: t " 1 C J jXJ Yy i "St)ttAgKrE, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1882. - - . : NO. rrZT I Southern omen in Southern Factories. I 4T. I UfTj A Tl 1 1 Tk '1 J .'v'.'J v I Svi Tr? ci!!!; "ru?z I a I lull Dm ah fin nnii, MoTiiAnn. 20th gffTTlM i knlllllnilta. CALL AMVSEE 7 i i, THK HANDSOMEST Retail tefW Y In the State of North Carolina. ALESAHDEB & HAEEIS, HAYS a PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS.' PEG RAM & CO., Stock 6f Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes I 81 IS GOODS in ine alate. uhii ana sw mem. ALKXxNDJLBA BAHRI8. 35 TSilfrl CALL ueclljttJ:nUori to cur stock of NECK WK4HTtz: LkceC5nafj. Melius rmhwMe- h rmi!.r and evtry var t-ti or L uen ana rreaie n Polka Dot.afld ttlfc rriifeare-'WittniL J c i-r -. Call ana stf. iwp- PEGRAM & QO.,. L l. "! ' KKBP A WKLL SRLECTiD" cTOfcK OF Trmiks'aM Yalices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. . : 1 tT-. , i Alexander & narns H IV B a raagitlflont stock i.f WH1TB oX)r)9 ?lz: Linen Lawiu inaia mwi aln80uks. India MuiM4 a6 jfvniht)d Poiku Dot Swiss. Mullns in rmie "mA JilCQ.IIIB d fcgrifefJ fects, with Lace and KmbroUery to trim. PEGRAM & CO., HAVK JUST RECEIVED A FINIS STOCK OF Of the Latest 8tyles. Of iheLtttettBtjIesi WE HAfalttoendoos and CBidr m Ktock of Ladles'. Misses uhleh.-wawlsh,to.Te- dues. leessvHi be Kiwi m iev I )1 Farmer yriirds, . With any kinds BOOTS and SHOES THEY WI8H. VISITORS"5 H nnO the celebratKi aatoDisked when tney X hear ourprteafc on make a s pedal tjjfcJJbese MS fcooa. We A. BBIS. -OUR- OTOCk efKESfflSOOiJB, fte; O lnailodiors found in all gri PEG R AT.T23i5C0 cexp ALt smseArt. ri (Zf Mllill WLSALI eri.x mmr The Only? Wo no in URtiUy run tn mayl8 Pegrain wn a a woa TW. . TRAVELING BiG Our store will be closed 20i. 1 1 nVlnrit a. m. VTHtri roow v tKGBAM A CO. ! RE QJUl uMf jfou siiMsy- 1S& Bl 'i Black Caahmeres. Nun's Yelling, TamlBe CloCnifl QyssV SJMIsSJPoe MUMS V .- i. MeA Bilk arenadlnes, Brocaded BUks, etc., ttcn the Mieit reran ir am ne XANDEB BUI city. Second Stock. J-JaVING just returned from the Eastern Mar kets the second time tbia season, we are now able to show the Trade all the NKW THINGS In toe war f Nevelttes of the season. replenished oarl,ACK SILK STOCK with Moires, Brocades, Satins and Surahs In all shadeiy Summer -Sitka and Foulards. Also a handsome stock of Satteena In fancy colors. TMuns VeUJcta allrcolors from 35c to $1 per yard. t4ew lotltlicestn ill the new designs. One of the cheapest and handsomest lots of LAWNS To be found In the city. Hull Muslins In pinks, blue and cream. A new lot of Ulsters for Ladles ... . In Linen and Mohaljj A new stock of 0f J- ? PARASOLS? The cheapest and most handsome styles. : Some new Neck Wear In new styles. A new lot of Buntr tag In all colors fron12tto to Softer yard.-. ; Comend send W mvtoeeVtnaV we 'nave tbrgoodfan4 iloestOBaltyon; . .L jl Vs ' ,Yry Bespetcfl.1 y, . i . t '"-" rr. j, seigle & co. , 14 ;?S8s-,aili Cbrf for Burns, Bcaias, iirmses, jnts, sores, etc. Alter forty years of trial, Perry DavUUatnimierstJcndsTmrivaiea It is safer It acta iftimediatelyl It never fails! Editor of the fti. John CS. B.) News, says : In flesh wouudd, acnes, iwiins, sores, ere., It la the most effectual remedy we know of. No farjeUfyfehoulcl be wrchonfe s bottle of It 'fora-sfneleJiour. i . .1 From the Cincinnati Dispatch : we have een its magic enecrs, ana Know "-'Ktorjftrooaarae4e.i , . From 1. 8. