DAILY GHA ILL OTTE OBSERVER: StTND A Y , J UNB ii 1 88 2, ClIAS. R. JOXES Editor andProp'tor. . 0.. AS SBOOmCUJi SUTTWB.1 SUNDAY. JUNE Don Cameron, of Pennsylvania, has put his war paint on, and says "d n em," when discoursing about the Inde pendents. Tbe Georgia peach takes precedence now. Yesterday a thousand crates were shipped north by express, which were followed by some car loads by freight The Atlanta Constitution says more reapers have been purchased in Georgia this yar than the entire cotton belt possessed one year ago. There seems to be a run of Inventive genius on car-couplers just now. There are several new contrivances reported from this State, some of which have been patented, and the remaining States and Territories yet to be heard rrom. A report comes Irony nnsyWania that the Democrats intend ttrnominate iim TTweoek for Governor. He and Jivfm Klaek scent last Saturday and tnflm in New York: and kuiwj a ?vrf over the situation. That Mriadkal story aboil fflar milDoM.of ttoUarlinln Holland wmitmf tir be claimed by American beiis. is brooght to the front again -nis time it is $33JD00jD0O. which some body has a dead sure thing on. Secretary Folger has issued an order prohibiting smoking., in the reasurj buildings at Washington, at the request of the. lady employes, who couldn't stand the elondskf smoke that the male employes were constantly making. -They seem to be fixing up an alibi for the Malley boys, charged with the mur der of Jennie Cramer, at &ew Haven, Conn. They may be innocent of that crime, bat they will carry through life with them the infamy of having ruined that poor, pretty, giddy girl. CIVIL SERVICE REGORM. We have had much cant about civil service reform, and every Republican platform that has been adopted within the past six years has had more or less to say about it. Mr. Hayes went so far as to issue an order upon the subject, which never received the slightest at tention, while the party resolution drafters still kept it prominently before the public that they were in favor of civil service reform. Within .a week Gen. Curtis was arraigned before court in PhlladAlnhia and convicted on a charge of receiving money from govern meat employes, which money was paid as an assessment for political purpose? But nevertheless the work of as sessment goes bravely on, and the em ployes, of the government In the depart ments at Washington and elsewhere have been notiued that they will be ex pected to contribute the amounts de manded of them to meet expenses in the eomlng congressional campaign. To decline is to invite speedy removal, and rather than subject themselves to this they pay, though many of them can 111 afford to do so. These invitations to pony up are not confined, as we remark ed above, to employes at Washing ton, as the following circular sent to a postmaster in a neighboring town will show. It speaks for itself and shows how the Republican executive committee are taking time by the fore lock: ' , : Headquartebs, V ) Republican Congressional coacrf Washington, May 15, 1882. ) Sir: This committee is organized for the protection of the Interests of the Republican party in each of the congres sional district ox me union, in order that it may prepare, print and circulate suitable documents- illustrating the is sues which distinguish the Republican party from any other and may meet all all proper expenses incident to the cam paign the committee reels authorized to apply to all citizens whose princi ples or interests are involved in the struggle. Under the circumstances in which the country finds itself placed, the committee believes that you will esteem it both a privilege and a pleas ure to make to its fund a contribution, which, it Is hoped will not be less than 8 . The committee is authorized to state such voluntary contribution from persons employed in the service of the United States will not bepbjected to in any official quarter. : ' The labors of the committee will af fect the result of the Presidential elec tion in 1884, as well as the congression al struggle; and It may therefore rea sonably hope to have the sympathy and assistance of all who look, witli Uread, upon the possibility of the restoration of the Democratic party to the control of the government Please make prompt and favorable response to this letter by bank check or draft or money postal money order, pay able to the order, of J. A. Iltihbel, act ing treasurer,!'