PAIL? frgARXOTTB UBSEBYEfi; SUNDAY, J.Tjsfc 4 1882. Hew &ntzttetarnti mrAfM2 ifju'TtfL'VT easooalio I 'SJMi twit? .fi '&S w,rw8v. gttef at , e. TaCi w.soe, Wfua A-ume. AuewS 25. Ie77- livm-rt Trwf. eesetarv FtArtr is & rd e&s- 1 (K EVERY ONE Boeios Ttkizr, aa Un Si feet UsrocB tl of li fccItf room as lie tes&im tifcittir- ZKK&ez' CHINA ST O R E . StmSbtm A r,'. f - si i as; a r ... . ; l V'4 1 43! jr. !( A- fitiiW Parkers6 UAE tun ffi-rm rirt a a vrm STSSSTwaw iMKte u ss " Age VNW fa MJMtm IRELaDD OF TO-DaI. CMlm npgT&JiSi ft1! fJrt kAInJK," taw y"''" -MiA iMiiiuM uaa S fur ty U csstocliaBa t Jes aa plates, a$ ;fie Sjb iiis petsoosL Tfaey tie Sk f Ute Cfure wiii li Wictn laSJie tie dif fcvil t& ail Ja C9CTtxll. Xcfeody fQ'JAWrte&i. how tbj &Amzjf ti jaor i5 tr-j mT fcr i pot. Tat ftwtisfj wi i&em mttummmtM JL-Ttffi tsd iiajfckfc to be used ib eotro- Six Xhnrvxw-A ImsMlgrsa&iM arilT4 at Xew Y-k Wednesday, makm Sto&fi - . . a-. a-- A. A BL'LL. U M-. LftAbd 1 y Mftl MWC -1 Vur 1 3 -V iWl to Ui2f f Mx7l 1 ; SPIW.'MI wm CLEUT3 i wtn CommissioD llerdant . ft I 1 imtltll tkyom wttMxt, ciituyin, c 3 - .1 i!fr tAMU f tod) U twin, M rOK BALI BT ALL DKUJI3T8 AKD DEALERS tiESEUALLT. 1 4t1 1 rrj4iJu.g t aJleg fed false istiat of ' uftfi frjw pisxm naed for TAXUOk L&lf. SUM. We -vf .i:f ar rjjm s was StHTDOSftL of iLe f4ati a&wl for printing We linger dj9J5to3:i0BS, tbe jtssuc uctd ia print ing tije eo18 t iept by same of U-- parUes Mod tctzltL Omwgtottx retention of ifaii oiJe thearrsiof tfct birty ho )BcreUa!l t5i eanse Csaliy f ol LwL L a aaderlrtata ytvytssi'jfM ws ad to Lita tiutt if Jae would ziTe tip tLe olate r dirulge vrtr; ft was secreted aud expose his cftotodera&es, tie bouid rit t re lttd from rtstfaaiit afid fioally be par dtaed. TLi wa dtcii&fed, Leiice bis tfiaJ, eocrkrtion a&d ii.ea.rc ration for ionf pr1VJ of time- Jioon aftr Lis fwW:i huml tLe 100 t!aie and raie te of it jo the itbd ut- ttrriag of A LAEOE A MOOT or CUKBE3.CY, hkb went into general circulation- It was not till daphcate Dbmoers or toe aaiae d-enominauoii were aiscoverea tbtth goreroiwsot taw trie necessiiy f making a new plate aad new issue $1X treasury nortes- Tltere are parties living fxe are dead-wltt shared in Ui spoia luaT. accacoaiaui jiuuj iuc toue of this eecrtted plate. TLe par t eutituted a ring. Laving import ant rauiJficaUons. A rxanani 01 tnai. iiDg still exist. That there is such a ring is undeniable, and it is claimed ! that thwse parties have enjoyed jrreat facilities for baodiin the plate and is- iumg oooaa prinia iiierwu. " . hen the exieni 01 uj pou i uiv known, Vnt from the flash condition oi the known confederates to this robbery of the jeorernment and the spoliation of the people with Mm length of time it has been es joyed, it is certain the ut terance arid circulation of such notes from the stolen plates has run away up Into the millions of dollars" The attempt to make way with the $10 dis last Thursday at the ensravlng and printing bureau lends color to the above startling narrative. The air U Lull of rumors of coming revelations. yesterday aiid in the Free Chamber of Iep3itks. 3Co jmsKsdjaiue military julslreDee is ostempliieL