A 111 1!" vol. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C., SUNDAY JUNE 18, 1882. egram & o., DKALEK3 IN Shoes, Hals, Truck TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. pEGRAM. & CO., HAVE a pretty link of GECTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. " PEG RAM & CO., Have the Best Stock of Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes IN THB STATE. PEGRAM & CO., IHVI ALL KINDS OF ttiildrens' Shoes and Slippers. PEG RAM & CO., KKKP A WI LL SELECTED STOCK OF Trunks and Valices OF ALL PRICES AND SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVE JUST RECMVE0 A FINE STOCK OF ill , Felt and traw Hats Of the Latent BtyW-s. Of tbe Luteal Styles. PEGRAM & CO., 6N SUIT THBiE Farmer Friends With anf kinds B''OTi? and SBXJESTHIY VT IBS. PEGRAM 6:, t ":,"! t . - KRKP ALl kl.ND ' OF Dressing, French Blacking P K G RAM & CO., (St. Can supply yon with the BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF Ladies' Hisses and Children's Shoes. S3 t j 1 If Mtl 1 K 4.M ' .ff ' diarrhesa, oooenpanied with tnteuae pain, when M K triivl ynn Patw Kii Mii, ffwini IrrwTt tnttt.pf "S wf reUul v-.'; r -, H. J. Nooa.TT r r ! hMoTAOint8T.,Ixio)Oir,E3.!J akd X)aria(irarartapnoeof enty-threeyearalnlruU. I hTe g-iven it in many canea ol diarrhepa, dyiien- BC tary, aad aaolera, and sear knw it to fafl te (tots reiki . E Oiduuiwa. - E 0 . F t Ko family can -safely be without this rf fill for sale by all druggists at 25c.. 50c. rl5a( ' ?l 1.0Per bottle. S PEKKYXTAVIS & SON, Proprietors, ss Providence, R. I. O sept dtw sept 4 pet '' A I "1 U CAM (KEf q5 - .. t a AITKIN COLLARS, .2 J ? i. ..? JJ -s A I LINEN HANDKBBCHIKFS at 10c. 1 1 W '.- - rr, H08LKBYFBOM 6e up, ;- I-M A T-TAN8FBOM 2cnp. ssS -lES"" ' " ' . AC.. aa.AC.-- 1 ' ; M3 WVMf' DRE, M q . M C. M. ETHEREPaE. ! Ship ieiiREfH fjfiAZi J 1 J 1 ra .1 .Yr J . , V tlghteiBanntaa and BestSewVJg Machine In the, C8 ; r t I ff World. Try ltefort trang any other. OJS W AGENTS WANTED. Q s!S S ' -mayii - " " " " . jtSF3 I 'fad i fL . 1 1 H ! rgMlBSK Springs are two miles from Shelby. 64 . - "-rl - Trshrh,B SkiVll1 be at the Spring, . a vgjood, Clotutue, Sec. justTn PR EXPRESS A. LOT OF NEW NECKWEAR INCLUDING- rAll Ihe Latest- Novelties. Another lot of Hoop Skirts from 40c U) SI, Mohair and Linen Ulsters In all styles, troni $i.2ff to J7. Large stock of Lace Curtains andCrotona very cheap. Our remnant stock of lien's and Boys Straw Hats will be closed out rery low. IS" The attention of Housekeepers is called to 4 a good assortment of Cane Matting that we are selling at reduoed prices to close out i : jun4 Blcdtcal. Summep Complaints Ai tis orasrJnTarions diseases ofe bowels are prevalent, and many itWs (Sm ; liosjnhroagfrjgcfe. ofimowledge of ajpa and sure faeAyRUY Dados' SPut KiT.T.Knlg 4 SHrecore for Diarrhcea, Dj? entrjCMera, Cliolera Mocbns, Summer Complaint, eta, and is jaaectfy wfe. Bead th following: 2 v ' ; PnsT Datts' Pn 1 rra1 Pit Ym w - - Autetil rMii oromnp i Jmhi Tln.nrrv. ' TJhe fcm raodlciiie I know or for dnmter-. - ineaiuor yean ana Th4T6 sedlyStm , XOlfA. Much U, K8L iniim mist T. 12 ii.nwT I. For twenty ywir I hare UBeayotir Paim Kn.i.n In mjLfmiIy. Hv6 naed It nunT timtw fnrEoml coinplintaCT U )rfaymrM..WOaiU not IO without bouie in the yen. 9 It qe,: mm, and rWioiU. uother EL'Kim We Tistnr It over ttcfctv mm ago. mad II always vealmmMisto teller, woukl nanuy dare to (ro to without bottla In Oir nouae.. W. O. BPIMT. COWWATBOBO. S. C, Feb. 23. 1881. Nearly every family in this aectiarikeej bottto In the house. Dai . Mobtok. . XT. a OomtruRt : - - v CitmLD, Rhenish PBxran.reb. 8, 188L I have known Pxbbt Da via' Paik Kijucb almost fioni the dav It was introduced, and after Tears at observation and use I regard Its presence hr my-f iiutiweuuiu as au tnaitptntuH nteettum, - "t X a Pottkb. V.8. Consul -;w"f I staUon on arrival of every train. White and Red 8ulphur and Chaljbeate Waters . niH iiio. in ml order. A eood string band secured for the season. Livery accommoda tions attached to the notei $ M . j iBADTMr'nfl l T T. IB .Mil amml nffimiff mdmJv 4rrH i - p l mayietf A X ? Trnnmetor, ' ( FtlLvU ?T..''iI.v..i rfMAMMajhA Aram i a i m m . i awaiw .nnvn ,pmM? ninnu. JT?Zi .ir nre. which he wi4 eod FEES to HIS leuow-wuiripjo. w ra.i ' 4xatiiam bt.t W. V.