. O. L jck box 589 Wash ington, D. C. By order of the committee, p. B. Henderson, -t Secretary. M eiicaa Cavalry" Sarprise aad Cttptare MlBdJu Camp., - ' IteNim'OoUjaMiBtlie Times' Sant,,Fe ? correspondent siys advices from Chibnabuaijrepdrt that General FeereroAwithOO Mexican cavalry sur prised a band of Renegade- Apaches neaif Bosqne Deflantlago May, 25th and whipped them unmercifully, killing 87 and captnritfg lo tacks and Aha entire camb' outfit, including sa cattle. The i Mexican had killed, w 14 wounded; TheAosittes artf tW totfferily demor alized to raid again for;Bbtne time to come. . ,. What lie Wilt Do. J ' Wilmington Star. , . ; 0 WWiiliain Johnstoo, will meet at Raleigh Jane 1,- organize and nominate AU! feColOnil W imam Johnston. Auuvvvuuvur vouuilMlf MAIS MKfVoVuv' a.1 M a a . a . w r . again retire to private life. 1 , ... The Boston PdsE notes "tnei fact thai 1 one of the exUa ol the, present GDneres- sional session is absenteeism. The yeas and riywer called 15 times Inlhe first twu w avipf thfltpreaerit month. The ; average numoer , oi; inft BDsetiteea t these IS calls at Ida teak and. ukvi ara .lt .4X8. , Tbia 15 Alvefeentot a House of J . -. 291 members. UQ re of tuese roll calls th abaen tees umbered 144, 145, 159, . . . 179 find 187. If this is tbe record that Is . beiDgmade, raTrentlemen-bad tetter "" V hseaA In " tbelr' real ffr.atIon and absent 1 i "i1 stbdilyCi'B PlnXhar, , s Tegeiabla jCompoond and Blood Purifier ars prepared at 233 andiS&S, Western Avaana, Lyna.ltass. i Price of either, tl. Six bottles tot as. Bent by tnaQ 1 the form of pills, or ofsogansea. on reoeipt of prloe, ft pe boxtoacaet. lIr,J?lnhham freely answers all lettWl of taanlry. ZatiDH 80 stamp. Send for tusfblet, VeaUoa tbit pnxfav THE UNITERSITY COJtt&ENCE- ME2IT. The com men cement exercises at the State University took place last Wed nesday and Thursday, in the presence of a large assembly from different por tions of the State. The feature of the first day was the address of Hon. W. M. Bobbins, the orator of tne occasion, who was felicitously introduced by Mr. A. W. Allen. His theme was "The work to be done," which was addressed especially to the young men of the South. While pointing out and paying a just tribute to the excellencies of the Southern system of society in the past, he also noted its defects from which the weakness of the South sprang in the clash of strength against strength. He called attention to the want of me chanical invention, thrifty field culti vation, and popular education in the past as some of the great defects grow ing out of the past order of things and then gave the young men the follow ing piece of advice which abounds in solid chunks of wisdom: Again our system engendered a false sentiment concerning the dignity of labor. It belongs to you, young men, to eradicate this idea that lias so paralyz ed os." All our men of worth and merit come from the homes that taught their sons to dig and delve, "to suffer and be strong." Another hindrance was the lack of general education, the great do mains or Lne planters rendering il im possible for public schools to thrive. It the general education, and you most not delay. Gems and precious stones are being digged from our mines and polished to outshine the jewels of royal- nT . 