DAILY CttAllLOTT E OBSERVER: THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1882. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mala la. Chi! Is and Fevrr, nd Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's utannard Cure Pill an lnUJtble remedy; uever fall to cure tbe most obstlaat. loiiB-standltig caxe, causing no griping or purging: they re mild and efficient, certain In Uielr action and harmless In all cases: t&ey effectually clause thus stem, and give new life and tone to the bodr. as a household reme dy they are uneqialed For Liver CouiplaUit their equal is not known: one box will hae a wonder ful effect on the worst case. They are ued and prescribed by Ph slcians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 and 60 cent boxes. Emory's Lit tle Catharic Pills, best ever made, only 1 5 cents Standard Cure 'o., 1 14 Nassau street, Sew York. jun21 d eod 6un&w Scattering- Foriuot' Favor. Fortune may be easily wooed rnd won by pur chasing a ticket In tbe next drawing of the Com monwealth Distribution Comoany. which will be held June 80ih, at Louisville, Ky.. under the auspices of promln-nt citizens. The drawings are lair, the scheme popular. Purcbnse your tickets at once. Whole tickets J2, halves $l. Address H. M. Boardman, Louisville, Ky. JIy Tormented Back" is the exclamation of more than one poor hard working man and woman. Do you know why It aches? It Is because y ur kidneys are overtask ed and need strengthening, and your system needs to be cleansed f bad humors. Kidney-Wort is the medicine you need, "it acts bke a charm," ays a well known physician. '"I never knew it to fall " Liquid or dry so.d by druggists. Boston Post Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies". A marvel of purity strength and wholes- men as More economlca than the ordinary Kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a urn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. ot23 New York. LROY DAVIDSON, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady (fured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had (Strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I am now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs, Mary E. Brashbar, 173 Prestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., j88i. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kyib Montague. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec 2, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's ron Bitters. I have used two bot tle and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jennib Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron BrrTERS .is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. Another Car Loa( FRESH Watermelons JUST IN, AT ud22 TV trodersumefl offer tor wXTrhS: J. buildlnei and rrounas in mo r.r-r. ' lotUS, N. C.; where toe M. & ""JL.VCT ?Z JIM years, the Carollnt Military Jnstltute ba : . . anara iiir vud ,uo IMMn IUnl rjr .,.... j. . - - : ne Duiiaingi ana erounus nm no wnere in th Hnntn are mere nu bumv. Georgia he Charlotte (Dbsmjer. Index to New Advertisements. P. B Rufin-Notlee. T. P. L Teacher of Languages LeRoy Davidson- Fresh (ieorgl Melons. Suiglcal instruments Lost - eee notice J G Shannonhnuse -Millets. F. H. Glover Notice. HOME BRIEFS. tW Mr. B. C. P. Burnett, of Clear Creek township, has a fine mare and colt that he will sell cheap. The Newton normal school open ed yesterday with over one hundred scholars in attendance. The prospects for the school are bright. ISsT A party of sports went out bull frog hunting yesterday afternoon and returned to the city with twenty-eight of the greenbacked beauties. EdtTThe water from the hydrants yesterday was as clear and sparkling as if from a spring. The works will be turned over to the city this evening. The one o'clock and ten minutes day train from the North got in yester day an hour late, which is doing better than it has done the past few days. OF"Tiie Observer returns thanks to the committee for an invitation to at tend the grand annual basket picnic at Abernathey's grove, Mt Holly, on July 1st. ESFIhe Carolina Central excursion to Smithville is to be a big thing the biggest of the season. Capt. Finchwas busy yesterday answering inquiries by mail and selling tickets. tt"The opening ball at Glen Alpine Springs came off last Tuesday night and was a grand affair. Mr. Harrison Watts, of this city, was one of the hon orary managers. W The second of the series of pub lic debates by the Literary