DAILY CiHARLOT! E OkB SERVE K: SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1882, ) MM.1 i.i DC (liarbttt (Dbgcrotr. lnde f New Advertisements. nrrrnves Wllhelm-ParHSOls. H.wiLr, Hrrt8-8peci.U Inducements. 4.' i T flVwle CWPer kxpress. 8.M HoSeil-Fiorida Sweet Potatoes. 2r7 Lt How CO.N 6 -f. M" CreselL8ae, st Bargains. j. uun dto. Xhe Great &exo jVtlocrtisemerits. JC J 'at'n r-aiy THE CHURCHES TO-DAY. YOTTOfl MTTN'n fwBTflTT a w loanmiirrnw Ttatrt- tjarial exercises la the afternoon at 5 o'clock. ET. Fetks's Catholic Church. -Services in the morning at iOV o'clock, and In the afternoon at 8 o'clock, by Bev. L. P. CConneU. Sxcohd PkksbtTkbiam Chubch. Services In tne morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In tne evening at 7 o'clock, by Key. N. Mr Woods, pastor, fcuuda; 8911001 at 4 o'clock. Baptist Church Services in the morning a-. 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7Vs by Rev. O. F. Gregory. Sunday school at VVi o'clock a. m. St. Pxtxb's Episcopal Chubch. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in the evening at 7fe o'clock, by Bev J. B. Cheshire, Hector, bun-, day echool in tne afternoon at 8V1 o'clock. associate Refohmitd Pbxsbttkbiam Chapsl. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 1V, by ttev. W.T. Wa'ler, pa3'.or. bun day school at 1 0 o'clock, a. m. Tryon Stbket (M. K.) Chubch.-services in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 Vis o'clock, by the vaster Bev. J. T BagwelL Sunday school at Hi o'clock. Prayer meeting at 7Va o'clock Wednesday evening. Calvabt Mission Church (4lnJuwr.) Ser vices in the morning at II eeock, and uvthe I JOu-eler. Sunday school at 9 o'clock a. m. I Oaas Meeting lnlhe afternoon at 4 o'elcOk. FIrst PBXSBTTESiAa CHTSCH. -r Sejwleea 1q the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at by Bev. Dr. A W. Miller, pastor. Sunday school at 81s o'clock. Prayer meeting Wedn-sday even ing jw 7Va o'clock. LtrrCTiuif Church -Services ihd&e morning- at ri iock, ana in tne evening at 7 Ms o'clock, by the pastor, Hmn Ti i B. Stroheck&v Sunday schpolattt clock p.tnx , Colored PrksbTtmian Church Services In the afternoon at 8 o'clock and In the evening at 7Vb by Bev. Mr. Wycne. 'pastor. Sunday school at tf-l o'eloekm. ', . This, strength Absolutely 1ure. oowder mm varUs. X man And wtiblestnwneaa More- el of puttty econo mlea than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in. competition with ttte-aaqftttude of low test, short weight, a um or phrepliaterpw(era, t Sold only In cans. ROY 1, BAKING (9?mX)., uv23 New York. JlT Afrat, Charlotte, IV. C. II n Ft: JaVJhislceyi is one the Vfeiy fpw toMicr : medicines UjAt,are xi6t com- " posed motl)k of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitfulisource 0f int'?mRer- . , ance by promoting a desire for rum. , BROWN'IKON BltTERS is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, w nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and atrthe same tirneabso- -.n lutekifl The desire for1'03 whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice; editor:of , the American Christian JRi- view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: HI A On., O., Nov. 16,1881. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, j pleasure, and vjcifus indul gnceifpur.eoplelakes ' V yoar preparation ncessky jand if applied, wjR siTehiin k ' dieds who' re3or tosalpqpts j fortmporaiTreperatioK has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ityi overrprltl rgemttism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent reliet ; 1 h k i HOME CHIPLETS. I"The regular monUily meeting of ihp county cotntnissionere will be held -inj the court house to-morrOV. JThe Baltimore horse-trainer, with ha ' sixteen trained horses, is coming Suth, and will be in Charlotte some