4"; -i t ' ii 'J . - VI C '-.if a Jt Jt ma lliltg ntx. VOL. XXVUl. ,J1' ' . 1 ' "' -"' " i rn n il 4 m' BARGAINS CAN BE HAD IN s p la -AT- un29 TTTiJP J O J 6i CENTS raw Pepm &,Co s RECEIVED! YARDS . i - , , : CHARLOTTE, N. C, AVEDNESDAY JULY 12, 1882. NO. 4,1 13. TO DAY :o: :o: it Redaction in Many WE ma.ke jjreai Un.. off Good., nd "de ' make an Examination off OUR BAB AIKS cffore Pnrclia.lnar El.ewnere. - f. Time to Bar EitNEN and SCOTCH and Summer Now L,AW, AMEKICA1V IXGHAn$. Spring PRESS GOODS. . . ... Both' STRAW Jft LiUI VB. llaWM' a- HATS a( FlMt Cot. - A Remnant Stock off CANE MAT TING very Cheap MOS- Have Jniit Received a lot off ATivn CANOPIES and MOSQUITO NETTING by tbe Piece. We are Offering; Great Bargain, and Von anonld not be slow to avail VonneU of Tbem. T. JL. rEIGLE & CO. lu'2 - Btcdtcal. Summer UNDER FIRE. NEWS NOTES. 1 ADMIHAL SEYMOUR TURNS GUNS ON THE ALEXANUKIA FORTS AND OPENS THEBALL. Complaints At this eeason, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many livet are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perky Davis' Pain Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and i3 perfectly safe. Eead the following : Batnbbidgts, N. T., March 22, 1881. PlBBT Davis' Pain Killeb nevrr fails to afford instant relief for cramp and pain in the stomach. Joseph Burditt. NICHOLVTLI.K, N. Y.. Feb. 2, 188L The very letl medicine I know of tor dysentery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have used it tor yews, and it is rure cure every tame. JULIUS VY . J-' EE. MomooHA, Iowa. March 13, 188L I have used your Pais Killeb in severe cases of cramp, colicand cholera morbusnd it gave almost instant rehet LB. Calbwill. CAKTrEsviLLE, Ga., Feb. 28, 1881. For twenty years I have used your Pats Killib In my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it altcay curet. Would not feel sala without a bottle in the house. J.B.Ivm Baco, Me., Jan. 23, 188L Baro used Perky Davis' Pain Killer for twelve years. It la tafe. ture, and reliable. Ko mother should allow Jt to be out of the f amUy. x Onetda, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1881. We bewa Tisinsr it over thirty years , ago, ana w always (rives immediate relief, yyouia naruiy ua to bo to bed without a bottj in thosplni8T Conwatbobo, 8. fX. Feb. 22, 188L Nearly every family in this section keeps a bottle In the house. Dft- E. Mobton. V. 8. Consulate, Cketeld, Rhenish Prussia. Feb. 8, 1881. ' I have known Pebby Davis' Pain Killeb almost from tha day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household aa aa itulitpemableneciuity. X 8. Potter, U. S. Consul Bubton-on-Tbent, Eno. I had been several days suffering severely from -a.. I,,,.. axtmnnaniaH With Illtj'TlK' Taln. WlieD 1 XrfA vonr Pain Killeb. and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noone. 01 n,Trt-fcTTnrnr Rt .TnNrflSN. Eng. During a residenceof twenty-three years in India, I have givn it in many cases of diarrhoBa, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give lehef. . R. Clabidoe. No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. PEKEY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. L sept t5. tw sept & ocL ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, i ,OK more than half a century has gro wn steadl P It in reoute as a medicinal agent In a wide -r ' ..Vi,,ri riiuiu Multitudes of women "SKttiamed efficacy In the . witot cure of those allmeTpecullar to their sex. DYSPKP3I4 In lta varied and most distressing forms Is cured. CHRONIC, BRONCHITIS, 8CE0FULA, -CHBONIC DIAEBHOEA AND DYS1CNTEBY, yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result. Bottled la Ujj natural state, direct rromtte Springs, which ar beautifully located to Boek bridge, county, .. "T'nZ'T ;V,h The Forte Ketora taej. rire some m them Blown Up The Snez Canal Managers Displeased with the British Consul's OrdeTS- Prohibiting Vessel from Entering the Canal. London, July 11 A correspondent of lleuter's Telegram company, on board the PitWrn, telegrapns . as ioi- A t.rxaitdbia. J oir 117 a m. xne bombardment -baa comifieaced; A nnrreaDOnaent m las fepanaara, on board J,he Invincibly telegraphs as f ol- AlexanDkia, July 11 5:40. a m. The Saltan and iSnperbnave opened fire upon the fortifications; - The batteries at once replied, but- their shots at first fell 8h6'rttbTulpi Test ol the fleet then Joined in and , the action be came genex&lf Alter- twenty minutes cannonade" two of the. forts ceased firing. The ships, as far as can. be per ceived, have not suffered any damage, Pakis, July 1L The Torkish Minis ter has officially fofojrmerfJTTDe frey cient that-Turkey will riot Send troops to lEgypt IjPNDON,. July 11 The Standard's correspondent on the Invincible- tele graphs the following J - i "Alexandbi A, J uly 119.10 a, m.r The attack on the forts has now beeh kept up two hours. Smoke, hangs over the city along the line of the shore bat teries and among the Bhipsvand it is difficult to see -what damage .'has been done. It is certain, however, inac tne enemy has suffered .very heavily. Port MarsaElKanot has been, blown