1 1 , 1 . V. ty. vtnen snau wo uegiu uj iwuu wkj priceless wonn 01 liiosb lmeuecwuu diamonds which we are leaving neg lected, unpolished and unset. Uur roung men are ana nave Deen too pro essionaLfclt is true that our profes sional men have done nobly for our sec tion, but the masses were not eaucatea, the resources were not aeveiopea, anu when we came to the struggle for the mastery, we went down, for "Heaven helps them who help themselves." The arguments 01 lawyers, uie prayers ui priests, the enius of statesmen could not avail us then. Bread, munitions and ships were the essentials, and we had them not. In vain the dauntless boys bared their bosoms, for it was but to die. A few remain to cry aloud to us to awake, arise and shake ofE our lethar gy. Pull down your idols, throw away your false pride and develop the re- SOUrCoS Ul J uui cyuuu jr. oucut juuug 5 entlemen, is the picture. I haveen eavored to show you our errors that you mar profit thereby. Learn to work. Don't all rash to the professions. De velop the diversified interests of your country. I honor the professions, yet I warn you that along their shores there lie many a stranded bark and wrecked life. Yon have a special mis sion in life, and if you do not perform it the world is wor8tf"1)yrfc-- Work is the true path of honor- The broadfield of high literature, thenoble profession of journalism bid you enter.-, We. need more manufacturers, skilled mechanics, scientific farmers, machinists, finan ciers, engineers, great merchants, wri ters, journalists and educators. To these, young gentlemen, I would urge you. If you. would be great, do noble end great deeds. I want you to be great and can give you no better advice than to walk the path of duty. - Away from public gaze, in some back laboratory or workshop you find the men who move the world. .Let, then, your motto for life be that of the grand old blind King of BobemU"Iehdienw gofortlrto be servants of your country's glory. . Mr. Bobbins address is spoken of as one otrare excellence "n&jras univer sally applauded-.. In the: afternoon the Baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Dr. I. G.Arm strong, from Eccl. 4, 28: "Strive for the truth unto death, and the Lord God will fight for thee ;" which was a masterly discourse. In the evening there were orations by the representatives of the two societies, wboefetntrodriced by President Bat tie in! the following order: Mr; Livingstone Vann, of Florida, subject: "Florida"; Mr. John W. Hays, J r, Oxford, N. C., subject: "A Plea for Freedom of Thought and Discussion"; Mr. Turner A. Wharton, Greensboro, N. C, subject: "Peace Victories of the Nineteenth Century" ; Angus R, Shaw, Robeson. N. C subject: "Lafayette, a Friend to American Liberty; Thomas Radcliffe, Wilmington N. C, subject: "The Trader-Union"; J. T. Strayhorn, Hillsboro, N. C, subject: "Southern De velopment." Thursday morning, notwithstanding a heavy rain, Giraid Hall was well filled, many distinguished men being upon the stage. After an opening prayer by Rev. N. II. D. Wilson, D. D., of the North Carolina Conference President Battle announced that the speakers of the Senior Class who were to compete for the gold medal to be given to the best orator, offered by the heirs of Willie P. Man gum, were pres ent. The report of the committee appoint ed by the board or trustees to investi gate the condition of the University, and its mode of instruction, was then read by Colonel Steele, chairman, which showed everything to be in a satisfac tory condition, after which the ora tions of the contestants for the medal were proceeded with in the fol lowing order: Mr. Jonathan Worth Jackson, of Pittsboro, whose subject was "The Relation of Law to Justice in American Society." Mr. Allen T. Davidson, Asheville; subject, "A Plea for Reform in Federal Taxation." Mr. Emlle A. DeSchwelnltz, Salem; eub j act, "Legislators and Legislation." Mr. David 8. Kennedy, Magnolia; subject, "Modern Culture." Mr. George Gregory Wilson, Greens boro; subject, "The True Hero in the Light of History." ' Mr. Frederick Noah Skinner, Eden ton; subject, "The Inter-Oceanic Ca