DA I L YCKAX. tL O T J E OBSTCttv E R : WED NflESDAY J TJ TiTminouoaTTTears'ui medicine, n.TniITnmidiM. In eases of Nerroos Uhed ooodition of the Mood, this peerless remedy has, in my hands, made some wonderful cures. Cases that have baffled soma of our moot eminent physicians haw yielded to Uus (treat and incomparable remedy. I prescribe it. in tn n iron oreoarauon maae. in xaet, Intact d& in mV nraotioe. Pa. ROBERT VT 8AMUKIA SIM ZtoioeeolortotMebioo3J natural healthful tone to the digestive orgmnt and nervou yyjl9wi,wKwy applicable to General Debility, Xm or appe tite, Prostration of Vital Town and Impotence., MANUFACTURED BY THE DK.HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS.. PJttseellanxmis. Qf 10 pieces, at from $22 38 $225 PER SETT Parlor Setts, Of 7 pieces, at from $35 ?8 8150 PER SETT. AT WHITE FRONT. Jon 11 WOLFE'S A ROMATIC Schiedam Schnapps, for sale bj XX B. O. J OKU AW co.. JonlO Druggists. PERSIAN TN8KCT Powder will destroy all kinds of Insects, jl lor saie oy R. H. JORDAN ft CO., Tryon street junlO MEDICINAL SOAPS. CONSTANTINO'S Persian Healing Ptne Tar, Buchan's Carbolic Toilet and disinfecting. Glenn's Sulphur and Cullcura Soaps.' ' H. H. JORDAN ft CO.. JunlO Druggists. A FRESH SUPPLY TARRANT'S Seltzer Aperient, Iodla, Bromldla, Jacob's Cordial, Ac., just received by if. U. JUbDAN s cu., JunlO Tryon street. MONUMENTAL rUBKB Cigarettes and Louge's Plugs, for sale w Of B. H. JORDAN A CO.. JonlO Druggists. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK of English Tooth and Hatr Brashes. B. H. JORDAN ft O JunlO KITCHEN'S QRY&TAL Soap and 8opolloT for sale by B. H. JORDAN ft CO., JunlO Druggists. SCARR'S FRUIT PRESERVATIVE Is the best and cheap est. A full supply at R. H. JORDAN ft COS. JunlO Tryon street WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring .and Summer Styles OF Including an the latest novelties n the MILLINERY LINK, i HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS, LAOEtV&c In all the new styles, colors and Qualities. - -Aiao,aU uiSlP,w style" and qualities of LACES, SJCtog White Goods. Neck Wear, Hosiery AfiiSi6-' toe LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY WILL OPEN Our M Hatband Bowels On Monday, Watt 27th, t hey have ever seen In this city. Reepeetfully, . P. Query. mar22 AT WILDER'S lou wlu "ad a choice and complete stock of PIKE FBESO DlllUS. Colden's, Leibig's Liquid Extract -OF BEE U1 TOIC IKvWiiui fou. J V.-.4 i -j? i&' :a& U 'ii j ,4 TBI IT. CIGARS I TOBACCO, - THE FINEST SELECTION In tha CITY. ndodlng ttM famous LA PAREPA brand of cigars 1 icabani Toilet Melts, an assortment, and everything generally kept in a first class Drat Store. Special attention stven tn Physicians' Prse1pUpn day aqflntght Satls- raoumi guanuiea, , - IV Comer Trade.;;. .4 .i.andi 1. College 8Uts i r t - t a if f a n si s jedroom Set Spring m MILLINERY MtausS .4 eotnbtnation ofProi to&ile of Iron, Peruvian Hark and 1'Iioitvhorus in , a txitetaUs form. Tha only preparation of iron 'i tAai ttnllnot blacken Ui9 tertfuxo clmracteristicof other iron vreoarationM. I hare touud nothing to give the results that Dr. tYoetration, .Female Utseaees, iyspenaia. and imoovHr. mien a cum iponnd as 1& Habto's Ikobt Tonto is a ne Wash Are., St Looia, Ho., Nor. 96th. 1881. PRYOR'S OINTMENT IS A SPEXDT CUBS FOB '' Blind or Bleeding Piles, Hemorrhoids, Sores, Ul cers, Tumors, Itching of the Parts, Fistulas and all Kindred Diseases; also of Burns, Corns, Felons, Fever Bores, Scald Head, Tetter, Sore Nipples, etc. Atlanta, Ga., August 25, 1877. After an experience of twenty-five years In sell ing this ointment, and during; that time having closely watched Its effects, and having the testi mony of my friends arid neighbors to confirm my confidence in Its-merits, I became- fully satisfied of its value, and I have bought the exclusive right to make and sell it, and offer it to you as the best remedy in the world, especially tor all forms of Piles. BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS : T his Is to certify that I have tried Pryor's Pile Ointment In a case of plies, and state that it gave more relief than anything I have ever tried. I fur ther state that as a remedy for burns it Is unpar alleled. I also used It for a case of tetter In my feet of twenty years' standing, and say that It Is the first thing that I have ever tried that gave me more than momentary relief. I consider now thai I am entirely relieved from that distressing dis ease. JOHN