r . - 1) A 1 L Y C It A RL OTIE OBSEll V E It : TKUltSDAY; JUNE 8, 1882. ffih? Charlotte ijscns. Index to New Advertisements. j D Nnrtby has a fine T)uiham Bull tor sale, it Roy rai ison - Look Here Again a leiarder A Harris Btrgsln Counter. Jlmu Juluerttsements. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength And wholescmeness More economic than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multi'ude of low test, short uiu vi iiiiuapuaiH powoers noiu only in 23 New York. IROY DAVIDSON, Sole As-f-nt, Charlotte, TV. C. ? Whiskey! Brown's Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey,, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters : Cin.,O..Nov. 16, 1881. Gents : The foolish, wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity ; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weaknessdebil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, coemption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c, and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. LOOK HERE A.a-iisr. ANOTHER NICE LOT OF DRIED BEEF FOR CHIPPING. Finest Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams IN THE ! ICKET. OTHER FRESH 1 GOODS-' DOMING IN'EVEJiy WE ARE RECEIVING CONSIGNMENTS Nice Luscious eaehesEvery-Day. Wilt have ' Car Load of Call oiiiM r r ,- " .t ,il 1 Jl ( - Goods ire - DAY SSYO, , " -:i f..r- . LeROY u&8 ; vt HOME CHIPLETS. BSTMrs. L. E. Steere has left the city to spend the summer with her relatives and friends. JSTCapt. F. A. McNinch, of the Charlotte hotel, is now treating his guests daily to Belmont mineral water. EFProf. Wm. Garl Brown, the cele brated portrait painter of Washington City, is registered at the Central. tJ. W. Lowe, Esq., the ex-sheriff of Lincoln county, died at his home Denver, on the 6th, at the age of Tj years. There will be no admission fe charged at the ice cream festival of thr; Library Association to-night, at their rooms. Everybody invited. The picnics have got away with us and we have quit trying to keep, tally. It is about as much as we can do now to keep up with the commence ments. I2FMr. V. C. Morgan sold three threshers yesterday and McSmith, thw music house man, sold three pianos and three organs, which would indicate that trade is not altogether so dull in Char lotte as has been imagined. BMr. A. R. Henderson, of the river bottom section of Gaston county, wa' in town yesterday, and says that thertj was a white frost in his section of Gas ton last Tuesday morning. It killed ml the young watermelon vines. "A face to be Remembered" the title to a new piece of music by Prof. II. P. Danks, just published, and for sale by II. McSmith. It is one of the prettiest pieces out, and is dedicat d to Miss Marie Bowen, the talented elocutionist of the South. Mr. G. K. Stevens, the sanitary policeman last Saturday had one of the city merchants to clean out his store, and a small back alley, which had be come offensive, and forty barrels of filth, by actual count, were carted off. A good stroke of business on the part of the officer. ESPoliceman Carter had three cases on his string when the mayor opened court yesterday morning Laura Crump, Austin Lane and Nobie Miller, each for loud swearing on the streets, and each of whom was fined $1 and costs. Capt. Carter invaded the precincts of "Buz zard Roost" for the redoubtable Laura, where he captured her. The Murderous Shot-gun in Statesville. Last Tuesday a negro man named Pace Wallace, was murdered in States ville by another negro named Bob Stinc- son, who had heavily loaded a gun with buckshet for the special purpose of killing Wallace, and taking aim at his body fired, sending twenty buckshot through the region of the heart, Wal lace fell dead and Stimson was put un der arrest. The cause which led to the killing was the undue intimacy on the pari of Wallace with Stimson's wife. Davidson Commencement. Next Tuesday is the opening day of Davidson College commencement, and just lots of our people, young and old, are getting ready to attend. The order ot exeVci3es has been arranged as fol lows: - Tuesday, June 13th. 10 