- ited-p'j All Der Times. BT SDHPLODA Der vorld Id vos grow oldter, All det umeti; Mlneselef I dont tcot younger, All aer times; Mine vlfe she vos got truer, But mine Btalldren dey gotu fewer. Unit mine oldt pants dont got newer, All der times! Der Ifin M lrbs grow oldter. All der times; Mine heardt, it tos grow oldter, All dfr times; I no more cares for dancing, ()r ees rati sen vweetness glancing. For lofa Is less ent ranclug, All der times! Ah! how sad to look before me, All der times: Und sadder shtlll pehlnd me, - , , All der times; Vhen der plossoms ail (ire faded. Und mme gray hair dont vos pialded, For mine paid headt gets more shaded, All der times! Der faces dot vos leave ns, All der times; Und make us empdy btaoet, AUdeittmes: . . Vos wounds our poor affection, Mlt der sadder recollection, Mixed mlt sorrow and dejection, - All der tiroes kw ix THE LATE LTJTHERAr SYNOD. The Last Day's Ptoceedincs Not Here tofore Published. At the time we very much regretted not being able to publish the last day's proceedings of the Synod of the South ern branch of the Iiutheran Church, wfcich closed Its labors in Charlotte "Ma 30th, ultimo The Observer rep resentative who during the Synod re ported .the' pioceedihgsf was fiadaenly calltoymihgton, bttt he exacted ppinlse from Pr.- W-i'escbau, a4etr" egape, to repoihh laecaay. nis aaxy ,-yas nw MrJ Peschau tcarmh off tberoceeit ingfe i(Codjtro3J8 arelorily odw' iblatorfhbsef our rj6a&rhqiayjdlwer thei subjea.WMtm f efei-to thfsttbject; now&tiot&Qlac. game union wltn"some of the other T.-vt .it... . 7". general bodies of the Lutheran Church, , wlijich. ought to be made a master of to. i xosd: ' ,:l ;; i EXST: CAT'S PKOe3EINH8r- v W Rev.H. A.ReDaaa. D. D.. read the ra fc ,Tr it tha nnmmitliui AV Ku ot ai1 rt'F l ppft of the committee on the state of the church. The report was very en couraging, i . f - j - Dr. Wy lie, general agent Of the American Bible Society, addressed the Synod. HnLgork was endorsed. Hav. E. T. Horn proposed various corrections in our liturgy, which were referred to the committee on the revis ion of the Book of Worship. Rev. Horn was made chairman of the litur gical committee. Eev. Dr. S. A. Repass reported en a common service-book. Rev. E. T. Horn was made chairman of the committee on Sunday-school song and service-book, with Professor li Louis Ide and Dr. O. B. Mayer. This committee was instructed to get the book out at an early day. The committee appointed to consider the subject of organic church union with other Lutheran bodies, submitted the following report, which after along discussion was adopted : SPKCIAL DKCLAltATION. Whereas, The question of organic union with some or the other general b dies of our church has been consider ed in a general and informal way at this convention, and Whereas. The constrained and limit ed expression f of opinion thus called forth may lead to a misapprehension of our feeling and attitude toward our brethren of said other general bodies, therefore, be it ' Resolved: 1st. That this General Synod does honestly and earnestly de sire to promote true unity and concord between all the parts of our Evangeli cal Lutheran church in this land, and etaqdsTirepaTed to' co-operate ift any .concdrreht movement ofJ other general bodies toward an organic union of our entire church upon an i unequivocal Lutheran basis. ' 1 4 Resolved : 2nd. That we again honest ly disavow that we are controlled by any sectional .feeling, or alienation in maintaining 6ur present independent or separate eitfstenceY and declare our 8ineeTekiesire and p"urpose to promote mutual conndence ana aoordiai unity; among all the people '6f 'ptif comtopfr country; -'' .