t MtEfc YcOC B A 0 T I OBSERVE K WEDKKS DAY, NE 8; 1882; ST, J CQNCOJt : y . I I' S TVfl 7 J Ilia BUSINESS NOTICES. i. inrf Kevtr. nd Bilious atticks -nW'la- Ctli' .tn niory's Man-iM Cu.e Hlls iTuei) cu , rairicdy; never ran 10 cure iuo P?!" -standing case, causing no 7effWlual. ,VhH bod s a household rem "5n i w,,e w. For Lier Complaint their 'l,(He1 JnoVn: one box wM hi- e a wonaer d,,S is n' Kt c e. The? are ied and '.. nn tl rS.1 ' , -.!.! Ha rime.!.. imexto.Hew Advertisements. JSrtW about Hats wi&!? w 8tato nWy - Fortune's Favmitei D'S NEW TACTOF-V. dicating Exercises on Last Sun- day. on " ' ,' ,! -old bt Druggists ''crlDwl w; n f,0 wt boxes. Emory's Lt Piicre. L?t , -r made, only 15 cento 1 Nassau street, New York. sic semper Tyraoui. to tyrants" says Virginia upon ' TDUS Ss and with this motto Is a vigorous ..rcoiu-1"; m imon a prosumo uouruw. ru- fort" " .ml mouu ir - - us usiH .lowii usurping diseases and thus jfklVnM that baffle tr.e skill or ffffllwu ind dangerous, andattlw SAis entandniulUioriii In manlfes- kidneys and ilver. Bil"n,,.l9 the domain ot Hunt's Bfrnydj. fretc' of thousands proves that It does r . of toe TneeXlf .iMmed for It effects cures oi eases .?,ht 8 clallWU A m riMnllntn ?J ye', d cr m out to tbe world, clo semper ,,ranni9- ... Unprioclpled Iealing. n,,iarltr and world-wide tame of 81m- T"e ,PPJ wpiriuator has Induced unprincipled vflei lil tmrt of our title or name In the mar v&Xftr of these enterprises have died a K, S but others are periodical!; cropping ur thoae who have not yes learnea iuo jreai t,i trie invalid it may be a question ot hof ne Regulator this -ortDO' th. invalid it ryiJh Ask for Simmons Mver ftegnla llw mA in for th Mgnatnre or J. m. iun ."nd the Tlarge red Z on White Wrapper. juj Adtjerttficraettts. ''' Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. tA marvel ot par t strength and wbolesomeness More economic than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weleht. aumor phosphate powders. Sold only In cm ov28 ew iort LOY DAVIDSON, Sole Agent, Charlotte, W. C. HOME BRIEFS. - lHot as ever. tiW After a while watermelons will get to be common, and then the scribe can indulge. I UOh ! for a home in some vast wil- aerness, where the evil days (the hot ones) come not. VW There will be no prayer meeting ot- V, tj J T- . A u mo octouu jrresDyienan ennrch to night, on account of the absence of Mr Wood, the pastor. luocuuou uioom mentioned in these columns yesterday morning was sent to Hew York by yesterday even ing's mail. IST The dry, parched earth drank up 1 B VI , mo icireauiug rain drops as last as they fell, but still we are thankful for even small favors. W" The new freight depot of the Carolina Central railroad, in this city, approaches completion and bids fair to rival any building of its kind in the South. tYVe stated yesterday that Rev. J.T.Bagwell preached in Shelby last Sunday. Our informant was mistaken, and we take the earliest opportunity to correct it. tSTThere were 250 freight cars in Charlotte last night and the number of freight cars handled at our depots monthly amount to 6,000 or 8,000. How's that for business? J" Large quantities of lumber used for building purposes in Charlotte, are nov shipped to us from Robeson and Richmond, counties via the Carolina Central Railroad. ?ilAlarKe number of delegates to the judicial convention, which meets in this city to-day, arrived last night From all indications the convention will be a large one. JSF" The. track improvements made by the Carolina Central Railroad com pany at ine rraae street crossing are first class in every respect. The old tracks have been torn up, relaid and ballasted, and a new switch has been laid down so that cars can come up directly to the platform of the new de pot. A DAY AT ST MARY'S. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what particular troubles BROWN'S Iron Bitters is good for, It will cure lleart Disease, paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. . r A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., a; lav 7. My health was much snatl 7, i8So. j attercd bv Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. Iam now using the third bottle-and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Maxt E. Brashbar, 173 Prestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., 1881. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kylb Montagus. Heart Disease. 1 .' Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec 2, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any . benefit, ,1 was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jennik Hsss. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. 'l Try it: , Be sure and get the Genuine. r". an - -tj ' -.: ' f - : j -? . v t ' 1 1 FRESH I! UAnnnnn ' i - ir III VI -r Vtf-t ' : " I . : 'j t J K'fi: -i.Jj.-S- JDST.XN.AT Coramencemeat Exercises- of the Catho lic College at Garribaldi. Yesterday morning a long string of carriages left the city as the sun came up, wending their way to St Mary's College, near Garibaldi, in Gaston com ty, the attraction being the fourth an nual commencement of that institute. After passing Capt Sid Alexander's farm, the road is shaded, cool and level for almost the entire distance, and it is not until the college is nearly- reached that an obstruction is met which calls a halt the wide,' swift rolling Catawba. Our road led to Sifford's ferry and we found a very willing and sprightly fer ryman who rowed us o'er the river for the small consideration of a few silver nnsrtprs. thoueh on account of the number of carriages, the transfer busi ness consumed a full hour and a half. The Catawba at thu point, is a most beautiful stream, and the ferryman's slow work afforded all an opportunity to admire it to their heart's content. After the last carriage was finally land ed on the other shore, the journey was resumed and after a very short ride, St Mary's College was reached. i The building, a large brick house, three stories high, is most beautifully situated, commanding a view of King's and Crowder's mountain from its front, while all around the giant oaks throw out cool breezes and afford the densest shade. When the party from Charlotte ar- riv-ed. there was a crowd of about airnadv at the college,and the Right Rav.H.P. Xortbrop, bishep of North narolina. was conducting ordination services in the chapel. Rev. Daniel Hef- ti.iO. S. B- and professor joi matnemai- ics, was ordained sub-deacon. The mass of ordination commenced at 6 o'clock and ended at half -past nine. In the per formance of the ordination service, the -rri rAn PianMian Pilz assisted as Vfij iw. arch-deacon. Revs. Lawrence, of Char inrt and Holohen. of Greenvnie, oooiori Frater Patrick, O. S. B, aiOU nomt officiated as master of ceremonies. a f tr the ordination service the com mencement exercises proper were held and were onened with "the greeting "hv the Glee club. ' - w Trariri delivered the salntatorv address and acquitted him mnftt peacefully. The "Cecilia March," played by Yen. t? .nnrad Ebert. Pianist ana josepu . ., oariAfw. violinist, was most excenenuy arfArmAB. but the "Js'wltzer Song of 4ta0" hv the Glee club, was the iweetest, most pathetic songiiuBuuiD and the audience had it repeated time "The reporter." Mark Twain's dia logue, and the Fourth of July oration, were both good and delivered in fine style. The speech of the day was de--liveredby Mr. Cba&. J. Abearn, on the necessity of religious education. . The valedictory by Wm. W McDon bugh, was beautifully composed and feelingly spoken for oneso young. , Bishop Northrop delivered the gold medals-tto S Smith, ot Stanly Creek, S'. C, for good conduct, and to Chas. a. Ahearn, of Fayetteville, Ji.C forbeolir eePinThe ypuMWvw- ceived premiums were wvu l,ri ona at, a time to receive them Tfrbm tbe hands of th5 Bishop. - JAfter the distribuuon or me : pro- mlums, Bishop HOrtDrop aeuyereu address to the students and to the an dieneff, short, but. beautiful, forcible miid convincing. The Biftnops aaaxesB 'r,T -Jnuaa fnr vpstetdav. Or- dUiation ieceitthW; at .the 4 cdliege to-day. . . . - , bf nr arv'a had forty students this iession and the prospects for .a largely !r-mAd ttendancenexfe-sessiQn are bright "CSTbitoWpPI i8! y-to-!to in-; tWfoto riri U 'begin-'..