DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: THURSDAY JtTN'fi 29, 1882. - T HABTBB B V""7 -3TH . . in mv hands, mad oooditioa baffled W. in nff JtgUeeoUrtotheoloodi natural healthful tone te the digestive org an md WrwiiiiinfcwiW"t 4 to General jtoWuy, Xof tUe,Protration of Vital oodcuuo oi m r"- rnf. zrv.": t thin mat oma of oar most eminent u"j- -7-fT- hrw. JSctUREDBYTHE DB.HABTEB MEDICINE CO..mnTMAl?l ST. ST. LOUIS. 8. 4 Of 10 pieces, at from $22 to $225 PER SETT Parlor Setts, Of 7 pieces, at from $35 to $150 PER SETT. E. M. Andrews, AT WHITE FRONT. Junll WOLFE'S AROMATIC Schiedam Schnapps, for sale by H. H. JORDAN & CO.. junlO Druggists. PERSIAN TNSECT Powder will destroy all kinds of Insects, x ror saie oy B. H. J0BD4N 4 CO , junlO Tryon street. MEDICINAL SOAPS. rONSTANTINS'S Persian Healing Plna Tar, J Buchan's Carbolic : Toilet end disinfecting Glenn's Sulphur and Cnlicura Soaps. B. H. JORDAN CO.. JunlO ' J' " Druggists. A FRESH STJPPLY rTURRANT'S Seltzer Aperient, Iodla, Bromldla 4. Jacob's Cordial, 4c., Just received by R. H. JORDAN & CO.. junlO Tryon street MONUMENTAL inUBKB Cigarettes and Louge's Plugs, for sale J by B. H. JORDAN CO.. JunlO .Druggists. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK of English Tooth and Hair Brushes. R. EL JORDAN k CO. JunlO KITCHEN'S QRTbTAL Soap and Sopollo, for sale by R. H. JORDAN Oa, JunlO ' Druggists. SCARR'S TRDIT PBKSyRVATlTK la the best and cheap- x. est. AfuHanDDlrat -.i : - SL H. JORDAN CCS, Tryoo street JunlO WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW -OF 1 MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the MILLINERY LINK, BATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, PLU9IES, ?! " ' BIBBONS, ' ; SILKS, LAOEI, 4cc, In all the new stylet, colon and qualities. Also, all the dm styles and qualities of LACKS, embracing White Goods, Neck Wear, Hosiery Gloves, Parasols. Ac, the LAK91ST and MOST COMPLETI STOCK IN THK CITY. WILL OPEN Our I'atlero Ihb.and Boonets Oa Hoaday, Uareh 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DI8PLAY,OF VINK MILLINERY t bey have ever seen In talclty. Respectfully, Mrs. P. Dery. mar22 --AT Yon will find a choice and complete stock of PVOE FllESII DRUGS. Coldcnrs, LeibigV - Liquid Extract -or BEEP Ud TOPflO INVIGORATOR, TRY IT. CIGARS 1 TOBACCO, THE nNESt BELECTlON la the CITY, nctudlng the famoui tk FAKXPA brand of cigars Chemicals and Toilet Articles, an assortment and eterythiDi gene?.uiy kepi m i -first dass Drui store. Special aaennon given to PbyiictAna' FreslpUoni day end night Satls- faction guaranteed, . , . , - C7 GIYK MX A CALL. Comtf Ta4r,...jnu!??....Cifle Street . a : I Spring Styles Spring . and SummeT : Styles WILDER l combination of.Frai toxideof Irony l'eruviar jiarKana-ncsp.ioruan a natatabto f ort, line ouly preparation of iron , that wtif not blacken tho ' teethfSo charaeteristicof other iron preparation. ; ml nolhfeur to eri 9 the revolt that Da. Female Diseases, Dyspepsia, and impover- le some wonaemu oures. uNWHHium and incomparable remedy, I preecnDe A aa IR- HaBTK-'S IBON TOH10 is a He- ash Arm., St, Looia, Ma, Wot. th, 1881 PRYOR'S OINTMENT 13 A SPXSDT CUBE FOB Blind or Bleeding Plies. Hemorrhoids, Botes, Ul cers, Tumors, Itching of the Pans, Fistulas . and all Kindred Diseases; also of Bums, Corns, Felons, Fever Hores, Scald Head, Tetter, Sore Nipples, etc Atlanta, Ua., August 25, 1877. After an experience of twenty-five years in sell lrg this ointment, and during that time having oinaAiT watahAd lra effects, and having the testi mony of my friends and neighbors to confirm my confidence In Its merits, I became fully satisfied ot Its value, and I have bought the exclusive right to maxe ana seu is. ana oner u h.jwu as me uesi remedy In the world, especially lor. all forms ot Pile&. i n v.T-r.a tmt s m rrHTT A T a . tUAu inn iiuiuiunuiio. This Is to certify that I have tried Poor's Pile Ointment in a case of piles, and Btate that it gave more rener man anyinmg i nave ever inea. i iur ther state that as a remedy for burns it Is unpar alleled. I also usea n lor a case oi newer in my fMt nf twenty vears' standing, and say that It Is the first thing that I hare ever tried , that gave roe more than momentary relief. 1 onslder now that 1 am entirely relieved from thai distressing fl.B- lunn v. mwouK.r v yroup county, ;Ga.a ' Havina been afflicted for ten yearVat Interval, with that distressing malady, the plies, and after many Ineffectual trials of the remedies In common ue, I commenced a short time ago to use your Pile Ointment I experienced Immediate relief. From the relief experienced In my case, as well as from the reputation so rapidly acquired by your Ointment In this vicinity. 