D AIL Y, C H A R L Q T T E OBSERVER; SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 18812. ' A jet CIIAS. R JONES, Editor and Prop'tor HTXKD AT TOT POBT-OmOl AT CHABLOTTB . C. AH 800HD-CLASB MATTB3.1 SUNDAY, JUNE 11. 1882. A writer in one of the Georgia papers who ha3 traveled much in the State says the farmers are solid for "Little Alex and hia skillet'' Major Burke, editor of the New, Or leans Times-Democrat, who was shot in a duel recently was originally from Pennsylvania and was a stone mason. Keely, the motor man, has at last de cided to divulge his "secret," but only to one. The lucky individual is Mr Boekel, an expert Philadelphia ma chinist. Subscriptions are being taken up in Danville, Va., to aid the Patrick county sufferers, who are bordering on starva tion and whose condition is represented to be wretched. v Mr. Henry W. Grady, of the Atlanta Constitution, is winning much more fame by declining to run for congress man at large from Georgia, than he ever could win by running and being elected. m Richmond State: The Whig rejoices over the defeat of the Democracy in Oregon, as it will secure another Sena tor in Congress to the Republicans : and yet these Mahonites say they are good Democrats! Hades is paved, curbed and guttered with just such Democrats. An English surgeon steps to the front andassert3 that the time is coming when people's stomachs can be taken out, overhauled, Gxed up all right and put back again in good running order. There may be some consolation to dys peptics in this. - n The actor Florence is too considerate to succeed in politics. He has with drawn his application for a. consulship because he says "some poor devil will have to be turned out if I get the place." Office seekers like Florence are few and far between. Many petitions are being sent to the President for the pardon of Guiteau At a recent meeting of doctors in New York the question was discussed whether he ought to be hanged, and it was asserted that amajority of the phy sicians in the country believed him in sane. It seems that the same course was pursued in the Federal court at Ral eigh in the trial of the political cases from Halifax, as was pursued in Char leston, the prosecution standing aside jurors without assigning any reason for objection. This was a new departure and one to which the counsel for the defense very reasonably objected. The tariff commission appointed by the President is looked upon by anti- protectionists as a packed commission in the interest of protection. It is said that all the Democratic Senators, with the exception of Brown, of Georgia, and Jonas, of Louisiana, will vote against confirmation, two Republicans voting with them, which will make the con firmation depend upon the votes of President pro tern. Davis and Mahone. The Republican majority in Congress seem bent on giving the contested seats in every case to the Republican contest ants, and are certainly playing a bold and unscrupulous game in so doing. It will be a victory however which will result in but little real benefit to the Republican party, for there is not a dis trict so robbed that will not, when the opportunity presents itself, return a Democrat in place of the one unseated, and they will do it next time by ma jorities that will not be questioned. Mr. Daniel Bond, secretary of the Bridal and National Gift society, head quarters at Brownsville, Tenn, sends a request to act as agent for that con cern in drumming up business, with the assuranca of a profit of $25 to 050 a day to be made by an active agent. But a little while ago we received a similar invitation from another concern with an offer of 75 per cent, on all moneys raked in through our agency. Once for all we most positively, unequivocally and emphatically decline these flatter ing inducements. We don't want to get rich so fast. From $25 to $50 a day is more good luck than we could stand in a lump. We are satisfied with less, earned in a less questionable way. NOT A RED CENT. Mr. C. M. Quarterman is a postmaster at Darien Ga. Some time ago he re ceived the notice served upon federal officeholders by the Republican Congres sional