''I ; t 1 5 PT ini! ir I Ml CttfCt y VOL. XXVII. Pegratu & o. -DEA LICKS IN I Boots, Shoes, Hals, Trunk, TRAVELING BAGS, ' PEG RAM & CO., HaVK A PajmYLLKOF . , GENlk aoi LADlEnLIFPERS. .!" t .. .Jf ; " i . Have the Best Stock of Gents' HauS-Sewed Shoes IN THX 8TATE. pm'GjRMr & co.,! l HAVK ALL. KINDS OK 4 1 - CbildreDs' Shoes and Slippers. : iPEGRAM & GO. KXIF A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF- Trunks and Vices -ORtL-PRICES AND StZES. PEG RAM & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF ill , Felt and to Hats Of the Latest Styles. Of the L itest Styles. PEGRAM CO., CAN SUIT IBKiR Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOT? and SHOTS THKY WISH. PEG RAM & GO:, KEEP ALt. KINDS 0 ' A :': Shoe Dressing, French Blacking P E GR AM &? CK, BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES o r jvh Ll iHwt or a o illreQ's Shoes, g la fit, e.,.X 'lJ w 1 V 'i'-S;,W aK--iPt. 1 -: izzzt r i 3 QT 1-1 a n .fltJUuIi J ' ' 11 mm mmmmm s jjjc-g icnsziu iLVM-mi. x jiuu in 3 i mU t,!T ixa tWfli'V d PER KXFKESS: -A LOT OF NBW INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties. Another lot of Hoop Skirts from 40c to $1. Mohair and Linen Ulsters In all s'yles, from $1 .25 to $7. " Large stock of Lace iDurta'Jis ahd Ctona? very cheap. Our remnant stock of lien's and Boys' Straw Hats win be closed out very low. The attention of Housekeepers is cared to a good assortment of Cane Matting that we are selling at reduced prices to close out. jun4 medical". SummBP At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perby Davis' Pain Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery-Cholera, Cholera Morbus,13urniner Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Bead the following : - Bawbbuxm, N. T March 22, 1881. FXBJtY DAVXB' Pain KrT.T.gn nnefailt to ford irntant relit for cramp and pain in the Btomach. Joseph Bvs.Dm.nt NlCHOLvnx,N.Y..Fab. S,188L, . . The eery bett medicine I know of for dysentery, ! cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Hava used it for years, and it is r cure every time. , , ; ' : JuliusTW. Dkk-1 j . f . .Mojkoona, Iowa, Marah 12, 188L I have aed your Pain tttt.i.m in sevtre-casea of cramp. oolic,and cholera morbus .and it fare almost, instant relief. L. E. CaLpvtioj. , For twenty years I have used your PjbfKxuxx -in my family. Have used it many timeB for bowel " complaints, and it almay curt; Would Jot fel sal t - without bottle in the house. JL BvIvxk, , . . 8aco, Ml., JafcWttH. J 1 Have nsed Pikbt Davis' Pain Kn.T.gR for twelve years. It is mrft. turermnd mmttuM. No mothartl l,sa should allow l to be out of the ofly. T We began nslna; it over thirtyyeara ago, and it ' - always fnves immediate relief. Would hardly dare lotfoio Dea wunout a DocueTn tp&aowe. Nearly every family in this section keepe a bottle m tne nonse. t.r- f , j jfB.it juoutun. , 5 . CritilX), Bhxsish Pbussza, Fb. 8, 188L I have known Pmat Davis' Paijs Ktt.tt.b almost from the day it was introduced; and after years of observation and nsa a wi - rrt li Dreaence in mi uuiawuiUH as wt taaupnuaoi eoHuy. j ?M ?i BimTON-ON-THEH E4. DCMversl aavs suirerinir severalr Ii aeeoaananiad with intense naim when trie your PArrKrr.T.UTt; and-found a&noit iiAtant reuei. v a., d. noosi 81 MowTAOtrz St., London, En. Daring aresidsnoeof twenty-three years in India, - I have given it m many cases of diarrhoeay dysen relief. No fVmllv ran Rafelv he withAnf ,1 I "invaluable remedy. Its price; bring3 it within the reach of alL j for gale by alL druggists at 25ci 60j.; and i$1.00 per botle 1 EEfiY I)AVIS & SONrProprietors, jrroviderJce, li. L. sept dVw sept k oct. .HOI i Hi NaiWeiniBralVater!! ; ; i Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Sfcln Diseases,; Scrofula. Chionle