1- if -,. 'v; . mm i- aj&a& Vatltr bn t,rfi VOL. XXVII. TTlN. 0 .?5TOA JUNE 16, 1882. , iagggBt tasiH'i. .t'Tgt: v ,i 'i-iH. it su with'' w . pegrani & Co.,' -DKAtEHS IN ST. -Y.y. s, Hals, ariiop, TRAVELING B&GS, UMBRELLAS, &c. ' ".. t i f l PEGRAM & CO., HAVE a pretty link of GENTS' and IAME8QMJEEKBS. FEGRAM & CO.i Have tfi$ Best Stock? of n r f. Gents' Ilaqd-Sewed Shoes IN THE STOATS. PEGRA HVK ALL KINDS oC! , iliililreiis' Shoes apd Slippers. KMP A WELL ' 8ILKCTED STOCK OF OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. ' . - .-"". . ft E JUST RKCEIVED A FINK STOCK OI ill, Felt and trartiats Of the Latent Styles. Of ttte Latest Styles; PEGRAM CO CAN SUIT THliB i " : P Farmer Friends With any Minds BOOTS and SPOISTHIJ WISH. P E jB'M5l?OS . 'IIIP 4W KINDS J J PUG,11AM,,& CO., Can supply you with the BEST B BAUDS and LATEST STYLES . OF Ladies' Missel jud Chiljrens Shoes. 55 3 ' H CP "c3 5- R)aj.o0.)8.l I J i-r -ali i2 2.' - Boob Shoe TroDKS ani Vali 171 UHMIIK, aW I ATM Mil. - 7 t-i r . 1 a J mm M ra f r i I a!fSA H3H JU I?, O T r" - - r rt is 'Mwt 1 ' 1 J-l- -. a-- I - 3 Jlflr, 0 S3 0 .mm. -'- - i j i h, .-i a . ... -.--rr.i .ri ri-"-' -I- li f rliw ' )'-". . ..... knriii, r?snafidDff hnt ana T.laar,. WlrlnA Tfrtnarv 1 .t ...w.. , XUaTUII .I I' I IIIV Xt t I I I 7 H W W " : "TT 5ts KStfadB, GPlotlxtttQ, Set. JUST IN -A LOT OF NEW- ' INCLUDING es, iAlouier 101 01 iioop Mohair and Linen Ulsters 1 In all s'yles, from $1.25 toS7. Larg stock of LaoeCJurUHW .aoflCretoM very cheap. Our remnant tock of Men's and s Straw Elats will be closed oat rery low. . :; ir- the atUntlon offaoSsekeeDere called to a good assortment of Cans Mattlnathat wlare mllllft at Mdiiovt nrlnM tn rilnan mil 1 - i juni -S n I 5. ' . i 1 dints Ajthls; season, various diseases ef tkf bowels are prevalent, and manv lives art triost UiiMugk lack of knowledge of a safe - - .1. -" 1 T L v. I TD k .r "KriXEB is' a ur ciire for Diarrhoea, Pjs sentery, Chplera,C3iolera Morbus, Summer. -f3onniLainJyea . Bead the foilowine: : 1 . f X- PHST DAYIS' PaUT MHT aiiil t c?brt - MoiarV'wcriuppn4bHcmick. - -. . - - . - I nn. An ii. allium ;r- rhrte OBefl your Path Kit.ua in aevere obcb of t enotara morouaina n gve auaoss rt I II A. DO lOOl - v.? For twenty jier I ha-ra naed your Pain KiiXe . i, - ftmny ritmUy. Have used It many times for tx)w9l ' "tompIaiaU, and it at temut cum. Would not feel aaf J W without botUe in thehonaa 1 J- lypi HsW wsed PbHt DatW Paiif Kuxbb for twefvft "Tears, tit ka o4 riaM. 2iO mothi Bhoul9.ailqw o m otttttittfaniltt. - i OimsA.ir.TFeti. 19, ISsL m tCRrwtart oiw tliirty years agxx and abrara pvea immadiate relief would bardly dara ' - to go to bad without aioUteWA.Uie house. W. O. SpkbHT. . . COHWATBOBO, a C, Feh.22. 1SL parly erery family ii this eeotlon ltSrlJA botUo r llflmlll wj. .. . CsmiD, Baxirm PiroaA,iyirr 1S8L KTTiT.nraimow after years of otwervaaon ancrxme' l repirra lig household as an inditpenmbti ntc mam in mi , I S. P0TTIB.