a. m. Meet ing of Trustees. Wednesday, 14th. 10 a. m. Alumni Oration. Annual Oration at 1 1 :30 a. m. Speeches of Representatives of the Societies at 8 p. m,. Thursday, June 15th. Commence ment Day. Meeting of Davidson College Executive Committee. The executive committee 'of the board of trustees of Davidson College will hold their annual meeting this morning at the Central hotel. Rev. L. McKinnon is chairman of the com mittee, which is composed of Rev. J. . Rumple, D. D., R. I. McDowell, Esq., Rev. G. A. Trenholm, S. H. Wiley, Esq., Rev. G. D. Parks, Col. T. M. Holt, Rev. Wm. W. Pharr and Col. J.L. Brown. The business of this meeting will be the preparation of the annual report for the board of trustees. The affairs of the College are managed by the execu tive committee between the regular meetings of the board of trustees. Commemeement at Diddle. The commencement of Biddle Insti tute yesterday was attended by a very large crowd, in which was included a number of the citizens of Charlotte. The exercises consisted mainly in the addresses of the graduating class. In the theological department there were two graduates. D. HL Stokes, of Char lotte, spoke on '"Africa as a Mission Field," And Adam JTrayer, of . Charles ton, delivered himself of -'The End What Then ?" li the" classical depart ment there were fourgrad dates. J)aVid Brown, of Salisbury, had for his sub ject "The American Government;" R. M. Alexander, of Concord, argued that "Man Has Another Destiny ;" J. F. K. Simpson, of Mint Hill, N. C, took the "Aim of Life" for ,his subject. The valedictory was delivered by E. B. Craig, of! tickens, S. G., on the subject !?"tyhy Educate the Negro?", The di plomas were then awarded. Rev. H. A. Nelson, D. D., of Geneva, v.v riftiivnrftd the address at lo clock and at its conclusion the benediction was pronounced. Bicycles for the Policemea. People living out in the suburbs of the city have had the biggest sort' of fun the past few weeks watching the exhibition that Policeman Black welder affords them in his desperate and deter mined struggles to master the .bicycle. He has beerm at ft now . for some time, and thinks that lief will soon be ready to show himself on the streets with'his machine. His only difficulty tft with his, legs, whicbrheflnds are too long to per mit of iiis knees passing uhdrlhe han dle, and: he has to" ride with them thrown atlike tHietter Vv This dif ficulty will be remeedowjiyerwhen he gets his new machine, onefce baa or dered made to measure, and whicj- he rnpp.ta to arrive io few days. - This idea oflbe bicycle' for the policemen ia h not a bad one, aad its adoption : wouia save them many ftldbj&tlresome tramp. Policeman Black welder has got the no tion that'espjclaily in lighting lam it will ba-sexvisfiabJ and within a jhort time; he wj.ll rkJe from post torpost fend rj. The rjeteof durty must admire the pluck nd cantageot L iljdsjknightoi the cluKlteTs brareand -tearjfs di all occasions, b&t the man who-tackles "the bicycle musi! t dubly bfavelf he u-nnt tilled wlhe meantime: we ' may watcti dirt for him to come riding atong I in trmmpn aDoutmc wrfcv'Av nsw. TD1E CLOSING CONCERT At the Charlotte Female InstituteArt Gal 1 er y Distin ctions. The large hall of the Female Institute was crowded last night on the occasion of the annual concert by the young ladies and their instructors, l be pro gramme contained 20 pieces and was most successfully carried out. There were many encores and the Large audi ence seemed loath to leave when the closing piece, "Commencement Song,' was ended. After the concert the crowd throng ed the art gallery below, where were exhibited the greatest profusion of panel pictures, oil paintings, plaques, screens, crayon sketches, etc- all of which the reporter took down on his book for to-morrow. At the exercises of Tuesday night the following distinctions were-annpunced : FIRST BOLL OF HONOR. Sallie Kennedy, Effie MeDougald, Iva Parks, Bettie Stubbs, Fannie Louise Witherspoon. SECOND ROLL OF HONOR. Carrie Barringer, Bessie Caldwell, Minnie Cochrane, Rosa Franklin, Ridie Graham, Emma Hall, Sudie