There are 344 eiti-s of arriarithorixcd migratioo to je military duly now brixig lrk4 at Bexiua. In Xew Yk yesterday Chalks B Eaxifon, Aiijert F-bfiiil4, Oo, IDddle Va. Gtou Uorgas, aid LUtber D- EaU were fined for keeping ganibtipg-fcc eg. These were the men who won over from Gor W- Tompkins, eahif of Iitch & Feters, the money "beloagiiig lo lie fiiin. TtiA trn t-2ji- rmovemest IS CTOW- icg steadily in Virgin; a. At the mim- WaTiwSMfO. the junction of tLeSbeaandoah Valiey aad CaesapeaJLe aim taiu iajjiuaus, uk week !cl cpUn w-.a by 12S for to 16 against. An action has betn insti1 uted against tate Senator KcUrts .of TilcsTiile,Pa, charging bfta with iijory in taking Lis oaui as f r aicr. i ue inionai.ju IS laid by Patrick lyJe, of Hichburg, X. Y4 who cla m5 that the Senator obtained hk nomination by improper means, arid therefore could not take the oath of effiee. Boy 4sditor of the Oil Echo, ard is under indictment for libel, Senator lioberts being the prosecutor. i "jQsl iQ "k I Ajt HnraTT H47aB , f T S'-Vs-k I " " 'aRS lintnluaxL- j I ffCL mis irr --'P1 I Airtw Btitt ! It9Bi; I -I 7t firLy&ff2&& 1 tewe teivaffb .. j j5i; If I. if CJrf PJ9$ 1 i etafeiaaal'., -. -1 v K inZVEH FAILS. SwS4U Ah lM 1 U v I irrtve WiliKl Anne I jt- J mat Daaoa. TcrOo. H3acrie, T I f j. Apopiexf. PTSia. Itwitw ftmsia, arrf ail sk. u dsn west mi im Bcm u7 antre AiKwm Hlfboo. Auin GRjuMbora,.. mm Cbariuu. .2000 a M - 1&20 9jai SDltW - j S44 .. - .iUJaAA2l Copper Ore. Becnet Xooe has shown us some spe- Viiwuf v w - mine near Jvevi Iledrick's place on the four mile branch. The mine has been verted bat a short time, and has reached a depth of not more than 16 feet- The ores lately taken out give nr"mise of rich result? when the mine is f urrfcer derelopeL SAMARITAN iECYIE Cum FoaaaJe WcakseM, OtvaA DcfcfiarLeo etntoeadrWMtet. Itna MhiumuJcb. Cita.!- mttfcm rf tiie BuKlr, TnWif f ne Btoddcc lor WakefataMM at ntet-U tJtere to no ... -M ii f K riimM or Dxe D0 asd fclws rest, eomort, sod rjcars iww t. SAS1AQITAN SERV1XE ire evet aeiauea Les GoidAore.-2 50n intn at Balctta. - - 7. tp p m Learn ItaidtEa. 4 00 as ArriteGneaatara. S-IS pat A. A So. SO CogdwU at CteVe Llie tor all mteu la tte MMca and toiK-wcL B1BT CiEf.I'KS, Humus a FLT rAXB A3 Afauis. CKEIM r 'xasr. Llm far mil nobtta SaKa and Fi rfa MOa loCe wta C, C A A. S. K. lor aQ inU feoUk xa4 n. w. su c iXAii-iioao. MUK TBI Sa 50 Dad . Sa C2-lBfl7,exeFptl Af live Eeraenwllie. .......... . . iM tistm it- A VIEW OF TIIE KIT0ATIO5.- ftwtf in tke lloule. ( Wwtti. Cut. AuatMa Chronicle. f nritif-p ithHt when it suits men like toiflita. All ofdr ttill liave our irotial H- twtUw so4 MiiUfactkwi )fiiniiU4. III Vft l l r I rr-i 1 1 WW BB B I B BBi yum cure: i 7" FOR JUNE, WITH PATTER H.8 , JUST klCEIVID, niiMM u an effect, rtot a eaiu. IU origin ts '-win.awiiiiMatuliar1f1iitia. Ilaaea. to cur rwotur war uA wrSSris mecUAil8: NEU'rf HAVE KIDNEY and LIVEIt CUBE les lMi,HMd on lut tlila triftcliln. It realize tU 3 I lilt CUNT. of Mil dlaf art from dwattiiwi kldnvyt ani Uvr, slid U dtrtlu at otm Hi tbe root of lh. !flV ' fiweiwiwsmw f wrtittft it U jrnwl act I I diawAtrliftan th Kr4 trunnit. both a a nxo f llartl