1) A 1 1 Y, ,0 II A R li Of T E gQ-jff g R V E R tit) AYj J U NSE 10, 1 882; - ttr She tfhttriottt bfltmtt. OUR WASHINGTON SOLONS. markets by telqhaph CHAS. R. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. IKXTXBXD AT THB POBT-OTTIOT AT CBABLOfn, . CL. AS BMtKBDfiLU MATTKK.1 HIDA"X. JUNE 16, 1882. . A REPUBLICAN RUSE. One of the resolutions that figures conspicuously in those passed by the so-called -liberal-anti-prohibition" con vention, on the 7th inst,and by the Re publican convention on the 14th instn is that opposing the present system of county government, and demanding that all the officers be elected by the people. This is simply a piece of dema gogism on the part of the Republican managers and a ruse to divide the Democratic party in the coming contest. They don't care a snap of the finger whether the present county sys tem continues or not, and they would prefer that it did if they were certain of carrying the next Legislature and thus getting control of the appointing THE .SENATE TALKS ANTI-WAR CLAIMS, AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONES THE BONDED SPIRITS BILL. The River and Harbor Appropriation Bill Comes to the Front in the House, and Gentlemen Tell How They are Going to Make the Mississippi Behave Itself and Stay Within its Banks Henceforth and Forever. Washington, June 15. Senate. The bill authorizing the New Orleaus and North Eastern Railroad to con struct bridges over Pearl river and Lake Ponchartrain reported favorably. Jones, of Florida, introduced a bill appropriating $150,000 and $75,000 re spectively for the improvement of the harbors of Fernandina on the Atlantic and Fensacola and on the Gulf Coast of Florida. He explained at some length the ne cessity for this outlay, and his col league, Call, made a like explanation, i The Legislative aDDroDriation bill was received from the House and re ferred to the appropriations committee. adq oenawj joiut resutuuuu w Lo-ay- ors for service in the Southern btates, prior to these States going into rebel lion, again occupied the time reserved for the calendar, Maxey, who championed the measure, spoke at length. He denied that the resolution of 1877, which authorized the payment of contractors, was rushed, through Congress as asserted by Con ger, and referred to the official record to show that it underwent protracted discussions in both houses. Payment was not made because of the ruling of the then Postmaster-General that all claims of this class should be passed before any were paid. He argued that the strictures of Conger were unwar ranted, as the resolution prohibited the payment by us of any contractor who has been paid by a State or by the Con federate States, or his payment beyond the time when mail carriage ceased. In these and in other respects which he enumerated. He contended that the rights of the government were more closely guarded than they were in prior legislation. As disproving the charge that the government property in their possession had been turned over by tnese contractors to toe enemies or uie United States after the opening of the power. Their object in springing it at I propriate $375,000 to pay mail contract- this time, and placing themselves in me attitude of especial champions of the elective franchise is to array the west o nat fh Mat nn that Question. In the western counties where there is not a controlling element of colored voters, the people would unquestionably prefer to elect their own magistrates, and have submitted to be deprived of that right to save twenty-five counties in the east from negro domination. Were it not for this the people would not have con sented to the change, and the Legisla ture would not have attempted to make the change. The Republicans knew this very well, but they still hope by making it an issue to force the Demo cracy of the west to commit itself one way or the other. If they sustain it then the matter stands just where it is; if they backdown and slide over either directly or indirectly on the Republican liberal ground, then comes a split be tween the eastern and western demo cracy, and the ruse becomes successful. What does Dr. Mott, Tom Cooper, Ike Young, Jim Harris, et al, care whether the people elect the magistrates or whether they are appointed by the Leg islature ? They don't trouble their co lossal heads with such small matters as that They have not the shadow of an interest