t A It V C H A R L 61 E GIB SEE V E K F It I DAY s J V NE 30, 1882. BUSINESS NOTICES. Maiai in. Chills and Fever, rod Bilious attacks ,t yely cared with Kmoty's hihii (arrt Cu Fills n lnfH.UWe remedy: never fall to -i ins the Znt obstinate, lows-standing eae caustic n0 Sr,Dlng or Durglu: they m mid .and ffflieDt. 5I,Kiiiln their uciton and hirmles In Hiifcases; fhr effectual ;y ci- anse the sjstem am gWe nm hf-aiiltouetothebodr. as a housthold'rer ,Ly are unrqialed For Llvei Complaint thAlr ai is not known: one box win hfi e a wondr f i eile -i on the worst ce. They are u-ed and cribedby Phjslclans, and sold by Druggists ;errwnt-re. 25 and 60 cent boxes. Emory's t fiBCHthanc Pills, best ever made, only lfccets MHDdard Cure o.. 1 14 Nassau street, New Yrk. Jin21 deodflm f J. Horcford'a Acid Pbonphate . u useful In dyspepsia It gives the stomach tonic and Imparts vigor fr tho wnolasyat- m. RKDrOKI) ALDM AHU IKON SPK1NU8 WaJTICH UtD Mass. The great tonic and alterative icon tains 11 hs much iron and fifty per cent. nire alum- ' . ikon an "nliim and iron nuuu" tnnnn fniiin tuou ' - uwu . ,i,inf, fnp tha "anrtna mfiarnaa11 Tm wneral. Sold by all drumrlsts of any Mndlni?. . ' jmaoJ nna half may 1 1 " Hetu Aclxrerttsemcnts mm Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity strength and wholesrmeness More economics than the ordinary . kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weleht, a urn or phosphate powders. 8old only In cans. EOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ov23 New York. L'ROY DAVIDSON, Sole AfcTnt, Charlotte, f. C. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building np the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., Mar 7, 1880. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. Iam now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Mary E. Brash ear, 173 frestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., 1SS1. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Montague. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec 3, 1881. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jennib Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. Another Car Load FRESH JUST.INfAT lun22 OLD POINT COMFORT, "ear. Squsi-te nt. hotel 4n tnattPifSKi joandlngtuiiiarpassed, 'Bathing, boattoe, Browf I "t""mg specially anracuve. fesort for Bouthern people Terms less lor equal mmolatH)ns than any resort In the country, rojuetree from Malaria; and tor Insomnia truly jpndertul In 1U soporlne effect. ' Bend lor circular avi88m - BAuaiso. rnosBUS, Prop'?. (ROYAL Re wolf j i J Georgia "-t - 9 j' ' Watermelons, w- . - - - - Index to New Advertisements. B H Jordan Co -Bird Beed. 4c A Q Broulzer -Dividend Notice. T 1. Vall-DWldend Kotlce. Dr J 8 Jones -Waited. HOME BRIEFS. $W The drop will fall to-day at half past one. Farewell to the inspired crank. $WX number of young people took an early start yesterday morning for Tuckasege ford, on the Catawba, where they picniced until the sun went down. ESTThe wreck caused by the boiler explosion at the St.. Catherine mine, is being cleared away and preparations are being made to resume operations as soon as possible. ISP Street corner talk yesterday gradually changed from the convention to the execution which is to take place inlVashington City to-day, and before night this. was the all absorbing theme. 1 A note from the Hygeia Hotel, at Old Point Comfort, Va., informs us that among the 600 guests at that place, Charlotte is represented by Mr. W. n! Prather, wife and son, Willie E. Pra ther. tW This is the last day allowed for the listing of city taxes and if those who have not heretofore listed fail to attend to it to day, double taxes will be made out against them. Capt. Fred Nash will wait upon all at his office to day. B""C6l. Sellers," the race horse owned by Mr. Bennett Barnes, of this city, won the race at Brighton Beach, a few days since. "Sprague," formerly owned by Mr. Barnes, but now by Mr. Burch, won the heat in the selling race, on the 27th, making a mile and one quarter in 2:12. E"Mr. John Blount, who resides near the Lincolnton depot, yesterday fell to the pavement in a fit, in front of the Charlotte hotel. It was a long and severe one, and is thought to have been caused by general exhaustion, lie was plaiced in a carriage by Mr. Frank Sni der and