-cc i.-.s. Resolved : , 3rov mat our delegates to those general Ijodies;' be. fnstructed to lay this tolwattoa:ffiQiaiX':;t6l them. . " - - Upon motion the following was' orr deretrl to be appended to . this declara tion:.. , , ... 4 !; ; In view of deeply felt desire in vari- 0U3 parts oi me xutneran cnurcn: throughput the country for more effici-eut-Jl$alon th Heteldrjmeift of the resources or me cnurcn mine unit-! ed States; be yi.mi Resotoea. raex tnis general ooay a- nninta committeeof three ministers. and three lay men.b Which eommittee each of its district synods shau.be jejH Ireented'.iwhose-daity it ahau be toftst! f or aottUweet simnar1 commrtxees t; otheT geraral Xiithran bjjdies, tha to! rmnnM.Uon. vitb: them such' measures: may be devised .as shallmoat eff ectual- lv accomPUsn me aesirea ena. " S. A. Repass, DJD .). B Hayek, Sr., ; , Lr J. R TayUob, i! hi CAPT. t. L. SEIGLE, J " 'JAY' . ; Committee. Rev, Dr h' A. Bikle made a report o church literature. At ..the re quest o the edito'r, thd General tSynod endorse Wnv.PJV.i;. Peschau. of Wilmincrtor Br.C..jasi corresponding, editor. 61 th Rev. LU, M. Miuerr in. his report! oi i missions : stated -o that mbre than nin 3 hundred Obllars had passed through th hands of the; 'centraf iKEplmittlfi mb oasti two iFeaCT. .-lhis committee Was continued by theSynoiL. . . ! f The (orgia eynofi warequeaiea to inquire Into th prospectsliL estibfisb ing an English mission in the city df Atlanta, and .report .the; result to the General Synod. ! , , Rev. Dr. Repass offered the following resolution, which was adopted; ; "T Resolved; That we hereby express the sincere pleasure, with which we have welcomed the presence' at this conven tion! of Tools esteemed and- venerable friend 'hnff brother; Rev. Dr. "A. R. Rude, whose aeencv and counsel were so eminent in the organization of thir General Synod fl;nd in the preinoaoa dx all the important interBSts. committed CO our BuperTiaiuu, ttuu ooimsotijr pray, God's blessing to go 'with ' and abide apon ilni ax' fthertelpted.;; The following resolutions oi mama l. ioZt?i, :Timt tbe most : earnest thanks of the members of this nv6n?' Uou are ddeYand 'Tierebtijififlaered to thiaonirTezaUon aadUsDaator;and to JthecitrzensTand churches oft; Charlotte for tlwtHMulal iiusoitality . with which Wet tov been wekjomed-andy en;t rl a iiemtf ftmoim therjarrVa1 deei OfFhichjffBhaiVPeart wiLftiis tq pur dUtantiiomes andpreserveih! fchrsh- ResotveditXtxc president shal navathisrespiutioiLreaa a&9urrCAosisg exrcisesvaccompanied' with such i re- 1.11 CM. W .( 1I WU ,V MMU, . (f. ration" in regard. id me Qesuonpi rtaln-sense 3 . Resoived, Tha& ojit thanks are also hereby returned to the various rail roads that have given us reduced rates of transit to ana from this convention. 4. Resolved, That the thanks of the General Synod be tendered Col. Cbas. R. Jones, editor " of CfflE Charlotte Observer, for his full and excellent reports of the proceedings of this body, as also for courtesy extended to the members of the same. Dr. Dosh moved that 1,500 copies of the minutes be printed, and the secreta ry thinks he can distribute them in 15 days after adjournment. Rev. E. T. Horn was elected visitor to the next meeting of the General Council, and Rev. G. D. Bernheim as al ternate. Rev. D. M. Gilbert, D. D., was chosen delegate to the General Synod North, and Rev 8. A. Repass, D. Das his al ternate. Sti John's Lutheran tjhnrch, Charles ton, S. C, was selected as the next place of meeting, and' Thursday morning af ter Easter, 1884, as; tiie time. THE TRIALS OF A SPEAKER. Ait Incident ia the Maine Legislature as Related by Mr. Blaine. Wash. Cor. of the flusishurg. Patriot. Business calledVme to the house of Mr. Blaine the. other day, and in the cunrse of conversation be spoke of the ahnpy