afclriinta,iiril, H $tAty ttwm In a naajtbr caollOliJ, flw 31iM5HHrii pain rrom me 7- UUL Vof tlw lnfmwrabl troubl eaiuMMl oy n health r JXUJne;, Liver anrt Urlnur; OrgnrK; for Mia 1lMlrMlfi Iflwirclrtm of Womtsii: for Mliila. and for )rUM (UtnuiwnuMto Kririllr, thl Krtiat renly ha r hiuhI Bwar- of tin potter, unlUUIotiM and oofcoiAlofi ld u tM Jiwt a good. Kor PWt, H-iK (or WAHNEK'14 BAKE UlA HETEd CUUM. for ul br all MaU)r. If. II. WAItraiiU At Oi)., Ilocbaauirt Pf. aprlB THE KING'S M OUNTAim ftLLtHEALING SPRINGS CO. VflU oftn for iU9thm$ 1 H2itf Wb day oat, i Tlwff tiHr iLtfiMl ittBlr ;littlN to ac- isSrirgKltttM 2)0 4t$d Jiv Mid eerr, abiatiuiii caic0iairtf rom4 ni-aun ana mm f Art TS wofidwrfAl Watrli xm ylitVn, nmmmm. vwmwMvm turn jpii Mick TIDDV & BROTIIKR. iito' i a 811 nSUb Snl coin ami Jill I iiimiiU of th UliraatlvH Oritaiu All ekln DltH iNafS and 1 learn of avarr klii'l, Herofnlu, Catarrlrafid ' all Kldny Affnctlonn )lld to ttmlr h-allii vlifuM drbbllltte piulenta who had vlNlted Hot HprlritfM of AikannKM without wllof, found It hf r hut aoanon TIM wair nave a vtuamunj mnmnismi unacm up on Kainala oompiainiN, ana niany mnrtomm li)QD aid lieed U) quote the Consti tuUoa'ttiendtuuihe SflcvW IIoly vv rja, Sjuj rat ine Btt" piuie Old Thad Ktevens wmild haver borne down all opposition as Jiobeson ana Iteed have done ; but he would not nave hypocritically pretended to do so with in the (institution. The later Phari sees have added a new crime to the old one. H X thought that this ruling of Jiobeaon'a tool would be eonsecrated by nMhlln Mrfnirin simI bmome "A. t?f D UlliH precedent in parliamentary law, I wou'.d not hesitate to oeciare mat mu xurpuir He witi nmrlv ended, that emvire was oloae at band, and that -the sword bad found its way to me uoweis oi in von stltutlon," liut, 1 ara not ytt ready to despair myself or bid others do so. The next elections may maite amenus. ue only fear is that Clerk Mcl'herson may repeat Keirers programme anu presume next year to say who is and who Is not elected, especially at the bouth. He ia an adept at that fa we and will obey the tmrtv-whln aa fteifer has done. A tidal- wave victory must sweep over me coun try, as it dW once Iwfore, and swamp Keirer as it did tDen paralysed Mcl'her tton. ' The presumptive result of the new rule, thus violently and illegally estab- itanea, is to unseat uiuuie, r mirj, Wheeler and Shelley, the uadicai-ue- publlcans have tasted blood and will not stop short oi satiety ; mux wno suau measure the capacity of such horse leecnes Richardson arid Tillman are no lontrer safe. Ked and linbeson have started the ball "of revolution. J)ois (ieo. I, Itobmson expect to roll 11 baca. wtii-fi it ifoi'H too far? Mirabeuu could riot do it In Prance. Uoblnsou in far frrjtn haying trfcpovrep of llirabeau. Tfie Hepuhlicanft have sowed the wind. They will rei p the whirl-wind. Many Democrats are gloomy at the prospect ;, others are not. One of ibe latter who has analyzed the situation, Hays: "I nrn -aihd that the Uepnhll caus hve dug lh li own r-tvi-s by thtt oulrag f MtMiaiiy. I)i'Hjetate, Indeed, must tln-y le to liavn made such a raid upon the Constitution and ihe Rules, Tb7 