-DEALEhS mi "v r Boot; SoayHalvTranfe, 7 RAVEL I'hG BAGS', U 9 a rrfB i I. PEG RAM & CO., HlTK A PRETTY UNI OF GENTS' and LADIESSUP S. .(i.i tt i'l r t Have the Best btoek of Gente'lfiand-Scwed Shoes Yr. x m Tarn stats. x. PEGR'Alft COM BTB ALL KINDS OF Childrens' fe&i PEGRtoieo4 XXXP A WLC 8VLXCTXD 3TOCX OF if OF ALL PRICES AKfjSfZES havx ngt$ RacnrxD k man vroc or i I p t I - lit, rat wtfir H&ts Of the Latest 8tyle& " Oftnat BtyV PEGRAM & CfO.. i CAN SUIT THXJB f 1 Farmer Friends With any kinds BOOTS and SHOES THXX WISH. Shoe Dressing -flrendi tfiladinro PEGRA'M CO., 1 1 k Caa nwH awwllwlw i- -- - ' : , ' IT" rill 1 BEST BRANDS and LATEST STYLES -OF 5?T.Y pj . ZLZZf', r-i rut . '. If l jp , rtlrj-rif --,. Mil, i I V t viTt 1 : w T f .4' r ' - ' . uamsi. rryM 'H.Jl. f L-it dm.. T?.0 'a-r.w r t 3 M .4. MBRELLAS PER Slippers. m 1 - - 'tTTH InllllSIRrMim I. f i 1 .' - ----- .. .? . -- K . " , 'MmmmX- .' tj A'l -hT . . t-t , . 4 I .ri Io-unJy can sa - i T I 'Mli! J T I 1 ! i I 1 ar4; tK3-i.a Ut fl) v - ' " V4?" PKEBTTDAVIS A SON, Proprietors, 2 k " Providence, R L a j - - TOID (DAM (BEf So s VHITX6L0VXS, 1 aa LINXN DOLLARS. .S Q Ai LINKN HAHDXEECHIira at lOe. - 3tgi COD ) !3tsaofl .1 3- -Si R rlJb "4 DM., a ..- CmT3 n es - E.W 5 . ; ' - t , i . i iii .,1 . i i i 1 1 1 . .i.t, .,.-, . - - : - JUST IN AlOT OF NBW- .n I VIC J L INCLUDING - 'A1'. All the -latest Nevefa Anolker lot of Hoop Skirts from 40c to SI. Mohan aod Unwv Ulsters la all s'yles, front Large stock of Lace Curtains very toai Onr ftmoanl tock iffMabi Boys' Straw flats wfil M doMd oat wary km? 19 The atUDUdw of Hoasekeepers la called ft a good assortment of Cane Matting that wi semajatrednesto'cloMoot. f-" - ' - - - j f, i 1 i m f ri i on 3un4 amis At this Beason, varioos diseases of Um bowels are prevalent, and many Iha art Ipei through lack of knowledge of a safe and Bare remedy. Pekby Davis' Pain Ktt.T.kr is a sure core for DiarrhcaaDys , eatery. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Cbmplaint, etc, and is perfectly sqt Bead the following : niUf forcnaoy-aad pain In toe Btamcii. Joura Buditt. , Nicholttllk, N. Y Feb.lTl8SL . Tto ry Umt medicine I know of for dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps In the stomach. Have uaed it for yean, and It is turt curt erery time. Julius W. Dkx. w j UmancmtJlawti March B. vm. exam plc nauj wcJutdcbMentBMbuaadit save ahno For twenty Tcara I bare used yoor Panr KiUJtt' tn my family. Haye need It many ttmea for Uiw J Einnatd PMaTBiTTa'P.rw iiunfM 't ' w ,VAii . . OWXIDA, N. Y Feh. IS, 1HL ahrmya gives immediate relief. Would hardly dara oe wk&oos a ootue tn tbe noose. M j W. U. HPKSXVL V 06WiTOBO, & CFeb. st im. tn Ute house. ' NsartreterY smO m this sectioo keeps a bottle XS..AtOJC IOBXOS. CtarsiD, Khxsish Fpasi4,Fefa, 8. 188L I km kiMiwn VmrDl ' f FIMIl fllTlt Vli tntlTW w Faix KTT.t.rs almost Lfbaervatiaavaad we I-evr and after years of praam m my G IX! wfl?r4njj seTezb- from -OH-lTtaiTT, !fO. i -ii f- - u. nwMi :- T ft lfonrrim Rr .TVmiinw va t S wSlikwme-t t otw4hree years ia India, T? rjTn W in piany flat pf diarrha-, dysea- iwa, neve jawwu to xau to siva . n.m.inwa felr ba without this It-pricef brines it 1 4uggwtf W. 25c 50c Mil TO ft J. J A iUII " 1 i fc4 OompJ arvttJ$TAT. BANK. J Lightest Bmintnt ta& lQiASti& Machine lit the World. Try tt before buytot any other. w- Send for Terms and Price List J& Wheeler A WHara naanfaciarr 0a., HJCWif QND. VA. I 'mayll CreaYefaW Mineral Springs," OPrMAY15thl inrincs-re twonles 1 rW t4 Emfle Trora Shelby. 64 .u. M Safin 9 I -iiux w-t at raiArtntxa. and within 1 mte of the Caioalna Cwntral B-dlway- manlnc from Char ,aT f' 6aD tXb VialtVBttB-lM i SlirltiZ ai-f RjuI Rnlnknr and Chabbeate W4ter V ftvmaSrUlel la food order. Xt good rln V vnA bmdimI tc me season... uvary a lions wmo w tm wwu. rTpaLar, a J Ik Sail ia rw"wnt . i is tr J . flit Tf ttT"" T -J. ari ' tm, ',feA victim W.yiv 11 H?