i i . - . V ' . ( 4 V J t - In I! 1 VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, JUNE 11. 1882. NO. 4,123- pegram Co., DALEwS IN - ots v I V J TRAVELING B5GS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PEG R A M & CO., EUVK A PRETTY LINK OF CENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS, PEG RAM & CO., T Flnve the Best clock of Gents' IliinJ-Srwed Shoes IN THB 8TATK. '"KG It AM & CO., HaVK all kinds of Childrens' Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM & CO,, KEEP A WJ-.LL SELECTED STOCK OF Tiuik and Valices CF ALL n ;q AD SIZES. PEGU AM & (" HAVE JUST RKt ! 1VEI) A FI.VK STOCK OF I" U .. .i I II .1. i 1 . Mil alii lift Of the I tite.st m; !' s. Of Le L -.te st Styh s. PEG IT ATi c oT, C N SUIT 1 HK R Farmer Frk-ncU With any kinds B OTt nnrt SflOFS T H KY WISH. PEC RAM & CO., K t P aL hIND- " Shoe Dressing, Krpneh Itou-king P E G RA M & C (., Can vupi-ly j on with the BEST BRAHDS and LATEST STYLES - OF Ladies' Misses and Children's Shots. 1 run sa 1 8 CO : sa c q A3 . gg CO H H fr g s o f a N - ill ' J 1 6 t i i grri 09i!&,$latTiinfi, Set. JUST IN -A LOT OF NEW INCLUDING- All Hid Latest Novelties. t& Another lot of Hoop Skirts from 40c to $1. Mohair and Llaen Ulsters la all styles, from $125 to $7. Large stock of Lace Curtains and Cretons very cheap. Our remnant stock of Men's and Boys' Straw flats will be closed out very low. The attention of Housekeepers is called to a good assortment of Cane Matting that we are selling at i educed prices to close out T. LSeirietf Co. Jun4 Bcfltcil. Summer Complaints At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and-sure remedy. Perry Davis' Pain Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Kead the following : :. y v Bainbridge, N. Y., March 23, 1881. Pebrt Davis' Pain Killer never failt to ajurd instant relief for craiup and pain in tlie stomach. Joseph Bueditt. Nicholville, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1881. The ver bett medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morlms,and cramps in the stomach. Hava used it for years, and it m sure cure every time. Julius W. Dee. MoniaoNA, Iowa, March 12, 1S8L I have used your Pain Hjlleb in severe cases of cramp, colic.and cholera morbus .and it grave almost instant relief. L. E. Caldwell. Carnesville, Ga., Feb. 8, 18L For twentyyears I have used your Pain Killeb in my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it always cures. t ould not feel safe without a boUle in the house. J. B. Ivie. j i 8ACO,ME.,San. 3B.188L Hare nsed Pebrt Davis' Paim Killer for twelve years. It is saj, sure, and reliabla.- Ho mother should allow it to be out of the family. H. I. Kates. Oneida, N.T.,Feb. 19, 1881. We bejjan usin? it over thirty years ajfO, and it always rives immediate relief. VVontd hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle in the house. W. a Spkbbt. Conwatbobo. S. CFeb. 83, 188L Nearly every family in this section keeps a bottle in the house. Dr. E. Morton. TJ. 8. COHSTTIiATE, . Cbeteld, Ehin ish Pbubsia, Feb. 8, 188L I have known Perbt Davis' Pain Killeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use X regard Its presence in my bousthokl as n fnditptnsablt necessity. ; - XS. Potor, Consul. -Burtoh-on-tbent. Eno. I had been several days suffering severely from diarrhoea, accompanied with intense pain, when I tried your Pain ktt.t.-rh, and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noonb. 21 MosTAtre St., London, Eng. Duringr a residence of twenty-three yeara in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give lellel. K. Cla-EOdge. No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. It3 price brings it "within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept tw sept & oct. Native Mineral Water ! ! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) AL TJ m WATJBB . , CUBES Dyspepsia Wigestinn, Torpid Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Chronic Pneumonia, etc. It Is a powerful Alterative Tonic and is ANTI MALARIAL In its effects. Head certificates from eminent physicians n our patnph ets. NO ARTIFICIAL GASES OR SALTS. Bottled in Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located in Bock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from Jane 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Mc ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. marl'2 ly 1U WHITE GLOVES, LINEN COLLABS. LINEN HANDKEBCHIEFS at 10c, HOSIEBY FROM 5c up, FANS FBOM 2c up. ACC, &C.i &.C. AT THE VARIETY STORE, .UNDER Til ADE US' NT. BANK. 0. M. ETHJEREDGE. rnaylfl ' mm rjabieVKuantogacI Bestwllaciiine Inlhe :f WdWdJ Trr It before buying any other..! ,tu ,W TTlieler & Wilson Manttfctiirg C BICHMOND, vX PER EXPRESS NECKWMR, CM NEWS NOTES. The British iron-clad3 Inflexible, Temeraira, Alexandra and Superb have arrived at Alexandria. Mr. Bourke, a landlord and magis trate, was shot from ambush at Ardra han, Galway, Ireland, yesterday. A soldier who was with him was also killed: - It is stated that the price of beef will come down in July, when the grass-fed cattle begin to reach the market. An official list of the names of the persons recently executed in Hayti shows that 14 were executed in Gon aives and 14 in St. Marc. Returns indicate the re-election of Craig, Democrat, for supreme judge in the fifth district of Illinois. A resolution has been adopted by the Montreal Conference of the Methodist Church, of Canada in favor of the Meth odist Union. Trouble is feared at Chicago between the striking horseshoers and non-union men. The Union offers to pay the lat ter $10 a week to stop work. The Glucose and Grape Sugar Asso ciation at Chicago has decided, in -vjiew of the probable suspension of many manufactories', to consolidate all the factories. Hon. Wm. T. Forrest, one of the fore most lawyers of Cincinnati, died sud denly in his oflice Tuesday of paralysis of the heart. He was a native of Nor folk, Va. The first class of cadets at West Point numbers 37. Edward Burr, of Mo., stands first ; Benjamin Alvord, of the District of Columbia, 17th; Blanton C. Welsh, of Pennsylvania, 30th, and Thos. B. Duziin, of Maryland, 31st. James Magee and John Curtin, alias James Freeman, both of whom possess long criminal records, were arrested in the jewelry store ot Butler & McCarty, in Philadelphia, yesterday, whilst at tempting to substitute plated watch chains for gold ones which they were examining. The Turkish commissioner and suite arrived at Cairo yesterday, and were assigned a palace for their temporary residence. Arabi Pacha and his sup porters are aggressively cultivating the favor of the commission. At Gettysburg, P,i., vcsttidiiy, the veterans of the Union and O'iil'edi-rate armies completed Lh-! revision ot the battle ground of the second d;iv. There wili be a reunion of llie vel.vruns of t lie Army of the Potomac ;U:d Northern Virginia who tVuiu'li; in i.h iir&t.i;i's battle on Wednesday,-. J line 14 Judge Wallace, in 'the Uniitnl.jjitatos Circuit Court at' Pniluaeluiiia; ' --j Tgier day granted the motion tn" diacnnlmue the suits between the Emma' Silver Mining eom,pany of London and the Eujina Mining company of that city. In 1S74 the London company purchased the mine for .",000,000 from the Ameri can company, and when they had pos session made claim that the mine lid been worked cm'.. A settlement has been effected. Mines of Davie County. To the Editor of The Observer. Since my fm-t article on the mining interest of Davie county, Mr. 13. N. Al Ifii, who lives in FuitOn township, six milt's northeast of Motksville, iias found a very tine specimen of gold ore on his land, near the iron ore mine which was laigrly worked by Thos. II . Gaitlter & Co. during the Confederate times. Mr. John M. Clement, of Mocksville, h-is the specimen at his office. He is endeavoring to negotiate a lease for the Allen mine to some parties at the North. If we could induce the State geologist to visit our county and spend a month with us and examine our minerals and have them tested, you would see capi tal flowing into our county by the huu dieds of thousands of dollars. I wrote Prof. Kerr the other day and in his reply I do not understand