fir- S! : : pi' fit!'-.''! V()l XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1882. NO. 4,121. & o., '(gram -bKALBhS IN- Book Shoes, Hats, Trunk s. TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. fKGltAM & CO., HAVK A PRETTY LINE OF GENTS' and LADIES' SLIPPERS. I'EollA.M & CO., Have the Best dtoclt of Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THS bTATB. PEGRAM & CO., H iVK ALL KINDS OF Chilta' Shoes and Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., KKKP A WILL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Vices . OF ALL PRICES AliD SIZES, PEGRAM' & CO. HAVE JUST HKCJ1VED A FINK fcTOCK OF iiljtlt and to Hats Of the Lafent Styls. Of ilie L itest Styles. PEG RAM & CO., CaN suit tiir.r Farmer Friends With any kinds B'XITS and SHOFS THEY WISH. PEC RAM & CoTJ KivEP ALi KINDS OF Shoe Dressing;, French Blacking PEGRAM & CO., Can supply you with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES OF Ladies' Misses and Children's Shoes.. S O m. CO 4 fKt T tt- !! tt!':.1? -7 )ijicrj$aa A ' mi a rv 55 ..a u Il ' M I 8 2' I : troiixpofizfgio pupils , I TINDER TllADERS' NAT 5 J WetdW jS, WHEELER&WILSON'S w - ffli sLSa5' s ' m &j'k m ' ftiNss,?. -1TI, 11' UCiMl-iJwjU UIH H1U4 ." It U-f.ii-t "V" r"- gru Montis, (Clothing, &c. JUST IN A LOT OF NEW INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties. Another lot of Hoop fekirls from 40c to SI. Mohair and Linen Ulstrs In all s yles, from SI 25 to $7. Large stock of Lace Curta:ns and Cretona very cheap. Our remnant stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats will be closed out very low. The attention of Housekeepers Is called to a good assortment of Cane Matting that we are selling at reduced prices to close out. USeirieKo. mctitcHi. 'ainis At this 8eason, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perry Davis' Pain Killer is a-eure cure for-Diarrhcea, Dys enteiyCfeolera, Cholera -Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Bead the following : BAiNBEinOK, N. TJ, Msrch 22, 188L Ferry Davis' Pain Killer never failt to afford instant relit for cramp and pain in the stomach. Joseph Bueditt. Nicholvtlle, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1881. The very hett medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have ' UBed It for years, encrit ja ur out every time. ' ; J , t . Jptms W. Dee. MornGONA, Io-wa. March 12, 188L I have used your Pain Killer in severe cases of cramp, colicand cholera morbus.and it gave almost Instant relief. L. . Oaldwili CaBNXSVtlle, Ga., Feb. 28, 188L For twenty years I have used your Pain Killeb in my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it al-wayt cure. Would not feel safa without a bottle in the house. J. B. Ivm S aco, Me., Jan. 22, 188L Have used Pebbt Davis' Pain Killer for twelve years. It is of. turJ and reliable. Ko mother should allow it to be out of the family. H. I. Nates. . Oneida, N. Y., Feb. 19, 18eL tVe bean using1 it over thirty years agt, and It always fnves immediate relief. Would hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle in the house. W.O. 8FRIfflT. Conwatbobo, 8. Feb. 22, 188L Nearly every family in this sectio keep bottl -in the house. Dii. E. Morion. : V. 8. Consulate, t- .-vObbfelc, Rhknish Pkussia. Feb. 8,1961. I have known Febbt Davis' Pain almost from tha day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an inditpeiuabU necessity. ; X a Potter, u. a ConsuL t BenBTOn-aN-TxBHT.ENa I had been Several days suffering severely from diarrhoea, accompanied with Ints&se pain, when, I tried your Pain Killeb, and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noone. .- 21 MoNTAOtrE St., London, Ens. : purine A residence of twenty-three yearsin India, ' I nave given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery , a&d cholera, and never knew it to fail to give relief, . . R. Clarilhie. ss Ko ikmilyican afely be without this : invaluabte ' remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all. 1 ' Fof sile by alt druggists at 25c., 50c and Sf.OO oer bottie PEREY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. septdtw sept 4 oct. 9 Mipral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA) . lit. . ?t: iiKiil Chronic Dlarrhces and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, . . Scrofula, untonic f neuniQiuiVuew tt tm m iwrfiil"AlterRtlv ToPte-BTtd I ANTI- UAL AitUL la Its effect. Eead