and Debat ing club will come off on Thursday night, the 29th inst., instead of to-night as first announced. EThe grand lodge of Good Samari tans is holding its sessions in the court house. The business of the meeting will not be concluded before Friday evening. JEir'Mr. Charles Butt, of this city, is spoken of in a very complimentary no tice in the Cisco (Texas) paper, at which place he is now located. He has been training the Cisco brass band and the editor was carried away with the first public performance the band gave. AST A note to Tins Observer from the Hygeia hotel, states that a german was given at that place Tuesday night by the artillery school, of Fortress Mon roe, complimentary to the ladies and guests of the hotel. There are already four hundred guests at the Hygeia. There was a good deal of excite ment over the chase after a mad dog in the eastern part of the city yester day evening. The rabid animal bit a ot of dogs and a goat as it ran. It was chased as far as Mr Baxter Moore's farm, where it was lost from its pur suers. tW The colored woman who cooks for Mr. Frank Snider, came to Dr. Wilder Tuesdny, to have her headjsew- ed up. The green-eyed monster bad taken possession of her and she accused her husband of applying his affections to another woman, whereupon he knocked her down with a lamp. Her head was badly cut. . Mr. Bagwell and His People. The official board of Tryon Street church have granted their pastor Rev. J. T. Bagwell a leave of absence for one month in which to recover from his recent throat affection, and his con gregation and friends have presented him with a handsome purse to defray his expenses during his vacation. He leaves for Cleaveland Springs this morning. Information Wanted. About the 9th day of last September a young man about 16 years old, named Fritz Millershan, left Charlotte and when last heard from was in Little Rock, Arkansas. If this should meet his eye, or the eye of any one who is acquainted with him, he or they will do a favor to his mother, Mrs. C. B, Millershan, of Charlotte, N. C, if they will furnish her the postoffice address of her boy. Little Rock, Ark., and other Western papers please copy. A Sensational Report. The associated press agent for this State, whoever he is, sent out a fine tale in the press dispatches last night in re gard to the shooting of the ne?rowo- man last Saturday Inight. Of course he made it up from The Observer's report, but how man can take a news paper and deliberately pervert the facts of an article, as was done in this case, like the ways of Providence, is beyond comprehension. The facts were bad enough, but to magnify and sensation alize the case is just going a little too far. A Novel Entertainment. For two months past the Gleaners, a society of the young people of the Char lotte Baptist church, haye been engag ed with "little brown jugs," collecting money for the new church building. They propose to give an entertainment to-morrow (Friday) night at Oates Hall, when these lues will be broken in public, and the amounts announced. The programme includes a concert ex ercise, some excellent singing and capi tal jug song. Tickets 15 cents each, or two for 25-cents, and they can be had from the Gleaners, or at the door. The ladies aid society will have ice cream for sale at reasonable prices ' MH Primary Cpnyentipns . Morning Star township, this county, hpM its Drimarv convention last Satur day and appointed the following dele gates to attend the Mecklenburg coun ty convention, which meets in Char lotte on the 28th : J S Reid, S B Smith, Dr H B Massey, jf R Morris, J W Mor-r.-,a r t. T.inrtaAv and J W Hood. The iiof - j : HaI aerates were not instructed. The primary convention in South Point towBShlp. uaston county, enaors ai RhinD for Judge, Bennett for con w rpskmari-at-larte. and Grier for solicit- or.1 GMton8 county convention, meets on meruit? ?. Lincoln will hold her county; conven tion on the 26th; and Cabarrus on the vDiracu""1 - MtmmenM with 8 eofagh. cold, or unusual exertion .ottne TOloe.cTnesi taolplent Bjnjptom are al layed toy the nse of v3rown's Bronchial Trocnes," A Preacher's Intention. A friend i rom Fort Mill writes that the Rev. B. C. Covington, of that place, has invented and patented an instru ment for kindling fires, which is very simple, and is likely to come into as general use as the indispensable shovel and tong. It answers the triple pur pose of a blower for kindling fires, a fender for protecting against fire