Committee at Washington, a copy of which was published in the Observes recently, calling upon them for assessments for political purposes, to which he made the following reply: Darien Postoffice, Georgia, ) May 31, 1882. ) D.B. Henderson, Esq, Secretary Na tional Republican Congressional Com mittee, Washington : Sir: Your communication addressed in behalf of the Republican organiza tion for the protection of the interests of the Republican party, and requesting the remittance of $22 as my assessment toward the fund to be employed for rendering -impossible the restoration of the-Democratic party to the control of the Government, has -been received, and in reply I would state that although I have for some time past been filling the postoffice, acting for the bondsman for the deceased postmaster Jand reason ably supposed by foreigners to be act ing in truefldelity to the first above named famous organization, yet, with pride and transcendent glory permit me to inform your oi ganization that I am one exception to the rule, as my record - shows beyond all controversy that I am part and parcel of that noble band known as Democrats, whose colors shine with lustre and beauty all over this broad land,, and of whose future glorious things are spoken and will be realized without this tax upon its officeholders. Trusting this brief explanation will suffice, I close with the statement- that whereever therights and '4riviliges of this great country are usurped by a Re publican administration, official robbery and depredation are the inevitable re sult, but where Democracy smiles and sheds her silvery rays, peace, harmony, prosperity, civilization, and all coveted blessings- are -enjoyed.-Very respect fully. CM. QCABTERMAN. P. SI No Henderson, I Will not con- - tribute a red cent to the bribery fund. I am not that kind of a Democrat- My . whole desire U to see your party defeat . ed by an overwhelming majority. No lady or gentleman need gutter long wlUr czema, tetter; ring worm, oi an titsny? rough drf waly tun duae for Dr. "C WB&wou't Skin Core la a perfect and ieliaMe'remedy for all ,Uo diseases. s Sold by all druggist at Siper THE TAIL TO THE KITE. . The so-called "liberal anti-prohibition party "if it may be called a party, which has neither body nor head, is nothing more nor less than a tail to the Radical kite which Dr. .Mott and Tom Cooper are flying. The tail, we admit, is a very necessary appendage of the kite, but if not large enough to balance properly the kite will have a rough time trying to sail and would be much better off without any tail at all. This is about the way it will turn out with the tail that Dr. Mott and Col. Johnston have fixed up, it will be worse than no tail at all for there ain't enough of it to an swer the purposes of .a tail. But is a tail nevertheless of the bobtail genus. It played a tail part at Raleigh last Wednesday when Dr. Mott, Cooper, Ike Young and the balance of the reve nue men walked into the convention and picked out the candidate for con gressman at large and told the liberals "they had to support him," and the tail again when they picked out four out of the six candidates for judges of the Superior court and told they had to sup port them ; the tail again when to con ciliate the colored element the Republi can managers picked out certain color- ored Radical politicians and put them on as vice-presidents, secretaries and members of the committee on resolu tions. How utterly insignificant a tail it is was shown when Col. Dockery was nominated , for congressman-at-large and the tail could only muster twenty- five poor, lonesome votes for the bril liant Mr. Price who stumped the State in behalf of the people whose "liberties were imperilled" last summer. To have given the tail some show of importance the Republican kite flyers might at least have given the great champion of popu lar rights a complimentary vote, espe cially when they held the game in their own hands and the nomination of their own man was an assured fact. But they didn't do this ; they just gave the kite a jerk and brought the little bob tail in with a flirt. So cavalierly was the