A ; Of 10 pieces, at from $22 18 $225 PER SETT Parlor Setts, Ot 7 pieces, at from $35 ?8 $150 PER SETT- AT WHITE FRONT. Jan 11 INGS WHOLESALE rocers a Commission Merchants, RYON STREET, CHARLOTT , N. C. Offer to the trade the largest stock of GBOCIRIE and PROVISIONS In the city, at prices as low as the lowest Call and examine our stock before buying. All orders shall have our personal a tentton and satisfaction guaranteed. may25 .WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW -OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest noveWJes in the MILLINERY LINK. HATS, BONNET8, FLOWERS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, . . SILKS, ' Places, &c, In all the new styles, colors aad qualities. Also, all the new styles and onallttis of LACES, embracing White ' Goods. Nect Wear; Hosiery Gloves, Parasols. Ac., the LARGEST and HOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and Bonnets On Honday, March 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE MILLINERY t hey have ever seen In this city. - i I mar22 AT WILDER'S You will find a choice and complete stock of PURE I FRESQ. MUGS. Sr i Y 5-M Colden's, Leibig s Liquid Extract Of BEEF n TONIC 1NVIGURATOR. TRY IT. CIGARS i TOBACCO, Ddudlng l4e;tat-)ras LX P4WA-W1 0 Cigars; Cemieals and Toflet Artielts, an assortment, and ererythlnc generally kept In a first cUm Dm Store. S Dedal attention riven to PhyslcUM PiwserlDUoni day and nlghL Satis- action guaranteed. ,jt Corner Trad... od..........CoUege Street apt L'-'TOii.- ' S TART LING Lc TTfl f. A' I: JOD f 23TOr D.S Ai VtO im C V raL. "-' tnmmAft, Miuino , rrttrSL 5ITi i eblilty,-XV Msnhe Jretc, saving trie . in y ev try kuw a remedr. aa dis covered apk.. te .-o, wkhsabtfwiu s 1 t;'XM I.M. Andrews, SPR RM J. UVLIU UUU Spring and Summer Styles NewDrugS re t&$rM af BIS 49 ismgixs.(Xy &fc)t partem "toncoa. ' HOLMES' LINIMENT, ' ; . OR, THS MOTHERS' FRIEND! One of the greatest comforts to those expecting to be confined Is a remedy upon which Implicit confidence can be placed one that will produce a safe and Quick delivery- one that will control pain and Bhorten the d oration of labor. Such is "THE MOTHE&'S BELIEF. " Try It and see what to of Blessing - It Is to Suffering' Females This Liniment when used two or three weeks before confinement, produces a wonderful effect, AAiisirur awrr easv and auick labor, with com paratively little pain, and leaves the monther In a condition to recover quickly or In other words to have a good getting up. Under Its use, labor will ordinarily occupy much less than the usual time, oni t h snfTarinir hn diminished bevond expression. Tha Mtnrimnn for which this remedy is offered la of such a character as to forbid a long array of pflrtifVatf-s. Those interested In Its use are re spectfully referred to the hundreds who have used READ TiLK TJSd.LlJttUmA.ljB: I must earnestly entreat every female expecting tn l onnflnMi tnnse "THE MOTHEU'S BULIJCF." Coupled with this entreaty, I will add that during a large ODsteiricai pracuce nony-iuur have never known It to fail to produce a safe and aulck delivery. u. J. uuLALisa, m . Atlanta, Ga. k from on of the counties of Middle Geor gia, who has been acting as midwife for many nnra. writes: "I have disposed of all TBJS wriTmiR'H rrt.TRD1 von sent me. and 1 am DE LIGHTED WITH IT. In every instance where It hai been used Its effects have been all that I could ask. I consider It a great messing. i mntimnn writes; "Mv wife used your Moth er's Belief at her fourth confinement, and her tes timony is that she passed tnrougn n wiiu uuj uan. nf th anfforinir of aithnr of he former confine ments, and recovered from It In much less time. t.ha a ian ruvimmAndMi it to a ladv friend who was ihrait ti h mnflnMi for the first time, and she aava: "I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE PASS THRnnOH THW GREAT TRIAL WITH SO MUCH BASE AND SO LITTLE SUFFERING.' " The names of all these, and many others, can Ka h nuMintr Q t niT nRWL Having had the foregoing remedy THOROUGH LY TESTED In itlanta and vicinity, I now offer it to my patrons as possessing superior merits. T am narrnlttAri ttlsn tfl refer tO the fOliOWlOg well-known citizens of Atlanta: C. 8. Newton, Wm M. Ornmlev. Jr.. W. A. Gregg and D. Bain oil nf whom are radv to testify to the merits 0 the preparation. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Prepared by J. BHADFIELD, Sole Prop'r, Atlanta, Georgia. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. Charlotte, N. C. may4 jpjt CELEBRATED The feeble and emaciated, suffering from dys pepsia or Indigestion In any form, are advised for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfoit, to try Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Ladies of the most delicate constitution testify to Its harmless and its restorative properties. Phjsiclans every where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe it at the safest and most re liable of all stomachics. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. Junl Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is within; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the catos most be removes, and 4n no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tablished on lust this principle. It realizes that 05 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty.. The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon these' great organs, .both as a food and BKsroRKB. and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and fain from the sys tem. i I For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for tbe distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal Bsware of lmposters, imitations and concoctions saia 10 oe just as gooa. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer?. If. II. WARNER &. CO., Rochester, IX. Y aprl5 THE KING'S MOUNTAIN ALL-HEALING SPRINGS CO. Will pen for tbe season of 1882, on the lfith day or mar. inev nave eniaraea neir; noteis to ac commodate .200 guests, , and fcae d Jed eery J amusement e ucuiaiea 10 jjromoi neaun sua com fort Tbese wonderful Waters -cure Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Constipation and all Derange ments of th Digestive Organs All Skin Dlsw-'ses, andU cersof eve:y kind, s-ciofula, Catarrh and ail Kidney Affections jleld to their healing vliius. 8ypblilllc patients who had visited Hot Springs of Ai Kansas witnout rener, round u nere last season The Waters have a peculiarly beneficial effects up on Female Complaints, and many distressing cases were cured I ist season. Th owners Intend to make this the most complete Health Hesortln the. United States Besides a Table d'hote they will open a Restaurant, and vMtors may suit tbelr tastes and their purses. KxcuMon tickets will he issued from an points to Kine's Mountain, the de pot for tbe e Springs. Kor further information. nddress OR. K. M HARRKTr, Manager, King's Mountain, N. C apr27 3ui YORK RIVER LINE, PA8 stNQER ROUTE. TO. BiLr&lORE andALVjJPOlNTa' NORTH Daily except Ir.day. Note tbe reduced first-class ratts to L T I M 0 R E -Ml Leave Burkesvll:e, " DaovUle, ' Greensboro, '- Raleigh, " Charlotte, " Spartanburg, " Greenville, 4 22pm 10.12 pm H.20 p m 3.55 p m 4.40 p m 12 25 pm 11.40 a m fare $ fare fare R 70 670 7 1)0 fare fare fa:e fare 11.80 11.95 18.00 14.80 Arriving at IklHmA A T OA n - a. RhlMor witb the morning trains for f i- fe-i ii it .:. I 9f ims imp ins oppw a hK.bohitBleaaiiti punitji giirehlofroeridipl in RWuilO4)ef(ejae parture of trains for West Point. jror runner lntoiroatlon apply to agents at the above named points. a. pope. Gen'l Pass. Agent. . Cleaveland Mineral Springs, OPENED MAY 15th, 1882. THESE Springs are two miles from Shelby. 64 .w J"1? w5? 9 Charlotte, and withtn 1 mile of tbe Carolina Central Railway running from Char lotte to Shelby. Hacks will be at tbe Spring' Station on arrival of every train, STOMACH j. COLD ANDJRAEM BllSa fm I fwhtfe and Tied Sulphur and fchatibeate Vatirt a Boviing Alley tn good Older 1 good string NEWS NOTES. In consequence of the increase of scarlet fever the public schools of Vicks- burg, Miss., were closed riday. A daily Chinese newspaper is about be issued in Hong Kong, the first one its kind. Gov.JIoyt, of Wyoming, received a telegram Saturday from Fort McKin ney stating that the Crow Indians were scattered all over the' country, killing cattle and stealing horses. A bill has -been introduced in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies providing for the immediate abolition ot slavery in Cuba and granting the slaves civil rights. The Alta Californian, published at S an Francisco, denounces the Ocean Shore Railroad bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Gen. Rose- crans as a monstrous grab, though it does not charge Gen. Rosecrans as being privy to it. It is reported at the City of Mexico that the object of Barrio's visit to the United States is to propose the consoli dation of the five Central American re publics and to Offer the annexation of the greater portion of Guatemala to the United States. Twenty-four of the forty-six members of th8 Philadelphia delegation to the recent Pennsylvania Republican con vention at Harnsburg met Saturday night and appointed a committee to as certain if Mr. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, would accept the nomina tion for Congressman at large. Surgeon Woodward, United States Army, one of the attending physicians on the late President Garfield, who has been sick with brain fever at Nice, is reported by his friends as lying danger ously ill at last advices, with little hope of recovery. Four coaches, engine and baggage car were thrown from the track on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, near Mar tinsburg, W. Va., last Monday night, and a number of persons injured but none killed. A farmer named Nathan J. Tuck was driving to church, in Bedford coun ty, Va., last Sunday with his wife and two daughters, when the team took frieht run awav. overturned the ve hicle, killed one daughter and severely injured the mother and other daughter. Arrangements have been made with the striking operatives of the Iron Mills at Cincinnati, Covington, Newport and Aurora, and work has been resumed. A portion of the money stolen from the BrookfieldJ Mo., bank has been re turned by the wife of one of the rob bers, and the robbers have been indict ed. A heavy snow storm accompanied by a water-spout passed over Denver, Colo rado, Sunday night, sweeping away some houses and drowning several peo ple. Oat Mills in the South. Sumter S. C. Advance. Through the kindness of Mr. Charles Spencer of Bishopville, we are permit ted to lay before our readers the follow ing interesting and instructive letter bearing on oat mills, a matter that has heretofore been confined to the North, since the cultivation of oats in the South, to any material extent, is some what new. And now that the oat crop is heavy all about us, the various ma chinery spoken of in the letter will be come, necessarily, a consideration fur the near future: Walsworth, Ohio, March 13, '82. Chas. Spencer, Esq , Bishopville, 8. C. : Dear Sir We notice your card in the New York World, a few days ago, asking information in regard to the process of making oat meal, the cost, etc., and as we are making oat meal and also manufacturing oat mill ma chinery we have concluded to answer your inquiry. We are the only parties we know of that make it a business to furnish oat mills, as it has been kept a secret by those manufacturing oat meal. We started a mill nearly two years ago and found it very difficult to get the proper machinery. We pur chased some that proved nearly worth less. We, being machinists, went to work and invented a number of ma chines, which are proving to be of the very best. Some of the old mills, of which there are quite a number near us, are throwing out some of their ma chines and putting ours in their place, so that we are about to stop, our mill and give our whole attention to manu facturing machinery. I would just state that it is a good business. A mill of 20 barrels capacity per day ought to pay et least $80 per day, clear of all ex penses. The mills at Akron, Ohio, three in number, are making about 800 barrels per day and are back on their orders; all are increasing their capac ity, In regard to cost, that is owing en tirely to the capacity. We sell our pat ent cutter, forty barrel capacity and mill right, for $600; three separators, 8375: two run hullers, 6550: one steam dryer, 8300; grader, 8150; one thirty inch chopper, to chop the waste into feed, $225; making 82,200 for machinery for a twenty to twenty-five barrel mill. Of course freights, beltings, elevators, &a, would be extra expense; 83,500 ought to put a twenty -five barrel mill in good and convenient shape, as far as machinery is concerned. In our mill we dry our oats by steam, being much cheaper than drying over furnaces, es pecially if we have steam power. Even where water power is ustd it is much cheaper, as it takes mucli less fuel to generate steam than to dry over fur-, nacts. If you should want to go into the business jou woufu need a good man for a while who understands the' business; also a millwright who under stands il iiuiing and placing the ma-, ciiinery. I am s ilislied that Whuever com mences the business in the South and pushes it properly will have a very