-tt 8. C BukTOK-ONTKEHT, ESO. jr-; I had been senratdaya iufTerinf severely rom . nuirnfflL mocramrnniea na xnseuae tttuii. wneu a .when 1 tried your Path K t vt.t.b, and found atiaowt laatant Dwing aretfdenoeof twenty-three years in India, -. B. C'LAHiOOt. No family can safely be withoutj this For sale by all druggists at 25ci 50c L .and $1.00 per bottle. j f PEKRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, i'rovidence, iZ. L. )fsei'dwlBol4ocl J I - A. mmf'" a a Native Slineral Water!! - I &.gS.!!iiAai. -: - CUBKS III 11 DA MOO . - A r ft ' . ' S, . - ; mm ) r -'; CT p ! nrnm ',;;f Wigestfen, Torpid Vf WMKfTT dla.TBnk Pneumonia, etc! ryr a DbwrrurATterauve Tome ana i inn uit.ivr at. in it vffMa. KAad cerancaies rrom .irvart nnwlrfana In onr namph ets. j :j ,. H BoUled-ftKltft'Tiaturar, pnnwwBHiuivyy- -rr- r- .-r.-7i. if Intra.-! whit ber lsw oach LrS!4 !ADEN and Dr. fT. p.MlTii. lotte, n. u.vixa t-rr ttt; . ruiinTTiP.iu" rin Tinv nirn1 irr1 nlmzRctitzfs & i6c. HOSH6BY FROM 5e Op, -&C., AC, &C. mffl'. - ' I n -1 i i mmmwmw .fwwa o vwvvT rfnivt NEW NO. 8. hm hlnn nwT m.' v-' r s .' ; w M W - A. . .w j. ri aaoofl .1 393 .. - . M4cfilne?l4 tiie f I tiTrAJITEO f n.T.TTB5ITTnfy A-YrTH jupejTO MatieSts tO rOctO au. nla anrt-T v. J j-t A AT THE VARusTY ffiHSWS Irti-iM J Mi ffpUM is I iv tVA toxc . ixviari larro" ijftvervx sincet BOtl ' - a i -. - r , ! -c- j -mmi . .. . TIT" ( T 1 1I I III D1U10 UH.. ' W W M... S . -te. . . , f . 'II .. .ii H . ' " ' ) . T F UF" . . 1 m n . wr Tra" nun rmw & uf., i . , j. n. r . .' . . . 7 1 .1 . . .. . ...... 11 nr.. m mi,.,, kui . rm .ueh, , . . . STATE NEWS. Statesville -American: The many friends of .Capt. .Thomas A, Price wilt be pleased to learn that he has leen pro moted from - f rei ght to passenger conductor of the Western N. C Rail road. : used, that shot and killed Pallace as rerxsrted in these c61uina last sve was captured in Newton, and is now. i jail at tttat place, .All Davie us that nificent. WJta&ftaCar.r tt about ready to har vest, fine in quality an? large n quantuy, Kftxie coru tc .bacdana ill other. Iops; 4terpai ing remaikabiy firrer,va4id "wefi in'0aan: . Winston fientinei? CharlesBethi t ;tmB'Berowrio. sliced ud J esse iiessen P-a thff derjotiiTCcenU.y.,,iwas, bxokghjt u I M mi mi. rr j 'Ik (instable Ixf tin, and lCKltred in jaij He iaiittedlthe cutting! and saWhie . TbeBowiCS.afe tBQfa(?rlecl of wbich oae President--.! Firist Vice President Watiins. Second fifie residerit J.H! t)tfrtian. o i. nr- TT TTse nu...i..tu.. occi Biai v v . xi. rLuiiuiitu. ivuanui Wiiminetou Star: ;WerlearnlitAat,a. colore igroman.;by the name of Hajiy iivlnir cji) Yent.'Vt)etweeh 'Ann- arid; Ljmi streets, died a few days ago to ill r were nkiiig !tbeeceslry'Tange "etffe.for her buriaL wtorxheuddep- lf 'showeia) fQfyiatioafflrrof a retutn to lieMdatjast-acent$ shaastill ilaieagh KwiiiMs'Ob8ei,vtl Tis- dTerdayrfJe cafleoftherTJoitftd States y& J '.. i. VAMMWWU ..vav caarffechitr . a. 1 ffln rifatheirssifewe-lh to 'wnetner; a fer-'coiiuvand with 1 eont;haaasi)ld rody at the rcentre of jBion couiiteXi passing thtfaamewas. tried in the utti td-istate4iiatrjCS courj pjw aerena fth.ts wre, Jtottnd : gniity niitblesB