ances to which the Speaker of any legislative body is subject, and how necessary itis- tbat.one should be not opij a thorough parliamentarian, but verv clear-headed and even tempered, i I once knew," said he, "down in Au gusta, Me., a man by the name of Pike. He was, Speaker of the lower House. He .was a very able man, but dreadfully crotchety at times. A legislative body, lyou Know, is liKe a scnooi. Tne epeaKer rmust keep the reins drawn tight or he will lose all control, and the members will commence, throwing spit-ballsat eacn( outer, mexapnoncaiiy : speaKing. cVYell. oile ' dar4 jtnfl House gptt into a drejaofui anarw he Tttrp of. pBtyersity seemed xa nave taken possession or thejm alii -Th whole day had been spekt in dHatbrr motions on ofie side, : piermruuy taterspersea wicn -cnamng ana abuse from tne other, inse, who wak nearly frantic with rage, still pre- Kservea a ealm:xterio At last bis pa tience gave wa, ahd poundmg"witb the gayel until ahpartlal quiet had been re stored, he exclaimed : 'It has been . mdved 'and seconded that the House adjourn ; wall in favor of that nro tiop, etc' No one had made such J. - l A ? pro position ana mere were out iwo 1601 6 ayCS, Those opposed,' shouted the Speaker, and a perfect Chorus of noes went up that fairly shook the Chamber, But Pike was not disconcerted. 'The ayes have it, and the House is adjourned.' You kniw," continued Mr. Blaine in his instructive manner, "that when a body finishes its deliberations it ad journs until some particular time. Aware of this fact, a tall member from Aroostook arose in his seat and point ing, his long, bony finger in Pike's di rection, exclaimed : "We adjourn, Mr. Speaker, to meet aeain when?" . The answer came with crushing promptness: I don't give a if you never meet again.' " ' Only Lodging, No Meals. Raleigh News and Observer. A good story is told by the police, at the expense ot a brace of delegates to the Republican State Convention, one from the east, the other from the west, both of them being among the best known and most prominent Republi cans in the State. Fatigued with their arduous labors in the attempted "har monizing of the elements," Tuesday night, they rambled out about 1 o'clock in the morning to find some lunch. Years ago they had eaten, drank and been merry in the front basement of; the markst house, so they gravitated there. A oright light was burning, but the door was locked. They knocked loudly, when there was a speedy open ing of the door by a policeman. With the most nonchalant air imaginable the delegates walked down stairs, and as- soon as they reached the bottom began calling for beer and lunch. There was no response save a laugh, Dut in a mo ment the omcer on duty recovered his equilibrium sufficiently to say that they only furnished lodging, no meals or drinks. Both the casual callers looked at each other, looked at the policeman as he stood proudly before thernlrr his nobby and new summer.nniform, and simultaneously broke for the stairway, yelling out, " the place; it's the guard house r There have since been many laughs and many dnnxs at the expense of the two unfortunates. ; ; -, Bitten by a Copperhead. StatesvlUe Ameiican. One day last week Johnnie Temple ton, of Davidson township, was out crow shooting and stopped to gather some strawberries in a field, whett: he was bitten on the hand by a large; cop- berhead snake. As soon as the snake lelLf rom his hand, he, with rare nerve, tricked ud his gun. shot it and theU'has- paned-home, about a mile distant . It fortunately happened that Dr.tloxis ton. the-family physician, was.ftst then, passing, and he was -called la ahd' applied sweet oil, both to th wonnd and internally, which . soon gaye "relief.- - - - : .'...'