toAit : tiki t o t i; &'btojkvtiit -s- Ma ; j- tr a & -it. igg. THE BOOK FOR THE TIME3!-One that sells. "flilC WOMEN OK MOKMONISM." The story of the victims themselves I Illustrated, agents WANTKD. WM. 8HEPHARD, 838 Broadway, N. Y. EVERY ONE STUDYING MUSIC Will get valuable sl ot circular to - lnformatloa FREE by Bending B -B. TOHBJfiE, -? ' tf ,; 1 Boston, Mass, rlllRE v- i ll ; nolo JLJL bevei S IMPROVED ROOT BIER, 350. package makes 6 gallons of a de licious, whoIetome, spark I Inn temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mall fo 25c . C. E. HIRE3, 43 N. Dela. Are., Philadelphia. Parkers6 W Best Health and Strength Restorer i n . IJaed. v. Cures complaints of Women and diseases of the 8tomach. Bowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and s entirely different from Bitters, Ginger, Essence and other Tonics, as It never intoxicates, fifty ents and SI sizes. Large savings buying 81 size. , , HIaCOX & CO., New York. : -m rT" Agent VartMcI tot SulUran's IRELAND OF T0-&AY. vpdijcUpnb?hos. Po.we;,0,Cor,M.P.) 4 Centuries of English, oppression set forth. . It de scribes Ireland's win and the people's 'despeier tlon. It shows how the land was confiscated and the industries destroyed. It explains the Land League, the Land Act and tne Coercion Bill. Contains 82 engravings and map In colors. Price only 92 per copy. Jles;lmrnensf'SeB:fltty cnt fo? full ontnYar4TelA: work it once.1 For full particulars, addressj - ' J 1 J. C. McCURDY 4 CO., Chicago, 111. , GEORGE PACE & CO. . i . a ? nurasututn Bristf and Barrel and Bend for Catalogue. COfl PER WEEK can be made In any Ideality. 3)0 U Something entirely new for agents. $5 out fit free. G. W. INGRAHAM 4 CO., Boston, Mass, may!6-dAw4w -WHOLESALE- rocers Q 4 ion RYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Otter to the trade the largest stock' of GR0CKR1B and PISIONS In the city at price's as low as 9 toe fewest Calf and examine our stock befoie bujlng. AH orders shall have oi r personal a tentlon and satisfaction guaranteed. may25 WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW OF Including alUhe latest novelties to the MILLINKRY LINE. HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS PIAJMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, &C, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new sMes and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods. NecH W. ar, Ho-iery Gloves, Parasols. &c. thn LAKtfFST and MOST COMPLETK STOCK IN I HE CITY. j WILlJpPEN 'Our; Patteh(ll4 aiteete- On Monday, March 27th, When wm will be pl- ed to show the Ladies the GttANDKST DISPLAY OF KINK MILLINKRY t hey have eve seen In Oils city Itd-pectfully r-m - J ' Ilitf Pfffcry. anar'2'2 -AT-- WILDER'S You will find a choice and complete stock of PURE FRESH LRUGS, Colden's, Ltibig's Liqaid Extract Ti t T1 "TOIVTfe 1IVVIUOUATOR7 THY IT. CIGARS i TOBACCO, THE FINKSTSELECTION in the CITY. ncludlng the famous LA PARI PA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Articles, rsTiavTrg sssran t V, V 9 r GltK ME AtJAtl r: whw "If -1 x9 11 . STEAM ErTallEsISt BALTIMORE, Wjj'SmM to Floor Mills. Water WheeM.'Wood WcrHaa rHachinery. Shingle MUM, CTrciiIar Bawg, rrpHeejBto. TAN1TK KMEKX Wlll.r-.i.a llfllllWfU- MAI HINKKV. Spifl? Her Styles ore DS. J. BBADHELD'3 ' FEMALE REGULATOR WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. It Is well known to physicians, and alasi too well known to suffering women themselves, that they aresubject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sex, such as suppression ot the Menses, painful and scanty Mensauatlon, Congestion, Ulceration and falling of the Womb, attended with an end less train of sympathetic and constitutional disor ders, which emblters the whole life, and wheh have long been considered as almost Incurable. But at last the remedy has been found In DR. J. BRADFIELD'3 FEMALE REGULATOR. It Is not a "cure-all" but a remedy for one class of diseases, all of which pertain to the Womb. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can tike this remedy, and thus relieve herself without revealing her condition to any one, and without subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock of an examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to the homes of suffering women is a mission before which royal favor sinks into Insignificance. What earthlF ben efaction can compare with one which protects from "That dira d'sease whose ruthless power Withers beauty's ti anient flower?" which gives ease for pain, oy for sorrow, smiles Tor tears: the rose of health for the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging weariness nights of soft repose for heavy hours of tossing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dull ness, the sweet lines ot full grown beauty for tne sharp and withered form of emaciation, a long liffl of mental. nhvsical. social and domestic enjoy ments for a "few sad days" ot fain and gloom, ending to an early grate? Such, is the mission, such are the results of Dr. J. BBADFIELD'd FK MALE REGULATOR, which Is hence truly and appropriately styled "Woman's Best Friend " Whites" and p'l those irregularities ot the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty ot women, disappear like magic before a slngTe bottle of this wonderful compound. All who suffer from any of these diseases are most earnestly lnwlted to give, this great remedy a trial. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Don't fall to try It. ;- . cn " Price-small slz-, 75 cents, targe size. Sl-50. Manufactured by J BKADF1ELD, Atlanta. Ga, For sale Everywhere. apr'27 The feeble and emaciated, suffering frem dys pepsia or indigestion in any form, are advised for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfoit, to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Ladies of the most delicate constitution testify to Its harmless and its restorative properties. Phjslcians every where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe it as tl.e safest and most re liable of ail stomachics. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGI3T8 AND DEALERS GENERALLY. Junl ;jDlsease l3tan effect not a cause. Its origin la vlthln; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure tbed1aeasilb3 Cadbb must be removed, ar.d in no ether way ran aure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVES CURE Is es tabllshed on Just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the dltll cult The $!tier&:of..-Uk:li it. la composed act directly upon these great Organs, both as a food and mfcrroBKB, and, by Tracing themta a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equaU Beware of impostors, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. . For Diabetes, ask fof WARNER'S SAFE DIA aBETEa CURE. Fo sale by all dealer?. ; ' 7 .-. . i. ii. iv i ii ''ii At r;r . Rochester, N. V. ' aprl5 THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ALL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. Will open for the season of 1 882, on the 1 5th day of May. They have enlarged their hotels to ac commodate 200 guests, and have added every amusement cilculated to promote health and com fort These wonderful Waters cure Dyspepsia. 8Ick Headache, Constipation and all Derange ments of thi Digestive Organs All Skin Dlsa-ises, and Ulcers of eve;y kind, r'crofula, Catarrh and all Kidney Affections yield to tbelr healing vlnues. Syphilitic patients who had visited Hot Springs of Arkansas without relief, found it here last seison. The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on Female Complaints, and many distressing cases were cured Hst season. .The owners Intend tomakethts the most "complete Health Resort In the United States Besides a Table d'hote they will open a Restaurant, and vIMtori may suit their tastes ana tnetr purses. Kxcur.-ion tickets win te issued from all points to Kina's Mountain, the de pot for the e SprlDg. For further Information, sddress DR. F. M (iARRErr, Manager. King's Mountain, N. C apr'27 Hcii YORK RIVER LINE, PASlr-N'JER ROUTE. TO BALTIMORE and ALL POINTS NORTH. Daily except Sw day. Note the reduced first-class ratt s to BALTIMORE leave BtjrkesvH .6, . " -9aDvltfe " t i Greensboro, ? Kalelgh, A ' Charlotte, " Spartanburg " Greenville, m 'v 10.12 pm : 8.V!0p m 3-55 p m 4.40 p m 12 '25 p m 1 1.40 a m fare $ fare fare fare 8 70 0 70 7 0 1 1..10 11.95 13,00 143Q fare fae fare Arr.ving at Baltimo e, 7.30 a. m., connecting with the morning trains for Ph taJelphli ana New York By this line the opp ortunity is glvt-n of spendii g a few hours pleasantly In Richmond before d- ;psrttire of trains for West Point. ior further itro;matlon apply to agents at the above named points. A. POPK, may 1 9 Gen'l Pas?. Agent Gleavelaod I T inerauM '7 V e:&NE THK8E Springs are two miles from Shelby. B4 miles West of Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the Carolina Central Railway running from Char lotte to Shelby. Hacks will be at tbetSpiing' 8tatIon on arrival of every train. COLD AND WARM BATH3. White and,Red 8ulphur and Chaljbeate Waters a Bowling Alley in good otder. A good string band secured for the season. Livery accommoda tions attached to the hotel. For further particulars address 8. McB. P03TON. ma.'16 tf Proprietor. FLORIDA HES, 0R1NGE3 BndLlHpS, M V TT XU XLd lji O. lun4 ' AJA THE HALIFAX ELECTION CASES. The Jury Find a Verdict Against Two j But Acquit the Other Defendants. ! Raleigh Ktws-Observer-Friday. In the United States Circuit Court yesterday, Judges Bond and Seymour presiding, the case against the Demo cratic county canvassers of Halifax, for not counting the returns from Halifax precinct was called. A jury was em paneled, consisting of seven negroes .