ihkn Ihi'cxiOTtsioftbfl iyad&UiqJFmY passed Ihejcdins-ott naerchante and oib ejaatApexiftd yiclnitjrLprincipallyl ''The'WiitQn' CUt&niele Say$ rtEebfe look for the futac&of 'jMUUtan ii ncoiir- agmg. r.4 1 rean. Mr. MclJiitrtH retires Mr. MclJiimH retires and Mi'. J, WhoTfceiAre ;Balejgl Kamtr and Mechanic 4 The iiomftiees 6f thPAntiProiibition convention wpre as we intimated last week, O H'Dockery.'ftsq., for Congress-mau-at-Large, and (Jok()eu:2f Folk for is map, or leas ( ux try t fc&J4Wainv Col Dockery is "my son unver, (as ioia Gen Alfred)ockery used to call him,) of Richmond county, andhiafatnily'has long' beeu among the.-, most prominent of th uP(e$ Defe country." He has serv ed iii, several "Reconstruction' offlces, without becoming personally smirched, vybiqh is saying a good deal. He is said to b yery wily and; pgilItMJ,iuihiii can vas.1 es r and' was opposed by a faction of his puny on the plea that he lacked the requisite "backbone"' and "aggressive iieus'' ior such a campaign. Col. George Nathaniel Tolk is a na tive of ifcle of Wight county, Virginia; but has resided in North Carolina since 8G8 He . served in the , Legislature several times prior to tue war;: and raised the drst company for the famous First N. C. Cavalry," in which regiment he served two vara. when he was made irfpwnei or, Uie otn jcn V-. yavairy. ne -o 1 1 0 A 1 niL ".T n SI . 1 ' IT m viwa8:wemiaeaat,vDicainugas na rea Vine church. Aner the war he resum ed the legal profession at Lenoir, Cald well county, and represented that dis trict in the Senate in 870. 1 He wasgiy.. ea the chairmanship'of" the judiciary committee in a body embracing numer ous prominent lawyers, such as Major; John Graham, Col Junius Scales, Isaac . F . Dortch- .Col H B Short. Octavlui jCbke, W rCfthpiiRofcinsi'CbliThos ox tlOll, VA1 JUUU TV (juuuiuguaiu, auu others. , . . . , r 1 Col Folk is an handsome, black bread ed, man, of 52 ; and" has great yim pajtlarYTjLnlopklneout for number, one. He la rk cousin f Gov. Vanqe, and a Drowier.oiJttrs of? wait, ui tu kajuu waiurfau - nln aw AnnAiialhlailfail fKa f A1 1 r'XX3 ? n TT . . a brotberrof Mrs iS i) Wait, of the, Coflf 11-. -"Hirst DwctvAidlJChA waa nominated, by the Radieal;disiriet con- V SeSoS iMoM iMoore. Weldofr, abrotherrfjof Radical exiJudged rW: A.obrer who feU apwn'j at Q Troer,m5mjQuajiwt5eif ngnc, ac--codingrto Josiah 'si chronicles. Moore is also, the Jular'Radicar araminee, .with John &iJ0ttfls;,60fore,as solici: tor: the two being nominated at the convention, on lJDa!rbofJ w umiBtrion, xocmeriy jiuuhk msu9u.-vih backers He has denned to -aecept, the i .t-iu ira i a vounc lawver of i rood charactersftna c)rxrmQiuy caiiea ari.Haiie?dk'lterjwbucaar'i'w Tarporo -ttepttolican Th?rl?Dlstifcf Ftani Jefiiisiy.aneAwwille. He Is a TbunglaWlBfil xi - icS ajiom 'i--ry "vy. -L-r.ir 1 .tonHtnff. an1 ! VteAn R'YVi UJ1 1a1 1, j, among tne mosb active ieuiwwww ttJiWeirBir,,'H was ond ovthfr- defend " the -wraiBTr-pd-!aren of SeJfiSSfsoli Ihh'ffeffS Kerr, Dr. Boan, 'Squire Scow, andother promihent citizens of Alamance nd Caswell. Since tbe above wa? in type hTKirf a feMhslhglo serve, ..'