- - v ko Alt -rhA-iTTBcitJine ? of the I1IIIV LU W . " "school a mpst excellent andthe course ol instruction'1 as. .thorough and fcom i3.t a J onw ntViBri college in the VkOlB n v. .. W f ha nresldent and professors the reporter Is under many obligations for M irinrilv and ' hospitable entertain- nient which-he received at their hands. t had been extensively advertised ,t the Rev, Dr. Craven would preach a sermon in the new factory on Sunday morning, and that after the sermon the dedicatory service would take place. At the hour of eleven there had con. gregated an audience of from 1500 to 2000 people, from the town and country, together with visitors from a distance along the railroad. We noticed persons from South Carolina, Charlotte, Salis bury, Lexington, Thomasville, Greens boro and other places. The first floor of the building was fit ted up for the occasion, with rostrum for the speakers and seats for the audi ence. The services were opened by the beautiful voluntarily, "Praise tha Lord," sungby Mrs. Nicholson, MissDeLeL Alderman, and Mr. Hay ward Alder man, all of Greensboro. The anthem was beautifully rendered. Mrs. Nichol son possesses a voice of great power and wonderful melody. The choir of the Methodist church sang the hymn Before Jehovah's awful throne;" Mrs. K. L. Craven presiding at the or gan. Tbe Rev. Mr. Cole offered an ap propriate and impressive prayer, after which the Rev. Dr. B. Craven arose and delivered a beautiful sermon from Proverbs the 6th chapter, 6,7, 8 verses, which read : "Go to the aunt, thou sluggard ; con sider her ways, and be wise: which hav ing no guide, overseer, or ruler, pro videth her meat in the summer, &nd gathereth her food in the harvest. The Doctor prefaced his sermon with the following words: I know thaf differences of opinion exist as to the propriety of dedications like this, but I favor them. All great improvements or revolutions in opin ions, morals, manners or work, de mand new modes, new machinery and new combinations; and when new methods are prominent in the land, and new applications take the plack of rou tine, we may be sure that the morning dawneth. In North Carolina, and among us, something new has appeared, approved and copied already in distant places, and carrying with it an element of great social and civil force. Capital bows to Christ, and asks a blessing from the church, work enthrones in her lordly temple the true and mighty God, and trade openly and before all men takes the oath of allegiance to the Prince of Peace. This great factory is to be controlled by religious principle, the smoke from the chimney is to be daily incense to God, and the roar of the machinery will be work's anthems to the Lord. This is the place and these are the men to make labor walk with God. Good men and true have labored here in the past years, and pleasant memories have lately gone with one of them toJhe grave. Of the present company ! know three of them well, the Messrs. Odell and Mr. Curtis. They personally know every foot of the road from the little boy's first day in the fac- toiy up to the full fruition of owner ship and control. They have not for gotten the thrill of the first five cents in the little boy's pocket, and in sweet est memory still hear the kind, encour aging words that helped them so much in the long ago. They are the men to teach the boys and girls to respect themselves, to do honest work, to save the pennies, and to look for brighter manhood and womanhood. It is beau tiful for these men in the fullness of manhood to bring the gain of their own hard work, and bid it work in God's way. These are good, sound, practical men ; they are Christian men and de sire their money and efforts to have the blessing of God." It is useless to attempt to write out the sermon. It was was delivered ex tempore, he only having the headings on manuscript. The text to his points wa3 the following proposition: "The practical ability to create, and righily use wealth, is the highest human de velopment on earth." At the close of the sermon, Mrs. Nicholson sung the dedicatory hymn, accompanied by Mr. Alderman on the cornet and Mrs. Williams on the organ. It was grand. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Smith, Mr. Odell came forward and offered the building with all its contents to Dr. Craven to dedicate to Almighty God, and for his honor and glory. The following are the words of the service: For as much as God hath blessed the owners of this house in their business life, and by a kind Providence has ena bled them to erect this noble building; and for as much as he hath put it into the hearts of the proprietors to publicly and solemnly ask the Lord Jehovah to make this one of his dwelling places, I now. therefore, in the name of the Holy Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Central Hotel. Thos Barrett, Au gusta; G W Egan, Charleston ; MO J Kreps, Salem, Va; J L Cobb and wife, Lincolnton ; Leon H Pender, Miss F M lender, Tarboro; M M Lewis, Rich mond; DE Allen, North Carolina; H B Adams, JasF Payne, D A Covington, Monroe; F W Clarke, North Carolina; R T Caston, Mrs S A Caston, L E Cas ton, South Carolina; John JCulbertr son, New York; Thos M Chatard, Brewer Mine ; Z L Pearson, Cheraw ; J A Forney, J H Gilkey, Rutherf ord ton ; C J Ahem, Fayetteville; W J Mc Donougb, Portsmouth; W L Crouse, T H Cobb, Lincolnton ; S Flanagan, W Flanagan, Wilmington; J Tierney, H Godwin, J Lawless, M Irwin, Nor folk; J H Urner, AE Rankin, Balti more ; C M French, Pittsburg, Pa ; E H Lewis, Boston; J E Barrett, At lanta; J C Branan, Atlanta, Ga; J D Brown, county; J W Bulla, Wash ington, D C ; C A Misenheimer, Pioneer Mills; E B Springs, city; S C Scofield, Davidson College ; J B Quinn, Shelby ; Jno F Hoke, Lincolnton ; M J Myers, city; J G Waddell, Lincolnton; B T Morris, John C Puett, Dallas; Jas A MeCool, Atlanta; Dr Louis H Reid. Baltimore; HCDunlap, Atlanta; LP Jepson, Graham, N C ; A Foil, Concord ; Miss Nettie Graham, Laurlnburg; J A Lattimore, E H Fullen wider, C C Blan- ton, R McBrayer, Shelby; Jno F Early, Nashville; Jno Tipton, Iron Station; R J Shipp, Lincolnton ; Mrs. Durham two children and servant, Charleston, SC. and August 664-644; August and September 6 56-64d; beptember ana uctoDer o 4U 04a; Oc tober and November 6 86 64d; November and December -; December and January ; Jan- naxv and reDruar -. jruwires ciosea steaay. FUTURES. SMA.TC HL1.S1! Nw Tom Net receipts gross 8,764 Futures closed easy; sales 178,000 bales. Jane.... 12.46.47 July ia48.49 AUgUSt - 12.OOOI.DW September 12-27-28 October...'. I1.72.00 November ii.&4aiw December. ll.56a.57 inuij7.. Il.68f2r.89 Itebruary 11.81. March 11.94 96 April May FINANCIAL. New yobs. Xxehange Governments generally unchanged New 5's. Four and a hall per cents, rour per cents Money State bonds moderately active and strong Bub-treasury balances Gold... currency.... Stocks Weak and lower: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Alaliama Class A, small Alaliama Class b, 5's Alabama Class C. 4's. Chicago and Northwestern cnicago ana itonnwestern preierrea, Xrte Kast Tennessee...! Georgia. ... Illinois central. Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nashville and Chattanooga Mew xorKuensrai. Pittsburg. Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville Roeir. Island South Carolina Brown Consols, waoasn, at. lxrais a nemo. Wabash, St Louis ct Pacific preferred western union. CITY COTTON MARKET. 4.85U 1.01 1.141 1-208 229 891950 5,994 80 80 99 851A 1.801 1.44V 85 1.65 1.8314 1.10 661 49 551 1.30S 187 18 l.Ofl 1.80 1 0814 271 50 8314 Omoi of Thi Obssbvkr, I Chablottx, June 28, 1882. i The market yesterday dosed steady at the fol lowing quotations: Good Middling. 12 Strictly middling 11 Middling. 11 Strict low middling 11 Liow miaaung 11 b-ic Tinges. 