DAILY CsflAlRLOME OBSERVER : SATURD AY, JUNE 3 , 18 82, lcTtoWew AdTertisemeiitgT HOME CHIPLETS. j L cobb-Cotton Factory For Sato. Keys T.nat-seeadv. - t jVdxievttscmentg. HOTEL BJrUTS. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. X marvel of purity strength and wholescmeness. More econo mica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short welznt. a um or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. HOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. L'ROY DAVIDSON, Sole Afnt, .Charlotte, TV. C. No Whiskey I Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are n6t con posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a- desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the .desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Cin.,0Nov. 1 6, 1881. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity v and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, Indigestion,; biliouOTess,weakness,debn-: ity, tmorlcT615.81 neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. W The commencement at BiddJe Institute, near this city, opens next Wednesday. jt3- Too late to 30 up in the. stand "pipe now, as of most the scaffolding has been taken out. C3P Poplar Tent, Cabarrus county, moved over to Charlotte yesterday to do its trading. Ten or fifteen of the citizens of that township were going the rounds of our mercantile houses. IST The reapers are busy gathering the golden grain in the fields surround ing the city, and throughout the coun try. Many fields have already been cut and the sheaves stacked. tW The city school commissioners held a meeting yesterday afternoon, but not cettincr throueh with any business until night caught them, adjourned over to this evening, when the meet ing will be continued. W Yesterday morning the last brick on the new depot of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, was laid. The buildiDg is two stories high in front, the offices being on the s econd floor, all the space below being open for storage. The ware-room js 164x40 feet. ZW The streets were crowded yester day with wagons loaded with woodland the drivers had the hardest sort of work to disDOse of it. A three horse load of good seasoned cord wood sells at 60 ceats, and the wood men appear to be happy to get that much. IS" The news from our Charlotte party who are wading the mountain streams in search of tne trout, is to the effect that they are having a tremen dous time and meeting with fine suc cess in angling. Brem and Watts are the champions so far. JUT The Riehrnond & Danville noon train coming south, has got on to the old winter schedule, during, the past few days, and its arrival may b looked for anywhere between 1 and 3 o Clock, TAiavd ftnnnections north is the trouble. It isTsaid that the Republicans foe Simon-pure-dyed-in-the-wool rads will have another convention in the court house next Monday, the object being to counter balance the effect of the liberal convention of "Wednesday last. The indications point to a lively time. tW Ah engine and three coaches carried the First Presbyterian Sunday school and friends, yesterday, to a point about five miles down the Carolina Central, where a most delightful day The train returned to the city with its happy load about o'clock in the afternoon. . five Beaten by a Colored Woman. Last Thursday evening, Leno Wills, a white man, went to the house of Sally Kenned ycolored, and began to give her "some of his jaw," as she expressed it. She took as much Of it as she could, ut- tU finally, becoming greatly exasperated she fell upon him and almost slew him. As soon as the man could get out of her clutches he fled and left her to fix up the matter with the mayor, which she did yesterday morhinf Tfy "payki&a fine of $2.50 and . costs. The4 man has not been captured, but the first time nis nose turns a street corner in this city he will be swooped upon. The Man with the India Buhner Valise --The Long Duster Dodge--A Char lotte Hotel brought to Tears. Hotel keepers as a rule are always on the watch out for' -suspects," or beats; and those"' who have been long in the business can pretty well tell the chronic beat the moment they lay eyes on him. There is the smiling and over-familiar man, whose hair is sleeked down from the middle, whose collar is turned and coat buttoned up in tony style to hide the shirt which he is not wearing. He generally approaches the register with p.n air of the greatest importance, and after dipping the pen and holder as far down into the ink bottle as it will go, begins his name at one end of a line and ends it at the other. His baggage usuallv consists of a counterfeit um brella and his pockets full of soap and towels which be has h&okedJ from the hotel