in the magistrates. It is a mere trick, a piece of demagogism, for which these men have attained no little celebrity. Trickery is their forte, and on it they rely mainly in popular contests, but when the appeal is made to the sober, thinking, reflecting people of the west, they well understand the trick, and the tricksters too. Some of them might ask Dr. Mott, Tom Cooper, Ike Young, and the rest of the revenue leaders of this combination movement if they are so solicitous for popular rights, and so anxious that the people should elect all the officers, why they did not throw in just one little resolu tion among the balance in favor of electing internal revenue office rs,store keepers, gangers, postmasters, &c ? It is true the resolution would not have amounted to anything, a these are Federal and not State offices, but still it might have deceived some unsophisti cated voters into the belief that they favored the election of all officers by the people, and would have given their resolution a sort of general bearing. We venture the remark that they will not play very much on that string among the white people in the eastern portion of the State. JUNE 15. 1882 PRODUCE. WrumiOTOH Spirits Turpentine firm, at 43c. Rosin quiet, S1.66 for strained; Sl.60 for good strained. Tar firm, at $1.90. Ciude Turpentlae steady, at S1.RO for hard: $2.76 lor yellow dip; $2.75 for virgin. Corn steady; prime white. 99; muea vs. Baltimohx noon Flour steady and qule'; Howard street and Western suter S3 60tMl4. 60; extra $4 7535 50; family $5. 85ffi$7.0; dij Mills, super xi-iUX4-75: extra sr, UO(fli-S; Bio brands $7 25SS7.37. Wheat Southern nominal; Western active and lower; Southern red $1.83 $1.38; amber $1.89281.41: No. 1 Mary land -: no. s western winter rea spot. $1 36ViffS1.37. Corn Southern anlet; Western quiet, southern white 90; southern yellow o Baltimork night -Oaf, firmer; Southern 60at)2; Western wniie 8l62j mixed MOtttO; Pennsylvania tiutcnz. provisions - srm; mess pork, $20 758522.25. Balk meats-shoulders and clear rib Bides, packed 10 1 8 Bacon -shonlders 1114; clear rib sides 144; hams wio. u&ia rennea m. uonee quiet; mo cargoes -trctlnary to fair H&W. Suiter- quiet: a son uan. wnukey-Quiet. at si.zu. rreignts unchanged. - - ' i : . . . COTTON. Galtbstoh Xasy: mlddlmc lilies' low' mid dling Uc: good ordinary He: net receipts 08: cross 09: sales 800: stock 9.471; ei- porU 'coastwise ; to eraat rBrltaia t-nt to continent ; to irrance ; to cnannei KOBlOLXQaiati. iaiCdiinj! 11 U. oi receipts 254; gross 254; stock . 8,154; exports ""wwuii- wtae ; sales lOOr ' exports to ureal untam ; to continent -i tut, ti,i , ? BAivrmOR - Quiet: middling 1 2Vfee. -: tow mid dling 1 1; ?ooa ordinarif 10c; net reoeipts - -; gross 1,514 .sales stock 28,819; exports coastwise w spinners i ?o; xpon to -rni Britain ; to continent - . Bootoh Qnlet: mlddHna 12o; low middima. 12c; good ordinary llfec? utit rsoelpts 47; gross 180 sales -; stock 9.1UU. exports to Great Britain - ; to France . WnjaHQTON-Quiet, nuddlins 115fac, low piid dhng ll 316c; good ordinary 10 5 tee; receip a 4; gross 4; sales -t stoelt 1,148: exports eoasfwiM ; to Great Britain ; to continent' , Philadelphia Dull : middling 12lfec . low middling 12c; good ordloary lie; .reooipU net 40; gross 119; sales i iwk 10.836; ex-, poru Great Britain r ; to continent . Satajtmah Easy; middling low mid.- dllng lHic; irood ordinary 10c; net receipts 672; ' gross 572; sal8 160; stock 5,959; exports coastwise l.f-97; to Great Britain ; to France 1 to continent . Nxw Oelkabs - Steady : middling 1216c. low middling t wo; good ordinary llfec; net recflpU 635; gross 958; sales 2,QliO; stock 82,793. exports to Great Britain to France ; coastwise ; to continent ; to chan nel - . ' - MrtBixs -sTomlnal; uilddBng 12 low middling lltofoodpOHBaryaic; ; net, receipts 6rt; gross l&UT saies siock amifit.