i. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1882. NO. 4,115. VISITORS 1 0 THE-- are cordially Invite CALL AND SEE THB HANDSOMEST Retail Dry Goods Establishment In the State of North Carolina. ALEXAUDEE & HABBIS. 13 HAV A PES TIT LINK OF GENTS' acd LADIES' SUPPERS. PEGRAM & CO.,' Have the Best Block of , Gents' Hand-Sewed Shoes ' ' '' U VWWl " WILL display during the 20th of May Celebra tion the most elegant stock of FANCY DBf GOO Da fn the at ate. Call and see them. v.v, J ALKX NDKB & HARRIS. PEG It AM & CO.; B Vlt ALL KINDS OF (Mdim1 Shoes' and CALL special attention to our stock of N KCK WliR, ..ii-L&ce Collars. lcbu, Kmorulder ed Collars, and ewry variety if Linen and Percale n Polka Dot and, sttlpes'J.Ley are beautiful. Call and ate tm.i - -(.t i : -t ; j4: ALEXANDER cHABBI-'. PEGllAXI CO:, :2 KKKP A WiLL SELXCTKD 'STOCK OF - tanks and Valices OF Hit PRICES AND SIZES. Alexander & Harris HAVI a magnificent stock of WHITE HOODS viz: Linen l.awns. India Lxwns, Masallas, Nainsooks, India Mulls., soft finished Jaconets, Polka Dot Swiss, Hu Jl In .White und? jcern ef-lects.-wlth Lace and Kmbioltierfttrtrlm. PEGRAM & CO., EAYX JUST RBCKIVEDA TIKE STOCK OF itk ,FeIt:andtwHats , ef the Latest Styles. Of the Latest Stjles. . .1 MmiilT Jj " Jm HAVI a tremendous stock of Ladles', Misses and Children's Hotiery, which we wish to re- Hice. 8pedt prlo wtU-be made ia inese goods.. lis 'a B j $ALAaBl JtUABKl. I L FarnetFriends With any kinds Bt)OT8 sAd890KTUt WISH.' VISITORS Hh rpo the celebration will be astonished wbn they X bear our prices on Domestic Goods, We make t spectoltJ of thesetoooa., a , , -OUR- STOCK of DBK8S GOODS, viz: Nun's Veiling In ailcolora with Irlnvnjngs .inteb,riUbe KEKP ALL KINDS OF ' n I it f "if i ri a ' t v . 3 ' Shotf 'Drtssiiftvfwli; mm in "lai mm or -WHERE VISITORS'- . f f A fT f A TT- M r? Af " . IT marts rli J r-? - ati Ju J IPegrai &Co., AWV DKALIBS IN- Rank Xhnw i TT1 fWii minrm i. J1 -it can uuito l(fa theIJ nf JEBtBfiiit STYLE Silk Grjaedlnes. Brocaded 81Uis, ete., etc.in the town .'ViVl'TVl-llll " --"il ti i on AiexaiBPWffi WYHTIM IHSUAV-- PBUUfll. 3 J V"-ri-- I a Pt .-Sav -w V .uc . . V', th. - i ' ? j ; m Huvr; in. ttoiti i hl ii . ' - i 1 y grg t&0aflg, ltrttting; &c Second Stock. "J RAVING Just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second Urns this season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NSW THINGS in the war of Novelties of the season. We have replenished . our BLACK SILK 8TOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs in all shades, Summer 8ilks and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Satteens in fancy colore. Nuns Tellhag in all colors from 35c to SI per yard. A-new rot ft Laces In an the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of -LAWNS- To be found In the city. Mull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulstera for Ladles in Linen and Mohair. A new stock of - PARASOLS, ' " , . -': , . The.eheapest and most handsome styles. Some new Neck Wear In new styles.- A new lot of Bunt lug In all colon from 12tfc to 81 per yard. Come and see and be convinced that , we have the goods and-prtoes to salt you, '-. ; Very Bespetcfolly, T. I SEIOIiC Sc CO. ''.may7 m'cdlcat A KSVC - Falling Cure for Burns, Scalds, Druiaea, Cuts, Sores, etc. After forty years of trial, Perry Davia' Pain Holler stands unrivaled . It ia safer It acts immediately ! It never fails! Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, sayB : In flesh wounds, acnes, pains, sores, etc, It Is the most effectual remedy we know of. r No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour., j '. From the Cinclnna.tr; Dispatch : We have teen its magic eflects, and know It to be a good article. Frbrn L S. Potter, TJ. 8; Conanl at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: After Jong years of use, I am satisfied it " ra positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W.W. Sharper, Valdosta. Oa., says : . ..