he last stopped at. Then there is -the unfortunate little man who has had his pockets picked on the tram, and who, after registering and ordering a Dom on the first floor, calls the pro prietor to one side and tries to pawn him a gold ring, the last gift from a dear mother, for a small loan, enough to last him until a remittance comes from home. These and many other charac ters turn up every day or so, with such frequency indeed, that if a week passes by without one of them coming along, the average hotel keeper feels lonely. But sharp as the hotel men are, once in a while a customer will come along who is still sharper. Among the passengers set down at one of the city hotels last week, was an exceedingly urbane and affable young fellow, who bowed to everybody as he entered the hotel, signed his name with a great flourish and requested to be shown to the best room in the house. He carried a valise which appeared to be fairly crammed with something or other and telling the proprietor that it contained his valuables, consisting Of bondp, money and clothing, requested that it be locked up in the safe until morning. This was done and the next day he had the treasured valise carried to his room. He remained at the hotel for a week or so, telling all who were furious enough to inquire of bis busi ness that he was a prospector and was looking about to see what kind of an opening there was here for a new en terprise which he proposed starting up. One day there was no response to the porter's knock at his door and finally when an entrance was made, the room was found to be empty. On the mantle was a card upon which was written: "Compliments of the rubber valise." The fellow had been provided with a rubber valise, manufactured specially for beating purposes. He could take it out of his pocket before approaching a hotel, and blow it up until it appearea like a healthy well-filled valise, and after he had staid at a hotel as long as he wished, he would let the air out, put the "Valise" in bis pocket and start out for a stroll. This was the way one of our Charlotte hotels was taken in, and when the proprietor saw through the dodge he sat down and wept THE GATE CITY. A LIVE SOUTHERN TOWN. Some Impressions About the Late Pres byterian General Assembly, &c, &c. To the Editor of The Observer; 1 am aware that many of your readers have been to Atlanta, for last fall the grand exposition drew them thither lrom this section in great crowds. But in the bustle and jam incident to such occasions we are not favorably situated to appreciate the peculiar attractions of the city, proper. After a two weeks sojourn as a member of the general as sembly of the Presbyterian church, I take the liberty of conveying some im pressions gained during my stay in that city. The first impression of Atlanta that you get is that it is a live city. No sooner are you landed from the cars than evidences of restless bustle and ac tivity greet your eye. The principal streets are thronged with drays piled up with merchandise of every descrip tion. The sidewalks are crowded most of the day with pedestrians moving to and fro with hurried tread as if the de mands of business were urgent and im pelling them forward. The central por tion of the city is very irregular in af pearance. The streets intersect at all sorts of angles ; and the stores, instead of facing the streets at right angles run back diagonally, giving their interior a rather awkward appearance. This is not true of them all, however, as on Whitehall street for instance, we find some grand emporiums piled high with fabrics of every description, from the cheapest to the most costly. Another feature of Atlanta is that it is a very hilly city. Much heavy grading has been done in portions of the city, and the street force is nearly all the time engaged in cutting down the high places and filling in the low in order to ga n the level which nature did not pro vide. Atlanta has some fine residences but no palaces. I doubt whether any house in the city cost much more than Col. Coxe's residence in Charlotte, but a great deal of money has been spent upon the lawns and flower gardens ; and there are to be found many of striking beauty in different portions of the city. With an abundant supply or water, me lawn errass can be made to grow and flourish in verdant beauty regardless of summer's drought and heat. One of the most notable and attract ive residences is that of Mr. E. E. Ran som, which was the home of your cor respondent while in the city. The site is a hillside and embraces a solid squaie facing the East. The house is situated on the highest ground, and from the front piazza to the front gate there is a succession of terraces which are wrap ped in a mantle