Pneumonlfttou:- ..Itteg powerful.JflileiaUte Tonic and is anti- MALARIAL in its eflecta. IRead certificates from mtnec physicians An iXii pamph eta, Tl ft- HWtfltA Ij GASES UK SA Llai 1 It I jBitaedf SSSuTaij state, dlJect from tW 1rtm."FrTibeatitifuny locSed In Bock' i ,rMge coimrvmJftrid 4 open roritne reception if TlattorS' front Juneilst to October 1st, each r garfawfe8aebtaa. byl Bi-di rffi. XDEN and VT. T. C. SMI i n, unanoiie, j. mar 12 ly WHITB GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS, UNW HAJNlJK.KlIUJtllU.i'at HOSIERY FROM 5c up, FANS KROM 2c up, -&c, &a, &c. UNDER TRADERS' NATnflJANK .i-.jiivnjvJrisv WHEELER&WIL fled Co. 1 n i a at a. l at 10c, 7 TURK HtnNi 1 1 II IFtwCtc 1a.T- IO f'-'l- ' NO. 8. Vt r ',,1 TNa tits r. J J I ther,:j iu I " a-., - Warm anif l I nT I 1T1HKIQQ5I . r:iu-JaIrfj;ir 1 '4 w5J BiCaiidND va. maU NEWS NOTES. .The temperance campaign in Mary land is becoming active. Maryland wheat crop prospects are reported to be highly encouraging. Drinking water1" TrJ 'Baltimore is in tolerable on account of its bad taste. " M. Leon Say, French, minister of fin ftijcej; speaking at St. Queniin.said there is every teason to expect an excellent harvest 'which will prevent a large amount of capital from leaving France. ?" The'man foimd dead near Lawrence, Kan., Saturday, proves to be David Bausman. He was enticed to the river bank by a .colored ,woman, where he was killed by J?rank King and George Gbbert8on, colored. ! tTheteame;; Alaska, from New York, May 30f passed "Fastnet at 5:15Tnesday afternoon, having made the pissage in 6 days, 19 hours and 25 minutes, which is two hours faster than her previous record.. .; j ;:- At a meeting of the Mansioii House (LondoB) Committee for' thQ Relief of tu Rassian Jews it was stated that the amount of 82,458 had been collected, of which there remained 25,00. It waresolyed tp end commissjoners to nambtfrg.to Superintend the departure of the emigrants. A dispatch from Rome to Reuter's Telegrrn'Company Hays the cremation of General Garibaldi's remains was fixed for Thursday. Signor Zanardelli, minister of justice, and Gen. jFerrero, minister of war, will be preselnt as of ficial representatives of the cabinet. The situation in Egypt is still very critical. It is now said that the "Sultan is acting in good faith, and will ener getically sustain the present Khedive. Oa the other hand, Aribi Pacha and his yarty are threatening to wreak ven geance on the Khedive if the Sultan de clares inTus favor. Fonr more British ironclads have left Suda bay for Alexandria. A dispatch to the London Times from Rome states that large numbers of per sons are starting from all part? of Italy or Oaprera, to ba present at the funeral pf Garibaldi. A steemer left Genoa on Monday with 300 veterans onboard. Four steamers have started from Pa lermo, two from 'Leghorn, and one from Naples, all crowded with people. The supply of boats is inadtquute to accommodate those desiring to go to Caprera. The Gallant Seventeen. WilHiiuKtoi Star. Of all the members present in Loth branches of the Assembly when the tiual vote was taken only seventeen were found with backbone enough to vote against the infamous prohibition bill. It is true there are a few others who would have voted with ihem had they been prsenWbut the following is the record," and the names of these seventeen will lung be' remembered. Make a note of them. They are as fol lows: ' ' ' ' '" ' SENATORS. ' Blue, J.,dem.', Cumberland. , Carter, II. Y , col rep.; Warren. Dortch, VV dem,, Wayne. t- Foil A., dem Cabarrus, u :' J"Hahes, L., rep., Davidson. ! Reaa's; J::T.,lm;:! Beaufort. Whitaker, S., dem., Halifax. Williamson, Wi P., rep., Edgecombe. : YoxkT4 dem., Wilkes. ia 'representatives. KBleflseJ. a,"tet,miie. iauniingij.ri.,srep fvaKe. i Johnson, D. R:, col., rep , Warren. Lindsay, J. dem., Nash, rage, E. R jrep., Jones, ; Tai1;, Md die,iBurke. Wptt&n;D.priM Marfcin.