-It is a panacea for aUnrulses and barns. FronvB. W. Adams, Saco, He.: '; It g&ve me immediate relief. &. Lewis mays : In forty years' use it nerer has failed me. W.'Vr. Lam, Nlcholvllle, N. Y., says : relieve pain and soreness, and healt wounds like magic rJ m i i J. W. Dee says: bSrfcf?' ij 5 Fot scalda and terras lt has no equaL i ) JEKKT DATISPa3i jFTlt.T.TR Is net a Bfw untried remedyi fTor forty years It )as been IncoAstanttese; and thosa who have used It tit loneest are, il be friends K Sti adfeeksJs tMirelv because of its rrierit. I J Siae tle Tntn KlOer was rlrft ihtrodaced , mmarcat oi new nuxuciun nan cume onu gom, while to-day this medicine is tnoro eztenslTely used and. more highly valued tAa ererfcrore. Bvery family should have botmtyeaByforiue. Much pain and heavy doctors' hills may often be taved by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Unlike most vtemcines.it Imperfectly safe even in the hands of chlra. Try it once thoroughly, and it will prove its value. Tour druggist puts lt at 25c, SOe. and Sl.OO per bottle. ' PEKstV DAVIS A SON, Proprietor , i ProvMenoeL R. I. S'ptdVwsept AocL Native , Mineral jyatei-l s '-'S3 V ROCKuKIDOE (VA.) J -CUBZS-., iaEdigtfeirrToifid Liver, a as and Dysentery. Skin Diseases, Bcrofnla, Chronic Pneumonia, eta It Is a nowerfnl Alterative Tonic and Is ANTI uti.kitMJ. in itrerrects.-Bead certlncates from eminent physlclana In-out pamphlets. , , HO?ARTlrocl ti A8ES OR SALTS. l..kiJnio tArni i atate. direct from the r.-whrai "re oeautimiiy iocatea ln-itoca,- eountyi Ynd are epen for the reception -e4 vtettore-Jrom-June' 1st to October ist, eacn 'yesrr capaclt,; i pop gum.. j or sate, wnoiesaie ana rom.ii. uj ui j. n. 1DN and Dr. T. C.AUX, Charlotte, N. a - marl21y .IT i J?9i f LINEN COLLARS, s LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 10c. HOSIERY rROM Be up, k FANS FROM 210 up. ! C. AC, AC- lS2 l lillUUll KJkVLVUt fAX XCtsJ .1.1. . UNDER TRADERS' NAT. BATIK. may 19 NO. kM l BunnfcaridTM Sewln mehibrnnne .r, Wartdn:Jri!Jlt.hefore buying WPOfywl " etfMWm8Kd Pilcej itat, Jp KK l!t WMfcflVl.t--,- U 1 -lT trf fill. MiZ .Attn It-,. -iui ni ,& jeT biv th r terry X f v DAVIS'L X killer r . . j a s CirOnlcIarrtK: itWTBGW 3 ? k I f I i THE 13 I t A' I? W -1 ..'5 n s n jli Axii BONDED SPIRITS. INVESTIGATION- OF CHARGES. ALLEGED So Attempt Made to Improperly Influ ence Leg.blationWhat the Fnnd oi " the Association is for and.. How.it , is Raised Washington, May 31. A committee of the Senate to investigate allegations that money has. beeq paid or expended by parties in the interest and to influ ence legislation affecting bonded spir ili, met this morning. . The first witness was "H. B.! Miller, president of the, ..Western Export asso ciation who explained the purpose or that organization to be? simply to protect western distillers : f rom ; the dlsastrotis consequence ; of orver-pro-, duction, in connection with the tail ing off in the export trade of some 16, 000,000 gallons. That during the past year they had formed a pool and had raised ty -assessment 8T21.O0O which was again distributed among those in business whabad made losses, that ev ery, dollar was raistd from distillers and distributed among them, that it was purely a business arrangement to sustain prices in the home market and protect ' the entire association from ruinous losses by adjusting the losses of i a few. He produced figures showing the amount oi each assessment, the amount eaeh firm had paid and the amount each firm had received . Mr. Mil lei stated that there was no business in the world in which money could be made so readily as in the dis tillery business, that the perfect system of the ; internal revenue department srved as a check so that It Could be known to a fraction just how many gallons each distiller made and what he did with it. He thought the present trouble came from over production. When the bonded period was extended under the Carlisle bill distillers sent a?tmt8 all through the country who sold whiskey in bond with specious argu ments to dealers. If you buy. whiskey in bond now you will not have to pay tax for three years. Vou can buy it now for two dollars a .;;illon. Let it lie in bond audio three ears it will be worth o $8 or $10, and Mi 9 result" was, men that h-td before titter . bought inore than a few gallons iA now from five barrels