time next, week. '.. ,x; ltUYesterday was tne' dullest Sat urday, and we heard several merchants 'remark it, that half been known in ' Charlotte this year. tSWe understand that 1.000 feet of Hose bought in the last two mntlj4'fof tiie city fire? department; has,bee-oa demnediand will be returned to the miiufcicturer. ' -V ' ; Jnne 7th is commencement day it Biddle Institute. Visitors from a diatance will be passed over the various cgdeading into the city at rip rates. , .. ( 2$&ftev. H. A. Nelson, D. will preach the Baccalaureate sermon of Biddle, Institute commencement, at the colored Presbyterian church to-day at 3 o'clock iu the afternoon. x XW The newly organized hose com pany, the E D Latta, No. 6, will begin to get ready for business Monday night An advertisement elsewhere calls.them to attend an important meeting. 1ST A wagon loaded witti June ap ples halted in Independence square1 y&trday Evening gnd fqjr a time it equalled a side show in drawing crowd. ' j"This last tivet driven iaJ,o th.e tanJTpipp, was $iade of Solid silver. fpt pndiWfS' that ha. dad not tell th4a4hiUlffift for fear some one womq swty utjnina auu ouip u, ouu lerifl Alexander returned yes sTfuht f OTTS gold UNDER THE ENGINE WHEELS. A DAY AT BELMONT. A Child Cut in Two by a Freight Train Shocking Affair Yesterday on the N. C. R. R. i . f The Bgqtttbound 'freiRirc rwuik The Summer Season Opened Some Re marks on the Park and the Water. The rising barometer of the past few days, has been an unmistakable evi- 16, or tekorth Carolina BailroadJ far'dfnce that the summer has opened and over a little negro child, auoui iour largo uuuiuwa.ui yw uOID vu- years old, between the Yadkin river bridge and Salisbirj; yesterday morn ing bout . 11 o'clock. Sis Bryan was the engineer, and vhile pulling along under a full head of steam, he saw an object on the track some distance ahead which he supposed to be a dog. It ap peared to be utterly unaware of the approaching train, and the engineer blew on brakes: At the firsts sound of the whistle the object moved, ami Bry an was horrified to see that it wasra child Instead of & Tdeff as hwwrpposed. XilO LCaill iWiW Wltuiii a icit iiuuuicu. t TT ed their eyes to Belmont Park ana Spring, a place that has been almost lost to their memories since the close of last summer. The dullness and gene ral inactivity in business circles yester day formed an excuse for large parties to get out of the city and dream the happy hours away under Belmont's sylvan shades. The park is about one mile from the city in an easterly direc tion and is approached over an excel lent road, wide, smooth and compara tively level. The park embraces an a-ea of about 30 acres of land, thickly varrtf hniihiia?ftRd itoiJrtrJerie tiwooded, with excellent drives running versed Ms fcv?r Sd alfthe braM j inrough it. The natural beauty of the T,a ihiU h(9Ti!tnirrnff Diace is unsuruasseu. .u iuo iuui ui a & the track, but on reaching 4hfi rail de liberately stopped and seated itself ustride of it. , IheTSttginfej- paw that jt would Jbe IteboAftwe io'step the iralrf ifore' t reached the spot wnere me cnnu was sitting and swinging himself out of tbi windpw, started to crawl along the ' .' :'" :. ' V x -iL z-ii .k ngme to its iront wilu tire iuwumuu 6f picking up the child before the cow- Catcher Struck it. He would probably have succeeded in this perilous under taking, but a lunge of the engine caused him to lose his balance and. be was pre cioitated down an embankment. He hart harrtiv regained his feet before a f-v O Diereinsf screanLwas heard and he knew that thl ihlliliij ber ranldQwn. The engine stopped within its length after striking the child, and then the horri ble task of puljing the mangled body out from under the wheels began. The body had been cut half in'twp, aaclean- lv