o . " if-- ! 4' VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1882. NO. 1422. r ----- & Co., Pfgram -DKALEhS in- rn CI s TRAVELING BAGS, J 1 UMBRELLAS, &c. PEGR AM & CO., HIV A PRETTY LIKE OF GENTSand LADIES' SLIPPERS. Have the Best toek of Gents' Han(!-ScweC Shoes IS Till STAfrJL P E G R Ap IMiQP.M -r PEGRAMCO.. KKBP A WILL StlbCrntf etfJClfOT-l? 4C OF ALL PfilCESffliDSI&S: ' i - v.j n, i 1 riUiv;:u tx w., HAVK JUST RKCHVED A HSK STOCK OP M, Felt ami traw Hats Of the Latest Mylt s. Or j),e Latest Style 8. PEGR AM & CO., CAN SD1T 1HB R Farmer Friends With any kinds B' OTS and SBOFS TH BY WISH. PEG RAM & CO., KRFP AL KIXDS OK Shoe DressUf J Fit net Blacking PEGRjVJI CC-i -v-i Can supply jou with the BEST BE mOSTEST 8TY1E3 1 ft fIL- tr WTJi I f"l tr.it A" i ar1 h i f in f . H V J 05 " n ftai wi-hw w.rrTJ ,rf T ita tirt w-y Boots Shoes Hi I IMIMI 1 1 ULIlVd - "'53 'I ' 25 ' I g v.U-( f 1 t.UlTJH .1 :tn .in r ia feia kt Ji wjipowf L?', - r'- t- Ills f exs r i lM!;!Kl)If. M j a w P3p I ill 0? ft 9 JUST IN f - - E 111 A LOT OF NEW f INCLUDING - All the Latest Novelties. Another lot of Hoop Skirls from 40c to $1. Mohair and Linen Ulsters In all s'yles, from $1.2$ to 87. Large stock of Lace Curtains and Cretons' very cheap. Our remnant stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats will be closed out Very low tw Tha attenttbn of Housekeepers la ealfed to. a ood a&soriQeot f Cane Matting tuat wo are jsemrrelo prtoes to close out - :T.-i,i(;o.; Jun4 mummer v is- m Complaints At this eeason, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe , and sure remed, PbrAT Davis' Pain Killer Is a sore cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, holera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Read the following : Batobridge, N. T., March 22, 188L PKRBT Dath Pain Kilt.F.R nrer aif (o afford imtanl relief for cramp and pain in the stomach. Joseph Bubditt. . Nioholttlij N. y Feb. 2, 1881. Th very hett mdicme l know of for dysentery, coolers morboa, and cram pa iatha sloaaach. Havo Uaed it lor years, and it is ur cure every time. Julius W. Dee. Hotnooka, Iowa, March 12, 188L I hav used yoat Paih Kilxxb In severe cases of cramp, oolic.and cholera morbus jtnd it gave almost instant reliet L E. Caldwell rjnvvavn.f. flk ITaH Tor twenty years I have used your Pain 188L any times for bowel ILLEB complaints, and it alieay cure. Would not feel aai'a without a botUe in the honse. J. B. J via 2, if ,w'- "Saco, M.,Jan.2a,188L - - ilTB Uea JTKKBT JJ.VTIS "AIN iULLXB I Or twetPe years. It is tafe, tur'e, and reliable. No mother should allow it to be out of the family. ' - H. I. NATIS. UlfUDA, N. T., eb. 19, 1881. W 1 1 i. . 1 ' . 1 uskida, n. x., r eo. i, i -t , ,. V ' . . uiliw it ovsx Uiirty years publl8ied U list ol Tivers 1Q rOTwuhTan CHroMna,allowed a always inrea to ko to bed without a bottle in the hon Cowwayboso, R O.Wb 22, 18SL Nearly every family in this section keeps a bottle in thehooa nr. s. otoraetAni, ? t , I have knarwiiPiKRYDivia' Pan Kn.t.KR aJidmA - csirrLD, uhehish Prussia, retv. s, issi. ; froj the day it was introdueecLud after years of J T bail torn mvRral avn ftnflfartnir hpvt.1t rrrvm diarrticea, accompanied with intense pain, when I your i-AUf h ti.t.kr, and Iounaam(t instant I havenven it K manv cases of diarrhoea, dveen- tei7.Ba cholera, and never knew it to fail to give 4j feSaL j 4 j m . R- Clabidgb. No family can safely be without this -tirATalujftble remedy- It3 price brings it tfttM remedy- it3 I i)te racl of all. 'Hle by Ill-rgg4l wjmin H rt oil 5 B Asi & c., 50c and $1.00 ter bottle. , : PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Jrrovidence, K. i. sept dtw sept oct. r4ing. art l.ii w r-r- TJfT . it. 4 t i i At y ki It i if iiii lWW Liver, mi u i Chroote Warrtwe anoV Dyaenteryr-fifela-Pfeeases, scxoruia. cnronie fneumon !rftlJftefaiTri TdHl and tsjANTI- ceiuncatee from ItTSivLTS. trfota 4 tfsi ' 'frlm th a lautlfullr located ?jnj Bock ot TlaltoTS tioui Jano 1st to October ist, eacn year; capacity, 1 ,000 guest. Far sale, wnoiesaie ana retail. and nrjTciiiT ?1J kiiTisLVjvi) LINEN COLLARS. T TNTtN TTANDKERCHIEFS at 10c. LLu"Pi HOSIERY FROM 5c up, H AWS FttUJl 2 VSC up. "AT may 19 AT TUB VARIETY STORK ill J.111J I XALbtJJA A UlUllLI) rnt i r ,ia -rif RAforAiitiftnaf any other" .f w.k . w m 1A a I d 1.JW H .