up wtttd laj inp in bond ; that i very body in JTent'ucky went to making whiskey an continued to make it so long as Lhsy could sell it in bond. He believed inore Umn three fourths of the whiskey row in hond ia owned by outside par lies other than distilleis, and that if Congress ghould compel the payment of this tax without extending the bonded period 50,000,000 gollons would bo thrown upon the market and sold for the payment of tax; that this would compel the makess.of the high wines of the country to close their distilleries. The effect of this, .he believed, would be disastrous in many ways. It would at once destroy a market for 1,000,000 bushels of grain per month used by Il linois distilleries. The present over production of Ky whiskey, he thought, would amount to 50,000,000. He thought Congress would make a great mistake if it should now refuse to ex tend the bonded period, and he did not believe the same trouble would arise again -because the people , would not again be fooled into buying whiskey in bond in excess of legitimate demands for cotisumgtijoru - ! Miller was aslied '"what are the views of yoUrasBocistioDr on the question of reducing the tax on Whiskey to 50c on the gallon "SiM rrpfied that of course there .was a difference of opinion. He was engaged entirely in the export radje and, Itwcuia make out ntue an erece tj nrtnbut'to others who were idrnufilled 6 trust their whiskey all over thaxmritry. wu course pre fer to trust to the extent of 50c per gal lon rather than 90 cents. Millef stated that not one dollar had been paid bv his association to influence iegislatiorjandj that they had never been approacnecr Dy any lODoy or any one pretending that he could influence legiplatiDn. ; '- Edwin Bteyens, oi Cincinnati, a com mission merchant, and treasurer of the National Distillers' and Spirit Dealers' Association, was next examined. - The association was rormea muotouci, ioi. Its purpose mainly was to watch legis lation with view to protecting the intprpata nf"t.h"ft trade. The funds of the nsf.iatian,arfi derived from the annual ?diies4f mfemberstiwhlch vary(from $10 to $30, and for the past two years tnis income has aggregated about 88,000, out of which the annual salaries were paid as follows: President, $6,000; sec- retary, $1,800, ana treasurer 3uu. Aie fdllj dofroporated Miller's statement mat no money nau ever ueeu cs.peLiy.eu by their association to influence legisla tion. ' : NoMe Sentiments. Oa last Sunday DrTalmage preach ed a sermon'appropriate to Decoration Day. In the course of his remarks" he said: -The boys in blue and those in grey went ddwrl into the same tent for the nighty They put their heads on the same' pillow of dust, t They have stack ed their arms. They have ended their march. Thev have fought their last battleC-'SIeei) ongreathostof Federals ana uonreaeraies, uu uie luoiuiuk UghlhsbalUbreak .through the rifts of thef tents and the; trumpets shall sound the" fSVellle "Of 'the resurrection.- It aefems to toe vef-y much like this : Two Brothers get: Into an awful fight and tftey are both slain, The mother hears; Jtout it. She comes down and she sees them stretched on the crass. She kneels 1WiweEn.them.i5he puts aria one around .Giorgr knd tbe dther arm around Thomas. She does not scop 10 inmK which wa right or which was wrong ; she kisses them both. And so our Northern and ' Southern brothers went forth into the conflict, and they fell. Now, this week, let the United States Government, the mother otus all, come down to the field, and putting one arm over the grave of the Northern men, fcnd- tlte other arm over the grave of tbe -Southern men, pronounce her benedic tion upon tbera all. 1 Waiting for , Circumstances, Free Press. When the Leeislatnre convened last .winter a member of Uie "Third Hbuse," who was anxious to make personal ac quaintances and discover what sort of men he had to handle, was introduced ta-a representative from the .wilder ness districtvttfld hestfaigfttway began to throw out feelers; - ..f "l presume you will take an active part in the 'present session?" he queried. . . - . ',' Wall T ilnnnn " was tiift donhtfiil rp- "Are you pieogea r "Not to sueak of." "Have you any particular policy map first week 1 shall support an motions to adjourp 1 during the next I shall move to tmehd.' ahdRafter that I shall be sruided bv circumstances. Soma of our f oIWtMnk rn amroratxs:, and some of RTtvrfavl'rnvfooL'tod'rve cot to take a sort o' middle course and convince h-faetieris.