thing managed that the tail appendage has become ab solutely ridiculous, and no amount of whereases, nor resolves, with white and colored signatures can raise it above the level of the ridiculous. Had the managers of the tail part of the concern refused the tail part assigned them in the arrangement with Mott, Cooper & Co., maintained their own individuali ty, they might have retained the con fidence of some of the people who act ed with them in the campain last sum mer, and made their power felt in the coming canvass, but as a simple tail to be dragged about by a wabbling kite it loses all its importance and becomes a ridiculous fizzle. WILL NOT ACCEPT. The Wilmington Star and the Re view are both authorized to say that Mr. F. H. Darby, who was nominated by the Mott-Johnston convention, last Wednesday for Superior Court judge of the Fourth district, will not accept. As it is somewhat difficult to find Demo crats to accept these doubtful honors, the managers will have to drum around for another candidate, whom they will find no doubt inside of the Republican wigwam, The Republican convention which meets next Wednesday will find one to fill the place and our "lib eral" Democratic friends will have five Republican judges to vote for, or six Republicans out of the eight candi dates named. Wonder hwo they like the divide? Davidson College. A note from Davidson College states that they are expecting a great crowd at commencement. It is thought that this commencement will eclipse all its predecessors. Wednesday night is to be the gala night as far as literary enjoy ment is concerned. The "Phi" Society will be represented by R. L. Ryburn, T. P. Burgess, R. W. Culburtson. The "Eu" by L. W. Dick, A. C. Dick and W, Mack in the contest for the Fowle medal for oratory. After this the fol lowing medals will be presented to the gentlemen named: "Phi" debater's medal, R M McKay; essayist medal, E N Smith ; declaimer's medal, S F Telfair. "Eu" debater's medal, C Fraser; ora tor's medal, T Morris; declaimer's me dal, C S Bratton. Col Hardeman s well known reputa tion no doubt will draw a fine crowd on Wednesday morning. The band will be composed in a great degree of the Yorktown band, led by Prof. Neave. me meeting or tne alumni associa tion will be held Wednesday at 3 p m At 8 o'clock p nr., the anniversary of the Literary Societies will be celebrated, Thursday, 15th, the commencement exercises begin at 11 a m. Hotel Arrivals. Central. Miss C J Pattison, Mrs W J Pattison, W Pattison, Pass Chris tian, La; Dr J W Huckabee, N C; B N Wilkinson, -Montgomery, Ala; G L Connor, wife and child, Cokesbury, S C ; HS Jenkins, Wilmington; H C Dun- lap, JnoT Savage, Georgia; E Stern, Baltimore ; Pride Jones, N C ; Mrs M B Smith, Miss C Smith, Anson ville, N C ; E C Holt, Graham, N C; Carlos Nudd, Providence, RI; Thos B Hill, N Y; G S Houston, S A Gregg, J B Fo wle, J D Brown, A C Dick, T P Burgess, Wm Macks, TG Anderson, Davidson Col lege; RR Hay ward, Baltimore; R D Abernethy, Charleston; Miss M V Capers, Miss E G Teer, Raleigh; Jos Garrard, Kentucky ; G F McRae, W F Pate, Trinity College; Chas M Hep burn, Cincinnati ; Jno F Early, Nash ville, Tenn; Ernest Tate, Mt Island; C N Vance, W H Justice, R T Beck, Dr T C Smith, A Burwell, N C; J McLaurin, Bennetteville, S C ; R G Reynolds, Rich mond; W M Den witt, Memphis; S C Scofield, R R Bellaney, Davidson Col lege. Charlotte Hotel J F Buchanan, Atlanta, Ga; JR Whitesides, eounty; WXBoUclc,Pineville; Mrs ML Souter, Columbia; R A Brady. Davidson Col lege P Mull, Charleston ; N Kunkell, Washington, D C ; C K Martin, Tampa, Florida; J G Norton, Baton Rouge, La ; W W Day, Little Rock, Ark; JD Strock, Westfield Connecticut; W W Garrison,; Wilmington; T N Shedd, Abingdon, Va ; Geo W Brown, Knox- ville. Tenn ; Capt J C Wis well, Arling ton Guarantee Gold Mining Company; F W Gosman, Capps Hill Gold Mine ; G K Granger, St. Louis ; A Smith, Gari baldi, N CiHjenry TealJackson Ky ; H A Bason,A.T & OiR-Biv Geo W -Kaykali;i(Iafc!'OhtoiJoni Setzer, Lowell, N CjRH Adams, Gasto- JUNE COTTON CROP REPORT. A Redaction in Acreage and General Backwardness. Washington, June 10. The June