him to say that he will come to our county. Here is a copy of his postal card : RALEIGn, N. C, May 24, 1882. Mr. A. A. Harbin, Mocksville, N. C. : Dear Sir: My work in making sur veys and examinations has been pro hibited by the Legislature. I am only allowed to finish .my maps and report, which I am doing as fast a3 I can. Otherwise I would have been up last year. Yours truly, W. C. Kerr. Now, Mr. Editor, we see from the above letter that our members of the Legislature are certainly solons. We should put men in the Legislature who have common sense and a desire to see the Old North State shake off the sou briquet of "Rip Van Winkle," and oc cupy a name among the nations of the earth as a progressive people. Our fore fathers certainly did have someveiy crude notions about them, and I am sorrv to say that some of their children and" grand children are following in their footsteps. Young man imitate your father if he has kept up with the progress of the age, and if not, leave off following in his footprints. ,,It will not do to be behind the bal ance of mankind these days, for this is a fast age in which we live. What gi gantic strides science has made in 100 years, and yet the half is not discov ered. Telegraphs, railroads,, electric lights, add- various other wonderful inventions are the productions of the present age of the world, and doubtless the iext century will far excel this. A. A. II. . To Fatten Fowls Rapidly. Set rice over the fire with skim milk, only as much as will serve one day. Let it boil till the'rice is. quite swelled out, and add a leaspooni'ull of sugar, but it will do well without. Feed the fowls three times a day in common pans; give them only as much as will fill them at once. When you put fresh, let the pans be set in water that no sourness be con veyed to the fowls, as that prevents them from fattening. Give them clean water, or the milk of the rice to -drink, but. the less wet the rice, is when thoroughly soaked the better By this method the flesh will have a clear whiteness which no other feed gives, and when it is to be considerd-hov far a pound of rice will go how much time is saved by this mode, it will be found cheaper than barley meal. The pan should be cleansed, and no food given for sixteen hours before the poultry is killed. : . f Watermelon Culture. J. Ll Hardway, fin Chronicle and Constitutionalist. I see .in yesterday's paper a statement to the effect that by cutting off water melon vines a second crop can be made and the request added fox anyone trying the experiment to forward infor mation of the fact.' I will state that.in 1879, . having. Beard that such a thing could be done, I made the experiment for my own satisfaction. I had an acre in fine early watermelons when they jtave out, fend on the 17th of July I cut off every vine from six to tweiv inches from the .root and worked over the whole grotttfd- two or three times very njcely The result waaa jSecond crop1 of riicfej very flnei flavprefl watermelons as good as the first but not so Irage The seasons were 'fine; however, from tfcftltime the vines were cut ' off until they' iverfcjgatbered, '.; I T might not have doneso well with a dry seasons Z ,1 ' 1881, s 1 Hftt'warneif' 4nD&r Sirs -I'liaVe used your gate Kidney and Liver, Cum in my practice as a physician, and la every case I find It works like a' caarm. ' Bev. B. F. Porter. University Normal School. Chapel Hill, N. C, June 8, 1882., To the Edit?r of the Observer. The University Normal School will begin one week from to day and coa tinue five weeks. I send list of instruc tions. It has been determined to devote more time and labor in teaching teach ers how to teach than in any other direc tion. The superintendent. Prof. Newell, is said by Dr. Curry and others, who know, to be peculiarly skillful in infusing vigor and life in Teachers' Institutes and Normal schools. The assistant superintendent and other teachers have been selected because they are experts in their departments. I earnestly advise all interested, who can do so, to attend the school, if only for a few days. As