kjiewhai. tht'if pajty w;tH disln. d(ito nifelt'iZiijfFitt the SiiiUi to oltf HOW TO TELL ort'i.tE unaojw mveh BEct I. 4TOH, OH AEDICIKTB. Look for ciean Deal WHtTE WBAPPEB A tbe red Brrabofte Mtrr atamped npoo R to Um forto of a rfUoa Krateiullj et-rred in'o ine leoer 7. tmbrvlix the einWenu of our Wada. BpatoU. Monar and otaduate wi h the words A Q. cIM WJSb L1V1.K UHiL'LATOKor M BDf CIS fc there on. alto ofrnt-Tyr. ihe stcnatare of J. B. ZEILIM A CO., n .tA Uik on lUe ride. TAKE 0 (ITHEH. Be' an: of tboae bo ki.ow notblnc of Medical Cmmmti hJ put Mt itaouius known toaow. sod I l fit analswd prrve nhie-1 and only Blade to r-(x ttie pubite. snd u, pltate on tbe well earo adrepUattori of Zellln A Co s. medicine tbe fraoda aave no iet utlon to and will cheat fb for a few peiio every way Uiey can. U am DTbo Kmdrcm (be Ueatalate. Hon. Alex H gtt$.beM. KL Bev. Jno W. Pedcwtth Bisaon oi Os Oen. Jno. B Gordon, v. o Mutator KL Her Blabop Fierce, Hon. Jno Cilll Ijbo l r, J. ja&x Thnrripaori, Hwn. B H. Hill. Bon. J C. Breeklnrkfci. Prof David Wba. O. V. CbW JiiUce Hlraai Warner, of (la Lewis Wurtiier, AMtstara Y. M. Fhlla., Pa., d tbuoaand oi Kbeni rrom wnom wo u Ure or coiiirneti'iaiwn ana raonnaHwwu It U araUKiitly a Family Meaene; and by ba lsa kept ready for irflraed'sta resort win tats many an tioar of r 'Soring aad many a dollar In and doctors oiua. vmm. mlm tHT i w . . - 44. animallr from riirrhTf dross. The dnmkard drinks Honor not - - - k.fti. w. m hi. i.miii. of rtrfrik- tae and treaOna bis tztends, laneHunaJnglMa is on bis road to ruin- Uae the Optes Eater, lav tirst use IB cn In sraail aoKiiHiifca as a nxrnue . . . . fh. u.htn. irfttwM Af taa disar takes hlrwg hold upon lis vtedm, leading hlmon to bta own deaUncdon. The babtra of Optam Eaiincand LUtoot Drlnktog are preekway srhat flanjes Ux stomach, which redoubles Bs erartnas until It paralyzes both tha stomach and appedsej fcoeTerr drink of liquor or dose of optom, mmeaa . .fH.. nrv suita ia tM (hm area, unsi B eonraav the Thai loreaaod Uea4eltLlke ibe eta tonoos tape-worm, it ertes "Otre, grte. grver tutDeverenooch tatfu tta otsi rapaetty dew fcself. eamarttaa Nerrtoe ctvea instant relief in such eases. B produce steep. ulcstBe aajrre, bonds up tbe nervous syateso. ana restores boay and T"i to a health 7 condition. - SAMABITAN NEBYLE Cure Rerrous DyspepslR. pttatteo of tbmBt, AatfatBa. BaoncblOs, eerordU, brphllls, diseases of tbe Kidneys and all disaaaesaf toe i DrtearyOr cana. Bervoaa Debility, eansed by toe tndlsere aoaw of youth, permanently eared bytbeose jsf ,h. Hmimate niwdt. To voa. yowaw. aikkue vhn iM mwrttfts tour suffer Em e as witk saauUs by, silence, look up, you can U saw win. utna s.eeu ua T-v!y --3 It laps your Tttala. and destroys ZzSlt .a,. -TVhn. afflicted, take DR. BICH- 5xmD8 HAMABITAN WEBVOTE. - U Will BEStOTB your shattered aerres, anest prnattire delay, and impart tone and energy to the whole cystem. Sa 51 DCy, except Sends. Aulas Anlf QnensDoro. Sa 63 DaEy. i 6u00sa MAivv as ri aana w 1 ir - .....-.--. - .... --sv aw aaa 1 Arrrfe eieeusbwo H 00 p ; sttate i;?rivEaixv railboib. i Sa.2 I Er- i 1 f vAiaanxst, llacBhai pS 1 wTif sTlii Aasaye -.. ie i . 