-m iJrance ; to Great Britain Exports A FREE BALLOT, A FAIR COUNT. This is another piece of coalition clap trap. It is also a reflection upon the Democrats who are now acting with Dr. Mott & Co., to assert that for years they have been actively co-operating with a patty which denied a "free bal lot and a fair count." But these Demo crats not only submit to such reflec tions by Republicans, but they brand themselves as dishonest when they pass such resolutions and append their names to them. Is it not the veriest mockery, however, to hear Republican conventions hypocritically prating about "a free ballot and a fair count" when to-day they hold power at Wash ington by virtue of the most colossal fraud of the ageand when for years in the Southern States until finally over thrown by the mighty uprising of the people they held the reins by a system of oppression and fraud that would damn any party to eternal infamy? Fraud. They lived, got fat and rich on it. They robbed and plund ered the people until in very despera tion the people rose in their strength andihufled the ; thieves fromj power, and noW they have the unblush ing assurance to come before tho people they, pillaged and cry fraud. They could give Satan himself three in the game and beat him for impudence. They practice the injunction of that great Republican liberal Col. Ike Young, when he said all a Republican politician had to do was. to "lie like h 11 and stick to it" They are doing it when they prate about a free ballot and a fair count fair Torascntcd Back i s the exclamation of mora than one poor hard working man and woman. Do you know why It aches? It la because your kidneys are orer task ed and need strengthening, and your system needs to be cleansed of bad humors. Xtdney-Wort la tne medicine you need, "it acts like a charm." says a well known physician, "I never knew It to fall." Liquid or dry sold by druggists. Boston " ii i i i ' Wie is Mrs Wlaslew T As this question Is frequently asked, we will slm- yij say tnat sne is a may wno ior upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her Ume and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse. Drinclnallr among children. She has esDeclallr studied constitution and want of this numerous class. the ana, as a result oi this enort, and practical knowl edge, olnsslned ta a lifetime spent aa nurse and her; especially is this the ease ist Quantities of the Boothlng Syrup and used here, We think Mai rui. sun of this ar- world-renowned Iwn Mtrtjttnlv ita rw up wn vmmm uot, m muuseitf. vast are daily told ai Wins low has tmrnortanzad be name hvthu in. valuable artlele, and we stncerely believe thous ands of ehlklren have been saved from an early grave by its ttmely nee. and that aiUUona yet un born will share tte benefits, and unite in ealllnc' ucr bhnwi, no mount dm fussaargea ner auty am she not mail contractors were custodians of the property, and that the demand or the -Confederate government for its surrender was addressed to postmast ers. He contended that these claim ants continued to perform their con tracts with the United States until stopped by its order through the Postmaster-General, and that the court of claimsiiad in a recent case held that the claimants were entitled to sue for the money appropriated in 1877 for their benent. Tne Din weut over at me ex piration of the morning hour. Harris. Ingalls and Gorman were ap pointed conferees on the district water suddIv bilL Morgan submitted a resolution which was laid over temporarily for an inves tigation during vacation by a select committee into the labor strikes, their causes and remedy, the committee to examine persons under oath. etc. The House bill relating to the bonded period upon distilled spirits again came up as unnnisnea ousmess. The question recurred upon the pen4' ing substitute of the Senate committee. The burden of the debate on the whiskey bill was borne by Windom in ODDOsition to. and Beck as the chant pion of the bill, with occasional brief remarks by other Senators. Windom made a long speech, which he concluded by saying that it had been admitted by Bavard that the substitute of the ben ate committee for the House bill would produce no permanent relief, and would only postpone the evil, therefore it was equally as objectionable as the original measure. Various amendments were offered and rejected. McMillan then moved that the bill and amendments be postponed indefi nitely, and the motion prevailed yeas 32, navs 20. Adjourned. ' House.