nal." Mr. Alexander Worth McAlister, Asheboro; subject, "The Philosophy of American Civilization." Mr. unaries O. Worth. Wilmington: fceJRelatlons of the Executive." Mr. Albert Sydney Grand v: Oxford f object, "Conization hnd Poverty." j.PMwin jvnaerson Alderman, Wil ..; r w subject rKrae tower." Tdfhlrn was fncaded he-pafmnd the nonon 01 uie oratorical cbntiiti Thto closed the exercises of the morn log and the afternoon was gl?en to the wardtag of Jinedals, degrees, &c- and the reading of President BattleTlaiw f? rWWrV'f Jlfil) r summarized the worn or tBeriand g f the re. """! TEGltEESMli'p j The foUowing degrees were tilien con ferredi --- ., v roi.;:il j .,r t The degree' of D D ntxSn nT .nohrh Bariell;6 Welgtilrlief , F IWck wellot Iredell county: B Sample, of Salisburr. r 1 1 degree of LL D iiFbn Hon Geo DayU, of Wilmington Hon Thomas t aingman, of AsbevlU. . The degree of A M, In courff upon Ref DA Long, president of Graham Normal College; Dr N M Ferebee. United States Navy. The degree of M S upon A R Ledoux, A M, Ph D of New York. PRIZES. The prizes, worthily won, were then awarded, as follows : The representative medal. Mr J T Strayhorn, of Hillsboro. The Willie P Mangum medal for ora tory, Mr E A Alderman, of Wilming ton. The Chemistry medal, Mr E ADe Schweinitz, of Salem. The Mathematical Prize, offered by Dr Phillips' sons, Mr J L Love, of Cleaveland county. " - The English Prize, Mr J R Henning, of Scotland Neck; honorable mention to Mr B C Mclver.of Sanford. The prize for Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Mr James M Reese, of Yadkin county. ' THE WORK GOES ON. GREENBACKER LOWE IN. COUNTED The JIoBse Proceeds With the Contest ed Election Farce and After Several , Hypocritical Speeches by Republi cans on the Sacredness of the Ballot Gires the Seat to Lowe. Washington, June 3. House Immediately after the reading of the journal the House resumed considera tion of the Alabama contested election case of Lowe vs. Wheeler, Wheeler be ing accorded the floor to close the arg ument in his own behalf. He reviewed the facts in the case and deduced therefrom the conclusion that he had been fairly and honestly elected. He then yielded to Springer, of Illinois, who contended that if Lowe were to be seated it would be upon tis sue ballots, and gave notice that he would offer a resolution recommitting the case and instructing the committee to ascertain the number of tissue bal lots cast for either party and report who was elected, after rejecting all such ballots. It was a serious matter for honora ble gentlemen voting to seat a man up on tissue ballots which could be read as well on one side as on the other. If ever there had.been a fraud perpetrat ed on the ballot box that little ticket was that fraud, and in order to seat the contestant 1,204 of them must be count ed. Calkins stated that though he had carefully examined the case he had for the first time to-day heard of tissue bal lots. They had not been mentioned in the pleadings or arguments before the committee on elections. Barrows, of Michigan, criticized the action of the Democrats upon the con tested election cases, declaring that the Forty-Seventh Congress would pass in to history as one in which the Demo cratic minority sought by means hith erto unexampled in parliamentary practice to prevent the House from ex ercising its unquestioned constitution al right to judge of the election of its own members. It looked to him as though it were a well organized plan on the part of the Democrats under the leadership of the gentleman from Pennsylvania, (Randall) to prevent the unseating of Democratic members from the South regardless of the means or methods by which they were declar ed elected. The Northern Democracy realized that without the solid South it was nothing, and the South could not be kept solid by honesty at the polls. It looked as if the Southern Democracy had served notice on the Northern Democracy that