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld, RhAiiian prniau: - - After Iobj years of nse, I am satisfied it Is positively efficient as a healing remedy I OT wounaa, onuses, ami Bx axua. r. sr. Miarper,TaldoBj, Ga.fay : It la a Danacea for AU brulaes and butna. It gare me muneuuiu) rcuei. In forty years' use it never has failed me. i nM vonr rAHf kjixkb uenuy. hi i relieve pain and soreness, and hhalt wounds like magic. r J XT. Tlao na.va I " J seatas ana mms n nas no equiu. k TAATtS PAIN KTtxm ot m new anmeniemenj. oriuri it hMbten t oost&at us ; and those who hu.n4 Mi tWonmit tore 1tbeM friend Itaaneoes iii!rirbcuep'lt8!nl' I Since the lnKHlwa firat hitrottaeaf hundred of new medicines nave come ana while to-day this meaicine is more nsed ana more bJcnlT valued livery rgmuyJls w nave have botareddvfor ute. . Mrttivpasn ana neavy ind doctors bills 1 may often oe tavea oy prompi he Pain Killer, unlike most ae irain xkiiier. utuxkc vum 'mtLnf? even in the hands r m UnA. Ttt it once thorouBrhlv. ana it r . . , will mT its valne. Your drnezlst has it and Sl.QAper hot DAVIS AtW N , f,roprlto, f ft Prewtdeno," ept dtw sept & oct. TO' Mintralj Water ! ! I J 3 Br i ' i T a, . X Mix i t w.l ic: ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) Pf ii.s r !.i!J ; j: j i t ivn ! 11 i , n. .i j Jifswi . Mm2aMrm-mmm, n .. T 1 fhtt 'Ti"isr n fhtMairfto-jrandiSyBtOT. kln Diseases, Scronua, enronic rneuiuuiu, cw. . . . VTT -It U a-oowerlnl ATteranvejiy"!? IS. L" MAEAKUfctottseetaHaao enunent pnyucfana t uppvr-j i nunnlMti , ac on Alx. tor-dKeet!irom tne yHbeat&d in Rock pnoge oouBtf-a JOt lua ncepuuu D6I tsi, eacn nllb dV J. H. Me- ADEH and DrT. CZEUTra, Chsrlotte,-. C. marl2 ly mm: Willi A U1A)IW i nilN PflT.T.ARS. . " ; . . n r.r irQrnnMH at 1 1IP. HOSIEliT'lfSOM 5e up, FAN3 FROM 2c up. I - ?4C., AC., &C. UNDER TRADERS' NAT. BANK. mavlO J aJ V 8isb'felJiioasTy'B. RundW8e -world. Try It Derore vujmnw ntT umuk tx r. .w.jrvt'0 jiJijSLtiiiflsiitosfc .KM.WnT--.T.nir,ra?!.wr (ai'n'Jtf 1 liJV I. V I , 1' PERRY & f L DAVIS' V PAIN KILLER gone. ixt&uively mam ever tdbM -rf ofrT "iff .At i HfTTfYT ' r 1- mi Irr mayll A JltOe peach In an orchard grew A little peach of emerald hue, Vanned by tne sun and wet by the dew, It grew. One day, passing the orchard through, The little peach dawned on the view Ol Johnny Jones and hid sister Sue Them two. - . c , Vp at the peach a club they threw; Down irora the stem on which It grew ell tbe little peach of emerald hue. Don Dteul . She took a bite and John a ehew, .And then the trouble began to brew Trouble the doctor couldn't subdue. Too true! Under the turf where the daises grew They planted John and his sister Sue, And their little souls to the angels flew. Boo-hoo! ' ttnt Wtmt. r t.h riAarfi of emerald nCke. I Cwanned by the son and wtt by the dew? ! A b ! well; its mission on earth Is through. Adieu! t i , NEWS NOTES. . Stephen Von Bour a native of Bav ajia, who murdered a schoolmate about a year ago and fled to this country, was arrested, t, Pittsburg, fa,, yesterday. Von By4f cottf eSsett; tbfl crim.$. : :. Geo. N. Bliss, State Senator of Rhode Island, has become insane.-his malady asserting itself while he was delivering a memorial day oration. Tbe coinage at the Philadelphia mint during May aggregated 3,442,000 pieces, valued at $6,682,400. Patrick Egan telegraphs from Paris to James Mooney, of the American Irish Land League; that there is perfect accord between himself, Parnell and Dillon. 5n Tuesday Lieut. Danenhower call ed n Gen. and Mrs. Grant, in New York, and yesterday was the guest of Admiral Porter, at the Brooklyn navy yard, where he dined wjththe admiral and his staff. , "The steamship Alaska sailed from! New : York Tuesday witn 347 camn pas sengers, among whom! were Hon. W. H. ;JInnt, United States minister to Russia ; Hon., Alphonso Taft, United. States jrfiniiter to Austria, and Mr. Cyrus W. V'Dri Gi jJV!Campbell,' the "oldest and mtoat eminetrftphysician of MontrtaI, aiifka-iiied pu Tuesday in Edinburgh, .S-.'