- The morning hour having been dispensed with the House at 11 :20 went into committee oi the whole Mr Burrows, of Michigan, in the chair on the river and harbor appropriation bill Page, of California, chairman of the committee on commerce, made a gen eral explanation of the bill and present ed the reasons which had induced tne committee to recommend an appropria tion so far in excess of appropriations of former years. This was the first river and harbor bill that had contain ed any appropriation commensurate with general work of improvement con templated by the Mississippi nver com mission. He compared the pending bill with the law of the current year to show that while the latter appropriated 911XX),000 upon an estimate of $25,000, 000, the former appropriated but $17,' 000,000 on an estimate of $37,000,000. The bill received careful consideration of the committee and he trusted that it would be passed without any amend ment by the House. Horr, of Michigan, a member of the commerce committee followed Page in favor of the bill as reported from the committee. In the course of his speech l j i s a ; . M tie gave an luteresung uescnpuon or the plan of improvement contemplated by the Mississippi river commission, and contended that not. only would it result in rendering the river navigable, but it would -also prevent recurrence of terrible floods which had iecently laid waste a large extent of country. The government pwe1 4his work to future fenerations, it owed it to the present, here was nothing that more securely and surely cemented together people than community of commercial inter ests. Nothing more completely drown ed the groans and multerings of the past than the clang of busy hammeis and the hum of running machines, and if he could he would build up the waste places of the South, open up her vast mineral wealth, build smelting fur naces on her hillsides, set her rivers to turning spindles and running buz saws, and erect free schools in each of her i scattered plantations.- in conclusion he said, let it hereafter be. said that the crowning glory the 47th Congress was this, that it fully, inaugurated the flan that finally succeeded in taming he overflowing waters of the great Mississippi and chained it between its banks, that compelled Its rushing floods to obey the behests of commerce and do the bidding of mankind, and in do ing this it reclaimed from disease, de struction and death territory enough to make ah empire and people enough to make it a State, and it made it pos sible for those people to live out their days surrounded by all the scenes of their childhood on the spot where they were born. Applause. ; .Reagan, of Texas, another member of mo cumm.erce committee also made an argument in p supportbf the constitu tionality, good policy and public bene fitsofthe1ttli IV General debate-clmed. And thA. flrt. two paragraphs Pf the WUwereG read when the House adjourned ; shipments 80 ; sales 860; X'tftteries. The Public is reouested carefully to notice the new ana enlarged Scheme to oe aravm Monthly. JS CAPITAL, PRIZF, 75,000. Ticket only 5. SharnlaPrsper ln Mhallfm. VTatav said that vUMtmnstAril 1 lfi:W6ttui f!-:. $M t I t MMPms-uuiat.- miaanns jztr low mid dling Uttc; good ordinary ifwko; net ream 44; gross 4i- stock 15,870. AUGUSTA-jal'V "middling f1 IMfer low mid; dhng 1 me; -good, ordinary IGfce: reoHpU 19; shipments -7-; sales 7 y , CHABiiKanm-Quiet: middling -12 r. low mid dling llVc; good ordinary lltkc net rereiots zui: gross 2ui saies ou; hm o.wzo; exporai coastwise m : to umai timarn to continent ; to France ; to chan nel . NkW Yorx Easier: sales 1,703; mlddllnu ud- lands 12 8-16c; middling Orleans 12 7-1 6c; con solidated net receipts l.Htio; exports to ureal Britain 4.971; to France 647; to continent 1,604; to channel . Liverpool--Noon Stead-: middling uplands 6i(l; middling Orleans 6 1 5-1 fid; sales 12,000; speculation and exports 2,000. receipts 4o,riK); American 4.KIMJ. uplands low mioditne clause: June delivery H 43 rV4d; June and Jul 6 4 Hid: July and angeat 6-)4 64d9; August and Sep tember 6 46 tUdftrt 47-6 4d; i5epten;berarMi Octn- ber 6 4S 6 Id; October and November 6 49-41 4d; November and lecember . Kiiums quiet. Liverpool 6 P. M Sales of a merlcan cotton 8,800 bales. Uplands lowmidolln Manse: June delivery 6 44-64d; June and July 44 64d; July and August 6 4?-rl4d; August and Septem ber ri 48 54 o; eptemoer ana uctorjer 44 r4d; October and November ; November and Decemr : December and January : January and February . Futures dosed a shade easier. Louisiana State lottery Company. Incorporated in 1888 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a caplUl of Si, OOO.OOO to which a reserve fund of SfiSaOOU has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted oh and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or post pones. ,.. Its GRAND, fgaiiaLJB.NTJMBKB Drawings will take place monthly. A SPIirOTn) 0PPOETU5ITY TO WIN A, FOBTUJTR SEVENTH GRAND DRAWIHCLAaiJ G, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESIIAV, JUUY lltb, 18&2f . 