-.nd five whites. Judge Bond allowed i he District Attorney to stand aside jurors without assigning cause and without challenging them. This was objected to by the counsel for defen dants as not being the practice in either, federal or the State courts in this State. But the court overruled the ob jection. The defense having challenged three jurors peremptorily offered to challenge another, but the court ruled that the defendants were only entitled to three challenges. The following are the names of the defendants: Messrs L II Bell, B Y .Parks, N B Dickins, M Op peuhejtner, J J Mitchel', D Bryant, Jr. and IS W.Lockhart. The following: Messrs W II Daniel, N Nicholson and J H Cousins, were of the board of canvassers, but are not in dicted. The charge is that the board of coun ty canvassers of Halifax county, at the election in 1830, threw out the election returns from Halifax precinct, for the purpose of changing the result of the election for Congressman. District At torney Robinson, assisted by his associ ate, Mr Willis Bagley, prosecuted, and Messrs T C Fuller, John A Moore and F II Busbee appeared for defendants. The jury was then empaneled. J M Bail', white Democrat; Allen E Haywood, colored; Wiley Johnson, col; lluf us Howell, colored; Squire Green, colored; C II Hood, colored; S F Page, white Democrat; W A Baugh, white Democrat; Gray Washington, colored; E S Dunn, white Democrat; E D Haynes, white Democrat; Peter Young, colored. The district attorney m-.ide two white Democrats stand aside, and the defendants challenged two white Re publicans and one negro. J. D. Gregory, clerk of Halifax Supe rior Court, was the first witness called for the prosecution. He had with him the election returns from the various precincts, and the result of the canvass by the board of canvassers on said re turns. To tne returns lrom nantax pre cinct was the following protest from some of the judges of election of that precinct: We, the undersigned, M. B. Dickens and L. II. Hale, two of the judges of election, and L. A. Mullen, registrar, for Halifax township, farther report that the votes cast at the election neld on the 2d day of November, 1SS0, for Halifax township, at Halifax town were not counted in accordance with the law, but in the following manner that is to say, one box at tne time was opened, the tickets taken out by hand fuls and laid upon the table, then as sorted by placing what appeared to be the Republican ticket in separate piles, and what appeared to be the Democrat ic tickets in separate piles. Then each pile was straightened out, one on top of the other, and counted like bank bills without inspecting or calling out the names on the ticket. The number of tickets as ascertained by this mode of count was put upon the b;ck of the pile or piles, which was then tied up. This mode of count was suggested by influential Republican electors present, and at the time the undersigned believ ed said mode was correct and fair, but have since been informed and believe that said manner of counting was ille gal and void. (Signed) L. H. Hale, N. B. Dickens. report with this at the time the I sign the above qualification : I did. mode of counting adopted was suggested, state that I believed the cor rect way was to call tne name on each ticket and tally the same as called, but upon the advice of influential Republi can election electors, the vote was counted as above stated. (Signed) L. A. Mullen, Registrar. The witness said on this protest be ing read a motion was made to throw out the returns from that precinct, be cause all the names were not read out in the count of the tickets. Witness suggested to the board that if they would swear a certain witness he named, they wculd. find, that the vote taken at Enfield was counted in the same way, and that the board replied that they had passed that and would not go back to it. The board proceed ed to consider the vote from Halifax. i negro canvasser sam inrow out the X Jl 1 1 1 1 . vote, ana was appiauuea. u ne negro afier wards stated that he was under a misapprehension as to the protest; that he thought it was a part of the returns, ana he voted against throwing it out. The other members of the board who voted, voted to throw out the returns; mat Mr. lien aid not vote, nor Mr. Dickens. Mr. Day and Mr. Burton appeared Deiore ine Djara ana argued the mat ter. Mr. JJurton was counsel for the Republicans contesting the right to throw out the returns. Mr. Moore cross-examined the wit ness for Messrs. Dickens and Lockhart, for whom he appeared. Witness said he was not present at the final adjourn ment ot tho board; they had passed llirougn tne mtiro county by town ships, but I don't think they had com pleted the certihcates ; to the best of my recollection