of green, while the level walks between the terraces are covered with white gravel and present a pleasing contrast. Evergreens of dif ferent varieties abound and over and above all.the native oaks affording grate ful shade complete the picture oue of unusual attractiveness The churches of Atlanta are a nota ble feature. They are numerous and many of them of imposing exterior. Their tall spires rear loftily in all parts of the city and add greatly to tne pan orama which is presented to the view from any elevated position. The in terior of some of these churches is also worthy of admiration and comment, especially that of the First Presbyte rian and the new Episcopal (not yet completed), and the Catholic Cathedral. The sessions of the General Assembly were held in the former. It is a hand some structure to look upon from with out, but its chief attractions are within. There is a departure from the ordinary right angle Corners, and graceful curves are substituted with pleasing effect A handsome reading desk is provided for the preacher, only slightly elevated, while the pews rise in graceful eleva tion from the pulpit to the rear of the church. The church is handsomely colors a Didn't Get the Breeches After All. A colored man walked into Latta's store yesterday morning, at an early hour and as all of the clerks were busy at the time, he began looking over a lot of clothing, and just at a time wherhe thought no one was looking he saw the very pair of pants that he wanted and in a twinkling had them carefully con veyed to his bosom and his coat but toned over them. He strolled about for a time and then concluded to walk around awhile and come back to make his purchases. He was accosted bv one of the clerks as he started out of the door and on the clerk insisting that the weather was too warm to be buttoned up that way, he bolted and ran, the pants dropping to the ground as he started. He has not been back to the store, nor to the city either, it is safe to say. While Other "Folks" are Now Sowing -:o: -:o:- WE ARE. ALREADY BUSY MING! -:o:- While a-Good Many Merchants are now Arranging the A Poorly Filled Special. Conductor John Fink brought in Captain John Dodson's train Thursday nfght, Captain Dodson being detailed to run the special train between Ral eigh and Chapel Hill, last Thursday, on the occasion of the commencement at the University. The day was ex ceedingly disagreeable and Tainy and but a very small crowd left Raleigh. The special was made up of ten cars and only twenty-one passengers were aboard when it left Raleigh, but o course this number was increased along the route. There was quite a good crowd in attendance from the first to the last of the commence taent and ev erything passed off most successfully. But for the rain of Thursday there would have been 500 visitors from Ral eigh alone. If Nearly Dead after taklnc? aome hlehlv miffed nD fctufl. with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear ot any Kidney or Urinuary Troubles, Brtghts' Dis ease, Diabetes or Liver Complaint These o".s eases cannot resist the curative power of. Hop Bit ters; besides it is the best family medicine on earth. MARRIED. 8SSS 888s SS8S 8 V V u u u u uu MM MM MM MM EBB RRR MMMM MMMM R R R M MM M MMMM HE RRR MMMMMMB RR M M M M M M BBS R R 8M8 TTTT T T SggS OO o o o o o o 00 000 o o o o o 000 K K K K KX K K SB8 AND SETTLING DOWN TO A "SUMHIEU SEIGEOTE.TBtEII GOODS AND TO PERHAPS BEMOtJRIt their SLUGGISHNESS, f WE HAVE ALMOST COMPLETELY DISPOSED of OUR two nnnm wwi, And hence we announce with Just pride that Apr -:3VTr. BAEIJGMB' In PlnevUle, May 80th, Bevt united In matrimony Mr. B. . Julia Crowell, all of PlnevUle. G. s. Boblnsoa drier and Miss DIED. In this city, on the 2nd lost, Mrs. Clariste Mo Carver, aged about 66 years. The funeral services will take place at her resi dence on Church street, this evening at 4 o'clock. Friends and acquaintance are invited to attend. Pxro dtrjertisemtnts. Left Yesterday Evening for Eastern and Northern Markets to Place our Orders 0 TJATVTHTT J 11ITATTTJD ;ton Factory ruiiMLLaupiiUM wjuiw AND BEING fsmA ; n anKH noil rnlnr a VflfV A few days afterwards, when he had crejJtaDie piece of workmanship and is, Hornet Company, No. 1. At a regular meeting of the Hornet Steam Fire Engine and Hose Company. No. 1, held last night, the following new not want any 8upper and would be glad partially recovered himself, he spoke of the matter to a friend, who sympathized with him and proceeded to tell him how Colonel Scoville, who runs the Kimball House, in Atlanta, and who is to open thsBuford House, in Charlotte, was was taken In. A man arrived at the Kimball.one night and informed the clerk that he was not feeling well, did members were added to their roll: E C Worthen, H.C. Morrow, W. M. Boyd, W. Bernstein and C. Wilson, Jr. With this addition the Hornet Company has 57 active members to have a room at once. Quite eariy tne next morning the electric alarm con nected with the room to which the stranger had been assigned seemed to ho nnrhiiv aaiTated.' A boy was at A resolution was unanimously adopt- sent and returned, saying that ed thanking those who kindly contn- thQ man up tnere wa3 raising the devil LOOK OUT! buted eatables to the banquet for our visiting firemen on the night of May 20th; and a special vote of thanks was passed to Miss Gussie Boyd for floral offerings. