m 1 . - ... -.V C- . i , N,;C, TUJBSJPT4Y JULY 11; 1882. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 4,142. a. ,1 ' . t , J. .1.. .-' ,'" ... Btetlf -A -i V CAN BE HAD IN -AT- un29 JXJST 6i CENTS -:a & h:- BARMS FEW mi l'i'pii k Cos. RECEIVED! Y A li OS avonnap a ny v v v rinf nil I A Mill I I llful I I III 'I 111. I . Vrf VTmnHMm. Kw .- :o: :o: WE make great Bednclion la Many UnW afCaodi, and aW the rade to make an Examination of OBB BAB CiAINS before Porcbanlnff Elaewnexo. Now la the Time to Bar LIlfEJf LAWKS, AMERICAN and SCOTCH GINGHAMS. Spring and Summer DRESS HOOD. A L.ot of Men' and Boy STRAW HATSatFirt Cnt. A Remnant Stock of CANE MAT TING very Cheap. Savo Jntt Received a lot Of MOS QTJITO CANOPIES . and MOSQlTlTO NETTING by the Piece. We are Ofleiiaff Great Bargain, 4 and yon honld not be tow to avaft Youraelf of Thero. ' ' T. I Jai2 SEIGL.E 3c CO. Medical. fdnfs At this season, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives ar lost through Jack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perky Davis' Paxh Killer is a sure care for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. EeacJ the following : Batnbridgx, N. T., March 22, 1881. PmtBY Davis' Pain Killkb nevtrfaiU to afford inttant relic for cramp and pain in the stomach. Joseph Bubditt. NlOHOLvrLtE, N. Y.. Feb. 3, 188L The txry beH medicine I know of for dygentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have used it for years, and it is ur cur every time. Julius w. Deb. MoraGOHA, Iowa, March 12, 188L I have used your Pais Killer in severe cases of cramp, colicand cholera morbus .and it gave almost instant relief. L. . Caldwell. Cabnesville, Ga., Feb. 28, 1881. For twenty years I have used your Pain ktlxxb In my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it alway cure, would not feel safe without a bottle in the house. J. B. I viz. 8AC0,ME.,Jan.22,188L Have used Pebby D avis' Pain Killeb for twelve years. It is a, ur, and reliable. 20 mother should allow it to be out of the family. H. I. Nates. - Owwmi TT-V.-Prfi. 18. 1881. L . . . . I 1ft ould hardly dare go to bed without a bottle in theftouse. Cowwatbobo, 8. 0., Feb. 22, 188L Nearly every family in this section keeps a bottla in the house. Db. . Mobton. TJ. 8. COWSTTLATE, Csetelt, Rhenish PsussiA.Feb. 8, 188L I have known Pebby Davis' Pain Killeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and nse I regard its presence in my household as an indispensable necessity. L 8. Potteb, U. 8. Consul, i Buton-on-Trknt. Ens. '.. I had been several days snfferinfr severely from Diarrhoea, accompanied with intense pain, when I tried your Pais ftn-.T.ir., and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noonk. 81 Montague 8t., London, Ens. Daring a residenae of t wentithree years in India, I have given it in many case? of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give relief. E. Clabidoe. No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. L sept dVw sept Aoet ' ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, .OB more than half a century has grown steadl JD ly tn repute as a medicinal agent In a wide range of Chronic diseases. Multitudes of women can ifestlfy to Its unsurpassed efficacy in the relief and cure of those aliments peculiar to their sex. DYSPEP3I4 In Its varied and most distressing forms Is cured, CHBONIC, BRONCHITIS, SCBOTULA, -CHBONIC DIAEBHOSA AND DTSBNTKBY. yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result Bottled In Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Rock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity l ,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, bj Dr J. H. Mo ADEN ana Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. a marl2 ly WHEELER&WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Ltghtest Running and. Best dewing Machine In t be World. Try it hefore buying any other. AGENTS WANTED. j' , IS" send for Terms and Price List. 'J0 Wheeler 6c WUoit nannfactur' Co. RICHMOND. VA. : I mayii Cleaveland Mineral Springs, OPENED MAY 15th, 1882. THK.SK 8Prtn88 are two miles from Shelby. 