(tlaidl " tin Uad "onjy -lately strccefd--VTlo a Scotch baronetcy ly the . death tan elder Wotltpr. ' ' , 4n A ll v' a kj v a , m ""--'"' . JSU-pheiis and. Vi-Fi'tfsidMt Ii- 1? Angus, of the Canada i acitic road, and oi hers, f epresen.fi nV-a. eapital of $15, 000,000, propose to " buy " bonds of the Car i Ada .paci flc, the -Ton pany . agreei ng toitCcept'them in payment for lands wnich are to be used for purposes of colonizatioir.,' ? f France seems 6 be" taking the lead in dealing with-Egyptian affairs, , A diplo matic conferences the powers at Con Rtsntinonle is uroDOsed. -Germany and 'P.ussia are expected to co-operate with b;ngianu ana f ran.ee u,iuii veuuua ia determined upon. STATE NEWS. Greensboro Bugle; Mrs. Geo,W. Al bright, who lives near Greensboro, has gonte t.) "cultivating the silk worm industry. She has a number now vig orously at work. y f Durham Recorder: Dr. Rowe record- fed last month seventy-live chattel ortgages, ten moragef deeds, fifteen ?n bons, and eigfit fee slmpre feeds.' lien We learn from our stamp agent, Mr. Lmes Dike, that he sold during the oames hontb fl May &r7,n.2$werjhif smps Wins Rlpibricarr. tI! building boom has struck mrrstorx, There are more new buildings now under contract than ever before in the history of the town the large majority of them are brick and. very handsome. - Lenoir Topic: Died iii the Valrey 'of the Yadkin, at the residence of Gen. C. Leventhorpe. May 23d. Col. Larkin Bartlett Bryan, in the 73d' year of his During the heavy thunderstorm of last Sunday, a man who was driving a team up the turnpike 'beWfeerr Patter son and Blowing Rock, was stunned by flash of lightening,; and, when he recovered consciousness, he found himaftlf some distance from the road down the mountain side. How he got s there is the mystery. Monroe Express : The peach crop will be the heaviest in years. The trees are overloaded. ; There isa thr.ee legged dog at Mr. M. Osbornj rM'IQ run like a facer. One leg was cut off By the train.- " Carolrf Watehmaas The storm-Wed- . i 'Thorn wftffi l4rlv ft fdw'iyrawls among i j nere were xm i v io whyyio smuug the negroes On the 8dt. A good many, imbibed too much, but behaved better than uaual oiL&uchjaccasions. r The Western R. R, Shops atjthis, place have turned puttwo handsome observa tion caraforfthe use ofs feupimep tfavel pn that road. ' l -Mr aIp.t. Biown brought to our bnteb thDl week? some- stalks-ot wheatr toR7ft& TiiffH. 1 Wheat? and oats arei (attaining extrodinary growth of stalk Jalmost everjhfere. Antdthereia not a corresponcMBgeblargemeaWf head. Many,crops are ikely to prove deficient 'TtteWoier f urnisllfcg from 8 to 12 tons of concentrates per day-iwhich is being treateat the Davis Chlorination nrv.lrii annoaaaf nllv. nr-T ixlzhiApb-sfias, iukt concladed the sure otHhe Ilndleman igoli min lying 6 miles southeast or oansoury. Meaara DnfTiele and Waeber, of New Yorky werRthepurchasefSj ; They have been here prospecting the property for ab"6uf'a month; wilch is eumeient evidence that thjeyi are pleased with News and Observir: Mr. T. B Dandy; the: accomplished assistant chemist'-UBdfij.Prof. Dabney, sails for cnmnAVvfi t.h loth. and' wHl make a trip oto&Mnths ere., he, returns, to .There will.be two!'gTC'aVriHt and rfoo hihif this vearione at Greens- ora anu tne-omer t tu 1 ii j i if Msj i IU t - 'TTJflgrtW Thought. Wall StlliWfc;, J-V) it,- urinitKtoBeeorid year.Qf .the war,? grocer in-an Ohio town scaledhis prrcw by reports from the front. One day a air pat would cut the price . of, butter 4 leafc"thft,lHt day a victory woumj false tneiJnce oi eggs xnwj ani:victQfy ,prfeattwas certain to Mt ever the jar of nutmegs m the shtelf, Ond day afarmer who had some butter? toi sell entered the store and asked tha Koine price. - "I'm paying sixteen toj i'aUvouMi ttventy.les'.bu you see jf ope uas uoou that, and there is a back, action" Th0 farmer sold out and "wanted the most t in nnerar. and the arrocer remarked has advanced ancea a cent yuuuu "rS onmel ho wis that r? Monday." "Merc ds; gii ilcked in Ten- "Becausi neaaee." "JLUB Wi Pi. uww A.A jfAli lATirtl ATtTl nail , kpff nd IbPUZftW t aU, oven . ai ....tin lAnlrail nn.aniT said:. MY 1 1 cht. wrnl nov.' 