D. NEWSON. Troup county, Ga, Having been afflicted for ten years, at intervals, with that distressing malady, the piles, and after many Ineffectual trials of the remedies In common use, I commenced a short time ago to use your Pile Ointment I experienced immediate relief. From the relief experienced in my case, as well as from the reputation so rapidly acquired by your Ointment in this vicinity, I have no hesitancy in expressing the opinion that It is the most efficient remedy for Plies ever Invented. O. A. BULL, LaGrange, Ga. This is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointment in a case of severe born, and that ma very few days It was entirely relieved of all inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the first application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever. B. J. MORGAN. LaGrange, Ga. By the advice of Mr. Wynn, I used your Pile Ointment on a servant girl who had been suffering for eight years with a most aggravated case of piles. She Improved from the very first day's nse of your Ointment and before using the box she was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER, Cusseta. Ala. This Is to certify that I have used Pryor's Pile Ointment and say that it Is, In my opinion, the best remedy for plies ever presented to the public. I say this from a positive application ot the reme dy on my own person. THOS. B. MORGAN. Troup county, Ga. For sale by all dealers In medicine. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt of price. DR. J. BRADFIELD. Atlanta, Ha. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. 0. mayll The feeble and emaciated, suffering from dys pepsia or Indigestion in any form, are advised, for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort to try Hostetter't Stomach Bitten. Ladles of the most delicate constitution testify to Its harmless and Its restorative -properties, Pbjslclana every where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe It as the safest and most re liable of all stomachics. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. Junl- Disease Is an effect not a eause. Its origin is within; Its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the cacsi must be removed, aLd in no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tabllshedon Just this principle. It realizes that 05 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deTanged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. Theelemen'B of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and BESTOBXB, and, by placing them In a healthy condlti n, diivi disease and pain from; the sys tem e r, . . t ; For th innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, -Ltver and Urinary 'Qrgahs; lor the distressing Disorders of Women; tor Malaria, and tor physical derangements generally, this great remedy ha s no equal. Beware of Impostors , imitations and concoctions said to be lust as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CUBE. For sale by all dealers. U. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. aprlS i - ESTEY, ROSE DALE, ORGANS. LSteiaway;4 Yebber, 3 Decker Bro's, HAINE3 and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK PIANOS, It Is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. ledby flashy 'advertisements but gWnte atiiai be-- fore yon boy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both In price and terms. AH task Is 41 trial and this can costn you nothing, while it may be the mew o' saving yon a great deal lh aainstrumen& VP 8 WST'i.- felU- In mtMtlr alfhAT' til Mil OT rent. Call on or address . i ... IJkSJllj PELOUBET 4.W m wajsr -,-3 ' ?.mi t - , J Of on or address h JL ii Lock Box 274,j: JNO.i EDDI tl ti f: M Xinarlotte, Was M stbwM ,! 11 -Sa 6i EDDINS.g 3: CIVIL SERVICE REFORM Assessments on Public mployes Re ply of Hon. Geo. Win. Curtis to Hon. Jay A. Hubbell. VT... ---r- w x obk, j une 25. The Hon. Geo. Wm. Cartis has written the following T.( IhO Iir Tnw A TT..I.1 11 O lion. Jay A. Hubbell, Chairman and j. reusurer, aec, etc., ct-e. . 