I think Dickens voted to throw out the Halifax returns. Mr. misoee cross-examined the wit ness lor the other defendant. Witness does not know that he is the influential Republican referred to in tho protest. witrusi tiau spoKen or what -Mr. Bur ton, of counsel for the Republicans, saia; aon t iihhk lie can recall Lite sub stance ot Mr. jj.iv a remarks; witness belie ve.s .that Mr. Day said that every name should he called out in counting votes; witness could not recall the fact that Mr. Day stated that the board were oountt uy tne returns made by a majority of the jtidgis of elections; there was considerable uproar at the umfi ot uie- canvass; i niyselt was speaking sometitnt-s. Re-direct: Mr. Dav was a candidate and would have been defeated if Hali fax .precinct had not been thrown out. Mr. JJurton, secend witness for the prosecution, says that he was cousel for those who were-contesting that elec tion ; thai lie thought the board of cau- vassers took "no stock" in what lie said ; Mr. Dickens did not vote after it was called to his attention that it was his work that was being contested. - 1 , n . Mr. ijevMs, iniru witness tor the pros ecution, testified: I am register of deeds of Halifax county ; I attempted to keep a record of the proceedings, but other parties proposed to assist, and I did not object. I cannot attempt to state what was said ;so much was said. Dan iel, Nicholson and Cousins did. not vote to-throw out the returns. Cousins first voted to throw, out, and changed his vote. Oppenheimer said "damn her, throw iiar nut. Mv attention wsi3 ntfrunfoH to4the indifference 6f - the board while Mr. jsurton was addressing them. 'Ihey did nothing, but looked indiffer ent. Mitchell voted to throw out and Oppenheimer did too. Nicholson voted against throwing out. The defendants have the reputation or Deing .Democrats. Throwing out the Iaiifax vote was favorable to the .Democrats, rne counting of the En- neid box was tavorable to the Demo crats. (Detendants object; objection OVerruled.1 J am'a T?.ennhlirnn Warren fiartman colored,i,he fourth witness for the prosecution, said : The p-iuLtsi; lruin mq, jsnueiq -returns was signed next morning after the election ana signed at the lime and place the election retutns were fiigned,i &c,: was seated up witn the-returns'arid deliver ed to Dempsy Bryanti one of the de- ienaants, The government rests here. Col. Fuller inquired of the court if it s settled here as in the State court that. the defendants have the right to open and conclude where they introduce no evidence. Court says defendants mav have two speeches, to open and conclude. Defendants counsel ask that the court will assign them time and let tnem divide it to suit themstlves. Court says they can have one andj a half hours. John A. Moore made the opening speech for the defendants, speaking on ly thirty minutes; claimed that the de fendants were men ot good character, and that there was no evidence of fraud, and that they could not be con victed on the testimony. District Attorney W. s. U. 15. Robin son opened for the prosecution iu a one hour's speech. He insisted that all the board had to do was to add up the re turns and declare the result of the ad dition, and their failure to do that was a violation. He argued that there was evidence of a corrupt motive and crim inal intent in throwing out the Halifax returns and counting the Eutield re turns, which were similarly circum stanced. He made a favorable impres sion on his first appearance as district attorney. Mr. Willis Bagwell, tor the prosecu tion, followed in a speech of about 40 minutes, following the same line of argument, and insisted that the remark of Openheimer was itself evidence of fraud. Col. T. C. Fuller then spoke for the defense about fifty minutes, making a clear speech of great force, negativing the idea of corrupt intent, and insisting that the board, under the law, nact a right to review the returns and reject unlawful returns, and it was their du ty to do so. Mr. F. H. Busbee closed the argu ment for the defense, showing many of the inconsistencies of the prosecution in their argument, and the trivial mat ters relied on for a conviction, closing with a forcible appeal for. the defend ants. Judge Seymour delivered a charge, of which the following is a synopsis: You have to decide whether the defendants are guilty as charged. There are two questions for you to consider. One is whether these defendants have failed in the discharge of their duty as can vassers. If you believe the evidence, they failed to do their duty. The board had nothing to do with the way the votes were counted, and if they had, there was nothing in the way they were counted that authorized the votes to be thrown out. If you believe the evi dence, they violated the law of the United States; but this does