146Ut momhly Drawing;. ' Look at the' Fellewlas; Scheaie, under the ex clusive supervision and management al GkN. o. T. BE aUHEwa KD. of LoulBiana. and Gen JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia, who manage all the draw ings of this Company, both ordinary and tnil annual, and aUet the Correctness 01 the publish ed Official Lists. ; ' - j ' - 1 . , t capital, raize, $79,000. i- . 100,000 Tekie m Fire- JHUlare Eaeta, Frnctieim, in Ff ttaa In Proportion. LIST OF FRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. $ 75,000 1 " r 25,000 J " " lOXtOC 2 PRIZES of $8.000... 12,000 5 " 2.000 10,000 10 " 1,000 10,000 ' 20 " 500 10O00 100 " 200 20,000 800 100...... 80 000 .500 50 25 000 1000 " 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 1750. 16,750 , V Approximation Prizes of 500....... 4.500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 PiUee, amounting I0..L. .. rf 1265,500 A pp:leatlon for rates ; to Blabs should only be maae-torihe offlcAof thminT tnNMi nriun. For further Information write cleartr. rivi tun address. Bend orders by Express, Ifegtetera) Let ter or juuney uruer, aaarersea onij to j 1 , , Jt.A. DAUPHIN, . ,,T, J New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D, a N. B.- Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. Junl8 4Sth. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE- FUTURES. Tore Net receipts closed barely steady; ; gross 43 sales 5.000 Nxw Futures balea June. 12.f8a.10 July 12189.00 August 12 21 fi 22 September.. U.W19P2 October 11519.52 November........ 11.879 88 December 11 879.89 January -... 11.509.61 Ferjraary.'.-.....;......'....,........ 11 629 64 March . 11.759 77 AprU.. May....... FINANCIAL Nxw Tobk Kxehange 4.86V4 Governments Irregular New6's 1.0m Four and a half per cents, 1.1416 Four per cents 1 20a Money,. 293 State bonds -active ....... Bub-treasury balance-Go'kC.'.V.".'.". S8t 906 " - Currency 5,708 Stocks Irregular: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 80 Alattama Class A, small 80 AlsJma Class B, 5's... V9 ' AlabamaClass C, 4's. , 85 unieago ana -nunuwesicrn 1 .zv Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1 .42 Erie... 86 Bast Tennessee...................... vit Georgia. 1.65 nirnols Central. 1 .88 Lake Shore 1.0714 Louisville and Nashville 6714 Memphis and Charleston. 47 Nashville aad Chattanooga 56 New York Central.. 1 28 Pittsburg. 1.47 nuuuivuu duu AuoKiwu 1 o DiKmAnil anH rkonwillA 1 IVi Bock Island 1.29 f South Carolina Brown Consols, 1 08 m Wabash, St. Lome Padfle. 26 Wabash. 8C Lotus 4: Padflc preferr'd 50Vh Western lnlon. 84W CITY COTTON MARKET. Omcx or Th Obsxbtxb, .1 ; UBABLOTTE, J One 16, 1882. i The market yesterday dosed steady "at the fol lowing quotations: Good MlddllTi.;. u . 12 Strictly middling, 11 middling.. 1 1 ftft Strict low ml dUng. lift Liowmiadiinr................ iin-ie Tinges. 10910 In the lty of Louisville, on FUIDAY, JUNE 30lh, 1882. rimne dmwuiKH oca n monthly i8undaya excel ed) uiwier irvtaions or an Act or the General seinblr of Kentucky fhf Luiu-it -iiJiu-c Circuit Court on Karen 81, ffruiwMi utb Toiuwtiii decisions: IsiTbai Up Coimnonwealtb Distribution Coo pan; Is letsu. 2d - Its drawuiKu are fair. The Company baa now on hand a large reserr fund Rewi ihe iuu of prizes for the J-JNE DRAWING. 1 Prize 1 Prize 1 Prize 10 Prize. l,0OO each 20 Prizes. fiOO icto 100 Prize 100 each. 200 Prizes 50 ach 600 Prize 20 each 1000 Prizes. 10 each. WE INVITE ATTENTION WE INVITE ATTENTION OUR STOCK OF- FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, Which I now full and cvrnintatA. W kMn tho hart (inmii ma. m ,k. , . .. . Our ctock Embraces a full line of Goods of all gadesVand olTar'loui eli es and price! beuTg wiu adSwedto l S'!Kln ,',aU P" We invite aU to give us a call and s ttUfy themselves of the truth of our assertions. aoapied to the wants of bo.u the city and country trad M.. 3E3. HilMKIHI & MTELO Jrro Aductrttscmcnts ff "1A MONTH and board in your county. Men 4 I or ladles Pleasant business. Address Box 8 1 , Philadelphia, Pa BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. No REMEDY more Widely or Favorably Known It Is rapid In relieving, quick in