1 have no hesitancy In expressing the opinion that It is the most efficient remedy ror nies tver invemea. U. A. DUIjL, LaG range, Ua. This is to certify that I used Pryor"s Ointment In a case of severe burn, and that in a very few days It was entirely relieved of RlmflammatlQn.and hAAied rnidlv. After the first aDnllcatlon of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever, LaGrange, Ga. R.tha nii( nf Mr. Wnn. I used your Pile Ointment on a servant girl "Who had been sunenni tar aioht tAara with a most a2STavated case e: niiM RhA tmnmvwl from the verr first day's use of your Ointment, and lief ore us tag ttetox she was entirely recovered. G. w. fostjsk. This is to certify that I have used Poor's Pile ointment and sai that It is. In my opinion, the tast remadT for Diles ever Dresented to the pubiia I say this from a positive appiieauan oi mo reme dy on my own person. xtiu-i. a. nunuin, xroup couutj, un. For sae bv all dealers In medicine. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt or price. nr. t i norm T Atlanta, "a. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. C. mayll The feeble and emaciated, suffering from dys pepsia or Indigestion in any form, are advised for the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Ladies of the most delicate constitution testify to Its harmless and Its lestofatlte vroprtiee-- Physicians vry where, disgusted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, prescribe as the safest anttmostre liable of all stomachics. , FOB SAL'S BT ALLDRrjGGISTS AND DXAXXBS - - 6XHEBALLT. S JUBl ' iiT' '-"'1 not a cause. Its origin la wttMnfltiinaalfestattpns without Hence, to cure toe aisease ue capbb must De removea, at a in do other way can s cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CUBS is es tabllshedon Just this principle. It realizes that 03 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, audit strikes at once, at the root ot the dlfnV eolty. The elements of which ft is composed let' directly" upoll these- great organs botll as a food ua kxvivhmu, sua, uj iucu menwu a eaily concnaon, drive disease and pain frpta the sys- tern. , " - - Vi ' For tbe Innumerable troubles caused bv un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs: for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and tor physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal Beware of lmposters, imitations and concoctions said to be Just as good. For Diabetes, ask tor WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealer?. ; : H. H4 WARNER ft CO., i Rochceter. IV. Y. l aprlS ft ESTEY, ROSEDALE ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, , HAIHES and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK PIANOS, U U conceded, lead the World. I am agent .for aU the celebrated New York makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, fore yon boy and t will I how you that I can J A atatanee au compe- j ton, pottt In Price and J 4 krrnsiyLltl-aaiw trial anl this can cost yon nothing, while it may be ;th meaai o'; 'saving you a greW dear ?? in an instrument, ro.-as always In stock either to sell or mmnt. fau sin A mrtrirGMH L KDUlt O ' t--tvv wrj' - (iflITte HP CtUBRATED A PELOUBET Burke County Democratic Convention. MORGANTON. N. C, June 24, 188-'. In pursuance of u call of the chair man of thts Democratic executive com mittee of Burke county a meeting was held on Saturday, the 24th day of June, 1882, at the court house in Morgauton, which, at the suggestion, of Col. Sam'l. McD. Tate, was orornn'zed by calling to the chair J. II. nll'man, Esq., and the appointment us sbcretaries of rlaaacr Avery and Dr. U. C. Pearson. Col.Tate then explained the objectf the meeting to be the appointment of delegates in the State convention. Major J. W. Wilson then introduced the following resolutions which, after being discussed by himself, Col. Tate and J. C Mills were, on motion of J. A. Lackey, unanimously adopted : ' Resolved, 1st. That in reviewing .the history of the State of North Carolina since its government has been adminis by Democratic officers we see in the re stored credit of the State the immense increase in wealth aud population, and the healthy financial condition of the, I counties cause tor tnanKiuiness,ana tue most cogent reasons for renewingour pledges of fidelity to the party and its appointed organizations. Resolved 2nd. That we recognize in the Republican party, reinforced by the few recreant Democrats who have been, bought with Federal offices or lea by disappointment at their failure hitherto to command the confidence of the peo- Sle, a foe more menacing and not less angerous to the prosperity and happi ness of the people of North Carolina than the horde of cametbacreers who robbed and insulted us during the dark; days of reconstruction. ' ! Resolved, 3rd. That the system of tax ation adopted by the Federal eovern- ment should he so modified as to take from the people no more money than is absolutely necessary for the economical administration of