-?E,riJ!'! 'tar pecay. terror i ""'"VrjTg hatiagtri. 1 In via every 1 o- remady, baa dia- aoM r . -eJw J Le wiA send Ti rB.1 , : ; - - - - - ' - - : 7 I - I . tr-'.-i I ' : . ' mi mj - k a r -tibm a - aT a w uww arw a - - 1 A revolution lias broken out in Uru guay. Mr. Qainn, late secretary of the land league, has been released from Kil main ham jail. . . ' Nine uMraSlSdo'nr Sossian Jews UaveBtarUdrom Imterg for Ameri ca within the past two day a ' Mr. Abbey, tbtf'Ameftcan theatrical manager, lias signed a 'contract with Mrs. Idtngtry, the actress, for a tour in America beginning in November next. The iron strikers at Irondale, Chicago, are saia 10 oe in wane or supplies, bat they till ' jhold etjti Thei Hyde Park BUti nonues rem; refuse to ail them," Matth Harris, . a eminent land leagqer TXT T-l FFnn a . " Journal denouneiniz Mr.Davitfa land scoemaaDd fMfQng-biinof outraging ine reelings ox Irish nationalists hxonghout the wprld. ' i xeftrp5fnfe m atarday; night, wniie & SDfteial with wm. . VanrlPr. "but andothers on board was running etentyiflv0 . mlh?si axi botlr, the brake beams of the tender broke, but the train waa. a Lopped in time to orevent acci dent. The policy of the new Egyptian min istry for thepresent is to preserve the statue quo. The falling off in: customs revenue and railway receipts in Egypt ts giving the European control at Alex andria much anxiety. M. Holde, the French secretary ox control at Alexan- lcom 5vumw .Kwi avi, euimr ut toe ataais Zeitaturani. Josetoh: -M2 Wallach were ntipeittal4rkew,York w Bk wflHffenr asfeuiB-a Btrucaria., YJtxkil oir. Jrno .iraa.atandtnff ty. andx a third' man irho vkx p.ntrrurpA in the Krumlereseaped- fan Noi said Wajlad hadivnmgMlua. wife and he had Ttafioyedhim Jto the spot tcf whip f .The London Standard: tsy s there is reason to oeiieyfr tna( were are aiffer enes in the cabinet in regard to the LEfrvtitnn nnpntlrrru' ri1 that. thA mtira. mem ui duaji.nnguitiHigmtt wuve in tervention be decided upon, is probable. An Alexandria dispatch reports that the Khedive has wriUerUo Arabi Pasha entrusting him with the entire com mand of the army. The Sultan is urg ingthKhdivtoretttm to Cairo, and btoue Fash a ti'i9 given hua-eimilar ad vice. Att European employes of the government have been orderd to re turn to their, duties at Cairo, r : What Can , We Do? Winston Republican. , , It it well understood that this journal has' opposed coalition. Its opposition was based upon what was believed to be sound policy, and we see no reason, at this writing, to changi our opinion. Many good Republicans, in this section of the- State, nave already expressed their determination to have nothing to do with tho unsavory mess presented by the State convention. They say they will not Vote for Democrats; that they have been sold out; and they use matfy other embittered words to express their discontent. We do, not think the State con ventiorj fairly represented the sentiment of the llepubliean party in North Carolina. While tbe majority for coalition seemed to be overwhelming, it wa6 not a faith ful , re ilex . of public opinion. We re member how tbe same men, in 18S0, so manipulated the politics of .North Car olina that the delegation to Chicago cast fifteen votes for Sherman and only five for Grant, when, without question, the almost unanimous sentimeut of tbe Republican party was for Grant. It is an easy thing for those who have the lime and the money -and who make it their business, to control party conven tions. The whole strength of the reve nue service has been exerted to bring' about, "coalition." Counties were rep resented