- . . . I W fsBprunatB- inwvawi mam ? IT. ii us suiiua ajdem and dt -rc.niTiL ynariona, . u r & I iir mm'! fmi - J Vhtclef tc Wilson MamafctUrirl6o'.5 RICHMOND, VA. may 11 Z OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. INTERESTING LIVE STOCK TISTICS. STA- A Halt Called ia the Counting In Game The Honorable Gentlemen in Angry I Mood What North Carolina's Repre f sentatives are DoingPostal Points, , i Etc. Washington, June 7 A census bul letin jusc issued presents1 BOtae inter esting information in reference to live stock on the farms of the country. It places the total number of horses em ployed on farms at 10,357.981, making Tan increase since 1870 of 45 percent.; mules 1,812,932, being an increase for same period of 61 per cent-: working oxen jit 993,970, being an increase of 28 per cent ; milcb cows 12,443,593, being an increase of 39 per cent.":' other cattle at 22,488,590, being an increase of -68 percent.;; 'sheep 35,191,656, being an in crease of, 24 per cent.; swine 47.683,951, making an unprecedented. increase of 90 per cent. Indiana has the largest number of horse3, vhile Missouri heads the list in thenumber of mules. Texas nojas hrst- piaoota nuau)e..oi oxen. while .New York leads ail her sisters m milch cows. Calif ornia, with over four million sheep, nearly doubles any other State ..Iowa .contains more hogs than, anyjQtner ;otate m the country, the numbet behig placed at 6,034,SiG North Carolina is credited with 133,680 horses, 81,871 mules,- 60,183 oxen, milch cows, 375,105 other cattle, 46i;638 sheep, .and 1,453,541 hogs. !oHtW JCarolina, 60, .600 horses, 67,005 mules,24,507 oxen, 139, .881; miJcb cowd, 199,321 fcther cattle, 118,880 sbeerx aiid 628,198 hoes The in crease in North Carolina,' in the oiidet given, is 30 per cent, 62, 11,18,34, in sheep less than one-half of one per cent., 35; of iSouth, Carolina, same order, 38, 62, 39, 42,50, 5 and 59. All these figures are percentage of increase over 1870. The Republicans have called a shore halt in their work of ejecting Demo crats from' their seats, but it is uncer tain when they may spriDg the matter again. A caucus is now in progress to consider whether the Republicans will oust Shelley, of Alabama, or not. One ism ith was th contestant but he died, and now having no one to put in they may do the next best tbiug, according To their idea, and fire Mr. Shelley nut. -This matter of ousting Democrats 'and t he filibustering that it has .given rise has set the House in a bad lium ir for Mhe transaction of public business. In litct, it is always noticeable that alter a ri.ibustering contest which has the ef IVct of drawing parly lines, the inem-bt-rs are always mad. Such contests have the i ffectof making members per sonal enemies, and when such is . the case that smoothness which is neces sary to expedite business in a body, al ways turbulent, is destroyed. The fili bustering contest on the force bill years igo, made enemies of certaiu members, wnicn oreacn has not to tnis day been healed. One of the effectsof the recent filibustering has been to operate against the passage of the river and harbor bill. It; was the intention' of its friends to bring the matter before the Rouse last Monday aud force ita. passage under a suspension of the rules. This pro gramme was departed from, it being learned that the Republicans would oppose it violently, principally on ac count of the- -appropriations for the Mississippi rivet. "TAVil now the inten tion to allow debate on the bill and have it reported to. the House, and have it open for discussion.' Irf a former letter North appropri- Utions ny tnis bill Sorae of these items may be stricken out. but it is more than probable that the bill will pass as re ported. iSince the last report Stnators and Representatives of North Carolina have made the following record : '.? J f f : ' ' r VANCtV ZEBULON B. Bills introduced by ! Coley;' Henry Di for relief. McGray, Charles P: to remove politi cal disabilities. ' ; I Reed, J)r.,Lker; to pay for services at physician.,; ih iMaftettjEJ : for relief bill. CharlpUe ;X. C: to loan flags for Mecklenburg celebration. Resports made by, from . Committee on District of Columbia. Evans, Thomas and Albert TWhit- S ' Committee on-Naval Affairs, Cornell, J. B. and others. ; Naval chaplains. I ComBiiitteWoW.iJ'aVal Affairs, Merslirjn,I)aniel SLir. . Committee! ot Sixth'Callection Dis jtict of North eanHiia, Committee xpensea-. resolutiQn. to: Pr.uj , -.: . ..