all its departments, and a gradual reduction of the public debt. Resolved, 4th. That we favor an im mediate repeal of all laws imposing a direct tax for the support of the gov ernment of the United States, but if it should prove impracticable to abolish the internal revenue system with its attending demoralization, fraud and corruption, then we urge upon our Sen ators and Representatives in Congress the importance of so amending the constitution that the revenue officers who now receive in salaries in North Carolina alone more than $500,000, shall be elected by the people of the localities to which they are assigned. Resolved, 5th. That it is the highest duty of the lawmakers of the State to provide for the protection of the prop erty as well as the person of all its citi zens, and while the people of Burke might naturally expect fair and honest management of the county finances either With the former or present sys tem of county government in force, it is the duty of the Legislature to protect our Eastern brethren against the rapa city of ignoiant majorities who, under tlio former system confiscated their property under the pretense of levying tevxes. Resolved, 6th. That the. palpable in consistencies of the Republican party in pretending to inaugurate a liberal movement under the auspices and min agementof its own leaders in placing at the head of its judical ticket the author of the law providing for county government and in nominating for judge of the first district an active ad vocjate of prohibition, while pretending through the party platform to favor the abolition of the existing system of county government and to oppose pro- nibition, lurnisn ample evidence tbat the so-called coalition is guided by no fixed principles, and is held together only by the hope of reward for handing 'the State over to the miseries and op pression of Republican rule. Resolved, 7th. That the prohibitory law submitted to the vote of the people for their ratification or rejection by the General Assembly at its last session having been rejected by an overwhelm ing majority, we regard the question as settled and the law. as null and void, .ana any attempt to revive its agitation is only an effort to divert the minds of the people from the great and living political issues. Resolved, 8th. That the chairman ap point 8 delegates and 8 alternates to represent this county in the State Con vention, to be held in Raleigh on the 5th July. Resolved, 9th. That Judge R T Ben nett is the choice of our people for Con-gressman-at-large, and our delegates be instructed to cast the vote of this county for him.. ? ,' .-,,..' j: The chairman then appointed the fol lowing delegates, to-wit: I F Warlick; alternate, J Wesley Wilson. W B McDowell; alternate, John Hol Teftvay. J A Lackey ; alternate, B A Berry. . i u v jmcnaux : alternate, j a kodd. f? Calvin Flouck; alternate, R C Per kins. ' , -" II Burr; alternate, J WHap'-" poldt. S McD. Tate ; .alternate, D J Hicks. Jos C Mills; alternate, John Chap man. - y ' And on motion of' .Major Wilson the. cu airman ana secretaries names were added to the list of delegates. m Col Tate moved that the chairman of. the executive committee be instructed to cull a primary meeting of the town ships on the last Saturday (29th) of Jnly; to appoint delegates to the county corf vention to.be held in this pUce ori.the. first Monday in.August. - Col Tate moved that in the event that the senatorial or congressional "Convention be called prior to the county convention that any Democrat in good standing desirous f attending may-be "thnrWH is mnronmt iha iSar-n-rofo 3I,SZrT r a. s . m t vtt it 1 j . x t On iuoiiou 01 j w uappoxat, t vu chairman of the executive committee was instructed to have published 1,000 copies of the proceedings of this meet ine; further, that' the secretaries send the same to the Rajeigh News and Ob server, and Charlotte Observer, with request to publish. On motion of Maj Wilson thanks were voted to the chairman and secre taries and the meeting adjourned. ' J; IT. Hoffman, ChAirman. R. C. Pearson, Isaac Avery, Secretaries. The Internal Revenue Bill. The following is the bill ior the re-; duction of internal revenue taxation, which passed the House of Represent atives Tuesday. J lie it enacted, tfThat on and after the passage of this' act; except as here inafter provided, the taxes herein spec- mea imposed by the internal revenue laws now in force be and the same are hereby repealed, namely : The stamp tax on bank checksdraf ts, orders and vouchers ; the tax pn the capital and deposits ot banks and bant ers under setAionj yiirtyfour hundred and eight of the Revised Statutes of the of the United States as amended ; the tax on the capital and deposits of na tional banks under section 5214 of said Revised Statutes. Jiotlncl-d-n-tihatax- es on the capital andTdeposits of said banks, bankers and national banks - for the six months " period ending in tbe case of national banks on the. thirtieth dayof JAe,i82,ArliirA ? .fl?SrU otner DanKs ana bankers on tne tmrtj first day of May r 1882 jr the, .tax matches, perfumery ,A medicinal5 prepa rations and other articles imposed by schedule Av following tSeetion1 thirty four hundred and thirty-seven of - said Revised Statutes. --ta-'-M''r Section 2. That from and after the 1st df Ma-. 