in. the, convention by revenue officeis in large numbers, and in many instances they did not properly reflect the opinions of their constituencies. This will be denied, but it is neverthe less true. Everything was cut and dried, Mid was rushed Urquxh without debate or deliberation. Tbe delegates who voted ,wifh a roar ,infavoeof coalition wefe mere puppets tin the hands of the coalition leaders. Opposition was not tolerated and. .was even .frowned upon. No recognition whatever was made of the aotlcoalitiori element of the party. jRone of thia class were placed upon the committees, however insignificant, and none were permitted to bold any of the offices of the eon veation, In fine, it seemed as ir the conTention, was fren zied. Everything was done at. the dic-tatton-of- a iew determined men, just as the Southern States were plunged into the naadyortex of. rebellion. Tbe com para4velyantioahtionists on the floor of, the .convention, may as Hell nat efbeeni else wnere for thev had: no chance. ? 1 - wedeeoiT reffret wnat occurred and ire state onr grievances boldly, having no favors to ask, and simply dtsiring to puwSyLyKa UI UUeSUUU UUf, JaCpUWIMTHIimill , uu tt- pecutlly U this true of the Derootrata who have lately (in feeble numbers, we believelied, .themselyea -to the lle publican party. iVith proper self-respect we1 could iaiot saT-leas than we haViaI(f. Jievstihe coalition to ha vis beeo unwise, aud we fear It may ttirtitut to be a disaster. ' We hope our rears are uniounaea. t 4 BuVwe'-ate1 not reay "tb aflvlse an sandonmeotol the Republican party. is unnecessary for us, atuusiaie aay -eatorige - it aobievemerrtA It has accomplished the salvation of the coun try, and enfranchised toiUJoiisj of a ,down-txodden raoe, rNo man or set of uxM fefldttve usf ftBoXftmipfblican isHFrpofine his ll ,authorftj tatdo IsoTlKorfiS the sIMi (w hope) eU-J met, fleslierate. We call upon our friends, who are now smarting under the lash of coalition, to remember that they are still Republicans. The plat form of, principles enunciated in such haste a! Raleigh, contains, many good Abnt!s.?wbich 'all canaiiProre. Let us forget the obnoxious and unnecessary resolution concerning the prohibition bill of last year, and work for the right to elect our own officers at home, and for the genend welfare of the people. Let those who choose, fight the corpse of prohibition, dead and buried long ago; while we address our energies to live issues, The agents, in the shape of candidates, offered us by theconren tion, some of them, may be unworthy, and such we did, not wish to be thrust, updryui i Vet After alt they are only asrents. Let us believe that time will right this great wrong, and work earn estly, although with heavy hearts, for the good there is in the platform, try ragttf torget'the evil.' s3Vfe rndo no better tha nptadath ticket for what is there to hope for from the success jrf the Democracy ? It is better for us to accept coalition, with its nauseating dose of Democratic candidates, than tq. give the state and nation to those who tried to destroy the government. i We Bow. Greensboro fftrth State. t hrih. anoUttlebltnj'nithe of Ue iptN&tiptt Aeld at thftllt.h' ihali 1 Kintat Iran Republicans, may be "disposedVto sneer at the misnomer uepaDucan conven tion; but they must remembec thacex pediency is the order-of the OA j. The course of the North State heretofore Is weU-knowTj.'wert change, prlnclpl never." fve dow to me win oi una State ooxivention After. thtt 'Demo crata shail have ; made -their TKmina tlons wa will etttef Inta fnll discussion cf tta 'candidates and the questions at issue between tne paruea, .