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotex-J P Reid, Ander son. S C ; D Jones, Rich'd L Hicks, - Jr, T-v nlr o I A HOSK1UB. J " about somebody robbing him.and want ed to see the proprietor immediately Some thief had stolen his trousers and all the money he had about him. The boy hunted up Mr. Scoville as soon as possible, and it took that gentleman a good half hour to calm down his guest and persuade him to accept a new pair of trousers and say nothing about it. "KeeD auiet. my dear sir, only keep w w"Mnnri c7s C oaeld, G S quiet," beg86d Mr. Sco, -Ml 'house ver, nwiuuiRuuii,' , ,a mAOr nf t.hpm havine TTnnston Davidson college; vieuigoxv lsiuuui yw, - ; a UrtL N 0;B H CheSter,N mney and valuabUs about them and C : J B Cook, Washington, v ; IF YOU WANT FRESH GOODS GIVE US A CALL! FjQ Bunchei'Asplnwall Bananas, OA Boxes Imperial Oranges, - FJQ Boxes Fine Messina Lemonfl, 3 v q 2Q barrels PlcUetrf . - rrtC Backets Best Refined Lard. FINK lot Canvassed Smoked Tongues, JIW lot Canvassed Hams. , JjBESH lot Breakfast Strips, and tnauj other fiesh Goods, CALL AND SEE US, WE JIJ2222 Sl2' On consignment, to be eold'fmrae J w TTniWrT. Baltimbre ; W 8 Dodd, Cincin nati, O.; W T Harris, Wadesboro, N C ; LC Robinson, Salem, NC;.R C Ross, R M Miller, K C. - . CHAlRLdTTE Hotel AH nedgecock Kernersville; HKMoss, PinevillejJ W Stepheiison, Monroe ; M C Stephen son, Taylorsville; FP Wyche, Thomas villfl; M Brown, Wilmington; J F BiLincolnton; R B WeHdington, . ... t-. T-r J Watt KirkpatncK, J n juujic ty ; A O Beanmont, W J"Wayaide, Fla. ; J V Query, S J McElroy, Harrisburg; J T Riverside, Montgomery, Ala. ; W W Kirk, Richmond; L B Ellis, Central, S C; A L Waterman, Richmond; E C cm,rf TniRville: R L Greenlee, Nash ville ; H K! Develine. Pensacola, Fla ; J H Tremble, Laurinburg; JGdnr' Wilmington ; Jno F Leeper, Garibaldi ; S O Beard, Mt Moure ; C K Golding,Va- it this were to get out it would empty thAnlacein a day." After a time the nanr irormp.Tits arrived, and as Scoville came down stairs with tho man before breakfast, they first walked into the office, where $83.50, the amount claimed to have been in the stolen trousers, was counted out and placed in the lattei's hand, with the request many times re peated, "Don't say anything about this, for Heaven's sake." About 10 o'clock the same morning, as it was afterwards learned, the gentle man who had dined at the Markham House on the day previous came into 'the office ot that hotel.and with a with- I understand, the product of home tal ent The deliberations ot tne Assem bly were highly entertaining to one like myself, enjoying, for the first time, the j privilege of being a member of that honorablebody the highest of our ec clesiastical courts. There was much important work done and I trust that it was well done, xne suoject wniuu elici ted more general interest than any other was that of fraternal relations with the Northern Assembly. This question has been agitated by preced ing assemoiies aunng psl yeaio, um hitherto no satisfactory adjustment had been reached. It was evident early in the session that there was a strong under-current running in that direction and that this sentiment would ulti mately secure decided action on the part of the Assembly, Such was the final result. As a basis for fraternal correspondence, a paper which was considered mutually satisfactory, was adopted by both assemblies, only two or three votes in each body dissenting. The labors of the Assembly in Atlanta ended Monday night, and the closing hour was one of intense interest. The church was crowded with those who were anxious to witness the dissolution nf thft hodv and the farewell addresses piacrerlv listened to. and the gene ral handshaking that followed made it a time long to be rememDerea oy some of us at least. x. it ia puRfimarv to sDeak of the gene ral appearance ot the members of hnrfh pnnrts as a "remarkably fine iiHncr hndv of men." &c. I will not fni in or in tn usual strain out uiy wui ment is that very few if any General Assemblies have had so many young preachers, the majority of them perhaps being under middle age. The elders were more mature in appearance and many of them looked as if they had al most reached their three score and ten. But among that class were found some who, like myself, might pass for very young.