1883. dealers in. leaf tobac-H co ahall Dav 12. in manufacture-tobac- nnSki'Afl all ma-nfnntlirArfe fft .InhAcdlt 06, nianuf afitnf ersi tof cigars 647Pedf alersi ot tobacco, spun: ana. Jgars snan pay special taXes. 'aaf fblldWB r PedaTers of the nfatclaaal -alrlt&s aleeAblawiQMw irr-,y-jmes9:.wM ourV aecond class. 615 :,tblrd class,7 29 n-A.u - K4',.J," d ant '-of ail rlalara ft 1 -mmv-a crnirri fytrn t n 1 rr v nun 1 a eacWflollar cm hhe amount -of their "monthly sales in txcessof the sale .of $500. Section 4. That on cigars, which shairf ds manuracturea and sold or removea for consumption or use, there shall be assessed and collected the following taxes, to be paid by the manufacturer thereof: On cigars of all descriptions, made of tobacco or any substitute there- tor, $4, per thousand; on cigarettes, weighing not more than .three pounds per thousand, ,75 cents per thousand; on cigarettes, weighing more than three pounds per thousand, $5 per thousands Provided, that upou all original un broken packages of checks, matches, cigarsi cheroots and cigarettes held by manufacturers or dealers' on the pas sage of this apt, on which the. tax has been paid, there shall be allowed a re bate or drawback to the full amount of the reduction.- How to Cure Sunstroke, fcoston Herald. Far an effective cure for sunstroke the following is especially commended: Remove the patient to a shaded spot at once. Place the body in a sit tine pos ture, the backi'Against a wall'with the'' feet and legs resting upon the sidewalk and extended in front, of the "body. Get ice Water and a bottle of some essence of ginger. Pour the ice water over the headijopiously ; never mind tbclothes. Then, pour two or 4 three tallespoonf uls of gincer in about half a tumbler of watet andmake the patigfrls wallow it' quickly. Jieep tbe head cool by using a little of the ice,, water, and in case there is not much of a glow upon the bddy, give more ginger. "Ifjbe direc tions are followed thera wilLjjono Qc Casion for the services of'an under taker. Ginger is far the best to use, but where it cannot be had quickly two or three, good drinks of brandv - will an swer in US. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY WILL CURE 8CKrf;E,A, And is unequalea as a TONIA It will cure Rheu matism, Cancer In its early stages. Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic, Eruptions, bbla and Blood Diseases. ; ! ' ' Gov, Holden's ptxicaa, Raleigh, N. C., Dec 2d, 188a I take pleasure In stating that & raaiber of my family has used Mrs. Joe Perscn's Indian Tonic with good resu'ts. I believe her rsmss? to he ex cel leu t lor the purposes for wisisb. it is intended. ;. W7 yr'HOJDSIN- Judg-e Strowg's Opinleta. RaleJgte, N. C, Dec. 1st, 1880. Mrs. Joe Persona- Madam Some m-inths ago I wag In bad health, suffering from debility, indigestion end loss of appetite, when a friend who had experienced great benefit from use of yotsc jeiae3y, Induced me to try It as a tonic. I did 00 with, the most happy re sults.' I take great pleasure 4n recommending It as a valuable and etrclent Vegetable Trante, and wish you much success. Very respectfully. GEO. V. STRONG. Debt II If. Newbern, September 6th, 1881. I have used Mrs. Joe Person's Tonic for general debility consequent upon living In a low country, and found great benefit from it as an appetizer which gave tone to the stomach MARY BAYARD CLARXS. After Otber ITJeanw i&ad Failed - Oxford, N. C, February 2d. 188a Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy cured our little girl, who was badly afflicted with scrofula In the ejes, after all otber available means had failed. B-.a JELiaUTT. I am prepared to PROVE that (bare discovered the vegetable -antidote for Scrofula;- My Remedf will expel the disease 1 rom the system,, thus rea derlngtt the best BLOOD PUR1F1BR known. '1 have sold over 4.0C0 bottles, end have never re- ceived one unfavorable report Infallible for Scrofula and Eruptions, fold and endorsed by tbe Drugelsis of North Carolina, bend for circu lar combining testimonials ot remarkable cures. Thee testimonial cOtue, not from the far West or the Territories, but from well known cltttena of your own 8tate. Ask your dttiggtet for my Remedy. Price SI pfr bottle S5 per half dozen. For further Information, address Mrs. JOB PSRSON, junlO Frankllnton, N. C 5Cotterlp6. The Public is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. F CAPITA l pinzr, tra ,000. Ticket only ti. bltsureetn Prop rt Ion Louisiana State Lottery Cempany. Incorporated In 1888 fer SS years try the Legis lature for Educational and GbartUMe purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 te which reserve fund of $550,000 has slnee beetr added.' y uy an overwhelming noDular rote tte frane hlse was made a part ot the present Btate.ConsUtutlon aoopteo uecemoer ad, a. a 187. ' i The only Lottery ever voted oa and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or post pones. 