., Siithistrik'-KewiPV. Churchill, of Rutherford. He was-AQt a inember i.ana thoel been withr &V&hmi$:t afeliaiitttt the lEavi 5If.rA.n, nrk1hvfKAi of nn- RhrbfeftViTd's a -school teacher,11 Borne; Aft vwflTVifedrHetas a fair knowledite' AdiiauriMlaBraildfmakfi aaffoodaitidge wvirftj' fihairaodeaecker-board. ias anDnxvedi the sentence of j dis- I ioaai tn f ha naa ; nf ilbwnnd Lieu ten- ant xieury v. luiijiwjjVjjifs airy. i i when youoJidur dfblst'to boy fa' Simmons Liver Regulator, and he offers ion aofr J counterlciv wan a simax aouuuuiai taum-nav .... '-A. th aama thins or iut as eOOd. &SX - . !. , d,.'M.Wlrin. i wn Jia-Iioiivior jwv K t uik "M, inA..mr bv Jf T 9M11M A OoTto tonlyuObteea such a deafer can have is the fact that hfrwaiteyt l n Mtra. yi, Cftnta-Der joouie pront py -wenwx v. 3 sffrtiW ooiJ lo aatiaiiimiijj'l art" 1 i irhmhiBrstaasMidaiwftDieo. general oeoi a ' 1 " X t a i ni'i aWd imirnv antowMKMsessM wrooownced li rttrt oOaBCuradny ttwnirjMBiUteri iMa.w& Mm.m a ih FHrnw TMalmtaa and f yon are being 80-Trtsntened about, JHop! otters. la; oares nlxi oa maajfjinjei r-wona.' nArarili -UVl t t'a , A-d fitire: All other ret LS 2 "S M Mrlevela:,atim,wenl ' . T .. ' I . iM i s ait aai T i I ri . twv IiiKewj Yorlt yesterday Charles Kern, a dxssolQte printer; threw himself out of aiJthir4 Istory window sustaining The story about the mother .of the boyimiirdera'jjTbbet o,;Periiato, Minn., turns out to have been a hoax. -T tue-i "womai "wa 4Tda4nsane six , . The fund for tertaLainjr the Grand wife to ijtenced.yes to life im- iiiljlDBgtrjurdeir fvrm.A.lv 'litjrfic iiai theJllAtober of depii- tieisteraaDy avote crf" to 143. j ttiefciar i)lr Russia Slrjroved ia reoltit3(je Of fthe'impriaiteDuncil in favwatetabljjsliingabankito tails' the?ft3Qisition of toad to peasants. -3 Ghartes Dilke said ratbe -British aTqUw.c, Cptfi8jysWay that the present anarchy in EgypJjrVpuid Hof be allowed to continue. Gen. George A. Forsyth, command ing iFSdut8erH- Arixoaa, sayaSecretary Teller'aipoKey af disanninftthe Jjidians meets with the approval of all officers in that section-. f -1 ! atu.es McHahn, a "halfwitted sac- n-haad..neaj Las Vegas, JNew Mexi coibeiBg mercilesslv t tantalized by hii , companions, shot': and killed; John uroves, tne principal oi ms tormentors The other section men then hung ijo Hahn, and "the coroner's juiy exonera ted all parties.'' : fvil The comet. announced several weep Lago by lfroL , wells was observed care ; Sully Monday , rrom Uudiey r vnserva tory, N. -Y. The observations, made from that point show that this -oomet has "a real nucleus; and if astronomers eise where confirm this discovervi it will HS maSSi' io lttr nfv" ; :' ; i ' Jeprts ai'to the growing crops have been received frortviover country CftWmiirt'theseetionsof Pennsylvania, Ohio arid West Virginia tributary to Pittsburg. The tenor5 of the reports is J n taewbol very -encouraging The wIOro&Mitrat lection waspBrhaps ' Perry Veaay, the old colored servant and protege f Senator. .David .Davis, and to.vhorrf