profitable business, as I know of no nulls in the South. In the North, all, as far as we ki.ow, are doing well Should you wish any other information will be pleased to give it. Hoping to hear from you, we are vours truly, J. C. & F. W. Kuemer. Now that our South Carolina farm ers devoting more acreage to the culti vation of oats than was ever known before, and from the above are put in possession of the requisite machinery for making oat meal, its approximate cost, etc., we expect soon to learn of these mills being started here. The capital required, as seen above, need not exceed 03,500 for a mill capable of producing twenty-five barrels per diem. The writer's views respecting "profita ble business" are fully endorsed by many with whom we have conversed on the subject. Another Richmond to be in the Field. Wilmington Star. We have the best authority for stating .. A 1 Ti;i tv i .aa I uc l o uuc UCDl aulJtUlllvY LKJl oLtttlllK Mr. Elijah IlewlettAhe present I' UCflDUlCl Ul blUO tUUIHV. WlllSOOn DB in hthe field as an indeDeudent candidate - j fnr that nnaitinn at. thfntnlnc oann i He was thrown overboard by the late Republican county convention, but he don't propose to go to the bottom with outastruggtei ? f ' Death of rastns W. Smith. , New. , Tonic,' Jnne 13. Erastas W. Smith died ' last 'night. lie has been connected with a number of companies including the New Orleans and Havana steamship eonppanX aid 'designed 64 constructed ;tli iWe:;Ofleant water works. - - 4 I i ' . j ......... after taking some highy pafled np tuff, wtth leng testimonials, turn toliop Bitters, and have no fear Of any Kidney or Urlnuary Trsubles, flnghts' Disease,- Diabetes or Urer Complaint These dis eases cannot resist the curative power of. Hop Bit ters besides it Is the Lost . family medicine on THE ALEXANDRIA RIOTS. Pillage life Object Sixty-Seren Euro peans Killed. London, June 12. Advices from Alexandria late last night state that the disturbance commencedsimultaneously at three different points. The object of th'e rioters in a great measure appears to have been pillage, in which the .Egyp tians as well as Arabs participated. A regiment of cavalry and a regiment of infantry has been ordered to reinforce the garrison. A telegram published in London says the official report of the riot in Alexandria gives the number of Europeans killed as 67. Arabi Pacha and Mohamed Pacha Sami had separate interviews with the Dervish Pacha yes terday. The result of the interview is not known but it is generally believed that they will submit to the Dervish Pacha's views. LATER. Alexandria, Monday Morning. Great excitement continues. AU the shops are closed. ATTACKING EUROPEANS. Arabs Attack the Europeans in Alexan dria and Wreck a Street. London, June 12. A News' Alexan dria dispatch says: Rue des Seurs, in habited chiefly by Europeans, was com pletely wrecked. The Europeans fired from the windows, killing many Arabs. The latter made a terrible havoc among Europeans in the streets. The British consul was dragged troin Ms carriage and beaten. Dervish Pacha and Arabi Pacha have left Cairo for Alexandria. A Times correspondent at Alexan dria states that the engineer of the British man of war Superb was stab bed to death. The captain of the Brit ish ironclad Invincible was in charge or the British consulate. Juniper Water. A company has recently been organ ized for the purpose of utilizing and in troducing to public use the juniper water of the Albemarle region of North Carolina. The editor of the Elisabeth City Economist is gratified at this. The proposition is to filter the water, have it charged with carbonic acid gas, and handsomely bottled. J uni per water is a gentle tonic, composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The tanic acid, which constitutes one of its most valuable elements, is derived from the marsh fog, a small water growth tnat is always round in juniper swamps Its health-giving qualities are vouched for by those who have habitually used it. The Economist asserts that the healthiest and oldest people in the Al bemarle section are found living near the juniper swamps, and that those who regularly use the water are free from malarial diseases. Naval officers speak highly of its virtues, and when preparing at this port for long voyages are supplied with the juniper water, which, it is asserted, always remains fresh and puie. BrigUtfc' Dineaie, Diabetes. Beware of the .'tuff that pretends to cure these