-. i - i A T nei simuiLa nreedM& Ralola- Irrnnl ""HARLOTTE N . ATU RD The revenue (Soljections in the 4th district for the week-ending last Satur day were $22501- ! Montgomery 8$r: Blackberry sea son is almost her&when we carl walk op to the merchiat and tell him we wont give 17 cenu per pound for wes tern meat. A very fine specimen of copper and silver orawas leffe' at our office a. tew days since. It esan from the new mine of Thayer & Masaa, near Eldorado. El dorado is begraniftg to show that she has the right name," .Kaleigh News indlObserVer: Th crops in the northeastern part of the fctaie are reported ,ym looking up, and cotton has made . Ouite an advance in gXUWUh 1 - - "NTftar Millhmnlr J Anrintr JlnrAta . -- sGonn.the stable ot :a Mr. Dean was blown away and a horse in it left stand ine biyhat rematoeof lyastalL Salisbury Examiner:1 A negro boy with a pocket fall of matches, went ont into Mr. George Shaver's wheat field Tuesday to try his skill bafniner wheat shocks. He had destroyed several be fore he was discovered. The second annual session of the Rowan county , teacker' institute will begin in the graded school building, Salisbury, on the third Monday of July and continue three weeks. JUining Notes. f allaoary Walabraac: The Carolina Queen Mining Company of Burke,unty has declared its first dividend of two cents per share. The Queen is a placer mine, next adjoining ine uien Aipine springs property. Tbe prospect for the mine flattering. It is controlled by! Boston, capitaL Southern Belle. Bad air has driven dut the workmen from 'the rhain shaft of this mine down 200 feet on vein. The work will be continued as soon as fresh air can be! siropUedtOT another shaft .will be sunk- The ores now com ing ont are brown, strongly impregnat ed wjin pynws, ana are sumcientiy rich as to meet, the most sanguine ex- rectations ox isuperintendent Floyd. Hancock Mine. Burke couhtv. came into a rich deposit in their placer wash ings last week. Mr. Boyd, superintend ent, much gratified with the pros Gold Ilill is in full blast now mills and amalgamating machinery all go ing. We hope to visit the place soon, and may be able to give some descrip tion or ine woraings. Bf egToett in Kansas. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, thinks the mov met) t to obtain government aid for the negroes in Kansas will result in dis aster to the State and to the colored peo ple. He says the exod listers have never suffered to the extent the country has been made to believe, and that they can find plenty of work on the railroads and elsewhere. That the scene of a number of well-dressed colored preachers call ing to see the President as represent a- uvBs 01 a starving ana unprotected colony of people was not only curious, but really grostesque. He expressed his sympathy for the colored men, but would not approve"of Congress at this time giving tnem lands and homes by other means than the same are acquired by the whites, and he was fearful that the agitation of tbe question would re sult in thw exodus of Southern negroes in droves of 2,000 to 5,000. . Lanap ChiaaBeys. A Leipsic journal, which makes a specialty of matters relating to glass, gives a method which it asserts will prevent chimneys from cracking. The treatment will not only render lamp chimneys, tumblers and like articles more durable, but may be applied with advantage to crockery, stoneware, por celain, &c. The chimneys, tumblers, etc, are put into a pot filled with cold water, to which some common table salt has been added. The water is well boiled over a fire and then allowed to cool slowly. When the articles are taken out and washed they will be found to resist afterward any sudden changes of temperature. The process is simnlv one of annealinc. and thA slower the cooling part of it is conduct ed the more effective will be the work. TBreateoingto Blow Vp the SneiCaaal ana