- f : -. . . , NaAairs1;,' j.- ' . j Corbewer,;&atAih$ J. . : r ReaoIttU6j)3tixered by ., i WilmingtoBjNwC. Hospital Grounds; thatSeCcaryof Warfarnish informa- tioii relative to. V, -S : ! : petltfSrt presented by. from North Carolina, citizens of Edgecomb' county : for educational fund. ... Remarks pj, bn , Court Appeals? bUL i Military bounty lands : bill to ascer tain amount, of warrants locat,ed.iA per-, tajn SWteM 1 . 1( ?)! , f . t : Internal revenue taxes: resolution to ibvestigate costof ppUectipn in sixth district of NQallgmfended and Ransom, Mat. W: appointed conferee dn Indian appropriation bill. j Tj Vrmiij.'ltfBBRTj RiKI4N, .tj,fj Petitions and papers presented by, from i North Carolina-, citizens pf: for ap propriation for education. "Wrtrth Parnlina. citizens of: for ar proprjatlorMforiediicaion. A - C. f Remarks onYby ' x j Militia: bill to recognize. ' Tariff commission : bill to appoint. j cbxwiLirAM'B. Bill "intrbdubed by : i National banks; to amend bill to ex tend charters, ( petitions and papers presented by, frbfli J North ' Carblfria, 'citizens of : " for ap propriatnjfote,ducation, i Nortk Carolina, citizefis of Johnston county :'f-.fot improvement :of t. Neuse fiver--;"; . , North Carolina. Cottori and Groers; xeliabgeof Raleigh: to repeal bank.;, eitearks on i . . Tariff OTmmission bin to appoint. Hiintroaaceo vr" I Clark &"FSwell:or r,elief. . . . Petitiorjt presented by, from North 'Garolina, citizens of: for ap- Hropriation for fe,ducation,i, , .... , ., T- Xm. naA1tw r a Svano rP ' rrti nrtof 0ldS ' J-ii i& ,l? qrth.Crlina,.jpbAPilr ;of Comf fnerce of Charlotte: to repeal bank; tax dreaferrjkidbnal,battk& LATHAM, LOUIS V. PetitifTOft and papers P I JoShtticMngiitis bv.from, I u - i i 1 a of f fpr pfjsJH road. Same, in imQltVJnmw tax. Same, to amend patent laws. Samfe.lo Tft eU)eprfcrLinCl of Agri culture am Ex5t5dtlveeattlnerit. (game, toguiate .JRyCftfett. cpfxtr. merce .u sai m iw-a oj ii.t .-. t atrmeitrzeiwt1 iseanron; una riw uree&n sat i for inv 'LIUIAIVI TT miem-nr w m W as-' 'f- M ml lfuA..Uuai, Sam 0i citizna vdt FaMico ,acojrkli; for improvement oi Day river ana erec tion of a lighthouse. North Carolina, citizens oi: to appro priate all moneys on basis of illiteracy. SCALES, ALFRED MOORE. Leave of absence granted to. Bills introduced by Homestead exemptions: providing for. National banks: to amend bill to ex tend charters of. Remarks by, on Agricultural Department: bill to make Executive Department. Petitions and papers presented by, from North Carolina, citizens of: for ap propriation for education. Same, citizens of Davidson county: for appropriation for education. Same, citizens of Thomasville : for appropriation for education. '. Same, citizens of Caswell county : for appropriation for education. . ' SHACKELFORD, J. W. Bills introduced by North. Carolina: for survey of sounds in. Wilmington, N C: to erect public building at. Petetions and papers presented by, from North Carolina, citizens of: for es tablishment of a light at mouth of New River. Same, for improvement of Beaufort Harber. .. Same, for improvement of Bogue Sound. Same, for" improvement of sound from Morehead City to New river. Same, citizens of Onslow county : for post-road. Same, for impromemeat of New river. ? Same, for improevment of sounds between Morehead City and New river. Same, for survey from Beaufort to New river, and from White Oak river to Smith Mills. Same citizens of Onslow, New Han over and Columbus counties : for ap propriation for education. Same, citizens of Wilmington: for public building. I VANCE, ROBERT BRANK. Bills and joint resolutions