11 tve received your letter of m zza Hisianc, in which you comment upon the circular of the Civil Service lieform Association advising certain employes of the government that they jCiay render themselves liable to legal penalties should they yield to a requisi tion to pay a specified part of their sal aries into the treasury of your commit tee. Upon this suggestion you remark : "The law is misstated in your circular, and the alarm you seek to create is without justification in the law. Your counsel, to whom you vaguely allude, either misunderstands or perverts it." It seems to me. however, that a man who lives with his family upon $500 or $600 a year would find it much more alarming and confusing . to be sum moned to pay two per cent, of that amount than to be told that such pay ment might lead to legal trouble. If, indeed, there be any question of com parative manliness and honor in the transaction, it strikes me that virtually threaten laborers in navy yards and elsewhere, clerks, errand bovs.and fivn women and girls in the public offices, to wuuui j. am lniormea tnac circulars have been sent, that they are in danger of dismissal if they do not surrender a part of their wages, is conduct quite as open to the charge of want of man liness and honor as the act of warning such laborers that the law probably protects them against the demand. You remark that -you disdain "to seek protection and shelter behind any cover." You will not, therefore, at tempt to hide under the pitiful pretense that the assessment of two per cent, or other specific sum levied by the Con gressional committee is an invitation to make a "voluntary contribution." It is stated that thirty thousand or more of the circulars of your committee have been sent out. I have personal knowl edge of them as addressed to employes of the government from Kentucky to New England, and they are undoubt edly daily mailed to every part of the Union. They are apparently addressed exclusively to public employes, and those employes undoubtedly under stand that the alternative is that of payment or dismissal. The demand is issued by a committee which knows that such is the general undertanding in the service. I once pleaded with a superior officer against the injustice of this assessment upon poor men earning small wages and reduced to despair by the demand, and he told me hotly and plainly that for every one that did not wish to pay, there were fifty persons ready to take his place, with all its in cumbrances. It is not necessary for me to point out to you that this is prac tically a sale of the Dublin the highest bidder, that it destroys the sen-respect or cne puDiic employes and that it is necessarily fatal to honest politics and economical administration. If the wages of the public servant are too high, let them be reduced. But by what right does a committee of an ir responsible club of members of Con gress levy party tolls upon the public employes under pain of dismissal? Ypu, sir, are chairman and treasurer of of the Republican Congressional com mittee. What party authority consti tuted that committee? In what way is it responsible to the Republican party ? If a levy of money is to be made upon employes of the govern ment for the benefit of a party treasury which I hold to be a perilous abuse it should be authorized by those whom the party designates for the purpose. It is certainly- not a duty to be assumed by any committee of members of the party elected for another purpose. If such a committee may demand 2 per cent of wages, it may extort 20 per cent, under the same terror. Other similar committees may do the same thing, and in fact the public employes are now subject to various demands of the kind. The money thus coerced by irresponsible committees is expended in ways of which there is no public ac count It becomes often a vast corrup tion fund drawn from the public treas ury by the party in power to secure its continued control of the government. This is a dangerous blow to free insti tutions, and the general knqwledge of the "abuse necessarily destroys popular confidence in the honesty of elections, and brings us face to face with a catas trophe. Undoubtedly there are legitimate po litical expenses for every party, and in a free country, everybody? should be at liberty to aid and to refase to aid his rparty. Butthe public employes of the governTJuentrare TJsuallyselecterJLhi'a: way wuicu prucwcauyTjepriYes toern)t the liberty jof.. giving or wWiUMaiag such aid at their4 pleasure. at-man knows that he holds his place 'by per sonal favor he will naturally propitiate that favor in order to retain lus Dlace. it was the knowledge that the liberty "i uiuucuumer in. mis matter is thus impaired which led Congress to pass the act of protection to which our cir cular refers. That act recognizes, as universal experience and the reason of the case shows, that a