54 ... Pl ,? Wst of Charlotte, and within i mue of the Carolina Central Railway., ronnlner from Char- lotto tp Shelby. - Hacks win be-at thfe Springs' uuvu wiivcu ui Cvt5rj yrniii. COLD AND WARM batj White and Bed Sulphur and jChsjjbf Watenf f """.??" . KOOQ suing band secured for the season.- I&verr aeoommoda- tarr For further particular address ' ? ' i i jS. McB. POSTON. maylfftt ' Proprietor. REE! FSFIF.miRF tosa WBU iwwiiaM rcr?t)ti-nol'eiie ortVi sfufVfeciHsl In fteC.a. ire of VitrcaH Jfreltilitv. uIpu and DeaaO. Sent ijsfftJedtnvjEiopejVee. Druggies ewlhlUt. mj - no Ufi. nn . ' t f J. . Summer Compl i mm mam LETTERS FROM A TRAMP. NUMBER TIIREE. Ca?sar, Cortez and Piiarro Erostratas and Gaitean Colic and Watermelons ' Victoria as a-JHUkmaid--Tke Sage o lmcSfJtttaiTiatTloa fbr-aJHorae and 7ohB Wluls Worth. :-" . To the Xdltor bf The Observer. " -Rural Hill. C J uly 1, 1882. "Let it be bobked with this day's deeds, or I swear I will haye it in a par-; ticular ballad,-with mine own picture on thetop of it" -v There are eveats- and epochs in most; men's histdrjthat jtttoat in bold relief along ?iae current et their lives use mountains In"4he-. sky that "lift their heads above Uie tlpixbg ; When Csesarerossea the mnddy Rubi con;wlthesa?fmpedtfnen9 than a Geortria i&ayoriand related in his com mentaries how Omnia Gallia est divisa in re parte when Cortes revelled in the halls of. lontezuma and Filarro kindled hrsitniei torch, at the funeral jreTjniaatoj. tD ,in0as,:nie8a an cient frbooters imprinted .their foot steps ; in -tKesandaof f?-timef- f ore ver. When JSrostratus burned the temple of Diana at Ephesus, and: Gultean. (God's man) fired that fatal shot, on the 2nd of July las on the same principle as those who'd rather' reign in hell fchfl ry a in heaven these servants of the; Prince of Dtarkness .transmitted thereby their names; j&xseursed 5&f Gd andctoan in more than monumental brass, :to inf famy eternal r--'i , - - 'A ! Kot being. oVsel 9 hero or a mur derer, and somewhat on'ambitious to shinein either line, we plead neverthef less.guilty to thje sof timpeacEmentlnat certaih- fun era! - feasts- would plifease u$, if the selection' Of the. corpse fo eaci entertainment was lefttti our unerring judgment. . : "'! A quotation at the head pf .aJeJLtejr shoutdTOCctipy pretty much the same position that a text- holds to sermon, but a tramp being a gregarious kind of animal, his ideas are like himself, er ratic, and inclined to waoder.like the razor-backed Rozlnante, whenvturned loose to graze by the knight of the sor rowful countenance. . - . ' We mark this day with a white BtQne in the .secret bridal chamber of our neart, as forming a decided epoch in our life, that we have Been for the first time the ancient halls xof "Rural. HilV' thte old-fashioned parent iiest of the David sou family. Amidst the green gleam of dewy tasseled trees and so "by tilth arid grange and blowing bosks of wilder ness" until the path became so difficult to find that Pharoah's journey in pur suit of Moses seemed, by comparison, an easy, task, we reach the' residence of John Springs Davidson, the worthy scion of a noble race, on whom the mantle of remote ancestors has so gracefully fallen, since the founder pf the family (King David) went to slejsp to the music of his own Psalms in Is rael many thousand years ago. It is not even now, after tbe lapse of so many ages, so very difficult a task, to recognize the lineaments of a Royal Race in the descendants of David in Mecklenburg county. We see thetn in the flowing beard and; patriarchal presence of the venerable head of the house at Charlot'e; in the heroic features of the sage of Wave land, and not less, prominent in the jolly, genial "chip of the old block," Le Roy (King) David's son, the aesthetic grocer, who to the intense chagrin of "Afric's sunny strand," and the great delight and profit of Charlotte apothe caries, corners the glorious anniversary ot American independence with cone and watermelons by the car load. It tne dust ot Ca33ar might fill a bunghole, and