in an unoccupied room, and a screen for cov ering the open fire-place from view in the summer. He has had applications for several State rights. A Saucy Prowler. About 12 o'clock Tuesday night a negro man to whose leg dangled a chain, was found prowling about the premises of Mrs. Thomas Gilford. While he was making a leisurely inspec tion of the premises young Mr. Gifford fired at him from a window of the house. Policeman Orr and Irwin ap peared upon the scene at this time and commenced a search fdr the negro. While they were hunting about the yard the negro stood in the middle of the street and heaved a couple of rocks at them. The officers gave him a hot chase, but he evaded them. The rascal is supposed to be an escaped convict- Blackberry Picker Killed by the Train. As engineer Fred Krogg's train pass ed Seneca City on the Air Line road yesterday morning on its way to Char lotte, an object was seen lying beside the track which the engineer at first supposed to be a bag, but not being ex actly satisfied, he stopped his train and went back to examine it, when the sup posed bag turned out to be a little ne gro boy. The little fellow had been picking blackberries and had sat down by the track to rest himselfand it was supposed that he fell asleep. ! He was run over by the train bound for Atlan ta, Which had passed about fifteen min utes previously. The boy's head was crushed, but when engineer Krogg found him he was still breathing. He was placed in charge of competent at tendance, but died soon after the train left. The Hornets' Nest Stirred Up. There seems to be quite a revival of military interest in the city and a movement is on foot looking to the or ganization of one of the largest com panies in the State. The Hornets' Nest company to be urorked over, receive new members, new equipments and elect new officers. Ifc is proposed to elect Colonel Ham. C. Jones captain and Messrs. A. G. Brenizer and Sam Pegram first and second lieutenants, as it is understood that these gentlemen have agreed to take charge of the new company in this capacity. The compa ny will still retain the old name and under the new regime will muster about fifty-five men, the pick and flower of the city. In order to have the com- pany so ably officered, all the former officers have decided to enter the ranks as privates. The new Hornets bids fair to be tbe crack company of the State Guard. Haywood White Sulphur. The next meeting of the North Caro lina Press Association is to be held at the Haywood White Sulphur Springs, one mile from Waynesville, and from the description which we have of the place and its surroundings, the editors will be delighted with the selection. It is on an altitude of 2,716 feet above the sea level, and is in the midst of the great Balsam Mountains, ranging from 5,000 to 6,425 feet, all of which are of easy access and from two to ten miles distant. The hotel is situated on the banks of Rickland Creek, a beautifuh dashing trout stream, in a most charm ing valley, as free from malaria as the peaks of the Rocky Mountains. It is surrounded with extensive grounds of shade and lawns. The scenery from the hills on the premises is extensive and beautiful, with shady walks and pleasant drives, while the whole sur rounding country is most inviting to those in search of health or pleasure. A Fever-Stricken Excursionist. Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock the police discovered a oolored man ly ing under the platform of the old Rock Island factory, delirious and suffering with a burning fever. Dr. Wilder was summoned and after making an exam ination pronounced the case to be ty phoid fever and had the negro removed to the mayor's office for treatment. He remained insensible all day yesterday, with but little signs of improvement. Who the negro is and where he came from are questions that can not be an swered. Some of the colored people. who saw him after he wa discovered by the police, recognized him as one of the excursionists who arrived in this city last Tuesday, but could not say at what place he boarded the train. He is being cared for in the city and will receive the best treatment possible. A Dead Excursionist. A young colored man who arrived in this city on the excursion Tuesday evening, was found dead in a room at Peeble's hotel, on Collega and 5th streets, last night. Peebles states that; the boy's name was Tom Macon and he was noticed lounging around the depot after the train came in Tuesday. He appeared