"1 r ' i 1 3 ' GHARLOTTE, 3m IIJD4, JtJNE 30, 1882, NO. 4,135 ' ! -. - ...... ,.. r- , . . .... ; VOL. XXVII. -': " UjtJiBjL !Jut in : I ll II U 11 111 Lj -A LOT OF NEW- CAN BE HAD iN J ri ' ! A ii n ii 1 -t 1 1 1111 lflUilllllU) d n rr rr rt - I l - , i 1 1 ii ii f i iiiiii fM rna li II U ll-UV K1 fef fill 11 NX J V. V JU VII -AT i e H C2 1: CO . r I It rV -. .' I 1 1 1 iramfws. sftsssssss , nit 14 s kri r r S3 TP ft 0 d 1 h es s e uj if aV .am V- I S3 w M J7 sw F M I co .-..j- irmjarwirfifriJ g v.-,,,y ttelacu' Mineral Springs, 1 PQ hi. H . W (J2 Tt :- L y -INCLUDING - kulber lot of Hoop Bklrttftom 40c to ll. and Llan Ulstii'lArtl M.-from SI 2$ Lara stosk of Liica dajns an4 prqtopl tock of Metf and AofV kraw Hate wll be 3 tyfTb attentlon'bf rs la oalie assortmADt ot vCaneTlIattUiK that we are at raddbad prteaa ttoae out,! ummer "fcS-r s 6r- 'a O Complaints thiseason,"Taribtfe diseases 6f the wels are prevalent, and manv lives are bat through lade of knowledge of a safe 5We: remedy; 1'erkt uavis' 1'ai tii,ER is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer pjajretfcj and is perfectly safe. Bead the following : . , ,' PlMT Datb' Aorlat nmraib o 6kI . I Jl ' Joara Bubditt. Nicholttlli, N. YTeb. 1 1881. The Mry bst medicine I know of for dvBectery, tbolermortmB,wid cramps in the stomach. Hmy toed it for yean, and it Is nr er ereiy time. 1 Jvunn "W. Da JSoTwatmx. Iowa. Much U. 1881. 1 have nse your PAnrKlBDUl eererercaeee of l"or twaB&yeanl bavtfuaedyonr PAiy KTT.itB my iamny. nave nsea u many nines ior dotbi m plaints, and it almiy ntru. Would not feel safe r SaooV Mt. Jan. 22, 188L - tun unanBSTUinrrini j HCTTiaed PSBBT D ATTB' Pi r gTT.T.m for twelve years. It is y, ntre, uk! rmiiabU. Ko jnntWrT. K9 M VUVIUM ; 1 ftwtfAA) !f..,!FBb. 19, 1881. over uururyeaxB aifu, auu u kte relief. Would hardly dare COtrWATBOBO, 8. C, r eo. Si, tWL ' Nearty erery family ia thia section keeps a bottlo CsrmB, Brat ish PxtJssubSetx 8, 1861. I hare known Pkrxy Ditu' Path Ktt.mb almost front the day it was introdnoacLaad after years of ODservaaon ana use a regara ua preeeuoo m tar liaiisehQll as Consul. I had been seraral dayaboi aeveBsly from diarrceavj tried your aaoinnqwilntetfe taita, wihen I PimTTit'i ja artii found aunostustant H- J. Nookk. 81 MOWTAOTTB HT AiONDOH. Dnrlmr a residence ot twenty -three years in India. hays given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dywm- and enolfira. and never knew n 10 iau iv Kin No family can safely be without . this irajnable reawdy4fcrice QS9 li yiflthejMdiof-alU For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. - YEROX DA Vl & SON, Proprietors, ; 1 .Providence, is. X. 1 , 7 1 ROCKBRIDGE, VA., liOR more triBdfi lturi baa rown range of Qhrmttwf'!? . steadl tr, wide can testify to fta dnauTpaaBed effleacy in um ffe.iei and eure of txiose aliments peculiar to their sex. In Its railed and most distressing fprma la eared. NIC, BRONCHITIS, 8CB0F0LA, NIC DIARBHOsU. AND DT3KNTKBT, yield most rapidly, and permaoent cures result - Bottled In Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifnUr located In Bock bridge eoonty, Va.. and are open for the reception ft vial tors trom June 1st to October 1st, each ear; eapadtr. 1,000 guesta. 1 For sale, wholesale ana reuui. or m j. . BIN M A V. , ' marl2 Is . HEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. 15th, 1882. HnncflXOTlngs are two. from 8belbyr64 K8Kprl es enwoi iitawci kwanaeuigMromvBar- arc to Shelby. Hacks will be at the Springs' uon on amva a i ' COLD AND WABM BATHS. -sWng tondTScfprttieeeason. Livery acoommoda ttons waiwwuwuw! IS i-RYl I rtrr-mAnT40Ct orsTrMftD SSSISrSSal 4 m iwar. Hervous voduij, -, iTbhi ellow-sufierers .address f, U.:RV -. I veer dap.5 Our Kmrfit I J. 1 , 1 a 1 to ko to ted 1 aiiMUUIUW MacaMscv 1 HJOBrTKit.;tJ. 1 1 mi ri if r a. d A m mwm mi ll sw Wm7S w s The Gypsie's Warning. Trust him not, O gentle lady, Though bis voice M low and sweet; Heed not htm who kneels