jgeraflcat8 from eminent iplustclans lrr our pampf i f 4Ht1iMllM! Ita not ihnfl UkutA Idlfrflt from the i-pHriwhteb-ie toeaatMuHrloaated jla Bock DTHJEeCQUIHy, V a , sua rc"KJr iv uo lowyuvu tt visitors from : Jne'iBt to Xtetoberrlst, each a4hw heieiU and retaflV-Jby Dr. J J H. Mo ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. marl 9 Iv .1, . N - WHITE GLOVES, UNEN COLLAAa, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 10c. H03IBBY KBOM 5c up, if , . BANK. lightest Banal indBettSewlhg MwOOne to the PER EXPRESS Summe Compi 1 f n STATE JiEWS. Wilmiogton Eeview: Capt. R. P. Pad dison has the largest orchard at Maults by's Point, about 2o miles above the city, in the State. lie has between five and six thousand trees peach treed, under five years ot age, and one thousand, two hundred apple trees. All of his trees are loaded down with fruit and we are -glad to know that he is. realizing handsomely from tbem. ' There is a successful revival going on in the Baptist church at Greensboro. Propping up peach trees' to prevent them lrom breaking down under the weight of fruit, is reported from all sections of the State - Guilford farmers say there has not been such a crop of wheat as the pres-r ent in that county for twenty years Goldsboro Messenger: The cotton seed oil mill is to be located in the vicinity ol the new YV& W. warehouse in the old fair ground, i " K 1 The Entield Sentrrfel - will be moved to Scotland Neck and the name changed to "The Commonwealth' Qutte a number of new dwellings are going up in that part of of the city recently" opened by new streets east of graded school. The peach crop in this section prom ises a bountiful harvest. The first -shipment of peaches was made from hereon Friday. Winston Leader : A Democrat, from Davie-county, returned from the liberal convection thoroughly disgusted with II tne wnoie. proceedings ana a stronger Democrat thau-cver. .'We talked with him and he has been sufficiently amused. He did not stay into the Liberal parlor so nicely arraaged by the Republican spider. - -.,', :., " Florida. - - Augusta Chronicle. - , - v " During a flying trip to Jacksonville and St. Augustine the writer was aston ished at the marvellous improvement visible on every hand in ' those, cities. Jacksonville 4s a flourishing city of fif teen thousand inhabitants. It has five or six elegant hotels, which are crowd ed with Northern ar;d Western visitors Tjr five months in the year. It has rnany fine stores and' elegant private residences, oatha "rise, with every prospect of increasing -steadily.'. With its marine, commercial, . geographical and climatic advantans, t lere is no reason why Jacksonville should not, in time, become a large md prosperous city. The old city of St. Augustine has felt the influence and reaped the hem-trs of Northern capital. It contains three de sirable hotels and many handsome pri vate residences, the property of Eastern and Western people, who live in this quaint old city for the greater part of the year. The city shows many evi dences of improvement, owing for the most part to our Northern friends, who wish to escape the rigors of their own climate and enjoy the pleasant tem perature for which Florida is noted during the winter. Florida presents a revelation to the Northern visitor. lis growth has been something marvelous for the last de cade. Its population has steadily in creased, and its lands have risen in value. About eighty thousand people have settled in the State in the last ten I years, uaiiroaos nave oeen ana are oe- ing ouilt in every direction, wnere thern is any prospect of their being made to pay. Some one informed us that at the present time there were six teen thousand hands working on rail roads, and that the capital invested amounted to eighteen million dollars. This is assuredly an an encouraging state of affairs for our sister State. The The tide of travel from the North will swell from year to year. Every year it is on the increase. The number of vis itors for the season just closed was so large that the hotHs and boarding houses were unable to accommodate them, and they had to be satisfied with whatever they could get. We believe that the day is not far distant when the number of visitors to Florida in the winter season- will increase to one hun dred thousand.. ' It seems a strange ' dispensation that Florida should be quickened and made