crop report of the department of Agri culture represents the entire area of 1,561 ot tne principal counties or the Uuited States and includes all but a small fraction of the breadth of the prominent crops. The area in cotton is two and seven-tenths pef cent, less than in 1881. Texas makes an increase and also the small cotton district of South-east Virginia. All other States return some loss of area. The largest deficiency is in the States bordering on the Mississippi river wnere planting m the overflowed districts was not entire ly finished. un tne nrsc or j une a comparison with last year's average is: Virginia, 10.7 per cent.; JNortn Caroli na, 99 ; South Carolina 98 ; Georgia 95 ; Florida 99; Alabama 96; Mississippi 95; Louisiana 94; Texas 10.5; Arkansas 94; Tennessee 97. The average condition or tne entire cotton area indicates a depreciation of 11 per cent, from perfect healthfulness and average growth. It is represented by 89. The June condition of the pre vious crop was 93 ; it was 99 of the fine crop of 1880. It is better than last year only in South Carolina and Texas. The cause or tne depreciated condition is mainly that the temperature is too low for thrift In every State there was destruction of plants by frost. There was also too much rain for a healthful growth. Both causes made necessary replanting in some counties of one-fourth of the acreage. Instances are reported of two or three successive replantings and the replacement was still progressing. The condition is best in Florida worst In Virginia. in Tennessee, JNortn (jaronna ana Arkansas it is much lower than in the Gulf coast States. The averages of con dition are as follows : Virginia 70; North Carolina 83; South Carolina 92 ; Georgia 89 ; Florida 97 ; Alabama 95 ; Mississippi 88 ; Louis iana 90 ; Texas 93 ; Arkansas 85; Ten nessee 80. The stand is not so good as usual and is an element of the reported depreciation- Cool wet weather causes slow growth and unthrifty appearance, fa voring lice and rust and the prevalence of "sore skin." A large number of returns say that with the recent fine weather cotton is improving and gives some assurance of a better report in July. IN THE HOUSE. The Day Spent Considering the Execu tive; ijeguiuure sou juuiusi j-inium priation Bill. House Immediatelv after the read ing of the Journal the House went inte committee or the whole, Mr. rtoDinson, of Massachusetts, in the chair, and re sumed consideration of the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill. The entire day was spent in commit tee. After consideration of 80 of the 100 pages of the bill the committee rose and the House, at 5.05, adjourned. Fonr Reasons. Wilmington Star. The attempt to make the Democratic party responsible as a party for the pro hibition movement in North Carolina will fail most egregiously for many reasons, we oner rour: First, of the seventeen members of the Legislature who voted against the Prohibition bill, ten were Democrats. Second, a large majority of the Demo crats in the State voted against the bill at the polls. Third, there were dozens or liepuDii- can leaders and thousands of the rank and file who voted for prohibition. Fourth, the Republicans do not hesi tate to nominate for office men who were not onlv onen advocates of Drohi- bition, but who were active and earnest advocates. Fined$50oT Raleigh, June 10. In the United States Court yesterday Dempsey Bry ant, Jr., and J. H. Bel J, who were found guilty in tne riaiitax election case. were each hned $ooo. The Jinneia elec tion cases were continued. FBKKMAN'S HILLS, I Guilford eounty, N. C, May 9th. 1879. ! Mbs. Jox Person: - Madam My son, 20 years old, has had the Scrofula eight years - tried going to the Springs. and treatment under several doctors, but la no bet ter. Now, It you can cure him, send me some medicine, if not, do not send any. I do not wish to kill the boy giving him everything that Is ad vertised, but am willing to pay for what will do good. Tou have no idea how many different things we have tried, iuuy, iuuy, none did any good is the reason l write so plainly. 