curing. For Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kidney Affections, and aches and pains generally, it is the unrivalled remedy. Parkers GINGER TOIIIC. GINGER, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, and many of the best medicines known are here combined Into a medicine of sue a varied nowers as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Best. Health and Strength Ueed, Restorer Cures Complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach. Bowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and Is entirely different from Bitters. Ginger Kssences and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates, 5Cc and $1 sizes. Large saving buying SI size. HiaCOX & CO., New York. GEORGE PAGE & CO. Manufacturers of Patent Portable Circular SAWELELXS Also eatuury iu Fortius STEAM ENGINES 6 S. 6CHB0EDEB ST., i . ALXTMOBE,UD. Grist and Floor Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery. Hhimrle Mills. Circular Sawa. Send for Catalocae. PER WSEK can be made In anr locality Something entirely new for agents. 25 out- nt iree. tfr w. iwhkihis cu.. Boston. Mass Iunl3-dw4w PRICES 01 MOT! ! WE HAVE STOPPED SELLING AT COST, BUT OFFER GOODS AT SUCH ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Tha the Public cannot Perceive the Difference. A beautiful stock of SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. apr2 BURGESS NICHOLS, WHOLI8ALK AMD RETAIL DEALER LN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF DrJIMcAdeD V) Prize. SHOO each. 9 Prizes. 200 " ft Prizes. 100 " S30.000 10,000 5.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 12,000 10.000 Approximation Prizes 82,700 1.8C0 ' M 900 l.dAOPrtxes tl 12400 Wbni Ticket. S2; Half Tickets, SI; 27 Tickets, 450; 66 Tickets, Si 00. Re mil Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BT REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICS ORDER. Orders of S5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at oar ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Coarlerownal Build Louisville. Ky.. or 809 Broadway New York. may 81 ' ' ' - -J. -J .... . FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic) Just Received, at 's Drug Store g ABA TOG A "yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. a new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid: cures dyspep-la, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsli. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, JO CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LTTHIA. And a fall supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PARLOR and CHAMB1R' SUITS. COF FINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade street, Charlotte, North Carolina. fJEWDEpOtJt ' -piAfioeo-s. " to ber suSerfng uttle one, la our oplniba, until si nas grren u toe Denent m au. winsiow's Soothing Syrup. Try tt, notaere-try It now-Ladlee4 visi tor. Mew Tork CW. Sold bf aU drugslsU. 25 cents a poum." .,.3 1 iiir 1 asjj 1 hi 11 1 11 t- nraXA4e AcU FlManbsUe TaJawkle t 1 ' DfcW. H. TlEiULEE. TdWdO. 0 , ri: "I and have bees amply setUned that Ithi , s TSlnatila addition ta not llai of nullalnal anta ' ;riflwtolrmear jnini aentt A. paupWa, Nw Orlewsr C,ie'wt three ;,, wees sinae H a letted a aollar ImiL t was ad , -ajv m-t vh wiawnia vi waw awsswisw law ' rxpiWM. MM tIS WI.S tit.'tt This la la. rt time he has Invested, and ones before he eie wunin lour or nve numners 01 tne eapuai, tuW haul is a good one. Maryvul, Me , Dentoerat, March 28dT I tery, and he draw bis money bye careful to say nothing about It to found oat he m a lucky man. llepublicatf Congrcaftionnl NominntionN . Marietta; Ohib, ' Juneio.i-Gen. Ii u. uawea was re-nominateq in tbe fir teenth district by the Republican con yention. -" -. f , Ctoabafiiw, Iowa,-June 15. Tbe 4puwicans of tbe fifth n district nomi nated James Wilson or Coogress yes tcrday,. ui,u.t 1 n 1 3 j Ex-Gor. Dennledn Pead. CotirifBtTS. Omo. Jonei 15-Ee-Oov. W m. Dennlson, war goyernor of Ohio, uea win morning, o? greari. -n Tha nnhannv arlfawhn anlVava f mm tta' nalH tnee an ill humor of nervous hutnd, fbouUf wum tue itawuM la wr ecraptaint to the sou rt. or remove that BrvottnM bf pre anting the dt tTi1 Df Bon' Celery and Cbamomtio Storm cotton Sales yesteidty 18 bales. WANTEP. a 3 r AWASblNGTON Hand Press and material ro ft 74Ainmn nAvsnarHflr AiiiirAM I ...yHr.. ....jr1 ay- J. P. BABINTOTf, I I