Hamlet relate "how a man can fish with the worm tbat hath eat, of a King, and-eat of the fish that hath fed of the worm, to Bhow how a King may pass through the guts of a beggar, it is nevertheless: difficult to conceive tee seed or David in tne wholesale grocery line. If the immortal shades or ancient Kings and spirits of the illustrious dead, are permitted to looklown upon their sufieriner sons, well may iney ex claim, How have the mighty .fallen I when one- like "Maecenas descended from Roval ancestors." cih be seen daily on Trade street, Charlotte, ? job bing peanuts. But Republican institutions are so intensely Democratic, that we think if England s Queen and India s impress, should ever emigrate to this country and-ownacow, she would in time be offering milk for sale at eight cents a quart, without a license, "tficj transit Gloria mundi. ' ' it . was a aengntrui j une morning when we came to Rural Hill, and as we abDroached the' hospitable mansion. Lwhere . everv stranger fiads a readv chair. " we.saw tne grace tm iorms or lovely women, and hapby children at all times to us, a welcome sight, for as the Vicar of Wakefield hath it, UI was always of the opinion that he who mar ried early and broaght ud a large family 01 cuiiurpui 4iuvumure Kuu uu suiyeijr e , 1 j J : J J than he who remained single and mere lv talked of DduTatidn." Since frorJ,ty$ Olympian heights of Biddietown, wa saw the cloud-capped towers of Charlotte receding in the dis tance, we never met more coruiai wei' : There was music in the sweet voice that said But Artso U this, whose Godlike grace. irrociauns he comes oi noDie race, Aiid who ls-thls,' whose manly fece, Beartf sdrroW's toterestlng trsce," to wh 'e replied: "I amkiirnkftn-hearted troubadour. Wbofik mind's assthetlc. and whose tastes are 'Hbw' many1 shadows down the "rlng in? grooves of time." troop from the dim vista of the past; what memories hyer around "and linger in ths atmos phere ot an old house, a . house : whose windows' may have rattled at the can nonade at Cowans lord Whose in mates heard the tread of hostile feet, a hundred years-ago which still stands, and time and power defies, "as rocks resist the billows and the sky." In spite of frequent resolutions not . , 1 3 4 u - v.,-; to moraiiz1, as oeiug ueyuuu iu. busi ness of a Trarab. we could not avoid some sace reflections on the vanity of life and human aspirations, "how all do build too low. who build beneath tli skies" in this beautiful valley of the Catawba, which literally (Canaan like) flows, with milk and honey, "where all the saints can worship as they wish. and catch abundance of the finest fish " ' : . - - : ! We regret to say that distance lends enchantment to the view, of at least this part of ' the Catawba river. We find it. a ddil.mnddy affair, ' of a blood red color, suggesting the . plague de scribed in Exodus, when the Egyptian could not drink of the water of the nv eTi and there was blood throughout all the land; or .tsgypv r ' Veiling-Our many charms as much as possible under the shade of some and. like another Leander. essayed to navigate the stream, but there: was . Jio dusky siren of a Hero on the other shorfe td sing Come love,' won't you Am'innni vifh ma." and art with slicfht indications of recurnngi cramps. superinduced by a free lunch; on thel r-i - a TcrAtM4i wrtl4 wia r .- treated tatneprivapyrior ww snaae, whete our limited 'Wardrobe hung su rwandfid from the trees, like the harps . -. ; . i, m i Va of tbft children .of Israel when they ' lat; Howti by ttfewatera t Babylon and k m . l . tf i ? v. r u Ya.ias t on uae aauy ot , aviuu w io u- CHvonr shoes. which hadr carried... us many a weary mile, were ruinjed; by4the . j watery element,1 and ire found onrself : in scarcely a stained glass t attitude like Ariadne weeping on a foreign shore. ... t)h ! friendly shade of - the venerable Paul McKane, thou son of Crispin and tbe "land o' cases, to whom when we were last in Charlotte, over a bottle of Apollinaris water, (with a -stick in it) we said, "I would to God thou and 1 knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought" whv Mm yon not to our relief with another pair ' 1 t . t . . : snoes auu uang niem up as you did the last. . There was no town of any size nearer than Pinch Gut, at which we could buy Bhoes, and the sage of that city (Jim McDonald) had already an old score against us, for like Prince Hal in King Henry the Fourth, there are times: when we do remember the poor crea-! ture small beer." I Let us draw a veil over this portion of a famous tramp. Our host at Rural mil was at home when we xeturned In the evening, and shook hands with me in a doleful, sym- patmzmg son 01 manner, as is custom ary at a funeral. we were urea, iootsore and weary. Although a pedestrian excursion has its charms, it has - its disadvantages also. 'Tistrue we have no steed to feed! and are not embarrassed with a super fluity of baggage, porters don't shout the names of Goode's, Johnson's and other first-class hotels at us, nor ex pressmen offer to check our trunks, but at this moment we can heartily endorse the exclamation of King Richard the Third, "A .horse, a horse ! My kingdom ror a norse r If the genial, pale-faced (thin as a lath) John Wesley Wadsworth, who keeps the best livery stable we have !ever seen in numerous pilgrimages. iiuiu Kspo u jxor.n Carolina, ana 10 wuom we owe a Dili (wmca ne is top too persistent in collecting) could havB been on Rpsworth field, doubtless he could have gratified the monarch who was "not shaped for sportive tricks,' "nor made to court an amorous looking glass" with many a gallant steed. j Rut with full concurrence in the sen timent of Sahcho Panza, "Blest is the man who first invented sleep, it wraps a man all over like a wet blanket," we must pause, and say good night. A TRAMP. The Late General skobeleff. Michael Dimitrievitch Skobeleff. whose death at Moscow, from heart dis ease, tg announced by cable, was born about the year 1844. He is first heard of at the university, where he took such a prominent part! in pertain disturban ces tbat his attendance there was sum marily dispensed with, but not before the young fallow bad acquired several languages and an insatiable fondness for reading. After his dismissal from the university he was (in 1863) sent with a regiment to assist in suppressing the Polish insurrection. He soon tirtd of the idle and luxurious life which en sued upon tbe return of his regiment to. St. Petersburg, and addicting himself to study, he, at the age of twenty-four, obtained a captain's commission, and was sent on to the Caucasus to take part for several years in a guerilla warfare then prevailing in that region. His upward career, however, cannot be properly said to have begun until 1873, when be was trahsferred to Turk estan, and as lieutenant-colonel took part in the famous expedition to Khiva. His gallantry here gained him his pro motion to a colonelcy, in" 1875 he gain ed hla majoreneralship in the first ex pedition against Js.hokand, and in the following year, at tbe bead of 4,000 men. conquered that province. He was made Uovernor or the newly-acquired terri tory, which embraces about 30,000 square miles. His fame hrst became world-wide in the Bulgarian campaign, of which he is the legendary hero. His custom of wearing white, as if to court the bullets of his enemies, his reckless personal bravery, and the strange custom ot his of always "going into battle in his cleanest unitorm and fresh underclothing covered with per fume, and wearing a diamond-hilted sword, in order that, as he said, he might die with his best clothes, on," gained him the reputation of a wild dare-devil. which somewhat obscured his real ca pacity as a general. In reality they only showed how thoroughly he had divined that sectet of power which lies in iascinating the imagination as wpn as of appealing to the reason of men. A detailed account of his exploits in the Bulgarian campaign would neces sarily embrace a complete narrative of the Kusso-Turi-isn war. ne was tne first to cross the Danube at Simitza. In one of the engagements before Plevna, the safety of the Russian r6trfeat was