1 am very iruiy. j. w. ikjskhim. Of course the Remedy waa sent. LATER: FBEEMAN'd MILLS, I GuWordlcounty, N. C, May 2d, 1882. 1 Mas. Jox Fxbson: Madam -I commenced using your Remedy two years ago on my son. He waa twenty years old. had oeen amiciea wun Beroiuia eight years, had been treated by several physicians, and snent one season at the Alum Springs In Virginia. Nothing did him much good. He was very much reduced in flesh and looked badly, with poor appetite, and seven frightful running seres on his neck. After using i our remedy awhile his strength increased. his appetite, eompiexien and general health were much unproved, but the flow of corruption contin ued ior some ume. first tne swelling t egan to decrease until It nearly reached the sores, then they began to heal, and have not discharged In eighteen months, and are entirely welL As a blood Purifier and Tonic It is the best I ever tried. II has been worth Its weight in gold to my son. He Is looking well, and his health Is good. I know it to oe an you claim ior it wishing you great success, ana wun many tnanxs ior the Denent we nave received irom your remedy, i am, very truly, J. w. if be KM AN. I am prepared to PROVE that I have discovered the vegetable antidote for Scrofulous taint or Im purity of the b'ood an antidote which will expel the disease from the system, thus rendering it the best blood purifier known As a Tonic ana alter ative It is highly recommended. Infallible for bcrofula, Eruptions, and all diseases arising from Impurity of the blood. I have sold 4.000 bottles. and never received one unfavorable report For sale and lndoised by the Druggists of North Caro lina. 8end for circular containing testimonials of woHderful cures these testimonials come, not from the far West or the Territories, but from weU Known citizens oi mis mate, ask your Druggists ior my remeay, ana ior iunner lniormaaon ad dress mbs. JOB PERSON, mayl9 tf Franklin ton. N. C. If Nearly- Dead after taking some higb'y puffed up fctuff . with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinuary Troubles, BrightB' Dis ease, Diabetes or Liver Complaint These dis eases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bit ters; besides it Is the best family medicine on earth. WOLFE'S AROMATIC Schiedam Schnapps, for sale by R. H. JORDAN fc CO.. jonlO Druggists. PERSIAN TNSECT Powder v. Ill destroy all kinds of Insects, jl ior saie uy B. H. JORDAN & CO . junlO Tryon street MEDICINAL SOAPS. CONSTAN TINE'S Persian Healing Pine Tar, Buchan's Carbolic Toilet and disinfecting. uienn s ouipnur ana cuncura soaps. li. IX. JOKDA.N a CO.. junlO Druggists. A FRESH SUPPLY rPARRANT'd Seifzr Aperient, Iodia, Bromidla, -A- tiocuu a vuruuu, aa jusi rtceiveu oy R. H. JORDAN & CO.. junlO Tryon street MONUMENTAL CUBKB Cigarettes and by B. JunlO Louge's Plugs, for sale H. JORDAN & CO.. Drogglsts. WE HAVE A FULL OTOCK of English Tooth and Hair Brushes. O R. H. JORDAN & CO. junto " KITCHEN'S QRYbTAL Soap and Sopollo, for sale by a H. JORDAN & CO., JonlO . Dragghta SCARR'S T7IRU1T PRESERVATIVE Is the best and Cheap- ' Jb est.. . iuu suyiMj m --. B, H. JORDAN ft CCS, JunlO,- .,Tryon, street ; IlvKntib call the Sinner How. Come down chCdien when I blow my t orn, I'm a callln' j ou home In de early mo . ; Send your wagons down dls way, And haul home an ORGAN for to play. And we won't charge de signer's any ton. Come plant your feet on de high-toned rocks And put your money in a music box; When you get dar you'll hear Mc call Come right In dar's ORGANS for alL And we don't charga de sinners any toll. Must either coma or write within the nnvt. aixtv days. ' mmmmm MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JUNE 10, 1882 PRODUCE. Wilmington Spirits Turpentine nim. at 4-c Rosin firm, $1.67Vb for strained; $l.t)2lfe for good strained. Tar firm, at $1.65. Corn stewlj; prime white 99; mixed 93. Baltihobs noon Flour unchanged and aulet: Howard street and Western suner SH 50ftiU.f0: extra 84.75$!) 00; family $5 85ffi$7.0O; city Mills, super 8rl.oUS$4.75; extra $6.oOS$7 80; Rio brands $7 2587.37. Wheat Southern steady and aulet: Western lower and dull: south ern red S1.86S1.38; amber 1.4(iS1.4H; No 1 Maryland o-a; no. & western winter red spot, Juae SI 38Vfe3$l.39; July $1.22&fe$ 1. 