POUTICS, AUCDTflVT 1100 pages. History of allTollrl AMlJlllvAJX cal Parties, by Senator Coofkr. h gives everyuung penaiuing to politics, and unites history, In struction and ready reference. ,8old only by subscriotion: hut.' subscrlB- tlons sent direct will be forwarded hv mall nr CO nist PnhHshfn HON. THOSi Ctfs expense, .Agepti now wanted, ; , , ; Mncft arttilvaarlvi f tarrltnrv la hp- - T. COOPf E. tag rpliif Aaslgned Prospectus iiuw ivauj suuivao 1 FIRESIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Junl8 tf 20 N rth Seventh Street, PbUa. BT YORK RIVER LINE, PASrNGER ROUTE. TO BVLTIMORE and ALL POINTS NORTH Dally except Sunday. Nnte the reduced first-class rat s to B A L T I M 0 R E far- Leave Burkesvll.e, " Danville, ' Greensboro, ' Raleigh, " Charlotte, " Spartanburg. " Greenville, 4 22 pm 10.12 pm K.20 p m 8.ft5 p m 4.40 p m 12 25 pm 11.40 am fare S 8. 70 fare 870; fare 7 0 fare 11.80 fare 11.95 fa-e 18.00 fare 14.80 rra. its line the opportunity Is glvn of spending lours pleasantly in Richmond before de 1 of trains for West Point -Arrlvlniat Baltlmo e, 7.80 B.'hl. connecting with the morning trains for PhUadelpbla and new iotk By this line the opp a tew nours Dsrture For further in) 01 matlon apply to agents above named DOlnts. A. pop may 1 9 Gen'l Pis. ,Age THREE SAFES. F)R SALE, am two of three Fire Proof Safes, all of them the best of makes. One small, one medium and one Urge, Ap nlr to or address vuaa, n. una, rrop'r dmshtib f . i . V4 $85tTOtfflp(r tor only $245. til all ft Wwf it IV Magnlflcent Beee- rlAllli O I ILL wood case, ele gantly finished irttrrngs, 1 Octaves, full patent caim&nto buiqa uui now nnni vtumiuus Kara, beautiful carved Wgs and lyre, heavy serpentine andlaftfllancT moulding. lull Iron-frame. French urana acuoo. urana aaiumec. in ian, every im provement which can tn any way tend to the per fection of the in&trun t has toeen added. HTt UB PRICK LIST tOA THIS INSTBtJMXNr, BOX XD NTBBtlVBKb- OK BOABD CABS -IT A j m Nxw Yoriv with fixb Piano Covgnine, fc Jn fflOOLAHT) hOOT.only - "v - Redeeed- ftom-eor late wholesale factory nrlee. S295, for slxtynAyg" Onln- to have this beauQfat Piano tmreduced. Thiols now, by fa', the great est Bargain evei, oirerea -tne musical puouc. un precedented success! Tremendous aemana ror Onttylol OfderiofKer " m This ran -win -e-sent- ea-10 ays test tnai. Please s hki re'erencfl tt you do not send money with order. Cash seat with order will be refunded and freight ebariee paid. by us both ways if Piano is not just at represented. Several other special Bargains: Piano-. SI 60 up. Orer 15,000 in use, and not or e dinsatlsfled purchaser. Handsome Il lustrated Catalogue, mailed free .giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any manuiacturer, Ivery Piano fully w arranted for 6 years. SHUT MUSIC M price; Catalogue of 3.000 cholcd pieces sent for 3j stamp: nBWDELVSOIlN'PIAKIO CO., mayie weovrly ' ' -y ..Box2058,N. Y. PLANTATION I MILL SALE. I OFFER for sale at a bargain my plantation lying en tht waters of Big Sugar Creek, near and partly wlihln the Incorporation of Plnevllle, containing 1 50 acres of choice faming land. - on the land there are 50 acres of Drtmeval for- et. 40 acres of Sne bottom land of the very best quality, ana 40 to so acres 01 uplands in cuiuva tlon. besldt-B tbe bottom adapted to the cultivation On the premises Ibere is a-fine merchant and saw mm. lust newiy renovated, with water nower 1 snffloient to turn the machinery oi a. large cotton jnui who irom k.uuu to mi.uikj scimnes 11 de sired. The public road leads through the planta tion, ana tne resiaence is situated only a lew nun dred I aids from tha denotof Plnevllle. km one deairoua of examining the property can aprtld2VwU m- , h D. J. REA. METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! VottZxettiBrSook Xma4. C0fresgt.160 XllsttiAtlout, avtwuiok ouannea oi mm ana low tu m America Kraft altlM; fashion's follioa rind Mvolttiaa: behind the aoaneai trioks of pretty deoelvarat dty'i rich and poor: taaolriotu oorruptlnn Rt Washlngtoatln of iaaoevnt rt.- Kub "ia ponry-aefvaoa atnaera ora-uatt( j MwttetUna at the I V.rLl?rJrr B&m if il. ZiOtUa, 1A OMIOAOO, ril,.AII.ABrTA, Oa. I rr"J aprlStf 08. A, W, Atwuirnjj. SA-l I W a S OfflM on Trade ItrSwt Jl Spfi v Avar Li. Barwan A urir vm't. eiotbins nofe, otim hours fien Ma m, to S p( n. Llj r - -a SET aiiau in ta v. Umnhm wtee.aii41Mwwv Ma I ( iv m Iredl 4ot h eura I WmI UaaAaafi WtoSftaiaM fa plain saalsdsnynlopsAwe. Drugs lata cm ail U, aam. ns .iVlRD A CO.. LMutidid: UdiW 1 1 TREES IDEMMERY 'tree erenow ready for dsllverv, epp Sn fith pnd tsift A line jotoTreJl'fi utile. 