government em ploye, whose family depends upoiv his wages, is not deluded by the phrase "voluntary contribution,'-and fears that he cannot refuse to pay without taking the risk of dismissal. His refusal, in deed, would not be alleged as the reason, but it WQUld be the reason ; and to say to an. m player "as the circular of the congressional committee says, that his "contribution Wilt not be objected to in Any official quarter," is merely to lighten the screw, it is a hint to hini that the demand ris. known and approved by those-who can. dismiss him. Youassert your willingness to ask the President to ask the opittionof the attorney-general. But your circular has been sent to the em ploy es in; the attorney-general's office-, and it distinctly assures thenv by ne ce6sarv:impli.cation. that the head of the offiee does not object If you read the newspapers caret ully you are aware of the very general public coDdemna tion of the practice of political assess ments, and they are condemned for the precise reason -that such assessments are not what :lhey. pretend to be, "vol untary contributions.": If you ask me to contribute to your f treasury, I am a private citizen and I can give or refuse without suffering. But if you and your associates ask my neighbor who is em ployed in theuuatom house for a con tributiqrii he, feels that he is in danger if he declines, This is the infringement of the equal liberty of citizens which makeslhis practice odious, while its in evitable consequences make it threat ening to the public welfare. The asso ciation of which I. have the honor to be president; will spare no lawful, effort to restore that equal liberty to every citi zen. Respectfully yours, , t ' . . " i ' ClEo;rWrLLiAM Curtis, President of the New York Civil Ser vice Refom Association. Sleeping Together. More quawelsoeeur between, broth ets, between sisters, between hired girls fbetweer5lerks-in stores, between ap Ef enii,c & mechanics' shops, between hired! tnettft .between busbanda n and S7 toeWc Changes taldti place in their nervous systems; by lod ing with each otheruight rafter night under tbe same bed clothes, than by al most any other disturbing cause. There is nothing that willjta derange'tueSer vbus system of a fpersonfwho Is.etimi nativeL io,..;neiriwston-Tfae s?.rber JI1. g?! ' Bleel) t anjlrest a(l night, ' " while rthe'.f eJiminKtor vill oe tumbling; a 1tnrlg Josslngi restless and nervous.; and wakA tmfn t&e mornintr fretful;? peevish. fanlt-find' m matterwno iney are, snonid hahitttallVi m 1 .jvNVr. fnn . mill A I ! oiner win lose, xma me law, ancrin morriAd lifftlU defied Rlmnc,4 nn. Yadkin College Commencement. I r-he folio wing communication should have reached us sometime ago. The closing exercises of this institu tion occurred on the 24th and 25th of May Wednesday and Thursday. The sermon on Wednesday Was preached byDr. E. J. Drinkhouse, of JJaltimore. i He was happy in his style, terse in expression, pithy and epigram maticm thought,and pungent in raci ness and freshness of ideas. His dis course deeply impressed all those pres ent, and was a theological treat which w4 soon be forgotten. It sho wed detep thought and careful preparation, and it is enough to say that it was wor thy of the man. Thursday Senior, speaking came oil. The new chapel was filled to over flowing. The short discourses of the benior class were, to say the least, meri torious of them, and indexed close train ing and deep study. IQ the evening at 3 o'clock Hon. Jas. Mi. Leach delivered the literary ad dress. As he stepped forward on the rostrum every noise was hused into si lence, and for one hour he delighted the audience with one ot his greatest and most striking efforts. In this masterly effort he showed that theage demands more thought more great and powerful debating clubs, more energy, and more deep, pungent and thorough investiga- wuu, me success or tne address was greater than expected, and new life and mvigoration, along with energy and de termination, weie infused into the peo ple, and they seemed to awake from their slumbers to a sense of theimport ance of the great principles which go hand in hand with this great age. The party in the college hall at night was very successful. The brilliant throng represented the beauty and f race of the surrounding country. The air women and gallant young men joined hands in the pleasure and enjoy ment and "all went merry as a mar riage bell," It will suffice, to make things short, to