before thee Softly pleading at thj feet. Mow thy life is In its morning. Cloud not this, thy happy lot! Iiistan to the wypsie's warning, - Ladyf onoe there, lived a maiden Young and pure, and like thee fair. Yet he wooed, he wooed and won her, Thrilled her gentle heart with care; T oen heeded not her weeping -Then be cared not her life to save; Boon she perished, jnow she's sleeping in the cold antr silent grave! Ladyorfliot Vront soe so eoldly. For I've only told the troth; From tfn and with ring soxtow, Lsyiyi lwouidrtnetd. thy youth; ; . ImoAd shieidftaMfrom all danger Shield the from the tempter's snare. Lady, shun the dark-eyed stranger, I have warned thee now beware! Take teuTBold,! da Mtmac tt, Lady.l have prayed fot thtsj For the hoar that I might fair-hrm 1 And rob him of expected bttsst Aral IecKthOD art filled with wondear Atmylootafleroand wildl .I J LJUiftMi too oaurcariaru jonuer ,. j tw&l tne aiq-ssOBiy eaiic A THE OASILMAlLLOY AFFAIR. Statement' by! Col. Cash of the Origin J of the Difficulty and the Res alt. CrTeenviae(Rl)Rw8.' . i. Cash's Depot, S. C, June 24, 1882. To the Editor of the Dctiln News : . As jou ftaye done me much injaatlci in your issue 01 toe 22d and on-no be ter authoarity than information ebtal ea from the iNews ana Uourier, 1 as the use or your columns to make th BlfawihirMkifil:- On Saturd&vlas Capt TriliaSioT .mada-'ome remark! 1 Auvy, PEwuf9i)nHi 4 that of IrVlrttteiTItyM himiak "alr.iwretfertha WMtLBtoor'&iIliltXKiAlg Ltbalairiar intfendefcl to hsviterjaaieranialrilfflcnlt &n4ri!ailydesiilnptr any i-uiiDR-ESme Kinr-i- aisaiaieiy lei f tny seat ad:-wailced to apthexvpart o: I A ml a. - w T ! Jl a . m t&i town, Tsner- wunnnstf iaa tmattei OTer'-U$inl (li8wsiQnateIyyl ton Maiioyri-triaV 'irOvtiarniara iji sn lonotbia tot bw-Kwained by dodeinein suits, i -werrtrtjacic to hsk nun voa pe had.aid: While crossing the streetf l asked Mr Wells, a most, nervous maa and ho friend of mine to go to hear rYb.aLwas.JLo. pass betwaexi Caipt ilaildy; end myself, lie declined to go and 1 went alone to where Captain Malloy wast sitting in company with several other person", and I said to him, "Captain,! did I understand you to say, Jklaion Blair is no better than wmttemorev" He pepMed, es, i saia so,- ana v re torted "Xoa are a aamnea xxnr; upon which he struck or struck: at me 15 ox 20 times. While retreating and guard ing his blows, I tripped and fell, and while on the ground wun , me oaptaw -upon me I drew my pistol to shoot him, but my arm was seized and held by the third person until the captain was out of range andaut ef sight. The above is a and truthful state-en t of the difficulty between Capt Malloy and myself, but it is only fair that I should further state that Captain Malloy is in the prime of life, some 15 or 20 years mr junior, and a larger and more powerful man than I have ever been, and that I am in the aear and yellow leaf a martyr to dis ease for tne last twenty years, and wholly incapacitated for pugilistic en counter. The fight was an exceedingly poor one and so far as I know, neither the captain or i received a blow, bruise or scratch, and I was entirely, satisfied to allow the matter to rest in "statu quo" but my son was indignant at what had occurred, and the following corres pondence passed between Captain Mal loy and himself, which requires no re mark of comment from me : Cash's Depot,' June' 17. 