introduced by Allison, John : to pension. Broad river: to improve. i Camp, I. C; for relief. Cherokee Indians: to adjudicate land titles of Eastern band. Same, to pay certain expenses of Eas tern band. Hyatt, Ann : fot relhf. Mingus, John: to pension. Newman & Tatliam: for relief. Plemmons, S D : for relief. Tat ham, P. B: for relief. Birchneld, Sarah A.: for relief and pension. Buchanan, Aaron: to pension. Cooper, J.G.: to pension. Cox, H. A.: to remove charge of de sertion. Craig, W. P.:For relief of heirs. Frisbee, Rachel: for relief of. Gauge, William: for relief. Ladford, David: for relief. Robertson, Mitchell E.: to pension. Snm9, Warren : to pension. Petitions and papers presented by, from Evans. W. C.: relative to liquor traf fic. Justice, sr.. W. D.: war claim. North Carolina, citizens of: for post road. Same, for appropriation for educa tion. Same, for post roads. Same, Wilmington Produce Exchange to reduce tax on bank checks, circula tion and deposits. Welch, A. B. and J. J.: war claim. Pickens, William: for pension. North Carolina, citizens of : for post road. Same, citizens of Highlands: for ap propriation for education. Vance, R. M.: for post roads. Report made by, from Committee on Patents. Coston, Martha' J. POSTAL POINTS. New offices: Bradley, Abbeville, S. C, Patrick H: Bradley, Jr., postmaster; Bulla, Randolph county, N.C., Archie C. Bulla postmaster. , . : Postmasters commissions sent: Wil liam R. Hughes, Goudeysville, S. C; Edgar C. Dubose, Camp Ridge, S. C.; JohnR. Whitehead, Apex, N. C; Wil liam G. De Berry, Mangum, N. C. , The postofflce at Kilhan's Mills, Lin coln county, N. C, has been discontin ued; mail to Lincolnton. CHANGE IN STAR SERVICE. North Carolina-Wilkesborough to Osbornville. Leave Wilkesborough Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 a. m. Arrive at Osbornville by 12 m. Leave Osbornville Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 p. m. Arrive at Wilkesborough by 6 p. m. South Carolina Easley to Table Mountain. From July 15. 1882, embrace May nard on return trip, omitting Daycus ville and Briggs, deciease distance 3 miles. The following order has just been is sued for the information of govern ment postal 6mplpes: ' : "When a mail departs from a post of fice in the night time, the department messenger may be allowed to take it to the depot and place it under the perso nal charge of the railroad agent, not la ter than 8 p. m.',,the agent being requir ed to guard it and to see that the prop er exchange Is made when the train ar rivesLprotJided, however, That applica tion must be made to division superin tendents of railway mail service in all cases when such an arrangement is contemplated, and before permission is given by them to postmasters to make an exchange of mails in this manner they will first obtain the consent of the railroad company to assume the re sponsibility for the safe keeping of the mails when so placed in charge of their agents." Pickup. STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer: Gol. I. J. Young was before the mayor yester day for knocking down Mr. (1. S. Bar rett, of Moore, in the convention yes terday, the latter having called him a liar. The Colonel paid the costs, $7.50, like the man he always is. States vilie American: Mr.JoelKim bati.anold and worthy citizen, who re sided near this place, died early Sunday morning; 27th instant, and was interred at St. Paul's Monday. Miss Maggie Caldwell, eldest daugh ter of Mr.-Walter P. Cald well, of Greens boro, was married in that city Wednes day evening to Mr. J. R. Thompson, of Liberty Hill, S. C. Salisbury Watchman ; A new gold mine has been discovered 14 miles south,! in this county, on the property of . Mr. ClayYost. Its value baa not fet' been satisfactorily tested, though he prospect is said to be very.fine. ,We hate seen some of the gold obtained by Bluieing., , . '. .,.., V; i Saleiii tress-: tJMft(. Johanna Dulcina riedberg, while walking4n 4he porch 1L l ACA U VI Olllllg, VIA IJA1MAJ j- V lMAA asc, suaaeniy aroppea aown ana was arrjed into tne nouse, ana aieaon ! Whate'r besides you chance to want. t i . Or ABAl VA A, .,, But keep It always In your sight, , ,; -A source of beauty and delight, ; ,jv -To cleanse your teeth till with your smile, i Temort iasttiloasyOT j ")(-'. t . i.i "Bloated headaches, nervous prostration and spinal weakness cured by Lydla X. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. - w A arvwf nnw "WOJIAW. How Shall She Preserve Her Health and Beaut v One who has long Investigated this subject gives iuo icouib, auu u uapyj w so uiat 11 is IOUQU m Woman's "Best Friend." It Is adapted especially to that great central, all-control.lng organ, the womb, correcting Its disorders, and caring any Ir regularity of the "menses," or "courses.3 Dr. J. Biadfleld'a Female ttegnlator acts like a charm In whites, and in sodden or eradnal eheckiniz. or in entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from coia, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge in every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of lng the constitution from numberless evils and Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial sixe. 75c; large size. From the Toledo Blade. SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CBLERV AND CHtnOJIILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, As Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile PUls. They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state Just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, indescribable. These are some of the symotoms of narvnn ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness is a priceless boon, aod yet, for 60 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be tally secured. These Pills are all they are rep- retrou?u mi in, ami are giuirBUbeea (O give Satis faction If used as directed and will cure any ease. Bold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for S2.60, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINOSonaUpartaof the body. It rnakea the skin white, aofl and amootb; removes tan and freckles, and ia the BEST toilet dressing' In TH K WOHLD. Elegantly pnt np, two bottles In one package, constating of both internal and external treatment. All first claw druggists have It. Price 11. per package. C N. ( rlttenton. Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Penson's Remedies. 115 Fulton stree New York. jonl LYDIA E. PI N KHALI' S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Pogitfre Care For all tkaaa Paiaful CoBavlaiate sal WeakaeaaM ww f r seat f tala iaalaHaa. A Medicine for Wensa. iavemted by a Woaaa. Prepared by a Womsn. Th Create Btdleal DbMrwy Sbm taa Dawa af Hlstary. CF"It rerlTaa the drooping spirits, -tnrigoratei and aarmonlses the organic functions, gire Lattldty and (Lrmnest to th itepv regtores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale- cheek of woman tha fresh rose ot life's spring and early summer time. "Physicians Use It and Prescriba It Freely .t It re mo res faiatnesa, fiataieney, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieres weakness of tha stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by it use. Far the care f KMaey Ceaaplahrts ef either aex this Osfal ts amsmrpase4. i.TiTJt b. PimcttAiSFi blood ptbtfier wiU eradieate erery Tsstige of E amors (rem the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, ot man woman or child. Insist on having It. Both the Compound and Blood Partner are prepared at 233 and 135 Western Avenue, Lynn, Ifasa. Price of either, St. Six bottles for $&. Seat by saafl in the form Of phis, or of loasngea, on receipt ot price, X per box for either. Hrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Sendforpamphlet. ' Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PIKKHA1TS LTVEU PILLS. They core constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of theuver. S5 cents per box. 49SoId by all Druggists.