b AIL Y CHAR L O T T OBSERVER; THURSDAY JUNE 22, 1882 1 t hi-' :4. - - -nuirrmT Tri m mbi V KNTLEMEN- In my practice of 25 yean in medicine, 1 Have louml nottimg to give tne results that UK. I -J- . t' ov.VT Jna Tn mom of Nervous Prostration. Female lHseases. DvBDenaiA. and imnovpr. ished condition of the blood, this peerless remedy ha, in no Jt (fives color to the btooJA natural healthful tone to the digestive organs and J nervous system, making It applicable to General! JKUUtty, Zjoss of Appe- tite, Prostration of Vital I j'owers ana impotence., MANUFACTURED BY THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. bedroom So Si Of 10 pieces, at from $22 ?8 S225 PER SETT It. Parlor Of 7 pieces, at from $35 18 $150 PER SETT. AT WHITE FRONT. junll WOLFE'S AROMATIC Schiedam Schnapps, for sale by R. H. JJRDAN & CO.. JunlO Druggists. PERSIAN TNSECT Powder will destroy all kinds of Insects, x ior saie Dy R. H. JORD4N & CO, JunlO Tryon street MEDICINAL SOAPS. CONST AN TINE'S Persian Healing Pine Tar, Buchan's Carbolic Toilet and disinfecting, Glenn's Sulphur and Cullcura Soaps. B. H. JORDAN & CO.. JunlO Druggists. A FRESH SUPPLY rrUBBANT'3 Seltzer Aperient, Iodia, Bromldla, X Jacob's Cordial, &c.. Just received by R. EL JORDAN & CO., JunlO Tryon street MONUMENTAL ptUBEB Cigarettes and Louge's Plugs, for sale J by B. H. JOBDAN & CO.. JunlO Druggists. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK of English Tooth and Hair Brushes. R. H. JOBDAN &tO. JunlO KITCHEN'S QRYSTAL Soap and Sopollo, for sale by B. EL JORDAN & CO., JunlO Druggists. SCARR'S TT'RUIT PRISE RV AT I YE Is the best and chqap- x est. a iuu suppiy at B. H. JOBDAN & CCS, JunlO Tryon street s Ml WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW OF- MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the MILLINERY LINE. HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLUJI ES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, &c, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Ho-dery Gloves, Parasols, &c. the LARGEST and MOST CO MP LET K STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hals and Bonnets Oa Monday, Uarch 27th, when we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINK MILLINERY i ney nave ever seen injnis city. Respectfully,' . P. Query. mar22 AT WILDER'S lewDriStore You will find a choice and complete stock of PURE 1 FRESH DRUGS, Colden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract -OF BEEF and TONIC 1NVIGORATOR, TRY IT. CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THE FINEST SELECTION In the CITY, ncludtng the famous LA PARIPA brand of Cigars Chemicals and Toilet Articlts, an assortment, and everything generally kept in a ,jiioi. viuss uruif owrB. special attention given to - Physicians' Prescriptions day and night. Satls- Vv' tW GIVE UK A. CALL. wnwi.xtaae, and... College Street Spg V AS V Spring and Summer Styles - n apt " '. . ' . . .4 m&i'natfcme.PV'O toxitle ofl ron, Peruvian itarkanal'hosphorusin a jialataute form. . a 7o otUri tyrevaration of iron I that will not blacken the tcHh.so characteristieof otheriron preparations. j hands, made soiue wonderful cores. Cases that have is a ne- ,1881. HOLMES' LISIMEr, OB, THE MOTHERS' FRIEND! One of the greatest comforts to those expecting to be confined Is a remedy upon which Implicit confidence can be placed one that will produce a safe and quick delivery one that will control pain and shonen the duration of labor. Such Is ' THE MOTHER'S RELIEF." Try it and see what A Blessing it is to Suffering: Females This Liniment when used two or three weeks before confinement, produces a wonderful effect, causing a very easy and quick labor, with com paratively little pain, ana leaves tne montner in a condition to recover quickly or in other words to have a good getting up. Under Us use, labor will ordinarily occupy much less than the usual time, and the suffering be diminished beyond expression. Tne condition tor wnicn tnis remeay is onerea is of such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those Interested in its use are re- pectfully referred to the hundreds who have used BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS : I must earnestly entreat every female exrectlng to be confined to use "THE MOTHEK'B RKLIKF." Coupled with this entreaty, I will add that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four years.) I have never known it to ran to produce a saie ana quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. D., Auauid, ua. A lady from one of ihe counties of Middle Geor gia, who has been acting as midwife for many years, writes: "i nave aisposea or aii i tin MOTHER'S RELIEF you sent me, and 1 am DE LIGHTED WITH IT. In every Instance where it has been used its effects have been all that I could ask. I consider It a great blessing." A erentleman writes: "My wife used your Moth er's Relief at her fourth confinement, and her tes timony is that she passed througn it witn one nan of the suffering of either of he former confine ments, and recovered from it in much less time, rhe also recommended It to a lady friend who was about to be confined for the first time, nd she says: "I HAVE NEVER SEKN ANY UJNE f ASS THROUGH THIS GREAT TRIAL WITH SO MUCH EASE AlDSO LITTLE SUFFERING.' " The names of all these, and many others, can be had by calling at my office. Having had tne roregomg remeay luutwuuii- LY TESTED In itlanta and vicinity, I now offer It to my patrons as possessing superior merits. I am permitted also to rerer to me ioi owing well-known citizens of Atlanta: C. S. Newton. Wm. M. Crumley, Jr.. w. A. Gregg and D. Bain; all of whom are ready to tettfy to toe merits of the preparation. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Prepared by J. Hit AD FIELD, Sole l?rop'r, Atlanta, Georgia. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. C. may4 The feeble and emaciated, suffering from dys pepsia or Indigestion In any form, are advised for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort t tiy Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, l adles of the most delicate constitution testify to Its harmless and Its restorative properties. Plnslclans every where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerc, prescribe It as tl.e safest and most re liable of all stomachics. FOR SALE BY ALL DBUGGI9TS AND DEALEBS GENERALLY. Jnnl Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin is within; Its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the cause must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tablished on Just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and BESTOiiER, and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organs: for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and tor pnysical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equaL Bsware of imposters, lm'tations and concoctions said to be Just as good. or DiaDeies, as ior waunku's haj J DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer?. If. II. WAItNEIt & CO., ItOcbcMler, N. Y. aprl5 PEL01ET (S CO., ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINES and OATE CITY PIANOS NEW YOBK riANOS, It Is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and 8ELL TnEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I ask is a trial and this cm cost you nothing, while it may be the aw i v sav'ng you a great deal In an Instrument. Organs always in Ltock either to sell or rent, uui on or aaarefs - Lock Box 274, ' JK'O.'B. EDDIN8, 0 LEBRATED sse.cuRLfrw . cnanptte, n. c. Clotti b0OTt. STATE NEWS. Wilmington Review : The crops on the upper Cape Fear are, we undtr stand, suffering for the want of rain. The Cape Fear continues very low and the boats rnn with difficulty. About 2t5 inches on the shoals is the depth of water now. Raleigh News and Observer : Mr. V. C. Royster to-day leaves on a trans continental trip to Oakland, Cal., and will spend some months there. The finest peaches we ever saw grown here were shown in market yesterday, and were raised in Wake. The revenue collections in this dis trict for the week ending last Saturday were $22,259.91. At the extreme end of the eastern wing of the penitentiary is the hospital. It is divided from the other building by a massive wall. The hospital will be four stories in height, the wards will each be of large size and perfectly ven tilated. The hospital has as its founda tion the well known "love rock," which in years gone by was" the scene of flirta tions innumerable. Durham Plant: Rev Frank H Wil kins, colored, pastor of the Baptist church, baptized nineteen persons in a pond just outside of town Sunday. The farmers out on the river have been unable to secure labor to save their wheat as fast as it ripens. , It is feared there will be considerable loss on this account. Wilmington Star: Gen. James H Lane has been unanimously elected President of the West Florida Seminary, Tallahassee, in which institution he was a professor before the war. Gen S II Manning, one of New Han over's champion prohibitionists, has, we see, been elected one of the Vice Presidents of the sixth corps organiza tion of the Grand Army of the Repub lic, which had its annual re-union at Detroit last week. We understand that a ministerial council was held in this city last week to take into consideration the character of Rev A M Conway, who has for some time past acted as pastor of the First (colored) Baptist church of this city, and that he was found to have been guilty of acts unbecoming a Christian minister, whereupon he was deposed from his ministerial work. FROM EGYPT. The Situation at AlexandriaThe Banks Preparing for a SiegeDer visch Pasha Opposes a Conference. London, June 19. A dispatch to the Times from Alexandria says the banks are preparing to resist a siege. The entrances to the Ottoman Bank are blocked with bales of silk, and the clerks are well supplied with provisions. They have also ropes ready to haul up refugees from the streets. Arabi Pasha has thanked the Khedive for his ap pointment as a member of the ministry. There is no doubt that he is straining every nerve to maintain order. He is