1882. Covt.T; Vi MMoyWheraw, 8. C. : 1 have just heard of your difficulty with my father. Col. E. B. C. Cash, and while I admit his ability (notwithstand ing hiaagej to take care of himself, I can not allow you to insult and assault him, when I am sure you are influenced in your conduct to-him, by your hatred for me. If you will read your heart it will tetf: yon that'you qav ldptf ienljef taih-a-feelirigof hcwtllityforme,:an why you have not openly expressed your feelings isra question I for you to answer, and doe3in no manner concern me. I now beg that you will name a day and .hour and 1 some convenient point where we can adjust our difficul ties. Respectfully, W:B.CAsn. ;u-JCiPSsUlt Itlltf UVMi tioT XaniMB on the 18tb. tljroqghtbe, hWnbttDft &CimffpBiffiajf me-itM3Uned vq nrecwre on account of thesatietityof taWn4'Wrii ty of th5peftce officers' fenders ft neces? sary- tbWliw. ii8hemil to convey tbnote to yoo;j '-WtMJE;Beiar trmjwkiwty nswea fttfiim Will mw&JW&Ww meetings. Respectfully, ' ' VMX C June 2 it 1882. Capt W;B. 0ash: '" " T Your twocoinmunications, dated the 17th and 20th Jlnstauts, under one cover, duly ttf hahd through the mail. I had no intention of insulUng Col. Cash by ttw rematvl iinade abo.ttt Cot. Blair. ifctitfZtottfi M , follows. "I would, aa soon thintiof voting for Whittemore as CoP -BtairThis was a political opinion ontirely, and not intended as a personal . insult to.CoL Cash,, and my f eeiifigs" to Wards you, which were friemllyj hnT Tt.hinjtAV-o-vith- the matter, TiexefQrenI, dOj noteiaftny jusl cajuse f4r i ft q:aartej! betweetij us, andf frthrrapb I bad no Idea ub to the tiniB Vol: Casfr appr&ached me, that he was in the slightest degree offended. I must therefore, for tMsand other rea sons, respectfully decUnej your invita tion talnest you on tbefleldof honajf." JA JH15P, JS1AX.1A X , 9& X Cash'S;DPOTS. C4 June 22, '82. Yairsjof the glsiin reply to mine of the 17th and 20th has been received and is entirely salisfatery.-' - ' s V Respectfully; K .,. jcW.B-CASH. til i " J . i ' As yoa manifest some interest in my political' yheteaoqutei; desire to say that ! stfll Ihhabit the Democratic pla fraf rlsrarand timtT T T " ' ' X M "I feeraerobi Vhb J treadr'aione1, some banquet i hall deserted." -.: i "With Honor fled amid pledges dead, and ail but me departedu v I'li r. S I have invfted ' Hagoo and "Bill" Wallace, .ot,'Cklufflbia,Kdrutledjrev autiaioh i Buistw ;of Cbarleatott. (caa yoanie4ottt b4ttert4eTJ-vl3H the; lold; Jiuift)er and npeiise tlwyePlr. intfof the mottoes and professions mm K wo I am monarch ofjlllsuryeyr.1- jo. L. UASII. mix rwo Girls on Trial for Rouble Mnr Pwirpanrma . v a j ana, 9ajsnrrv county court nai been engaged the past two days in the trial of Virginia Sooth andJ4aryf BoptbCDlora4taed l4and 15 years respectlvelytfor the murder of wera killed try drinkinzwjfffteifiwhicb Itrycbnine had. been put and which bad le9,mihistered py. the accused.,The uiai it ia expeuMsu wiuwb iuug oue as twenty more witnessea are to be exam ined. Considerable. Interest is mani fested as to the result of the trial, : used ra 1876CDUT wmcniromipng amse. MEWS NOTES At the quarter "ss3lons sitting at Oughterard, countTOalway, Ireland 250 ejectment decrees have, been obs tained against small tenants living in Connemara. If the decrees are carried out 2,000 persons will be made home less. . j I The British squadron, commanded by. the Duke of Edinburgh, consisting pf eight men-of-war and the torpedo depot ship Hecla, arriyedM. Gibraltar Tues day. The Hecla proceeded eastward, A dispatch' from' Alexandria says jit ilreported that France will co operate with England in armed tntervention, if such intervention be determined ii If neeessary, France will send 10,000 men. -. t.;; . - : " - j - Guiteas'a- last admonition : to Dr. Hicks in regard to seeing the.Presideat was, tn;the , folio wing words : "Go no more. i.Tlie matter ia- bow between hitn (the- PrecAdatndGod.' Let bim act, its; he mc8t give an account He is re sponsible to God." The Chinese 3$rh&aU of Ssn Fraa cisco " yesterday telegraphed 0300 to Gov. Kirkwood, 6f 3fem, for the stjffer rsby thfrlateeyotoas. - ' The Londcm'ilstrVlevfs says an ex amination of the weapons left behind by the murderers of Mr. Bourke and the trooper Wallace, near Ardrahao, Ireland, on June 8, snows that they Kkoear me same private marss ejs are borne by the rifles seized at Clerkeu ell. ; "XTanra at. t ConatantinoDle savs it is re ported that Lord Dufferin, the British - Hmbassaddr. baa