Pier the Xisckief Geaernllr. London, Jnne 23. An Alexandria correspondent telegraphs that he is in formed on the best authority that if France and England interfere actively in Egyptian affairs Arab! Pacha will blow Up the Suez canal, cut the railway to Cairo and oppose the landing of Eu ropean troops ia Alexandria. If beaten he will retire to: the desert where he is promised tbe tuDDort of SOQ00 Redonins parUsarof PriDM;Hdnm. The Egyp tian mimtxysarei prepared to sanction the above on patriotic ground?, Death ta Paratltv, Which hide between the gums and teeth, and eat Into them to their destiucUon. 80Z0DONT ta master of the situation. Whoever uses It regular ly after every meaL and eleaxues his teeth and mouth, will soon be rid of the parasites. KIRS. JOE PERSONS RETIEDY WLI, CVBE 8CR0F1;L,A And is uneaualeo as a TONIC. It will cure Bhea es, Heart Disease, mattsm. Cancer in Its earlv staees. Chronic Bilious Colic, Eruptions, Skin and Blood Diseases. Gov. Helden' Opinion. Balelga, N. C Dee. 2d, ISSa I take pleasure In stating that a member of my family has used Mrs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic with good results. I believe her remedy to be ex cellent for the purposes for which It Is Intended. W. W. HOLDEN. Jadgw Sirona'a Opinion. Balelgh, N. C., Pec. 1st, 188a Mrs. Joe Peon: Madam Some months 8 go I was In bad health, suffering from debility. Indigestion and loss of appetite, when a friend who had experienced great benefit from use of your remedy, induced me to try It as a tonic. I did so with tbe most happy re sults. I take great pleasure In recommending It as a valuable and etCclent Vegetable Tonie, and wish yon much success. Very respectfully. GXO. V. STBONG. Oebllltjr. Newbero. September 6th, 1891. I hare used Mrs. joe Person Tonic for general debility consequent upon living In a low country, and found great benefit from tt as an appetizer which gave tone to the stomach MAEtY BAYARD CLARES. I After Otber Sleana liad Faid. Oxford, N. C, February 2d, 1880. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy cored our little girl, who was badly afflicted with tcrofuia in the eyes, after all other available means had faOed. B, K ELLIOTT. I am brewed a PROVE that have discovered the vegetable antidote for Scrofula. Mr Remedy srul expel tnedlae iron the STstem, Uusren aarlnglt .4hebest BLOOB PUBlfU known. ( have sold over 4,000 bottles, and have never re eeived one untavorani report Infallible for Ecrofula ana Kruptions. Sold and endorsed by the Dsogclsu ot Jfortb Carolina, fiend for drco lar epatatnlng testimonials of remarkable cures. These testimonials come, not from the far West or the Territories, bat from well known elazeos of few own State. - Ask" your druggist for my Bemedy.5 JPricaSl P bottle; S5 per, half dozen. rus runner trtformaijou. address r. U 1 If TTJ TT, ALrs. JOS FKR90N, . JunlB Franklinton, N. C AfTswlMcFrlgat. To worry about any Liver. Kidney or Urinary Trouble, especially Bright's Disease or Diabetes, aaBoplBttters never fails tof enw where a fare n. AW WairnaV t ' w Da XL L.' AIjrXAXDKB, imam cestists; ; i doVe oo Trade street over 1 Serwanger 4 Bnrs elothlna' atora. :.053ea hoan fiom 8 a, n, ts S p. . apr2 -C. iul AY, JUNE 24, 1882. WOJIAN. ttt r t Mow Sball Sbe jPmerre Ilt-r IXeAlili and Beauty. One who has long Investigated this subject gtrea the molt, and is happy to say that It Is found to Woman's "Best Friend." It Is adapted especially to that great central, all-controlling organ, the womb, correcting Its disorders, and curing any lr Jeeolartty of the "ire rises," or "courses." Dr. J BradfiekTs Female Hegulator acts like a charm to whites, and in snCden or gradual checking, or in entire stoppage of the "monthly courses," from eow, memai trouble, or lnte