conveyed to his home. Mr. J. L. Brown, for a long time the clever and accommodating clerk at the Morris House, in Concord, is now with the Charlotte Hotel in this city. The Morris House has recently been leased by Mr. W. W. Robinson, who takes charge of it this Week, Mr. P. M. Morris, the la'e proprietor, retiring to his country home. I3T The paint brush has been work ing some wonderful improvements in the city. The Traders' National bank building looks like a new one, and yes terday evening some of the old friends of Mr- Roediger and his good beer, passed by his house without recogniz ing it, so greatly was its appearance improved by the painter. EEven the wild plums are doing something extra this year. Coroner Alexander exhibits a small twig from a wild plum treewhich he found on his farm, the twig, not so long as a per son's arm, containing forty-one plums. They seemed to be growing wherever they could find room. This curiosity has been sent to Richmond to show the the people what sort of fruit this coun ty produces. E3gPassing along Trade street, near Harty's store, the mellow tones of a hand organ breaks upon the ear and a couple of 10x12 oil paintings, represent ing ghosts, hung up by the door, invites the pedestrian to stop and take in the show, which is found to consist of long rows of stereoscopic views of the Gar field assassination. Guiteau's send off to day will no doubt give this peculiar show a good boom. The Richmond and Danville's New Stroke. The Richmond and Danville Railroad Comoanv has made favorable traffic ar rangements between the Virginia Mid land, Baltimore and Ohio, and Chesa- neake Companies, which will enable it to claim recogition as a Western as well as an Eastern line. The."Green Line'' has heretofore had almost a monopoly of Western and Southern business; but, after a conference of several days, iti representatives agreed to reorganize the Richmond and Danville as a Wes tern, with full participation in Wes tern business. Marriage at Peace Institute. A brilliant wedding occurred at Peace Institute, in Raleigh, last Tues dav. the oarticulare of which will be read with great interest by the people of this city, as each of the contracting parties have many warm personal friends residing here, in aescriDing the weddine. the Farmer and Mechanic says that a delightful assemblage of in timate friends filled the pariors 01 Peace, on the morning of the 27th to witness the union of Mr. Ben. R. Lacy and Miss Marv S.. the lovely and ac complished daughter of Capt John B- Burwell. Rev. Dr. Burweii, assisted uy tiv: w.s. Lacv. performed the ceremo ny: and the happiness of the handsome young couple waa mirrored on tne countenances of their freinds. There were numerous handsome presents. iMr. and Mrs. Lacy left on the north train for & trip to Cape May, Newark. How It Was in the Flush Times. One of our citizens who had occasion to make a trip to Colombia in 1865, was rnmmao-incr over some old papers yes terday, when he came across a memo- randum dock in wnicu waa iwuu some items of his trip! He wasjaccom panied by two young ladies and his wife, and the fpllowlng are some of the entries: Fare to Columbia, $115.00 Porterage and Weakfast for ser- vant 10.00 Omnibus fare to hotel,. . .;. . . . . 25.00 ! While iri Columbia they made a lot purchases ana the entries are recorded : For one vpool of thread.. 9 5.00 Twelve handkerchiefs,. 240.00 One pound candy,:.... J5 Rue dozen bars soap, 860.09 kinavftiirrr cravat.!.'.... .i..4 X 1500 TrA rMioo dresses.. I . "',.v. i . i ' 420.00 Three tobacco bags,. , fPatA hktnalrf rr a. 30.00 zOU.UU 58 yards calico,.,.! i i .. i ..... ,f Aw.uu, ' tfn these days such prices sound high, jbtit all whose memory goes back that slight distance remember them well, and the printing of these items will call up many incidents of the way big mone1 bad to be paid for small things. ". ; A PETITION. Mequesting that the Streets of the City be Sprinkled. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of - Aldermen, of Charlotte,N. C: Gentlemen : The undersigned citi z ins, residing and doing business within the "fire limits" of our city, respectfully petition your honorable body to make the necessary order to have streets and pavements well and regularly sprinkled on Trade, Tryon and College streets, within said limits, from the city hy drants recently located by the water works company, leaving it to your discretion to fix the manner and times fof such sprinkling. We would res pectfully urge that this be done at the earliest time practicable, as a measure of health and comfort to our people, and a protection to merchandise and other property liable to injury from dust and grit Respectfully submitted, Wittkowsky and Baruch, Barringer & Trot ter, L BerW anger and Bro, L R W(riston & Co, J Moyer, J VV McDowell, E M Andrews, James Harty, Jno R Erwin, M W Alexander, Wm'Maxwell, J W Cobb, F A McNinch, Jno B Bethune, ('has Li Jones, W A Truslow, C C Snider, J T Butler, . Elias & Cohen, Brothers, Hender son & McGinn is, John Vogel, J L Davis, W G Wilkinson; J W & J J Adams. M W Robinson, C Hilker, J Duls, C L Adams, W F -Snider, M A Bland, J H VanNesa, R H Jordan & Co, The Sinsrer Mfg. Co per Davis, T C Smith, S J Perry, D M Rigler, Tiddy & Bro, F B Wood, Wm Shannon, T F Vaun, W H Farrior, J W Eddins, C E Smith, W Kaufman & Co, Johu Calder, L E Steele, Pegram & Co, M P Pegram, H McSmith, A W Bacon, E R Dodge, W U Tel. Co, E D Latta & Bro, Wm C Morgan, W W Jenkins, J M Mendel, G N Holobaugh, J E King, C Roediger, Joseph Fi sche pser, A J Vogel. Kendrick & Bixby, J Roessler, II C Eccles, Geo W Bryan, W R Cochrane, W W Ward & Co, Brem &McDowell. R I McDowell, Pres F N Bank, J E Brown, A R Nisbet & Bro, T L jjeigle & Co, B Nichols, J M McCorkle and Co, J C Springs, M Bernstein, Wm Ritterhoff, L J Walker. Wm McKamey, Sifford&Freeland, Hayes & McGinnis J S M Davidson, F R Durham, A H Creswell, A N Gray, W W Flemming. Nat Gray. William Gray, J D Northey, W G Berryhill, JLOrr, Geo J Williams, C L Alexander, J W Wadsworth, Hargarves & Wil- helm, C M Etheredge, Sam Black, LeRoy Davidson, W E Shaw & Co, Jno "VanLanding- ham, C W Bradshaw, J Y Bryce, J Lindy, T W Allison. Elliott & Remley, J L Hardin, Mayer & Ross, T M Beck, W J Black. J R Raterree, Field Bros. John Stacey, a 1 tfaanam & cjo, L J Kirk, R C Badnam, Brown and Sopsa- man. Long & Bro, PBKey, J K P Neatbery, H M Wilder, Jno F Butt Jno A Young, J M Sims, Allen Cruse, T L Vail, Brown and Wed- dington, R M White, Oates Bros, A J Heall & Co, It S Keistler, J Duncan, C S Holton, H M Nathan, J J Osment, T W West, H C Irwin, J S Spencer & Co, J C Boyte, r A Magi 11. Torrence & Bailey, R H Brown, Taylor Mfg. Co, McD Arledge, James F Johnston Thos H Gaither. J C Burroughs, E Nye Hutchison & Son, Schiff &Giier, R M Miller & Sons, Jno M Shelly, A G Brenizer, (jasn Com Nat Bank, Win Johnston, J S Phillips, B J Sbannonhouse Paul McKane, I Commander, A A Gaston, F H Glover, J C Callahan, A E Rankin & Bro Mrs P Query. Wiison & Burwell, Richard Moore, J P Strong, Jno Brook field, J McLaughlin, J G Shannonbouse Paul B Barringer, MD. Ro D Graham, R R Ray, H B Williams, New Thing for the Gold Miners. A gentleman at Marietta, Ga., has just patented a machine which will very likely bring him in a bonanza, for if it proves to be the success which he claims it will be, the gold digging busi ness at all the mines around the coun try will be suspended until the old waste ore lying about the mines has been worked over. The machine is a patent . for working the old ores and sand that has been thrown away as being of no more good and the inventor is confident that he is going to make old miners open their eyes. This new patent was devised especially for the ores of California, but is equally well adapted for the ores of North Carolina-, and Mr. L. C. McLellan, a native of Cabarrus, but for sometime a citizen of Marietta, is prospecting the mines around Charlotte, with the view of starting one of the machines to work at them. He says he has seen a model of the machine work over a pile of old rocks and sand and bring out gold when no one had any idea that there was any there. If the thing is what it is cracked up to be, we want to enter our order at once for one. There is scat tered around these premises a cart load of rocks that have been brought in as samples from the mines at odd times, and we want to run them through that pulverizer. Mr. McLellan will doubtless test this contrivance at the mines in this county, where he will certainly find plenty of cast away ore and sand to work on. A Delicate Operation. In the show case at Dr. Wilder's drug store is exhibited a stone