- - '. ; 1 i 1 Ji '.. ..Almaasslstanf to nature in reetorlnz the stb tenrto perfect aftaHh6s? inalllDB;1t to resist (Mease, li Brown'e ltonPKters. - . i 1U luxe ,iaT tm i r, ut 'mi i ' miufi! trdbtes,'if;aaffe4to 'progress, result in is paimonarj aaccuiouB, viieuumea ; uicutik frjorowaj's iJroncmai xrocnea- reacn airecuy l ibe seiroftne disea an4 give almost Instant The Divinity of Human Nature. Man was created in the image of God, and this divine origin is yet stamped inefficably upon bis soul. The Queen of England was so delighted with a sermon which she beard from the Rev. John Caird, of Glasgow Scot land, that she ordered its publication. He subsequently published a volume of sermons, and from one of these I select the following beautiful extracts: "Re duce a human being ever so low, yet you cannot obliterate in his inner na ture the consciousness ' of falling be neath himself ; you cannot blot . out from his mind the latent reminiscence of a nobler and better self which he might have been, and which, to have lost, is guilt and wretchedness. So that, should there ever be brought before a fallen moral nature, in outward form a reality, a being the noble realization of its own lost spiritual excellence the full, perfect, beautiful reproduction fn actual existence of that splendor of moral loveliness which was once its own the latent instinefce of the soul is roused to recognize and identify therein its lost original. f "In the Scriptural ideal of boljjiess, and in that sublime emjjodjment-of it. which is presented in the character and' history of Jesus Christ, the soul which is brought face to face with it, recog nizes a something which comes home to itself, with all the painful ree-lity of a lost and abandoned good. Repentance is the recognition, by the fallen self, of its true self in Christ." The more sinful a human soul be comes, the more wretched it becomes. At the time when the divine image of the crucified and sinless Christ was first' presented io the civilized pagan world, this - wretchedness seemed to have reached its height. "On that hard Roman world disgust And deepest loathing fell. n 1 weariness and Bated lust ' Made human life a heU." They had learning they had fame they had wealth, and yet of all the moral sweetness and purity which blesses and refreshes life there was a dearth so profound that in spiritual matters "the heavens above them Were as iron, and the earth beneath them was as brass." Then came, like the breath of heaven into the pestilential atmosphere of a charnel house, the preachers of the Cross. What image did they present to the sin-sick, dying souls of the lost world? Let Mr. Caird answer. "The vision of a Peifect Innocence in human foim of a sublime purity wiih which no alloy of sternness min gles, a mental and moral elevation in which no trace of self-consciousness can be detected, a piety wrapt as -an an gel's combined with the unassuming simplicity of a child a life of holiest friendship with God maintained amidst incessant toil and intercourse withimen a life of persistent self-sacrifice, un dimmed by one thought of personal ease, or one act of selfish indulgence a life in which love, tender as a mother's, grew more fervent in the midst of in-gratitude-in one word, a perfectly holy human life." Degraded as the Romans were, the divinity in their own natures enabled them to receive the quickening in fluences of the divinity in Chaist. As the viper bitten Israelites rushed to the brazen serpent, so these sin-bitten pa gans rushed to tlie root 01 the Cross. No', until recent researches reve tied the vast subterranean tomt-filled vaults of the catacombs under the city of Rome, did modern scholars realize the won derfully rapid spread of Christianity during the first three centuries after the advent of the God-Man. As se crecy in