give the names that recur to me of some of those that were present I can not, of course, think of the names of very many of the ladies. Among them were: Misses Cora and Julia Conrad, from Lewisville. Misses Lila Marsh, Annie Bruner, Carrie Crawford, from Salisbury. Misses Lou Henderson, Katie Sowers, Florence Thompson, Notie Penry, Ka tie Penry, Lexington. Miss Mollie Long, Lewisville. MissMollie Oeburn. from Summer- field. Miss Emma Smith, Sallie Oakes, Ella Walker. Mattie and Lila Phillins. Yad kin College. CINCINNATT7S. A Simple Remedy. Greensboro Bugle. Dr. Hall says that it oueht to be ex tensively known that ordinarily boiled rice, eaten with boiled milk, is one of the best remedies known for any form of loose bowels. Its efficiencv is increas ed if it is browned like coffee and eaten at intervals of four hours, takinsr no other food or liquid whatever; its cura- UVD UlUt3 IS iuiBuaiueu 11 no UJ11K is taken with it, and the patient will keep quieL in a warm oed, then it becomes an almost infallible remedy No matter how advanced In life, Good teeth In either man or wife Or maid are a i lch prize; And those who wonld the gift preserve, From 80ZODONT won't swerve, Should they at all be wise. Natural Fruit Flavors. EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Frttfts, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities. Hare gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural favor for cakesr puddings, creams,', etc. " , vAnutActubed bt ' STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and St. Iibuis, Mo., . Kaasrsaf layalla Tsast Costa, Dr. Prist's Cnaa BaUs Pswdsr, aaa Dr. Prle'i Calais Psrfuss. WE MAKE NP SECOND CRADE COOD8. A DISORDERED LIVER ' IS THE BANE ef the pyaen generation. It is for the bore of this disease and its attendant, BIfJX-HEADACMJi, blLIOTJBlTESS. DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, PILES, eto., that TTJTTB PILLS have gained a world-wide reputation.- o ttemedy has ever been cUsoovered that acta so gently on the digestive organs, giving them vigor to as similate food. As a natural result, the " geryoua System is Bra oed, the Muscles are Developed, ana tne aoay Jtxopust. H. BXVAIj, a Flanter at Bum Sara, La., mti : My plaatatioa la tn a malarial dlatrlot. For Mvaral yaars X could not maka half orop on aooount of blllona dlaeaaea and chills. X waa Dsarlr discouraged when I bagaa tha oaa of TUET'S FILLB. Tha raauli waa marvelous : my laborers sooa became hearty and roDuat, mu& I bTe had no furtliar trouble. Tlirrr rllnrs f&c Misoirad IJTsrr. aft tli Illood lVana sMtlaonona hmnon. ; eaais tn bowels to mn naun-suLT, wxua- ent which na one can reel well. - Try this remed y tairlv, aad you will rata m besdtliy Dlveatlon, Tlcoroas Body, Pure Blood, Straav Harvas, ausd a Soum AJver. Prt as. 5 Cants. Ofltoa, 8 ttnrray mu, W. Y. tutts mm DYE. QasT Hara or Wgmrr.ua changed to a Qucmtrr black oy. a single application or hub uyk. it Imparts a natural color, and seta instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of One Dollar. - . t ... ; -a - Office, 88 Murray Street, New Vorlc CDr. Turra HA.1rvA.i4 roiua'v Information and Vful JZseesjrt I s4U ta mo4 nss on mrpUotttism, sad securs ths aATantaffM At long xTrtenot in earing diseasss of tbs Blood. Skim i ng diseasss of tbs Blood, Skim sad UeMUty, TiaiHtaaeT,TOrraBle trrnm VeMUty, , In bo tea n-. Orcaaks Weakaess, Oonerrheea, -SrnUUtle aui HereaHal ' Aneeoeaa specially treated ea seisatlflo . principles . mrntw nit aim remsoies. vau ot mn JOT Utf Sf us uons to be snnrersd by tboss desiring trtstmsnt bj null. srssassaBsriaa frssi aaytarsabsaMssad taslvaadnss, UlcaraMauUlns U taelradTaatas. UaastatraM. dress, DR. BUTTS, IS M. 8th St, St. teals, Bu, Va Address, KATABUSILEI) OVKB TBZBTT TKAKS. ' i' ' Kit.. i METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! Bavealing miseries of hlg-h and low life in America's sraat cities: fashion's foil: scenes ) trioks oi pretty eoeiveraj city's rich and poor tea .eee sndfrivoUtieS; behlndtki .jBsomous oorrupnum eirls i old hoarr-headc tasomqos oorruption at Washington; ruin of Inirooent girls) oldboar7-headedsinnerbTgaft-Ught ibewltohina; sirens 4 vietlms; Voudou and Mormon horrors Start-; - ts- REUABLESELFtGURE." : A tkvnrtt Bprriiottrin -of nsMr thai motCOtd and auccessftri-fleiJUt in tbe U. 8. , (1 Sfaaaasd. rTsaMnsss slid ieeau. Beat I in plain sealed envelope . Uruggists a nil U ' IPDLILS tAsMssa,' Ma ' hw NEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Bemedy for Epfleptlc Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fibs, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo. Hlsterics, Insanity, Apoplexy. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 1 and all Nerv ous Diseases. . This lntallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs ot disease by neutralizing tbe hereditary taint or poison In the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrhoea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, ulcera tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there Is no better remedy. During the change of life no Female should be without It It quiets the Nervous system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVIXE Cures Alcoholism, Drue lenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruin. Like the Opium Kater, he first uses the drug In small quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to alimentlveness, as over eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium. Instead of satisfying, only adds to Its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then itself. Like the glu.tonous tape-worm, It cries 'Give, give, glveP' but never enough until Its own rapacity devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives instant relief in such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases ot the Kidneys and all diseases of the Urinary Or gans. Nervous Debility, caused by the Indiscre tions of youth, permanently cured by tbe use of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old men, who are covering your suffer lrg as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and Jewels In the crown of your Maker, if you wliL Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and souL If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest pramaturo delay, and tmpait tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but It cured her. 8he can now talk and hear as well as anybody. Pxtkb Boss, Sprlngwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob stjtkb, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. OLTV2B Mxkbs. iTonton, Ohio. 8AMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jkwzu. Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits, years. Have been well for over four ChabuesS. Cubtih, Osakis, Douglas county, Minn. NAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albsbt Simpson, Peoria, III SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobhtoh, , uaibom. Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, CoL . SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently born character. of epileptic fils of a stub- Bxr. wk. MABTnr, ... i . . n m niui Mechanics town, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertii p, neuralgia and sick headache, .as. Wm. bbnson, Aurora, I1L S4.M4RITAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Rev. J. a. Eras, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. 8. B. Hobsoh, New Albany, Ind. SA.TlIli rAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jennie Warren, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, IlL 8AMAKITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given up to die by our family pbyxiclan. It having over 100 In 24 hours Hshbt Knee, Vervula, Warren county, Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 In Mrs. K. Fobes, West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Orlxna Marshall, Granby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. X. B. Balls, Hattsvule, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael p'C0NNXK,Rlagw&y, Pa, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits. . . .David Tbekbli, Des Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 yean standings 4 Bjoti Clake, Fairfield, Mich. " SAMARITAN NERVINE - Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the bead j ; a. attsnsit, iiurui nope, n. SAMARITAN NERVINE itired my son of fits. JEte has hoi had'a fit for aooutrouryeam. ru k u,i , Johm Davis. -awtsi Is for sale bv ar mai be had direct from oa. who- wish to obtain rurther evldenca Nervine ' jtor aeopy gnrmg nu ions wno ilctnraa x hart ant hAAlth. Address J ' ' - ' ' . . ..i.-i.. ...