- So that we presented the ap pearance of an Assembly well assarted, representing youth, mature manhood, and venerable fathers grown grey (and some bald) in the service. Our moder ator, Dr. R. KrSmoot, deserves special mention. He is well known as author ity on parliamentary law, having writ- IF0E SAIL IE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made In the case of P. C. Shufordand others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, the undersigned, as Receiver, will seU at public sale, at the Long Island Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, the 3RD DAY ot JULY, 1882, the foUowing valuable Property, to-wit The' lactory of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether with 16 acres land. Including the entire water power of seven feet head, factory building 60x40, two stories high, flouring ana saw mms, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery : 1 picker, 1 88-lnch double beater and tapper, 6 36-lnch 14 top flat cards, railway bead, 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all In good order, 2 Danforth cap trames, 132 spindles, total number spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and baling press; also a large lot of old looms, pumes, snarang, Ac. . , . . . For more accurate ana aenniie aescriyuuu uj. the property and the conditions ot saia saie reier- ence is hereby maae to me aecree aoave rmerrcu. TEH MS: Twenty per ceni 01 purcuuso money cash and the balance in equal in stalments of three months and six months, bond and approved security required of purchaser, or the Beceiver is Dy saia jjecrec au thorized to vary terms to suit, purcnasers. ine Receiver Is also authorized Dy saia uecree vo ueu said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain prlvnte bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will BDd Dr A. M. foweU and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom will take pleasure in showing the same. Address JOHN L. COBB. Beceiver, Jun3 Llncolnton, Lincoln county, K. C. FAB AHIAD IN THE BACK. WS MBAN LIVELY MAKK IT. THE COMING FALL. In the meantime the remainder ot our SUMMER STOCK Is offered to the pub lic, who wa know by past experience, is not slow to appreciate that we are HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GAROLINAS. oisr ON Hillll Laundry Hands Wanted. I Want 8 more first-class shirt ard fine dress lroners, 2 bosom, collar and ouff polisher, 1 Outer and 1 starcher, for which good wages and steady employmeat will be given at the Charlotte bteam Laundry. B. N. SMITH. Jun3 It f f nrp a bunch of Keys one large and VJJ O JL """one small bras key and lour or five steel keys. Reward if left at , jun3 It THI3 OFFICE. We Will Offer a LARGE Assortment of OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Equal to any hotel m the U. 8. Sur roundings unsurpasseu. tsamiDg, uoauug, muui( and driving specially attractive. Pre-eminently a resort for bouthem people. Terms less for equal accommodations than any reson in me cuuuirj. Climate free lrom Malaria; and tor Insomnia truly wonderful In Its soporinc eneci. eena lor cireuiar describing hyglenlo advantages, etc. maylo am h a umaua rnuj.puj j. ivy ering glance at the clerk, handed him J J published a standard work on ai ami nailed for a bundle thai, ne naa P CSAAA left there. The clerk meekly received the money, delivered the .bundle, con taining one pair of trousers, and the stranger went straight to the depot, where he bought a ticket and departed for a distant cityt nnite naturally Mr. Scovme usea ev- oft -r. to discover the thief who had a nf his sruests, and after a N eigWorhood ? Notes. Cabarrus iaTpreparing for the open ing of the campaign. iwmoou roWiea 0ne 01 JJJ " SewlSto to tendered to and bee mary meetings are to be held on the time he relied the story confidenti the General A the subject. From his "ipse cmt you would not expect many appeals w w made. I believe there were only two during the entire session, neither of Ttrhinh wan anntained. He ha3 a large fund of humor and pleasantry, and the nf his nowers in that direc tion make him a general favorite. His nftia imnmmntn sneeches. several of whif.h he was called upon to make, nf t he kind. On each of the coKHatha sTwuit. in Atlanta nearly all S57w .n Hi county convention to to Mr. nuft pf the Markham House, Aunu - 1 ' Aina' TT nfr hart . 