causes, by restoring the natural discharge in every Instance. In chronic cases, so often resulting in ulceration, falling of me womb, its action Is prompt and decisive, sav ing the constitution from numberless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfild. anta, Ga. Price: trial slxe. 76c; large size, $1.50. For sale ty all druggists. Sew Jifluerttsemcuts. rFrom the Toledo Blade. SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERY AND CJIAMOT1ILE TTPON XII E NERVOUS SYSTEM and DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Aa Invariably Produced bjr Dr. C. XV. BeBMi Celery and Chamo mile Pllla. They have been tested time and again, and al ways wttn satisfactory results. This preparation J oil meets the necessities of the case. Let me state Just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepue Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all neivous dis eases. Nervousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondecey, melancholy, and a rest less, dissatisfied, miserable state of ;mmd and Body, indescribable. These are some of the nmntoim of ness; now, to be fully restored to health and nar plness is a priceless boon, and yet, for 50 cento, yon can satisfy yourself that there Is a cure for you. and for go, at the very furthest that cure can befuUysecured. These Puis are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give sat Is - uirecieu una win cure any ease. uj u uiuggisu. rnce, ou cents a Depot 108 North Xutaw street, Baltimore, box. UA. dj man, iwu Duxes ior si, or sx to any address. boxes let S2.60, s 1 1 q DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE 1 Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, AU, ROUQ.H SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISKASE8 Or HAIR AND SCALP. SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartsof the wtr- " make, the aktn white, aotl and smooth ramo-oa tea and fieclues, and ia tha BEST toilet drea-toaia THE WORLD. Elegantly pot np, twe bottles in one paokage, oonaieting- of both internal and external treatment. AB flrat elaaa drmatiala have it. PrioeSl.perpackag. C If. Crltterjton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Bemedles. 1 1 k Fnitwi tTet k York. junl A NOTED BUT UNTITXEO Wwul. From tha Boston Cto&e. JeM3T9 Id Hon - " The above is a good likeness of Mrs, LydiaE. Pink, ham, of Lynn, Uass who above another human beings lay be trathrolly called the "Dear Friend of Toman" as some of her oorreepondents love to call her. 8&a fa aealonsly deoed to her work, which is the outcome ot a life-atmdy, and is obliged to keep tlx lady assistants, to help her answer the largr correspondence which daily poms In upon her, each bearing Its special burden of suffering-, or Joy at release from it. Her Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not evil purposes. I have peraonally investigated ft and amsatisaed of tbe truth of this. On aoooont of its proven merits. K is recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. One says : "It work, like a charm and save much pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the isteras, LaueorrhoBa, irregular and painful Menstruation, an Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Cloeratlon, Floodingij, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life." It permeates every portion of the system, and srivea new life and vigor. It removes fnintr, flatulency, destroys all eravlmi for stimulants, and relieves weak aesj ot thaatomach. It cures raoatrng, Headaches, KervonaFrowtration, General DefcOlty, Sieepkreness, Depresstoa and indlgnrtion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its uae. It will at all times, and ndr all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Boosts oolySL per