9L25 p 16.41 P 115 p . gJBOasa -ll-Otaai lLaSass 5- lSaai 6-50 aw ?-00aai B0STON- HETALLUR61CAL fOBB. 33 hatojc rartaytss. azsi Anaiy&ai. Cimauit 15 PneOsa; BX&ta tf Or ! Ha. an u;-artK BCrEACTMT TBEirCS. &r-ya. BBC ExxaUciCatiib. JiMpoits, fika&Oirt atid Hap stada. and CenBtneOaas vf wm GOIXG SOBTBL o I. Datty ex Suntoy. Leave Chapel Hilt 1 a a Arrive VnrvenSy, 1 1 40 a m atTK15XaStr 601X6 SOUTH. Dsl y ex. 3ancay. Arrive Uutsetstty. Arrive Cbapei Hflt. ,12.10 p 1 1.00 b msm SecM Gars WiM tiis On Train Jto. 50. ew York and AOanU via Wash ington and ftanviiie, ana Del ween Greensboro ana Cbariesu-n. On Train No. 52, LiefamoDd and CbarloCe aad Washington and Caarkai via SssxrlUe. tar-Throogh Tickets on sale at Greenbore'. aadEk!astr tr If migrant Bat to Loulsiaua. Tex as, Arkansas and the aoutavawskarfdsesa, A POPE, Geaaral nsaentr axebA -auja sOcauood. ya. RICHMOND A D4IIV1U.ER.R. Tke Sew foiiid Scdtiif wb COLD. aiLTF.M, COrPEK mm LJEAD OStES ' H K.Taa arSXCTCatX r wr PUCH S E D COPPER MATTE AND BASE KRUQS TzbbIh! 00 sVtatHiir'iir SAS1ABITAN NERVINE Hiit mr Utile rlrt of Ms. Bb ill also deaf and dumb, but it cured her. She can now taut ana hear as weU as anybody. JrI"..r7,, - Spring aler, wis. tm fW, arwl sfrar Inril 9rttfe IKSP) Ou ger train samea cat me Ananut taiannna air Line i.trtelon of this road will be as follows: T OBU8 BISXS. A EL HDXXT, ImM Ehikkkx. JOHX BWJJTtXT. .fadal Chilt HAIR HAIR Dr. Snnmons' liver Regulator, AjrcrACTtTtro oatr BT j tt 4c re PHILADELPHIA. Bold by'all bespeetable Orugglst. fatl24 Has asm. the of emtec nw wife of B. FijrrcKXB, rort m t , f . : Collins. CoL JLBARlTAjr NBBT1NB Made asureeure of a ease of fit,J' T,,m A B. Ralls, HattsviLe, Kan, AatABatTAV, ItEBTIIlE Cured ms of tsrtJfo, headac ha. S AfXA II IT AJf mCBVIHK : Wat the means of coring my wlls of spasm. . Bar. J. A Kent. Bearer, P. lAnABrra" bbvih j cniwrt me of asthma, after spending oyer S3.0XD Mall and WESTWABD. Expresa. Jaaflv Ma 6a Wo- 63. Leave tAartotta,sL ; 1.00 a m 12-50 put Arrive GaktoniAL 1 2.02 a a) 1.41 P m Arrwa Spartan burg. K j iAlaa 4 06pn Airlve reenvUle,H 5.59 am 6-2ai Arrrve Seneea. O i J-fSaas TSMpai Arrive Toeooa. F 9.18am (UOpsa Arrrve Bkbon Gap JaneOoavhaOO s so ft 10 pa antra Lola, S 1087 am 048 p m Arrive GalnesrOla. HOOaat 10.1 Spas AiTWeAaanta, ...... I lJ0imll2am - Maflandl Leave Atlanta, .1 2.15 PSBJ 4-00 ass Arrrve Gaineavfl-e, 451 pnv B-lgaia ArrrraLina,a - Arrtve Babun Gap Junction, 5.68 pm am ArrrvTtwa, i -40pm( S-JLi Arrrwj Seneea, G 8.08 p m 92am Arrive Greemrllle.H. lO-OSpaarl 1.03pm Arrive Spejt&iiburg. K. ll.aOp ni,12.24pm Arrive Gaatonla, W 2.0am 2 50 pm Arrive Charlotte. M 3 15 am; 4.00 pm MATTRESSES UNOVATED JKD MADE A3 GOOD A3 SI, a DiconDcnCD.uv w inTHc nAriir aaims rmeftlon- It fa tot n t 4bJaIeewee-g T tor the J I with other doctors. . Tlmmrm New Albany, Ind. lteatteiMlaate, l.rta.