VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1882. NO. 4,129. Pcgrani &--Co., -DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hals, Trunks, TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. PE GRAM & CO., HAVK A-RSTTY UNSW t I i GENTS' and LADIES' SUPPERS. PEGRAM & .CO,, 4 Have the Best Stock of Gents' Iland-Sewect Shoes IN THE STATE. PEGRAM & CO., H AYR ALL KINDS OF Ctiilfas' Shoes und Slippers. PEGRAM & CO., KKKP A W LL SELECTED STOCK OF- Trunks and Valices OF ALL PiUCES AKD SIZES. PEGRAM & CO., HAVS JUST RKtBIYKD A TINE faTOCK OF ill, Felt and traw Hats Of the Latest HyW-s. Of i be L itest Styles. PE G K A M & CO., CaN SUIT THltR Farmer Friends yfMi ms hinds B- OTS and SHOES TEST WISH. PEC RAM & CO., KVP AL1. XIKD3 ' Shoe Dressing, French Blacking PEGRAM & CO., Can supply sou with the BEST BRANDS and "LATEST STYLES -OF Ladies Hisses and Children's Shoes. 02 5S. cx3 -A ft ' ) A rr."l JUST IN PER- -A LOT OF NEW- INCLUDING ' C f All k Latest Novelties. Another lot of Hoop Skirts from 40c to $1. Mohair and Linen Ulsters In all styles, from $1.25 to 87. Large stock of Lace Curtains and CretOns very cheap. Our remnant stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats will be closed out very low. tS? The attention of Housekeepers Is called to a good assortment of Cane Matting that we are, sellln? at reduced prices to close out. T. LSeidelCo. Jun4 Summer Complaints At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perry Davis Pain Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Qholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer . Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. ' Bead" the following : BAraBBrDGK, N. T-, March 22, 1881. Penny Davis' Pain Kii.t.er never taiUVo afford instant relief fag cramp and pain In the stomach. Joseph Bckditt. . NlOHOLVTLtE, N. Y.. Feb. 2, 1881. The very hat medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have used It for years, and it is wo cur. every time. Julius W. Dee. Motjtgoha, Iowa, March 12, 1881. I have need roar Pain Killeb in Bevere cases of cramp, coltcand cholera morbus,and it gave almost Instant relief. . L. E. Caldwell. CArorE8vn.LB, Ga., Feb. 28,1881. For twenty years I have used your Pain Killeb In my family. Have used it many times for bowel complainta, and it alieaye euree. Would not feel safe "Wlthoutra bottle In the house. J. B. I vie. . . 8aoo, Me., Jan. 22, 1881. Have used Pkkbt Davis' Pain Killer for twelve Tears. It is ne. " " reliable. No mother should allow it to be out of the family. ' H.I, Nates. 4 . t " ' OiranA,N.Y., Feb. 19,1881. . TVe begun using It over thirty years afro, and it ' always (rives immediate relief. Would hardly dare . to ko to bed without a bottle in the hous. - - - - W. O. Spkbbt. COTTWAYBOBO, S. O., Feb. 22, 1881. Nearly every family in this section keeps a bottle In the house. Da. E. Mobton. TJ. S. Consulate, CBirELD, Rhenish Prussia. Feb. 8, 1881. I have known Pebby. Davis' Pain Killeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an indiepentabU neceity. I. 8. Potter, u. S. Consul. Bcbton-on-Tbent, Ens. I had been several days Ballerina; severely from diarrhoea, accompanied with, intense pain, when I tried your Pain and found almost instant relief. . EL J. Noons. 21 MoKTAGtnt St., London, Ens. During a residence of twenty-three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give relief. - . . H. Ct.abidoe. No family can safely be without this " invaluable remedy,, Its price brings it within the reach of all. w For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c and $L0Q per bottle. . PERBY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, ' - ' Providence, R. L sept d Vw sept 4 oct. im CAM GET WHITE GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS. ; LINEN HAH DK EBCHEE VS at 1 0c, H08IKRY FBOM Be up, .,.. . - v ? r & FANS BOM 2Vgo up. - AC, AC, &C ' AT THE VAR1EII TTTOEIi TRAILERS' NAT. BANK. ;.c. M.I mayI9 T7HEELER & WILSON'S t -?-;i LIgbtetit Running and Best Sewing Machine In the World." f .rf U before hnrlnB any other. AGENTS WANTED. l" Bend tor : Terms and Price List K1 Wheeler & Wilson Mannfaciur'g; Co., , RICHMOND, VA. mayll Cleavelaad Mineral Swings, O OPENED MAY 15th. 1882. THK8E Springs are two miles from Shelby. 54 miles West of Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the Carolina Central Hallway running f rom Chart . totttO'Shelby. Haektlll be at the Springs' Station on arrival of every train. ! 1 f JICOtft'ANfclrABMjBATHa. Whit, and Bed Sulphur and Chalybeate waters a. Bowling Alley .