burial became unnecessary after the conversion of the Emperor Constantino the interments in the cata combs took place before that period. Padre Marchi estimates that there are in these vaults over seven millions of graves. Then comes the momentous quest on : "At this rate of increase, why did not the whole world become Christianized V" I think it was because the civil power, while accepting the New Testament practically rejected the old. The two were onlv different parts of a divine whole. You cannot deprive an eagle of one of it wings and then expect it to fly. The Romans believed their own civil laws'superior to any that could be found in the Bible, and thus a heathen state and a Christian church have been, during all these long ages, struggling to exist in combination;- but the divinity of human nature rebels against it it fights for its birth-right, and we see in the 18th century the disciples of Vol taire and Rousseau preaching political freedom, in spite of the Church, a church bound in the chains of humanly in vented civil government. Without knowing it, they weie advocating the political rights which the Old Testa ment would have given them in a more nerfectform. rerhaps tbey would nev er have rebelled against the church had the church been true to the teachings of her divine Redeemer. It was lie hfmself who Said, "Had ye believed Motes,-ye would have believed me. Haa the Roman Church oeuevea Moses, the' advocates of political freedom would have found What they sought in thfe church, and wonld probablynever havfljbeen driven into infidelity by the pouucai tyranny anu corruption or so- called Christian governments. i. m. x. wo in iv. How Shall She Preserve IIr Health and Beauty One who has lone investigated this subject elver the result, and Is happy to say that lt ts found In woman's "Best Friena." n is aaapiea especially to that great central, alt-con'rol lng organ, the womb, correcting Its dlserders. and curing any ir regularity or tne "menses." or "courses." r. j. Bradfleid's Female Regulator acts nice a cnarm in whites, and in sudden or gradual checking, or In enure stoppage of the "montniy courses," rrom cold, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge m every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of the womb, Its action U prompt ad decisive, sav ing, the constitution from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfl!d, Atlanta, Ga. -Price: trial slxe, 75c large size, S 160. For sale by all druggists. - While other Baking Powders are largely adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugs, has been tept unchanged in all its original " puNty and strength The hest evidence of Jaits safety and effectiveness is the fact of ' 'Hi having received ' the highest testimoni- :; afs from the tnost eminent chemists in tho Unifed Stater, who hart analyzed it, from . .HsjMtn&ucijQii to theh present time. Mo pother powders pbdirjto'food results by the ' ' trV9 test the TEST'OF THE OVEN. litlS A PUBE FRQIT RC10 BUIRG POVJDER STEELE &' PRlCB. Chicago, IILa and; Sty Louie, Mo., IUmMkin4fc.rHertrjslvwrrt8BMs. L,d Asiray. Feraandlna, Nassau co.; Fla, March 29, 1860. "I have used" Ut Simmon - Liver Regulator and always found It to do what U ilatmnl tnr If Th last bottle and two packages did me ho good and were worse tnan nothing. 1 see It la not put up by a. utuuu a. iu, anu not genuine, and a waste 01 mney 10 ouy u. 1 would be glad to get the pure and genuine. Send me some from hontt huruia (with red Z and Zsldn a Go's signature on Wrap- . lut) ucutiuus stun 80..U win injure some one badly. Your ob't ser't, BKMJTRICa." etar &xtextistvxznts. From the Toledo Blade-1 SURPRISING EFFECTS OF IXTBiCT OF CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, As I a variably Produced by Dr. C. IV. Benaon'a Celery and Chamo mile PllU. They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state Just what my Fills are made to cure, and what they have cured and wiU cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, 6lek Headache, Nervous Headache,' Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and. Dyspepsia. These diseases are all nervous