,... Arrive Hulsboro Arrive Durham, arrive uaieign Leave Raleigh,.. Arrive Goldsboro'.. . . No 61 Dally. No. 53 Dally. 4 OO a m 5.53 a m 7.20 a m 8.00 am 9.30 a m 11.47 am 1224 am 1.40 pm 405 pm B30pm 440 p m 6.24 p m 7.85 p m 8.05 p m No. 17 Daily except Saturdny, Leave Greensboro.. .5 00 p m Arrive at RaMgh,. . ..1.51 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,. .7.20 a m No. 51 ConnecU at nimmihnmi B.8- '."A1 K1?18 North' 8331 West, via Dan' vllle. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. ho. 63-connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western N nrth ramiir.,.. Un. at Greensboro with RtD.HRfnr an iml North, ast and West TRAINS GOINS WK8T. Date, April 30th, 1882. Leave Goldsboro,. Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh, Arrive Durham Arrive Hlilsboro Arrive Greensboro,...., Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point.... Arrive Salisbury,. . ... Arrive Charlotte, No. 50 Dally. No. 52 Dally. 1 0.00 am 12.20 pm 8 55 pm 5 Otf pm 5 46 pm 8.05 p m H. 15 pm 9.50 pm 11.12pm I. 10am 940am 10.10am II 21 am 1.00 p m No. 18-Dally except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro, . . 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Kalelgh. ..... 6. 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 3.15 p m No. 50-Oonnects at Charlotte with A.4 C. Air Line for all points In the South nnri hniithiAr and with C, C. ft A. R. for all points Eouth and OVIUUCOSW No. 52-Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C Air Line for all points South and Southwest: at Char lotto with c., O. A. R. B. for all points bouth and N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. 601NS WEST. NO. 50 Daily. T - . f . ueavo crreunsDoro. 9.25 p m aftno a.oruorHViii3. 10 41 pm Arrive Salem , 11.25 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kemersville 11.01 am Arrive Salem. 1 1.5 a m ous. SeasooSeWs In great variety, Just received at t h CHINA STORE OF J. Brookfleld k Co. Lot of elegant baby c&rriages, REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TRIPS. IGB CREAn FREEZERS, beat n A1R.TIUUTFRI IT JR. WATKR COOLXRS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cage Canary and Breeding Cag, V ' lj ' - lf , 5 t-i. BabyB wings, terete. & VuU 1,na of Chtaa.Crockery, Giasswam Lamps, Fancy Goods and Sliver platM ways on hand, wholesale and retail at rea9onbi prices. Please give us a call. reasonable Respectfully, J. BROOK FIELD co. GOING XAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kemersvl.le 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro.. 7.00 am NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 pm Arrive Kemersville 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro 8.00 pm 8TATE UNIVERSITY R4ILROAD. Tki Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Ct, Jtmei r. Brown, Prm't. Bdw. T. Brow, Treat. These machines ran light, make fine cample, and clean the seed properly. Best gi' east steel in the saws 1 the teeth will not bend, break off, or torn back, iron pulleys throughout, brush strongly made, with adjustable boxes, east steel journals assi two belts one at eaA end ensuring cool bearings, tvH speed, and steady motion, (only Gin in market baring this improvement) Extra large shafts to saw and brush cylinders. Strong iron frame best materials, supe rior workmanship, fine finish. tyMore Brown QIas hare been sold daring Ibe past three seasons thna any other two makes combined. Mr. Israel F. Brown (from IMS to 1868 of the firm, of E. I. Taylor ft Co. of Columbus, Oa.), the president of the company, has had a longer practical experience la mating Qma than amy other man hring. Present facili ties for manufacturing and shipping unequaled by any other establishment of th3 kind in the world. Hence our very low prices for such superior Price List of GETS, Feeders and Condensers. Price with Price with ai.. Prices of Self- Belf- oiaes. Gins. Feeder or Feeder and Condenser. Condenser. 