.Petersbiirg Goes to the Rescue. Petersbtjro. Va.. June i6rOub- scription. headed by the tobacco ex change, has been started here f or the relief of the Patrick, county sufferers. The indications are that liberal on- .tribttUoi..wiU bemade.. BaDIOBb AlXM' AID lBO&FBISSS Wi Mass. The great tonic and alterattvo' twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more tnum than any "atam: and iron mass" km Just the thing for the- 'Spring weakness" now so general. -Sold y aU urugglsU of any standing Prices redneed one half. , , mayl)-tf - " ' - ; : Overworked men and women, persons oi seden tary hiblts. and other whose system needs re- csBersilon. nerves toned, and muscles st'enethen- i ed. should use Brown's Iron Bitters. plisccUaucottB. i An important dis covery, by whicl every family ma give their lineh that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine , lav&dry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, PhiUdelphia, Pat FOR SALE BY J. , KPEKCER. St CO stud FIELDS BHOS,, CfcSvrltj'Ny C ,' HARRIS REMEDY 40.; 8TVcV rWF.WMlffPmUE REMEDY Tms tUm aad Mkn wa nffer tram Kcnrgaa aa Payifaal BU1 Hyr VnBtMan -BaaaaMioa- aad ':.! uraw ana giMay Mateqwaoe, ThReaTlotDiV)ie. Mal Aartli2ataTir la, S eaoafh to cSWt an, aatua ia MTwaoaMa J a .A Oartac UMWMettaK.fi. ay atatt te tala wnmn.. toa. fer mff T ah la. PaawUat antrl.' I toaail aad mtit of curt not tWa applioatfcai l. , , : 1 V UM. -'1 tang t Xpert eno. ia curing diieaMS ef Um BleesT, Sklai aad (i) Weakas, Co i ihsw. aypAtaOo-W Mot rial ASoatlo isslally treated oa saiehaOe priaetples, t. with safe aad sere lemedies. CaUor wtita-toLiatotilasa. Unas to as aamrend ay these aesiriDf trsataMa by anil (reneaasaaerlar Iraa awaireweaiaMntaaaraawBH,m . and isara esMikiaf te their adraatafe.. It b not a trass. Jbft Addreaa. DR. BUTTS, IS B. Sth St, ttrLeeJa, Hsa.l; v;SMT4BUSIIEn O TIB T&I8TT 'YEABS, jt; .. t 1n o . aramt wni DOBBINS STAR POLISH im .iii ii.uii W H H111UJ Hotv Sbstll Sbe Preserve Her Health stud Beauty. ' On who has long investigated this subject gives the result, and la happy to ear that It Is found In Woman's "Best Friend." It Is adapted especially to that .great central, all-controlling organ, the 0mb, correcting Its disorders, and curing any b Tfcgrriiwity of the "menses." or "courses." Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Begulator acts like a charm in whites, and In sudden or gradual checking, or In entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from cold, mental trouble, or Uke causes, by restoring the natural discharge In every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting In ulceration, falling of the womb, Its action Is prompt aod decisive, sav ing the constitution from numberless evils and wsmatHra decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial slxe, 75e; large size, 81.00. For sale by all druggists. From the Toledo Blade. SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERt AND CHAMOTIIXE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE OaOANS, A a Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. ' Benson Celery and Chamo mile Pill. They have been tested time and again, and al ways with satisfactory results. This preparation lust meets the necessities of the ease. Let me -state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will euro: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and bodi, Indescribable. These' an some of the symptoms of nervous ness: now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, aod yet, for 50 cents. you can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you. and for at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. . These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction if used as directed and will cure any ease. Bold by aH druggtsta. Price, 60 cents a box. Depot 106 North Eutaw street, Bala more, Md. By mall, two boxes for 81. or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. . 