jtrie Senator paid his last1 ybitnnNth0diiistantrdied at WUming toni Del Monday tiight. Veasy was bdrn in-'. Cecii county. Md.. aud' lived with Senator Davis tHf the death of tbe ;.wj j,uuv;twiit,u uc wns'.Bct lire Senator Davis always manifested great interest in hirri, and two weeksago visi ted him at Wilmington. Georgia had in her treasury Wednes ftayVlast $883,853, and is already pre pared to pay the doming July arjidlOcto ber interest on the dsbt of the State. Georgia is in easy circumstances, one of the rpasons being that its government is wisely and economically adminis tered. DathDiiancid. Alexandria, Va., August 4. 1881. H. H. Warner 4 Co. ? Sirs I have used yi-ur ?afe Kidney and Uver Care in my practice as a physician, a' d l.-t ever case I find H works like a charm Kev. B. . Porter. The term hydra may be used to. represent any miinlfold evil. If 'jou would battle successfully with thU many-headed monster of disease you will find It ex;dlent to keep Mrs. PtakbamW Vegeta ble Compouud always at hand. Dr Banning ,k BxuroHV Aum ajtd I bos arBiaes watkb ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative- ton tains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, store alum tnum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just tbe thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one halt may 11 tf Overworked men and women, persona of seden tary fa tbits, and othen whose system needs re cuperation, nerves toned, and muscles strengthen drkhooldiueBiown'AlronBittera .... While other Baking Powder art largely edvtierated with Alum and other hurtful drugs, jjurttr aiu&trihgtt. I helefifeyieeo(: ".jSW'-L"Jllt S!l'JJI.lt tmll-'i J tUsaMf aitd effectMness 'Mjthe met of j$iihaii&feceied,;$h Wyif'MitetAenleie, In the MamirodkciioaUoit present time. No other powderi Aewjiio'gf0, resffls by the y Chioatso, ULif and Louisa Mo, AaBfiirai Win aHi Tltairiai Hi PHMri I M ..... jkn impbijtaolt dis ' cbverjrby whicl ypvty- uhily maj give their liheff . , . , .... , iinaf ,Dauiiiui nn- Iit peculiar to fine fy work. . 0i J.s ! : Aak wiiirCiAroi J. Bi ZQBBl33.Phaadelphia, Pa. IDR 8ALB J. K, SPEMCESt & CO ia4lMaiaVi or r1lOF4tASat8'lA8TLU REMEDK anvrayneMWuti aarttoa. ant vlMaSv coanaathoe. Hilly II pt IB bum. , Jkk. io raawauy ra. t a amiinj, aa. aonuuj.k own ay au tm paua -vrappaia. tUtMrtfeiniwItnMi on appUdaflah III! .Ill 7. Mill III Tl .1 inn iililiaaiiaam t Ua 4 IW f wiita fMi List af QaaW v Q a-iUanl fcy tHan c tatmeBt ay swu. I 'inihai mini II Iti'rTi -ei Maaatatra. VTlTr,,TKy?,rir-Tt'ii l AVai I AI 1 f1SliJ OI ..tl l . f. T-- a.a WW lW ' l BJBJU IHK -fINl ThWeea Months-Old . DURHAM BULL Capvf I I MU ' --'-' iOlBISSMCll WW HBD",i. 17T.... ' a m Mp3n tavi t thtI-lkMj w tiwaa ai Kb A... AuMfUoanr f iMlnaai Bfcla aa l aa4 McreariaA r t- . . "" I a WTWW TMHaam- MftMBatJia ti I .WOiTIAN. . Haw Sbavll Site- PnMm Iter Ileal Ui and Beauty. One who has long Investigated this subject glres the result, and la happy to say that It Is found in Woman's "Beat Friend." It la adapted especially to that great central, all-controhlng