-H good order. good string band seeured foHhe season. Livery accommoda tions attached to the boteL Pff- For further particulars address mayietf rofjrletjy. s DISCOVERT J: NIANHOOD' restorep, rietinf ervous Debfiiiy, Lost Manhood, etc tore Decar fiATmg ruvbtn avnrvi mown reuwuv. uaa uuf EXPRESS II IIEAfl THE ORIGIN OE THE GIN, HISTORY ONCE MORE CALLED IN QUESTION. A Claim to the Honor of the Invention Set up in Behalf of Hogden Holmes, as Against Whitney, to Whom it Has Generally Been Accredited. Cor. Charleston News and Courier. I think" the publication of the in closed papers will be interesting to your readers. . The want of a date in Mr. McMaster's letter as to the time when the stranger visited Kincaid's mill is to be regretted, as a data would shed a a light upon the point in question. , I have not been able to find the date of Whitney's patent. McCulloch's "Coml. Diet." says 1193, and that the next year the exports of cotton amount ed to nearly two million of pounds, whereas in 1793 it was less than one hundred and fifty thousand pounds. The legislature of this State in 1801 gave Miller & Whitney $50,000 for the use of Ws patent irf this Statfe ,, I used to be familiar with-the stoiy of the saw gin, but it has nearly faded from my memoxyi Whftnyrdduated atiYala Collegs i in i792.Thi8 is certain from. the records of that collegp. He- theh went to Georgia to be a' teacher in the family of Mrs. Miller,, sister of General Greene. la her house: he saw many planters all of whom regretted that a product Which Georgia could produce so readily should be useless be cause of the difficulty of separating the cotton from the seed. W hitney studied the subject and the result was the saw gin. The whole work was perfected in Mrs. Miller's house. What share Mr. Miller had-in the in vention fldes not appear, probably he furnished the money. The patent was made out for Miller: & Whitney, and it waSTtd them that th&' legislature paid th,vS50,000. . hea the gin came into general use is still .doubtful. It could not have been bef pre 1795. Doubtless many witswere at work, to. invent a gin, as We8eebytb4iatentpf Hogden Holmes. By 13014.- hen-Tthe "act df thej legisla ture was passedcotton had,becbme the staple of South Carolina and Georgia. It is so long since5 my attention has been called to this subjKit, that I. find I cannot rely on my memory, and authen tic histories are'not to be had. Perhaps if you give publicity to these papers you may revive the memories of others who may shed some light on this inter esting feature in our history. Very respectfully, F. A. PoncnER, President S. C. Historical Society. LETTER FROM G II. M MASTER TO THE SECRETARY OF THE S. C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Winnsboro', May 23, 1SS2. Dear Sir: By request of Mr. W. D. Aiken I send to your society letters patent for the invention of the cotton gin issued by President Washington in 1795 to Hogden Holmes. It is believed by many in this community that Whit ney filched the invention from Holmes. The following is fact: James Kin caid, a soldier of the Revolution, being told by Holmes, who lived at Hamburg, that he had invented a cotton gin, agreed to take the gin and try it at his mill, situated in the western part of Fail field district. He did so, and whilst the gin was at the mill, and whilst the mill was closed for a few hours, in the absence of Kincaid a young man rode to the house and asked of Mrs. Kincaid permission to see the mill. She, for getting the injunction of her husband not to permit any one to enter the mill during his absence, gave the key to the young man, who returned it in a short time and rode off. Mr. Kincaid learned afterward's that the young man was Whitney, and this is believed by Kin caid's descendants, who still own the mill. The old original cotton gin was burned with the mill by Mr. Sherman, who, I believe, is from the same coun try as Whitney. Dr. W. M.Cloud. W. D. Aiken's grand father, married the daughter of Hog den Holmes, and preserved the parch ments which I inclose. Respectfully, G. H. McMA8Ter. P. S. It would be interesting to have published in the News and Courier these letters patent, and -this is Mr. Aiken's wish, and thereby elicit a com parison of the respective claims of Hogden Holmes and of Whitney, and the honor of the invention of the cot ton gin. G. H. McM. letters patent. The United States of America. To all and whom these letters patent shall come: Whereas Hogden Holmes, a citizen of the State of Georgia, in the United States, hath alleged that he has invented a new and. usefuL improve ment, to-wit: new