1 4 ; DRl C. W, BENSON'S 5 M at M s i J ' U Warranted to Our ' jB 0 X K M A , TETTERS, HUMORS, ! INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH, SCALY ERUPTIONS, j DISEASES OF HAIR ANO SOALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, P1MPLE8 and TENDER rTCHINCScmanpartiof the body. It makes the akia white, aoft and smooth; remove ao and frocltiee, and ia tha BEST toilet dreeatng-ta THB WOBLD. KlnefciiOy pat up, two bottles In one package, oonniBting of both Internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. Prioetl.perpockage. C N. Crlttenton. Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Eenson's Remedies 115 Fulton street, New York. junl LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Is t Positive Cure Foajdl thaa Palmral Ceaaplalata sad Weakneaaea a aomaaea to oar keat reaaale faymlatlan. A Medlclat for Woman. layette by a Woman. Prepared by Woman. Tao Oraatt XadUal DbMrary Si see ta Ban at History. tyit re rires tha drooping spirits. Invigorates aad hanmniaes tke organic roaotjona, girtt alaatieity and Brmnest to thsatflp, rastoros the natural lustre : to the eye, and plants on tlvepala cheek of woman the fresh rosea of life's spring and early summer time; -r-Phyicltns tnts It astfPrtscrlbs ft Freety.-es It remoTes fMntnnw, flatulsncy, destroys .all craving f or timulnt,ranJrelfrrs weakness ot tie stomach. That feeHng-of bearing flswn, eastngpatn weight and backache, is always perdajtentcwed by Its use. For tbe ear of Btldaey Coanplalats of either ex this C poaaAla unraaaod. , X.TDIA K. POCCHAar BLOOD- PTEIFIER win eradicate every .Testis of Bumors front the Blood, and giro tone and strength to the system, of inaa woman or child, vbslst on baring iW0 ., , . . Both the Compound and Bipod Purine are prepared at SSS and 235 Western Avenue) Lynn, Hass. . Price of either, '9L ' Six bottles for AS. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of loaengea, on receipt of price, $1 per box foretthea. . Hrs,Pinkham freely answers aH: letters of Inquiry. Enclose Set. Stamp.' Send for pamphlet. No family should be without LYDIA E. PIVKHAM'S LTVEB, PTLLS. - Taer eure oonstipaUon, UUpusneEs, and torptdUy of thelirer. S6 oerta per box, . . i . MaraW by aU Druglsta.-St ,' (!) F, G. MUNZtER AGENT FOR The Berpv i.Eud Brewery Compaiiy s (Of Philadelphia, Pa.,) (riibrated bger Been In Kegs and Bottles. Bottled beer a specialty tyHave Just received a small lot of BOTTLXO ALE and POUTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FRED C. MUNZLBR. Lock Box 255, Charlotte, N. C, mbr28 FOR JULY, WITH PATT ERNS JDST RECXITKP. JUnW;fj-qlf , mm ropo w. JUST RECEIVED A JOB LOT OF SEVERAL LINES OK FFF A F AA FF A A F AAA V A A ooo o o o o o ooo y t Y Y YY Y Y NN N N N N N NN N NN ind are offering them very much below the real value. Call and get a bargain. Have also Just receiv ed per freight several things that will pay you to inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. AEGEAVES SMITH BUILDING. junll MUSIC CHARLOTTE, IM. C. BRANCH of TjTTXT3E3XT t5 TZJrPTZm. Thousands ot Musical Famlllt s tbrooghont North and South Carolina are Intending to. .pqiebase PIAN03 and ORGANS In the Fan, -when cotton comes In. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS w 1th Music and make the "HARVEST HOME" still mrjre'Joyful. Mid-Sufflmer Under our md-Summer 'Saie, we 'offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and 6EP TEMBKH, 1882. PIANOS and ORGANS, of eveiy make, style and price, at oar very lowest cftsh rates. On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November lst 1882 On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance November lfetj 1882. WITHOUT IUTEEEST OB AHT ADYAHCE :mCE, . 1 , : IF BALANCE CANT BE PAID IN THE FALf,i ' 'i .1 .. . u.. ; .),- ' ' ; 1-4. .