bottle or six for $4, and ia sold by draggists. Aay advto required as to special eases, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be obtained by addressing Jtra P., with stamp for reply, at her home In Lnn, Kasg. Fur KidnT Oom plaint of etther sex this compound is au3esaBd as abundant testimonials show. "Mrs, Pin-ham's Liver puis," gaya one wrife-r, "are tasaecf At tke world for the cure of Constipation, Ttniowrw-g and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood Purifier works wonders In ita special line and bids fair to equal the Compound In its popularity. All most respect her as an Angel of Hercy whose solo Smhitien is to de good to others, Philadelphia, Pa. r Mrs. A. X. D- HOW TO TELL LITER BEGt LATOR Look for clean neat WHITS WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon It in the form of a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula Mortar and Graduate wi h the words A Q. SIM MONS' LIVER REGULATOR or MEDICINK there on, also observe tbe signature of J. H. Z EI LIN 4 CO., in red ink on the bide. TAKE XO OTHER. Beware of those who fcnow nothing of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being aisal zed f"ve worthless and only made to fleece the pu: ic. arxi p. pirate on the well earn ed reputation of Zellln S Go's, medicine these frauds have no rep tatlou to sustain and will cheat you for a few penneys every way they ean. Sea TA'tao t-Jn Jrc tbe Genuine Hon. Alex H. Stephens, Bt, Rev. Jno. W. Beekwilb Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, V a i-enator, Bt Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Sho.ter. J. Kdgar Thompson, Ron. B B. Hill. Bon. J. a Breckinridge, Prof David Willis, D. D, Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Gal Lewis Wonder, Assistant P. M. Phila., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ten of commendation and recommendation It is eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready for immediate resort will save manastn boor of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bins. Dr. Smmons' LiYer Regulator, AXTTrACTT7EXD OKLT BT JT. H. ZEI1.IN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Respectable Druggists feb24 F. C. MUNZLER - agent roii : i J - - rOf Fhllalphja, P p?'; IP f lj brated Lar ttfawy 4 ieijfiuA Botaea..' .V . ' !lfBOTTjpl J3ll A UPECUILTT. : te&yost Vecetved amaS tot of BOTTLED ALE and PORTER, which I ofrar to the rjunOeat Anawnabasirte&t Addreas ; , ,.,.T. '..- iSED C MCNZT-CB, f IB26Char f Coiji r ' ii iiiirii 11 IILf if I II I inn u JUST RECEIVED PER EXPRESS A JOB LOT OF FFF P FF F if A A A A A AAA A A XN 8 NN N N N N N NN N NN eco o o o o o uoo V Y Y Y YY Y Y And are offering them very much below the real value. Call and get a bargain. I Have also Jmt receiv ed per freight several things that win pay you to Inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. SMITH junll MUSIC HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, M. C. -E3RtuV.3XO: of XjTJ 3 CliLI .,. J rv'i'f "instil B-0ii wFl i ' ifr&-tT$X i Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and South Carolina are Intending to purch se PIAKOS and ORGANS in the Fall, when cotton comes in. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and make the "HARVEST HOME" still more Joyful. i Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell urlng the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEP TEMBER, 1882, PIAKOS and ORGANS, of every make, style and price, at our very lowest cash rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. WUHOTTT OTSB3ST OB IF BALANCE CAN'T BE Longer time will be given, with a reasonable Increase ot price. All lnstrtrments of everr grade and price Included m this sale. Tell your musical friends of IL Write us for