a rule the railroad companies charge only half rates. Very respectfully, m " Kemp P. Battle. FACTJLTV OF THE-UNIVERSITY NORMAL SCHOOL, FOR 1S82. The Faculty of the University Nor mal School for the present year is near ly complete. The following is the list so for as appointments have been made. .Others will be add&l if .needed,. t Superintendent of the School Hon M. A. Newell, President of Lafayette' Normal College, and Superintendent of Public Instruction in Maryland. Assistant Superintendent Prof. Ed ward P. Moses, Principal of the Golds boro Graded School. The Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent, and the following teachers will have charge of the instruc tion in the common school branches, and especial attention will be given to methods of instruction: Prof. J. H. Ray hill, N. Yt Gulley, M. C. S. Noble, "R. P. Pell, E. L. Harris, and Miss Jane F. Long. Dr. R. H. Lewis will give instruction in Physiology and School Hygiene. Prof. W. B. Phillips will teach Natur al Philosophy and will illustrate the subject by numerous experiments, em ploying apparatus that may be con structed by any teacher, or purchased for a few dollars. Prof. Rayhill will instruct students in Elocution, Prof. Pell in English, Prof Noble in Algebra, Prof. Ilarri3 in Drawing. Prof. K. II. Wilson will t Music, i'ted by Prof. C. durinfi the lust fortnight of -;Hh Vocal I j. Wilson t he School. Prof. ,lno. E DuL-ter w 11 be Secre- tarv. Callisthenics will be taught by Prof. M0SeS. The Invasion ol Tenquiir not Ap proved Pan Francisco, June, in. A Ut'.er from Yokohama g ves !s ;i trustworthy report that the invasion of Tonquin by the French !i;w been 'repudiated by the home government; that orders have been'sent to return the captured citadel of Hausi, and that the troops of the King of A nam h ive resumed posses sion of the city. The Rope in Texas. Galveston, June 10. A News Lare do special says Quit i no Gnbu washur.g at Brownsville es!en!ay f.-r the mur der of another M; xic.m about a jear ago. ItroiM-fcitt Tlirit O o iiii uiK-ii coraraenc. with a en. g- en d o- iinuor.1 exertion of i he MO'.e?. i hesp loci i-ieiit symptom-! are al hiyid by Ihe u-e of Brj n's Bcnitlii.t' Tro::t es." whl:h If n-'alecten if ten result in achr nic trouble uf the t .i.iit. A pure strengthening tonic, free fiom wLl.-key and alcohol, cures dyspei sia. aid similar dis eases It hits rever been equaled. Bruin's Iron Bitrers Whate'r besides you chance t want. Ne'er fall short ot SOZODuNT, But keep It always tn your slcht, A source of beauty and delight. To cleanse your teeth till with your sni!!e, Tne most fasti nous you beguile floated headaches, nervous ito tratlon and spinal weakness cured by LyJ a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 2tXisccXlaueonfi. . i DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An nnjc.nunt dis covery, by whicl every family ma give their linei that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine i laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. ion sai.f. nv j . rr.M i-:h a o Hid FIELDS Kit ON.. bur loll t, . C if you y:;.mt A I1EALLY GCCD STEEL PEN Ask j-our btationer 47 ... v.. A 1 n st;imrs lor a box oontuin- NICKEL, AND GILT, Assorted Pat- in a Isickfl- platcd Match Box. I by all Stationers. laXeman. Taylor & Co., WOUiJS XCii-IVl-a, 1 CIV X (IKK. HOW TO TEL!, I.tll(,4M ,tIKIIClU. Look for clean neat WHIT.- WHAPBr-h wt h the ltd nymiollc letter stamiH-d .111 on 11 in tu, form or a ill.tion era- etuily fnrve 1 jn 0 tb- letti 1 Z embracing the e;nb.trus of our t ti.de, patnt" Mortar find oradiift e v.i h the o:is A (j jIH MOS LlVEH HKiULATOHoriJEMC Kibere on, also ob.sere rhe signature of J. 11. ZFILIN i CO., n tti tnk on the Me. . TAKK NO OrilKH, Be-.- are of those who M oy nothl g of Medlik.1 Comr-ounds whu put out lostiums I n. wn to .so-r. and btinannal zed prove irih!e sa'id1 nlyusa-if to fleece the puO.Ic, and tt. pirate on ihe well r. r ed reputation of Zeilin & Co's. nitdlclne thi- -frauds have no rep-.tntion to s;t 'mu snd wia cheat you for a few pennejs e?ery v. ay 'hey can. Sw-e Tfbo Kndre th ;etiuii g Hon. Alex II Stephens, . . Rt Bev. Jn. W. fieckwtth Bishop vt Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gofdon. U. S. t enator 1 Ht Bev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill tehOiter, J. Kdgar Thompson, ' - Hon. B. H. Hill. Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Wihls, D.D. -Chief Justice Hiram -WarrtBr. of Ga; - - ; Lewis wnnder, Assistant P. M-'Phila:, Pa., and thousands of others from wbm we have let ters of commerKiatlon and recommendation w'ltis eminently a Family Medeciner shq iiy be ing. kept ready for Immediate resort save many an hoar of suffering and many a dollar In lime and doctors' bills.' - ( 1 Dr, Simmons' LiYer; RefiWor, . P HAStTPACTOEXD ONLT BT ! ,& .. :. v J. 'Il ZEII.lN 'it. C'rt., " PHILADELPHIA, Bold by all Respectable Druggist?. - ' feb24 - am mrn "1. . :'jv v ' rill 1 1 WOM.tN.. How Mi all ske Fxeserve Her Health siqd Beauty. One who has long Investigated this subject gives the result, and Is nappy to say thit it is found in Woman's -Best Friend." It is adapted especially to that great central, "all-conr rolling organ, the womb, correcting Its disorders, and curing any Ir regularity of the "menses." or "courses," Dr. J. Bradfield'slfemale Begulator acts like a charm in whites, arid in sudden or gradual checking, or in entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge In every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of the womb, its action is prompt and decisive, sav ing the constitution from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial sixe. 75c; large size, $1.60. For sale by all druggists. Beta Jidtfettiseractxts. From the Toledo Blade. I SUgPBISIM EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERY A1YD CHAMOMILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Am Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Denton' Celery and Chamo mile Pills. They have been tested time and again, and al ways tith satisfactory jesulis. This preparation just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state Just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, 8ick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paraljs'.s and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, Irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied,' miserable state of mind and body, indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness is a priceless boon, aod yet, for 50 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very farthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction if used as directed and will cure any case. Bold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKINOURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCS on all part of the body. It make the skin 'white, matt and smooth.-, removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dres3ingin THE WOBLB. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package., consisting of both internal and external treatment. All fl.ret class druggists have it. TTioeti'. perfSacaee. C N. rittenton. Sole Whr-les-ale gent for Dr. C. W. Penson's Remedies 1 15 Fulton street. New York. unl LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure For all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. The GnatMt Xedieal Dlxorerj Since ths Daws or History. BTIt revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and harmonises the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants oa the pale cheek of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. C3F"Physiclans Use It and Prescribe It Freely." It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LTDIA E. PIXKlIAiTS BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared st 253 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, en receipt of price, (1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3ct. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No family should be without LTDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVEU PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of tne Over, SB cents per box. ySold by all Drngglsts.