1 Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawing will take place monthly. .. A 8PLEHDID OPPOEnriTITY TO WIN 'A FOBTUNE 8EVENTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASti G, AT NEW ORLEANS, . TUESDAY, JULY lltli, 181, 146ili Itlonthly- Drawing-. Look at tbe Following Scheme, under the ex clusive supervision anennanagemem or ukm. u. T. BEAUREuARD. ot LeutslHBa. ant Gerl JUBAL A. SABLY, of Virginia, who manage ail the oraw lngs bf this CotnpHny, both' oriinarj and frmU aJniual,and attest tne correeiaeeset the publish ed Cffldal Lists.- .t, . - Mk in; i:'..u., : -i- c a pit 1 1; p aiE,ji7it6oJ i 100,OM Tlck F Ve-Dlire Ecb. Fracliona, In F. fi In Proportion. ' i LIST OF PRCSCSr - 1 1 rl 2 5 10 20 CAPITAL PRIZE 76.0CO 25,000 lO.OOt 12.900 PRIZES of $6. 2.001 ....... j.., 10,000 j.,,...uit.eeo " 1.0 m 5u. 10,000 ion 80,000 S5.000 .1100 600 50 - - ; '25. - 1000 APPROXf A?W3 rSUES. 4 Approxiniatton Pr1zi of 1750. 9 Approxiinatton- PrtM ef KM.. . . 9 Appvoxlmatloa Pvtem T ' ISO . I? T50 .. 4.500 , a,250 1667 MsM,tomn!itf te, . -'.I; $285,600 Apatleatton lor rat-r to cobs, should only be maoe to the office 01 the company In New Orleans. For farther Information write clearly, giving full address. Send o'ders brptss.Hegli,tered Let ter or Money Order, uddrerseJ only to .'(Ur DAUPHIN, . , : New Orleans, La. 'orM.A. DAUPBIN, 607 St-yeatU slreiL WahlgtorvDa -N. B.- Order.t nddresfed to Ne Orleans will ro celve prompt attention. -PjbPCLAlL . iil3 in siii j trim ! i'.') '- UlMI ! lMl:- riSX Mtsfj . These owui ocnu- montlu (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General- As sembly of Kentucky. . , . . . , The United Stntee dnratt Court on MarH M, rendered the followtaff decisions: u U ' u f L j Ist-i-That the Commonwealth DWrtbotido Com- AO IVOA. -Ita drawings are fair. The ComDnnv has now on Bane a large reaerv rana. theUstof prices ior e tJtfIj)BWIlIL. Prize., -. . . rteateS. 80,000 20,000 to.ooo Prixee, XOOAchKS.. moou falooo 1000) Prizes, 9 PriaBg,.$80( 9 Prizes. 20( 1U KKU.. ....... 10,000 axlmktlnn Prlxeal urn a 1,980 piWeM mm-n$ - .-$X13UlPQ woMii Tmum. 2; Bar TlOceta, sit Jnoketn J , 50;5TlCkta,8100t.i h)yuil " Remit MCneyW BaikirtKlWi Letter, wjgtmi bv Express. . DON'T STTNn-BT3 RKGI3TEBr LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. & ..BOARDMASlOourl ! Nmmm hi nrTli IMakl I BUO ,tr B. ' m. .BOARDMA'Nk , OourieNoarn 1 - Erana, u 1 .. i 1. j 3 ,.tI lmtiiD'm&tL&tl Uumivi '1 j prestU atteoded taJ V 11 l.Puwishtior eouuoewsr' i .iT,TT7v C UR EG r':.Y. NEVER FAILS. The only known Speclflcemedy for Kpl'eptle Fits. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St Vitus Dance. Vertigo. Hlsterics, Insanity, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and atl Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive ly -eradicate every species of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys thagerus of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN iERVIiE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leu corrboea or Whites, Painful Mentruation, Ulcera tion ot the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. Fob Wakefulness at nlgbt, there Is no better remedy .During the change of life no Female should be without it It quiets the Nervous system and. gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN NERVNE Cures Alcoholism, Drat ienness and tbe habit of Opium Sating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering huraanlty. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes It, but for the pleasure of drink ing and treating bis friends, little thinking that he Is oa his road to luln. Like the Opium Eater, be first uses the a rug In small quantities as a harmless antidote. The soothing Influence Qt the drug takes strong bold upon Its victim, leading, him on 0 m own destruction. The habits oi Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating Is to aiimenUveness, as over eating first in flames the stomach, which redoubles Its cravings UtitU a paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. 80 every drink of liquor or dose of opium, Instead of satisfying, only adds to Its fierce fires, until It consumes the vital force and then Itself. Like the srlu tonous taDe-worm. it cries "Give. give, elvet" but never enough until Its own rapacity devours Itself. Samaritan Nervine gives Instant relief In such cases. It produces sleep, outets the nerves, Jmlldsup the nervous system, and restores body and rxuna w a asiuiy oonmuon. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palpitation of tbe Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Syphilis, diseases f the Kidneys and all dlsaases of the Urinary Or gans, nervous ueoimy, causea oy tne inaiscre ttntii ef youth, penn&nanUy cured by tbe use of this Invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle aged, and old msn, who are covering your suffer- U-gias witn a mantie Dy sueuce, jook up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and feweia In the crown of your Maker, If you wilL Do not keep tbla a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys both body and souL If you are thus afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S SAMARITAN NERVINE. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest pr mature delay and Impart tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little gtrl of fits. She was also deaf and dumb, but It cured her. She can now talk and bear as well as anybody. Pxthb Boss, Sprlngwater. Wis. SAJELAHfTA-N NERVINE Has permanently years' duration. cured me of epilepsy of many Jacob Sutxb, St Joseph, Ma SA1TIARITAN NERVINE Cored me of bronchitis, asthma, and "general de bility. Oliyb Mxxbs, Ironton, Ohio. SAITIARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. ' Isaac Jkwtju Covington, kj. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been well for over four years. Charlxs E. Ccbtis, Os&kla, Douglas county, Minn. MAlflLARlTAN NERVINE Cured me ot scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albebt ikfson, Peoria, LL SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. , J. W. Thokbton. Clalbom, Miss. ., -.5 f - - - ! " - "' ' 3 . SAMARITAN NER VINE hRs been the means of enrlnjt my. wife of rheuma tlemj . J. B.FijSTCHB,FortColMns,CoL e SAMARITAN NERVJNE turfed tnepemane-Oy of etrtiet-tostnb twrn cnametez. ; .V itAB-w. . Mecbanlcstown, Ma. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cared e4 ferOge, ewalgta and sick headache. Msk. Wm. Bimsok, Aurora, 111. . SAHARITAN NERVINE 1 oi ewrmc aty wife of spMma, Rkv. J. A. Enu. Beaver, Pa. A MAR IT AN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending ever $8,000 with ether doctors. 8. B. Hobsoh, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE SflectuaUy eured me of spasms. , T MISS JBNHXB WABHKH, 740 Weal Van Buren street, Chicago, 11L SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of tits afterglven up to die by our family physician, it having over 1 00 in 24 hours - ELenbi KtrKK,Tervtll,-Warren county, Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, eighteen months. after having had 2,500 to Mbs. E. Fobxs. . West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. 4T . MlSSOBL-NA MABSHAU: t ! ... Gcanby, Hewton county, 1 ; SAMARITAN jNERVINE ... o. al jkade a anre ure of a case or fits f ot my son X. B. Balls, Hattsvllle, Kan. K.'il'fiS l SAMARITAN NERVINE 1 lis) Cured a friend of mine Hvbo' ad dyspepsia very badly. , MTimin. uxtwxb, tttagway. r. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanenUy enred tse ef ' epnepOo fits. - Davto Tbucblt, Dee Moines, Iowa. . ' SAlki'AN;NE4iriNE" :' Cured m.wlta of enflAnnv nf yean standing, afrfleld, Mich. i -f! tftfS J- n!iUf?i , SAMAitlTAN NSM !ic.-k- v a. Cured nai. wtfe ot anervooe disease of the head ' , Ai 1? GsAa7North Hope, Pa. " ' T SAMARITAIW, IV-rviwr Cured my son of fltsi,. He-JhaaJaot had a fit about fourye8rt.ffBy6 f-,U lwodbtiTri,Mt)m county ijlt.fot ty.iB.,i eveXrwhere.rTw may phd. iose who wish to obtain tunnej of the curative robertiea t iMi e will nleaseenelose a 8 cent ppsiw"K oracDDtet'our iimstratervoern i"r grvteg handredeef stUBonlftls Pt ? i their usoos wh no nave usea mo meaiwuB, "". ir-- :pu f il-y UHtllJ f"vfderice .iLVemd TJ uih iiuifiiwmuuuu. ii.i " 11 . In ' 1 I ..Vt nirnim 1. flA' i!i'il s.s il f .t.il . ' , ,V '.rrniDTVK-B . J ' 1 1-J Ut otCMfta larre tut Ot .rm-L.xMf - ma do n l-rt I i:'J !!. .I! : J i .I t . .-- -iiM.iia, piiim (n wpnifr i Mitlu . - s.m n 11 s - m f s ' v a n 11111 i im mm - mmt .. ' c - - 1 1 1 e-a w. .rirrw Tin . e -i - - mm's?nl&e, ue iviiowing setter? ai Cor rxect'd by tbe Railroad omclala, and may be Relied en aa Correct : Worth' CarolEr OOKDENSED SGHjDULES. TKAIMS QOXHQ BAST. Date, April 8ath, 1882. No 51 Oally. No. 58 Dfllly. Leave Charlotte, .... . " Salisbury. High Point Arrive Green 8boro,. . . , Leave Greensboro,.... Arrive HUlsboro, Arrive Durham,. Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh,- Arrive Goldsboro 4iH)a tu r.8 a ui 7 20 am .Oain i .-jO a m 11 47 am 122 am 1.40 pm 4.05 p m 6 30 i m 4 4Up m 6.24 p m 7. 