been iMta-octed to asl f tire assent Of. the ' Ddwera for British LpTbtection for the Suez canal. Prepaf rauQBs are making for the embarkation of troops, at Malta in the event of net Lcesatty. It ia stated that Gen; Sir Eve lyn Wood has been ordered to be ready to Troceg, Egypt. : o ! ., Xrprivate telegram from Alexandria says: "There have been fresh murders of Christians In the Deltar villages. An intentioft iset pressed of seizing some Europeans as hostages." " ; : A correspondent at Alexandria tele- UtrAPiiaJLUat te State pf the interior is rbecomUMr -abirmlrig, , Several" murders hhare ccctrrred uear Benha. The United States steamer Lancaster rhas'arrived at Alexandria. The Times in an editorial says: "In view of information we have receivtd fronx yariouaiiarters we cannot douLti tnas preparauaos ior tne protection or the Snea canal are maturing on a con-; slderable scale." We have reason to be AkUw first-Army corps and a considerable part of the second are at full strength, and should it be necessary to striked sudden blow there would be no difficulty in dispatching twenty: thousand men to Egypt in a few days." ! All the Egyptian ministers except Arab! Pasha and Ragbeb Pasha have returned to England. There is still an traeasy feeling at Alexandria, and the; English residents who have not. gone; away have been invited to take up their: quarters in the Eastern Telegraph office. Warlike preparations still con tinue in England. The Maine Democratic convention met at Lewiston yesterday, 824 dele gates being present. Harris M. Plaistedj was nominated for Governor, and. Sam uel J. Anderson, Daniel H. Thing, Geo.; WyLadd and T. H. Murch for Congress. Resolutions were adonted denouneusr the soliciting of money from officebold-' ere- and others for election purposes, and- protesting against the protective tariff. Resolutions were also adopted declaring that Congress is- bound to protect the country against debased coin ; and art excessive issue of paper rrioney, and condemning the withdraw al f United States notes and the ub- stitution of the bills of banking corpo- rations. " - u .TAXJ!tKS. 1 Greea3h)ro' Bugle: A coloradj wih 'Mrised 75 ycafe, f named Ada Dild feftlifr jnst baflt a" neat, brick cbirn ney teener little1 cabin in Jonesboro, and she is no brick mason either. The first week in February last Mr. Wm. E. Parks placed in a pond, built for the purpose, a lot of German carp about 4 inches in length. Yesterday he took one for examination and found it 12 inches long and weighing 1)4 lbs. The fish was put back unharmed. This is a rapid growth for five months. There was a very destructive fire at High Point Tuesday night. It origi nated in the law office of Ed. D. Steele, which wascnQrelyt destroyed with its contents and also the drug store of Frank Dalton, the store of Mr. Ferry, eistoffice and the tin store of Mr. oover. Origin of fire unknown. No insurance except on Frank Dalton's drug store about $1,700. Loss about S18.000. Raleigh News and Observer: We re gret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Paul C. Cameron, at his home in Hillsboro. The buildings at Bingham school will berfinished in about twojyeeks. . Nominated for ldeut.-Governor. Harbisbtjrg, Pa., June 29. F Black, of York, was nominated for Lf, Governor on the first ballot. Another Assassination. London, June 29. Lord Claneycarde was murdered this morning on his way home fromNoas. The medicine of real merit, prescribed by many leading physicians, and universally recommended by those who have used It, as a tiuetonlois, Brown's Iron Bitters. The fairest faces myriads of pimples, are sometimes married by and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily removed by a popular toilet dressing, knoan as Dr. Q. W. Benson's Skin Cure. Even scrofulous ulcers yield to It. Motkers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying witn the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. wrasLOwa SOOTHING SYBUF. It wUl relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there is no mistak& about lb There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic It Is perfectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scrtndon of one of the oldest and best physicians i and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. NOTICE. s. . P. C. Shuford and wife, and others. tr.lii-i.i-: '.