-.. . ..."Wobd's lnPTiO Dasrraos.' XX, i sTuervBiaTrva-propernes-os s?"1 jj. , - . " v w 'I. alllnle&iie enclose araenfDOStaee stamp ITll?! " - IJJIirt . I . of our inurtrateayouin nril,; VtAOm . L1tX I ? ihnlmminliul iHu i hair Mstnratlon W I . i f f j i r lf : vl! I S anri daw if-.'' i i auomimmm.t 'ma fallowing scnednlea are Cor. reared by aba RUlra Officials, amd IVprth Carolina RaUroaii i C0HDE1TSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOTSO EAST.. Date, April 80th, 1882. xNo 51 No, S3 Dally. Daily. t ri. . MJcavv vuoLtiubbe, lihiaia " Salisbury, 5 53 a a " High Point, ' 7 20 a m 4 40 p m 6.24 p m 7.85 p m AiaYv ureensooro, - 00 a m o-Uopm Leave wreensboro 9.30 am arrive xuiisooro, 1 1 .47 a m Arrive Durham, i 2.26 a m ron5ii, 4.U5 n m Arrive Goidsboro- 0.30 No. 17-Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro.. .5. CO D m Arrive at Balelgh, ...1.51 am Arrive at GoldsbOfij,..7.20 a m w rJP?110' with B 4 D. S-,,?- LP?1?18 Nrth. East and West, via Dan Wt" vxuluauoro W1U1 w. W. a. B. for Wil li 0. S3 ConneAta R.for all points in WeatTm Nonha-daUy TRAINS 6OIN6 WEST. Date, April 80th, i882. No. 50 No. 52 j Daflr. Daily. Leave Goidsboro 10 on am " ilt'W'-" aSpS ::::::::::: Leave Balelgh, a kk nm Arrive DurhaS.......... 5 Otf lm Arrive HUlsboro 546dS Arrive Greensboro tc&lm Leave Greensboro 15 S "fldOam Arrive 11. 12pm 11.21 am Ainve Charlotte, 110 a m i.qq p m Leave Goidsboro,.. 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm LeaveBaleigh,.....6.00am Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 p m No. 50 -Connects at Charlotte with A A C Air Line for all omnia in tha q..,k ; t .V- A1' and with n f a x ri . , . ouu coumwest, Swtheast " a11 volatB 6outh ana Nv to .. T.7n fTSTJ .i h A. AC Alr- inrrV-uh A a Bomnwest: at Char cSHSJ0" C A B. B. for all points South and Southeast. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. &01N9 WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro. 0 ok n m Arrive Kernersvllle. 10 41 S m e Salem . . . . . .11.25 pS NO. 62 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro fl Kn m i5SS.:::::::::..:-:::;;;il.5 GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem B,BjM Arrive Kernersvllle .".V " 550!" Arrive Greensboro NO. 53 JJaily. Leave Salem atvtn Arrive Kernersvllle .' ' 2n n S Arrive Greensboro . ....... RoOpm STATE UNIVERSITY EtAILHOAD. No 1, Daily ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel H11L. Arrive University,.. 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Dal y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars Wlont Change J18111 50t,New York and Atlanta via Wash Cliarleston. aDd between Greensboro and On Train No. 52, fiichmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. iJhJro?f,LT,ckete on sale Greensboro'. Raleigh, Goidsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West, North and Bast. Fr Emigrant Rates to Louisiana. Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, o General Passenger Agent. maJ3 Blchmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGEE DEPAETMENT. "On and after AdiII a nth. 1 tho noaonn. ger train service on the Atlanta A Charlotte Alr Llne uivlslon of this road will be as follows: Mail and WESTWARD. Express. Mall. . No. 60. No. 62. Leave Charlotte, M. 1.00 a m 12.50 p m Arrive Gastonla, L 2.02 am 1.47 pm Arrive Spartanburg. K 431am 4.06 plm Arrive Greenville, H 5.59 am 5.29 pm Arrive Seneca, G 7.48 am 7.03 pm Arrive Toccoa. F... 9.18 am 8.80 pm Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. 10.00 am 9.1 0 d m Arrive Lula,E... 10.37am 9.46 pm Arrive GalnesviUe J 1.06 a m 10.15 pm Arrive Atlanta, 1.30 pm 12.40 a m Mall and EASTWARD. Express. Mali No. 51. No. 58. Leave AUanta 2.15 pm 4.00 am Arrive Gainesville 451pm ft. 1 9 a m Arrive Lula,. 5.22 pm 6.50 am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 5.59 p m 7.41 a m Arrive Toccoa, F 6.40 pm 8.17 a m Arrive Seneca, G &06pm 9.26 am Arrive Greenville. H. 10.06 p m 1 1.03 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K. 11.40 p m 12.24 p m Arrive Gastonla, L 2.06 am 2 50 pm Arrive Charlotte, M . 3 15 a m 4.00 pm CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. nr. r. xtauroaus., jb wiin arnving trains of Georgia Central, A & n. r. ana v. a. uaiirpaqs. C with arrlvlnor trains of fWirtria taiimni E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and F with Elbertoh Air-Line to and from Slberton. Georgia. t? n u witn Columbia and Greenville to and from lAHuinuia ana cnanesion, o. C. 11 with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. R. c. K with Spartanburg and Ashevllle, and Spartan- uuis, uuiuu ojua ouiuiuuia to ana irom Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Colambia. ' L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and nuui uauao mill viltsster. M with c. a ft A.