diseases or other serious Kidney. Urinary or Liver Diseases, as they only relieve for a time and makes you ten times woise afterwards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters, tbe only remedy that will surely and permanently cuie you It destroys and removes the ctuse ot disease so effectually thkt It never returns. NORTH CAROLINA. HOW TO TELL mcNiTiNt? MiviraoNs liver recjd- I.I IIMI, OK MEDICINE. Look for clean neat WHITE WRAPPER with tbe red srmt-ollc letter stamped upon It in the .form of a ribbon gracefully curved Into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our ttade, Spatula Monarand Hradua.e wt b the words A. Q. SIM MONS LIVER Rf UULATOR or MEDICIN K there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., :n :ed ink on the bide, TARE NO OTHER. Beare of those who know nothing of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being analt zed proe vorthlefS and only made to fleece tbe public, and to pirate on tbe well earn ed reputation of Zellln A Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a few penneys every way they can. See U bo Endorse tbe Gennlae, Hon. Alex H Stephens, RL Rev. Jnu. W. Beckwlth. Bishop of Ga., Gen. J no B. Gordon, U. S. benator I Rt Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno Gill Sho.ter, J. ifdgar Thompson, Hon. B. H. Hill. Hon. J. O Breckinridge, Prof. David Wil is. D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Pbila., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. It Is eminently a Family Medecine; and by be ing kept ready for Immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, MANUFACTURED ON1.X BY J. II. ZEII.IN Sc CO.y PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Respectable Druggists. feb24 TOTT A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the present generation. It la for the Cure of this disease and tta attendants, BTCK-HEADACiLg, BlllOTJSirESS, DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATIOir, PILES, etc., that TUTT'S pTT.T.a have gained a world-wide reputation, go Bemedy hag ever been discovered that sets so gently on the digestive organs, giving them rigor to aa Bimllate food. --A a . natural resnlt, the Kervona System is Braced, the Muscles are Developed, and the Body Bobnst. 8. RIVAL, Planter at BayovSan, X4t,ssys : My plantation Is In ft malarial distatot. For several years I could not make half a crop an account of bilious diseases and o bills. I was nearly olscouraffed when I beg-an the use of TUII'S PILLS.. The resnlt was marvelous: my laborers soon became hearty and roboat, and I bare bad no further troubla. , 1m Rlnod fm BAlHMHIU In eanse the fcawel t svet rAaAa rally. wlUa MtWUMIMOMMS IIUWUI. Try Uiis remeny rairiy, aoo jmwuinin healtby Digestion, RIamI Umii Wcnca anal m I loajmlLlYer. rleB7S Cents. Ofaasa5UBnmyau,M. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DVE Gray Hair or Wxnsnsa changed to a Gloss Black oy a single application of this Dyb. It Impart a natural color, and acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of One Dollar. Offioe, 8B Murray Street, New York Information inS Vmvful Jseepfs 1 vHUuaUma REB on aplcatitt. METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! AG-EWTa TVAJfTEJPt ' ItortlxolthjBocilssufiiL 60Cpaset' 1B0 tUnrtrrtlemil Revaallns miaariesof hlafh and lrnIffnln AmoHm.'. great cities : fashion's follies nnd frivolities r behind tba oenea ; tricks of pretty deceivers, city's rich and-poor ' . laselvisnieorraptiDast Washington rolaf innocent Birls told hoary-headed sinners byiraa-Ushtibewitebina Birens A victim ; Voudoa and Mormon horrors ; Start. ling-Bevelationsl Price $2.50. Jllust'd clrenlars free. , Outfite 16c Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. BT.IjOTJXS.So. .CHICAGO, UL, ATUUTTA,6a. 'RELIABLE SELF-CURE, 1 'A. favorite DrescrlatioBt nr nnfi oT tbe " moat notaa and aoccesgfur specialists in t thetj. a,. inow retired ) ror toe cure of Jrroii neMHty t 1 Mjt atanHmna, WmttnmwuLj9mamtH Btni i '4a plain sealed eavslopeVaa. Craggistscsaiai U. Jtired ) for the cure of IVerrotf r D , v:,vFLORIDA- i 1, .4 :pAcni4 AN6E3'and. LmoKS.at,:. - - NEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Remedy for Epileptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Eolleotlc Fits. Spasms. Convulsions. St Vitus Dance, Vertigo, Hlsterlcs, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This lntallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys tne cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness. General Debility, Leu- eorrhoea or Whites. Painful Menstruation. Ulcera tion of tbe Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder. Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at nlgbt, there is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be without It It quiets the Nervous system and elves rest, comiort, and nature's sweet sieep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Alcoholism. Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever berauen sunenng humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes It, but for tbe pleasure of drink ing and treating his friends, little thinking that be 1 on his mad to mln. Like the ODlum Eater, he first uaes t he drufir in small Quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence ol tbe drug takes strong bold upon Its victim, leading blm on to bis own destruction. The habits ot opium Eating and Liquor Drinking ate precisely what eating is to alimentlveness, as over eating first In flames the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings unUl it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. 80 every drink of liquor or dose of opium, Instead of satisfying, only adds to Its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then luelf. Like the glu tonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, give!" but never enough until Its own rapacity devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets tbe nerves, builds up the nervous s)stem. and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrorula, Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by tbe use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covering your suflVr 1 gs as with a mantle by silence, look up. you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of your Maker, if you wtU. Do not keep this a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. It you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves. Arrest premature dely and impart tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVING Cured mv little eirl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Petkb Boss, Sprlngwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been tbe means of curing my wife of rheuma tlsm. J. B. Flbtchkb, Fort Collins, CoL SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. & B. Ralls, Hattsvllle, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. mbs. wk, ukhson, Aurora, ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rxv. J. A. Edix, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over 83,000 with other doctors. o. u. hobson. New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. J Miss Jxmnx Wabbxh, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our famllv nhTkirian. tt having over 100 In 24 hours Hxmbt Knxk. Vervllla. Warren county, Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2.500 In Mbs. E. fobks. West Portsdam, N. Y, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Oblxna Marshall, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob suTKB, at. jueepn, mo, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me ot bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliver MTKHS ironton, unio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits, years. Have been well for over four CHAHLKS E. CUBTIS, Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. M AJT1AR IT AN NERVINE Cored me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albxrt Sixfsoh, Peoria, IlL 8AJT1AKITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobhton Clalborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic Ills of a stub born character. Biv. Wjl Maktin, Mechanicstown, Md SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michabl O'Coitnib, Bidgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. - David Tiochbly, Des Moines, Iowa, SAMARITAN NEHVIME Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 yekn i- standing, Hxkbt CLAM, airfleldj Mich. SAMARITAN EBVIM -- ' Cured my wifeof a $$&L? , enrmv Soffits. He has notsTtt-for about four yearswoodbuin; jfpm comty. Dl SAMARITA" H ERyifl E-'v - v; "It. -yerywDsreV M may he had Is iot file .arogg beebtafi lurtass vldenoe of the rstlvSPg eent postage stamp NervtoewllIpleB1n2pJaisi Ileal ta. rorao giving sons uv tivw - -f rt nifliiiras Dhotosrsphed atw perfect health. Adaref . . - i.t).it dot IK i ,rnnl pi cure irvui iwp apridAwif . Tlte following Schedule n.m reeled by tbe