dls-' eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, Irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and' body, indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, and yet, for 50 cents. you can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you, and for 85, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to elve satts- facUon If used as directed and will cure any case, h Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. '1 Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for Jl, or s'x boxes for 82.50, to any address. s q q DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE 9 la Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DI8EASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA. ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER rrCHINCSonaUpwtaof the o ra body. It maVnw the akin white, aoA sod smooth; removes ten and freckles, and ia the BEST toilet dressing in THB WOELD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. Pricetl. per package. C N. ( rlttenton. Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Penson's Bemedies. 115 Fulton street. New York. - iuni LYD1A E. PIN KHAKI'S VEGETABLE OOMPOUin). Is a Positive Cnre For all tkoM PalnfWl Cemplatats aa Vfesknessea so eonswa to oarest feaale population. . A H ediciae for If oman. Invented by a Woman Prepared by a Woman. Ths Greatest Medical DiteoTery SI see tke T)wa of History. tyit ruvlfos the drooping spirits, lnrigorates and harmonizes the organic functions, gires elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. "Physicians Use. It and Prescribe It Freely "5 It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cored by its use. For the care of Kidney Cosaplslnts of either sex this Oosapousl is ansmrpused. LTD I A E. PrXKHASTS BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, SI. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Finkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet No family should be without LTDlA E. PXNKHA1T8 lYKR PILLS. Thev cure constipation, biliousness. LITER K and torpidity of the itver. SS cents per box. 43-Soldby all Dru.isista.-eil SCARE'S Ij'EUIT Preservative, one 2oc packsge will pre' Jj serve 20 pounds of fruit. For sale by B. H. JORDAN & CO., may26 Tryon street. WHITE'S TOOTH SOAP, Jewsbety and Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste and Sozodont; f r sale by B. H. JOKDAN ft CO., my28 . Druggists. VIOLA COLOGNE Is the best; for sale only by V B. H. JOKDAft & CO. ma 24 " . " AFRESH SUPPLY- OF MUhl8squoi, Imported Vleher; Apolltnarls, Hath jrn and Corgrees Water just received by U. H. JuBLtAN ft CO., may 2 ' . . Druggl ts whi:eler'S TON! . E Ix1-. T on Blttii,Hop BUters.;Bostet ter's fct trr. F I low- Compoooa yrup of the Bypophisihlu s, Hor. ford's Acid Phosphate, a run supply at ts. H. JoKDAN ft CO.. i Druggkts. mavtt WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand the finest Green and Black Teas for the let all trade. B. H. JOBD4N 4 CO, maj2rl Tryon street FLESH BRUSHES A ND Bath Towels, for sale by iv a h. Jordan ft co.. may26 DfUggtstS.' WE KEEP rnHR Best Re and iCcClaam ; 1 B. H JOBD4N ft CO., may26 Druggists, Tryon sfreet F. 0. MUNZLER itiENT sTor; i ' i Tbe Berpsr & Enfil Briery Companys .r0 CVflsalAlwKlsa Da If lebratcd lagfr isccr, to Kegs-and Bottles. BOTTIuBD BEER A SPECIALTY! tVEave Just received a small lot of BOTTLXD ALX and PURTIB, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address : V - Jk. r A"- l VaT n juoca dux aoo, vnaawwo, w4 mbr28 . - i.:t. !. . . -i To Our Fit iiilni liis.'- JflJSf EECETODD f A Large shipment of that Very Popular 4-4 Bleached Domestic at 10 Cents, Th8 Best ever sold In this Market for that Honey. We are offering Special BarBAlna in Dress Goods, Summer Silks, Ladles', and Children's Hosiery; if you want a halt dozen Hose at a sacrifice come and see onr stock r Lace Curtains In all new designs and verj cheap; Dress Trimmings in all shades and varieties) we have aorerj hand some piece of Bugle Fringe at $1.25. a large stock of .Fassamentrles arid Ornaments; the largest and CHEAPEST STOCK OF'LAcisV Of all descriptions, to be found in the city ; Ladles' Ulsters at SI. aiasiJ, fra.fa an fk and S6 each; Pearl Shirts, Universal Patterns; Turner's handsome 8boes for Gents, Kviu'a Ladles' Shoes; the Best Corset for 81; Trunks, Valises, Hats, -Boots, Shoes, Ac, , Plain and' Lace Buntings, at . 