Hutchison, Maggie Maxwell, Ida Moore, Addie Neisler, Alice Smith, Bessie Thomas, Mary Wadsworth. ROLL OF HONOR FOR PRIMARY DE DEPARTMENT. Banks Chambers, Nannie DeWolfe, Hattie Elliott, Annie McDonald, Mag sie McDougall, Annie Tate, Cora Ward. FIRST DISTINCTION. Hallie Bennett, Maggie Clarkson, Lila Crosland, Rosa Franklin, Irene Ilarty, Sudie Hutchison, Susie Hutchi sod, Maggie McDougald,Annie Rankin, Alice Smith, Annie Smith, Lulie Sal" mond, Bessie Thomas.Mary Wadsworth Fannie Louise Witherspoon Charlie Hutchison. SECOND DISTINCTION. Elva Caldwell, Minnie Cochrane.Nan uie Dowd, Virginia Doyle, Sallie E. Finlayson, Annie Fisher, Ridie Gra ham, Mary Gregory, Emma Hall, Rose ra Heymau, Helen E Irwin, Annie Lee, Mary Lenoir, Maggie Maxwell, Annie Morrow, Addie Neisler. Maggie Rankin, Dora Remley, Lillie Scott.Bettie Stubbs, Addie Yates, Mamie Yates, Lou Evans. A Husband as Collateral. Justice Davidson was called to his office Monday night to attend to an old colored woman named Joanna Ury, whe, though far past the stage of sen timental girlhood, about sixty summers having galloped over her head, was wanting to get a husband, or $15, she didn't care much which. She had a young man named Wilson brought up, and getting him in a position where she could look clear through him with her withering glances, proceeded to state her case to the justice. Wilson had of ten professed love to her and had work ed himself far enough into her confi dence as to succeed in procuring small sums of money from her, amounting in all to $15, which he was to pay back when he married her. He stood her off until her patience was exhausted and she had to close down on him. She wanted the justice to make him marry her, or pay the $15 and be jailed for breach of promise. She wasn't much particular, but in reply to the justice's question, said she believed she would rather take the man. At this Wilson glowered unutterably at her and began to suggest compromises, but she was unmoved, and for a time it looked like the unfortunate swain was bound to put his neck in the yoke against his earnest protestations and declarations that he would rather go to jail for a thousand years. At the sight of the greenbacks she began to relent and finally concluded to take the money and let the husband go. It was a tight place for Wilson, and! he will have a care who he borrows money from in the future. Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel W L Wheelwright, Richmond, Va; P Pilz, Garibaldi, N C; W GCrosswell, SC; Maj. J B Ezell, Columbia, S'C; W H'Cirter, N Y; G WDick, Baltimore; Prof. Wm Garl Brown, Washington, D C ; C H Stockell, Nashville, Tennessee; W M McDem- ewitt, Memphis; Mrs S Durham, Dur ham, NC; J A Hosking, Washington, D C ; J T Savage, Ga ; Pride J ones, N C ; W 8 Beir, Fort Mill, 8C; WD Russell, Pineville ; L M Davis, Rock Hill ; D E Allen, J A Solomon, N C; E H Jen nings, L W Diek, C S Brattpn, S S Kirk patrick, Davidson College; A White, Jr, Sampler, S C; R Brooke, Richmond, Va; G, A Trenholm, Chester, S C; John Gibson, Philadelphia; Rev J Rumple, Salisbury; Rev L McKinnon, Con cord,N C; C P Thacker, Richmond, Va ; T M Acton, Atlanta Constitution, At lanta, Ga ; B Moore, Yorkville, S C ; J W Bullas, Washington, D C; Miss R C Carroll, Thomasville, N C; 0 J Moore, Baltimore; J D Stewart, N Y; P W Daffield, N Y ; G A Waeber, N Y; J G Hood, Davidson College ; W E Younts, J L Miller, Miss Lucy Shell and Miss Minnie Halyburton, Pineville; W F Kuykendal, Mecklenburg; AP Rhyne and wife, Mt Holly; James P Fox, Kings Mountain. Charlotte Hotel. Jno P Wilson Gaston county ; Capt H A Bason, C C &A'UaiIway; Miss Maggie Brumley, .Raleigh; E Everett. Wilmington; A C I. Markhara. Cincinnati; J Watt Kirk patrick Mecklenburg; J Curry, Jack son county, Fla; J C Wiswell, Paw. Creek; BH York, Palatka, Fla; E E Roland, New York; W W MartifT& Montgomery1, Ala; H N Taylor, Baton Rougei La; J U Trimble, Laurinburg ; J W Tiller, Austtn, Texas; H N Mur phy, Frankfort, Ky ; eb McFall, Albe marle county; EH Motz, Lincolnon; Jas A-Hudsotf, New York ;" Alan no Gifeaon, Cincinnati; E It