to be sick and was asked if he did not want to go to a boarding house, and on replying that he did, Peebles and several companions started up town with him. They had not gone far before Mason ran into the middle of the street and fell. They picked him up and helped him ag to Pee ble's house. H remained in bed all day yesterday and at night, when the cook went to take him his sujpper, he was found lying doubled up on the floor, dead. Peebles states that he was in the room at 4 o'clock and talked with the boy, who complained of being very sick at that time. Some of the excursionists state that he was put on the train at Salisbury, by a man who gaye him a ticket. An inquest will be held to-day. , Forty Tears' Experience of an Old Nurse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescrip tion of one of the best Female Physicians and NiirafM in4he United States, and has been used for forty yean with neyer-Iailing safety and suc cess, by millions of mothers and children from the feeble infant of c e week-klte the adult. I correct" aoidity of the storaach, , relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and Mtmfart to mother and child, we believe it the best and surest . remedy in the world, in all. cases of Dysentery -ana juiarrncea - in cuuaren, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause, lruu directions ior using wm accompany each bottle. " None genome unless the fao-sjinil? of Curtis jfernns, is on me ouuiae wrapper. - Sold by all medicine daaleji. ,25, cts k bottle.4 . Dvlay la Danccrons. " W DonH wait any longer, but send by n&t mall and purchase a ticket In Commonwealth Distribution -tympany, era wins dune limn xic.evs omy A Hen With the Hysterics. A peculiar case was reported yester day by officer Stephens, and as a hen story it takes the belt, yet withal it is true. One of Mr. Stephens' neighbors has a hen that, one month ago, began to cackle just like a hen does when she lays an egg, and since that time poor biddy has not been able to cease her song. Night and day she goes it, not even stopping to eat, but cackles be tween swallows. She sits on a pole in the hen house and has now become too weak to walk. Har cackling is kept up all night, as well as all day. It is a fun ny case, but it is all true. It is an in teresting case for hen doctors. Who can explain it ? News from the Mines. Mr. Wm. R. Cochrane, the veteran miner, yesterday exhibited a collection of gold lumps to the amount of ten ounces, the fruits of two weeks labor at his Prince mine in Polk county. A party of Philadelphia capitalists have purchased the Hopewell mine in this county, and are now working it on an improved basis, with new machinery and all necessary appliances. The old St. Catherine mine iust be low the Air-Line depot, has been bought by New York parties and Mr. G. W. Pitcher placed in charge of it. He is now pumping out water prepara tory to opening and working the shaft. This mine is one of the oldest and best in the country. The shaft is located just beside the track, a short distance from the depot. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central. Rev C II Wiley, Winston ; W T Linton, Baltimore; J C Calhoun, Bennettsville, S C; Erwin Harris, Con cord ; R T Cansler, Gaston county ; H C Cowles, statesville; J E Cowles, Johnston, S C; D E Allen, city; A Mc Quinn, Red Banks, N CrG W Laney, Cherew.S C; N Gilbean, Moss Neck, N C ; N II Smith, Va; J E Ray , Raleigh ; J D Hardin, N C ; S A Morton, Monroe ; Miss Florence Scroggs, Monroe; C A Hamner, C H Tileston, New York; W C Mason, wife, child and servant, Lo well, N C ; Thos C Peek, New York ; P M Courtney, Richmond, Va; Wm II McDonald, Raleigh ; F M Ironmonger, Jr., Richmond, Va ; J A Pender, Atlan ta, Ga; Z DeF Ely, Philadelphia; J A McCool, Atlanta, Ga; D D Gaston, Black's, S C ; R A Fulp, Fort Mill ; R C G Love, Gaston county ; A Burwell, N C; A Anderson, Washington, D C; Jaa T J Davis, Washington, D C; W G Hammer, Baltimore; J C A Branan, Atlanta, Ga; Wm V Walsh, New York; Mrs S A Caston, Miss Lillie Carlisle, L E Caston, Spartanburg, S C. Charlotte. T F Allison, Lava nia; Mr3 AM Peterson, Greenyille, S C; WW Kuowles, S S McKean, John Carrigan, J W Roddick, R C Strudwick Atlanta; Dr I J Sloan, county; J H McElwee, W II Stockton, Statesville; NSnowdell, New York;C H Bern heim, Lexington; L L Marshall, Charleston ; F G Faigly.Charlottesville, Va; S J Patrick, Nashville, Tenn; L N Mason, II J Wade, C G Good, Wash ington, D C; L L Munn, Baltimore; C C Pugh, L C Wallace, Richmond; G F Farley, L M Henry, Bainbridge, Ga; G W Maring, Lilesville, N C; CL Ir win, Concord. IIrfurd' Acid Pltokpbate in Sea bicktoesa. 