not make them guilty. They must have done the act, knowing that it was unlawful ; if it was an honest error you ought not to convict. The question for you to decide is from the whole evidence, whether the de fendants did the act with intent to change the result of th election. It is a question of corrupt motive entirely, and it is for the jury to judge from the evidence. The jury left the box at 8.40 p.m. Up to 130 this morning no verdict had been agreed upon. On the following day, Friday, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty as to II. L. Bell aud D. Bryant, Jr., and of not guilty as to the other defendants Bright' IMkCHkr, DiabcicN. Beware of the . tuff tint pretends tocuretbese dli-etis-'s or other serious Kinney. Urinary or L ver Diseases, ns tls:y only relieve fur a time and makes y u ten Units wo te Htterwards, but rely so'eiy on Hop Bitters the only remedy that will surely and permanently cuie you It destroys and removes Hie cause or disee so effectually that It never retu ns. BKDFffKD AUTM AN1 1KO.N SPKlXlio W ATXK akd Mas3. The threat w1c ,-uid alterative contains iwiee as mticb Iron and fifty ir cent, more alum inum tha-. Hi.y "alum and lnn mass" known. Just the t!;lt(K for the 'spring weekness" now so general. Sold by all drmryNts of ny standing. Price re i'icn one hai raiv! 1 -tf Natural Fruit Flavors. EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities. Have gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural favor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MANUFACTURED BT STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, TH., and St. Louis, Mo., Hakenof Lnpnlln Veat Gent, Dr. Prleet Crraai Baking rowder, uiur, rriea'a unique renames. WE MAKE NO SECOND CRADE GOODS. TUTT'S A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the present generation. It la for the 1 rtni-o of t.Viia iliseua and its attendants. felbK-HllADACH. yitlOTJSlTESS, DY 3PEPSIA, COHSTIPAllOIT, PILES, etc., that TTTTT'S PTXLS have gained a world-wide reputation. Ho Bemedy has ever been ni covered that acts bo gently on the digestive organs, giving them vigor to as Bimjlate food. Aa a natural result, the Uervoua System is Braced, the Muscles are Developed, and the Body Robust. Fever. B. RJVAL, a Plantar at Bayou sara, La., says : My plantation Is In a malarial district. For several years I could not make half a crop on ueonit of bllloiia diseases and chills. X was nearly discouraged when X be gran the use of ray laborers soon became hearty and robust. ana 1 navs naa no ranur wuttww. IHey relieve ttte encorged Liver, elewiM the Blood from poisonous humors, and cause me down m ewa muanui, SUB' An hlh no ana Mil rel well. ? Try this remedy fairly, and yon will rain a heaiuiy ingestion, vigor roas Body, Pare Blood, Strong Nerves, and a Sound liver. Price, 25 Cents. Office, 83 Hurray St N. If. TUTT'S HAIR DVI. Gbav Hais or Wmsicmts changed to a Olossv Buick dv a single application of this Dyk. It lmnarts a natural color, and acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt 01 one xjouar. Oftloe. 85 Murray Street, New York. (nr. XriTS MAXVA.I of Valuhl- Information and UseUI Receipt 1 viU be mailed nEB on application. J uoani&T no mas oraa ;o spent pn ftnrp tpjl WI ES '(maora 9ai)ni) I -oil -aaxoq a) 4n jnd i i pa in 8qj 'aonanbnoo mooiS lima jptn F5 -Sv5 U1aa IoiiqI pn sacuaw toojj JajJM oqA uaqa pan iug ianaji AQ3W3a 3T1118Vd,8!yyVH'J0ad tv ..uujj jog yira i4uii(3 aj,fg umossrrw 00 AQ3U3U 8IUUVH siaoi us : lionet. Kervo un liebllUy. Impattnex, Orssnla Weakness, feionorrnoea, BTpiiuiao nwranm C AffeeUoss speclsllr treated oclenuoj prtnrapie, vith nte and sore remedies Call or write ltor List of Que- ! tioDt to be answered by those desiring treatment by SwiU Crernmt o.irerlnar fren Rupture theaM scad their address,! nil iar u.miiii,e to UieiradTaatase. ItMBe4atraa.J . Addreas, DK. BUTTS, 1 . 8th Bb, B4. Ixntb, St, SBTABLISIIEU O VER THIBTX YEABJS. 1 POLLS 1 B3 BP-. "I I tmv eTm.rii.nflA in enrlnr disease! of the iilood. Skin aad The only known Specific Remedy for Epi'eptic Fits, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Eidlentic Fits. Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance. Vertigo, Histerlcs, Insanity, Apoplexy. Parilisis. Rheumailsm. Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This tmallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous te:ange ment, and drie them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly dt-strojs the ceruis of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison In the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys tne cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu eorrhnea or Whites. Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tlon of the Uterus, Internal Heat, travel, Inflam mation of the Bladder. Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nig tit, ihere is no better remedy Durine the change' of life no Female should be without it. It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comiort, and natures sweet steep, SAMARITAN SERVICE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering hnmanltv. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it. but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to min. Like the Opium Kater. he first uses the drug in small quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading htm on to his own destruction. The habits of eipium Eating and Liquor Drinking aie precisely what eating Is to alimentivenee s, as ver eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings unttl it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, Instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, imtil it consumes the vital force and then it-elf. Like ihe gluton .us tape worm, It cries "Give, give, giver but neer enough until Us own rapacity devours itselL Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets me nerves, bul'dsup the nervous s stem, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dvsoepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, byphiUs, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Li lnary or gans. Nervous ueDiitty, causea oy me iuuiscre uons of youtn, permanently curea Dy iue use oi this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covering your suffer b gs as with a mantle by siler.ce. look up, you can be saved by Umely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitais, ana aej-iroys Doin oouy "u soul. If you are thus afflicted, take DR. BICH MOND'S bAMAKlTAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature aemy ana impait tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, hut it cured ner. sne can now iib. auu hear as well as anybody. Petkr Ross, apringwater, wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. B. Fletcher, ton coiiins, uoi. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E B. Ralls, ttattsvine, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. mbs. wm. HEN son, Aurora, III. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of Spasms. rev. J. A. Jdh, weaver, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. a. d. hobson, New Albany, ma. SAMARITAN NERVINE Kflectually cured me of spasms. MISS JKNNIB WAJUUIN, 740 West Van Burenjtreet, Chicago, I1L SAM A RITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician. It having over 100 In 24 hours Hanky knke, vervuia, warren county, xenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after havlDg had 2,500 In Mrs. E. Fobks, West Portsdam, N. Y. eighteen months. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me ot epilepsy of nine years' standing. AlISS UHLENA jaiBSHALL., Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob sctkb, St- Joseph, Mo. yea s' duration. KAMA RITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility olivbb Mtebs Ironton, Ohio. SAM KIT AN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma; also scrofula of many years' btanding. Isaac Jewell, oovington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits, years. Have been well for over four Chablks E Curtis, Os.ikls, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scro'ula after suffering for eight years albeht enrpsoN, Peoria, IlL SAMARITAN NERVINE Curt d my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thornton Clalborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently born character. of epileptic fils of a stub- Rev. Wm. martin. Mechan lest own, Md SVMA RITAN NERVINE i ured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very oaaiy. ml bael u xonnkb, Hidgway, Pa AHABI'FtK NERVINE Has permanently cured "me of epileptic fits. UAVID TBKKBLT, D68 MOlnes, lOWa. MA MAR I TAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing HENRY ILARX. jraiiheia, Mien. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head js rah am, ttortn Hope, pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He has not had a fit about four years Johh Davis. woodDurn, joaeouptn county, in. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is for sale by i evervwhere. or may be bad airect irom us. rbose who wish to obtain further evidence of the curative properties ot Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a 8 cent postage stamp loraeoDVOi out liinsiraiea Journal or xieaitu. giving hundreds of testimonials of cure from per sons who have Used the medicine, ana also their pictures photographed alter their restoration to perfect health.. Address ..; ; Pr. S. . EiOHMOBD & 00, WoBLD'a Krrts?xio DrarrrrjTB, sprl dw 17 - 8t Joseph Mo I Stain-Hc fs 35110. THe following Si. iii-ijpn f!i-- rected by tba itaiiii ttificiale. and nt ay be Itelied on a f-n-recf : North Caroifei Eiaiiroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, April 30th, 1882 Nr 51 iMily. No. 53 Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4 . jo a m 5.5J a m 7.20 a m 8.iK) a m 9.30 am 11.47 am ; 2 2rt h m i 4-1 rm 4. 