machinery called the cotton gin; .which improvement has not been known or used before his ap plication; has made oath that he doe3 verily belieye that he ia ther true inven tor or discoverer of the said improve ment ; has paid into the Treasury of the United States the sum of $$0. delivered a receipt for the same,ahdipresented a petition to the Secretary of State, signi fying a desire of obtaining an exclusive property in'the said J iuiprovement, and praying that a patent may be, granted for that purpose : These are therefore to grant, according to law, to the said Hogden Holmes, his heirs, administra tors and assigns, for the term of four teen years, from the 19tn day of the month of April last past, the full and exclusive rteht and libert of making, constructing, using and vetidingto oth ers to be used, the said improvement, a description whereof is given in the words of the said Hogden Holmes him self, in the schedule hereto annexed, and is made a part of this patent. In witnesB whereof I have caused these'letters to be made patent and the seaVof the United J&ates to jSe hereunto affixed. i. . J Given under my hand in the city of Philadelphia, this twelfth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twentieth. ;. ; ' i - G. Washington. By the President: Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State. City of Philadelphia, to-wit: ' I do hereby certify that the foregoing letters patent were delivered to me on the 12th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, to be examined ; that I have examined the same and find them con formable to law; apd I do. hereby re turn the saThe" td tbe Seemary of State, within fifteeh daysf from the date afore said, to-wit: on the twelfth day of May in the year aforesaid. Charles Lee, ' ; Attorney-General.;. : schedule annexed ' -'. The schedule referred to in this; eH vers' pateili. atiu, - mnamy .jjiuii vt. - same, containiBja a tf$ sorfntiori In the Worrjg of ihe said pgWMolme8 hini self, of an improvement, td-wi machinerv called the cotton gta.iro? lis Explanation of the whole maGtrineryqr This machinery for leaniigflotenf.l1 irom me seeacau oojjsbutiui suo .ewrtf'dwiai.B-.Bv J. . "peiceh & o fftethirh. BvxDuttiBfictbis. maebmeian fourteen inches in diajaeterl -Bb4 Ijeeiion with one row of teptu to one aoatwo evin - irndge- e w teeaer rxoni eigne to wwye, wires of one inch, and sixfeet long, and runs on two iron gudgeons. The brush frQm seven to twelve inches in diame ter, and six feet long, with two iron gudgeons to each cylinder from three quarters of an inch to one inch thick. Hogden Hodmes. Teste : W.TJrqubart, Seaborn, Jones. Impressive Figures. Raleigh News aril Obseiver. Some of the developments made at Washington before Vance's committee arrest attention. It appears that James H. Harris, the leading colored politician of North Carolina, was borne on Dr. Mott's books as a gauger or something of the sort, and was paid as a govern ment employee in the revenue service for nine months at $125 per month, while in truth he was merely doing po litical work for his party or for some faction in his party. Mr. A. B. Gilles pie, a gauger, and formerly a deputy collector up in that district, declined to testify before the committee because he might criminate himself. The testi mony)f oUreiL employees in that - dis trict to the effect that they had received 'rmt'jairauihs; when, the vouchers and rx)ok&$f,tt.7bureaa state that much more was paid them,, indicates that forgery as well as fjaud was practiced somewhere. . Under iJaese circumstan- f ices' itis clears why&o much opposition was manifested to an investigation of the affairs of the sixth district It is well enough to bear some of the figures in mirid. For the year ending Septem ber .30, 1877, the expenses in Dr. Mott's district were $49,345, and the receipts were $238,653. For the year ending September 80, 1880, the expenses were $205,778 and the receipts were $455,457. There bad been a gradual increase in receipts during these three years aver- kaging $70,000 a year,, and there was like wise a gradual increase in the expenses averaging $52,000 a year. . It took about onedollar of expense to collect four dollars and a half, or, to put it another way, it took about twenty dollars to collect one hundred dollars. Bless us, the lawyers would have collected it for five dollars in the hundred, but Dr. Mott took twenty dollars. That was in the latter days of 1877. But in 1880 it was even worse. Dr. Mott, during the year endj p g Sept., 1 880, spen t $45 to collect every hundred. In. three years he had