8 8. PARK KB, Wellington. O.. says- "While cro sing Lake Krle, I gave It to some fellow pas sengers who were seaalck, and it gave immediate relief." MRS. JOE PERSON'S RETIDY WILL CURE SCROFULA, And Is unequaleu as a TONIC. It will oure Rheu matism, Cancer in its early stages, Bean Disease, Chronic Bilious colic, Eruptions, tkln and Blood Diseases, Gov. Ilolden'a Opinion. Raleigh. N. C, Dec. 2d, 1880. I take Pleasure in statin e that a member of mv family has used Mrs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic with good results. I believe her remedy to be ex cellent for the purposes for which it H intended. W. W. HOI. OEM. Judge Strong' Opinion. Raleigh, N. C Pec. 1st, 188a Mrs. Joe Person: Madam Some m .nths a&o I was in bad health. suffering from debility, lndleecUon and loss of appetite, when a friend who bad experienced great benefit from use of your remedy, induced me to try it as a tonic. I did so with the most happy re sults. I take great pleasure in recommending it as a valuable and efficient Vegetable Tonic, and wisn you mucn success. Very respectfully, GEO. V. STRONG. Debility. Newbern, September 6 th, 1881. I have used Mrs. Joe Persons Tonic for ppneral debility consequent upon living in a low eountry, ana iouna great oenent irom it as an appetizer which gave tone to the stomach MARY BAYARD CLARKE. After O titer means had Failed. Oxford, N. C, February 2d. 188a Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy cured our little eirl. who wag badly afflicted with scrofula in the eyes, tuier au otner avanaDie means naa iauea. B. K. ELLIOTT. I am prepared to PROVE that I have discovered the vegetable antidote for Scrofula. My Remedy will expel the disease irom the system, thus ren dering it the best BLOOD PURIFIER known. I have sold over 4,000 bottles, and have never re ceived one unfavorable report Infallible for Scrofula and Eruptions. Sold and endorsed by the Druggists of North Carolina. Send for circu lar containing testimonials of remarkable cures. rne.so testimonials come, npt irom tne iar west or the Territories, but frrjm well known citizens of your own State. Ask your druggist for my Remedy. Price 81 per bottle; $5 per half dozen. For further Information, address Mrs. JOE PERSON, Junl6 Frankllnton, N. C. Teacher of LaDgaages. A TEACHER of many years experience in this department desires a position to teach En glish, Ancient Languages, German, French, Span ish, Italian. Address the Editor, or T. P. 104 Monroe alreet, Richmond, Ya. un22dltw.3 NOTICE. North Carolina Railroad Company. Secretary and Treasurer's Ofllce Company shops, N. C, June 20th, 1882. J2. THE Thirty-third annual meeting of the stock holders of this company will be held in Raleigh on Thursday, July 13th, 1882. Stockholders desiring to attend can get tickets for themselves and the Immediate members of their families (WIFE and CH1LDRKN LIVING UNDER THEIR ROOF) by applying to the under signed. P. a KTJFFIN. un22 until 13 July Secretary. LOST, EITHER in Charlotte or on the road to Sugar Creea church, a pocket case ot Surgical In struments, manufactured by Shepherd A Dudley. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning them to THIS OFFICE. Jun22 m MILLET. A LOT of Fresh German and Hunnrtan MU xi. let Seeds. Can be sown till 15th of August,. Will duplicate New : York and Baltimore prices, freight and draj age added. vrh- v.-i-q i GvSaAKNONBOtSE, Agent NOTICE, TBS Regular Meeting of JPhalanx Lodge, fo. 1 81. A. F. A A. M., will he held in their hall, If Hsonio Temple Building, on Saturday, et John's ay,tfity o'clock - -: Installation ot officers on Saturday at EVi Celoobt p. m. All Master Masons In good standing ctr GRAND EXC1SI1! JUNE 26th, 1882, -TO- WilmiDgton, Sniilhville, -AND THE SEA-SHORE, UNDER THE ADSPICEd OF THE lit MANAGEMENT, On the occasion of the OPENING of HOTEL BRUNSWICK, AT SMITHVILLE, The following exceedingly low rates will rffer full opportunity to viit this MOST DELIGHTFUL BF.S0RT, where all the enjoyments incident to a life on the rieashore may b found: Rates for the ROUND TRIP TO SMITHVILLE are as follows: Shelby, :::::: ) Cherryville. : : : : : V$3 50 Llncolnton, : : : : i Iriontfrn. ::::::': 1 Brevards, :::::: ,Mn. Tuckasge, ::;::: rt-UU Charlotte. :::::; J Matthews. : : : : ' Monroe, :!::: o.50 Beaver Dam. : ; 1 Polkton. :::::: Sr00 