due to him. His capture of Lovatz was the first Russian victory after a : long series of reverses, and again, before Plevna, he led forlorn hopes as jgayly and as confidently as though defeat was impossible. These services won him the rank of lieutenant-general in Sep tember, 1877. He was then placed in command of a diVision around the Turkish stronghold of Plevna. In the fierce struggles which ended m tbe sur render of that place in December, Gen. Skobeleff continued to take a promi nent part. About the middle of No vember he was twice wounded, put not seriously, and up to that time seven horses had been shot to death-while he was on their backs, without his receiv ing a scratch. After the fall pf Plevna he took part in the capture of the Ship ka Pass, and then started in pursuit of Suleiman Pasha and the retreating Turks, and after the active campaign was over directed the movements , of a large portion or tne ; nussian army in its gradual withdrawal from Turkish territory. He was sent in 1880 to command tne expedition against the Tekke lurko mans in Central Asia, wnicn resulted. in the capture of the stronghold Geok Tepe. He achieved this success with a force of 10,000 men pitted agaipst 40.CO0 Asiatics, with a loss or Put 937 men Geok Tepe was invested early in Janu ary, 1881, and succumbed on the 24th, after a desperate sortie made by 30,000 Turkomans on the 11th. His reward was the decoration of the Order of Sf, George. Gen. Skobeleff wada Russian of tbe Russians. His utterances in this sense in February lust at Paris; before some Servian students created, it will be remembered, a great sensation by their frank announcement of. the anu pathy of the nationalists to" the Ger mans. Gen. Skobeleff was bnlv thirtv- nine years old at the time of his death. and looked fairly ten years younger, There was nothing in his aspect which betokened the warrior inured tci; hard- shi ps. Not y et-did he give the im pres sion of a carpet knight, although he was the best valeted man in .Europe. Tbe First Bloom. Petersburg, Va., July 10. The first bloom of thisr year s Virginia cotton crop was received this morning from the farm of Reuben Raglahd, Chester- held county, near this city. The cotton crop in this State is about a month late, Stands are bad and irregular. .Where the French Fleet Sails. Paris, July 10. It is announced semi-officially that tbe French fleet will go to Port Said, in accordance with an understanding with Admiral Seymour. j , - ThPilo Arrested. Mingo Junction. 0 July iOT-War rants were Issued Saturday jnight for the arrest of the pilots of toe Scioto f and John iomas. 1 To worry about am Liver. Kidney tor Urinary Troobte, especially BrightVDIseasa Or Dlabecea, as nop miters never mw ot ur wnere a cure lspossioie. -we anowuuo. i- -a Better than tao SaHe.o KlngSf . To brloc health and happiness to the homes ot suffering women is a mission before wbtoh royal fave slBkjtmotnstgitfi-ance. Whatearthlieft tactien cm tommn with one which protects from Thatxilie. disease whose rathlees power wtt&eiB tauty, transient flower ?" whldh gives ease ictmuv Joy for -sorrww, smflM for team the roses of health for thSjanofjQt. dis ease, the light, elastic step for CraegLu weulsess, jfijghts of soft repose for heavy hours of tossing reoUessnftss. bounding vigor fQr'lapgulahlng dull ness, the swelling lines of Ml grown bauti for Um kharp and wittered form of emaciation, s long life of rnenutf, physical, social and domestic en joyments for a lew sad days ot pain and gloom, ending la an early grave? Such Is the mission, such are tbe rsults of Dr J. Bndfleld's Female Regulator, which Is hence truly and appropriately stj led "Woman's Best Friend' v "Whites," and all those Irregularities of the womb so destructive tothe health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic before a single bottle of this wonderful compound. Phvst ctans prescribe 1t Prepared by Dr 1. Bradfleld, Atlanta, Ga, rtce: trial size, 75c; large size, SI. 5a For sale by all drugglsts. Write to Mrs. Ljdla X. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladlej fared of female weakness by taking her Vegetable Compound. . September 14th, 1880. Hop Bitters Co., Toronto: I have been sick for the past six years, suffering from dyspepsia and general weakness. 1 have oaed-Utree bottles of Hop Bitters, and they have done wondprs for me. I.am weU and able to work and eat and sleep well. I cannot say too much forJlomttOTs From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. . A !LADY SAID "Those Horrid Pimples T No, I Can not Go. rieue Present my Excuses." Probably two thirds of the ladies In society and homes of pur land are afflicted with skin diseases of various kinds, to do away with whioh, If It could be done without injury, would be the happiest event of their lives. Then she would have instead of a dl8 figured and marred countenance, one that would be handsome, or at least good-looking, for any one with a clear, pure skin, no matter what the eut of her features are, has a certain amount of good looks which attract everybody. As It Is joow, she Imagines every one sees and talks about pthose freckles," "those horrid pimples," and other blemishes with which she Is afflicted, and this Is true of either sex. Tolmpiove this appearance great risks are ta ken; arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles containing these death-dealing drugs, are taken in hopes of getting rid of all these troubles In many cases, death is the result. No alleviation of the burning, heating, itching and lnflammaUon is given. Airtrpubled with Eczema (salt rheum), Tetters, Humors. Inflammation, Rough Scaly Eruptions of any kind. Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Tepder Itch lngs on any part of the body, should known that there is hope for them in a sure, perfect and ele gant remedy, known as "Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and Is the best toflet dressing In tbe world. It Is elegant); put up. two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment Cur readers should be sure to get this and not some old remedy resusct tated on the success of Dr. Benson s and now ad vertised as "The Great Skin Cure." There is only one it bears the Doctor's picture and is for sale by all druggists. 8 1 per package. A SENSATION HAS OFTEN BEEN MADE by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever st ood the test like Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills. They really do cure sick headache, nervous hesdaehe, neuralgia, nervousness, sleeplessness, indigestion, paralysis, and melancholy. , Price, 50 cents a box, two boxes for SI. six box es for $2.50, by mall, postage Tree. to. 0. W. Benson, Baltimore, Aid. (-old by ail druggists. c. t. crlttenton. new xora. is Wholesale Agent for Dr. C W. Benson's Remedies, lull LYP1A E. PINKHAM'S VE5ETAELE COMPOUND. A Sure Core for all FKMALE WEAK NESSES, Inclndlne Liencorrhceo, Ir- retralar and Painful Menstrtkatlon, Inflammation and Ulceration of kite Womb, Flooding, PKO ;IAPSUS UTE1U,' &c. rr-Flamt to the tasta, efficacious and Immediate in Its effect. K is a great help in pregnancy, and re lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. nmiciure vss rt ash prkscehsi it feeixy. ryFoE ill. WiiUCinBMas, of the g-eneratire organs pf either ser,: if is second to no remedy that has ever been before the public) and for all diseases of the KiDNBTi it is the Grtotctt Remedy tn the World. 3?" KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relief In Its Use. XiTDlA E. PEfKIIAM'S BLOOD PtTRITIEK vill eradicate eTery vestige of Humors from the Blood, at tbe same tune wiU gtre tone and strength to the system. AjmarTeUous in results as the Compound. tyBoth the CompoOnd and Blood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue,: Lynn, Mara. Price of either, $1. Six bottles for $5. The Compound is sent by maU in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Krs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose 3 cent stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention tM Paper. rjirLmiA E.'Pdjehaji's Lmat Pixxs cure ronstlpa tlon, BiUoasaeaB and Torpidity of the Liver, 5 cent. 49-Sold by" all Druggists.