-7. ft "l H -Mate Journal. - The foregoing akielef is so "awful nice"that the State Journal, the great anti-prfeigoirliberaLalit on -tfjuiw derer, keeps it standing in its columns. fLnfJwha10'3 prove 'rJrVhy, simply ndipositivelf that pxohipiUob was niut, and is not, a party question, and. that al efforts of the Republican! ptjr to rakje It sq, must proye abortife. . Oif1iieJiiraTlant?;se'vehteen,"1 ten toere Democrats, and they were apong' the leadinsr democrats, too. of the Lesrisla- .tie. i Witoscarejij a exception, they occupied prominent positions-; and if the list of seventeen is worth' anything fcs-anarg'dihent'it can only be used to show that on the flnal readihg of the prohibition bill piore Dprnodrats -than 'Reptforicatis voted against it ; Let no Democrat be deceived fcythe artf aiUoiag'es ofthe RepnblicansrEtery candid, man in North Carplina will ad mit that a taajorityof th6 Democratic I VOie-pqiittU last, year vjas agaiust -pro- . niDiuon. ii eyers tsepupucan "in me "State had? beerr dead, or in Washington huntiRg for an office, the result would, ha,ve been jus.t the same. Richest City in thej World. .JFraakfori oivthejMain, containing a population, of. about 100,000, is said to ba the richest city of its size in the whole world. If its wealthy were (qually di vided anions its inhabitants everyman. wbmati aafi child would have, itis said, ZUAWU psrs.9 ui j , wjuie jpo.uw apitraj. j TDreaTe;wmayvDe supposes, many poor people in the town, but thei citKeris .my jare.-aa a wholea uousuaUy cdtftf6?&? ble KjWastaucea mofe soi pirdtJatdy, than the citizens of any oth eapifcaHa tnrfckixope. It is tated that 1 flheltfaTft fiXr-Frankforters vorta Sttrrn; $4,000,000 to 3f7.ooo.ooo eacn, ,na 250 who" are worth $3,QO0.ooo ana up adl The , e great pan ng centres e .twthkiBg more than fourth of which the": Iambus 'RdffisehildSiWfrcHe original ana careht. house is there, own and cohtrohj ilhe - nnVansactioTrg-inJMtys of exchange I ire ivekcessrof $lfo,00Wi)0.! Itsgener- al UoUC AUU luauuiMtuuu muupuicg have greatly increased sincei the forma--tion of the German empirfc, ; which Frahkfbrt was originally averse, being, a4 reality and, an oprjonent to Prussia until coercea, in juiy, ioo, oyt uenerat- VotfFolkenstein.-who entferedfriwitlr an army and imposed ae pt 31,0000 florins for its subordination,1 Fri)fkferf8 lebf 31,00fJe6T" iSBuen piace fo coavehtionsjwcwwr semblies of all sorts that it (is p-0 be full of styattge'ffi,ad'?isTdnse4uentIy very experjsiY,ana mm eansssis factory to tarry in. o m ii- m, 1 StWsa-,( wade - ewWicanijIChaim OregQThe Ifg. " , f 7 islature in Honbt. w t ofciRE. yane r.There -seems trf be'axibtibt innTCgaMT-.tb; the relecttoDioewges jorityof not less thannSWo thousana. The ttepawicans ciatm tne ensure tate by majoriiies ranging fro,m;700 to 1,800; -.The Democrats cdh cedtflt loathe Re- Htublicansy.j small u majority. The . city is one of th 1 'f; ItliHulrihfti' its imtafWJestima ltiTiries to Eastern Oregon havp been Vldwri for two days ahd no precinct efofet bfV0& Cascade mountains jrraving oeen Jieara, frpm,,le$Mute'''6riljtfu.jAE jOegonlrasTiaa large immigran Itt.the i pasi two yearB, auui iuiu uirevi wo osttrrJvaJjrpiican.- xne legislature Ibe oie elthfer flat, iaqdjta com po- eiwon can do iuiowBrorjiworiuree SenatorHill Returning Iloaie J CiN4raJJnfi8. Tiemmer- cial's Bn' Al a fiotf "tavs-his -Senate before the .loftteftoeauacaesr, roua. proswauoo ,,anu Louisville special BatsisenAWI t B1? -M rSS'JIiT ir Jiv- BiHrtasW;xttmiyarrivB4 Uteiri- 9 jeryrieavy w3P". . 