-( ,tV.iJ . . . ' ' ' 0.iii ,tl,l, I 1... r. . : Longer lime will be given, with a rea-onable Increase of price. Ail" InrrnmtTitsef ;even'gTOahd price Included In this sale. Tell your musical friends of It. Write ns for Cat hkgaeB.IWce Lists anil Clreu.ars. This sale closes October 1st 1882 Early purchase secures cash prices and easy terms. blx (rt) years guarantee, stool and Instruetor with every Organ. Freight paid both wjiyiu ho sale. Test them ia your own boa es. Address " ' " k j; ' );( '. ; TVE oSiaait la. M-ttslo(SSta..4. W PBOE. WM. BAKKB is my authotlzed Tuner and Repairer. All work "guaranfee'i1 endwders tO this hOUSe. !. , ; U zMflrMm. atdfilOTH. W. A. TRUSLQWX JEWELER, KEEP J CONSTANTLY on HAND A VELL SELECTED STOCK OF WALTHAM AND ELGIN GHES ; In Gold and Sliver Cases, all of which he fully Warrants Reliable TUm Keepers. Business men know TSA.T 'TIMB AndagoodlnvestmentistobuyaGood Watch. If A few days and have,lt regulated. He can give Jun9 Im , . IS EITHER LiqilD Oil DRY FORM J That Acts at the so me time on TEE LITER, MS MOWSLSA ' -.JLIID T3S K1DB2YS. WHY ARE WE SICK? iBetcme ve alkht these ,great prgantf to becorflte e!oggd or torpid, . mnd poisonous 4.1 VSR COMPLAINTS, BISEABES; FKKAIJS WEAKH ESSES, Hi. AND NEBTOUS DIOBSEKS, , ( by ct(Utingfrt4 action of, ihe organs audi feridringVudr poioer ta tAxnc eff discern. Ufhv tomet4 with Plies,' CoastlpaUoh! Why Trlghteiied Over disordered Kldaeyst r Why eadore aervoas er aiek headachesl i TuSSpjSnafolt health, It ia eut an ia Dry. Yerelaife Fensu in Ua M one package bf'wniclf makes six quarts of I medicine. 'AIM FerwrVery Conees trateoVf er Ms4 hafeeanoot readOy prepare it I SXtatH WtO egnal efficiency in either form. GET.fS OF TOCB CRUOOIST. ' PBICS, t.oe WELLS, RXCHABDSOX Co., Prop's, licvni (vnniendtnaeryiKJtrtaiiJBiSa PER EXPRESS GGO O G O O GQ GGO OO O O O O O O OO OO O O O O O O OO TDD 1 1 T D D D DUD sss8 S8SS I 8SSSS & -WI!jH331M HOUSE, Special Offer : i ! tl ,.- i: IS MONET" your old Watch does not keep tlmv leave with over1 6ne hundred references in the elty. '. i "I is j it J: r BY Virtue of a decree of the SupsF-r Court of Catawba county, made in the ease ot P. c. bhuf ord and others, plalntlfFs, vs. A. it Powetl and, oUiers: detendatrts, at Spring term, - 882, of Catawba eohaty Superior Court,; the undersigned, as Receiver will selt at public sale, at the Long Island Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, ibe 3BD Xk of JUAY, 1 882 Ahe fouowtng vuiuable Prop eriy, to-wit; ! ' i " t ' ) Th factory of the-Lenz. Island Cotton Mills, to- gethar,vdlh,ieV4 acres land, tnclddmg the entire water imwer ui wsrea leei oesoi BMSwry. 'Dauaiog f50x40,wo stories hlghvnouilng and saw mills, store and cotton nouses, blacksmith shop and live tenement housetv and; the foUowlnc: machinery: jl wcaer, t ita-mca, aouota Dener .ana lap per, u 36-roch 1 4 tornaf caids:; railway beadi 3 drawimr frames, fl delttertes;eaci,;4 ilng .fanies., (Brides berry malce). alUn good brder.. 2 Danf orth can frames, 1 82 spthdlestotatBTOben srindies 810. 1 Travis card grinder,, bunch, and, baling press; also a large lot of ' oi kwmsl Bullies, shaitinir. Fox. more accurate and dennltd deserlntlon of the. property and tceMnmUoCToTlald sale refer ence w hereby made to thevtieareeabsvw referred. TEKMa Twenty , per - -cent r ot x purchase mopey cash -and" fh balance' te--equal in stalnMDta : ot - three- meata and. -six, months. bond . and approired . security redulre jlot purchaser,' w tbe becelvwtsiby sald,t)ecree au thoilzedte' varf. terms jtomu purcbasers. , The Receiver ls'alsd authorized DyidDaereA tn nnii said jprQperty at prtvate' nB0naali terms as snau ne sgreeq upon between him and purchaser. . and he will entertain private bids untlt day ot sale. " imwju, toning iwojutuiuiq jmum property win find Dr A. M. Powell and alr. levtshuferd on the u premlsesralQier of- vrhom-trUt-take pleasore In ' howlBg'tiy& Bame Address. f '...- . , .!. .jocln ii. uiitsis, Beceiver, . lano ,i '' !lIJn(lntriiiIcolnw)rinty,lt1,a "K " ivTTS - WHOLESALE 'K r it . I t 1 ' f 'I 1 1 ill .t it . V Ml iM Si ( t V 1 1 IV h 1 I :1 i Ml 01 i ' ' tM i t i . - t 1 1 it HI if M il 4r V r, r': i 7 T

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