up. The fort am slackening their fire,. The top of the tower of Fort Pharos has been carried- away, and many guns dismounted on that and other forts. The flag of the 0eneya red cross is fly-' ing over the hospital in the .city. -The Dutch arid Greek flags arehoisted over their respective consulates. At the beginning of the bombard ment immense excitement was visible. Crowds 6f people were seen wending their way toward the palace. The streets are now deserted, the people having fled or taken refuge in cellars. There are no signs of surrender so far. A telegram from the Eastern Tele graph Company's steamer Chilton, sent at 11:15 this a. m., says the bombard ment still continues. The.fortsare all gradually being silenced. Kas El Tin forts are sufferine severely . from the heavy and disastrous fire of the ships Alexandria, Superb and Temerarail. London, July 11. A dispatch to Lloyds from Port Said states that the British consul there, by order of Admi ral Seymour, has stopped ships from entering the Suez canal. Admiral Sey mour telegraphs as follows The ships opened fire at 7 o'clock this morning. The return fire from the forts was weak and ineffective. An explosion in Fort Marsa El Kanot had occurred by 8 o'clock. The ships engaged are the Tnflpvihlp. Temeraraie. Penelope, Su perb, Sultan, Invincible, Alexandra and Monarch. London, July 11. 11 a. m. A dis batch just received from Alexandria says that the Magazine at Fort Ada has bepn blown up. Paris, July 11. The agent of the Suez canal telegraphs M. De Lesseps that he had written to the Naval Com manders protesting against the action of the British consul at Port Said in preventing vessels entering the canal as a violation of its neutrality, and declaring that the company will hold the British government responsible. The whole staff of the canal remain at their posts. London. July 11 Private telegrams from Port Said fetate that the French consul has ordered the embarkation of French subjects. The occupation of Port Said is expected to take place to day. 3:30 p.m. An Alexandria dispatch to the Central News says the fire of the fifipt. rnmmands the railway to Cairo. Up to noon four forts in all were blown up. .No casualties to tne neet are uia cernible. Alexandria, July 11.-6:50 p m. The action is finished for the day. The casualties on the English side amount to 40 wounded and none killed. An Important Decision. JudgeWfcllford, in the Circuit court at Richmond, Va., Saturday, rendered a decision against the State in the case of Mr. Bobert P. Porter has been elected secretary of the tariff commission. The official returns from the recent Iowa election show the constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of li quor was carried by 29,438. Two hundred and fifty-three outrages were committed in Ireland during the month of June, of which five were murders. The wheat crop of Southern Indiana turns out wonderfully, and is one of the largest the country was ever blessed with. The district attorney of New York city is striking directly at the root of the evil in securing indictments against property owners who rent their houses to disorderly persons. In Philadelphia, Saturday evening, Wilhelm Kramer, a saloon keeper, stabbed and killed his step-son, Herman Berto, aged 18, whom he had assaulted TOith a hlaek-iack. The quarrel grew out of the fact that the boy was unable to pay his full board for the week. Secretary Chandler has sent a dis patch to Engineer Melvflle, at Irkutsk, giving him permission to return home with his party, whieh includes Ninder- man and Noros. Near Piedras Negras, Mexico, Friday, a fight occurred between eighteencon trabands and forty soldiers, acting un der orders of the custom house. Several of the smugglers were killed and a number captured. Near Warrenton, Va., on Saturday afternoon, Meredith Robinsonmanager for James Gates, while loading a wagon with old iron, threw a piece on a jacket in the wagon. It struck a pistol in the pocket of the jacket, exploding it, the ball entering Robinson's stomach, kill ing him almost instantly. Gen. Skobeleff 's death was caused by rupture of the, vessels of the heart. It is thought his death was occasioned by a contusion received in the battle of Plevna. Only a week ago he rode 70 versts in a little oyer one night. He spent the greater part of Thursday at the Moscow exhibition. The effect of the Egyptian situation is distinctly felt in the markets for East India merchandise at Boston. The fear that the Snez canal may be dam aged has imparted a firmer feeling m shellac, cutchetc; while gum arabic, which is an Egyptian product, has ad vanced from 6 to 8 cents per pound. An official order has been received at Philadelphia from the Postoffice De partment at' Washington, that Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" shall pass unmolested through the mails. The postmaster at Boston had sup pressed it and applied to thepastmas-ter-General to confirm his action.which is now disapproved and reversed. WOMAN. Better thu tlte Smile of Kingr. To bring hemtth and happiness to the homes of suffering