4Wf'JBrtIlHTrtTSS';AfliYrta- intViQ I 1 D aBfflWlU MII UW GWU Will K1UW lir iriTm'-S&nattir nmiiil te in - tfie 3 Ja;irpln4i. vrakaeis cared' br iydlf B.-Ftnthara'a. vegetable oompouna. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY, "WHY EDUCATE THE NEGROl" Extract from the Address of E. B. Craisr at Bid die Institute. Perhaps no slate was ever emancipa ted under circumstances less favorable than those which surrounded the negro of this country when he received his freedom. When the Hebrews were emancipated they- "were told' to prey upon tne JtL.gypuans. un tne manumis sion of the Russian serfs, the heads of families received each three acres of land. But in the case of the negro of this country no provision whatever was made for his protection and pre servation. - it was considered a duty to provide for the comfort and elevation of the Hebrews and the Rus sian serfs. How much more, then, is it a duty to provide for the elevation of me negro, ana wnac petier provision can be made than to give him a good Christian education, which will fit him for his "Life of Duty." 1st. He should be educated for his own sake. He should be able to read and write; to conduct his own business transactions and to be ableto perform promptly and properly whatever duties may devolve upon him. 2d. For the sake of his people. It is well kn&wjv that there are among this people many false notions and hurtful propensities. A dozen well educated colored persons in a community can do more towards regulating the conduct and making peaceable, law-abiding citi zens of their race than all the law. Hence the great need of properly train ed, intelligent leaders. Vet thousands are employed as teachers to instruct the young who have never given "this divine educational art" a day's prelim inary study. Hence the obstacles in the way of the general improvement of schools. It is utterly vain to hope that the deficiency will be remedied unless well qualified teachers shall supercede these miserably inefficient employes. 3d. For the good of his country. The negro has been added to the voting population of the Republic; and we have every reason to believe that, if educated, he would be a good, useful citizen. But there are, in the nation, 2,000,000, illiterate voters. Of these 1.700,000 are in the Southern States' There are 85,000 colored voters against 62,000 white. Of the 85,000 colored voters 70,000 are said to be utterly una ble to read the ballots they cast. The success and safety of the government depend in no little degree upon the sound, unbiased judgment of the peo ple. Republican institutions cannot e.'dure upon a basis of ignorance. Every ignorant voter is a conspirator against liberty, and a standing menace against public institutions. Hence the education of the negro, especially in those sections where he constitutes a majority, is a matter vital to public se curity. Again an illiterate man is incapable of steady industry and economy. With only a common school education he wou'd be worth 50 per cent, more to his country. Dr. Nelson, In his address, gave the people some very sound advice, urging them to help themselves and not to de pend upon others. THE COTTON CROP. A Large Falling off in the Acreage Re ported, j New York, June 3. Bradstreet's Journal publishes a lengthy report on the condition and acreage of the grow-, ing cotton crop, based on replies from 1,008 correspondents, representing 86 per cent, of the cotton districts, or 566 counties. The report as to the acreage is covered by the following table: Decrease Reduction acreage, acreage, per cent. Total acre age, 1882. 845,636 2,506,220 783,604 2,606,821 1,124,591 974,124 1,510,909 2,416,643 258,510 26,960 28,775 28,775 38,210 XiOUisiana, 7 6.. 69,554 Texas 2 3 59,000 Tennessee. 