-.taal. JeVutaiiJoS 'dlseoveted tbAi ainea a worlwwioa figarttTeawag acts so gentiy 00 ritlPT them vtot to aa Harvous Brstem is iaewL ibe litxsoies are Bffw.Eiawe' aa half arerep oa vuTfTB VOJJC The rwwol was) aaVlptw t ISaibeelli! . . .aiTAUariaaaa Mvarl yara X oould nw aoootuit of WMoas fyii'tir cured me of spasms. urns Jaaaia Waotdt, 74U west van varaa siwes viuiu, AtlAaATTABi M KB VI PTE ' -wvi nf fltii after dm 8 AO dleby OUT JSSTlly ahy-ddUu hajrjng everlOO M , bcor. y f ypT tm, t enruuk, ni wuui 1 -j Cored ate of scrofula after srtogjoi eigbt ftAB&ABITAIf 1CEBTIHE COHNECnONa A with arrlTtnslrahps of Georgia Central and A W P.- Hallrps!' B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A A W P and W. A A. Railroads. C vVltharrtvtag trains of GwjrgUBaBroad ' m La7-Za- tt.ltMMAH a AOsaswHsk EA SlTWl a wtui nuunwwn nimw w uwif- v - m . . 11. wr rrem atneos, on. , ir with xiberton AfLine to ad.from. U UD UOiumoia ana oiwnra ""-r Colombia nd Charleston, a tf u -ritt rvdnaihia ana OreettrHQr 10 and noaa Celumtkia and Cbariestoiu 8-0, . i k witn snartanpoTg ana Mowm, ntiwir- bmc. UafiM and slow Ma- to and fjooa Henderson no ajw 01 lip E AltX 1 M , Ami Afihi Jj W1UI Lenoir telly usage to anu ftan. ru,mrA ,n nr nta nfter soendinc J W. TBOBBTOB CI VwAAVS MVWfVwt - - - - with irn,Hlsa. at wiw u. v- -t , fwai)1 points .Wgfc-Sorth Sod East. , Pullman sleeping-ear asrylee on Mu Boa 50 arHaW. vntSLidaanee betw.a Attantt and Mew Tor.o Passenger aBd Tleket Agei t. T. M. B. Taui n Gene'sl Manager. . 4 i w t Tfasl SareilBSsndeniir' he-to fiiMVi0jf ;tt bf SiuUi t( Iosh.8 IfillvU HH0 Wat illl i' ifili3Coiist,l'lmy s; diiMir id on in hied xfiv'c miKtfrfiK iiitnriiHil aoVarrv Die next IIouhc, hh 11 HteppliiK stone to the rresidetiRy, Htid tlrat they know cannot t .U lllMU fcVCI.Ilt liV I I'llllll 1(11(1 llHCf. ltV mttmmt cursd list twmnt. Tlii owners ;hilfr9--;l"2 .St"!..!.. rtf-.tusta aKtheoutli loMrtkathlH tt moH complete Ifaalth HeaorAtrt FV lf 1 lUf?KH m' ZTwMmH na owe .jyjAi J. nrdtdA it n nAnaniTAif nebvinb ( Cured me permanently of er U catnfc horn character. JtovrnJBd ' 1 AMABITAN NEBVIftE . Cured my son of fits, after nayipg baaioo In 1 1 ).' c. , C. & A. R. R. X30. OOHDEISEU SOHlIiTJESi Tn Xfleet Bandar, April 80th, 1882. eighteen month. West Portsdam, N. Ii PassengY. Train Mo. 4. Passe ng'r. OJt. SEfTT S U PH0LST EBED Ba the very teat.maiuter by a arst-dat.s woikra- a E. M. ANDREWS, Wholesale and BetaU farnttare Deafer, Trdr St. mar25 urn Hw hBlwaiaieiM BasMM a Table d'liot isf in boon a uantaurant, ana viiur may taeir 1 inn a Bimbiurant, and vMtor may rnSti ir.ion vu'.n 'm MnmiLii rtprHiK. Vnt furllier Infortnailon, v, n :t iwd their purses. Kxciirdon lUtkeUI Wlftj Nr mmma from an points w kiiik-s muuiiuni), ma u pot for tli iwiuroo un, r Mountain, M, 0. iiivf PHiiiii.hni nit4tatpJ fslitrj Marv va j au wwB '-r-'n - - s a illld tJTiilUliHiCtvileMlOal Ue- .tlaSfiiSll,BanllfiM wilt t.ift foftll tirorliirioiiM I'fTiirla to foment dhoord. encouraire ambitious negroes and vital , 9 i.?., ..t. It I... v.. . ..HA i,e inuupenuenis woo, nan mnuuiic, me the worst sort of renegades and radi cals I believe this plan will fall, or else meet with only Indifferent success. The very knowledge of the danger will drive (Southern men togotlier.uyid 1 should not b surprised If th llepubllcans, In stead of making gains, should meet with unexpectetLloBBeH. The 8outh wfll be wurnt tl in two and roused also to a sense of the trouble threatening