- (3) DBET & ESTEY, ROSED ALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webter, Decker Bro's, HAlNEd and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK PIANOS, It is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SELL THKM AT FACTORY PRICES.: Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I ask is a trial and this ean cost you nothing, while It maybe the-mann v sav'ng yoa a great deal in an instrument" Organs always in stock either to sell or rent. . 0 -Ji: call on or address Lock Box 274,,.4NO. & JCDDINS, Charlotte, N. C. t,iaay23 iSWOMAN CAnPhEALTH OF WONtW, yAsYMPATH12E WITrpS THE HOPE Orf PELO i We have Just closed out from tha manufacturers 7,000 yards of lawns in iaodsome IPaiteros, 80 Inches wide, at 614c and 7c per yard; spec al price s made lece lots. 100 HOOP SKIRTS at 35 Cents, sold Everywhere at 50 Cents. ENGLISH AND MACK AN AW STRAW BATS AT COST. Our Colored and Blaok Bllk Mitts, at reduced prices. Now is the Ume to get bargains In every line ot Goods. Another stock of Ladles' Linen Ulsters very cheap. PROMPT ATTENTION EEABG-RAVIUS SMITH BUILDING. Jul7 MUSIC HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, IM. C. 33iTL3ro: Esq 6r ' &ca CQ jsijll :ri-gMffHMUStCHDUSiapfe j 1 t ' ' ' ' ' ' r Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and South Caro lna are Intending to purch se PIANOS and OBGANS in the Fall, when cotton comes in. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and make the "HARVEST HOME" still more joyful. I-Sii DB Under our Mid-8ummer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEP TEMBER, 1882, PIAN08 a"nd ORGANS, of every make, style and price, at our very lowest cash rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, On ORGANS $10 Cash, WITHOUT INTEREST OB IF BtLANCE CAN'T Longer time will be given, with a reasonable increase of price. All Instruments of every grade and price Included in this sale. Tell your musical friends of it Write us for Catalogues. Price Lists and Circulars. Tbls sale closes October 1st 188a- tfx (H) years guarantee. Htool and Instructor Test them in your own homes. Address jLVXOCaixx-Lixxx. jmlxubxo xi.oubo t PEOF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner and Repairer. All work guaranteed, eend orders to this house. B I G S A LE OF FRESH TOMATOES, AUGUSTA water MELONS, it AT PERRY'S AT jun -ropolitan FOR JULY, WITH PAT TERNS' JUST RECEIVED. TIDDY & BROTHER. Canteloupes Peaches Shee He GIVEN TO ORDERS. & WILHEjLM of xiTrx33E;za jbatbs. er Specia Balance November 1st, 1882. Balance November 1st, 1882. AH? ADVAHCE IH PRICE. BE PAID IN THE FALL, Jtariy purcnase secures ca?n prices bhu easy terms. witn every organ. reigni paia oom ways 11 no saie. . h ttcsjaiTu. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A new supply of goods, Including CROCKERY, PICTURE FRAMES HOSIERY, LACES, EDGINGS, LINEN COLLAR HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac, Ac. Also FRUIT JARS, quarts and 12 gallons. C. M. ETHEREDGE Variety Store, under Traders' Nat. Bank. un25 IK GREENSBORO, N. C. THIS prosperous Institution has been place upon a permanent basis, and offers all the advantages of a first-class Female College. The fall session of 1882 will begin on the 23rd of August Charges per session of 20 weeks 1 Board, (exclusive of light and washing.) and En glish Tuition, S75. Extra studies moderate. Ap ply for catalogue to T. M. JOHK3, Jul8 lm President. WANTED. A WASHINGTON Hand Press and material lof a7-columnnew.paper. junl4 tf 8helby, N. C. NOTICE. KnRin fiiRnr.rNA Ri.nRn.v Company Secretary ana Treasurers uuiwj, ce,- 882.) Company Shops, N. C June 20th, 1882, TBE Thirty third annual meeting ot the stock holders of thU company will be held In Raleigh onThursday, July 1 8th, 1882. Stockholders desiring to attend can get tickets foremselves and tie immediate members 1 of their families (WIFE and CHiLDBSN-LlVINtt UNDER TJDUB ROOF) by TJFlf tli& will 18 July ". ' Secretary. Greensboro Female Colle 1 1 1 J

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