Catalogues, Priee Lists and Clrcu'ars. This sale closes October 1st 1882- Early purchase secures cash prices and easy terms, t-ix (rt) years guarantee, tstool and Instructor with every Organ. Freight paid both wars If no sale. Testthemlnyourownhoar.es. Address IV-CoSz3.itl. 2ktXTA.oilo Bouse. PBOF. WM. BAKER Is mr authorized Tuner to this house, WM 1 IE and SEW ELM ! W.A. TRUSLOW, JEWELEB,KEEP1 CONS TANTXY cm BAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WALTH AM AND ELGIN WATCHES, In Gold and Silver Cases, an of which he fully Warrants Reliable Time Keepers. Bosftusa men know TTTAT TITACE TJ3 TAflCOlXr JbTY And a good investment is to buy a Good Watch. If your old Watotr does not keep time, leave with A few days and bare tt ragulatdd. jun9 im Ha can RED JUNE APPLES, FRESH GREEN CORN, RIPE SOFT PEACBES, Crystal Ice Cream, at PERRY'S PERRY'S HEADQUARTERS FOB FRUITS. un21 WANTED, A - WASHINGTON Hand Press and material for xa. a 7-column newspaper. Address .i '- J. P. BABLNGTON, Junl4tf . . , . Shelby, N. C NDTIGB; 1 , NOBTH tjABOLTHi RAILBOAD OOltPAHT, , 1 Secretary and TTTasurer"s Office, V ' : Company chops, K C June 20th, 1882. S fpHX Tblity-thlrd annual meeting ot the stockv -l noiaers oi mis company wtu be held Ur Balelgh on ThuvsdairJuhTlSth.18J. , t- Stockholders desiring to attend can ret tickets for themselves and tha Immediate members of their families (WIFE : ana children living UNDER THEIR ROOF J by applying to tbe under- Jmi22 tmtO 13 July " , secretary. hoe k NO. 4,131. IT! SSVKB1L LINES OF ooo O Q O -O GO OOO OO o o o o o o OO OO o o o o o o OO mm 1 D 1 I) D 1 1D1 BUILDING. JL33T3aX efts -as OT2 AST ADVAHCE W PSICE, PAID IN TDE FALL, and Renalrer. All work guaranteed. Send orders H. MeSMITH. gfre over one tan-bed iifuieams rn the ettv. FOB SALE. BY Virtue of a decree of the SuptMor Court of Catawba eounty, made In tbe .case of P. C Shufordacd others, plaintiffs, vs. A. 3L Poweil and others, defendants, at Sonne- Term. 1 rx-a nr Catawba county Superior Court, tbe undersigned. as Receiver, will sell at nubile sale, at the Long Islsnd Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, the SRn day of JULY, 1882, the following valuable Property, to-wtt;' . The iactory of the Lone Island Cotton itni. t- gether with 161. acres land, lncludm the entire water power of seven feet head, factory building wiw, vwo siones njgn, nounng and saw mills, store and cotton houses, Nacksmltb shop and live tenement houses, and the following machinery : 1 picker, 1 36-inch double better and Upper, 6 Sd-lncb 14 top flat Cards, -rauway head. 2 drawing frames. 6 deliveries each, drlns frames niiUM. berry make), all In good order, 2 Danforth cap irarnes, is3 spmaiea. total number spindles 810. i nsrunw .rimicr, uuncu una oaiing press: also a large lot ol eld- looms, puUles, shaltlne. For note accurate and deflntte demrfntinn t the property and the eondmona ot said sale refer ence to hereby made to the decree above referred. ioaa.iwtoif per cent, -oi BUTthase money cash 1 and the balance ' in Mini tn. stalments of ; three months and, alt . mantha. bond and. .- approved-, security Keulred ot " purchaser, or the Receiver 13 by said Decree an tboilzed to vary terms to suit purchasers. The " - receiver u Also anthorlaed by said Decree to sell - f said I property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser. ana newiu entertain prrrata bids anal day of -'. rvrsuiui vunuog 10 examine aaia proper:? v i find Dr-A.1L Powell aMMjs.LevlSnafordeTt ' premises, either of whom will take ple&su 0 . , showlngthe came. Address " - . , JOHN L. COBB.RTlr.r, - . JunS , LlneolntoD, Lincoln eounty, N C. . Cotton Fiieify HI Ml 51 ill !! I it f' tt ft 1 if -I' if it ,vj-.- f ,j

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