unless it stood by members sent fronrthe South the part nership would be dissolved. He then proceeded to read extracts from South ern journals urging the Democratic DHTty in the-House to exercise the pow er of the minority to the utmost in or der to prevent the ousting of Southern members, and declaring that any fail ure to stand shoulder to shoulder with Southern Democrats would weaken the party in the South if it did not knock the bottom out of it altogether. That, he Insisted, was the order that had gone forth and was the true reason for the stampede. In conclusion he appealed for an honest ballot and a fair count The Republic could withstand the shock of revolution, it could overcome the in va sion of a foreign foe, it could endure the murder of its executive, but it could not long survive the assassination of its sovereign win at the ballot box. Against this high crime aimed at the nation's life, he entered . the nation's eternal protest (Applause.) Hazelton, of Wisconsin, demanded the previous question, pending which Springer moved to recommit with in structions and placed his motion in the form of a resolution and preamble. The preamble sets forth that a number of so-called depositions offered by the con testant were never certified and did not show that any of the pretended witnesses were sworn and that some of the depositions had been changed since the examination. At this point Reed, of Maine, object ed to the further leading, claiming that the preamble was merely a speech, and made the point of order that it was not proper to oe incorporated in a motion to recommit. In arguing his point of order he stated that the allegatioos in the preamble were untrue and that the resolution had come in under false1 pre tences, Iriasmucb as the gentlemen from Illinois had merely given notice that he would move to recommit' with instructions. Randall, of Pennsylvania, said tat it was but due to the gentleman from Il linois (Springer) to state that the pre amble was not drawn up by him Dut was placed in his charge af t r he had concluded his speech. Springer declared that he had acted in perfect good faith and that if the gentleman from Malne.fKeed, insisted to the contrary he was acting without the .slightest foundation. If; be were the honorable gentleman that he (Springer) had always regarded him to be he would in the face of the House and the country withdraw the intima tion of bad faith and falsehood. "Does hedosoV" i Reed: MHe does not" After a further running fire between Springer, of Illinois, and Reed,Jof of Maine, in which the former accused the latter of acting an ungentlemanly part in charging another member with improper motives, and the latter saylngj he was willing to assume the responsl- oiuty, ine previous question was caned and Lowe declared entitled to the seat by a vote of 149 to 8, and was sworn In. Republican Prohibitionists. WVmUigtoaStar. The'Repfibllcani fprofess to bq strong three well-known prohibtUonists, viz . ii. Planning, rE. E. Green and W. H. Waddelr. Green made speeches in favor of prohibition, Waddell voted for the bill both iii the legislature and at the polls; and 'Sheriff Manning was a pro nounced advocate of the measure. Green ,ad Waddell,, both prolblUoii lstl, arecuTlotisly'enotiglwihei Itepub lican candidates for the House of Rerw resentates. j ;( :. 1 slight Waol J, blatxf Beware ot the stuff tht pretends to cut these diseases Or other serlons Kidney, Urinary or Ltwi ansesies,as iney oniy relieve ior at time and manes yen isw tinesiwo ve anetwardst out rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy, that wilt surely and eeraanenilr etue yon it destroys and remoTSstbeeatue at disease so efieotbaUi that U.I VxfJttilta V eontalnS HiK Th arroat tonle and.AUavattt eontalni Iwloe ss much iron and fffty and ncy per sent, more alum- tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for tha "spring weakness'' now so st the thing ij Mtnaral. HOia