to flourish, from an effect caused by the extreme severity 6f the climate in 'the West and East .The presence or the apprehension of disease, the fear of death and the hope of recovefj, have been the prime causes of 'attracting to Florida thousands of people who have invested their money in lands and rail roads. Ponce de Leon and his follow ers did opt find the fountain of youth. But there are thousands iq ouf day who have foundin the land of the orange and Uiapia$,the fount bt health, whose waters nave given inem new nie ior that which was wasted away by dis ease. Tne lana ot nowers is an tne high road to prosperity. The Steel Makers. louisvtue -Courter-Jouriiai. " ? Irr 18T4 tBe capital of the" -Pennsyl vania Stsel-coro yaoy was 1,830200, and thatyearit iiwrned 3 per cent, in casxu And 5 per cent, in stock. The next year the company para a aiviopiiQ or v -per fceut six per centcagh and three per. behU iji" atoclc-r-the capital' .being in creased io $198,400. ; In i80,the, . divk dends were twelve per ceni.; in ii they ''Were twenty-two per cent, all cash, and the company had $3,280,423.51 of undivided profits on hand and at;ap Eal of 2,000,000. ' As the State of Penn sylvania taxes dividends, the company made them-as smauasmey convenient ly could ; tey did not want to be taxed on ithgib gigantic profits.! In order to disribute the grfeat sufplosthev bought 5,000 shares of their stock held by the Pennsylvania Kauroaa company, ior S1.325J0OO, anq sold the stock to tneir fchareflomefs Krouu,oo, --aicn opera tion was nothing more ,than distribu ting $825,000 of :' theif surplus profits among -the f shareholders in a way to escape ar Stale tax. ! The dividend of lSStireally figtirfctl tip seveDtj-se-en per cent This is a sample of me condition rf the 'Bessemer steelindustry. which Judge Kelley andWier Darons aectare la 111 bUUll all lUiauLiiu vwijvaiixj iuv av - . . . , ' . . a must have a.Dpuntj;paia ltoi a ton by the Amerlcad J?etpl0. A business which P,aya A profit ?of. jey,enty:sevfep peVcent.' ought tO'staUd On its o'wn legs. Here Is One mili with a surplus of three orfour inilUoni:9,i' hand, and ita 6 wners fowling for. "more protection."; ! SP'?Cailil,s:,':. '.: Wi;mlngtonitaV- Mr. Thos. J: Lee, writing to us from South Washington, Pender county, on ithe sunject of sheep raising, says be has with care succeeded in increasing the yield of wpolf mm three - pquads to .twelve. pondfc and a haff. )W clfpped two sheep a few days since and got twenty-six pounds and a half of wool; and also cliDDed thirteen head of the Aamfvbreed and arot oaenhandred and. isixIbohntlsJbi vtbaJ, amiUrfege df l otelj :eis-ht rounds to the sheep. He wants to knoapviwha cart beatt.tha- pftiahreed is the Merlflo crossed witii Southdown iriew Texas wheat, the first shipped SNorth, consigned to Samuel Jacoby, , ittfs&oifi tn the Produce FbflMafige fe3- ; iiRkdrirrtfttUiri. rii8oirlWeo&; eerier al debility atidiBar CQKwi4l8MSs3Mfiotiric64f Incurable, ; are often curea of rpwn;siron uwrj. com menOB.: with cwgh. colfear aaarou ixerdon (otthe toice, TlMseTiMa0ientHBmPKHBr'at- ie oi - crown suroupjittu iiwutx, which i neglected often result In a chronic trouble of the throat FROM ALEXANDRIA. - The Khedive Petitioned to Abdicate. London, June 12. -A despatch from Alexandria to the Reuters Telegram Company says: "The report of the mur der of the engineer of the British man- of-war Superb is not generally credited. The patrols on the streets ' have been doubled. A correspondent of the Reuters Tele gram Company at Cairo telegraphs that at a meeting ot tne military leaders it was decided to petition the Khedive to abdicate. It was declared that if he did not be would be massacred. It is rumored that the calvary and artillery will not join the conspiracy against the Khedive. How Southerners Fought. . ' The following is an extract from a graphic description of the battle of Stone river, by M. Quad, in the Detroit Free Press: ' 1 Sill's brigade was posted on a ridge covered with cedars and young oak 'trees. The ground in front had a slope down into the cleared fields, and he had three batteries posted along his lines. It was a terribly .strong position, a stroger- one than Hancock had at Get tysburg, and the Federals laughed in grim defiance as the first line of gray swept into the field a quarter of a mile away. Now the batteries open 1 Eigh teen guns break into a roar which makeathe chimneys in Murfreesboro tf emble. Not a shot or shell is used nothing but the murderous iron slugs ajid bullets which grind and tear through the flesh like the teeth of a wild beast.