22 Via; August ana September 81.1710)81.171. Corn- Southern steady: Western lower and active; Southern white 93; Southern yeUow 860)80 Baltihobb night- -Oats, dull: Southern 6062;. Western white 61362; mixed 68S59: Pennsylvania 60(262. Provisions quiet; mess pork, S2U.25QD82l.50. Bulk meats -shuuiders and clear rib sides, packed 10Uii2aSk. Bacon - shoulders 11; clear rib sides 13; hams 151A- 16. Lard refined 12. MBuw steady: Rio cargoes ordinary to fair J8to9Vfc Sugar-quiet; a son Whiskey dull, at SI. 20128 1.21. Freights unchanged. ' COTTON. GALVB3T0H-Quiet: tuldd.lng 113fcc: low mid dling llt&c; good ordinary 11c; net receipts 136: cross 186; sales 130: stock 10.131: ex ports ooastwtse 136; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to channel Nobfolk Steady, middling 11 Sic: net recelDti 626: gross 626; stock 16,674. exports eotut wise 745: sales 8C6: exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Balttmobh Steady , mia'g 12 8-16c. low mid dling 11 11-16; good ord'y 10 ll-16c; net reo'ts-; gross 8; sales 615: stock 23098; exports coastwise ; spinners 435: exports to Great Britain : to continent . Boston Quiet: middling 124ho: low middling 12c: good ordinary Ulfec; net receipts 203; gross 757; sales : stock 9.100; export to threat Britain ; to France . Wilmington Steady ; middling 11 e; low mia lng 11316c; good ordinary 10 516c; receipts 2; gross 2; sales ;" stock 1,056: exports coastwise 607; to Great Britain ; to continent . Phtladblfhia Quiet; middling 12lbc low middling 12c: good ordinary llc net receipts 275; gross 275; sales ; stock 10,356; ex ports Great Britain 1,000; to continent . Savannah-Qilet: middling ll&c; low mid dling UUc; good ordinary lOlfec; net receipts 309; gross 809; sales 800; stock 7,391; exports coastwise 5Bo: to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent . Nsw Oblxanb - Quiet; middling 12&C; lo mid dling HHic; good ordinary llc; net receipts 61: gross 1UD. sales I.OOO; stock 80,880 exports to Great Britain ; to France ; coastwise ; to continent ; to chan: nel . M 'BILJJ -Steady; middling 12a low inlddlln llc; good ordinary lie; net receipts 140; gross 140. sales 100. stock 6.577: exports eoat 141; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Mxkfhis Firm middling 12c; low mid dling UQbc; good ordinary 104c net reeemts 84; gross 34; shipments 1,136 sales 150; stock iy,141. Augusta Quirt; middling 1 1 Ut?; low mid: dung llVtc; good ordinary lOtyo, receipt 14; snipments ; sales 30. CHABiJssrroN-Quiet: middling 12: low mid ditnglllfec; good ordinary llMic; net receipts 113: gross ibis: sales 25; stock 6.747: exports coastwise , to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to chan nel . Nxw Tobk Quiet: sales 1.610: mld'mt uplands izvc; miaaiiug oneans idW, consolidated net receipts 1.874; exports to Great Britain 1.000; to France : to continent : to channel . New York Receipts at all Interior towns are 9,976. recelp'.s from plantations fi,433: crop in sight 5.275.815; totM visible supply of cotton rorthe world ls2 40l,82H. of which 1.396.806 Is American; against 2.542.012 and 1.845.912 respectively last year. LrvmpooLr-NooDSteadr: middling unlands 6M; middling Orleans 6 i5-16d; sales 10.000: speculation and exports 2.000; receipts 16.500; American i.zou u Dianas low middling clause June delivery rt 44-64d; June and July 6 45 64d- tr 44-61d: July and August 6 46 64d: August and September 6 4M-64d; September and Octo ber 6 44 6 Id: October and November B31-64d: November and December . Futures steady. Livkrpool EF.M Bales of American cotton 7.500 bales. Uplands low mlddlin clause: June delivery ; June and July July and Augu't 6 45-64d; August and Septem her ri 48 n4d; September and October 6 4H-64d: October and November 6 82-64d; November and Decemrr ; December and January Futures closed seller at previous quotations. FUTURES. Nxw Vobk Net receipts 9; gross 94f. Futures closed dull bales. and steaiy; sales 44,600 June. 12.ina.li July 12.l7fD.i8 August 1227f?oa September 11.97S98 October 11 66.56 November 11.89 40 December. ll.4lffi.42 January 11.58fD.55 KeDruary 1 1 65 67 March. 