05 p ni 6 30 pm 4 40 p m B 24 p m 7.35 p m 8.05 p m BansDUTy ' High Point.... Arrive Greensboro,. .. Leave weensboro, . . . Arrive Hillsboro Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh, i-eave Kalelgh, Arrive Goldsboro',. . . No. 17 Daily except Sa' uir" y, .5 00 p m 1.51 a m j... 7.20 a m Leave Greensbo: Arrive at Kalfinr.. Arrive at GoMsb. No. 51-Connects at Grevnst.O'o' with R a d R. R. for all points North, Fast and Wet. via Dan vtlle At Goldsboro with W. fe W a. R. for Wil mington Ho. of -connects at Sails . urv with W. N. C. R. R. for all points m Westeri North Carolina: dully at Greensboro with R & h. a R for ail oolnts North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, April 30th, 1882. No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, Arilve Raleigh 1 0.00 a m 12.20 pm 3 55 p m 5 Ort p m 5 4ft p in 8.05 pm W.15 pm 9.50 p m 11.12 pm 1 10 a ni lieave Haieigh . Arrive Durham Arrive Hillsboro Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point Arrive Bails bury.. Airtve Charlotte 9 40am 10. 10 am II 21KI11 1.00 p m No. 18-Daily except Sunday, Leave Go'dsboro. . 2 50 p m Arrive at Ral. leh,..7.10 p m Leave Raleigh 8 00 a in Arrive Greensboro, 3.15 p m No. F.O -Connects at Charlotte with A & C. Air Line for all points in the tpouth and touthwest. anu wun i,., e . a a. a. a lor all points s-outu and ftouiueasi. wo. 52 connects at Charlotte with A.4C Air line ior an pon.ts soutn and Southwest: at Char lotto with C, O. 4 A. R. R. for all points South ami souineasc. N. V. tV. C. KAILK04D. 601NO WEST. NO. 60 Dally. Lieave ureensDoro. w.25 p m Arrive Kernersville 10.41 pm Arrive 8alem 11.25 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersville 11.01am Arrive saiem 1 1.35 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvi le 5.50 a m Arrive ureensDoro 7.00 a m NO. 53 Daily Leave Salem H.00 p m Arrive tt-ernersviiie i.40 d u Arrive Greensboro ! 8.00 p m STATE TJSIVERJil TV K I II. ROAD. No 1, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTU. Leave Chapul Hill Arrive University, 10.40 a 1 1 .40 a No. 2 Dai y ex. Suioay. GOING SOUTB. Arrive University.. Arrive CUapei Hill,. 12.10 p ni 100 p m Pailmaa Sleeft Cars Without CMdec On Train No. 50, New Yor :nd Atlanta via Wash- ington and Danville, and Livveen Greensboro and unaneston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlot e and Washington aud Chariot e via Danvlile. ts?Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', RaleiKh, woldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, southwest. West, North and Kast. Fr Kmigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. PuPE, General Passenger Agent ma2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGEK DEPAETMENT. 'On and after April 30th, 1832, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta k Charlotte A'r Llne l ivis'on of this road will be as follows: Mall and Hx press. Ko. 60. WE3TWARD. Mall. No 52. Leave Charlotte. M. 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4.8 1 a m 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10 0" am 10.37 a m ll.OrJam 1.80 p m 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 Pirn 5.29 p m 7.08 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 p m 9.46 p m 10.15pm 12.40 a m Arrive Ga.-tonla, L Arrive Spartauburg, K Arrive Greenville, fl Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, Mall and Kx press No. 51. EASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, At rive Galnesvll e 2.15 pm 4 51 p m 5 22 p m 5.59 p ni 6.40 p m a06 p m 10.06 p m 11.40 pm 4.00 a m 6.19am 6.50 a m 7.41 am 8. 1 7 a m 9 26 a m 11.03 pm 12.24 p m 2 60 pm 4.00 pm Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap function, Arrive Toccoa, V... '. Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H Arrive Spartanburg. K... Arrive Gastonta, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.06 a m 3 15am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Geor&ia Central. A. & W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. if with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton. Georgia, u witncoiumoia and ureenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K with Spartanburg and AshevIIle. and Snartan- bnrg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauee to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C. & A., C. C, R. D. and A., T. & O. for all points West. North and Fast. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos 50 and 51 dally, without change betw en Atlanta and New York. A. PoPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agei t T. M. R. Talcott, Gene al Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent C., C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, June 4th, 1882. Train Train No. 62. .No. 4. Passeng'r. Passeng'r. Leave Chai lotte, i .afi p m Arrive Rock HU!, 2.88 pm Arrive Chester 8 30 p m Arrive Wlnnsboro,.. 4.35 p m Arrive Columbia B.COpm Leave Columbia tf.07 p m 0.15 am Arrive Lexington, 6 50 p m 7.15am Arrive Ridge Spring, 8 02pm 8.30 am Arrive Grauitevllle 9. 1 2 p m 9 40am Arrive Augusta, 10.15 pm 10.22 a m Train No. 20, Freight. Leave Charlotte, 5.80 pm Arrive Rock Hill 7.63 p ui Arrive Chester 10 00 p m Arrive Winn sboro, 1.18 am Arrive Columbia 4 50 a m Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington Ainve Ridge d; rirg Arrive Grauitevllle Ar'ive Augusta Train No 52, Dally- Connects at Columbia with the s. C R K. for Char eston, and wltb the C G R. R. for Alston, Newberry. Abbeville, &a At Augusta with Central Georgia R R for Macon. Savannah and Florida points. Train No 48, Dally-Connects t: August wlb the Georgia R. K. and Central Gei.rg R. K for M con. AtlantH. Havnnnab and Klorida points Trains Nos. 18 and. 20, local, trl-weekly, Mon days. Wedntsdajs and Fridays. Trains rrom the couth airWe at Chnrlotte, pas senger, dally, at n 35 p. m. Freight, daliy except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m and 4 45 p. m. ATL ANTIC, TENNK-8.BE & OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 6H, Da ly, Leave Charlotte 8 00 p m Arrive at Statesvllle 10 05 p m Train No. 52, Daily, Leave btatesville 6 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte 8.05 a m Tickets sold to ail points South, Southeast and Fouthwest. and baggage checked through No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, T. M. B. Talcott. Gen'l Passenger Agent Gen'l Manager Columbia, & a, June 4th, 1882. un8 for ice Not Contractors THE Board of County Commissioners of Marl boro county, 8. C are now ready to receive bids for building a new court bouse in Bennetts vi 1 1. h. c. ss authorized by Act of General As sembly. Plans ard specifications furnished on application. Also plans and specifications solicit ed. jtorrespondeDce from persona desiring the contract solicited. Address ; j - i ..... . .ALIX.,McRAE, - 'Chairman B. CL C, BennettsvUle, a. C may24 lm 3BisccUaucuus. Seasonable Goods In great variety, Just recelvea at ih CHINA STORK OK J, Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS and ICE nnFsr -"twin;, FLY FANS AND FLY TRIPS. ICE CREAM FUEEZKits,,, AIR-TIGHT FRUIT J ills. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Ciges, Canary and Breeding o, Baby 8wlngs, etc., etc , W tun llne or China, Crockery Glair Lamp. Fancy Goods and Silver i.latV.iw ssrun hon.i ,.. .. 1 "eu Ware fare. wfija 1 n nana, wno esale and u tall at arc 111. reawnaiiie '-ra. j irnsu give us a call Respectfully, J. kkookfih da ,,, may9 -boston-METALLURGICAL WORKS, S3 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists. Assayers and Analytical Chen lUts GOLD and SI IA'F.11 REFIKP.ItN, Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. ami uj.wn. Rl rilACTOKY OKKS THBlil li, Surveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, i-kt'toh,-and Maps made. Constructions ol work and Supplies Furnish-d. MANAGERS OF Tl.e New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVKK, COP 1 EM HM! LCA n OH i;n SMK l I K!) o net uitw or prin H wm COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treattd on Reasonal.'le Tems. T OM4S BINNS MKTAU.unGisr A. H. KIDNEY Minikg Enuinkkk JOHN EOLLIDAY Pm-ir. t "HHti-i mar8 tf 1 Have just received a large 9iiip!y i.f In all biz packages. CORN, FLOUR, HAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED, And In fact everything kept in ;i First-Class Grocery Store. 4. J. Beall&lo. maySO Cures SYPHILIS in any stag. CATAHRH. ECZEMA, OLD 80RE3, PIM PLES, BOILS ANY S K IN DISEASE. r CURES WHEN ALL OTHKK REMEDIES FAIL!!! If yon doubt come to see up. and we will CURE YOU. or charge nothing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy of ' ltle "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering " Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing w-UOOO BKWAK1) will be paid to any chenilf who will find on analysis ff loO bottles of one particle of Mercury, loulde" of Potassium, any Mineral substanou. . fiWlFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props . Atlanta, hi- (FKRBOTTLK.) , nn 1rtoa ufRms'l RlrA. r-'. Large bize, 1. 1" 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. dec81 TO NEWSPAPER ME. ;ffs Just Received a large lot of First-Class hi INK, put up In 26 St packages, suitable publishers of country newspapers. Address - THE OBSEaVKB, mar28 Charlotte, eld i fit i I Ml NU44 mi i ''' H

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