organ, the Beeulatot wnues, ana m socaen or graanat cneanryt, or m l ei COl tbe natural discharge la every instance. In chronic cases, so oneo reamang in mcerauon, iBumgoi the womb, Its action is prompt and decisive, sav ing the ooatttuUon from numberless evils and pnmatdn decay, i Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga. tfA; trial .slxe. 76c ; large size, $150- , For sale ty att dWSists. gcxg 3jttrjettlsmgtttga rFronr XbA Toledo BladeTi t SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTBAOT . OF C KJUK U V, ANp CHinoniLE trpow the REBTpUS SYSTEM aMLDIdKSTlVJB -.ui-U. s : opoAWsf;.-. i . As InTarlably Prodaced ky Dr. C. XV. Beaons Celerr 1Chmm ' :mii jPUifc - ; I They have bees tested Mow and again, and al ways with satisfactory result a This preparation Joat meets the necessities, of th aser Let me state lost what mr Us are made to cura, .and whatthey have carea and wm curer Ketrralgla, jfervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache. uyspepaiBtf xaeae aiseases are arr MVOEOTCBa eaxerr Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, IrrltaUon, despondency, melancholy, and a-reet- less'ssatlsned,mlsenble tatenof mind and bodj'descTlbabiei'" vr,; i These Are some of the synrbtoms of nervotis-- ness; now, to be fully-restored to health and tiar- lot Can resented to be. and are euaranteed to eive aatia- jacuun li umxi hb uirocicu ana wm care any case. Bold by all drugtf&8 ;Prlea,.&i cents a box. Depot 108 North Xutaw atreet, Baltimore. Md. By mall, two boxaaJor-91. or six boxes for 82.60, S B B B B 1 i, ....... y .,,,." DO. C. vV. BEtlSOn'9 I ..ti SKIN a. I s s a a.' v. D , Is Varranted to Cure CH fl A, , ,TTTI RUMORS, INrXAMMATION, MlK .CROftTr ALL ROUGH SCALY sRUPTIONS, - : . DISBA9ES OF HAH A NO SC ALT, j SCROFULA VLCKRS; PIMPLks.and TENDER ITCHINQSanaU parted & body, tt makes the akin white, aoft aad smooth removes tan and freokxea, and ia tha BH9T tfiilet dnwatnit in Tjaj WOBIiD.i. gluaaaiHy pat up,, two bottle is one paokaga, eonaiseag- otboth intarnal and external treatment. I All flrat elaaadruKirUts hvelt. Prloetl.perpackaea. C N. rrtttenton. Bole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies 115 Fulton street. New York. . ' iunl LYDIA Ea PINKHAr.rO VEGETABLE OOMPOOTD. Is a PotitfTg Care Far aU thaaa Palafal CaatBlaUU aad Weakaeaaca aa eotaaaaa to mr beat feaaale aavalatlaa. A Msdleiae for Womsn. Iareated by a Woman. Prepared by a Weaua. Tk CnaUat XwUcal Sbamry glaw tha Dawa T matary. tyit revlrai tha drooping spirits, UTifforetas and hArmonise the organlo f unotians, ariTas alaatialtT and ' flrmnesa to taa step, n-trn' In- to tbe e7e,andpbationtliapalabekoiramaa tha freak rosea of llfe'i iprlng and early summer tima. EBT-Physrclana Use tt afia-Pmci. tt Freely." It ivmores faintfteas.ilataleney.destroTs all craving , for sMmnlsat, aad raUaTaa waaknsai of iba atomach. That feeling af bearing waasina; pain, weight ' and baekaohe, is ahrayt permnaafrWy enred by its' use. For taa ears arEUaer CatetaiaaraUbcr aex tlils Caaaaaadls iuutuaaaaed. I.TBIA E. VnTKUJLW PTJRTJrtER wlU aradieata