beginning to realize that he has pro voked the exodu3 of the Europeans. which will ruin the country. The sub minister of justice, who is conducting the inquirv into the cause of the riots in Alexandria, states that he cannot justly punish the prisoners as long as he is unable to arrest the instigators of their crimes. He names Arabi Pasha as the chief instigator. A dispatch from Constantinople savs Lord Dufferin has made representations to the Porte, insisting upon an immediate reply on the question ot a conference. Germanv strongly advises the Porte to assent to the holding of a conference. In the House of Commons this after noon Sir Charles Dilke, under foreign secretary, stated that Germany, Aus tri a and Russia have accepted the pro posal for a conference. Italy had pre viously declared that she would follow the course of the other powers. Verv full instructions, he said, were sent to Admiral Seymour on Friday, which were sufficient to preserve British in terests in Alexandria in case of renew ed disturbance. The near approach of Bedouin Arabs to the Suez canal, at lsmalia, has occa sioned considerable alarm. Sir Edward Malet, the British consul general, is suffering from a slight fever, and Mr. Colvin is acting in his place. Alexandria, June 19. It is stated in diplomatic circles that the powers will take no military measures until the conference has formulated its deci sions unless there should be further riots. Constantinople, June 19 The Porte has received a dispatch from Der visch Pasha reporting that the state of affairs in Egypt is very satisfactory. He says that Arabi Pasha strictly obeys the Khedive's commands. He thinks. therefore, that the conference would be inopportune. Eccentric Congressmen. H. J. Rs Washington Letter In Phila. Press. Not many years ago, at the very be ginning ot the Granger excitement, there came to Congress from Tennes see a very "amoosin cuss, like Arte- mus Ward s kangaroo. He had an up per set of false teeth, of which he seemed very proud. During the sit tings of the House he would often take out his teeth and examine them mi nutely for several minutes. Then he would take out his handkerchief and wipe them very carefully, after which interesting ceremony he" would suck tnem back to their places with a click like a fox trap. lie also had a verv en tertaining way of combing his hair. lie always carried in his vest Docket a nne-tootncomD. ana it was a favorite occupation of his to hoist his cowhide boots on his desk and plv his comb. With a screwed-up face he raked through his tangled hair until he got to tne encis, wnen ne would brine the comb flat side up within a few inches ot his lace and carefully examine it to see what he had caught. He would often occupy himself thus for half an hour. Another Congressman from Tennes see, named Mullins, (dead now, poor old lenowi, was exceedingly Diaviul. He would dance and kick up his heels in a very kittenish manner, and he had a cheertul habit of hitting hi3 fellow members a whacking bhw on the back when they least expectexrit. Yet he was not unpopular among his fellows, ior ne was always good-natured1, and he had no idea his playfulness might be onensive. uuc tne lunniest thing Mul lins ever did was on a very mournful occasion, a Virginia member (I be lieve) had been killed in a row by the Ku-Kiux, i minK. At any rate the fune ral orations were being pronounced,and more lies were being told than usual on such occasions. Finally Mullins's time came, and lor him it was a erreat ocea sion, and great use he made of it if you believe me. It was the most ridiculous speech ever made in Con cress. Not withstanding the pall which hung over 1 1. V 1 A 1 I ' me cnamoer, me audience was con vulsed. Une sentence of the oration remember, and can never forget. Here it is. lie referred, of course, to the murdered Congressman: ixe nas gone aown to his grave wrapped in the peaceful soliloquy of nis own Diood. The House, at this burst of pathos, ourstout laughmg, and its members could not restrain themselves. I be lieve John McElhone and some of the members afterward fixed up the speech in uecent styie. Another eccentric fellow was the delegate from Idaho, three or four Jongresses Dack. It was his pleasura hie habit on warm days daring the ses sions of the House to take a nap. Back or the seats in the House, as everybody knows, are sofas, wide and luxurious. placed at short intervals ail around the nail.v The honorable gentleman, from Idaho' w"duld begin his entertainment by nodding in his seat.