'na Ts victory u l& heli f MyouUbelnlf were squic 'tei-i without a rlTal, WW not cease neaaacae. mowu e Iron Bitters. Southern omen in Southern Factories. Charleston News arid Courier. The Atlantic Monthly is publishing "Studies in the South, by the author of Certain Dangerous Tendencies' in American Life," who has traveled through the Southern States with the object of seeing for himself what is the exact condition of the Southern people and what are their plans and prospects for the future. No other educated North, ern man has seen so far, or so much, and given the result of his observations with so intelligent an impartiality. His remarks on Southern manufactures are very timely. . Thousands of young wo men are now employed in factories in the South, and as the mills grow in number the demand will rapidly inr crease. It is, therefore, well worth while to know how Southern girls, in 'th factories, compare with the opera tives in the North. The Atlantic Monthly's contributor examined every paxt of the Southern mills, visited manjlof the operatives in their homes, inspected their houses and surroundings.' and learned as much as possible about sani tary matters, their food, social, and pel sonal habits, use of leisure time, their morals and general tone, temper and character. It was manifest to him that there is a cqmf or&J able and satisfactory reeling Detween employers and employed. "Everywhere the mill-owners, agents and overseers say that the Soutnern operatives are the best laborers. in the world, the most loyal to the interests of their employers, and most pleasant tempered and easily managed." It was impossible, he says, to obtain from the laborers any expres sion of dissatisfaction with their em ployers, or; any. indication of restless ness or discontent among the mill peo- ?le. The wages paid and the hours of abor are about the same as hi New England, but tbe Southern operatives have better and much larger houses than the same class of laborers in the Northern States.' The Atlantic's con tributor . found the relation between the f adtbry people and their employers more patriarchal 'and less "demo cratic" than "in New England. There is no feeling of antagonism, and the working people have, no apparent no tion that the interests of the manuf ac turers and those of the laborers are op posed or even distirjet. This frank ad mission is made : '"There is much less drinking, and theie is beyond all comparison less of lit? utiouaness, among them than in thdir class in New England. The wo- men and piris who work iu Southern mills are, I am convinced, almost all of good cbaractor. I inquired everywhere in regard to this, and was uniformly told that when. occasionally happens, a girl of immodt it behavior comes into a mill to work ihe women employed there detecu her at once, and commonly expel her by the severity of their man ner toward her. But if she does not go, the women make complaint to the agent of the mill, and the offender is at once discharged. ;. It is announced ana wen understood everywhere that no person of known vicious habits or character will be employed or rt '.ained in a cot ton mill there, and the effect is certain ly' most wholesome. 