as if done with a knale, thejfteaa gently sloping hill, surrounded by tall, shady oaks, the spring bubbles up from its rocky basin and sends off a clear, sparkling stream, which is lost in the green carpeting of grass that covers its course through the park. Belmont presented a lively appear ance yesterday with the gay crowds that thronged its woods. On the "mall" a table was spread and a regular picnic dinner was set out, to whieh a general invitation to all present in the park was extended. The invitation was given through the brazen lungs of a horn and in a short time, groups were seen emerging from their shady re treats and bending their steps to a com mon centre, the lunch table. It was Belmont's opening day of the season and a merry one it was. Until late in the evening the park was dotted with happy groups, from the staid elders and festive youths and maidens to squads of little ones toddling along with their terdavAfte rA&whicli tr, alw two davsr 'hKrviifauccessYuV He L001LOITI! now has 'in other mine" to. sell, but it will f ,tak bjg money to buy it. His new find is totteU near -the Dunn's mine, 4 tyit would appear that this week will'. not be; a very dull one for the young people. Four picnics, three lawn parties, .two ice creim - festivals vA one wedding ought to jaaake it hyely enough, , TbBeadiasGlnbjKKk anjamng to the country yesterday, spendingthe daV?it-Eaksfa pond. They had a bang upimeanft t'heir onlyr regret seemed to have bWM that the- tray passed so swiftly, f , ' ,gfriack Black is -openiug up a copper mittetinethel tQ?hspip,Cabai' 1rW eounly which promises tobeagood thihg.', M, specimens of. the ore, be shows some that is almost pure copper. The vein is a ricfe AtCke. t" It was buland4Sar to the peach market yesterdsiytt Soma totf hundred train from the S6ntb. and the combe- ht!6n' Was" lively. Pricea.ielklpm 15 and 10 eeolatft 6 cents pr dozen. b TBatis anmoaK w0ndWful;6ccur- fraicardatedin,6 Jpci, elaewherd of tne tliHd fl Jrft beingcut ia ttvoi bntBrym diclawMt It is pone jthe. part falling to one side apdlhe legs to' nurses and sucking their rubber rattles. the other I tscaouu mi uiuui. x .h0rrn t.hmnffh the engineer now fairly opened and the livery sta- nin0Z Siv-lriM anoVbodv bles will in a short time begin to run a df the child and the sensatiorrheexpe- rienced'when it broke into a ery weie l P IliMescribable. hastily laid ifcupoh i f r ! ;j . .. . . v i a. tbs ground, when it uuerea me njoeb pjjprjdzing screams for a foil two min S hf oris it cave a easp and died. It vrte a strange experience, to hear a dis membered body crying, and was well calculated to make the witnesses shud der. The body of the child was turned over to its mother, who lived in a cabin near by, and whose carelessness in permit ting it to play on such dangerous ! grounds as a railroad track, was re buked in such a tragic and unfortunate manner. Engineer Bryan says that had he known what the object was at first sb.t &e, inlgnifhae stopped his train in time, and had he not' missed his foot ing and tumbled ' from, his engine, he would have rescued the'ehird-after all. It was a brave act in th engineer and calls fotrnuch commendation. ' An Honor Worthily Bestowed. The Univertityof North Carolina, last Thursday, conferred the degree of D. D. upon the Re,v. Robt. Burwell of Raleigh, a richly deserved honor and one that could not have been' more worthily bestowed. Mr. Burwell is one pf Jthe few really good men left to our oi:$a!r5; SL&efrniL it?givesjus pleas ure to see him being1 hoh6red -by the State to whieft he has proved such a true and devoted son. A Nesro Rapist Lynched. From passenger! ho? arrived in the city yesterday morning on the Charlotte Columbia & Augusta train, we learn that "the excitement? itf 1 Wtflnsboro the jiight previous, was