Williams, In dianapolis, Jnd; J C Belman, Cincin nati ;GH McCormack, Franklin'; H N Lapjej, XJbarlestoni J & Longfellow, Norfolk; W WMassey, Greenville; R Gordon, Suffolk, Yaj J K Silvey, At. lantaj E C chley,rBaltimoxe; R H Me Ginn, Chicago ; Darlel O'Brien, Chica go; A W Mills, Portsmouth,. Va; J, J Niee, Faterson ?H A Gillespie, couity $ QtJBt NewoiunAnguaUj I, L Kimball S Kimball, duth Carolina'; Z J Cal ejffeftrjburg. Y; C M May, Marshal, Texas. ' L cbUl--Ttuuat Disease f ten ommen60"1tn cftosfrtrtd, or anvaal werttan of the voloe. These Incipient symptom a al layed $rtBtotTawn!s Branchial Troctea," which II neglected often result lh a chronic treuh'e oltheltltfoat- - -" . ,. . . i A FRdlilt? IN THE MOUNTAINS. Pilgrimage of the Charlotte Crowd ihe tnn and Adventures of Their Trip. To the Editor ol The Observer. Ti 1 1 it wouia do nara to nna a merrier party than the little sixtette which filed out from Morgan ton on horse-back on the evening of the 29th of May, (bent upon a tubing excursion through the mountains of Western North Carolina,) in tne roiiowmg order : First came the red-headed Pilot, whose knowledge of wood Graft enabled him to guide us un erringly inrougn tne almost trackless forests to the beautiful waters of the Lmville. Next came "Civil Citizen," since named Aunt Susan, from the strict observance of proprietary laws, and from having been elected chape rone of the party. The jolly laugher who sells "Spices and smiles to the stars of Venus 'round nun. Whose loud laugh of deceit, so wonderfully swet, fur hucq maj nuio couiouna Dim, ' f 1 1 i j. . ioiiowea ciose upon me neeis or our chaperone. Fourth in order rode the "Lone Fisherman," (so called from the huge proportions ot his mighty hat,) carrying with him enough goods ana chattels to stock a Gypsy camp. The stately General, clad in an elegant cor duroy hunting suit, and bestriding a grey cnarger witn tne ease and grace of a Prince, was the fifth horseman, while the Jinight of fenowdowne, our colored valet, brought up the rear with the commissary of the camp. Our first night was very pleasantly spent at Piedmont Springs, where the "Bie 5 immortalized themselves by eating half uie young cnicsens on tne lot, and climbing a tree to engrave their names. The following morning we made the ascent of "Jonas Kidge, rounded "Ta ble Rock," "Hawk's Bill," "Linville norc un, etc. ; enjoying Dy tne way- Biae tne aeitcaie perrumes Which the wandering winds shook from the clus tering herbs of the surrounding forests Reaching Linville in the afternoon, we soon hooked enough trout tor a bounti ful repast. Early Wednesday morning tne wnoie party armea ana equipped tor a day's sport, were found splashing the spanning waters ot the beautiful Lin ville, and as the result of the day's sport one nunared ana eighty-seven nne trout were nooKea. in the mean time various other accomplishments have been studied and brought to per- rection. xne "ismiie-jfeaaier, tor in stance, has laughed himself so fat that he has to wear snow-shoes to maintain his equilibrium in tbestreams, and even that precaution failed to steady him once, when the United States flew up ana nit mm a very nara lick. He aoes very well on "terra firma," but he has indulged in so much buttermilk thathe has to unbutton his coat to laugh. But he enjoys it all and is growing more -nd more philosophical every day. niot nas nvanea tne solitary .rung Fisher in the art of catching fish with out bait or fly, and when the fish doesn't rise to the fly, he dives to the fish. Civ il Citizen adheres strictly to the rod and fly, but always brings home a bas ketful of fish. The party was this morning divided into pairs and pools sold upon the result ; first, second and third choice bringing respectively, $163, $8, $4.12. Leaving Linville we maae our way across the Blue Ridge by the most circuitous, difficult and dangerous route ever attempted by low-country horsemen, to Banner's hiik, a beautiful stream west of the Blue Ridge, We found there a delight ful resort and excellent fare, but poor fishing. 