1 observed every where that the women and girls in the mi"s were modest and feminine in looks ami bearing." The Atlantic's contribu tor sa s, too, that it can be seen at once that the Southern operatives are less intelligent; that they are not so "well inform(d jibont what is going on in the world" as the New England operatives, but they are more placed, contented, industrious and less restless. They are more domestic and regular, in their habits aud character. He says : Southern operatives read less than the Northern ; they have not so many ideas, and they have not been affected in any considerable degree by the 'reforming and progressive' senti ments and influences of the time. They are, in consequence, happier, less liable to discontent, and far more useful and agreeable to their employers." The Atlantic's contributor is surpris ed and delighted at what is a matter of course to us. and he has a realizing sense of the fact that the spread of what is called knowledge is not always ac companied by the elevation of morals. In New England, the tendency is to develop the brain at the expense of the heart In the -South the tendency has been the other way. Nowhere in the :-world are the domestic . virtues more iich and strong than in the Southern States. The whole course of living was such as to bring out the sweetest and purest traits of character, and Southern girls to-day, in their simple faith and hfttter protected' against themselves than, the New England girls with their, metaphysical speculations and glut of encyclopedias. Upon the foundation-which the Southern girls have, a fabric of learning can be erect ed safely; knowledge so applied ripens and enriches the. moral as well as the infellectual side Of woman's nature. In New rigland the disposition is to put 8eurr knowledge in advance of moral teaching. We know the result But we have. strayed from our immediate iubject iwhich, was, to show that a New England observer, with no leaning to pur side, is ptofbandly impressed with the dignity, cleanliness and wholesome bess of the lives of the Southern wo men who in the different factories are earning their own living. DItressed no More. i : .Wilmington, N. C, Feb'y 4, 1881. ' H. H. Warner & Cot -Sirs Your Safe Kidney an Liver Cure has entirely relieved me of a dis tressing kidney difficulty. KOGSBJJOOBB, ;, Kx-Chlef, Fire Dept. A true assistant to nature in restoring tera to perfect health, thus enabllDg It disease, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. the sys to resist Sore Throat, Cough, Cold and similar troubles, If suffered to progress, result In oartnna nnimomirv aflecaons oftentimes Incura ble. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" reach directly the seat of the disease, .and give alinost luvant relief. . - Uuw vball Site rr. scrvr is r ni aiiu and Kcauiy. Ond who has long Investigated this surject glv's the result, and Is happy to say w-i u is iouna in Woman's "Best irieua.' i lauapieu rBjjc;iwijr to that great central, ai-c-nroi mg orgau. mo womb, correcting Its disorders, and curing any lr- i. i... 'mAnaM " nr "Aniirsifa." Dr. .1 Jt-K u 1.11 il J v mo .1 . . . , , . io.aafliri' vnmain lieeulator acU like a charm tn Whites, and In sutfdea or gradual checking;, pr In entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold mental trouble, or like eauses, Dy rmionng the uatu-al discharge In every instance. In chronic canes, so orten resulting in uicerauuu. umu wi the womb, its astion Is prompt a .d decisive, sav ing' the constttuuon irom nuoiueurBs etu u tt , . j . DumnM hv. n. J RranAln Ltftulta,Ga. Price: trial slxe. 7oc; large ulze, $1.50. For sale by ail druggists. , I o E E OWING to recent advances on ICS by the deal era North and the high prices of fuel hew we lire eompeUed to advance the prices oi iuk ior this season aaung irom ouu uci mjo, uo mhaiHko rii i im tha rates delivered from the wagon to consumers In any put of the city: 21A pounds Dally Delivery, 8 20 M " 85c per week 90c " $1.10 1.60 2.10 ' Tn tMfanrantn. Tm Cream Dealers. Soda Fourt- talns, Ac lVic per pound. Special contrac-s for large Quantities. . . wo ,M nnn miuinfaetnrlnff a sUDerlor Quality of kee from distilled water taken