-d 0) F. C. MTJNZLER ai;E!yt for T&e Berw & Eiipl Brewery Compys (Of Philadelphia, Pa.,) f , Iterated LagtT Beer, In Kegs and Bottles, HOTTI.KD HEE1 A SPI.UI A l,T. l3Have Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE anu PokTEH, whieh I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FftED C. MTJNZLER, Lock Box 255. Charldte, N. C. mbr28 i t opontan FOR JULY, WITH PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. 1.-. t. . ' : ' --. ''i i- He TIDDY & BROTHER. Iun9 - - . - i . i JUST RECEIVED A JOB LOT OF SEVERAL LINES OF FFF A 1" AA TT A A F AAA V A A NN N NIf N NN N N NN N NN COO o o o o o oca Y Y Y Y YY Y Y And are offering them very much below the real value Call and get a bargain. Haw also Just receiv ed per freight several things that will pay you to Inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. HAEGEATES Smith, buildings Junll MUSIC CHARLOTTE, N. C. SnA.lffCS: of XjTJIDIDEINr cs BATEB. Thousands of Musical Families ttrougnoul North and South Carolina are Intending to purchase PIANOS and ORGANS In the Fall, when cotton comes in. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and matee the "HARVEST HOME" still more joyful. Mid-Summer Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEP TEMBER, 1882, PIANOS and ORGAN'S, of eveiy make, style and ptlce, at our very lowest cash rates. On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance Norember 1st,. 1882. WITHOTTC INTEREST OS IF Rll.ANCE CIN'r BE LoDger time will be given, with a reasonable Increase of price. All Instruments of every grade and price Included In this sale. Tell your musical friends of it. Write us for Catalogues, Price Lists and Circulars. This sale closes October 1st 1882. Early purchase secures cash prices and easy terms. tlx (H) years guarantee. Stool and Instructor with every Organ. Freight paid both ways if no sale. Test them in your own ho ires. Address ' . : r . f MoSinitli AIuslo House. PROF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner to this house. WATCHES and JEWELRY! W. A. TRUSLOW, JEV ELIB,KEEPJ CONSTANTLY on HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, In Gold and Silver Cases, all of which he fully Warrants Reliable Time Keepers. Business men know THAT "TIME IS 3VEOrO"EJ-5r" And a good investment is to buy aGool Watch. If your old Watch does not keep tlm,leave with W. A. TRUSXiOIT' A few days and have It regulated, can give over one hundred references tn the city. jun9 lm : ' . NEAR ' MO THIS attractive summer resort will "be Opened for the reception of tlsltbxs or! ttaeci 1st; Hay tof June. The beauty of the scenery and the curative properties of the water are well known .Coaches meet trains on the Western ,Noith Carolina. Railroad at Morgantob. Dailyjnall and express Board per month 820 and 825. Address JOHN H, PEARSON. Proprietor, mayid eod lm .. ; , . w.i!: u t&lean Alpine Springs. ltd c rr f 4 c uceeasfiil BDetikflsts In the JL Stanhmmd, TFemltttemm aud Jay. Sent In plain sealed eavelopeVee. Druggists can fill it. Addresa DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. " 3 Wu intMt noted Dd i r im ' tj. a.: m PER EXPRESS GGG CO o o o o o o CO CO o o o o o o oo DDD D D D D D DDD SS SS8S 8ss8: GO GGQ & WIjLiElE jLiM HOT Special Offer : AHT ADVANCE IS PBICE, PAID 1IVT1IE FALL, and Repairer. All work guaranteed. Send orders H. McSMITH. RCr ANTON. ; , Bert IrdttM Book Imt&i CWBieea-'lSO Sltutratinit U KeTOaUniiriet Wgbs low lif in America's, Kreaiciuesiiasaion s iouiss ana invoiuiee; Deninaunsi scne; tricks of pretty doeiers : city's rich and poor; - laaoivknu oorrnption at Waahlngiott; rain ot Innocent girls i old hoary-headed sinners by gusrUsht ; be witchimc sirens A viotlmi ; Voadoa and Mormon horrors ; Btaxt liner Reval&tiom 1 Prioe 2.6a Uhwt'd circulars freew Outfits 16c Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'Q OO. 81. ZiOTJIB, Ko. CHIC AGO, 111. AXIiAlTT A, Qa, SI, t r i i'O ll ? I Hi i S h I: f't '1 W I?' 'i -1 E 'I 3 L if: 1 r i i $ ; i a it it 1 I' It 1 i'3 li l K in b t i ft

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