1010 Storm cotton 57W Sales yesterday 27 bales. flew dtyerttsctiictxts. npBS undersigned would like to rent pasturage X lor a cow. jun27 It AnnlT Immediately. A. G. BRENIZKB. Desirable Residence for Sale. I WILL Sell at private sale, as agent for B. T Wheeler, that desirable residence latelv occurred bv 8. B. Meacham. Esq . lo-. cated on Trade street, between the property of Mrs. Gen. T. J. Jaekson and Col. Jno. E. B own. The lot fronts 98 feet on Trade street and runs back 896 feet to 4th. On tbe premises are good outbuildings, a small tenement house on the rear lot, well ot water, 4c. Terms Easy. H. JV. UUCmtAINJi, Jun28 lw Agent. Of To Prevent Bees From Swarming. Farmer's Advance. How can bees be prevented from s warming r They cannot be entirely kept from swarming, but in great part they are pre rented not only oy giving the queen laymg-room, but by the com Dined re suit of giving laying-room for the queen and room for tbe surplus, and having the boxes on both sides and the top,and taking off the boxes as they are finished up1, thereby keeping the bees building comb all the while, and not having the top of the hive so tight as to confine the heat so closely in the hives as to cause the bees to cluster outside. If the above points are observed, not even ten Der cent of the stock will be apt to swarm. To explain more fully, I will irive a modus operandi that I practice Give your stocks only as many combs as the queen will keep well filled with eees (six or seven Longstroth, Amen can or Quinby frames), and as soon as the young bees begin to natcn plenti fully, but not so mueh as to be crowd- inz. eive the stock a frame of sections fsurnlus honey boxes, with foundation or comb-starter in one side, and as the bees begin to work in the section give them another frame on the other side of the brood combs. When they are well at work on these give them an up per case, putting the boxes from the side into the upper case, placing a frame of fresh sections between those being worked in and a fresh frame of sections on each side of the brood, and im that way the young bees are set to work instead of being the mischief- making preparations for swarming,and if fresh sections are given as fast as the bees become numerous enough to occu py them, and take out the full ones as last as nmsiittu, yuiuug cuipiijr uut m their slace. Next be sure that every queen has her wings clipped close off, and if thev then show a disposition to swarm, take a frame of capped brood fha oTifnr rvf fhA npsr.. civincr one Amn- ty frame in its place.. The frames thns J"JST RECEIVED taKen irom several mve can ue given to a weak stock. The more swarming is prevented the more profitable the bees are. Hortord's Acid Phosphate Is useful In dyspepsia. It gives the stomach tonic and Imparts vigor to the wnoie system. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JONK 27, 1882 PRODUCE. Wrr.MTKftTOH 8nlrlts Turoentlne firm, at 43c Rosin firm, 81.65 tot strained; $1.62 tor good trained. Tar dull, at 82.80. Ciude Turpentine steady, at $1.50 for hard; 82:75 for yellow dip; 82.75 tor virgin. Baltmobb hook Flour dull and unchanged; Howard street and Western super S3 25 $4. 00; extra 8425&S5 50; family $5.60887.00: , City Mills. suDer 88.2aS4.O0: extra 84.25884.75: Bio brands $7 2587.87. Wheat Southern milftti Western hlsher: Southern red 81.88881.88: amber $1.88881.40; No. 1 Maryland 81.488 SMSty; No. 2 Western winter red spot, $1.42 881.48. ' Corn Southern steady and quiet; West ern steady; Southern white 94: Southern yeUow 00. " Baltchobs -KI6HT- -Oats, steady and firm; Southern 62864; W astern wnlte 62864; mixed 61362; Pennsylvania 81 64 Provisions firm ; met nork.SOn.75rDS22.25. Hulk meats should- H find -eloar rib aides. Racked lOUQlHlA. Bacon -shoulders llU: clear rib sides 14; hams 15U&1&- lrd--refined 13. Coffee- firm; Rio cargoes ordinary to fair 889. Sugar -steady; A soft 9. Whiskey-quiet, at $1.16- Frelghts dull. nrrRARo Flour dull and nominal. Wheat aetlve, and lower; No. 2 Chicago spring $1 34 0)81.86 for eash: 81.86 for June and July. Corn THE firm of J. ROESSLER x CO., has this day been dissolved bv mutual consent Capt J. Roessler continues the business at the old stand and is authorized to settle aU claims for and against tbe old firm. J. ROESSLER, an27 at a avnuex. LOST REWARD. LOST yesterday evening, in Third street er on the Alr-Llne track, a pocket case ot Surgical Instruments red morocco cover. A liberal re ward will be paid for the return ot the case to the I HAVE active and lower, at 74l 2i74 for cash; 74 M8 quiei ana weaa. .4 fnr JnnA: 7214 for Jnlv. at fut&k for cash: 4814 for July. Pork unsettled and lower, at $21.878$21.50 for eash; c-ji H7Ur21.4Q for June and July, wm- ac- ;lve and a shade lower, at $11,758)811.77 for cash and July. Bulk meats unsettled and kwei ; shoulders 89.50; short ribs $12.55; short clear 813.00. Whiskey steady, at $1.16. " COTTON. HAT.vHBTnj-taadv:mlddllnz 121AC: low mid dling 11 She; ood ordinary llo; net receipts 2ft: btoas 2rt:' sales ; stock 5.600: ex norta onutwls - .