a lynelung.. Op. lest "Fridav morninc a negro man, whose name Wc6uM tfoPteSrnr committed a rabe ubon hite . woman, between regular line of hacks to and from the ark. It is a most popular resort and .3 in many ways a Diessmg w me peu- ple of the city, who need not, as long as we have Belmont for a park, go away from home to secure all the pleasures of pure country air and the benefits of the best of mineral water. The water has been often analyzed, and each analysis shows it to contain properties of the most beneficial charac ter. Prof. Hanna's analysis proved it to contain in quantities 'greater and less, oxide Of iron, oxide of manganese, silica, chlor- sodium, magnesia, soda, and a trace 6f lithia. Its comparative analysis is the same as that of Swan nanoa Gap spring and of the spring at Hickory Nut Gap. Many private fami lies of the city send out to the spring every day and have a supply of water brought in, while the Central Hotel has Belmont spring water set down on its bill of fare regularly every day. It is understood that the park is to be improved and made more attractive by laying off and graveling the walks, trimming the trees, and probably the erection of a fountain. Visitors to the city will find it a pleasant drive to the park-and the park itself a most delight ful place to spend a couple of hours. A Superintendent Secnred. The board of commissioners of the Charlotte graded school at their meeting yesterday evening in the city clerk's room, engaged the services of Prof. J. T. Mitchell, of Ohio, to take charge of the graded school in4,his city. It has been the desire of the board to secure the services of some practical and experienced teacher, one who un derstands thoroughly the workings of the graded' school system, and to this end letters ere written to two well known teachers, Profs. Mitchell of uniojmp'rjwcuiwij AiufVMi(VU w, I UiO TAX SALES. Notice to Delinqaent Tax Payers. I WILL SELL FOB CASH at the COURT HOTTSE la Charlotte, on MONDAY the 5th DAT of JUNK, 1884, beginning at 11 o'clock a. m., the roiiowing assenDea property reai eswe w satis fy executions In my hands lor taxes doe the city of Charlotte, N. C. : One lot. the property of J. R. Cassady. sttnated in square 190, on Smith street, adjoining T. Grier and others. One lot. the property of Mrs. S. A. Chambers. situated in square 1C4, on corner of Graham and 3rd streets, adjoining A. a. scnencg and others. une lot. tne property 01 airs, si j. tiiier, sitoat ed In square 62, on Poplar street, between 8th and 9th streets. Two lots, the property of W. m. Crowell. situat ed In square 107, on K and 6th streets. One fraction of a lot the property of Mrs. Martha Flannlgan, situated In square 151, on Church street One lot. the property of Fanny Gordon, wife of J. W. Gordon, being 1119. In square 104, on Gra ham street, adjoining T. H. Lomax. Two lots, the property ot Mrs. J. M. Howie, situ ated In square 53, on the corner of 7 th street and a 4 D. B. B. Two lota, the property of Jeff Hagler, situated In square 80, on 1st street, adjoining J. McLaugh- nn, oeing lots ou4 ana ouo. One fraction of a lot, the property of Tbos. Holly, situated In sauare 104, on Graham street. adjoining W. Holly and A B Schencfc. une rracuon oi a 101. me property or irranK Horah, adjoining John T. Schencjt. Two-lots, the property of Mrs. Jane A. Hand, situated In square 2, corner Tryon and 5th streets. One lot, the property of Jas. Holcombe, situated In square 1, adjoining Albert Torrence and others. One lot, the property of Jas. H. Hunter, situated on C fctreet, in Ward 2. two lots, tne property oi jas. r. Davidson, situ ated in square 224, on 11th street, adjoining Mrs. M M. Phlfer. One lot. the property of W. H. Howser. situated In square 111, corner old Boundary and E street une rracaon of a