- A n Powell, et aL ' !--r:-f. - - - - BY Vlrtae Tot an order of the Superior Court: held for the county of Catawba, boring Term, 1884, notice la hereby given that the undersigned, Beiereea, will meet at the court house. In Neton, -ira.lt: rrirH. ! ' " " v--j? r- nex ronrewiTe eriaence anu.itoois oi au aeoo. againss tne Dannersnip ceaennea, in, ine, p eaa . lags Id said tusee, w-flU ilTmi jPowell : Co. Claywea,-Powell & ,Od. Caiev'.Mr.sujKjror Company. PoreB ghefoM -s,ijd M ,PoelL AU creonen f lihk c saiif -'iKsfca, tli wecantj ihetrehatiBS -er&efi-ug-nS. 8, ksj Usseaatt iptaoevwan raparprsi ssmr: lAlsvat-daisy crs aa tJicas will proesed to HakfateSiacsrais irC tea li&biiates and issets offBsis ge?ssires aooe named. - tii'l AWir' t.jJ'j :8Hrpp ' f imi. .:T;i,-;i- -Jtofrees. 4 J. ioe l8St,tlUhat they; saost come no and eetJ sasur taxea.1 ( av been as indulgent and ioeo$a&tt as any one eould expeot me to Do and I-si? i sir aettee now that all delinquent taxes remeioice moia at tne ena or ut next so days. wlU bs eclsiad by dlatrainL Come no and pay ycursBsja.- av m. aiiaaawusiB. j'S?SS"si w tf ,--.. Bheriff. ' l A Special DUpenata!a.' Wilmington, N. a, Feb. 4. 1881. I regard your Bafe Kidney and Li?er Cure as a sort of special dispenatitloa of Providence to those "hoplessly" 111 of kidney and live? diseases. i . Esv. Da BXENBBiic. gW -IS 1 Compound PlnKham'a Vegetable like the Mississippi river in a spring freshet? Because the immense volume ot this beating river moves with such momentum that it sweeps away aU obstacles and is literally flooding ttajcoantiTM ; Brlgbt's Disease of ths Kidneys, Diabetes and ether diseases of the Sidnejs and Liver, which yom are being so fr!ght?nd about. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will suraly and permanently prevent and cure. . AH ohz pretended cures only relieve for a Cme and ilsen make rou many times " ftezi Toledo Blade. I . SURPRISING EFFECT F EXTKACT OF CELERY AND CHAHOniLE TJPON THE NEiSVOSJS SYSTEM and. DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Ae SiaTBriably Produced by Dr. C. IV. Henton'e Celery and Cliamo mile PHI. They have been tested time and again, and al-f ways with satisfactory results. This preparation Just meats the necessities of the case. Let me state Just what my Fills are made to cure, and what the? have cured and will cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, D?3pe$tc Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and .Prsppsla. These diseases are all natrons dis eases. l?ervonaness embraces nervous weakness, l?rft&h&), despondency, melancholy, and a rest leea, jUS&attofied. miserable state of mind and Ddfly "indescribable. TLete are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; now, to be fully restored to health and hap piness Is a priceless boon, and yet, for 50 cents, you can satlsly yourself that there Is a cure for you,, and for $5, at the very furthest that cure can be tally secured. These Pills are all they are rep resented to be, and are guaranteed to give satis faction If used as directed and will cure any case. 1 Bold by all druggists. Price, 50 cents a box. Depot' J08 North Kutaw street, Baltimore, lid. By mail, two boxes for 81, or six boxes for 83,50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIM CURE ti- ji r Warranted to Cure COX KM A, TITTERS. HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, 1 AU ROUGH OAtY CRUPTIONS, Bp 918CA8E8 OP HAIR AND 80ALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSo&allpartsorths body. It makes the akin white, soft and