her from Lh eomsnoti enenov abroad arid traitors t bcrfno. With lrfbot dimchltiea a. Ota MirMi (omnnriinnn unfl tui'tff tile IIV hMU A W S VVIMJ'VIMIIVV - visions at ibe West, rivoe troubles at the Houth and on the Tacltlc Coast, the. He publicans hwre their bands full, well may ISaiternlcarJlallsts dreadthe storm evokedby lldbesort, Itfeed &Cf. 1 f these men teacn the masses a disregard of law for selfish ends, the people will either tench them better or organize a hell of .their twn. bejlevi that for every In 'deaeotrafcYim In the South tnei e will be one at the North, and that lf Virginia has to light Mahone, by ,'JD6n Cameron's contrivance, the Carneconii one! rare 4rt their rear in renpsyl vanla. Ho it wltt be everywhere,. And JfJalbe lqns run. we drifting empire, trlumprfs in tlfe ATOirtsttn lUpubllo, blitorf will rank Lee and jJcon aionssiuo iiamuuen aim oiubh.. ahu OAUUETT, klaiiftgtr. King' apr47 am WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW yORK RIVKH LINK, I'iSHNUKIl lUlUTK. -OK MILLINERY, bFrmflafLtl POIMTH NOHTIfe rMp po(.dHy. note tue rtwiwea nri-oiiu mu-no EPB ft L T I HI 0 R E .J LJlH Inetudlng m we IIATB. UONNBTa, IXOWBUI, pi.vitiks, a ainnoNa.-. La all the new itylei, ooiart aad qusuues,' aim, sit toe new styles ano Qnaiaiei or lacei mbraotnf Whits Goods, Meek War, Hoder Our Patteroiatfind Bonnets 4 22 p m 10.12 p m kip is 12 VJB p in 1,40 am fitai 9 H 7Q faN Tin . fare j il$ , five, li.go fnrci 14.00 Leave Btirketivtlie, V I wnilTIIIBi ' ' Grsensboro, " Balnlub, " Cbarlotte, " MpartanburK, " uroenville, Arrlvlnirat Bala mo a. 7.110 wlthuhe morning tralim or JPhttuilelpUla an Bvtiils line tTr""""' a t tev hours iiai u rtiArturs of trains tin mm 1 jror runuer inrornmtion spply to sgnnU at uie bovsimnud point. A, l'OPK, may 10 Gen'l PasS. Agunt :0a Uboday, U&rch 27th, V i f. Ii o( spending peiore o' OPINED MAT lBttl, lHM'jJ i rpUESB Springs ars two miles from' ft I f Cleayeland Mineral Springs i Shelby. HA ni mOaof ffbn cnsri msr32 a J.s"-s r I J a a a a n t j i miles West of Charlotte, and wiihk the Carolina Central BaIIwav rurmine M loue to Bhelbjf. hioki will we Mlkn km fetation on arrival of stsrjtmln.F T f , nnt.n iwnwitu rithI i w wuiMiia Bowling A Oaav HAjia er Wirnraaae one nlleS er a ilnele appTloatioa asn oy aayiwja. ei pwws Boutb etn itaad the ccnplro, if the North can. Hut 1 rather look for the q ipom- fitur. of the, llepubHof r lnmitl.llivv tbe vlotory ox the - people c ino poua, ikhtfurt ukifntf K MSI lason, a, r (iuiuutw irwyRwr , 'tl. a, til .aJ.X i,iiilsrH?1aiS " nd asou d for s-auit itn toisa r InlSTOM, i a 1 1 ; wuiiO'" i,b ninni !1 Lha Temnnraov to DOWflf. VIIQ IVIHIII . . . n 9 ' m . rnipirni iiiii i, : lu. . ii.iub , vjl,.. - . . i a nvi w in uv wiwwwi wn. I LOSSY itis Dra. u . MA W.BLJMSn Wf I natnrai oojor, aaa tra Bold by pruggiswi,wr ssm ii..