18 66,296 Georgia, 8 2.. Arkansas, 4-6 . . N. Carolina, 6 . . Carolina, 4-8. Alabama, 1 .... Mississippi, 7-8. Florida same-.. Virginia same. . Missouri, 17 .... Ind. Territory 17 232,853 53,865 62,181 76,180 181,897 162,387 162,387 162387 5,995 5,895 TotaL 1,300,777 : 15,214,036 The total acreage of 1881 was 16,184, J58ff acres, against the total given above for 1882.- ; - iThe most striking feature of the :re ;port is that the floods in the Southwest last spring are not responsible for the larg? falling off in the, acreage noted. Except in Texas, the weather was un favorable from May 1 to May 15, hav ing been cold and wet." It seriously in jured the plant, and prevented it secur ing a good stand. Since the middle of May the weather has ruled warmer, but the improve ment since that date has rjot;been gen eral, The weatber during June will have an important effect on the turn of the crop. - The condition of the pian is given belrrwV vet .with bright. $nd warm weather it is believed that ; the plant may regain much of its vigor, The use of commercial fertilizers in the cotton Ut$j4vAlma bu fallen off 25 'percent. L-Ihe acreage sown to oats, wheat and corn has raTgely increased, aha tne con dition "and efficiency of labor through TjrrrthekmttrirTeported much better Plan, last year. .. . . , How, Adam FeU. Springfield Republican. - Monsier 'Acfam, he vake up he see une belle demoiselle aslip jn ze garden. Yoiiade la chancel ' ,. . - "Bon ionr Madame Ivk" she vake: -she-hole her fan before her face. Adam fut on his eye glass tq admire ze tab eau, and zey make-One promenade. Madatrie Iv, she feel Jiungry. She see anoel on ze arbre. Sernent se Prone aur l'arbe make one walk on ze tree. . : "Monsier le Serpent," say, I v, will vous iiri have ze bonte to peek me some ' ttamement, Madame Iv," say ze iTiSHola! monami, ar-r-r-etez vou?" say Adim "sfhop! stnopl que songez vous f aire? " Was madness in zees? You must not peck ze appel!' Ze snake, he take one pinch of snuff, he say: ! Ati Monsieur i Adam, do you not know how zere is nossing proheebet f or ze ladies? .Madame Iv, permeet me to offer you some of zees fruit de fend u zees forbidden, iruit." - Ir. she make one courtesy ze snake, lie fill her whole parasol wiz ze appel. He savB' "Eritis sicut Deus. Monsieur .damrhe'will eatze appel,1 he will be come like one Dieu, know tne good ana Eeeveet-rbut yoTi, Madame Iv, can not become more of a goddess zan you now arte 'And ztfeenish Madrne Iv. " ; , 1 Tennessee Coal. Asnevlfle Citizen.; ,tUfe . Two ear loads of-thefine bituminous cbal found in the VlCinlfv 6f Knoxville passed over the WNCi Railroad on Fridav. one f or Balelb and the other for Kienmona. This l3pat tne pegin- idlv as itaanality .and the facility and ecqnomy3 1 of obtaining it becomes known. We are-convinced that it will enter in Cshort time vjery largely into thefnelsuPDl?M)f'Ashevill& where coal 1 bxougbVacross , the 'mountains from r great distances, is already largely used. JUNE 9, 1882. won AN. How Shall She Prearre Her Health and Bcanir One who has long investigated this subject gives 0Uwi uuu 10 uappj trvr raj tun 11, ta ivuuu iu Woman's "Best Friend." It Is adapted especially tu uim great oeninu. aii-coniroi'ing organ, tne womb, correcting Us disorders, and curing any Ir regularity of the "menses." or "courses." Dr. j. firadfield's Female Begulator acts like a charm In ui auu ui tsuuusu ur gradual cnecKing, or in entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring cases, so often resulting In ulceration, falling of lng the constitution from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial slxe. 75a ; large size, 51.5a For sale by an druggists. Whate'r besides you chance to want, Ne'er fall short of SOZODONT, But keep it always in your sight, A source of beauty and delight. To cleanse