- Then, more asleep than awake, be would shuffle to one of those sofas. First he 'would null m1 ment. and then null off i.Iia nuar XT . , r ' wjva VUU. .Next he would unbutton his vest and uriloose his cravat. Then to sWn :md to snore! What wnnlrl t jnr. Mowara think to see an AmeTican-f - - wwui vru congressman stretched out or t im anfa snoring like a foghorn, with his boots off, and socks not of the cleanest r" JVEWS NOTES. Levi Bird Duff has formaiw prfri the nomination lor Lieut -Governor on the independent Republican ticket of Pennsylvania. The Common COnncil of Unrlincrron N. J., have ordered tyiat all tramps found begging in the streets be arrested ana placed at work in t.h meadow ditches to help drain the city. A fight recently ocenrred on t.hpi hol der of the Indian Territory, between Indians and "cowboys in which four of the latter were killed. The "cow boys" were herding cattle on the reser vation, and the Indians undertook to drive them away by force. A dispatch from Berlin states that Meilling, of the German navy, who was arrested for havinsr accented a bribe to reveal to the Russian govern ment the plans for defense on the Ger man coast, supplied the Russians with the most complete copies of the plans concerning torpedoes and submarine mines. The Parnell-Dillon Land League of St. Louis has adopted resolutions en couraging the Irish women of America to stand by their country, and condem ning the Bishop of Cleveland for threatening, to excommunicate women in his diocese attending meetings of the league. The New York commissioner of pub lic works has raised the wages of labor ers employed in the department to $2 a day. Water Commissioner McBride, of Long Island City, N. Y., who is charg ed to have absconded leaving debts of $10,000 behind him, is in San Francis co. The Pennsylvania Railroad company have been experimenting at Chicago with coke, the only change in the en gine required being a finer grate. Ten days' trial shows the work can be done at less expense than with coal and that firing is much easier. It is stated that the company will adopt coke over its entire line. There is a hitch in the forming of a new Egyptian cabinet; Ragheb Pasha refuses to accept as. colleagues the nominees of Arabi Pasha. Precautions are being taken by the Alexandria banks to protect their treasure, in case of an outbreak. Arabi Pasha is exert ing himself to preserve order. He has left Cairo for Alexandria. Dervish Pa sha still regards the proposed confer ence of the powers as inopportune. Gen. Rosecrans has written a letter in which he repeats what has been said so often before, that In riding back to the Chattanooga telegraph office after the first repulse at Chicamauga he took the wise and proper course for the com mander of a great army which would be best managed at the point where all its parts could be reached. As to the statement made by Gen. Grant in one of his dispatches that the Army of the Cumberland was "demoralized by Chickamauga," Gen. llosecrans pro nounces it a "develish and cruel calum ny," whose author had the "cold-blooded villainy" to deny the army its meed of praise after Missionary Kidge. BlDPOKl ALUM AiTI IRON SPRINGS WaTXR AND Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains Iwlce as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now bo genpral. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, mavil tf Eatterte& The Public is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged ScJie?ne to be drawn Monthly. CAPITAL PRIr, $75,000. Tickets only $5. Shares In Propor.lon Incorporated in 1868 for 25 vear bv tr tjmhh- lature for Educational and Clmrirhi with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve i una oi ft50,UOO has since been added. tsj an overwnelmlns nonular vote lu fmnehiM was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people or any State. It never scales or post pones. Its GRAND SINGLE NTTMRITR nmvlnra arlll take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE SEVENTH OR A NT) DRAWING, CLASd G, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, JULY llib, 188, 146th IVIonibly Drawing. Look at the Followinsr Schema, imdsr thn ot. elusive supervision and management of GKN. u. t. ti.KAUKKtiAHD.of Louisiana, and Gen JUBAL a. JCABL.K. or Virginia, who manave ail the draw ings or this Company, both ordinary and rml aannai, and attest the correctness ot the publish ea umcial Lists. CAPITAL PRIfeE, ?5,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fraction, In Fiftb In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $ 75.000 1 " ' 25,000 1 10 0OC 2 PRIZESof 88,000""!!!; "-"'.I'."." 12',000 5 " 2.000 10000 10 ;; l.opo 10000 20 500 10,000 '00 ; 200 20,000 HOO - 100 80,000 1000 " 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8750 16 750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 4.500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 IE 67 Prizes, amounting to 8265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be maoe to me omce oi ine company in New Orleans, ror rurther information write clearly, giving full uuuioss. cenu oruers oy .express, registered Let ter or Money Order, addref sed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, ,r , . TTr New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. N. B.-Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompi auenuon. junl3 -POPULAB MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE- In the Eity-of Louisville, Ion FRED AY, JUNE 30th, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembl of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 31 rendered the f oUowina decisions : 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserv fund. Read the list of prizes tor the .: JCJNE DRAWING. 