lot, the property of Mrs. Mary J. Uodgers, situated In square 66, fronting on 8th street One fraction of a lot the property of AosOn Springs, situated In square 114, on B street, ad joining W. Hosklns. One lot the property of Mrs C E Klllian. situated In square 68, on Poplar street, adjoining W Beiry hlU and others. One lot the property ot David KlsUer, situated In square 158, adjoining S M Howell, and others. Two lots, the property ot Mrs Elizabeth Lentlle, bituated In square 96, corner of C and 7th streets. Two lots, the prop rty of P J McGowan, situated In square 46, corner B and Hrd streets One lot the property of JohnMcConneU's estate situated In square 50, on Tryon street adjoining the Lutheran church and others. Two lots, the property of D G Maxwell, situated ta square 65, fronting on Graham and Pine streets. One lot, the property of Wm Johnston, situated tn square 149, on Hill street One lot the property of Ephriam Potts, situated In square 79, 1st street, being lot 693. One lot the property of W l Query, situated In square 93, comer B and 8th streets. One lot the property of WJ Wl ey, situated In square 66, on Pine street adjoining A BerryhUl and others. One lot the property of Isaac Wallace, situated In square 147, on Hill street, adjoining Alex. Alli son. One lot, the property of Jas PetbeL situated In square 51, College street adjoining W W Over man and others. One lot the property of Florence Beid, on Mint street In Ward 8. One lot, the property of Isaac Beid, situated In square 71, on 2nd street, adjoining Levi spencer. One lot the property of Margaret Beid. on Mint street, adjoining J T Scbenck, in Ward 3. One lot the property of J H Savllle, situated In Ward No. 1. Two fraction lots, the property of F M Shelton, In square 15, on 5ih street One lot the property of B N Smith, situated In square 9 1 , corner 7th and C street. Two lots the property of Dr. Wm Sloan, sltuat ed in squaw 25, corner Tryon and 2d street One lot, the property ot Bebecca Taylor, situated In Ward l, adjoining Sims & White's tannery. Eight lots, the property of foray J Toole, situated in Ward 3. on South Boundary. One lot, the property of Anne C Walker, situated in Ward 2. on stonewall street adjoining Daniel Mosely and otners. One lot the property of Martin Weddlneton. situated in square 80, on E street, adjoining Free man Bel). One lot, the property of P M Morris, situated In square 8, on Trade street, adjoining H G Springs and others. One lot the property of Bufus Moore, situated In square 147, on Mint street, adjoining George HoilobauKh. One lot, the property of Richard Hoover, situat ed in Ward no. C. F. HARBISON, C. T. C harlotte, N. C, May 5th, 1881. 4w Cott T5 While Other "Folks" are Now Sowing :o:- lJE ARE ALREADY BUSY IMIIUG ! :o:- t While a Good Many Merchants are noHrapi the 8ssa u v U MM MM MM MM T.KR RRR U MMMM M MM M R R R U MMMM MMMM KB RRR UMMMMMMH R gSSg ITTT 8Z $ s T O O O KK ? 0ooSVss sail ummmmmmit k s BflS ITTT u m u iu w M ww i 7 I AND SETTLING DOWN TO A "SUJ!IMEjr BEIGE" OVER THEl R GOODS, AND TO PERHAPS BEMOCRN tmelYVG41SI17TE9 WE HAVE ALMOST COMPLETELY DISPOSED 'of TWO PURCHASES Mr. gv&ti&a MAS' .... ? 1 'IIM. -i And henee we announce "with Jusf pit nir.ili, Left Yesterday Evcniog for Eastern and Northera Markrfy to toiHers- wini it i mm AK IT BEING SO FAB AHEAD IN THE RACE, WE MEAN TO MAKE IT, THE COMING FALL. In the meantime the remainder ot our SUM HER STOCK Is offered to the pub lic, whoa know by past exper'eQceJ Is not Blow to appreciate that we are Winnsboro and Doko. lie was captured sometime-WriB tb day and was offeritemlhesuMrintefaiTi brought ta Winnsboro, , where he was charldtfeJgredS!riio6tilttid JLhviting haneed f rom a tree by a large body of UhenAee$li&45oH lynchers' Friday nijriit,. - itmWth$l$0$ consultation. Fri- trfrtjgEfflqeSBj gentlemen wero m IF YOU WANT FR1 a r . 