your teeth till with your smile. The most fastidious you beguile. From the Toledo Blade. I SI KPI!lSI(i EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERT AND CHAHOniLE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, As Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills. They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation juit meets the necessities of the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, Irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness is a priceless boon, aod vet. for fin cant. you can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Puis are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to pita aotia. faction lf used as direct ed and will cure any case. Hold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for 81, or six boxes for S2.60. to any address. sj DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZIMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH 80ALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonallpartsof the body. It makes the akin white, soft and smooth removes tan and freokifls, and ia th BEST toilet dressiagtn THJS WOULD. Elegantly jrat np, two bottlea in one paekage, oonaiating of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggista have it. Prieefl.perpackags. C N. Crlttenton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies. 116 Fulton street. New York. lunl LYDIA E. PIN KHAKI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is s Positive Cure For aU these Paiaful OeasvlaJats ssd Weaknesses seeoBuaeatsewb reams! veyalatleM. A Sedicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. The Ormtmt BsdUal Btuvrtrj Sim tk Dawn of History. . Wit reTirei th drooping spirit, Intigorete and harmonliaH the organic fanctjonaTgiTes elasticity and ormnass to tht step, restore the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh roaes of life's spring and eaIy summer time. taTThysfcians Us It and Prescribe It Freely.-C It remorse falntness, flasoleney, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieres weakness of the stomach. That-feeling of hearing down, ceasing pain, weight and baokaohs, is always permanently eared by Its nse. For the enr f Kldavey Ooaaslslste of either sex this Coiapeaad ia smsorpsssed. tTDIA E. PrVEHASri StOOP PFBTFTER wul eradicate eVery yestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Inaist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and S3S Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, L Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or ofloeengea, on receipt of price, $1 par box for either. Hrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Bend for pamphlet. Ko family should be without LYDIA K. PimtHAJf'S LTVEU PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. ' i-Soldby all Druggists.- 1 SCARR'S tiBUTT Preservative, one 25c package will pre X1 serve 20 pounds of fruit. For sale By B. H. JOKDAN & GO., may26 Tryon street. WHITE'S TOOTHSOtP, Jewsbery and Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste and Sozedont; frr sale by ii. a. juiUJAM a cu.. may28 Druggists. VIOLA COLOGNE Is the best; for sale only by B. H. JORDAN & CO. maj29 1 AFRESH SUPPLY OF Mls-issqu )1, Tmpcrted Vlchey, Apolllnari, Hath ;rn and Co"gresa Water.iust received by K. a JOBDAN & CO., maj2rt Druggi ts. WHEELER'S TONIC Elixir, Iron Bitters, Hop Bitters, Hostet ter's BUters, Fallow's Compound fyrup of the Bypophospbltes, Horsford's Acid Phosphate, a full supply at B. H. JORDAN 4 CO.. maa Druggists.- WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand the finest Greenind Black Teas, for the retail trade. B. H. JOBDN CO, maj28 Tryon seeL FLESH BRUSHES AND Bath Towels, for sale by ' " B. H. JORDAN A CO.. mar26 . Druggists. F. C. MUNZLER AGEIfT FOR Tie Berpcr & Enpl Brewery Company s (Qf Philadelphia, PI j, Celebrated In Xega aaa BotOea. BOTtXED BEER A aPEciAJLTTT. , rrHave lust reeerred a small lot of BOTTLXD AUB and PORTKB, which I otter to the, pubile at a a hama Via salaa M AAmmm ' ; t - - Lock Box 255, Char kHte, N. C, mbr28 PAIIASQIjS 1 PAR AS Q Si WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Wm and MME i PARASOLS, At extremely low prices. The handsomest SHk.PmbrelU ever shdwn at S3. We wlUeloee our st ?.fie,acka?ia d'w H;iU " lt Manuraoturers' prloes. Don't fotget ws are still offer's f, , Tba!FinsJ? DreM S?. 8ummer 8Uks and Ladles' and Gents' Hoelea. We still have a r ' Une of Ladles', Misses aod Gents' Low Quartered Shoes and Slippers In the very latest styles. 1 ' T,f.8tvPf.Laoes and La,eJ Neckwear in tbe market, a. Urge stock of that 4-4 Blend , ' Domestic at 10c; Lawns from 6Ue to 12Vc; Bununc troa A2l to 3 6i Our stock Is net surpassed t ' , PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. .VEii jun4 TABS i SSJHSll MEET ME -AT THE- GROSS 150 : Ol Q Mi i ,!! ' 'S.H pjfBr-ffltSfflitl! rmfc iUpy , .... . WILL BB AT jj1 SfflyKlrar ta hi r-g ' Corner Store and Postofflce jj- siWMUBiCHDuac1.- ly..-,,.-.,. ( 1 i r' MXmXST ua.mr ivmiiSU 1 I f O T I I ' A ' ft II I I T I ( 5' H. 5 ife ' '!" ';;X.'bk'!sUs!siAU-:eisss II ; JJll ; C AROLIW A, v 1 -' (ii.-'ii t - ,: l x Mimmimti .day$ : t . ti 1 II I ! 1 1 mmm. MB aA. sat , . am aaa L 1 I eg - f -AND-- ': - FORTY MULE LOADED ..''tBUSK' ENOUGH TO COVER THE W ACRES. ! ; f he IPianos 'J i- I - AND IF HE -IS 46 HE WILL BE AT; CHltlRLOTTEiJfjfg He is Bound k'Mi:-, J.LiE.sa, savnaars a julwbb -vtT a t mrr i ir ; a tt Gold and Sliver Cases, all of whldh he fully "jFarjanUlTIm men kao ' Ana a gooa myesimtwiWiV' fWI ajiuyua nwuu. si ' ' sMT -Ksdfes M's.arW'ati' l Ifl'i i'KmJ J" A few days and have it, regulted 1 Hlstlan'glie 6wt One tAibll Ifcfewsnoei In the city. unlm ;, , ,, i. ahal Have Just reoeiyed a lrjje suppljr of ( j j j '' ' tll in .1 iiiioiiif t . 4 corn; '1 i . . . - vEmio'i v ST:Ot(J.K:v':-F.te0i' ' . I. , 1 v taa v, taws.. . t TB W tafM . I mavSfi I - ' A , ' fc 'i;.'i .J.rifii I aa j ST Lni-i.m. n I 11 11 ai"UI0iM .UiUUllU NO. 4,121 s I 1 !- LilHi ISlili -AT THE-: !t ROADS. i I,! !; - A.aS'.M5C ,'.) -in .11 Is. HI' '1 -M iwj Hi,,! v '1.1 i J !i Si I and-tafatis ilA'tlr.v .'! 1hi utiJ.i 'i HI. t;i,it.- J M.fl '. .jit,.. . i ..u B'jU.ltlMhU (si ' I M&MM&iXLACiy1 IS 'Jilt l-iiir.i :r 5 1 asarurI.ja. wumj SL1;UXK STOCK Of itjt. AviT irrr a mTTTsn your via watssv'aaes'Jaw sleep time, leave WlUl .ii iviR aiJ"imoii T.'ll'.j i!i!i::J '3 Til ; hi1jij!") A y (djii;oi rUJl!LrftJ1 Bbnf ord and otbeiuslatalllTs.; wk. a. IL Pomit AUiaAl at1 ss KeeBtvei'wH'seua mMa sale, at the Long 1 IT w"t Wat sv wsjwMmsj' ishwhW M. IVVVIIJi ""WS vsMsyif sarwa Msris lUVIUUUaf UO UUUlw 60s4XXt C4 atotHsl illgtaV 11toDrii and aut mil la. tore and eottoayltoiMee. blacksmith si tenements houses,, anrtbr following 1 -pMcer"; ltMncb onwe 4ietv m f Wnotil 4 top labMudsuaaunaf. bea rina niss nliliiaia WVUIUPlf r and lapper , 6 bead. 2 drawing frione teUwr.ear rin (Brides beirrinaaUlni gopf'6Meta Danforth eapl frames, 182rpuidW tola! number spimllM 810,1 of aid looms, paDiea, sliattlng, -Msrf.aeearatoeA deftadto deecrtptton of ! ;i4the 'and tne eondlUons of said sale refer-1 nf,st odif Aeia'anc In canal ta-j stauM r el!T0iree7ntc. r J na six months, 1 bop1w r pprtsved-sw, f TequlredTof: --I hi w 1 1 j MOSS WT - t7V-Ti tor t Trensaera. Ths.t t. WJHnflAtlt,u',Yteau)r&'' 1 1 Lwee to ell ' i swe n m swwnain private duis i . u j olae.. ----'. vwvw wwa ss eWJT aVfcHA.vs VA VsAV aeq aL PoeUaMtoI,evlEuWv.i4oQ the 1m9 I.iliBftlirtnTi? f lrwln niir-t TUVV, il'-

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