about the size of a walnut, and' which resem bles the round stones found on a rocky creek bank. Mr. Louis 3. Katz, of Sha ron township, had long been suffering from a stone in his bladder and this was extracted last Tuesday. Dr. Wil der, the surgeon, was assisted by Drs. Bratton, O'Donoghue and Hunter, and the whole operation was performed in twenty minutes. The stone is of an ex traordinary size and the different for mations are to be distinctly seen; Mr. Katz bore, the operation splendidly and before the doctors left the house he asked for .a chew of tobacco, which was given to him. , , n....nu Wa PlMnmi Tnrtw. RevJWl E. Atkinson, principal of the Charlotte Female Institute, with Mrs. Atkinson and three children, and Miss MamleWadswMiss; Finhiyson Miss McDougald and Miss Sallie Spen cer, took the north bound train yester day evening for a pleasure trip through the Northern States.' Among the places to be.visited by. the party are the White Mountains; St Martha's Vineyard, Sara toga and Niagara. ' .' v Last Night's Debate. - A large crowd attended the public debate by the Literary and Debating clnb, last night. The question discussed was : "Is every man the architect of his own fortune?" The affirmative of the question was championed by Messrs. W. A. Truslow, Wm. Goodson and Jas. X. Moore, and the negative by Herriot Clarkson, Joseph Rich, Price Elias and Jas. W. Osborne. The speeches on both sides were good and it was hard to tell which were the victors until the decis ion of the judges was announced. The judges decided in favor of the negative. The effort of Mr. Jerome Dowd, the orator of the evening, who opened the exercises with a set speech, was also very good. Dr. Mittag Endorses Bennett for Con gress. The Observer yesterday evening re ceived the following endorsement of Judge Bennett, on a postal from Dr. J. F. G. Mittag, now of Lancasterville, S. C, but who is well-known as a former resident of Charlotte, and who occa sionally favors the readers of this paper with the sage productions of his facile pen: "I am much pleased to see it announ ced in your journal th t Judge Bennett may be nominated tor Congress. He impressed me on sight as the model of a man who would add spirituality to the representation of the Old North State. Excuse me for intruding my opinion from 'the fullness of head and heart the mouth speaketh.' " Another Richmond in the Field. The Following will appear in the Concord Sun to-day : Concord, N. C, June 28th, 1882. To the voters of the Qth Judicial dis trict; I hereby announce myself as a candi date for solicitor of this judicial district This announcement is made in compli ance with the request of many who know me to be a Democrat and as en tertaining the following views: 1st This is a government of the peo ple, by the people and for the people. Any declaration a majority of those may, by their votes, make in regard to a measure should have full force and effect All laws which come in conflict with the expressions of the majority should, therefore, ba repealed. 2nd. The present system of county government having had its origin in a trade between the members of the leg islature from the eastern and western sections of the State, the consideration being appropriations for the Western North Carolina Railroad and the pres ent system of county government for the eastern portion of the State is in di rect opposition toDemocratic principles, and the right of electing all county offi cers should, therefore, be restored to the people. 3rd. It is set forth in the platform of the Liberal party, liberty of speech, sound county government, home rule, free ballot and a fair count can only be obtained by a strict adherence to liberal principles, and the speedy downfall of Bourbonism no matter from where it comes. Respectfully, Will G. Means. Mtw docrttsemeuts. Dividend Notice, TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK. 1 Charlotte, N. C, June 29, 1882. 1 BY order of the Board of Directors of this bank a dividend of Four Dollars per share will be paid to stockholders or order on and after tbe 1st July proximo. T. L. VUL, un80 Cashier. WANTED. A GOOD paring tenant wants to rent a comfor table cottage, containing not less than six rooms, and located .within, four squares of the public square Apply to Dr. J. B. JONES, !un80 2t At drug store of R H Jordan A Co. Dividend Notice. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAM K, I Charlotte, N. C. i THE Directors of tots bank have declared a dividend of FOUR PKB CENT out of tbe profits for the past six months, payable on and after July IsL A. G. BRENIZER, JunSO It Cashier. w e have Just received a fresh suddIt of Imoorted Bird Seed, mixed and plain. In one pound packages. Also Red ravel for blid cages. a H. JORDAN 4 CO-3, un30 Tryon street u 8E ECARR'S Fruit Preservative, the cheapest and best, for sale by . tt. H. JORDAN A CO.. JunSO Druggists. 6000 5c and 10c CIQAR8 For the retail trade, lust received by R. H. JORDAN A CO., , JunSO Druggl ts U SE VIOLA COLOGNE. In quarts, pints and V pints, for sale only by Jun80 Tryon s.reet. J . JATH SPONGES, Turkish Bath Towels and Fleh Brushes. R. H. JORDAN A CO.. JunSO Druggists. F BXBH MINERAL WAT&RS, Carlsbad.and Red VIehey Salts, for gale by R. S. JORDAN ft CO., JunSO Tryon street MPORTBD BRANDIES and WINES, For medicinal purposes, at R. H. JORDAN A CO., JunSO Druggists. y KEEP The Finest Green and Black Teas for the uetail Trade R. H. JORDAN A CO.. JunSO ' Tryon Street Execution. THE WASHINGTON WIIXLY POST will print on ths Wednesday following the execution of Gulteau ten or more cuts Illustrative of tbe final scenes. Including eerrect pictures of the Afsassin, tbe Warden, Jail. Cell, Gallows, Hanging, Ac , Ac. As desetlptffc of one of the most memorable in stances of American history It will be worth pre serving. Copies will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of three cents. Postage stamp is best to send Address 8TILSON HUTCHINS, Jun29 8t The Post, Washington, D. C. Desirable Residence for Sale. I WILL Sell at private gale, as agent for B. T Wheeler, that desirable residence 1 lately occupied by & B. Meaeham, Esq . lo- O. cated on Trade street, between the -property of Mrs. Geo. T. J. Jackson and CeL Jno. X. B own. The lot fronts 8 feet in Trade street and runs back 896 feet to 4th. On the premises are good outbuildings, a small tenement house on the rear lot, well of water, Ac Terms Easy. R. E. COCHRANE. Jun28 lw ; . Agent ; IX)S-REWARD, , ,T- 08T yesterday evening, In Third street or on XJ the Atr-LJne track, a pocket case of Surgical Instruments 'red mereeeoocorer ; A liberal re ward will be paid for tne jef dm of the ease to the Jun27i 'i -4 .-yOBSXBfZa OFflCS. WW JEiiORIDA : , SWEE?T POTATOES, - ORANGES and tEMONS. at V S.-M. HOWE L.L'S n mi iu fcoTTorj cirjs.i TTTJWW TIs Brows Cotton tic Co., Slew Moo, Ct., Israel F. Brown, Prea't. JScltc. T. BrotM, Treat. These machines run light, make fine sample, and clean the seed properly. Best English east steel in the aws; the teeth will not bend, break off, or turn back, Iron pullejs throughout, brush strongly made, with adjustable boxes, cast steel journals and two belts oneateaeh end ensuring cool bearings, fun speed, and steady motion, (only Gin in market having this improvement.) Extra large shafts to saw and brush cylinders. Strong iron frame best materials, supe rior workmanship, fine finish. tWMore Brown Gins have been sold during the past three season s than any other two makes oombined. Mr. Israel F. Brown (from 1843 to 1858 of the firm of E. T. Taylor & Co. of Columbus, Ga.), the president of the company, has had a longer practical experience in making Gins than any other man living. Present facili ties for manufacturing and shipping unequaled by any other establishment of ths kind in the world. Hence our very low prices for such superior machines. Price List of GINS, Feeders and Coadeasers. s '' ' j , . Price with Price with Sizes Prices of Self- Self- Gins. Feeder or Feeder and Condenser. Condenser. 