- Swaths ten feet wide are cut through the Confederate lines,, and whole regiments are seen to drop down to escape the fire. Then the infantry added its fire, and the jaws of hell were Wide open. Then followed the most singular sight ever witnessed upon the geld of battle. Whole regiments of onfederates crawled forward on hands and knees! They. crept through tbe soft soil of the old cotton field and up :the slope covered -with leafless shrubs and dead "grass-crept almost under the thundering cannon, and there they fought wUh the-flames from Sill's muskets burning their clothing. Feeding the Hungry. New York, June 13. A Danville, Va, special to the Tribune says of the relief being afforded the sufferers from the famine hi Patrick and Franklin countirs: Large and liberal amounts of money have 'already been subscribed to purchase food-uid se4-iUto Patrick county. People in other counties are hauling corn and wheat across the mountains and distributing it among the starving inhabitants as rapidly as it can be done. The trouble will no doubt be at an end in a few days. The prospect this year for a good co n crop in the suffering counties is good. First New Oats Sold. St. Louis, -June 12. -The first lot of new oats on this market was received from Texas and was fold at auction this noon "at 55 cents in bulk and 58 cents in sacks. nehiguiitg- Vili&tny When you go to your druggist to buyi bottle of Simmons Livr Regulator, at d he offers you some counteifelt with a sim lar sounding name iuv1 says ' i Is the same thing or u-t as good," ak him his motive for not giving you the enui -e preparation In White Wrapper, with rtd Z thereon prepared by J H Zell n & Co. The only obj ct such a dealer cn have Is the fact that he mnkes an extra 25 cents per bttle p-oflc by S'-lline a chep ani counterfeit aitlcle which may do ynu positive Injury. B'oated headaches, nervous pro Uratlon and spinal weakness cured by Lyd.a E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Bbdvord alum and Ibon Sprikss Watkh and Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains iwice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. mail J tf pUscellanedtts. Natural Fruit Flavors. EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities. Hare gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. V '' MANUFACTURED BT STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo Skeref LupuIlM Yut Gai, Dr. Prle'i Creut Baktec ' Fowdar, ul Or. Price's li'alqu Perfawe. WE MAKE NO SECOND CRADE POOD8. DOBBINS1 STARCH POLISH An important dis covery, by whicl every family maj give their lineij that beautiful fin ish peculiar 'o fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR 8AL.E BY J. !, SPEACER & CO and FIELDS BHOS,, Charlotte, N. C j 1 : x J . . 1 v : ; Bop0tddi no tisima inat wnn jo apfmt pirt mmtp irqt tav J9ddi njit n vm q nag '4 (ttriaaiif unri tiqi"l) f H ' ('lOTMuaAac of tad an 'UBa tajjja n f oj gt '(Ho'r"t) I woq u dn tad ipoaia qj, '3q9Rbwaos XmootS inm jioim ptrt aofiaraqxa. anuvtoi -naarr nsuivj on inhwi AQ3W3H 3Tlll8Vd,SiyaVH-J0d II Bneti-KcfTWM Dtblilty, M, -tirtrrof, SypliUHie ud MerciiricJ' as pedallr treated n nientifie pnnciplM, ...HMMoliM. nr wriu fnr I.Ul of OuS- Weakaew, COBrraga, AffeeuoBS mni Ion MetlhnrWtlieif Rfcutstrue. AddreM, DE. BUTTS, 1 K. 8th St, St. Ms KOXABinHCS OVtM tTBTBTT YEAKS. el DURHAM BULL can be bought CABHri I) HIDITlriff to- V i i . f i. J. a NORTH It Yi 1 oi . Opposite First Presbyterian Church, 8m8 2t.thu isaa i- ' ; i ome and Democrat copy l time. Inn snaridBM in nfiu lUHUU Of th UlMO. 8ki m Minn... niiuMMM WOJI A IV. How Mtatl Sbe Preserve Her Health - anaBeanty Oaa who has long lnrestigated this subject gives the result, and is happy to say that It is found In Woman's "Best Friend." It is adapted especially to that -great central, all-controlting organ, the womb. Correcting its disorders, and curing any ir regularity or tne "menses." or "courses." Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Begulator acts like a charm tn whites, and in sudden or gradual checking, or In entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge in every instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of iue womD, its acuon is prompt aca decisive, sav ing the constitution from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradneld, Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial slxe. 76c; large size, From the Toledo Blade. I SUfiPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF C EL ER IT AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE SEBVOUS SYSTEIfl and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Am Invariably Produced by r. C. XV, Benton' Celery and Chamo mile Pill. They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation just meets the necessities of the case. Let me stah? just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have eured end will eure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Blck Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all nervous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, Irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, and yet, ior 60 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction if used as directed and will cure any case. sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a dox. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for 81, or s:x boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH 8CALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartsof the body. It makes the akin white, soft and smooth : removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THS WOBLD. Elegantly put up, twe bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. Prioe 1 1 . per package. C N. ( rittenton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Eenson's Remedies 115 Fulton street, New York. junl LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure For all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so eouuaen to our best female population, A Medicine for TFomtn. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. The Greatest Medical DkeoT.ry Since the Dawn of History. tTF"It revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and harmonizes the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. tJPhysician Use It and Prescribe It Freely It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the core of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Com pa and ie unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXKHA1T8 BLOOD PURIFIER wiU eradicate every vestige of .Humors from tbe Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having U. Both the Compound and Blood Pnrifler are prepared at 233 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn;. Mass. Price of either, $4. Six bottles for &. Sent by mall in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on reoeipt of prioe, i per box for either. Mrs. PI nfr ham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Sot. stamp. 'Send for pamphlet. No famllT should bo without LYDIA E. PITTKHAJrTS LfVTCR PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity or. the uver. to cents per box. j&g-Sold by all Druggists.- 0) F. 0. MUNZLER A;ET (OH TtefiGTpr & Easel Brewery Compys Of Philadelphia, Pa.,) (dibratfd Lager Bimt, In Kegs and Bottles, Uon i,U BEER A SPEJJMI Y. Have Just received a smart lot of BOTTLED ALE and PoKTEH, whleh I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address jrUKJU U. JUUiNZLJCli, Lock Box 255, Charlo.te, N. C mbr28 ropolitan Slid FOR JULY, WITH PATTERNS, JUST RECX1VJCD. TIDDY & BROTHER t-r - I , Jua9 Ml! MT 1 LOOKING JUST RECEIVED PER EXPRESS A JOB LOT OF FFF A V AA FF A A F AAA V A A NTH N NN N N N N N NN N NN COO o o o o o ooo T T Y Y YY Y Y And are offering them very much below the real value. Call and get a bargain. Have also Just recerv eo per freight seveial things that will pay you to Inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. !S SMITH BUILDING. Junll 1 MUSIC HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' 1 ' M!Bliiiiiit HE M InB MmfMiiair.MniiRi tj... i IlllllllWIItlri 'Aim-, t'.h Thousands of Musical Families tlroqghout Nortji PIANOS and OBGAN8 In the Fall, when cotton comes the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS villh Music and Mid-Summer Hflit hi iii ii mi Mm ' i ic 11 JSTGti Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY. AUGUST and SEP TEMBER, 1882. PIANOS ai d ORGANS, of tveiy nake, style and ptlce, at our very lowest cpsh rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1382. On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. WITHOUT