1 Prize 880,000 1 Prize,... . -.. 10.000 1 Prize.;... 5.000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each , 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each.............. 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes. 50 each..... 10.000 600 Prizes, 20 each...... .....i. 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each... ...... ....i . 10.000 9 Prizes, 8300 each. Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " V. ? . 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " " '.' $00 1,960 Prizes. i-fllSWOCr Whole TlcxMA. 2; Harf Tickets, si j 3? Tickets ou; bo -LieKflts, iuu , mrna byBxpress. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. . Order of . 85 and upward, by Express, can basent at our J pens.. a.aaress au oraers to . , : ? LouIbtIUa. K,.. n RAb Rmaitrraw. Nov Ynvte- Louisiana Slate Lottery Compy. to ft! EVER FAILS. The only known.Speclflc Remedy for Epileptic Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance. Vertigo, Hist erics, Insanity, Apoplexy. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive )y eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. K utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrboea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion ot the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is no better remedy During the change of life no Female should be wi'hout it It Quiets the Nervous system and Kives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN 31ERVIME Cures Alcoholism. Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it. but for the pleasure 01 drink ing and treating his meads, little thinking that he is on his road to mtn. Like the Opium Eater, he first uses the drug in small Quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on. to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to allmenttveness. as ever eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until It naralvzes both the stomach and appeute. So every drink of liquor or dose ot opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then itelf. Like the s:luitonou8 tape-worm, it erles 'Uive, give, give!" but never enough until Its own rapacity devours itself. Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief In such eases. It produces sleep. Quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous sjstem, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Astnma, Broncnms, scroruia, Bypniiis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men. who are covering your suner lr gs as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by Umely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels in the crown of your Maker, If you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattert d nerves, arrest premature deUy and lmpait tone and energy to the whole ystem. SAM4B1TAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Pktkr koss, apringwaier, wis. 8A91ARITAN NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob Sutkb, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Oliyeb Mtkbs. Ironton, Ohio. SAJTIARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many yean' standing. Isaac jkwxll, Covington, Ky. SAJTIARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four CHAKLX3 E CUBTtS. years. Osakls, Douglas county, Minn. SA1TIAR1TAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albkkt Simpson, Peoria, I1L SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured ray son of fits, after spending 82,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobhton, Clalborn, Miss. 8AITIARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, Col. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. X. B. Ralls, Hattsville, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mbs. Wm. Benson, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rxv. J. A. Ed ix, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spendlDg over 83,000 with other doctors. 8. B. hobson. New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jhnhik Warbxh, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, I1L SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family phywlclan. it having over 100 In 24 hours Hinbt Kneb, VervUla, Warren county, Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of 'fits, eighteen months. after having bad 2,500 in Mbs. E. fobes. West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Orlena Marshall, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently born character. of epileptic 01s of a stub- Ret. Wm. Martin, Mechanlcstown, Md SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael O Conner, uidgway, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. David Tbxmblt, Des Moines, Iowa, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing Henry clabk, Fairneid, Mien. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my wife of a nervous disease of the head E. Graham, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my son ot fits. He has not bad a fit for about four years. John Davis, Woodburn, Macoupin county. 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is for sale braraseHta everywhere, or may be bad f direct from us. Those who v.lsn to obtain further evldenoe of th curative Dronerues of Samaritan Nervine wm pleas enclose a a cent postage stamp ror aeopy or. ar iiiuHmtea tfonrnai or new in, giving hundreds ( testimonials of cure from per. aona who4iaveuaedtha medicine j ana also tnelz pictures photographed attei ihelr restoration to peneot BeaiukAaareu -u i be ffwllowlnv Scuedulen sue Cor rected br the Railroad i'f'ielala, and may be Belled on as C rsct : North Carolina Mailroad. OOirDErTSED SOEEDTTLES. TRAINS GOING XAST. Date, April 30th, 1882. No 51 Dally. No. 53 Dally. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury, .... ' High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro Arrive HUlsboro Arrive Durham,. Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh,- Arrive Goldsboro', 4 KJ a m 5.58 a m 7.20 a m 8.00 am 440 p m 6.24 p m 7.36 p m 8.06 p m 9.30 a m 11.47 am 12 24 am 1.40 p m 405 p m 6.30 pm No. 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. .500 p m Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,.. 7.20 a m Mo. 61 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. I)L for Wil mington. No. 63 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina; dally at Greensboro with R. A D. R B. for all points North, Sast and West. trains going west. Date, April 30th, 1882. No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Daily. Leave Goldsboro,. . . . Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh. Arrive' Durham Arrive Hillsboro,... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,. Arrive High Point,.. Arrive Salisbury.. .. Arrive Charlotte 1 0.O0 a m 12.20 pm 8.55 pm 5 0 pm 5 46 pm 8.05 pm 9.15 pm 9.50 p m 11.12 pm 1.10am 940am 10.10 am 1121 am 1.00 p m No. 18 Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro... 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh 6. 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 p m No. 50-Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr Line for all points In the South and Southwest, aDd with C, C. & A. R. B. for all points South and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C Alr Line for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C a 4 A. E. K. for all points South and Southeast N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. dOJNG WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro. 9.25 p m Arrive Kernersville 1041 pm Arrive Salem 11.25 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersville 1 1.01 a m Arrive Salem. 11.35 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5. 15 a m Arrive Kemersvi:ie 5.50 am Arrive Greensboro.. 7.00 a m NO. 53 -Daily. Leave Salem 6.00 pm Arrive Kernersville 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro aoo p m STATE UNIVERSITY RtlLHOAD. No , Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. 1 0.40 a m 1 1.40 a m No 2. GOING SOUTH. Dy ex. Sunday. Arrive LTniverslty 12. 10 p m 100 v m Arrive Unapei Hill PalLman Sleeping Cars Without Ciianse On Train No. 50. New York and A'ianta via Wash ington and Danville, ana between Greei.sboro and unane8ion. On Train No. 52. feichmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlot.e la Danville. ' Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleigh, Goldsboro', Sallobuiy and Oharlotte. and. all principal points South, southwest. West, North and East. 1 r Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, 1 ex- as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent may2 Richmond. Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENQEE DEPAfiTMENT. l-On and afier April 30th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Cbariotie Air- Line 1 lvis'on or tills road will be as follows: Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No 52. Leave Charlotte, M. 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4.31 a m 5.59 a m 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10.00 am 10.37 a m 11.06 am 1.30 pm 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4 06 pirn 5.29 pm 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 pm 9.46 p m 10.15 p m 12.40 a m Arrive Gatonla, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula. Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, Mall and Express. No. 61. EASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, K Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Seneca, G 2.15 pm 451 pm 5 22 p m 5.59 p m 6.40 p m 8.06 pm 10.06 p m 11.40 pm 4.00 a m 6.19am 6.50 am 7.41 a m 8.17 am 9 26 a ra 11.03 pm 12.24 pm 2 60 pm 4.00 pm Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive Charlotte, M . 2.06 a m 315 am CONNECTIONS A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central. A. A W. P. and W. fc A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Colombia and Greenville to and from Colombia and Charleston, 8. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with Spartanburg and ashevllle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and AshevlUe, and Alston and Columbia, L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C.4A..G C, R. A D. and A.. T. & O. for ail points West. North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, without change betwt en Atlanta and New York. A. PoPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, Gene-al Manager. t I. Y. SAGE. Superintendent C, C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, June 4th, 1882. rt Train No. 62, Passeng'r. Train No. 48, Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte,. Arrive Rock Hill,.... Arrive Chester Arrive Wlnnsboro,.. . Arrive Colombia, Leave Colombia, Arrive Lexington,.. .; Arrive Ridge Spring, Arrive Gmnltevllle,. Arrive Augusta, 1.85 p m 2.38 P m 8.80 p m 4.35 p m 6.00 p m H.07 p m 6.15 a m 7.15am 8.30 am 9 40am 10.22 a m 6 50pm 8 02 pm 9.12 d m 10.15 pm Train No. 20, Freight 5.80 p m 7.53 pm 10 00 pm 1.18am 4 50 a m Leave Charlotte, Arrive Rock Hill,.... Arrive Chester. Arrive Wlnnsboro, . . . Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington Arrive Ridge Spring . Arrive Granite vlUe,. . Arrive Augusta,., .. Train No. 52, Dally Connects at Columbia with the a. C. R. R, for Char eston, and with the C. 4 G. R. R. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, &c At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Daily-Connects at Augusta with the Georgia R. R. and Central Georg R. R. for Macon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, trt-weekly, Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, daily, at 6.85 p. m. Freight, daily except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 45 p. m. ATLANTIC TENNESSEE A OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 68, Daily, Leave Charlotte. . 8 00 p m Arrive at States vllle 10 05 p m Train No. 52, Dally,' ' :" Leave States vllle, 6 00 a m Arrive at Charlotte, 8.05 a m Tickets sold to all points South, Southeast and fouthwest and baggage checked through. No lay-over allowed on local tickets. A. POPE, T. M. R. Taloott. : Gen'l Passenger Agent Gen'l Manager Columbia, & a, Jana 4th, 1882. jun8 : . Notice to Contractor. THE Board of County Commissioners of Marl boro countv. 8. C are now ready to receive bids for building sew court house In Bennetts vllle, 8. a. as authorized, by let of General As sembly. Plans ard pecUleatlons furnished on application.- Also plans and specifications solicit ed. Correspondence from persons desiring toe contract solicited. ; Addrtss rf j ; ! . mtscmaticrjtis. Seasonable kk In great variety, Just recelvea at the CHINA STORR OF Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS mi ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TRIPS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, bett made, AIR.TIUH T FKUIT JAMS. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding Cage, Baby Swings, etc., etc. . AfuU line of China, Crock? a, Lamps, Fancy Goods and Sn w Dlat'P w sware ways on hand, who esale and retau at . prices. Please give us a call reasonable Respectfully, J. BROOKI IEI D A to. may9 -BOSTON- METALLURGICAL WOffi, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemisu GOLD and SILVER REFINER. Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY OltK TKIMTED, Surveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketche and Maps made. Constructions of works and&upplles Furnished. MANAGERS OF Tie New England Smelting Works GOLD, NII.VF.lt, COPffiH mid i n iiiii Kl. I KH or IMHtf 'll .K.I COPPER MATTE AND BASE BUI LION Treatfrd oh Reasonal le Terms. 1 T OMA3 BINNS MlTALLDRGIST. A. H. KIDNEY, Mining Enuinkkk. JOHN BOLLIDAY PBnr. Chkmist mar8 tf A.J.Beall&Co. Have Just received a large supply of In a size package CORN, FLOUR, HAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED, And in fact everything kept in a First-Class Grocery Store, A. J. Brail & Co. maySO CURES, WfiEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILill If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CUBE YOU. or charge nothing! 11 Write for particulars, and a copy ot the little benj ' "Message to tn Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing UT$1000 BEWAED will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of 100 bottles of 8. n; one particle of Mercury, Ioolde of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props. Atlanta, Ga - ;Cpb BorruO Price of Sma!l 81ze,.......:.... fU'V SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. deeSl TPsieoeveFlarm iotof F-li IbKi put up in 26 m, packages, au JassNEW ritabie iv J. Brookfleld i ft, H 1 ME Cure, IrSl K t 2 syphilis yj g a many y6 g W stage. P3 CATARRH. J j Tj W ECZEMA, OLD JLj Cj SORES, P1M- g PLES, BOILS. ! ; ANY . A P H 8KIN S3 r DISEASE, fggfeff t Aubllshera of country newspaper Mlrst?0 -X, v, t "NJ r 'i1- -i ' mai23 off one boot, then think, oyer it a, mo- Cnalrman &CC, BenaeUsviUet9LC.r - mam ln -1 . ; . n.i , Uprl dAw ly : Bt Joseph Mo , r J - - t T - It . 1 J1' " - h -i t :