4.4-xthar1inr.riCLCUUVCUliuu hrrvincr Tfir a 11LUD ou'" BlflUl UWCKv . I tr a meets on the 24th inst, in Concora. Our weekly exchanges nave dropped the big strawberry agitation and are howunnitig on the cereal samples. o.wi inches and straws -rrr--r- Huff had - 1 A A been a little asnamxrui. muisoii i having refused to trust a man who so promptly parted with his apparel, and who so promptly paid up the next day. nnt Seville's fltorv set him to think- A Woo 1 mm Sin AIM Have lust received a large supply of RH IUHUi In all size packages. fnftv-two grains; to theiiead,istbe kind &mn comparing notes they came t r: . -v,ci farm era have 4. v rtn.inR?nn that tne man was a OI WUCOU " . ... I -" """. beeti'tattug to the Concord editors. muJontiowV Watchman has been SUMME Jill ,i 1 . . it., r Nt.i-3 - TBADE AND COLIME.8TBT. A getting atasteof NihiUsmand canjiow 8 Jlw.- fniiv witli the old. Czar who lives across the water. Last - j anwiB teekless person put a charge of dynamic barren placed.it near the -Watchman office and fired it. i 9"- "Tv' but damaged the surrounding, property; in Monrbe aDd the Express aaya jhat chickens and eggs can hardly be got for invAnrrooriey. ' ' r-Boberatrfordfa-barbea Honroe, was tarinY9t Wattous m Zk& Scainft across a lot of old ftealed between the wevner uuiuiu abut try ing l oIe the mystery, but began todrsrjoBe of the, shoes at 25 cents per pair. - ' A sharper.They aiso concmucu wd, nothing about it; but such things don't keep worth a cent, you know. .Colonel Scoville and the Charlotte fcntfiiisr. exchanged greetings by tele graph. Nail Mills Closed. wtmT.TTWfl W.Vi.Jane 2. All the nail mills of the city shutdown yes terday and expect to remain closed f( r an indefinite period. ilortford'fl AId Pkpli Xlver nd Kidney ...Troubles-. DtO G CTLLSX. Boston, says: -1 nave usea u .ttndMir Nandrtth the most remarkable lucsTlKptfa wTd tnU oses where there umekmmt and Kidneys." ; ' n.iB7 niaesaie.'DIfibctee. ' BAwsre of the stun mm IloDt, Bure Sr. dlilsr otoer se,Klaney.prm .Mthey only relteve for a Uroe and iBion Hod Bitters, the only remedy that wlU S &f permSly cure you. "'" Semoves tteeause of disease so eft ectaally that it never returns. " 1 sembly, and it is hardly necessary 10 say that we were favored with some nronhincr. Dr. Girardeau, Dr. Farris; Dr. Bmoot, and Dr. LeFerre, were among the poptiTar preachers and they all had crowded churches. There ia anma nrnhahilitv that Dr. Smoot will be called to the Central Presbyterian church in case Dr. Boggs goes to Co lumbia Theological Seminary. In conclusion, let me say, that the members of the General Assembly are keenly appreciative of the hospitality of the people of Atlanta, and, we do not know any more appropriate or higher encomium to pass upon it than to aay that it is truly Southern. We all have very pleasant recollections or At lanta andher kindness to the Presbyterians. COFdNT, FLOUR, II AY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED, And In fact everything kept in a Immense Reduction Will Prove a Gift 1 People. TO SECURE A GOOD v ! BroroBr aujm uro iboV8pmhm Watm aito mIml The neat tonic and alterative contains rwtctMmuchlrori and fifty percent morealum ir .rl vC- itainm uid iwwi mass" known. JuTtoTKlnT 'for Se "spring weakness" now m eeneraL Boll by all druggists of any standing. prices reduced one nan. mayll tf i i . smile A sain on Sle sighed Tom to Ids beloved. He-knew not what - ,o- a Aharm In his eres. Her teetn. bT 80ZODONT which she had used hiwi did his business. She lield her lover hy vtrtae of SOZODONTi m I m t ' T Many a merchant of brilliant faculties, has been .Mn rinwn m career br paralysis of his nerves. , f. i out m the rate of Ufa. Such unfortn- .hnnit ha treated with Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Puis. Restoration is probable. BUSINESS SUIT Firs t- Class Grocery Store DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. A.J. BeaU&Co. may30 t To the Stockholders OF THE NOUTU 51AIH. Irr AND GOLD MINIJtO COBIPY, TAKE NOTICE. A General meeuiis oi uio bwuuiwiuwb w w airSpas been caUed by the Pre dent and Board of Directors, and will be held on sltoaay.toeluth day of June, 1 882, f aneU's BtoteliHlgh Point, Guilford county, North Caro ttal! at 8 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of ratify tag andconnrmlngail the previous acta and pro eeedings of said company, its stockholders, offlcers Md directors transacted br TMJp consUtmlon and by-Uws, In the drj ot Baitlmpre, to the State ot Maryland, and for ttrMslon of such other business as may be brought before II TTTT II T II T II T n T SS B8Sa saas A AA A A AJ A oSSo PPP BKB g p P B B8Sa PPP BR o P H 88a P SKK ooo n O O II o n o o n ooo n A AJ Ii Ii A A L LIXL A AA A A T.T.T.T. XBI And the Quantity Can't Last Long. maySO President 1 3 ii"- i 13.; V-t: 1 f i j J K r - !, i t t Biayt9

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