- 0) F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR The Bergnor & Mel Brewery Company. lOf Philadelphia, Pa.,) Celebrated Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. i IVHave Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE and PORTER, which I offer to the pubUc at a reasonable price. Address FBKD C MUNZLXR, Lock Box 255, Charlotte, N. a mbr28 Metropolitan Shoot FOR JULY, WITH PATTERNS, JUST RBCXIVH). TIDDY & BROTHER. un9 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A TIQ aQd Am WmL of PARASOLS, At extremely low prices. The handsomest 811k Umbrella eve shown at S3, We will dose our stock of fine Mackanaw dtraw Bats at less than Manufacturers' prices. Doni forg we are still offering special bargains In Dress Goods, Summer Silks and Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. .We sail have rood line of Ladles'. Misses and Gents' Low Quartered Shoes, and Slippers In the very latest styles. The cheapest stock of Laees and Ladles' Neckwear m the market A large ok or that 4-4 Biesehei Domestic at 10c; Lawns from 6fec to 12ftc; Bunting frdm ISVketo 7Cej Our stock Is not surpassed aad PRICES ALWAYS Jun4 IF .lls'lS K MEET ME AT THE AT THE CROSS ROADS. - , . en r i - ; : -' n E S. I mm ill H)niTrrrTTTTrr,t!: wai : : WHOLESALE S HETA1LI mm I " i v let-; a 1 1 gHE HASJI ORGANS AND---' ". 150 AND FORTY MULES LOADED WITH MUSIC ENOUGH TO COVER THE 40 ACRES. MUST BE AND IF HE IS NOT AT HE WILL BE AT H E AD QUARTERS, CHARLOTTE, N. Ce ; i He is Bound lo Sell. Ask His WAf C11S and W. A. TRUSL0W, JEWEMR.KEEPJ CONSTANTLY en WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, In Gold and Silver Cases, aR of which be fully Warrants Sellable Time Keepers. ' Haslness men know And a good investment Is to buy a Good Watch. If T5J. &m ' XiatQPDKgiiCs i .' A few days and have it regulated. He can give over one handled references hr thectty. Jun9 Im ...H . , .i n.i-,. (1 u; i ., uM Hive Just received a large supply of in ii iii : L-jiti. In all slzi packages. CORN, FLOUR; HAY, BRAN, MEAL-'"'-STOCK FEE D- . .... . . . s. A And la faet e Terythiag kept In a A,J.DeaU&Co. " maySQ piiii! THE LOWEST. , WILL BS AT Corner Store and Postoffiee -IN- CAROLINA, M'TBE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. 150 SOLD, tHE ABOVE PLACE Price ill Yon - Will-be Happy. JEWimi! HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF your old Watch does nee keep time, leave with BY Virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court of Catawba county, madala Uie case of P. C. Shuford and others, plalnUOs, vs.;A. M. Poweil and ethers, defendants, at Boring Term, 1882, ef Catawba eotmty Superior Court,, the :fndenlgned. as Beeelver, will sell at habile sale, at the Long ' Island Cotton MlUa,a lfOdOAT, the SftD DAT of JULY, l K the tollnjpring jafpabls frwerty, i The'lactoTTOf the Leng lsbrnd Cotten; Hfiavto-, gether with 16Vk aeres land. Ineloding the enure water power of seven feet head, .factory, building rU)s two stories Mghvinooxlnsi aad aaaiiulla. store and cotton houses biaetumilh shop aad fire tenement homes, and the foltowinrnachtnerrT ' 1 Picket. 1 86rtach ddubJe tester and Uppery ; . 8o-lnch 147 top flat cards, railway head. 2 drawing frames, S aeUverles each. ring tramesrrBxldea berry make), all In good order, 2 Danforth eap fames, 182 sptndlea, total number spindles 810, Travis card grinder, bunch and baling press; atop. a . jbuse lot, of, eM.teorna follies, haMB, ; Hot atota aewna.smddeAatte; dewtlptlon of the property and the condttions oi.sakl sale refer ence to hereby -mad to the decree above reterred, 1 TIRMS-Twenty , per sent.. ot ..purchase money 1 eash nr thetalanoo' W 3 equal' - to- ' stalments of 'three -iWnthaiThaislx.rjosonUiaii, hood and -aDBro-i . JTnf 1--Jr:auired of purchaser, or thf Reiver U ryrt L Decree au mertzed oh eary terms- 4o -eul .e'aasen, -The Reoetrerls alee anthortee by nr. i,DTe to sell - aata property u private sfcie, n ia suca Uu.iu shall be sgssed npen between L ji &m purchases. - and he will entertain private t ' ' r-t i day ot sale i Persona wishing te exari . , i rop, will And Dr A.M. PoweU a"i l.ii '4 on tha 7 premises, either ot uom U U-a tUureUi showing the same. Addresa . , L. COBB, (teeetver, " iun3 Lincolnton, Lincoln county, K. C TJ fl BT H i SOUTH h 1. 1 1- ! ft "i 1 i 1 11 i 11 IP 1 i n m - f J v i 5 I it' h i it it 5 r ill 'ft- ,3? 1 1 I' r i i S rl A i

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