'TT!.A As there'ere quite a number of yoaiMaraS T" tnemseives ior couiueLeui uumchotk. - thetically Inclined; ii tmblfches the f o .fSSSS lowlfiginmgttQkingri .MflSS I ' Sl OLD POINT COMFORT tos.troeaHetoMcawdofMW63- beooming a rmoPyl flsSe hlSd is no terdaathrnMfe'Wfor offoatHiftBWMIiri8freqttD . anttbinif in ftJtfWLWn iu jyuosuiawu ur i - r?Llz'teATM school is banct The - i i . . m ii. . i . r . r. TnrTu iiiii rm 1111 m i . " T lllaai Kfi. tuo uoj , koiu .w and much4 rrL - Wntmia T!l ' Officers, A. X . WTJf . J i " jut!'- ai'Awiiim (tm wwwift MA'rtadflji digested. mW-':: it nrnt costit is relatively cheafief f.qsmjHfiS jfl.f m'ff twmptyyvy uniLL i luxii rwioiwoi -- - GOODS iJ w of officers, gna, uib yiy:-,r elected for the ensuing yeai:ri- dentfJioT Smith; Vice-Chairman, JT ,r: . c. t r, caoen: jjmanciai ocuiouxj, North: Treasurer, James TPembertodf; Tiiioriini Secretary, C Hall ;st Di- fe It Taylor ;'2d Director, Sandy eaougja cpld water should be poured off -Kem.ataiDf nncaUed for 16 the post tn nrvnt the rice from turning at the nfR0a at Charlotte, af 29. 1882 r -w.- - .... , . ... . hattom of the pot, whicu snouia naia-r,, ATexawrer, vvmsiow Aiex- lose-fifting coferf ftndroith a moderate canPafrr .t n f hr thft riee. is steamed rather tpa n.u.j, - I . . . T T -" r. n.J1 hoild until it is nearly aone; uieuua rRAflwen W J iJyran, -at u crauicjr, on mm IF0E SALE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made In the case of P. C. Shufordand others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale, at the Long Island Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, ihe 3&D DAY of JULY, 1882, the following valuable Property, to-wit; The lactorr of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether with 16 Via acres land, including the entire water power of seven feet head, factory building 60x40. two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery : 1 picker, 1 36-tnch double be iter and lapper, 6 36-lnch 14 top flat cards, railway head. 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all in good order. 2 Danforth cap irames. 132 spindles, total number spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, Duncu ana oaiing press; also a large lot of eld looms, pullies, shafting, Ac. For more accurate and definite description of the property and the conditions of said sale refer ence Is hereby made to the decree above referred. TEHMS:--Twenty per cent of purchase money cash and the balance in equal in stalments of three months and six month bond and approved security required purchaser, or the Receiver Is by said Decree au thorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. The Receiver Is also authorized by said Decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and be wUi entertain private bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr AM. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom will take pleasure In showing the same. Address JOHN L COBB. Receiver, un3. Llncolnton, Lincoln county, N. C. HEADQUARTl VIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the rear. Saual to any hotel In the U. 8. Sur roundings unsurpassed. Bathing, boating, fishing and driving specially attractive. Pre-eminently a resort for Southern people. Terms less for equal accommodations than any resort In the country. Climate free from Malaria; and for Insomnia truly wonderful In its soporific effect Send for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc mayl8 3m HARRISON PHOEBUS, Prop'r. S FilR THE CAROLINAS. r r l n k mm. mmmm PHirtiMRh A W T TDT E3" IIS S W 3HI THE WM BARGAINS ' 3 t t n h r WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. cover is taken off, the surplus steam ambl ,x?aftii-V allowed 7 tat' escape, andt