-r- evuaeAMHar. rt- pffloe,J BJLMurrsvv 'Strae fSS2SSSt Natural Potit FiAvbaa 3f ' :at a L ' BARlABirAN NEBf INK Cured me of epilepsy of ntorW l Granby, Newtea eountyj KO. ,i SlAEEABITAPI NEB Vlltlt' Has permanently enred rneot, e pUepsy of many yarsduraUon, . Jacob Sctxb, St Joseph, Ma BAIttABITAff WASttrtltB Af witilHa 'narlihta. and muni v r biuty. olitsb Atraas. tronWa, VBIABITA iflBTlPrlt FTm Admd ms of Isthma; also, soxfato,.ot njatrj Leave Charlotte, Arrive- Bock 3U1.. Arrive Chester .. Arrive Wlnasboro A prte. Pln n.Ma Leave Columbia, . Ajnve eimgion, Arnve KiogespTins, .... Am to uraniwuiD, Arrrve Augusta, lJi5pm AH d as anatL.i...... 11 AJ15n .OIsai Alfa at A SO n 802pm! aiinn !iai5ptt T.iSaai Ktoam Q Art a m t&SSam Train a 18. , Freight, Leave Charlotte... Axrtvf Back Hill,. All AT V VUPWB,' - - - arnve wmasooro.i Arrive Cnlumbla.. . . . .. Leave' olumWev -A. . 6.00 an R.9Kam tiaiaaml 12.00 p m 4,80 pm rears, badly, Hail . Ccarrs, Jktlnn. eirt colorina.DoItonout cUi, aktih 9nvf 7a fiisteii. Jtwttf vnfform h tH V 7 A,. i , A J ..J.l.K M A , 7eanV etfndtpg, Isaac JiwaxL; Ooviagton, ar AJBABI.TAN. WlBflVlNB Cared me of au. Have bejl fpr aakleuglaaaOOOSyj .AMABITAN ltilirTt6 1 . . s.. Cored alliend.efjBln r vftahad Hliwawi. VI UIHSBslSIi Cared my wilt MflWeyoff fPJprt IVHrT , BjiraT Claax, Falriieli, Mich. WAirXAJTAN HEBFIrtB , i i aviTf? rr -t- : ' liMiUrriaircsviitB J 1 CrWrnvsonorffli. .1 Baa not DM t OcVl oouasuurwj Ajitfe Lexington Arrive wuge pyruig. Arrive GmnltetlUe, . ... . artve angusta. Tram ! No. 20, JPrelght. 6.05 p m 7.47 p m 1L12 DBS 11.15 pm 2.18 am 'iff Cures SYPHILIS In any 1 at a gri Train Ma a n. R. jr- Mffiista Kith' Bavanbah and ! PaufrrCoiiheets at Colinnbia wan n rtiafejeimi. Bna wnntneo.o; Newberry, AbberUle, Ac. At saooiAta i min Nn ah. DailT Connects at Aogastawaa WYUrT' ii- - . a WV w SAa . the Georela B. K. and- -centra, ueunj Waua B. B. for BanQAyieAReaaxntian ' ATLainTO,KsSra8tt ettiiipJirtistoW'7 titter. i if mtr sfiaAM. pudding; taipiol "cklosae, ia..1m4 Loutk-ne; ( '.u.tuiu v.ut eMi Vr, rw'tews r" WlfHAKI MPAKOaNP QUADS OOODts, os fAe toesff titllmHl vrOUtub tiki tmtuM f iiervhe wUtleaeeeeMa-esngnpi - ' r a au A uaa an ia mini .. i,- A3 AA l-.jkAt r for taJ4 by Atlts ewrfwCe,nr may pe i aaa fi.iot tom fisTl 1 ootf who Uh to obtain urt,af fi -ioaef the euratlve jpfnlee' all aameriuo So(,aLoiLa'rA ustid the-Mdict',e,.An also 1 is fin to i Lf S a ,H8irP FSi--.PI tie? 'W. H Si co I 500pm Train No. 68, Dally, Leave Charlotte.. :.. Arriserat atsasfflnv XratoHa5iXany,. i.-J. . . ' : -W CI H n iin wirmfiiiR.... ....... i.uupi. J Arrrve at CJJkEt.,...--lO-00 '.ii. .H Um' wrfcrtV KtarBieaat and r'T.riri fun CUBES WHEN ALL OTHEB REMEDIES FAIL! II Koadoubt. come to tee pa and we will CUBE YOU. or charge nothing! II Write for iiartlcolata, and a copt of the little w Message to the Unfortunate SoflerlDg-'' a .n.wH.inent Druaalst as to our 81; 3E rATjAjMOB luai mee "i dk tm 'As i nvvms viruvwi new an w-uw w- - Antal A&Anibswrs JUTi ley BaJ. n All) i af Juaa. All PvlVOOS fernrrthe pre.ioeof Dentattry w,,ton5 " ihetaae't-'esnt, lh asaroi Dnard of Salem, N. a i Interna kiud wMxaailnUon.a an' f s r'rs- ! ... ...... n tn.M to anr cDeu- who wlU find en analysis of 100 boulwoi or oneparuoieei Jtercury, ww" v. (FXB BOTBJL) Prlss of Small Bin, largt-Btee. ; 1:58 weeBl BOLD BT ALL DBU60ISTS. W 4 .Ia..-. -a mio, 'Jr. J? .,,?nU)le f"r Cflt'l'Tr i1'' ! LuaaiMhCI.rleie 14 v r Charlotte, N.

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