- to Great Britain - ; to continent - -f to France ; to channel Nobiolx Firm; middling 12c; net :Kelpt 126; gross 126; stock 5,027; exports h-i- wise ; sales 260; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . ""UlLlBiOBB Firm: middling 12e. low mid dling im; good ordinary lOHdc; net receipt ; gross. 583: sales : stock 16 568; exports coastwise 550; spinners 880; exports to wrest Britain . to continent , BostON'Qalet middling 12e; low middling 12c; goo ordinary llc; net reeelpts 405; gross 2.114: sales r.atock 8.850: export to Great Britain 66?; to France . WrumtOTOH Firm, middling 12c;low nud dltng 11 6 16c; good ordinary 1Q 7 16c; receipts 24; gross 24; sales --; stock 887; exports eoastwlse -; to-Great Britain ; to continent . PHnxDiLPHiA Firm; middling 12c. low middling 12c; good ordinary lie: receipts net 878; gross 878: sales ; tok 18,103; ex ports Great Britain 2,176; to continent . Savahkah Steadyt--Bilddling 11 fee; low mid dling llc; good ordinary 10e; net receipts 148; gross 143; sales 100; stock 5.126; exports eoastwlse. : to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent -. middling 12e; low Father, and of theson Ghost, dedicate this house and all con nected therewith, and all the machinery and implements attached thereto or used therein, to the uses and purposes of Christian work, in the manufacture of such articles as may be selected and all the employments and forms of busi ness necessary therein." After the dedicatory service closed the long metre doxology was sung Dy the audience and the benediction was pronounced by Dr. Craven, and the con gregation dispersed. It was a remark able event, full of Interest, and it is earnestly hoped that It may be the har binger of success and prosperity to the proprietors and all concerned In this great enterprise. Improved Machinery, &c. An Observer scribe yesterday no ticed on the freight piatiorm ox tne railroad depot: Seven new engines and boilers, 5 cotton gins, 8 gin feeders ana two wheat threshers and horse powers. This gives some idea of how our people axe indulging in. the luxury of labor saving machinery. Coal at $4.50 Per Toa. The management of the Western North Carolina railroad company are making -arrangements ?to deliver Ten nessee coali in: Charlotte the coming fall at tr cost 1 hot 5 exceeding $4.50 per W and 'still those:: who opposed the (Jinftte of THE OBSERVER ' on the rail-1 speculation and exports 2,000; receipt 17,100; pon8? V xas :Z . - . - I AincrtMin 19 KHiY nnlands low middling elaose: road Question last fall are not nappy. - ,. f. deUTerr'ri R2-64dfi6 63 64d; J one and July ; , v wm . i.r an ' ' I 6 52 64d6 58-64d; July and August 6 62-4dg ' Thousands ot ladles cherish graterm remem-, hnmcea of the help derived from thsuteot Lydla K Plnkham's Vegetabls Coaipound. - The only sclentifie Iron Medicine n, produce headache. Ac.. tt glveste toe system sJJ tba benefits ot Iron without Ms Md eOseta, ts Brown's Iron Bitters, . NW Oblsabs Firm; middling 128; gooa orainary iiw; n roccipis 26Som f,hv. sates-2;0o0: stock 64,858: exports U Sriat Brttaia ; to France ; eoastwlse I to continent - u-; to chan nel - .. Mobtui Steady; middling 12c; low mifldllns lle: good ordinary lie; net receipts 29; gbM IbT sales 509: stock 8.276: exports wast 148; France : to Great Britain ; to continent , , . MamTBTB-Firm; middling 12c; low mid dling llttet' good ordinary 10es net receipts 84: gros? 84t ahlpmeats 321; sales 200; stock 10.226. ATJ8TJ8TA Dull ; middling llc; low mid dling lle: good ordinary I0e; reaetptt 10; shipments ; sales 44 CHAKLffirroB-Qutet; jaUldling 12; tow mid dling llc; good