turns out a mass of" snow-w .Boxes imyenai ;5U eoiLiD 'irfthmas Comelms; Janitor A Patterson. - Backets 1 ISmokWin Hams. Y3A if litsBia ' ',. ni hiii mtwr f i mill ftnnrh ' HA'i :i;n iux-A CALL 1MJSJL1 VS. "' ! -' - " rfo iAi u mTRW'flffriBUH J III Ii id I A Cbae for Oar Bicyclists. Mr. Ohas. II fiomtef 3 C il k MniiAafji. naiO.,aa that at the fair wUWh a'J Sumter on next OctoTX. f Hiinr wiU be" bief featqrfe. .t tn ffive oor-XariAtd-ttcVclists TLtmtoWffataiW itiftt ther ari v '-iiwwjBrinfcviJiemselvesiti UlrAhm fere of- sJi vi iwkBiSnlatIon Tn prize for li Ua1tiaa U our the cash. '". .-..t orvntfriyt ireffloaiit Sun Hall, and as much superior to tne usuaismeo&j mass, as a fine' rneUJ JWtato is supeos-i I . HtelaiafriviaXefterdaj. . Moiscaecrtf hqtel.-W A Wilborn. .) Park fuBQAgnff l.ti)uri;ifcR.Woire u u itoxion, u d?V r V1 unc? ILAlLeru, Mecklenburg counra; j ce at w " : 'StfrnJhiAhify : II W Sha 'Drj iJ.te N m 1'f. rA-mWitllni New York; J 3W"Srr .rw I rton. J T Chaffin,.'Mary JS Jacl McGain, WF Carter, R hflonaaifiyies, jaraarEJ uicun, wlift Gtiet. Wm'Hariter.col.. Emma Hall.B T' fetolm, E P Hanson, Martin J Howard, Watson Henderson, Lizzie 'fiehaerson, WFM Bfendersbn, Beoja mite.Hafen.R M Jamison Waddy Kilpatrick, James Linebarger, M P Lowler.-R H St Leak, Wm Lawson, E IS Madden, Harrj E Montgomery, Geo T.XT lrttiHWl110?3' W Mceai, KjVJ ; Katie Ndble Aiwwett uens, ai- TT A V Woo Sm jS Have Just received a large supply of HO IBIL In all 8lzs packages. MS'ii.m son. JJr j r?i tingham Ofceis. r;? f 1 iIW wsa eo&it-a 3ii tHrfMHtM, .jAmtht)C Holliday, WgCawnsend, tJiL; T M JflinersDn ana is. Mrs MiuoDin- CWJORich- aiitektOaijel Hill, altimorei WY Cot- f 'Jbnes, R L Hick- Dawriyaya; R A tthlap, Atlanta; Mirs FLOUR, BRAN, rm RUtoaoSTCet Wm Richards, GfC M gM&Vrmi&ISSrV J H Swygart ' . ... -rl-r klL itfof-WParsley, ttm&Sm&BtiSxisr Davidson ( it jph.il.. Cincinnati;. W CJ 1 , -'K - r. :.-xa !rmHU Kit BsSS -H H lo bmoS ' Til' m At theBpliat ciitatlf; fenditBUJ UCity? -1 4f Nr4 ralker oteds, Lee Slone, .Hattie thomp- WilkinsiMiney lor.D B Wal- n, AnniaC War- Zander. ' the above a$Si&tb$J$ lxander-l Vltharsi onnarfe-Jol .Whentallfiig fpj'any of s o h 1 3t. TuatfavJi Mr Clay ton, of the flKsjjfd thrangn uwn on ms way wdai iknbre. He carried with him XMo blocks Vs oniA thA rmxluct of A nartial clean MEAL, STOCK FEED, And la fact evarytatng kept In a First-Class Grocery Store. HDCIDM '.lyn'AmjjiH A.J.Dcall&Co. may 30 (Do? ,Tt4two ,tHousaoCf ana sixty-iour peuy- i Tyar; L weignta ana-wwe-goxm two iuuusmu w Rjriow fTrtrjmfcv tmna are now in od- My ttiMi. iMc Clavton, will burchase 'ftis fcraUonvVM. Clayton. wUl burciiase rar ortrmore tefre-his return End have a ierai wfOiaTjtj in the last WeeKS. lnis iogJwma.OUuoiucfo. Sfa Ati4lae l CILLi;Boatoa-ajt; I To tiie StoeWta 1 , Or THE NORTH STATE OOPPEIt AND GOLD inmiHO coaiPT. TAKE NOTICE. neeriasr 64 tfca stoekhoMers of tne mmDajiv bas been called br tne Prert- nmiri or Diredora. ana wru m mui dd nntst. Hferta Point. Guilford oountr. North Caro- 11 ra, at 8 o'clock n. m , for th purpose of ratlfi lni and eonnnalng ail tne previous acts and pro ceedings of said company, Its stocknolderm, ofuoers and directors transacted by vtrtae of lta charter, ttvnutltmfan and bv laws. In the dty of BAUtmors. In Uia State ot Msrjland, and Tot (be transaction ' et sneB otaer Dtwtaess as nay do Drougu ueiore tL Bt order of tbe Board ot cireetors. j Mtj fli (0ffinnniiteip i.f; I I u W -vjijiw ni'n.l.'n', lllJ&UZ -l !q STJIJ4K. - - :.. '' '. , i P Yr'i.- tl ,; I DURING Tftfe&ffi iu ii w ik .s..:tifi ii ii Ml IS Mi returned, JOSEPH WILKIK3. : , 4 -it-... j- - .- - - - TBADX AND COLLEGE 8TBIXT8. - . '.' - beheMinSt,retet'f Catholic may 30 President guson, Lowell, N C. to-day

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