increased his expenses fourfold, while he had not doubled his receipts. Nor did be end there. The next year cover ed the period of the Presidential electior. And during thai canvass the bureau jnade the rBoney fly. Dr. Mottincreased his expenses $08,561, . but increased his receipts only $43,998. As for the in creased receipts they were very costly, fur it took Dr. Mutt $150 to collect Hvery $1' 0 of these additional receipts. The gross expenses in the year ending September 30, 1881, were $269,424, and the gross receipts $499,455. Computing the whole business of the oftice it cost $54 to collect every hundred dollars, and as for Ihe. additional receipts of that year they cost the government $150 for every $100 it received. That was the. year of the presidential elec tion. Now how about all that money? What would be a good fee fur a lawyer to collect $499,000. Twenty thuusaud dollars would be regarded a large fee. And yet Dr. Mutt made it cost the gov ernment $269,000, thirteen times as mucli! The cost of all the courts of North Carolina to the Sia'-e, is only about $40,000. '1 he salaries of the exe cutive flicers and employees is only about $20,000 The pay of the sheriffs in the ninety-four counties in the State for collecting three times what Dr. Mott collected is only $75,000. The sheriffs would have collected the same money for $25,000. Di. Mott spent in his district for collecting $499,000 $269, 000. We don't wonder that he is a great man in the Radical conventions. In the Republican convention they said he was the best Republican in the State and made him chairman of the Republican executive committee by acclamation. We take it that he is a fair representative, and this endorse ment of him by his party makes his re cord of unusual importance. The Re publican convention approves and en dorses this record wheu they make him their chairman. But what do the peo ple think of it? Drunkenness No Excuse for Crime. The New York Court of Appeals has recently passed upon the question whether drunkenness can be pleaded as a defense to a charge of murder. It was claimed by the counsel for the con demned murderer that his client was the victim of an appetite for drink which amounted to a disease that de stroyed his will-power and rendered him legally irresponsible, as in the case of insanity. A new trial was therefore asked, because the court below had re fused to charge the jury that the accus ed was not responsible if the crime had been committed when he was t he victim of such disease or if committed while he was drunk. The Court of Appeals refuses to recognize drunkenness as any excuse for crime. It holds that not even frenzy or mental alienation caused by drink can exempt a person accused of murder from criminal responsibility. If a man voluntarily gets drunk and commits a crime while in that condit ion, he must answer for the consequence of his acts. Egyptian Ministry. Alexandria, June 21. The new ministry is composed as follows: Rag heb Fascha, president of council and minister of foreign affairs ; Arabi Pas cha, minister of war; Ali Pasch Ibra hiem, minister of justice; Falaki Pas cha, minister of public works ; Sulie man Pascha, minister of public instruc tion ; Alimed Raschid Pascha, minister " the interior. The New Ministry. London, June 21. A dispatch from Alexandria says the new ministry is composed of prominent leaders of the National party and devoted adherents of Arabi Pascha. Another dispatch says the programme of the ministry is general amnesty except to participants in the recent riots. The relations with foreign powers are to be carried on be tween them and the minister of foreign affairs only. Uncles Frigbl. To worry about any Liver. Kidney or Urinary Trouble, especially Brlght's Disease or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never talis of a cura where a cure Is possible. We know this. DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An important dis covery, by whicl every family ma give their liiieu that beautiful fin ish peculiar o fine laundry work. r Ask your Grocer. r'S. UOBBrNS, Philadelphia, Pa. HARMS REMEDY GOpSs JBI. PaOF.HAKRIS' PASTILLE REMEDY ran Mtu and othera who suffer . from NervaMM'abd Physical Debil ity .PremMure Kxhaautua and tketr bui mttemj conarawnoea. are auleklr and ndtaaMT aared. ITa. 1 (fenouth to effect a ear, unlet in asrere cmoQ at laVt : fbutinc throe months). 17. Sent dt mail in nlaia anim.- tnasdv la Vint Bn4n foxes. Kit. 1 flulin. a uinth "t Ptioas tar rjiiafaeraaiaaar auk Bii. Pamphlet duert. ml Wm umM'fw iqeaioioyrt aeahacaiep en sppU 1 f I I .1 ttLStJ Sit 3 ? 