1 rom Banner s Elk we passed over the mountains by wav of "Hanging Rock Gap," (if a point 4,500 feet hieh may be called a gap) down "Valley Cru cis" to where it empties into Watauga river, and up the latter stream to Aunt Phoebe Shull's. Everybody knows or should know Aunt Phoebe. She is the centenarian . of the mountains and the greatest living curiosity in Watauga county. We are now stopping at "Sil ver .Lake House near "Blowine Rock." Yesterday being Sunday, we took in all the surrounding scenerv. doing the different points of interest in the order in which they were shown to us. we had for a guide ourtrustv young friend Mr. W. B. M., who, with his bride, is summering in the moun tains. We first visited Flat Top Mountain. The view from here is one of the grand est in all Western North Carolina, the Roan not excepted. Looking west the eye sweeps the horizon from where the snow-beaten brow of the great Grand father kisses the blue vault of heaven, to where the misty pinnacles of the Black look down upon the world of beauty below. Following up the line of vision you take in the South Mountains for a distance of fifty miles, while the intervening mountains seem to rise and fall like billows of the sea. Mt. Ida, King's and Crowder's mountains, can be distinctly seen in the southeast, while in the northeast the lonely Pilot in Surry stands out like a solitary watchman. The stately "G ," who at times is given to romancing, climbed a tree and said he could see" Mt Wash ington, in New Hampshire. We took his word for it, as we do for everything else. Having descended we were joined at the hotel by the sprightly young bride. With this accession to our partv we set out for "Fair View," "Blowing Rock," etc. i The ride is a most picturesque one, the mountain being covered with the most magnificent trees we have yet seen. The azalias in a variety of colors mingle their delicate odors with the faint perfumes of the rhododendron. The mountain magnolia pink and white laurel, trailing arbutus, and innumera ble other wild flowers are in bloom, and every turn of the eye finds a new scene prettier than the last. Having reached Blowing Rock in safety, nature's cur tain rises to the soft, music of whisper ing winds, and the great panorama is at iast before us. We quietly descend from our horses and pause in solemn silence. No pen can describe the mute eloquence which Invests each and every surrounding object We clamber to the edge of the cliff, and the bride hav ing selected the hiehest point as her seat, we each take toe position, that suits us best. The silence which ensues is only broken hy the murmuring winds from the ravine below. Transposing the beautiful language of Mark Twain : "It i3 an anthem sung in stone, a poem wrought in mountains," and dedicated to the skies. The poet grew sad ; he died last night and rests beneath the laurel's shade. Civil citizen became wofully tranquil. The red-headed pilot was silent for ten minutes, the first time since leaving home. The stately gene raljsoared higher than the clouds above him and secured anew theobarm which he: wears about bis neck. The smile sffeddler became mote as the stone upon mbichBer8at-.and. was only aroused frogi his reverie by the merry" laugh of the ryoung-bridelK was the, first to break the silence of the solemn convo cation. The bride and groom alone looked happy. Mirth soon followed meditation, hats were thrown aloft in ecstacy and wafted back ta their own ers. The week's sport has terminated With. th following result ; Chaperone 251 - pilot 2V Smiles 217 General , 201 Lone Fisherman ill Total number of fish caught, 1,088 Yours truly, L. F." Blowing Rock, N. C., June 5, 1882. A Terrible Powder Explosion in Texas. Chicago, June -A San Antonio, Texas, special says: A terrible -explosion occurred yesterday in tunnel No. 1 on the G. P. & T. Railway extension. Two hundred and fifty kegs of blasting powder were ignited by a workman on the east: end of the extension The workmen in the west end were at dnce overwhelmed with earth, rocks and trees. Three were killed and five wounded, , : ; - . )t) ; r An elective medicine lor kidney