ordinary llc; net receipts 15? cross 15: sales 15: stock 6,894; exports eoastwlse 583; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to chan Nsw Toot Finn; sales 192; middling up lands 12c; middling ortoans 12e; eon solidated net receipts 2.416; exports to Great Britain 6.412; to Franse ; to continent I to channel Lirrarooi Hoon--flteady; middling uplands 6 13-I6d: middling orieaas 7d; sales l,ooy; 6 5aP4d Jir- IB 1 m Bixea. SO saw. ' to to 70 Prices of Qina S 75 00 tr co 100 00 US 60 126 00 110 00 160 00 180 00 Price with Self Feeder or Condenser. gioo oo u oo 132 60 lit 00 160 00 ISO 00 806 00 ess oo Prloe with Self- . Feeder and Coadenier. $136 00 5 60 166 00 17 50 196 09 CM 00 S62 00 SSI 00 OPPORTUNITY A new supply ot goods, including CROCKERY, PICTURE FRAMES, HOSIERY, LACES, EDGINGS, LINEN COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac, C. Also FRUIT JARS, quarts and gallons C. M. ETHEREDGE, Variety Store, under Traders' Nat Bank. un25 nnmmm rCOTTOW CIMS.I UIIUW 3. Tbs Bran Cottoo Gin Co., Riv UnJji, CL, Israel T. Brovm, Prtt't. EdtB. T. Brotm, TreoM. These machines run light, maks fine sample, and clean the seed properly. Best English oast steel In the Hn the teeth will not bend, break off, or turn back, Iron pulleys throughout, brush strongly made, with adjustable boxes, east steel Journals and two belts one at each end ensuring eool bearings, fun speed, and steady motion, (only Gin in market having this Improvement.) Extra large shafts to saw and brush cylinders. Strong iron frame best materials, supe rior workmanship, line finish. tyXore Brown Oins have been sold daring the past three seasons than any other two makes combined. Mr. Israel r. Brown (from 1843 toUSSof the arm of E. T. Taylor A Co. of Columbus, Oa), the president of the company, has had a longer practical experience in making 61ns than any other manuring. Pressnt facili ties far manufacturing and Bhipping unequaled by any other establishment of ths kind In the world. Hence our very low prices for such superior machines. Price List of GIK8, Feeders and Coadensers. 6 6464d8 october ; Ko- r" AugUBt and September 0 55-64d88 56-64d; Bepcemoer a ia MAAi. nssnbMratnd Moswinter vember and eoember r December and - Lrvrapooi. -5 P. K.-HBsjes.0x American eotton 8,050 balea Uplands low mlddjlna clause: June durery ; June and July 6 54-64d; July ID W D BLIC ! -:o:- Our Large Business necessitates very early prepara tions for the Coming Seasons, hence we are now making extensive preparations for the Coming Fall. As we still have quite a Stock of SUMMER GOODS and must have the room, we will offer our entire well as sorted Stock for the Next Sixty Days at such BED UGED and L0 W P BICES as will leave no doubt upon the mind of the purchaser that lie has obtained AN UNBIVALLED BARGAIN. This is no sensational advertisement, but we mean busi ness. Everybody is aware that our Stock embraces all. the needs ofthe people of this country and we can furnish a complete outfit for both sexes and all ages, :o:- 1 1 f ITTKOVSKY k MUCH, Dry Goods Dealers and Clothiers JT TT3T 3cs2T IB 43 H? LSI WE HAVE EVE 11 ' QV FE B, ED. t-t, v.rt ' ' Ail-Wool Cass. S7i HI m v ATT .50-- j i a FFAiniTl tyNoSe the prices and improrements i don't be decelTed or allow yourself to be talked Into buying other gins. Our machines are fully guaranteed. If not satisfied with our guarantee place your order with any responsible merchant of your acquaintance and get him to buy for you. Time, when desired wul be girgn to any responsible person. Write for descriptiTe circular with hundreds of testimonials from enterpris ing planters. BBOWN COTTON GIN CO., New IiOadem, Casus, DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. An important dis covery, by whicl every family ma give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar ?o fine Uandry work, - skyoarfirocer. 17 B.; DOBBINS, Phfladelphia, Pa. TO EXAMIg i liISII .1 si. i i i iw . yin in i i diiniiii iiii imni .jri 1 i v! -i DURING THIS "WEEK. :5I ron bale rv j;, spencer a cq and FIELDS BROS Charlotte, N, C i' un22

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