Railroad Official, and may be Helled on an Correct : North Carolina foifimd. OOKDEKSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING BAST. Date, April 33th, 1882. No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte 400am 4 40pm SJ" 5.58 am 6.24 pm J! High Point, 7.20 am 7.85 pm Arrive Greensboro, 8.00 am 8.05 pm Leave ureensboro 9.30am.... Arrive Hlllsboro 1 1 .47 a m Arrive Durham, I22rtam Arrive Raleigh 1 .40 p m Leave Raleigh, 4 05 p m Arrive Goldsboro' K30pm .... No. 17-Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. .5 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. . ..1.51 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,. .7.20 a m No. SI Connects at Groenshom' with w n R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R, R. for Wil mington. no. 3 connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western North CaroiinA: iii at Greensboro with R. fc D. R tt. for ail nointa North, East and West TRAINS GOING WKST. Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro i o.oO am Arrive Raleigh 12.20 pm Leave Raleigh. 3 55 p m Arrive Durham 5 Otf p m Arrive Hlilsooro 5 46 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.05 pm Leave Greensboro w. 1 5 p m 9 40 a m a rrive High Point, 9.50 p m 10. 10 a m Arrive Salisbury 11.12pm M 2iam Arrive Charlotte 1.10am 1.00pm No. 18 Dally except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro, . .2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh 6. 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlottn with a r. Air. Line for all points In the South and fcouthwest, and with C, C. ft A. B. R. for all Dointa t-outh and Southeast No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with JL4C Alr- Llne for all DOil.tS South and Southwest- at r.hnr. lotte with C 0. ft A. R. R. for all noints south And Southeast. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. feOlKg WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro. 9.25 pm Arrive Kernersvllle. 10.41 pm Arrive Salem 11.25 pm NO. 52 -Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersvllle 11.01am Arrive saiem. 11.85 am OOIMg KAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Balem 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvllle 6.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersvllle rl.40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY R11.RO AD. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill I 10.40 a m Arrive University, 11.40 a m No. 2. Dai y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Arrive Lfniversity Arrive Chapel Hill,. . . 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars Wittonl CHange On Train No. 50. New York and A'lanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and vunxicswu. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and wasnington ana unariotte via Danvuie. W Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points soutb, soutnwest. west, Nona and East, f t Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. JMFE, i General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after April 30th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air- Line cms'.on oi mis road win ne as lollows: Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No 52. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Ga&tonla, L Arrive Spartanburg, K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,, Arrive Lula, E... Arrive Gainesville. Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 am 2.02 a m 431 am 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10.00 a m 10.37 a m 11.06 am 1.30 pm 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 pjm 5.29 pm 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 pm 9.46 p m 10.15pm 12.40 a m Mall aud Express. No. 51. EASTWARD. MalL No. 53. Leave Atlanta, Arrive Gatnesvtl;e Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, Arrive Seneca, 6 Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg. K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M . 2.15 p m 4 51 p m 6 22 p m 5.59 p m 6.40 p m 8.06 pm 4.00 am 19am 6.50 a m 7.41 a m 8.17 am 9 26am 11.08 pm 12.24 pm 2 50 pm 4.00 pm 10.06 pm 11.40 pm 2.06 am 3 15am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. R with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. ft W. P. and W.4A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Uberton, Georgia ; G with Columbia and. Greenville to and from Colombia and Charleston, S. C H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and ColusriWa. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. 1 M wlthC.Q & A.,a.a,H-D.and A,T.40. for ail points West, North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. A. PuPK, G neral Passenger and Ticket AgesL T. M. R. Talcott. I Qtne al Manager. ' J I. Y. SAGE. 8uperfnlfcndent. Os, C. & A. B. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Suadqy, jane 4th, 1882. Train Train No. 62. No. 4S. Passenger. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte, l.Sfi p m .. Arrive Bock Hill, 2.88 p m Arrive Chester 8.80 p m Arrive W inns bora, 4.35 p n Arrive Columbia 6.00 p m Leave Columbia 07 p m 6.1 5 a m Arrive Lexington 6 50pm 7.15 am Arrive Htdge Spring, 8 02pm 8.80 a m Arrive Granite vUle,... 9.12 pm 9 40 am Arrive Augusta, 10.15 p m 10.22 a m Train No. 20, ' ?8ht. Leave Charlotte, 5.80 p m Arrive Bock Hill 7.53 p m Arrive Chester.. 10 00 pm Arrive Wlnnsboro, 1.18 am Arrive Columbia, 4 50 a m Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington.. Arrive Bldge Spring Arrive Granltevllle, Anlve Augusta Train No. 52, Dally Connects at Columbia with the s. C. R. B, for Char eston, and with the C. A Q. B. B. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, Ac. At Augusta with Central Georgia B. B for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48. Dally- Connects at Augusta with the Georgia H. B. and Central Georg B. B. for Mi con. Atlanta, Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20. local, trt-weekly, Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, daily, at fv8S p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 45 p. m. ATLANTIC TENNESSEE & OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 58, Dally, Leave Charlotte. 8 00 p m Arrive at StatesvlUe, . .A. 1005 pm TralnNo. 62. DaOy, . Leave tKatesvuie 6.O0 a m Arrive at cnarlotte. 8.05 a m j. Tickets sold te ail points South, Southeast and f outhwest. and baggage checked thTtMigh. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. - A. POPE, M. a Taloott Gen'l Passenger Agent .6en'I Manager t-'ii; j v Columbia, a C June 4UI.1882. , Jons - i i. . T9S 9WtJJt ? jl nore eountv a 7-" vrriTTi "C4 Vl TUlaKOSMiVSSfW. 5o" W Bennetts. semDly,iiwihr Of UsnenU isi applioaUoa. Bd, ilsekas fimiishad oa 'im fir 5aas!V'i as hni i... i" r" vw im 10 nostra Tftiscellntxco us. Seasonable Goods In great variety. Just received at the CHINA STORE OF J. Brookfield k Co. Lot of elegant BABY C&RRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TRPS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, best made. air-tiuut rui I T J.,R, WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding Cages Baby Swings, etc., etc. A full line of China. OwkAn - ' - 7 ..... j , umaonnro. Lamps, Fancy Goods and Silver platea Ware al ways on hand, wholesale and reiall at reasonable prices. Please give us a call. Respectfully, J. BROOKFIELD A CO. may9 -boston-METALLURGICAL WORKS, 83 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemlits iOl'D and SILVER REFINERS. Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY ORES TREATED. 8urveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketcbe and Maps made. Constructions ot works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES ON RElirKNM or PIJHCII AMU) AND BASE BULLION i nrvnnrn . iTTr LUrf tn MA t Treated on Reasonable Teims. T OMAS BLNNS Metallurgist. A.H. KIDNEY, ..Miking Enoinkkb. JOHN BOLLIDAY Prof. Chkmist mar8 tf Have Just received a large supply of In all size packages. CORN, FLOUR, HAY, RRAN, MEAL, STOCK Fit ED, And In fact everything kept in a First-Class Grocery Store. A.J. Bcall &('o. may80 H I0KHL Cures nem? 2 SYPHILIS 9 a attige. rrv -:P3, CATABBH, f J o W " : ICZEMA, OLD imZwJ. 3 Cj BOB13.P1M- J&ijjjte J PLES, BOILS K. Hj-j "any 4J h P H r- ' DISEASE. - , CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL! 11 If you doubt, come to see us. and we will CUBE TOO. i , . or charge nothing!!! j Writs for parOculars, and a copy ot the little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Binding. EaT-tlOOd BIWA8S will be paid te any chemist who will find en analysis of loo bottles of a. t, a. one particle of Mercury, leekle ef fetaielejai irr any Mineral substance. '- - i'X1 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Atlanta, Qa. Price of Small Size. Large Size, A.i.l..l. AAi 1.75 SOLD BT ALL DBUGCISTS. decSI ft r-tft i ui sai i .i ii7- . JLWK.pi naraa 1un4 , CharlotTOo,