50 saw $ 75 00 1100 00 1125 00 51 " 87 60 118 00 260 40 " 100 00 132 60 165 00 45 " 112 60 146 00 179 60 60 " 125 00 160 to 196 00 CO " 140 00 180 00 - 220 00 70 " ' 160 00 206 00 252 00 80 " ISO 00 232 00 281 00 ExT-Note the prices and improvements i dont be deceived or allow yourself to be talked into buying other gins. Our machines are fully guaranteed. If not satisfied with our guarantee place your order with any responsible merchant of your acquaintance and get him to buy for you. Time, when desired will be given to any responsible person. Write for descriptive circular with hundreds of testimonials from enterpris ing planters. BROWN COTTON GIN CO., New London, Conn. CONQUEROR OF ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. TH3EJ BEST KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINE "NEVEK KNOWN TO FAIL. CURES WHEN ALL OTHIR MEDICINES FAIL, as It acts directly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, restoring tbem at once to healthy action. HUNT'S REMEDY is a sare, sure and speedy cure, and hundreds have testified to having been cured by It, wiien physicians and friends had given HINT'S BEMKDy!0 DOt del8y' bUt " 0DC8 HUNT'S KEMEOY oures all Diseases of the Kid neys, Bladder, Urinary Organs, Dropsy, Gravel. El betes, and Incontinence and Retention of Urine. BUST'S REMEDY cures pain in the 8lde, Batk. or Loins. General Debility, Female I Iseases, Dis turbed blef'p. Loss of Appetite, Brlght's Idsease, and all comp'a'nts of the Urino-Genital Organs. HlIKlTJ REMEDY Quickly induces the Liver to healthy action, removing the causes that produce Bilious Headache. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Cos tiveness, Piles, Ac. By the use of HUNT'S BEMEDY, the Stomach and Bowels will speedily regain their strength, and the Blood will be perfectly purified. HUNT'S REMEDY Is pronounced by tbe best doc tors to be the only cure for all kinds of kidney dis eases. HUNT'S REMEDY is purely vegetable, and is a sure cure for heart disease and rheumatism when all other rredtcine falls. HUNT'S REMEDY Is prepared expressly for tbe above diseases, and bas Lever been known to fail. One trial will convince you. For sale by all drug gists. Send for pamphlets to HUNT'S ItEpriKTlV CO , Providence, R. L W Prices, 75 cents and $1.25. Jun23 wly EIN6 OF THE SINGERS The above Is the exact representation of the SEW ING MACHINE we sell FOB $20. It Is In every respect the Very Best of the Singer Style of Machines, finished In the best man ner, with the Latest Improvements for Winding tbe Bobbin, tbe most con venient style of Table, with Exten sion Leaf, huge Drawers and Beautiful Gothle Cover. IT STANDS WITHOUT A EIVAL KING OF SINGER MiCHINES. Tiie Same Stylo Sold by Mi offer Com pany for Fifty Dollar. We do not ask yon to pay for It tmt l yon see what you are bnylme. We only wish to know that you really want to buy a machine and are willing to pay $20 for THB REST I THE SfARKET. Write to us, sendlr-g the name of your nearest r 1 1 road station. will send ths Machot AND GIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO ALLOW YOU TO KX AM INE IT BEFORE YOU PAT FOB IT. WILLMABTH & 00., 729 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. E, REMINGTON & SONS, MANCTACTOBKRS OF ' Military. Sporting, Target, Magazine AND BREECH LOADING 1 BiiUs, Shot Guns and R$tol$j ' - I'-.-i -fi-;. ; -- --A'SO- ." - - . - - ' ' i Cartridge, Primers, Bullet, Shot S bells, leading- Improvements, MaBifactory,llIoDHerldiner CoM N.Y. ijSalesToorai &8l & 283 Broadway, N. tJ -Western Agent, D, H. Lambfrson, 738tate street, r. 'i fhlMtwi Til .. uft9 w6m ' - A.'iS-- OPPORTUNITY tiai m OFFERED TO -:o: Our Large Business necessitatps-very early prepara tions for the Coming Seasons, hence we are now mocking extensive preparations for the Conngll. As we still have quite a Stock of SZTMMER GOODS and must have the room, we will offer our entire well as sorted Stock for the Next Sixty Days at such ; REDUCED and LOW PRICES as will leave no doubt upon the mind of the purchaser that he has obtained AN UNRIVALLED BARGAIN: This is no sensational advertisement, but' we mean busi ness. Everybody is aware that our Stock embraces all the needs of the people of this country and we Can furnish a complete outfit for both sexes ojuI -ciU ages -:o: finKYMftli Dry Goods Dealers ail Clothiers. HOI i'i Id Ian Variety CD UJ DR S m IS COMPLETE TT WW la GO TT TT tlf "XlIM VI U UU TfrrtM TtTtT 5NN U MM MM MM MM K UN NN u u HMaaijijiKJi r.n, nut U a SH TSB UU M M MM M M KHK B WE HATS THE LARGEST A'SOBTMENT Of Krer placed upon this UHDEBWEAB; tod ifiTran.i.' TV m DD BUG! Li :o:- Ml 1 :o:- -roil-; j i ! v . j i t - .. i i i 'It . --... ,saf0a-.v: ef Patterns, at 35c. TT, CD .('. IS II ! RR "t'k" Xl" T 1 UR "sK mvr wmm - mtmw - aA T F.K X T U URRR EE "SBo xx I U.UR RE C X T UU B BKEE 888S T B S T KKEX . ?allir : ,13 At : I t Market Specialties isrJt-'Wuv f l' . - the best DR1S3 BHIBT3. - '-w-vS-... V- S' II Tlk' llV 'TW : -