30 saw $ 75 00 1100 00 $135 00 Si " 7 SO lis M MM 40 " 100 00 133 M 185 00 45 " 113 50 146 00 179 M 60 " 125 00 160 00 16 00 0 " 140 00 180 00 B0 00 70 " 1M 00 SOS 00 85S 00 80 " 180 00 38 00 84 00 tJTNote the prices and improrements ; dont be deceived or allow yourself ts be talked into buying other gins. Our machines are fully guaranteed. If not satisfied with our guarantee place your order with any responsible merchant of your acquaintance and get him to buy for you. Tine, when desired will be given to any responsible person. Write for descriptive circular with hundreds ot testimonials from enterpris ing planters. BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New London. Conn. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. No 1, Daily ex Sunday. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m GOING SOUTH. No. 2. Dai y ex. Sunday. -boston-METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. is ' Arrive tfnlverslty.. Arrive una pel tun, 12.10 p m 1.00 p m SAMARITAN NERVINE Pullman Sleeping Cars Wittat Clause On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52. Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. rThrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Balelgh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points south, southwest, west. North and Kast. ur Kmigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A. rWE, General Passenger Agent may 2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. 9On and after April 30th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line bivlslon of this road will be as follows: Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists GOLD and SILVER REFINER. Practical Mill-Runs oi Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. BLTB4CTORT OR ES jrl EATK l. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The Jew England Smelting Works GOLD SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORE STIKLTED ON BEfUHtSS r PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. WESTWARD. Mall and Express. No. sa Mall. No. 52. Cured my little girl of fits, dumb, but it cured her. hear as well as anybody. She was also deaf and She can now talk and Petkb Ross, Springwater, Wis. DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, J. B. DOBBINS, An important dis covery, by whicl every family ma) give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine i laundry work. Ask your Grocer. Philadelphia, Pa. I'OR SALE BY J. w. M'ECER & CO and FIELDS nuns.. Cbartotte, N. C brtd aeeuiwor theewen. n s anacnt a ro me no l. J- voi tanner i u i tare, olars "aU. -! S Baareiis j ,-..:&; Ii The lot owners of Glen wood Hema- tery, of Washington, D. C, have donaf 'edau acre 0froand to the surviving .rejlatives oltThomas Tefferiori upon kuuuiuuu mat sue pones oi meir . aeaa Relative be: temoved trom Montlcello ;td Wairjgt. jahd witlr the j under tandii2 that the tndnument to! effer- son.Tor wmcn uonzresa recently ftDPro-t i-2 J A')nArtAAA.L.11 L. . 'I " " uiiibu outtii uo creciea 'UDon aeB. potoiir ptuwefl smooo, snail do erected f 91 ifhpHeltau Mh6 e,Jurial altejn .QJeqwood.- , M . -f ' nt.l W I i,;.a v..I i ,, METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! A&ENTS WANTED t ItortlxdUne Book Issued. GOO pages. 150 ninstratloos! Bevealiog miseries of high and low life in America's great oities: fashion's follies nnd frivolities; behind the scenes j tricks of pretty deceivers ; city's rich and poor ; lascivious corruption at Washington; rain of innocent girls ; old hoary-headed sinners by gas-light ; bewitching sirens 4 victims; Voudou and Mormon horrors ; Startling-Revelations I Price '2.50. Ulust'd circulars free. Outfits 76c Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH' CO. ST. LQTJIS. Mo. OHICAGO.ru. ATLANTA, Oa. ST. LOUIS, MISBO UBX. HARRIS REMEDY CO., I.., varmint ami oora rrov-a oa PROF. HARRIS' PAST HE REMEDY Vanar Urn and others whs suffer from Nervoaa sod Phvaical Ibil. Ilty, Prematare Exhmastioa and 1 tbeir maay gloomy eanosqacnees, an quiokly and radically - eared. Dies. la. 1 OutiBZ a tnanlht. X. Ro. S (enouf I) to effect a cure, unless in Kvere caws,) lit as. a ' Ths Betatdy i n( up In boxes wasugtaro montM), m. Sent by mall In plain trrappors. Diroetlans for rAlar-aeeoaipaay each Box. Pamphlet deKri Stag tbls dissaas aaf awds of cars seat sealaA oa application. aaJjTJjlavJJ Ions exnarienea in aurlnc diseases Of the BlaOO. BKla and BesMaT.