from Springs thera- J .via TiTIE tha mnat iMlrah!A for S.nu nu rhistomers who do not desire regu- UUtUWMV w-w. . . . . . rocuro oi uie urircr ui irsons are requested the reception of their sui a linm tor aalect Laths. Lum ber, Shingles, Ac, and Coal for family, foundry and smith's use. , ' '. Thankful for a very generous support In the past we solicit a continuance of the same tn the man, promDdng our best efforts to please alL .Yerfresrctfauy, ANTHONT St B&YCX mayglm P. O. Box 163, Charlotte, N. C. Led A stray. Femandina, Nassau co., Fla., March 29, 1880. "I have nsed Dr Simmons Liver Regulator and always found it to do what la claimed for It. Tbe last bottle and two packages did me no good and were worse than nothing. I see tt la not put np by J H Zellln & Co, and not genuine, and a waste of money to boy it. I would be glad to get the pure and genuine. Send me some from horn st hands (with red Z an Ztsllin 008 signature on Wrap per). The fictitious stuff sold will injure some one badly. Your ob't sery't, BEHJTRIC&" From the Toledo Blade. 1 SURPRISING EFFECTS OF IXTRAVT OF CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, As Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Benton's Celery and Chamo mile Pllla. ' They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation Just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured end will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, and yet, for 50 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction If used as direct ed and will cure any case. 8old by aU druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, ltd. By mall, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure EOZEMA, T SITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonsJlpartaof tbe body. It makes the akin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in 'I'M w WOELD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting- of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. fzioe SI -per package. C N. Crittenton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies. 115 Fulton street, New York. Junl LYDIA E. PINK. HALTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. . Isa PotitlTe Cure Fer all tkose Palaful Cosulatsts and Weaksesaes so eomntti t ear best female aopolatloa. X Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. Th Oreatsrt XsdUal TtUtJtrj Slate the Dawn or History. tylt re-riTes the drooping spirits, lsvigorates and haxmoaises the organic functions, glres elasticity and Ormness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh rosea of life's spring and early summer time. l'Physicians Us It and Prescribe It Freely t It remores faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For tbe cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Cos, pound Is unsurpassed. ZTBIA E. PrVKHAMS BLOOD PTRTFTER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having It. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 133 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas. Price of either, fL Six bottles for So. Sent by mall in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, tl per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet Jfo family should be without LYDIA B. PJJTKHAM'S LTTEB PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 85 cents per box. 3-8old by all Dmggists.- 0) SCAUR'S LRUIT Preservative, one 25c package will pre- A? serve 20 pounds or rrutt. iror saie Dy R. H. JOBOAN & CO., Tryon street. may26 WHITE'S TOOTH SOAP, Jewsbeiy aid Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste and Sozodont; f r sale by B. H. JORDAN A CO., may28 Druggists. VIOLA. C OLOUNK Is the besi; for sle only by B, H. .IOHDAN A CO. raaj'iil A FRESH SUPPLY o FMI Issquitl, Tmpcrted Vlchey. Apolllnarls, Haiti ii and ' o.