smooth', removes tan and freckles, and is fha BEST toilet dwisstng In THJ5 WOBJUD. Klpgantlw put up, two bottlMin one paokage. eonalBting of both internal and axternal treatment. AU first alassdraswiats aaveit. Prioe 11. per package. C N. rnttenton, 8ole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Bemedles, 115 Fulton street, New York. unl A NOTED, .BUT UNTITLKIJ Vv o .U.v.. . Erom the Boston Globe. Jfsstri. Editor , The above is a good likeness of Hrs. I-ydla E. Pink ham, of Lynn, Mass., who above ail other human beings may be truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woman," as some of her correspondents lore to call her. She is sealoutly devoted to her work, -which Is the outcome of a Ufe-stady, and Is obliged to keep atx lady assistants, to help he answer the large correspondence vMA doily pours in upon her, each bearing its special burden of suffering, or Joy at release from it. Her Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not era purposes. I have personally investigated it and axn satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits, it is recommended 'Bdprescribl by the best physicians in the country. " On Bars : " A wocks like a charm and saves much pain. It will eure entirely the worst form of . falling of the ate rug, Leucorrhoaa, irregular and painful Menstruation, all Or ari&n Troubles, lnnammation and Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Displacements andthecon sennent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to th Change of Life." B permeates every portion of the system, and gives in Ufa and rigor. It removes hdntness, flatulency, t destroys all craring for stimulants; and relieves weak nest Of the stomach. It cures Bloating,. Bfiadaohes, Xervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by iU use. It will at all times, and undflTaH circumstances, act In harmony with the low that gorerna the female lystem. ; , looses only SL per bottle or six for S3., and Is sold by drafgista, Any advice required as to special eases, and -fhe hmes of many who have been restored to perfect kealth by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be obtained byaddre-rfngMra,P., with stamp for reply, at her home in Lynn, Mass. For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound ia unsurpassed afl abundant testimonials show. " Mrs. Finkham's Liver Pins," says one writer, " are tktbft M-tftr'MrM'-for 'the eure' of ConKtlpation, imieusiless-Wndforpldlty of the liver. Her Blood Purttet- weiTts-'wonderg in its specisl line and bids fair Jo equal the Compound in its popularity, Xll must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole -ambition is to do good to others, Phjlftdelphja, Pe Qj) Mrs. A. M. D. IFOffi SALE. WEOFFEB FOB SALE ON FAVOBABLE TERM THE FNGINE FOHiMi ni.Y tJSFO BY THE ROCK ISLAND M4K'FMi COMPANY. - Call on or address - JunlS I 'J Democrrrt c'opy'. -; DOBBlfiOTARCH POLISH, J An important dis covery, by whicl eve-? family maj fe3fe?; lineu hpeesdltf t as lainiiry vmk " , .... , -sUkyQarGneerv J. B. !OElfBLNat' 1-ninadrip'bla; Pa, - TOB SALB FIT J S, SPEHCE11 Jk CO suasl FIELDS DROS CAavrletto, H, 0 inline SpFings-& Burwe sr i vr " i . . JUST RECEIVED PER EXPRIES A JOB LOT OF FFP A F AJl V A A F AAA NN R OOO Y Y NN N O O Y Y N N N O YY N NN O O Y V A A N MN OOO Y And are offering them very much below the real value. Call and get a bargain. Have also JuBt receiv ed per freight several things that will pay you to Inspect. Just received new FASHION SHEETS FOR JULY. HAEGEAYES & WIXiHEIjM SMITH BUILDING. junll EoiH3SIirDIE?IE3I MUSIC CHARLOTTE, N. C. BRANCH of XJTTT3T3X3TXT cft Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and South Carolina are Intending to purch se PIANOS and ORGANS In the Fall, when cotton comes in. . WHY WAIT? Boy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and make the "HARVEST HOME" still more joyful. Mid-Summer Under our Mid Summer Sale, we offer to sell daring TEMBEK, 