4" ja tt' llM lHffi Wit' SSWtiwW eppmHte aiiMr any Buoyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJDNYADI JAKOB. THJ BXST NATURAL APXRIXMT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doex-A wine glass fan before breakfast Th Lancet "Hunyudl Janos. Baron Ltenla af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The Britith Medical Journal "Hanyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. Ttrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and oromst success: most valuable." Frqf. Bamberger, Vienna, "I have prescribed tnese writers witn remarxame success." Prof- Boonsont, wurezDurg. 1 prescnDe none bat this." Prof. lander Brtmttm. M. D., T. JL B., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prqf. AOcen, if. D.. T. & 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Hetiey. "irererrea to numa and rned- ncnahaiL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon 8t. - CHARLOTTI. N. a DONT GO TO SARATOGA When yoa can get water Just as fresh and sparto 11 rut as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. we receive tnis water in large diock an reservoirs which we return as soon again every week. aa emptied to be renLied ' J. U. MOAUXXO, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night-- Jnly28 -i OLD POINT COMFORT, ' ' ' VIRGINIA. H Y G E l A H OT EL situated 100 yards from Fort Monroe. Open all the year. Xqual to any hotel In the U.S. Sur roundings unsurpassed. Bathing, boating, fishing and driving specially attractive. Pre-eminently a resort for Sou tne m people. Terms less lor equal accommodations than any resort In the country. Climate free from Malaria; and for Insomnia truly wonderful In its soporific effect friend for circular describing hygienic advantages, etc mayl88m HARRISON PHOEBUS, PropY NOTICE ! CITY TAXES FOR THE TEAR 188 ALL persons residing in the city of Charlotte nab'e to a Poll Tax, and all persons, bodies politic and eoraporate, who own or have control of taxable property in tbe city on the first of June, 1882, are hereby notified to return to me, at my office In said city, on or before the last day of June 1 882 a list of their taxable nrooertv and noils. By authority of an ordinance of the Board of Aldermen, an opted May 16th, 1882. In pursuance 01 section BO of the city charter. FR1D NASH, Clerk and Treaa. mayietl ' SPECIAL TRAIN DAViDSdjl COLLEGE. ILM 'AIL PIKE SPEIKGS, NEAR MORGANTON. THIS aftracOve summer resort will be opened for tbe reception of visitors on the 1st day of Jum The beauty of the scenery and the curative nronertlea nf the rater an wn known rviupha nip. trains on the Western North Carolina Uallroad at Morgan ton. Dally mull and express. Board per mom S20 and $25. . Address JOHN EL PBARSON. Proprietor, mayiv eod lm Glenn Alpine Springs. LUCE BROTHER States ville, INT. C, x-DPPBR THB -LARGEST STOCK- OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS AND IN COMPETITION WITH AN : JOBBERS IN THE COUNTRY. THEY WILL. BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl 8 ly AMERICA STILL FURTHER AHEAD I THE BEST THREAD forSEYING MACHINES vaj utmiuULiririA Six Cord So n Coil n 1 :i 5000 1M - Awarded all the Honors at the. ATLANTA International Cotton Exposition, 1881, FOB 11 THE BEST THREAD for MACHINE and HAND SEWING? Two Gold Medals and the Grand Prize. For Sale to the Trade by - t J. Rbessler & Co.; Charlotte, N. C may 18 tl! rt tf, .' 1 PA83tKGIRDlPT C. C ,f-wB. a. F)B the-tnvenleeejrins djaairtngto at. tend Oweomayneneses ofDavld. Charlotte and 16th ee -iouowai - ieaTe vnanoMKj . u ..... HnnlaMVIlM.. fifWV " 'krrlveaiCttafWlMK lM" in BfflW ilRtHftl arrtviHi al Mnwtnie IVWH Hi v dhaibi m at fAMOffilUPti HUGH W. HARRIS, ' ATTftRWRV AT T.AW i 1 v pfflOSOT Trade maySl dawU sjeecneirl CHARLOTTE, N. C. ly opposite Court House, t JJtOrmtrlJ Of ChrlAtta w n 1-1 ?&ZSZ q0-JlT8ELL0B it LAW, AA aaw;" Y-rt. -.-ZZZnmw w eearfa nrennt attantiA. "Vim vnv " " TBE: MOST ELEGANT BAR AND BILLIARD RO ! ' " XVKB IN CHARtJ&TTX H? u"' toeen opened next door below tbe Contn Hotel Bull ns. on Tryon street hL Vho mite wins and "QOORS can ayTbe ibubd. KENDRICK &:BlXB"i

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