diseases, low levers and nervous ni tfnn. and well worth; of atrial, is Brown's Iron Wets. . "L . Mecklenburg County Democratic Con vention. Office Dem. Ex. Committe ) for Mecklenburg County, Charlotte. N. C, June 1, 1881. ) Notice is hereby given that a conven tion of the Democratic party of Meck lenburg county will be held at the court house in Charlotte on Saturday, the 24tnmst- at 12 o clock, m-lor the pur pose of selecting delegates to represent said county in the State convention of the Democratic nartv. to be held in Raleigh on the 5th day of July next, at wnicn last named convention there will be nominated a candidate for a Renro- sentative to Congress for the State a i large, and for one Supreme Court judge and for the Superior Court judgeships about to become vacant. This county convention will al3o appoint delegates to the convention of this judicial dis trict, to be held in Charlotte on the 28th in st., for the purpose of recomend- ing to tne convention at Raleigh a can didate for the office of Superior Court juagein this judicial district. The members of the Democratic party of the different townships are re quested to meet at their respective poll ing places on Saturday, the 17th inst., at 2 o'clock, p.- m., for the purpose of ap pointing delegates to represent their re spective townships in the county con vention called above. Attention is directed to the following extract from the "Plan of Organiza tion recently published by the State Executive Committee of the Democrat ic party : "Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every "twenty-five" Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of "fif teen Democratic votes cast by that township at the last preceding guberna torial election: Provided, That every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township mav send as many delegates as it may see fit. xnat in cases where townships con sist or more than one ward or precinct, each of said wards shall be entitled to send delegates to county conventions, and shall cast its proportionate part of its township s vote; based upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township." By order of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of Mecklenburg county. xi. j. j ones, unairman. im i m New Orleans Editors Fight a Duel. New ORLEANt. June 7. A duel was fought this morning at the Slaughter nouse, Detween Maior K. A. isurke. of the Times-Democrat, and C. H. Parker. eaitor ot the .Picayune. Pistols were used and five shots exchanged. At the fifth shot. Burke was shot throusrh both thighs, though no bone was broken, and the wound, is not considered dangerous. IN MEBIORIAM. Mrs. Mary Ann McAllister, obilt, May 21, 1882. mxa. uiizauem uray, ooui, aiay 23, maz. Members or the same chnrnh. dnvnfcri frinia lor many years, the final Illness of both occurring an mo oaiuo uuio, iii was a iruu ui eaca not 10 00 permumu, as iormeny, io minister to the other. very loucnmi! were me anecuonate lnauirles ad dressed to the pastor by each, respecting; the other. Brief the inttiral of senaratlon. Unions cu mo .Blaster io exercise mem Dom dj a protract Va XT . i. 1 . . u uisprusiiiiuu oi sunermg, dot tiis grace enabled them to bear It with Christian RubmisKinn tn nia Holy will. Now, the sufferings of this mortal life pre ended. Now. they rest from their lnhnnm in their Father's manymansloned house. Now, the friendship of earth Is sanctified and perpetuated In neaveii. nuw, me story oi reaemp ion is rehears ed wun ever increasing interest, as- the wonders of redemption are unfolded more and more to men asiouisnea ana enraptured view. 