1882, PIANOS and ORGANS, of every On PIANOS $25 Cash, On ORGANS $10 Cash, WITHOUT INTEREST OR IF BlLAiVCE CAN'T Longer time will be given, with a reasonable Increase of -price. All Instruments of every grade and price included In this sale. Tell your musical friends Of it Write us - for Catalogues. Price Llstand Clrcu ara, This sale closes October 1 st 1882 Early-purchase secures cash prices and easy terms ' t-ix (rt) years guarantee, stool and Instructor with every Organ. Frelgbtpald both ways lf no sale. Test them In your own boxes. Address t a-h T PROF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner to this house. SILVER ELEGANT G00D3 JUST RECEIVED, BY W. A. TRUSLOW, In cases suitable for bridal gifts. Another stock of WALTHAW1 AIMD And other desirable good.". Fine MT"f?. Xj A RTH "WTT.T.T A "M"R Is with me and will always welcome his friends. un9 Im 3 RED JUNE APPLES, FRESH GREEN CORN, RIPE SOFT PEACHES, Crystal lee Cream, at PERRY'S PERRY'S HEADQUARTERS FOR FBUITS. un21 A WASHINGTON Hand 8Iand material for a 7-column newspaper. HKddress; juni4ti r: Shelby, N.CV k CaapanyShot5fttitmjflf!Sg'KlsI8Sl fniS nirty-lhMaaisaal 'jaeasf-i'gtotk ! X holders this erjnysny wifl be iela isis! Pine App n Tnursaay, joiy mm. iKA- h-,t -v' L Stockholders desiring to attend eftft 'tsii;I&$& Tor themselves and the tmmedlat i&sffib?ss a their families fWIFE and CHILDREN. Lim UNDE3 THEIR ROOT) by applying to the aac - limed r. at, KUA J. I Jon23 ttSffl 18 ItOy &e,am?f. IT! SBVKBAL LINES OT GGO O O OO OO DDD "sss8 O O O O D G o o o o r d DsSo O GO O O O O D D ' o c OO DDD "ss8: GGO OO HOUSE, S23 02 Special Offer : the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEP make, style and price, at our very lowest cash rates Balance November 1st, 1882. Balance November 1st, 1882. AH? "ADVANCE IH PBICE, BE PAIW IJ1 THE FALL, and Repairer. All work guaranteed. Send orders H, McSMITH.' SPOONS. LCIIM WATCHES, SPECTACLES and EIE-GLAS3E3.. Wory IF0E SMjE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made In the case of P. a Bhuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Poweil -and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale, at the Long Islsnd Cotton Mills, on MONDAY, the 3BD DAY of JULY, 1 882, the loUowlng valuable Property, to-wit; .- .. -. : . . l . The iactorr of the Lome Island Cotton Mills, to Wholesale & Retail, illll lsHaWaWaWSWai Cotton gether with 16Vfe acres' land, including the entire water power of seven feet bead, : factory tmlldtng ' OUX4U, two stories nign, nounng and saw mil la. store and eotton bouses, blaeksmlth shop and five tenement houses, . and the following nuchmeryj 1 picker,' l 88 inch double beater uncr lapper, I) , 86-lnch 14 top flat cards, railway bead. 2 drawing d frames, 8 deliveries each, 4 ring, frames (Brides- . perry maze van m gooa oraer.' j - xtamonn cap - frames, 132 spindles, total number .spindles 819; , ; i Trans cara gnnaer, Duncn ana oaimg press; isoa large lot of old: looms, pullles,ihaltlng. s etc. -. , i For more accurate and definite description dt$ the property and the conditions or said sale refer ence is hereby made to the decree above referred. ; TiitMSrwent? wrv'eent; vats .Torchase'.t money cash -and .the . balance ,ln equal r in-- 8talmento ov tnreNs riMntfas-and six monthsi bond and .approved security - required, of . purchaser, or the Receiver is by said Decree au- thotized to 'rary: terms to' suit rnchaser8.f"Tbe ?. Becelverls also autboftaed by. said Decree to sell eaid property at private sale, upon- such- terms as ;? aneji ee-agreea upon between nun ana purchaser.? ; TOAU AAV WUl VUWIMUl,! UillOW UiUW UUHt UAJ Ut CHllQt -- Parsons wisbtng to examine said property will -andDr A.M. PowellandMr.Levl8huIordontoe. fsmisDs. either of whom will take pleaBunem :' swJjiS the Game, Addres -1 JOHN L. COBB, Receiver, .jusi. ', Llnoolnton, Lincoln coun,N,C " sfr - i ! 5 -i i s if

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