nerai. Bold by aU druggists of any standing. Prioss redueed on half. maylltf STATE SEWS. Salisbury Examiner: Henry Walker, colored, convicted last Tuesday of burg- lary, and sentenced to the penitentiary, assaulted and severely kicked Mr. Good man, a witness in the case, as the de- Euty sheriff was conveying him. Wat er, from the court house to the jail. He made an effort also to break away from the officers? at the jail. The Reidsville Times suspends pub lication for one week to enable the editor to go out and collect dues enough to meet his current obligations. Reids ville and Rockingham ought to do bet ter than that for a paper that is work ing so hard for both, as the Times is. The keeper of an ice cream saloon in Greensboro, named Dudley, a man of fifty or more, and father of a family, was arraigned last Friday on a charge of taking improper liberties with a little girl nine years old. He admit ted having kissed her. but swore it was only in a paternal way. He was bound over to court under a bond of 8500. Diamonds. Gastonla Gazette. We are informed that Mr. O'Neil, of Holly Oak. Mass.. while Drosnectinir in the neighborhood of King's Mountain, one day last week, found a crystal which has been pronounced to be a diamond of great value. He thinks it is only a fragment of a larger stone that now lies secreted in the earth near the spot where he picked it up. He also discovered a verylrich fjold vein in the same neighborhood. Mr. O'Neil is prospecting for a Northern Company of capitalists and he is said to be a good judge of minerals of every discription. Smile A gala on Me, sighed Tom to hla belored. He knew nut what gave her such a charm la his eyes. Her teeth, preserved by SOZODONT which she had used from girlhood, did his bastness. She held her lover by virtus of 8020JPQ8T. : Many a merehanTof brilliant faculties, has been stricken down in career by paralysis of his nerves, and Is left oat In the raee of life. Such unfortu nates should be treated with Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. Restoration la probable. If Ncswljr Ded after taking some highly polled np ktnff, with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinnarr Troubles, Brlghts Dls- 1 ease. Diabetes or Liver Complaint These dls-! eases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bit ters; besides It la the best family medicine on eann. FUNERAL NOTICE. The frrends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. G, 8. Johnson are respectfully invited to attend the funral of their infant son from their resi dence, on ropiar street, between 9th and 10th, id is aiiernoon at o o ciock. Bctu flncrtlsctuctits. floYda sweet potatoes, , PKaCHBS, ORANGES and LIMONS, at S. M. HOWELL'S. un4 IA CT -n the n'rht or the 20th of May, iVJC 1 between Wadsworth's Livery Sta ble and Davidson College, a Gold-Headed Cane. with the Initials ' N. B B " on It. A reward of $5 win oe given lor its return to Jun4 Bt THIS OFFICE. Attention, Pioneers! ATTEND the regular monthly meeting of your company, Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at Pioneer HalL Bveiy member Is urged to be prewnl as business of importance will be trans acted. By order of W. E. CULPEPPER, President W. B. KtTD Secretary. uo4 It MEMBERS B.D,UmS0SEC0,H0,6 A BE hereby notified to attend an important 8ft o'clock, at the Pleasure Club Booms. By order or the r resident, C. M. CRSSWELL. an4 It Secretary, n n mm m EOOTTOM CI MS. I EFirara The Brown Cotlea fi!a Co., In Lcsica, CU lira r. Brown, Prtt'L Jttw. T. Brwsa, Tvwis. These machines run light, make flae samp!, sad elfltntheKMd properlr. Best English east steej In the sawii tbe teeth will not band, break off, or torn back, iron pollers throughout, ornsh strong made, with adjastable boxes, east steel Journals and two belts . one as sach end-ensuring oool bearings, fall toeed. and steady motion, (only Qla la market having this Improvement.) Extra large shafts to saw and brash cylinder