etarr Tastige of E amors from the Blood, and giro tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist oa baring lb i Both the Compooad aad Blood IMriner arrprepared at tss and S3S Western Avenae, Xrna, Kaas. Price of either, tt. Hi bottles for A'Oent by rnafi in the form of pills, or ofloaenges, on receipt of prloe.tl per for either. Mrs, Fiakham freely attsweri allletters of Inquiry. Knoloee Sekaaamp. ' 8w4f or pamphlet. Ko f amilT should ba wtthont LTMA K. PIKEHA1FS . LTVEa Pllld. ' Theyt ear acmgtipatloti, bilioiuneas. and torpidity of tha Utbt.i Sk oenta r, boi .. 0) ,).-lVlTJNZLER A CENT TOR He Bergner & Enil-Brewery Company s Of PhUadelphtav Pa.. filrtttfeffagcr Beer, Bottled beer a apEciAtvrr. ! taBave Justreeelveda small lot of BOTTLXD 7 ALE and - PoBTEK; which I nffer t4 (he public at I reaaonaow prion. oirin i ' t; i i i i . FRED JQt MUNZLXB, . , ! Lock Boi aSolbharloite, N. C. , 'iitabt88 !',!) FOR JULY, A7 I T H PAT T. E R tt 8 ..H -...y ... .,- t I'..l 5 i- . i ' j 'O. - i Vioeas a a pnceieaa dooh, oa yet, Jor JaU oer row can sausr oursea mat were , is ,a core i you, ana ior at tpa very rarthesr mat cor o nun secured. . xaese ns are au thev ar CURE i .1. . . I TTT o n n T tt r A JOB LOT OF 6BV8BAL LINES OF FFF V rr F V A AA A A AAA A A OOXJ- T T O O TV O YY O O Y OOO T NN N N N N N NN N NN and are offering them very much beiew the real lvalue. ed per freight severs,! things that will H: V.- FASHION SilJiETS FftR JULY. SMITII ! BUILDIN(t. Juntl l-iCili.i'i u m m a, a w Thousands or Musical families trioagu6ut North wslliliiii, rUADI ATT 1 i-j-j.; III IStlyiiH'ili . " '11' Jl lT:i iS .!' EaaRmtrlxuaEl PIANOS and ORGANS itfthe Fall, wben cofon comes In. WHY WAIT? Bay agones, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and make the1 "HARVEST HOMB" still more Joyful. iiw$ Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer. to sell during tile months of JTjNK, JtJLt. iuG.U8lT And SEP TEMBER. 1882, PIANOS ard ORGANS, qf every make.'style ahd pMce, at out very l west essh rates dnPIANOiS On ORGANS without xsmm m ;J 5; AMcK p4NtKB. iftovr Longei1 liiiie wui w given, wttb h mi enable increane ot price' AU; Insbunwrrto of very grade and prlee lnclnded In-thts a;tle. Tell your muilcal.frlend ot It. Wri:e us fbrCat Aiogoest-Prlce4 LIsU and Circulars. This sale eloses October 1st 1 882 'Barry purehaehreMtt anees and f asy terms. blx (rt) years guarantee. atool and InstruttorItof yeqr Organ. relgWpald both ways ;f no sale, test WmMfl your-iBi ho .ies , lAddtessJ . ' ,T " - '-.jM:;1!!- ' lar'PROFi W,BlXtR,l3fcjf'anthirlzed TyaildRepah klVwotfiUreal. Send orders to thlahonsa ; .n-tj-unuy,? ni ixsma.-St o) t.q ,stSMITH. ;: Jul JEWEt.li'R i KEEP 4 COSSrAHTliV WAI.THAM AfvD I l-V I II I il In Gold and Silver Cases, all of which h fully 'Warrants' Re11al'TlmeKeeets.Buiaess man know TTT A TV rya-r'rVr-Fx And a good Investment Is to buy h Good ;i!j'.;j; watch., If "WV ;i 1 A few days and hava it reguuitea. He can :yan9tm' '''''si;' ':s no c-jaut jii tin r THE iOIILYiT.IEDIdmE ; : jTThat Actaa,fhe ajataaef an iirrftirFii sot us. ' ' saiLst aa wiiatiBuniamyMnt naiiA. rasHTiPATiuA. UKAjiAa.aa t jMpAaEarafAXKt wJeakpbjI rAOTTOvbC8lilWBJl:ff J Way smffer BUIaas faiuamd kchest il WytotHW.ati-Aip at tiiAHAl MJlaAes fKIdaaval Ba n(waKam(HiiyuxK?rr9J3- i Aa way emra exvwwa lrTTm?SU, - . . : .... I . . l.i.. .k... . B5iTiSBriIryeetaHa F eamonaBaaCaWtUch makes si ra'wltheeeafiejtf GKrrt ot GfawxwtxKt, t$ 7 . . ! 