13c, T5e, S3c, , 65c sued , HAEGEAYES& WIIbHliaDM W .Unfit ;1 0JK-ftSr7HL& -rliHrT1 " M MEET -AT THE ! i CROSS mo lEp Every Gross Road, I Wuli I H " butj I H gl' : CAROLINA, FOR TBE; NEXT SIXTY DAYS. rmr 1 tmdj I ' ' " ""' " ' . " -i'S1 HE HAS zS . ORGANS 150 -AND Trnm a ttctttn -AND FORTY MULES t LOADED WITH MUSIC ENOUGH TO COVER THE 40 ACRES. ' i ' : - ! - v . ' . ' '"'. f he Pianos and Organs MUST BE SOLD, AND IF HE IS NOT AT HE WILL BEj AT HEADQUARTERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, i - - . . He is Bound to Sell. Ask His isCi5e jSsChb w : of the nwMi wWonJiij' JforSke Oare' of 'thie'dlaeaao and lta ttendafatsy i BICS-HADACHmiOUSTES tTSf PEPSIA, CONSTIPATIOa. YILJbgfeteytaat tUT.IV ,ye' galned'a vroricbwlde mutation reaVa' emedr-aaaj eveirbeen aia'coTeetT tHar acta eo ge4tiyottJUie ve organo, j -wing thenjvigpr 4q ae rimilata fooAj --A a resnlt, the Kerroua Byetenirisv Braci e Slusclea are Peveloiped, aad. the 1 artfaxsk Kv pUatatloa toW ovorsd yoarax eo aSOOSBtOKDUWOl, nearly dlseouragl my latoorers) aooav tame wBt w tsUriy. paial fm wl turv. . . A. nrHlSrfrot County Commlslltfheri M Karl- I ' tvTrrirmirrtv. B, CL. are now reikdri M leoalve bMi forvhaiidlna a new court house in Bennetts vllle. . C.. s aathorlied. J) Act I of treneral As Hmhlt. T. titans! -anaV antieiricallohHh furnished on L anpacattoaf lso plana and srettfulonAsoncit Lgd. Correspondence from -pe rcontract sblletted.' Address . r orrteg ihel W5. nacuras Body Bobnatv :. f .j. j L tifif ft saasetrrneMaaaracrop oa diaeoaeaand bhfllsM , I vm t-wb-i- i m of Osav tesTfl?r wtereipM r baaaasj nartr.eadroDua, ratal aewtttnne I 1 tf v nmrnmsr.VmitntHintltoi oKWT I BT.irt M a Sin irl-anpuomuoa wi- s "j iimnn Lmparte a gatorsXcoloc, and acte tos . .iWiiwntNvW W avea& agency la Vhanotte o: o efola by Drnggistt, or sent by exbitSTy nrvllle; who wlli receive orderf t or -cfOaeablta&i:ih'.:Li I . 1 reduced mien: "z" 'tJklu lr-JV") at, .v-a' n ii -AT THE THE ABOYE PLACE Priee and lw Will be Happy. I c E E 'AWING to recent advances nn ICK by the deal J tn North and the high prices oi fuel here we are compelled to advance the prices of IOK for (his season dating Irem nd. after May 1st, the lollowlnc. rwilt he the. rates delivered from the wagon to consumers in any part of the city: . 2t pourids tiaiiy beitery 85c per week Yg" :m: . '.k tm--f -:60e 415 . :.r . 1.60 .20 . 't . " r 2.10 To Bestaurants. CreamfDalers. Soda Foun tains, ft&, me per pound. i Special? contracts for large Quantities. 1 we are now mamrfaetuffrig a aaperior quality of lew ftom msfUIfd, water takeu Xrom primes ther rby rendering tbli I 'E the ' most' t esirab e for 'doinee v'e CuatLmersLwne de not desire regu lar HttanMMeed!lr can procure of tbe driver or at the vfhee 'astt ttckei 'Allpereoae are req-iestrd to report: any lrregukarUles la tbe reception of th lr eupi'ij. , ' We also have a larrelock select Laths. Lum berrhinjdea, fta, and. Coal for jamlly. foundry and smttn'S hse. " ' " i Thtakfal for a very generous, support in the past we solicit a continuance of tbe same In the ruture, prom'slng our best iftofas topleaieall. VerTpeotto,,,,..., may im? J Q ftti H, , fiarlotte, N. C. UQB ! LILIfi! .LinE! TTJ YTNQ now two more Kilos in addition to our XJUJPKRPk'lJAL KILN we are now prepared to Flfut4iieEltH PKOinPTL.Y, HiaMtotl(.and si 'prices that defy competl- tton. f we gnaraatee quality, ana mace no cnarge Lirnv proves saasiactory." r a. c. sum small lets at Keferenceas te onaUt of Urae given on appli cation. BIMON BBOTHXBS, SpwklinCatawbaSpiings'- ' OAXaVtrJSA VQVIiTY, N. c. rpHX best UedUnaJ Mlaeia; Waters and most eitenslTely teW Pe taJ the Stale, near Hickory arid Wstarn Ktet tCaeUn BaUroad, la ten lor ieieet iajta,, . r - toxruithCT puticulan address . r i r i I.- V lt f r r i ' i 1 i'1 1 ' J a i- Hi. V ""'"1 .! 1 ..ill K - ''I-Sll i i;t .m 'k' t , '.liShiiWW tits Ma t .

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