85 p m 8.05 p m No. 17-DaIly except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . .5 00 n m Arrive at Raleigh,... i.51am Arrive at Goldsboro,. .7.20 a m iMi??,onn,ecteJat Greensboro' with R&D. f0.al1 P?1?18 Nort&.Kast and West, via Dan $ngto Grd8boro wlttl W. & W. a R. for WU So. 53-Connects at Salistury with W. N. C. a B. for aU points in Western North Carolina; daily 9&SS2fgtf D. B R. tor a.ia Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. 10.00 a m Amve Baieigh..: ; PS ::::::: Leaye. Raleigh, 3 65pm Arrive Durham 5 0 n m " g1"800" 548 pm ::::::::::: Arrive Greensboro 8.05 pm . hK1?1? 15pm 9 40am A.T Hlh Point,. 9.50 p m 10. 10 a m Arve Salisbury,. 11.12pm 11 2l am Arrive Charlotte 1.10 am 1 .00 p m N 0. 1 8 - Dally except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro... 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh 6 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 pm t No. EO Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr- H"Jieii0thao IS)15.t8. South and Southwest, and with C, C.4 A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Alr Llpe for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with 1 C., c & a. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. IV. W. N. C. RAILROAD. 601NS WIST. NO. 50 Dally. "' aiTJousuu y.jj5 p m JM-iucrevmo. 1U.4I pm AiiiTo cxueiu 11.25 p m no. 52 Daily, except Sunday. votnv ureeiiBDoro H 50 a m 1 .nn T7 . 111- ."'"Tf nlU jvefueraviue . 1 1.01 a m attito saiem. 11.B5 a m 60ING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. T .... a i Arrive Kernersvlile 5.50 am Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 68 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersvlile 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro 8 00pm STATE UNIVERSITY RtlLROAD, GOING NORTH. Dally ex Sunday. Leave Chapel Hill,... 10.40 a m Arrive University, 1 1.40 a m 1 No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Dal y ex. 8uniay. Arrive University 12.10 p m Arrive Chapel Hill ... 1.00 p m PfllliaiiSleeM Cars Hut Ctone On T. rain No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington ana Danvme, and between Greensboro and Charleston. Ori Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Uhariotte via Danville. KrThrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro', uaielKh, ooldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and an principal points south. Southwest. West, North and East. it Emigrant Rates fo Louisiana, Tex as, Araansas ana tne uoutnwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond. Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENQEE DEPABTMENT. 'On and after Anril 30th. 1 882. the nassan- ger train service on Uie Atlanta & Charlotte Alr- un division 01 tnis road will be as follows : Mall and Express. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No. 62. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 am 2.02 a m 4,81 am 5.59 am 7.43 am 9.18 am 10.00 a m 12.50 0 m 1.47 p m 4.06 pirn 5.29 pm 7.08 d m 8.80 pm 8.10 pm J 10.37 am y.4H p m 10.16 Dm 11.06 a 1.80 pm 12.40 a m Mall and Express. No. 51. EASTWARD. Man. No. 63. Leave AUanta. Arrive Gainesville, Arrive Lula, E ... 2.15 pm 4.00 am 451 p m 5.22 rm H.ieam 6.50 am 7ilam 8.17 am 0 26am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 5.59 pm 6.40 pm a06pm 10.06 p m 11.40 pm Arrive toccoa, r Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K . . . . Arrive Gastonia, L Arrive Charlotte, M . 11.03 pm 12.24 pm 2 06 a ml 60 pm 815 am 4.uopm CONNECTION S. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains ot Georgia Central, A. 3c w. r. ana w. a a, Kanroaas. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. X with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and irom Athens, ua. F with Elberton Alr-1 vLlneto and from Elberton, nd GraenvUle to and from Georgia. G with Columbia and Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. H with Columbia and OsesiKrUleito -end from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C K with Spartanburg and Ashevllle, and gp&rt burg, Union and Columbia to and from Hendenco and Ashevine, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester aad Leotr Narrow Gaage te i from Dallas ana Chester. vr itk n; n V. - . i t i m r for Atl nolnts West. North end Is. JU Vita v- u. . , v., u. u. miv m , a. v, PiillWiiut" stMnlnsscar 'service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, -Uhout cdange between Atlanta and New York. a. xp, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. K. R. TlLCOTT, Sene'al Manager. 1. Y. SAGE, Superintendent. C. C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, June 4th; 1882. Train No. 52, Passe ngr. Train No. 48. Passenger. Leave Charlotte. Arrive Bock Hill Arrive Chester Arrive Wlnnsbpro.i. . Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia,.. . . . Arrive Lexington,. . . . Arrive Ridge Spring,. Arrive Granite ville, . . Arrive Augusta, 1.85 pm 2.88 p m 8.30 p m 4.35 pm 6.00 p m 6.07 P m 6.15 am 6.50 pm 8 02pm 9.12 pm 10.15 pm 7.15am 8.30 a m 9 40am 10.22 am Train No. 20, Freight Leave Charlotte, Arrive Rock Hill, Arrive Chester, Arrive Wlnnsboro Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington Arrive Ridge Spring,. , . Arrive GranltevfUe Arrive Augusta,.. - .... 5.80 pm 7.58-pm 10 00 pm 1.18 am 4 50am Train No. 62, Daily Conoeeta at Colombia with thn s. c. R. R. for Charleston, and with the C At . R. B. for Alston. Newberry, Abbenile, Ae. At Augusta with Central Georgia. B. B for Macon, nannnsh nrl Tlniidn notnts. Train No. 48, Daily-Connects at Augusta with the Georgia R. Bt and .Central Georg R. R, for Mnn itianta. ftftvnnfiah and Florida DOints. Trains Nos. 18 and 20, local, trHveekly, Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. - Train from the South Arrive at Charlotte, pas senger. dally, at 6.85 p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.4a a. m.' and 448 p.m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE OHIO DIVISION. Train No. .58, Dally. . Leave Charlotte. Arrive at Statesvllle, Train No, 52, Dally, . 1 , Leave Statesvllle,. . .. l-- Arrive at "Charlotte,.. 8 00pm ...10 05 p m 6.00 am .8.05 am ' ' rbofa anid tn -ii ntntk flntith. Southeast and pAnthBMwL ni ika-mse checked through. No - . . . 1 HAD. lay-over aiioweuon kkjjw ucei. ,.. ' T. M. p. TAiooTT. . wen i raspeoaw vsa. , ..OoldmbUk-a. C, June 4Xi 1882, ' ' ' , ; WtKcHaatous. SeasooaUeliiik In great variety, Just rficeivea at the CHINA STORE OF J. I Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS and ICE CHFS1S FLY FANS AND FLY TRIPS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, beat oid. A1R.TIUHT FKTJIT Jn. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LINED. Mocking Bird Cages. Canary and Bfeedin. Ca. Baby Swings, etc., etc. 1 VuU l?e ot Cntoft' Crockery. iassWf, Lamps. Fancy Goods nd Bliver platee Z ways on hand, wholesale and retau at rea,nh,: prices. Please give us a call reasonable Respectfully, J. BROfiKFIELD & CO. may 9 -BOSTON- METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists COLD and SILVER REFINERS. Practical Hill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upward. REFRACTORY ORES TKEATRD. Surveys, Mtne Examinations. RenorrR. sttAt, and Maps made. Constructions of woriu and Supplies Furnished. ' MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER LEAD RE( SMELTED ON HGfUUIVS or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BUI LION Treated on Reasonable Terms. THOMAS BINNS. Mstallprgist. A. H. KIDNEY, Mining Enuinb. JOHN HOLLIDAY Prof. Chkmist mar8 tf ESEESEES a! 2.Q.Q.Q, sicwr-r-acco xeJCMo5 ccio ft-"1- a "a ft a 6 : im X H 55 I o 5- a 2 f . Si aiscsaoaa I t -5 sq ei l St N M - to - i o -I ca w o as w n 3 p ij as w w o o P5 n Q CO s an o . a ; 3 - . J 7 La s. a-aeaaaaEEsa a at 0 KlCOStCOOQQSCOGiO ic w s 1-1 10 as i o o - ji ri i ; oc r- o si . 3 CD asssgsea 3 as 06 I r Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with - R. & D. R. R. from all points North and soutn and rrorn uaieign. run- man P&lsce Sleeping Juar. Jrom wreepsporo' 10 Henri's. CoatnecU at ateavuie: wunj a ih. Dlvlsiow of C, C. 4 A. R. R. with Sleeping Oar from Charleston, S. C, to Henrys, open ooser- vatlon cars run over the mountain both ways be tween Henry's and Warm Springs, affording a magnificent day-light view of tbe Mountains and French Broad river. Connects at Warm Springs with train ot-A Tenn-ja.aK!fclot?iorris-town and points South -West Train No. 2 Connect at Warm Springs with E.T..V. 40a R 6. Pullman Sleepers irom uenry t to ureensooro', and Sleeping Cars from Henry's, to Charleston, 8. U. connects at statesvuie wim a., 1. a. xj. sion of the C, C & A. R. R. and at Salisbury with B. ft D. B R. for a'l points North and South. mrourn iicaeui on sale at Salisbury, statesvllle, A she ville and the Warm Springs to an principal cities. 8ummer excursion tickets on sale from all points North and South. Jan2 1 Auditor, G. F. & P. Agent SYPHILIS In any stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD 80BJC3. PIM PLES, BO JLS. ANY IE II IB K AS CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILW ' If you doubt, come to see na, and we will CUBE YOU. or charge nothing!!! iron eld & k -3 A s w Wnte for parttculai, and a eopy of the little book a i m mm m m m m m i m m m - m m m mmm m "Message to the Df fortunate Suffering." ; AAklSypnlBent Pragght aj tcj to 8tao4g? gar-10Po-B WA EJ mil be Ud te jany ctiekuat I who will find on analysts ef 100 bottles of If. B. I. one particle of Mercury, looide of Potassium, or anyJMlnerai substanee. VTTr SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , . . , , . Atlanta, Oa. PneeofSma-'l 6rie..i..v...U.. $1 QO :ji1f:M' t rgene, 1.76 T BY ALL DRUGGISTS. r " f Ml 'H4n fici" hnilTiiijc.Dotui MM " t K R t - E if. uar

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