IHTE8EST OE IF BALANCE CAN'T BE Longpr time' will be given, with a rea onable Increase 6f prion.: : All Instruments ot every grade and price included in this s ile. Tell your musical friends of Jt. Wrl'e us for. Catalogues, Price Lists and Oircu ars. This sale closes October 1 st 1 882 Early purchase secures eatr prtees neasy terms, fix (rt) years guarantee. Moot and fnstraotui with ererj Organ. Fijejgbipakl btfi,ways if po sale. Test them In your own ho es Address i , , gyj-o eanrri ......j.j PROF. WM BAKER is my authbrlzed Tuner to thB house. WATCHES and; W. A. TRUSLOW, JEWEL, III, KEEPs COKS fANTLY on WALTHAM AND Iq Gold and Silver Cases, all of which he fully Warrants Reliable Time Keepers. Business men know THAT "Tlivte And a good Investment is to buy a Goo I Watcn. If A few days and have it regulatad. un9 lm He can THE ONLY MEDICINE! US EITHER LIQUID OU DK1 FOBM That Acts at the same time on . TES LIVSRf TEE SO WELS, AND TEE SWEETS. WHY ARE WE SICK? . . . i Becmm tee allow (he4. great orara,.(o I become clogged or (orpid, and poUonou hiittitfrt aft1 therefor forced into ' the Hood I 1U iwiuupe, ppmct 7nwfT"i(. y.j ra ; WILL SURELY CURE i LlVERJCaMPLAmTS,;Q PI8T, A HF.S, TJW IT. .Wt A US FHSEB, A IfBJIYWf DftR8. by causing free action, of pieTorgqf ,and tutoring tJufr power to Otriruiiff 'dUeaik. ' vv nr lUtiana naiaa and araMl . .i Wbv tarmeatad wltk Piles. ConUptiof Wnjrighted vef d-Kiseystl I tfto 4urs mrjout t Ucjka4UcAU ZfaKJJXXEX'XyonratUtKUbeaUX It hi pat op ta lry Yectekle tttrm. Id Ho cans one package ot whicU-Joakes six quarts of medicine Also tjiIAu4rr, vary (Cnn. I trateAj torthoee that caimpt rlj jrepars tt. ' nm aisWitn eoOal efficiency fh' ettW fbnn. GEl'n 6t TOTja DRUOOI3T. PHtftSl t (WIUathe'ajBtaja.y riCteii,VI. i i'- g.4tn IT! SKVKBAL LTNE3 OF OOO o o G e go GGO oo o o o o o o oo oo o o o o o o oo DDD D D d r D D DDD I a 88S & WIXiHEIjM 4l " . rszi. . ; ' a and South Carolina are intending to purchase In. WHY WAIT 7 Buy at once, and enliven make the "HABVIST HOME" sUll more Joyful. Special Offer : m ADVAHCE IS PRICE. PAID IN THE FALL xvAUHic. jca.ouMO And BeritftreT ArfworK krnteert:onf orders .;:B.:McAAHTS. r t HAND A. , WLL il(ttTro CKOF ELGIN WATCHES, IS TktZOJSrJEl'lir" your, joltf .Watch, oea .not fkeep time, leave . wttn give over one hundred references In the city. 1F"IILIE. 1. 1 . ; i i . BY "Virtue of A decree ot the Superior Court of Catawba county, made In the case of P. C iihuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell ' And others fe tendinis, at SpriagTerm,. 1882, of Catawba,countyuperloi Court, the , tmd erslgned, As Receiver, wffl' "sell -af public sale.-at the Long Island OottoaMinon MOriDAT the SBD DAK if JtJLt, J 882, the .follonlng Taluable Prop erty, to-wltj''-' i se;a-Mi., .hHijj . i Toe lactorr oi tne lxtng isiana uoiton .Aims, to gerherwlih iOl acres land,- tndiKflSjt the entire ' wAiec power of sevea feet-iieBdfBCtrT building , 00x40. two stories high, floqrlng ana saw mills. ' store arid ootton lwusfeA, blacksmith tUep-And five tenement bouses, and. th, following machinery : I Dicker, 1-88 Inch double'bwster-and lapper, 6 Bnicai4 tpflacdid,'railwv eafh 2:drawtng . frames, 6 deuVerles each, 4 ring frames (Brides- - berry maceVBUw gooa 'ratr.Jiwuona r franiei, 12 inrtfldleAtctolnumlwrsplndleA 810, , 1 TraviroHM'grmdet'brmcn'asofbauM press; HlM!iargo ict'fioldj ldxm. fiuyj failing, ; ate, 1 I jfor more sucuiate and dt Suite descilptlon of' ' l&e property ssil Um tndmoAf . sia ie er fence Is nereby made to the decree above referred. TEaMSi-TW8Btr I .A .W. . J t pe r cem i . ; : purennse aiinM i Tanir fspa ' aim ; vauureo . . rcuwa . , aiai)eat.iA. requai. in- bond"raad raMwowt'-'JecTirtiy x-teo.bIreA oF 'purchaser, or the Keceiver u or sam. oreewe; su-;, thoilzedto vary terrna X xut purchasers. The Receiver is- also authorized, ot . rt&ML ecree, to,ell said itroperty at private toe; Trpoa snch'terms as . . . eh ail u Bgreea voji Becween. mm ana,purcnaer. and lie will entertain pttvate nids unui carot Bare. , 'rereons wisning w examine b&k propeny rwiu . find Dr -JL M. ' Powell and AU Levi iuIoT a eAAbaf -. Iun3 Llncolnton, Lincoln county, n. C "nnlnin .1 4.- .in Iii if ! It! ft ' P 4UI -1 11 v tt n -i l'4 r "i : i ! 'I r r 1 I 1 r f5i v, 14 IN 4't W : : I t- i!

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