Wadesboro, ::::::) Lilesville, :::::: 1 Pee ree. $4.50 Rockingham, : : : ) Hamlet, ::::::: $400 Laurel Hill. ; : : 83.75 : : : , : $3.5(1 : : : : S 1 25 : : : : : $3.00 : : : 3 00 : $2 50 Laurlngburg, Shoe Heel, : Red Banks, Moss Necir, Lumberion, BladenboroT Abbottsburg. Clarkten, : Boslndale, North West, r$2 00 J TICKETS GOD FROM JUNE 2th to JUL 1st, lNKLUrfl VK Ample accommodations will pr)vidd aup a complete trip is asred, magHl&eent STMMER PASSPOHT, Is bartered for the occasion and will visit all the celebrated HdHIfiG GROUNDS near Smithville. Tr Ins will leave DOlnts nnmd anr.ve nr. regular hours as appointed for Trains Nos. 2 and 4. arriving In Wilmington at 8 50 a. m.. in ample time to connect with the Boat Tickets must be purchased of agents at stations, as no tickets will be sold on the Trains. F. W. CI.KRE, Jun21 5t Gen'l Pass. Agent ESSSSSES S aj ee 08 C Ci.c.Q, ;t : r : : : r T3 O H SSSgSBEEBSS a H . 5! Oh CS a w a z 03 - a H Z w ft W Q CD & 3 P CD P3 H cm c s ja a :s s l o 5 5 Sd o H H ao aasasaaassa s as oaaaae as a ic o? c o cci a o c o io c oi io -h us co o -i o to n r a x r- io ti d Z, z t t : 1 z :-r u, op 4 J a . o CO M 03 O aaa&aaea 33 -3 o W C -! O 03 " 55 Train No 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. R. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh. Pull man Palace Sleeping Car from Greensboro' to Henry's. Connects at S atesvllle with A,. T. & O. Division of C.,C. 5c A. R. R. with Sleeping Oar from Charleston, S C, to Henry's. Open obser vation cars run over the mountain both ways be tween Henry's and Warm Springs, affording a magnificent day-light view of the Mountains and French Broad river. Connects at Warm Springs with train of E Term , Va. & Ga. R. R. for Morris town and points South-West. Train No. 4 Connec s at Warm Springs with E.T.,Va & Ga R R. Pullmai Sleepers from Henry's to Greensboro', und Sleeping Cars from Hemy's to Charleston. S. C. Connects at Statesville with A.. T. A O. Dlvi sion of the C. C. & A. R. R. anJ at PalUbury wi;h R. 4 R R. X foe a 1 points North and South. Throng-h Ticketa cn sale at Salisbury, Statesville, Ashevllle and tfae Warm Springs to all principal cities. Summer excursion tickets on sale from all points North and South. J. R, MACMURDO, Jun2 1 Auditor, e. F. & P. Agent Pine Apples, RED JUNE APPLES, FRESH GREEN CORN, RIPE SOFT PEACHES, Crystal Ice Cream, at PERRY'S PERRY'S HEADQTJAriTitR3 FOR FBUITS. un21 ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, tiOR more than halt a century has grown steadj X1 ly In re:ute as a medicinal agent in a wide Ring" of Chror.ic diseases. Multitudes of women can ifsMfv to its unsurpassed efficacy in the re lef and i-ure of tho. e ailments peculiar to thoW sex -DxsPEPau- In 5fcs vailed and most distressing ferms Is cured CHRONIC, BaONCHITIS, SCROFULA, CHROMIC DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY. yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result. Bottled in its natural state, direct from the SDrincs. which are beautifully located in Sock Carolina Centra Railroad bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guestv For sale, wholesale and retail by Br J. EL Mo ADEH and Dr. T. Cj. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C, marl21y FOR SALE CHEAP. ASecoa-i-hand Bicycle, but little use Apply' to RICHARD MOORS. - Jun28 8t Dealer in Hardware, Ac - - ' " WANTED. A WASblSQTON Hand Press and material for xx a7-column newdpaper. Address . I. . - - ,t; v p(iiwfipwv MATCHLESS! 'AN:' OPPORTUNITY THAT m OFFERED TO -:o:- Our Large Business necessitates very early prepara tions for the Coming Seasons, hence we are now making extensive preparations for the Coming Fall. As we still have quite a Stock of SUMMER GOODS and must have the room, we will offer our entire well as sorted Stock for the Next Sixty Days at such BHD WED and LO W PRICES as will leave no doubt upon the mind of the purchaser that he has obtained AN UNRIVALLED BARGrAIN. TJizs is ne sensaticmal advertimm&nt, btt we m&xti busi ness. Everybody is aware that oar Stock embraces all the needs of the people of this country and we can furnish a complete outfit for both sexes and all ages. -:o: WITTKOWSKY k BARUCH Dry Goods Dealers and Clothiers. iBiEGirajim jIT TEJ IES HI THE GREATEST WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. Siibi i ait $nM- E)M9rJr TO EXAMINE dDoDD8 oUcoDd DURING m ii -OFVEN u D U! -:o:- -:o:- S "IP 3HI NS s IFAIIIL (DdPHQimtteirs THIS WEEK. BARGA loo Cass, ii - R