1- mi l l WOMAN. How Minil she Preserve Her Health and Beauty. One who has long Investigated this subject gives the result, and Is happy to say thai it is found in Woman's "Best Friend." It Is adapted especially to thac great central, all-conirolilng organ, the womb, correcting Its disorders, and curing any lr--regolarlty of the "menses." or "courses." Dr. J. Bradrield'j Female begulator acts like a charm In whites, and In suCden or gradual checklne.or In entire s'oppage ot the "monthly courses," from cold, mental trouble, or like causes, by restoring the natural discharge In every instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of the womb, its action Is prompt and decisive, sav ing the conetituUon from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfild, Atlanta. Ga. Price: trial sixe. 75c ; large feize, SI. 50. Forsale by all druggists. Jjtu diTjertisemeuts. fFrom the Toledo Blade. I SURPRISING EFFECTS OF IXTB1CT OF CELERY AND CH4IHOTJILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE organs;, An Invariably Produced by Dr. C. W. Bennon'ti Celery and Chamo mile Pills. They have been tested time and again, and al ways wfth satisfactory results. This preparation Just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state lust what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will enre: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all nervous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, Irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and body, Indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, and yet, for 60 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction If ued as directed and will cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot 108 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.60, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE 55 Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, D4SEA8BS OF rtAIR A NO SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCWMOS on all part of the body. It makes the akin white, soft and smooth : remove tan and fpeckies, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOULD. Elegantly pnt tip, twe bottles In one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. Prioe $ 1 . per package. C N. rlttenton. Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Peneon's Bemedies 115 Fulton street. New York. junl LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE OOMPOUin). Is a Positive Cure For all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by s Woman Prepared by a Woman. Ths Craattst Kadleal DfaeoTcry SI act the Dawn of History. tylt revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and harmonises the organic f nnotions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eve, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. tr-Physiciant Use It and Prescribe It Freely It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the core of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Com po and is unsurpassed. 1TTIA E. PrVKHAMS BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or "h" Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at BS and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, tl. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No f amilv should be without LYDIA E. PDTKHAM'S LlVEtt PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness. and torpidity of the liver. 25 conts per box. A J-Sold by all Druggists.- 0) F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR The Burner & Enel Brewery Company s tOf Philadelphia, Pa.,) fi-lf brafed Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BOrn.EO IIEER A SPECIALTY. t3""Have just received a smart lot of BOTTLED ALB and POHTER, which I offer to th public at a reasonable price. Address FBED G. MTJNLBR, Lock Box 256. Charlotte, N. C mbr28 16 jopo ike Stat FOR JULY, WITH PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. TIDDY & BROTHER. on0 WORTH JUST RECEIVED PER EXPRESS A JOB LOT OF FFF F FP F Y A AA A A AAA A A Nft M NN N N N N N NN N NN ceo o o o o o OGO Y Y Y Y YY Y Y And are offering them very much below the real value. Call and get a bargain. Have also just recelv ea per freight several things that will pay you to inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. SMITH BUILDING. Junll MUSIC CHARLOTTE, IM. C. J3XTt.-fV2roH of XjTTIDIDDElCr eto T3A.TE8. LiJ I Thousands of Musical Families tlroughout Njrth and South Carolina are intending to purchase PIANOS and OhtiANS in the Fall, when cotton comes In. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with MuMc and make the "HARVEST HOME" still more Joyful. Mid-Summer Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and 8EP TEH BE R, 1882, PIANOS and ORGANS, of eveiy make, style and price, at our very lowest cssh rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, On ORGANS $10 Cash, WITHOUT INTEREST OE IF IIAEANCE CAN'T Longer lime will be given, with a reasonable Increase of price. All Instruments of every grade and price Included In this sale. Tell your musical friends or It. Write us for Catalogues, Price Lists and uircu ars. This sale closes October 1st 1882 Early purchase secures cah prices and easy terms. Hx (rt) years guarantee, btool and Instructor with every Organ. Freight paid both ways U no sale. Test them In your own hoa es. Address McSnaitli. Musio lloltso. PROF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner to this house. tfATHES and JEWELRY! W. A. TRUSLOW, JEWELER, KEEP J CONSTANTLY on HAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, In Gold and Silver Cases, all of which he fully Warrants Sellable Time Keepers. Business men know And a good Investment to to buy aGwl Wateh. If your old Watch does nal fceep thne, leave wtyi A few days and have It regulated. He can give over one hundred references In the city. jun9 Lm - . : pi THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID Oli DRY FORM That Acts at the same time an raiivsB, TBSBOWSZS, WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we alfow these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and polsonousl humors are tluref ore forced into the Uood that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, I LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES,' CONSTIPATION, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEKVOCS DISORDERS, by causing free action qf these' organs and I , ji . . j j j. . .. - tr . t ; I TzSWTmg weir puwer ut wwvtv ujj uurcuee. Why suffer Billons pains and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nervous or sick headaches! pie KXDNEY-WORTand rejoice in health. I i . It is pat up in Dry Vegetable Form, In tin j ' cans one package of which mokes six quarts of I medicine.. Also in IJquld Form, very Coneen-1 J , trsted, for those that cannot readily prepare it. I " - t3TIt acts' with equal efficiency tn either form, ri GET II OPUR DRUGGIST, PRICK, $1.00 f4 WEILS, RICH ARDS0S A Co.,Pron'i, fi (Will Send the dry post-paid.) BTLISGTOS, TT. ST TTT fi ill IP SEVERAL LINE3 OK GGO O G i G GO GGG OO O O O O O O OO OO O O O, O O O OO TDD I) D r i) D D mm ssss ssss: r 00 Crr V2 assavavCaal B I Specia 1 II VI t HOUSE, ... ' iiilMil B Ifl WHO LESALE & 'RETAlL.j! M Balance November 1st, 1882. Balance November 1st, 1882. AHV ADVANCE IS PRICE, BE PAID IN THE FALL. and Repairer, All work guaranteed. Send orders H. McSMITH. FOB MILE, BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P. C bhuford and others, plain tiff 3, vs. A. M. Poweil and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale, at the Long Istend Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, ihe 3uD DAY of JULY, 1882, the following valuable Property, to-wit; The lactory of the Long Island cotton Mills, to gether with acres land, including the entire water power of seven feet bead, factory building 60x40, two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery : 1 picker, 1 36 Inch double better and lapper, 0 36-lnch 14 top flat cards, railway bead. 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all in good order, 2 Danforth cap frames, I3z spindles, total number spindles 8 10, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and baling press; also a large lot of old looms, pullles, shaitlng, &c. For more accurate and definite description of the property and tbe conditions of said sale refer ence is hereby made to the decree above referred. TERUS: Twenty per cent of purchase money cash and the balance in equal in stalments of three months and. six months, bondi and approved . security reaulred of purchaser, or the Receiver la br said Decree au thored to vary terms to snlt purchasers. The Receiver is also authorized by said Decree to sell Bald property at private sale, upon such terms as snaii 00 Agree a upon between him ana purchaser. ana ne wut entertain private mas until aay 01 sale. - Persons wishing to examine said" property will find Dr A.M. Powell and Mri Levi Bhotoid on the premises cither ot. whom Mill tako pleasure in showing the came. Address - : . , ' v - . . . JOHN L, COBB,Becelver, Jun3 LlneolntoR Lincoln county, N. C .1 '.' km' a t -ft t trf ntr