'Worthy the Lamb!" the angels cry, "To be exalted thus." "Worthy the Lamb!" their lies reply, "For He wag slain for us!" May the prayers poured forih bv them for tho near ana dear Dy the ties of nature, be all an swered In the forming, and the strengthening, of me aearer, noDier, noner- the indissoluble, eter- uai tics ui grace 1 If Nearly Dead arter taMng some hlghTy puffed up stuff, with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinuary Troubles, Brtghts' Dis ease, inaDetes or Liver complaint These dis eases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bit- wr; uesiaes is tne Dest lamuy medicine on eann. Jletu &amxttetmzut&. TO FARMERS. A FINE Thirteen Months Old DURHAM BULL, can be bought cheap by applying to .1. D. NORTH ET, Opposite First Presbyterian Church. Jud8 2t thu sun Home and Democrat copy 1 time. n i on raw FOE SUE. BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made la the case of P. C Bhuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Poweil and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, the undersigned, as receiver, wm sen at pudhc saie, at tne iong Islitnd Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, ihe 3BD DAY of JULY, 1882, the following valuable Property, to-wit i The factory of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether wllh leVs acres land, including the entire water power of seven feet bead, factory building 00x40, two stones high, Souring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery : 1 Picker. 1 8rt luela double better and tanner A 86-lncJ) 14 top flat caids, railway bead. 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each. 4 rlne frames (Brides- berry make), alt In good order, 2 Danforth cap frames, 132 spindles, total number gpindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and baling press; also a large lot of old looms, pullles, shafting, &c For more aoourate and definite description of the property and the conditions of said, sale refer ence Is hereby made to the decree above referred. TERMS: --Twenty per cent of purchase money cash and the balance In equal in stalments of three months and six months, bond and approved security required of purchaser, or the Hecelver is by said Decree au thoilzedto vary terms to suit purchasers. The Receiver is also authorized by said Decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain prlvte bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr A. M. Fowell and Mr. Levi Shoforr) on the premises, either of whom win take pleasure In showing the same. Address JOHN L COBB. Receiver, Jun3 Unoolnton, Lincoln county, N. C UBeallCo., D-tve lust reeelved a large supply of In all size packages. CORN, HAY, FLOUR, BRAN. MEAL, STOCK FEED, And In fact everything kept In a First-Glass Grocery Store. A.J.BeaIl&Co. maySO NOTICE! CITY TAXES FOU THE YEAH 1883, ALL persons residing to tho olty of Charlotte U&b e to a Poll Tax, and all persona, bodies politic and comporate, mho own or save control of taxable property m the citron the first of Juno, 1882, arc nereoT nonnea to return to me, at my office in said city, on or before tbe last day of Jane 882, a list of their taxable property and polls. By authority of an ordinance of the Board of Aldermen, adopted Hay 15th, 1882. In pursuance ol section 80 of the city charter. - -- 1 s &U MISS, Clerk and Treaa. majietl 0 11 tllRIL life ier "Folk" are low king' :o WE ARE ALREADY BUSYIMI6 ! While a Good Many Merchants are now Arranging the sSSg u u u u u u u u uu MM MM MMMM M MM M M M M M M M MM MM MMMM MMMM M M M M M M FEB K KB B XSB RRK R R R R SggS AND SETTLING DOWN TO A "SUSBIJEIt 8EIGEOVEB THE1B ClOODfl, AND TO PERHAPS BElriOVRN tbelr SLUGGISHNESS, WE HAVE ALMOST COMPLETELY DISPOSED of OUR TWO PURCHASES THIS And henoe we announce -Mr. BARUCH:- Left Yesterday Evening for Eastern VIM KMMIFACOTEE&S FOR FALL aad WINTER GOODS AliD BEING SO FAB AHEAD IN LIVELY- THE COMING FALL. In the meantime the remainder of our SUMMER STOCK is offered to the nub ile, ho ws know by past experience, Is not slow to Tappreclate that we m V HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CAROLINAS. BiliOT JT TO" s2T IES THE GREATEST BARGAINS WE HAVE EVEK OFFERED. Solii 1 Woo At StUSQ.. D5(ii)M9rir TO EXAMINE dDmiL? oJJdDd DURING THIS WEEK. -:o: -:o:- TTTT T T I OO o o o o o o oo 000 o o o o o coo E K K K KK sa sss 8 K K B8BS with just pride that our and Northern Markets to Place ear Orders THE RACE, WK MEAN TO MAKE IT . it k mm. 3 l2F IHE ts IPAI1IL (D-aDtmnateiPS SEASON, Sin u8SS,

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