Strong iron tram beet materials, tape rior workmanship, fln finish. OrXorsBrora Olns have been sold during the past three eoaaoni than any other two maket combined. Xr. Israeli'. Brown (from UU to UU of the firm of X. T. Taylor A Co. of Columbus, Qe.), the president of the eompany, has had a longw Braotioat sperieM U .making Qlas than any ether saaattvtn feant faaflt. Us lot wannfioturlng and ihipplng nnemialed by any ,tnr sstswishmsnt of ths kind tath world. Bene wviyowprtoesfoTsnohsttpriorsiaohines. if Of QIirredrt aad CoadsaMrt. Piioesof Gin. Price with Self feeder and Condenser. Oondeaaer. .SO saw St " M " '- - e..f : co " 70 -as - ft. ft) srss 1000 iisso US 00' 'U0S0r $100 00 (T1 US 10SOS 1T 108 OS tsoos K 0 SM M 10 1 ! SaSOO tJTSot the prlees and tope ovssaeais t dont b deceived or aSow yourself be talked JnM buying other gin. Our machines are fully gesMateed, If not eatofled wtsaVwat guarantee place your order with any reeponataat SMroaast of your acqiiainMnne i get him to buy tor you. Tims, When deasree wm be given to any taspoMjfclS parsoaw Write fordesci lptlv elrcnlar with hundreds, of tectlmonlali from 'ma xoaaters. w , BROWN COTTON OIJC to HARRIS nEr.lEDY CO.s'IiAl if iW I 1' " 1 'imMHl r 1 . i iw mmmrn mmy sV) rtUJF.KAaalff P8Tlt EUOBt 1 PhnkalDeMl.f rmuun Saaaketfea aa their ate r aiaay itetwyeeaMiieeaaie, aifer a4-teAlemay ' ear, t tm Im MTm u.kM 1 aie 1 ,S) S (eaeart eSeeka eafe, aal uenlBf Uum BwoUit), I sssatas esweee stewt f ean ewf Mela ea arsUeaUea. , SvarHe to eitrtoe N ' the Wiee4, J . . yTinmi" Til xilnuut l hmri4 . . ItMtMM eelallr trw e Mlausa WtM MM MM NMWi l J wn tm mm u Uom u he imw1 by thiea.. "l t hy anil. S mm - Hwlk. u trmm Kntere.. ' Mail thetraSSreM, ASImi, IH. MUTT, 1 M, uk Sa, S. Immm, mm,- MTAJMuaiuja ina vautvaT vavajts. . avKAdP 'Brawncotfanafn Co-t jiff n PyBpi j L. JffewIon4am,Ct j, jf' rf Jfl jJB WE INVITE ATTENTION FOR THE Which Is now full and d complete. We keep the best Goods made, will sell them at the lowest possible Drtcea bjmi o-,, a full line pf Goods pt all grades, and of various styles and prices, being Well adaptodto tb wfS?fb?Stl!.rctton to us & call and satisfy themselves of the troth of oar assertions. m " want of bo Ji the ctty aod co Oar ritock Embraces We lnvlbe ail to give us m grogs and gXedicitus. FRESH MERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, JustBeectved, at Drl I S JJUTOOA CHY, rrom Saratoga Springs, it. Y. A new water re. semDimg ine imported vicny. Beeommended aa an antacid; cores dyspepsia, aids dlges- Hwn, js a powerrm ionic ana strong uiurouo. Hattorn Natural Mineral Water, Beeommended very highly as eatharttc and al terative and tn an forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASXS OONGBJESS WATK&, 0 CAB1S BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, f A CASKS BUFFALO LTTHIA. ,' - And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLIHARfS AHD Hanyadi Janos Waters. TUK UT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Do8i-Awm glass full before breakfast The Lawarf "Hunjbdl Janos. B&mn T Jat Af firms that Its richness In aperient gaits surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical JcurmA "Hnnyadl Janos. xne most agreeaoie. saisst, ana most emcadoas aperient water.". rmj. vvxftov, ueran. "inrananqr good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger. Vienna. "I have Dnsarlbed these writers with remarkable success.' Prqf. scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none bat this." Prqf. Lander Brunton. JL D., F. R 8., London. - More pleasant than us rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prqf. Aiken, M. JX. r. M. B., Royal Unitary Hos- pitai. Metier. "ireierrea to ruiina ana raea- ncnsnan." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. dont go to Saratoga When 70a can get water tost as fresh and spark- nng as wnen n nows rrom toe spring at saratogi We receive this water m large block On reservol which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. hoadxh. nroggm ana caemw. Prescriptions Mietolly prepared by experienced and competent day or night. uU28 AT WILDER'S Ton will find a choice and complete stock of PURE I FRESH DRUGS, Colden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract -OF I BEEF and TONIC 1XVIGORATOR. TRY IT. CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THE TINE8T SELECTION in the CITY, ndndlng the famous LA PAREPA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Melts, an assortment, and everything generauy kept m first class ; special anenoon given 10 Physicians' day and night. Satis faction guaranteed. GIVE MS A CALL. Corner Trade and College Street apr ESTEY, ROSEDALE, organs! , Steiaway, febber, Decker Bros, Hi INKS and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK. PIANOS. It Is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and 'SELL THEM AT FACTOBT FBICE& Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements. bat give me a trial be fore you boy and I will show you that I ean distance all competi tors, both in prloe and terms, AU I ask Is a Mai and this eaneoet - i yea nothing, while n may he tha mea- of J aavlng you a great deal : tn tin InawhawTif fir" always la took oltbor to seU 4t renv on or address Loek Box274, JNO. B. EDDINS, may23 " .-.ii J( voBTioqe.xt. r .j CXTT.TAXE STOECTITXI 1883. A LLpsresWiM,ta the elty ofjCnarlotta 3-..o fax,adl afl pereoes. botfies tottttoead eeemoMta, who ownwaavejoantrotof tarabie property In the cit$n the flrsg of June, 2, are hereby notlfled towrtiirn to w, any sUsakte4 reaer.bettraHisaiitVn Jnl 4t XJILmmmwmkAutaia. toaylStf nd Iffmnaianit r-tWiilii.ia an til TT. M. IMwirureo ) iorj) cure or Mmt mmm , sPeteJsawJ JatoV4s)fcEeMafj sTreteVslvtwlsBwBsV sMsd t&utv. - OR. WAMO CO., HMdensUrn Store it r hj PELOUBETffi 5 W L BOMBOUMI WE -TO OUR STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER 3E5. RAMKIM BRO 71 WE HAVE STOPPED SELLING I PllTIlTf! SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Tha UwPubUe camiot Pe5e!vtheDlflerenee. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, JlST RECEIVED. apr2 DBTT IEXIPIBIES& RECEIVED TO-DAY. We hare added to our rtocfc a fun line of Cents' Cassimere Suits, I WHITE "VESTS ALSO A LARGE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 8ueh as Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves and Silk CLOSING OUT AT &d HASOflflO TEMPLE BUILDING. mayl7 w mm : ' .; ! States ville, IN". C., 'OFFER THB -LARGEST STOCK- iV.t o GENERAL MERCHANDISE i ? ii J! A m. .1 a I OH rilE HOST FAVORABLE TEB1HS JOBBERS Iff THE COUNTRY. THEY WILL. BE GLAD TO , i ftCIOTE PBlCEf TO THE TRADE. ""HSU' "' i i . ;i ' : : ,.:.:, AMERICA STILL FURTHER AHEAD) nn n n m n mcrpnra 1 THE BEST THREAD VAJ UlbLbU LUJIAJLM U UVS Awarded all the Hone ATLANTA International Cotton HZ2V rE and Tvo JGold Illedals and the Grand,Friz5e &ip?'tlie Trade! bjK r xf f 'A ) ? q rx ji-s ... . r feBpqsler ' J. - f T I - Hi' fiAREJS) AT LAW 't onTia stEBALBMrrr ooDoalla Camt CXlABaVayrtTE, N. C. mmmy . y J fnil 9r- J r u.tTwmjtr of Qiadofta.S. ai IT All ebrrespohdatMSWCl reeetv pwnpt mUm Ejtfbh "mm I rt FtlnI ra.vChirwui; i, ct rM-a J.uonl i , i-Htr . ii. ti., li-n. W. f. bfukui. z-Ju bujirem a Wrt Kottli tmreilnm, - twl 9m. INVITE ATTENTION IHIOIS TRADE, Purchasers country trade AT COST. BUT OFFER GOODS AT BURGESS NICHOLS, all mti mw BEDDING, &C. AnuLsm Cheap Bedsteds, Parlor ft Chamber Suita. We have added to our stock a full line of DUSTERS. Handkerchiefs. Ladles' Drees Goods and Parasols REDUCED PRICES. d COHEN, BROTHER AW D, IW, COMPETITION WITH ANT for'SEWINO MACHINES) 1 u 1 ai 'ifiB onors .1.1.x - baititmf 11881, 01 A HAND 8EWINGP & COia Charlotte, N. C. BfXa IsT Jti7 UIXBY F U R TJ ITU RE, ill !yii . iLi 1 1 it: rrmn niNrn ttt fin i 1TT f-. yiiM,i'iiii,i..,irfivi' . ii'i Li's wf I . i vLi M i I ii ssi ill P i a sssj sa

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