-tL a, B. ft D. and A.. T. ft o. tor an points west, nortn ana fast. Pullman sleeptngcar service on trains Nos. 50 aaa 01 aaiiy, wimouL cnange between Atlanta and new xora. a. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. TaLOOTT, Gene-al Manager. I. T. SAGS, Superintendent. C., 0. & A. R. K. CO. 1 OOUDEBSED SOHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, June 4th, 1882. Train No. 62. Passeng'r. Train No. 48. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte,.... Arrive Bock Hill,... Arrive Chester Arrive Wlnnsboro... Arrive Columbia,....: Leave Columbia... Arrive Lexington,.. . Arrive Bldge Spring, Arrive GranltevUle,. Arrive Augusta, 1.35 p m 2.88 p m 8.80 p m 4.35 p m 6.00 p m 6.07 P ni 6 50pm 8 02 p m 9.12 pm 10.16 p m 6.16am 7.15am 8.3(1 a m 9 40am 110.22. am Train NO. 2. Freight, Leave Charlotte. . Arrive Bock Hill, Arrive Chester. Arrive Wlnnsboro, Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington, Arrive Bldge Spring Arrive GranltevUle, Arrive Augusta,. . n m 58 o m 10-00 pm 1. 18am 4 50am Train No. 52, Daily-Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. R. R, for Charleston, and with thaC. ft G. B. B. for Alston. Newberry, Abbeville, &a At Augusta witn central' Georgia H. B lor Macon, Savannah and Florida points. Train No. 48, Dally-Connects at Angusta with the Georgia R. B. and Central Georg R. B. for Mncon, Atlanta. Savannah and. Florida points. , Trains Nos. 18 and20 local, trl-weely, Mon xi ays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . . Trains from the south arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, daily, at 6.85 pi m. Freight, daily except puuuay, at .4Z a. mi ana 40 p. m. ATLANTIC, TENNXS8XK ft OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 58, Dally, . '- Leave Charlotteu . ... Arrive at Statesville, Train "No. 52, Dally, K LMvastatesvlUe,.,., Arrive at Charlotte., . . . ... 8 00 p m 10 05 p m .1... 6.00 IB ........8.05am Tickets sold to all potnta Sooth, Southeatt and f ouinwesi, ana baggage checked through. No lay-over auowea on local tickets. AtOPS, TtM. B,TAiWT, an'I Passenger Agent. -- ' . GenT Manager t-. Office under tha Central rrn..i r.i" ProPUy attended to: f t sj-t I 1nn2i Stumble Gi In great variety, just recelvea at ths r T-r r ijn A ST Or Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS aDd ICE CHESTS. FLY FANS AND FLY TRIPS. CE CREAM FRGEZEH.S, beat made, AIR.TIUHT FKUT jAUs WATER COOLERS. POBCBXAIN LINKD. Mocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeumgc Baby Swings, etc., etc. CfS'K aSfeU ways on hand, wholesale and tetaR t lWare prices. Please give us Zl 1 at rea8onable Respectfully, J. HROOKUELDoVCO. may9 -BOSTON- METALLOilCAL WORKS, 33 HAWKfNS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists GOLD and SILVER REFINERS. Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY ORES TREATED. 8urveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketche and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES SMELTED ON RETURNS r PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASF Rill I m Treated on Reasonable Terms. THOMAS BINNS Metallurgist. A H. KIDNEY, .Mining Engineer. JOHN HOLLIDAY,.. Paof. Chemist mar8 tf Have Just received a large supply of In a size package CORN, FLOUR, HAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED, And In fact everything kept in a First-Class Grocery Store. A. J. Brail & Co. may30 Cures SYPHILIS in any stage CATARRH, ECZEMA, SORES, PIM PLES, BOILS ANY III! DISEASE. CURES WHEN ALL QTHJEB REMEDIES FAIL!!! lojibt, If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CUBE YOU. 4-J- i . .. Varwnotftng.!lli ' Wntea'of Mfulltmaacopyf the lltaebook ) Mesaage to the Unfortunate Buffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as IP our Standing. tl00O BKWAKD will be naW to any chemist who will find on analysis of luo bottles of 8. a. one particle of Mercury, Ioalde of Potassium, or .any Mineral substance. I " ' i AUahta,Ga , I ; ran wita.; Prloe of Sma.'l 8lzaA.... tl.00 ( Large Size, ... l.VO BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. leeai mtBeoeliedali r CKaaa. anttaal, Nwaqeis ac fouatry "t VT- Af no- 1 Brookfleld k h IDnn do XUUJ : i' : lli J i' si .; iiL V OLD iir il ' I ! N lsL" SS rsr M IIP?! p S T WE I. have assNSWa Alh 'T .P " .- 5 I 4AC, UB8. .Chartoua, . I ,. !

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