-N. Weskae. AffeeUona apeetally MeMllssr. Imsoteaey, ' Orsranle &onorracea. BynUlliUo aad Bereartsa tresuea oa pckibiido. With: safe and ears remedies. CU or write for List, of lions tn fa. AnWMFAv-thnMl!irin-a?ieSatltDVE9J CrenesM(BriB(fre Its p tare maeald lead tkeir sddress, aadlsarasoaMtAlnaUtMradvaataM. ItW net a tnus. Addreaa, VS. BUTTS, 1 K.'8th ftt, 8C;Lsls, Ka, . KSTCBlJSHEirOVgtt TH1HTT YEARS. a jj-is-a, m a MANHOOD rtESTORED. n LOST - A Tiatim oi fonlMul imprndenee csnsing Premsj. tara Decay, 2!erroo Debility, Lost Manhood, et4 JkBfiog trird in vaizA every known remedy, has dls- eovri .iDple tvjf etire. which" hi v JH nn IT.ES 1 . t i V . SAMtAKITAN NEB VINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tlStn. J. B. KLKTCHKK, JTOtt UOilUlS, tl. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. K B. Ralls, Hattsvllle, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. mbs. wx. tsxsaos, Aurora, ul SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rkv. J. a. Sodx, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over 3,000 with other doctors. 8 . B. Hobsoh, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Hiss Jinkib Wabbxh. 740 West Van Buren street, Ohlcago, DL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our famllv nhvuirtan. 1t havrmr over 100 In 24 hours Bxbbt Khxb, Vervllla, Warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnrad me of scrofula after suffering for e years. albxbt Simpson, Peoria, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my 90S of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobhtoh. Clalborn, miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic fils of a stub- born cnaracter. xlkv. vm. majriin. Mechanics town, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Oaotonla, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive (ireenvllle, H Arrive fleneca, O Arrive Toccoa. if Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive LuIa,B Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4.31 am 5.59 a m 7.43 am 9.18 am 10.00 a m 10.37 a m llOrJam 1.80 pn 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 pm 5.29 p m 7.03 p m 8.80 p m 9.10 pm 9.46 p m 10.15pm 12.40 a m . .i.AMKTALLTJBOIST. DN1T;. .v. .v. iMmuo Kmsinmb. T OMAS BDtNS,,. JOHN HOLLIDAY,.;.... Pbof. Chkmist mar8 tf T Oil-'. HAIR SASTWABD. "Mall and Sxpre8a. No. 51. MalL No. 53. Leave Atlanta Airtve Gainesville, Arrive LiUia, Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, Y Arrive 8eneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 pm 4 51 p m 6 22 p m 5.59 p m 6.40 pm a06pm 10.06 P m 11.40 pm 2.06aml 8.15 a m 4.00 am H.19am 8.50 a m 7.41 a m 8.17 am 9,26 a m 11.03 pm 12.24 pm 250pm 4.00 pm and from Hberton, ff ht CONNBCTIONS, A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. w. f Bauroada B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, W. P. and W.4A. Railroads. B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to end fwhm A than. ' ir wiin juoerton Air-une to Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K wtth SoartAuburg and Asheville. and Spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and AsnertUe and Alston and Columbia. . L with cnester and Lenoir Narrow Gang to ana from Dallas ana Chester. H .with C. a A A, C. C., R. A D. and A., T. A O. for all points West, North and JiasL - mil i man sieeping-car service on trains wos, py and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta ana New York. A, PuPK, G neral Passenger and TicKet Agent. T. HVB. Taloott, Geneal Manager. L Y. 8AGK, Superintendent C., C. & A. R. K. CO. UONJUiDIBiiU BUl.LIUljiB. In Meet Sunday, April 30th, 1882. MATTRESSES RSNOYATED AND MADE AS GOOD AS NEW. rJ.,j. Serf v. . t. . . n Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 in Mbs. B. fobxs. West Portsdam, N. Y. Train No. 62. Passeng'r. Train No. 4. Passeng'r. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Oblkna Marshall, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epllepsy'of many years duration. jacob outku, du usoyu, juu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliybb Mtsbs lronton, unio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jkwkll, Covington, ay. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of tits. Have been well for over four vaahl Charlies K. Cdbtis. Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very Jaadly. Michael. g-'Connxb, ittdgway, n. SAMARITAN" NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. David Tbxkbly, Des Moines, ! iowsV - SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing Hknby Clabk, alrfleld, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the bead X. Gbaha, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He has not had a fit for about four years. . . . Johm Davis, Woodburoi Maooupin county, DX . SAHftniTAIJ IIERVIIIE : Is fi or tele by druggists everywhere, or may b4 had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the euratrve propertlea of SamarKan NerTlne will pleaseenclose a 8 cent postage stamp fdrmeopyof our Iilustrate. Journal of Health, giving hundreds of testimonials -of cure from per sons who have used the medicine, aad also theli pictures photographed alter litelr raatoratlon to perfect health..; Address f.j,. - j j u. " f ' TV- ft " j a MtrmnMim a. AVi P A XsXU .AaUi3 it 9 U Vsj ' Leave Charlotte . Arrive Bock Hill Arrive Chester Arrive Wtnnsboro,... Arrive Columbia,... . . Leave Columbia,.. . . . Arrive Lexington, Arrive Ridge Spring,. am ve uraniteviiie, . . Arrive Augusta, k86 vm 2.88 p m 8.30 p m 4.35 D to 6.00 p m U.07 p m 6 50pm 8 02pm 9.12 pm 10.15p m 6.15am 7.15 am 8.8o a m 9 40 a m 10.22 a m Train No. 18, Freight ! Train No. 20, Freight T-QTO Phgvalnf--. W V -( V SJUiA AVlrf.Oa Arrive Bock Hill, Arrive unester. Arrive Wtnnsboro, Arrive Columbia, Leave uoiumoia, Arrive Lexington Arrive Ridge Spriao,. Arrive Granltevule,. . arnve Augusta.. 6.00 am 8.25 am 10.12 am 12.55 pm 4,30 po 6.05 p m 7.47 p m 9.12 pm 11.15pm V 18 a m , Dally Connects at Columbia with J pi-ionrif WoBTj's.XPxzjErriO Isstitctb, Sosepb Mo the 8. C. B. Bt for Char eston, and with the C. A G. B. B. for Alston. Newberry. Abbeville, Ac. At Augusta 'with Central Georgia R. B ' for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Dally-Connects at Augusta with ths Georgia R. R. aid Central Gesrg B. B, for Macon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, tri-weeily, Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays, , , Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, daily, at R.85 p. m. Freight, dally except ouBoay, nt rva a. m. aig p. m. ATLANTI0V TBKMXS8XB A OHIO PiyfBlON. Train No. 58, Daily, ' Leave Charlotte. . . . . .. , Arrive at States vllle, . Train No. 52, Dally,. ' ' Leave Staresvflle;... , Arrive at Chariotte,.!r. ..500pm .7 05 pm ....7.5Ra m .10.00am Tickets sold to an points South, Southeast and Southwest and baggage cheeked through. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPS, T. M. B. Taloott, - Gen'l Passenger Agent Gen'l Manager.- -Columbia, 8. C, April 80th, 1882. , may2. ---u .- : . DENTAIi NOTICE. rpHK next annual meeting of the State Board of A Dental Examiners will be neia in aiem, n. C. on the 6lh dar of June. - All .- persons com- menclnsthe Dractlee of Dentistry without a dlploirfa muat o before this bottfd for ex&mlrtaUon.or suffer i tbs penaities.of the law which went into effect March 187. V. K.TDBhER u maystuiejan Prest Board Dental Kx'nt j - Winston senonei and uaieign news ana ud- server copy one month land send bill to W. Hoftmann, Charlotte- .s , . j PARLOR SETTS UPHOLSTERED In the very best manner by a nrst-clas-s workrai n. E. M. ANDREWS, , Wholesale and Betall Furniture Dealer, Trcde St. may25 I m s Cures ! SI PHI LIS in any stage. CATARRH, , ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES. BOILS ANY SKIN DISEASE. 3 a a-r tr1' l-H H -( O - t r I W w w a c r CURES WHEN AI.L OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If yen doubt, come to see us, and we wUl CUBE TOU. or charge nothing! Il V Wntolorpartkulan,andaeopyoftbe littjebooj "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Prnggtot as to our Stapdf; arflOOO BE WARS wlU be paid to any chemMj who wlU And on analysis of 100 bottles of ooe particle of Mercurv. Iodide of Potassium1" r,Mineral substance. . . . . ... anrJ .ivlii (FXB BOTftB.) Price of Sma1! Size, Large 61ze, $100 1.7B dee81 80LD BT ALL DBUGGISTS. X IUIJC.3ot BP tn 26 1 Pcfcs ?ul WI "JSKJS, -io.flMSWO 11. rA tin fn 25 M fiackanoi SUltaDie publisher, of country eW5gRSft mar28 5 -.C! i,. 1 U. .i it t 1 .- K i'J

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