11.77 79 April. May.. FINANCIAL. Nkw Youk Kxchange, Governments- generally uncharged 4.86V4 l.OHA 1.14 1 20 New 5's, :. Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, Money, State bonds inactive Sub-treasury balances Gold- S88 811 Currency.... 4 658 Stocks-Firm and i1 lower than yesterday: Alabama Class A. 2 to fi 80 81 99 82 Alal tama Class A, small Alal ama Class B, 5's Alabama-Claw C, 4's. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Krle... .... 1.29 1 434 334 Bast Tennessee Georgia. Illinois CentraL 8 1.65 i.8m 1.01 2 Lake Shore Louisville and Nashvilln Memphis an I Ch.ir!mi.n Nashille a id CtnttUuoogi New York Central. . ftO 5214 Pittsburg Richmond and Allegheny. Richmond and Danville Rock Island 1.27 1.841 South Carolina Brown ConsoM,. . .. 129 1 00 wauasn, oi. louh rMn'-.. Wabash. St Louis & Pacific preferr'd 241 47ft 81 western union. ............ CITI COTTON MARKET. Office of Ths Obskkvter, i CHAULOTTK. June 1 1. 1882. ( The market rexterdaT cirMi 'onir at ri luwiug (luuuuiuiis: , . . - " cm loio lur Good Middling Strictly middling, . Middling Strict low ml.ldllna. 12 11 11 ixw middling Tinges Storm cotton. 11" 118-1 1010 57ft eales yesterday 156 bales May FOR SALE. R?K.ad.ecree of lhe S pc rlor Court of Bhnfrt117' U5aJe 1,1 "e ease Of P?C tners Plaintiff!, vs. A. M Poweii tiim; ' 6 roll0wlD8 valuable Proptrty, KJnuffl&lW1 Mills, to Ketuer witn acres land, li clddln thannrtra fplckeT iS ltt?,p fli caid8- "wy ead 2 drawing rames, 6 deliveries each. 4 ring frames (BrtdSS make), all In good' older 2 ! Danforth ? w i,l card. rtnder. bunch and baling nreur ateoa large lot of , ld looms, pSmS&iSISS: thASIS,.00?6 a,,d dennlte deacriplion rf SSPtetSSMl th,e wtttoi of said sale reVr TBaMq"b?.2iadS to the decree ab,,TO ""erred. .T. --.VTwePty. . ent of purchase SftmL??" tD balance In equaW ln llmen.HLof t6 nonlh and six month! d .ana approved security required of fta5eAWUie,wto by saw Decree au cPiiffdt? T.arT erms to suit purchasers. The f06" laalso authorized by said Decree to sell ,a,P1roperty at private sale, upon such, terms as !STL,8J?.B,reed nP between him and purchaser, and he win entertain private bids uttil day of sale. m E?ons wishing to examine said property will And Dr A. M. Powell snd Mr. Levi Shut ord on the premises, either of whom will take- pleasure in Showing the came. Addres - - i . - JOHN L COBB. Receiver, , i Jun? ? , Llncolnton, Lincoln county, . c. . . Cotton WK LNVTiv VIT.r FOR THE We mw all to gin as s out ana sunt, a SliS rrt vngs and gacfliciaea. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden s Drug Store ' ABATOQA rICHY. - From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re- semoimg tne imported vicny. Becommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia ALSO, CASKS C0NGBK8S WATKK. jQ CASES BOCK BBIDGB ALUM, Q CASIS BUSTALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS AMD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI TANOS. THE BIST NATUBAL APXRlKNT. A8 A CATHABTIC: DOSK: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunydl Janr L-unn Llehlg s.f- flrms that its richness In aDsrlent salts sumaaaas that of all other known waters." The Briluth Medical Journal "Hunradl .Tnnrm. The most agreeable, saf jst. and most efficacious aperient water." fW. rircnou, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberaer. Vienna "I have nrascrtbad these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni. Wurszburg. I Drescrlbe none put this." Prof. Lander Brunion. M. D.. F. R 8.. London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." prof. AtKen, M. d.. F. K. ., Boyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried richshail." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon 8t, - - CHAB LOTTIE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you ean get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. Mo A DIN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions care fully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. July28 WE KEEP rHS Best 5c and lCc Cigars. B. a JORDAN 4 CO., may26 Druggists, Tryon street. NOTICE ! CITY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1SS2. A LL persons residing in the city of Charlotte xl liame to a Poll Tax. and all uersons. bodies politic and comporate, who own or bsve control of taxame property in the city on the first of June, 1882, are hereby notified to return to me. at my office In said city, on or before the last day ot June 1882, a list of their taxable property and polls. By authority of an ordinance of the Bonrd of Aldermen, aa opted May 15th, 1882. in pursuance oi section uu oi tne city charter. FBID NASH, Clerk and Treas. maylB tf SPECIAL TRAIN -TO- DAVIDSON COLLEGE. PASSENGER DIPT., C. C. & A. R. R.. I Columbia, s. 0., June 7th, 1882. S FOR the convenience of persons desiring to at tend the commencement exercises of David son College, an extra train will be run between Charlotte and Davidson Collegs on the 14th and 15th, as follows: Leave Charlotte 8.80 a m " HuntersvUlo 9. 14 a m Arrive at Davidson College, 9.85 am Returning leave Davidson College 4 80 p m Huntersvllle 4.51 p m " arrive at Charlotte 5.35 p m Oo the night of the 15th a train will leave Char lotte at 6.80 p tn; arriving at Davidson College at 7.85 p. m. Returning leave Davidson College at 11.45 P m; arriving at Charlotte at 12.50 a. m. A. POPE, G. P. A. T. R. Taloott, Supt. JunlO 5t PELODBET S CO., ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINES and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK PIANOS, it Is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both In price and terms. All I ask is a trial and this can cost you nothing, while it may be the meat v saving yon a great deal In an instrument Br- on. always m stock either to sell or rent Call on or address nnlws Lockbox - charlotte. N. C. may23 OLD POINT COMFORT, H YGEIA HOTEL . BOiir .nvunm. v urn . Vmt VonrM . Otwn n sltaatedl0pyard hotel in th.Tj g. rounaiDKB """"".KiTiV attracHT"' and driving spwrJ. Term J resort for southern peopw- ort aemmodaoonsthan any I0rln ni,..nfiMfnnlU!i'uLi teni I m. TiON WE TO OUit STOCK OF J SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, Tot oi aSiffSUSiS! weU MwMi 33. MiLBJISIKT & BRO LOW PRICES WK HAVE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFKIR GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Tha the Pub ic cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. 5. Itfll, apr2 a' RECEIVED TO-DAY. We have added to our stock a full line of Cents' Cassimere Suit?, WHITE YESTS A. 1ST ZD DUSTERS. ALSO A LARGS LINK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves and 811k CLOSING OUT AT ELIA8 &: masonic temple uuiLnirvo. may 17 LLACE States ville, INT. C, LARGEST STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS . JOBBERS IN THE COUNTRY. THEY WILL BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl 8 ly AMERICA STILL THE BEST THREAD i n ca q n I Six Cord Soil M Spool Cotton. Awarded all the Honors at the ATLANTA International Cotton Exposition, 1881, 11 THE BEST THREAD for MACHINE and HAND SEWING P Two Gold Medals and the Grand Prize. For Sale to tie Trade by J. Roessler may 18 HUGH W, HARRIS, ATT0ENT AT LAW, Office on Trade street, nearly opposite Court House, V. CHARLOTTE, IV. C. majra dwtt Richard A. Springs, . l Dformeriy of Charlotte. N. CI - - ATTOUET & 00OTSELL0S at LAXr All eonesDondenoa will receiva dk.m Ltl?nal Bank. ChartT 1 f MUDiB iovum: jmiush JMUeiKIl. N C TT 1 t ' j - INVITE AITTCNT-mv - - .-tl JL JL Vyi " a" "ma 01 00111 W "1 oounw S' El mm Street, 2URGESS NICHOLS, ALL KINBI Of FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FVLL LIll r Cheap Bedsteads, AJfBLOCKQB, Parlor & Chamber Suits. oorviKa r iu ran tm kajtb. m. i nw iiah ensn, 0KABLm.X.C. We have added to our stock a lull line of Handkerchiefs. Ladles' Dref s Goods and Parasols REDUCED PRICES. COHEN, BROTHER 0351 AND IN COMPETITION WITH ANY FURTHER AHEAD! forSEWIND MACHINES, I n - l FOR & Co., Charlotte, N. C. BAR AMD BILLIARD ROOM, EYE8 IN CHARLOTTE - SaSSSJ WW Central wrw SPJlJVon street WhKrn th nnist aoaawuoK8 ean always bVTound. ' - - '"r W 4VUUUI -. imabv n m -.-r, .... . ..m si W TT TIB TIP n?gll4 THE MOST ELEGANT si- ". 'IV- i.wl4 ' r 1 H -"