-greKS waterjusi receivea Dy a. a. juKua.r a w., may2U Drugglds. WHKELER'S TONIC EilxU, i on BMers, Hop BliteTS, Hostet ter's BUters, Ft-ilow'. Compound r-yrup of the ByoophosDhiWs, Hor. lord's Acid Phosphate, a full supply at tt. H. JORDAN A CO.. . ica-2fl Druggkts. WE KEEP C ONSTAKTLY on hand the finest ureenand Black Teas tor tne retail iraae. R H. JORDAN A CO . mai28 Tryon street FLESH BRUSHES ND Bath Towels, for sale by tt. tX. OVBUAJ a, Druggist?. may28 WE KEEP THB Best Be and 1 gga- & may26 Druggists, Tryon street. F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOB lb Berper & Engl Brewery (Of Philadelphia, Pa J Cfhbrated lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEEB A PECIAIiT3T, ; efHave lust reeelTed a small lot of BCrTTLXD ALB and POBTEB, which I offer to tut PUfiUc at a reasonable price. , - r- 1 " ' ' lBox2o Cbarlott.N.OL mbr28 iu uui nmm dim 1 uim JlUSf RECEIVED: A Large shipment of that Very Popular 44 Bleached Domestic at 10 Cents, The Best ever sold In this Market for that Money. We are offering Special Ftnt-p i n in Dress Goods, SummeT Silks, - Ladtes'fand Children's Hosiery; if you want a half dozen Hose at a sacrifice eom and see our stock;: Laos Curtains In all new designs and very cheap; Dress Trimmings In all shades and varieties; we havt a very hand some piece of Bugle Fringe at $1.25: a large stock of ,Passamentrles and OnjamenU; the largest and CHEAPEST STOCKt OP -LACES; ' 7 j. s -Tf!rto- Of all descriptions, to be found in the city; Ladies' Ulsters at SI, $f -25, S 1.50, $2,33,13.50, 15 and 6 each; Pearl Shirts, Universal Patterns; Turner'a handsome 8hoesfor Qeata. Irttt's Vadlss' Shoes; the Best Corset for SI; Trunks, Valises, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Ac; Plain and, Laoe BunUogs, at 12c, 15c, 33c, 50c, 65c and 75c HAEGEAVESS: WTXiEEZSlsHI 11 MEET ME . --AT THE AT THE cross roads; PSSeLfcj;- JM Gu HI 1 1 ii ttli WILL BEAT "t! PfB! CornerStore and Posloffice yNORTH ? SOUTH TTT? 150 ORGA-lSrS AND AND FORTY MULES LOADED WITU MUSIC ENOUGH TO COVER THE 40 ACRES.' f be Pianos and rgaps MUST BE SOLD, 3 - -4- AND IF HE IS NOT AT THE ABQXE PL ApE HE WILL BE AT HEATjQUARTERS CH ARLOTfTE, N. G. ; - ' ' He is Bound to Sell. M His Prjciafid,,! We Haly. NEAR MORGANT0,Jf . pK2 M W-M thji THjaa'trlvemrner traonWemNhCaBal $20 and $25. Address may 19 eod lm ' IU LUlllLUiVUUXU Tmt Board of County Commlssloners-.ol gao l1 boro county, 8, C are now I bids for building a ew court vllle, a a. as authorized 3 sembly. Flans ana epw.i nimiuun ij , appucauon. Also plana and pecons solicit ed. -Correirpondenoe from persons desiring tt contract aoiicnea. Auure , Chairman B. C. C , BennettsvlUe, pGr may24 lm j ;. :; -' ' ; . SuaiHing CataWbaSprisp . "f i iTinni nOTJlTTT. Hi Ci THX best Medicinal Mineral waters, anq mos t...mi, arted 1 vm niacs m hw.mkh t Not Hickory and western pora vuu ...w,r-i pen tor select guests. : , For runner panwuiM ouwwx . , . , . . . . Dr,I.d.iLL10TTi. mayntt Proprietor, (i 1! n't CAROLINA, FOR THE NEXT jini DAYS. TT A C 150 i to ist.daVidf June. MVlTOpK " Q Aiptoeai)lii. ; TT kji'H Jjiifi :0:-:o:- :!'". !i.l . fiix obdebs PBoanrriTrr 6nranorf wrtleeiari "'l!???: Hon. We guarantee anaUty. and. make, to. charge y-.-W bave an agency U Ct rntervlllai who will receive rw in ijniuiDUD of mi mf wmir orxteis wsmau iou u reduced 1 reduced Bticea;i i. Uj'nid IUl riaLLi.. a Beiareno, aa.t, ouaW? SidgE TTrT T tmDB0M8BmereaHarifflW 3 Rhenish Cologne to 25c and: SOc 'bouiea bare a Wtt supply nl Uefe" TOPl0Xg:!S?TnTW, m Stock .K- J I v. WUL80a ABUstWILL. r;w . ii.. Jlwti.r, mnattnrit inrt 'til 'JUL LILIBI TTAVING now two incw-xunain addition to eor H PARPJl'PAL KIUjw are now prepared to oTrviIinJI ytnfr, hoJio'M SJUAahitBd. 1H si ; S '; 1 r i 1 "I I! 1! 1; i'i if ! i, i i

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