1 - rt i . m ;gHJHAKirS03tA c.TonV:a T T T? "V" "T T T7 O GOO o o G OOO . CO O O . o o O O- oo oo o o o o o o oo Dlb RSSR D D "sSo J D 2 DDD bssss St.iA :l Call and eet a bartraln. Have aisd lust receiv pay you to inspect Just received new - . .1 It SJ IVi MiAiii- -a najf.y,f.,u . -"Hi eiL fed' njc txt)i idJdv - -i a" ' IJ t wxu! and South Carolina are intending to purchase Special Offer : WaXiETIUjLiM i ' . js. . .ill' :li ..... . , Ul mJ 1:MsfflMU8ICHDUgj:iy T. ..,'353 ii ujjj i '.. nn-.Tiii i .) "tri l n . .'.'aiaaln , K ... -f Oai, Balance NoveeiWi8a2. $10 Cash, Balance November;.ljBt, 1882. mMJhmM;,m, v U t. i iTiuq yd ti:-tiJev;!- ltAlTD A WE SllPTpSTOCK OF r a ,i a - ai a ..' a t tja -.i , w .. m sa KTJGrN,AYAqpS, roar old watch does' not keep Hme, leave with V Hf T one huniredrere?enceS lrl the city. give over i" I? fit id tttoa vfc vw'fcsffcii v.lU ? wt 041 .i ) dw xitl 61 adc ladt a vj i io Tsi tx.wf,b tfsnriliaii i jntuft xi By; virtue oi atiecree , oi toe; superior court oi ifabaoiinti. made' Jo the case of P. C. Blndtdamtliersplainilfl M. Poweil and onaoenuas8jt Bpnpgierm, ia, or Catawba bounty Sapei rtmiV.me, 00(1 ersignea. as BfeeeiverjwiU' sail, public jale, at the lng lalxwd Ootton,M.nia.f i what, ma bua vax ax twt'i PfiQ&falllable Property, ,to5rlt;:!fino f. wlRrt W.R 'jtLii ' ..... : ' 'TnaoaCTaryeiwe ij wianavAKum bub, 10 geHier WUhldJve.Jaql,'JBClad ing the entire .waMtiOwerol seveu feet head,, factory building n(tt4iwDStartes.nign3rnouiing ana saw rmus. store and MUBAJsoasej. wactsmunsnop ana nve Mnementbaaesf iand the followhv machinery: 1lteket aisdouble lUet and-lapr, 6 1 88-iaeJi 14 teP'Oat aaida attway, teaA.2 drawing frameavedidlverieaeaeh rlngframes (Brtdes-MfryShurireK-AUtnvwd prder Danforth cap, rranesvllSipuMuea. otat aumoer. jpmaies h iu. t .Travlaaan mmdet. buriclL and baling press: aisww rnxge-k daa,lulJleB, shaitlng, For more accurate aid definite description t f tin aopsrli snrt tlm rnnfllflftni of said sale refer- , eH is ppreDy-maaa iQiBe pecreeApove reierrea. TEBllSs-TWentr peireetttMf purchase , moneyeanSDd the balance ' In ' equal - Iq Rtalments of ..three jnonths and six months. I lnd:.vrjtlppKed seeurttl required "of ra iiT iTv I il I li i llfcroJ till 1 1 V Mrl 1)1111' lisillilil 111 I V iMiiBlJp fhoilzedtoT"tertt3"'tdJia'nKhasei-vT -Receiverlstilscr anthorizadi byialdy Decree to sell , lard properly' at yiliate ssie, upon such terms as v' thz t MrteestrpoB rtweenr rum ana pmcnaser, j. ana aewui enteryun I pics uoui cay oi snie. - 1 PmiMtilni tA t. ' -a " nroriATT n. ill J 1. It ri t n A ft j . 1'; i " t -J; . S 1; I V. 1 i ft ml-: I" Pi lb f t ti i . t i 1 f i

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