women is a mission before which royal favor sinks la to meignncauce. What earthly bene faction can compare with one which protects from "That dire disease whose ruthless power withers beauty's transient flower?1' hlch gives ease for pain, Joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rotes of health for the paltor of dis ease, the light elastic step for dra?gln weariness, nights of soft repose tor heavy hours of tossing restlessness, bounding vigor for largulshlng dull ness, the swelling Unes of full grown beauty for tbe sharp and withered form or emaciation, along life of mental, pnyslcal, social and domestic en joyments for a few sad days of pain and gloom, ending in an earl; grave? Such ts the mission, such aw tbe results of Dr J. Bradfield's Female Regulator, which is hence truly and appropriately styled "Woman's Best Friend." "Whites," and all those Irregularities of the womb so destructive to tbe health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic before a siDgie bottle of this wonderful compouna. .futsi- clans prescribe U Prepared by Dr. J. Bradneld, Atlanta, Ga, Price: trial size, oc; large size, $1.50. For sale by all druggists. When heart aDd brain lnrguisb and the majesty of perfect human nature Is conquered by a fickle temper nd tendency to sorrow, the nerves are faulty. Give sympa'hy to the sufferer and teach him the virtues Of Dr. Beuson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills. Great Demand for neatly' Organs. Beatty's Beethoven Orean is meeting with won deiful sale Nearly two thousand were manu factured and shipied durlrg last month from his factory at Washington. Ne Jersey. A special ten day offer Is made to pur readers In another column. Write to Mrs. Lydla I. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladles cured of female weakness by taking her Vegetable Compound. September 14th, 1880. Hop Blttera Co., Toronto: I have been sick for the past six years, suffering from dyspepsia and general weakness. 1 have used three bottles of Hop Bitters, and they have done wonders for me. I am well and able to work and eat and sleep weU. I cannot say ton much for Hop Bitters. SIMON BOBBINS. Hero &fltyetiseraetits. From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. A 'LADY SAID "Those Horrid Pimples! No, I Can not GQ. Please Present My Excuses." Probably two thirds of the ladle3 In society and homes of our land are afflicted with skin diseases of various kinds, to do away with which, if it could be done without injury, would be the happiest event of their lives. Then she would have Instead of a disfigured and marred countenance, one that Would be handsome, or at least good-looking, for any one with a clear, pure skin, no matter what the cut of her features are, has a certain amount of good looks which attract everybody. As It is now, she Imagines every one sees and talks about "those freckles," "those horrid pimples," and other blemishes with which she is afflicted, and this Is true of either sex. Tolmpiove this appearance great risks are ta ken; arsenic, mercury, or high sound titled named articles containing these death-dealing drugs, are taken in hopes of gettlrjg rid of all these troubles In many cases, death Is the result. No alleviation of the burning, heating, itching and Inflammation Is given. All troubled with Eczema (salt rheum), Tetters, Humors, Inflammation, Bough Scaly Eruptions of any kind. Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Tender Itch lngs on any part of the body, should known that there Is hope for them In a sure, perfect and ele gant remedy, known as "Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and Is the best toilet dressing in the world. It Is elegantly put up. two bottles In one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. Cur readers should be sure to get this and not sorne old remedy resuscl tated on the success of Dr. Benson s and now ad vertised as "The Great Skin Cure." There Is only one It bears the Doctor's picture and Is for sale by all druggists. $ I per package. DRIVE of tie SEASON ! We have Just closed out from tin manufacturers 7.000 yards of Lawns in landsomc Patterns, 30 inches wide, at 614c and 7o per jard; sree al prices made lece lots. 100 EOOP SKIRTS at 35 Cents, soli Everywhere at 50 Cents. ENGLISH AND MiCKtM VW STRAW 11 ITS AT COST. Our Colored and Black SUk Mitts, at reduced prices. Now Is the time to get bargains In every line of Goods. Another stock of Ladles' Linen Ulsters very cheap. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO 0RDEB9. HAEGEAVES & WILHEI4 SMITH BUILDING. Jul7 MUSIC HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. urtA-isrcii or XjTTiDXDEisr eta dateb. 00 E3 The Publio is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. -CAPITAL PBIXf, 5,000.- Tickets only $5. Snares In Proponlon A SENSATION HAS OFTEN BEEN MADE by the discovery of some new thing, but uothing has ever stood the test like Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills. They really do cure sick headache, rervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, sleeplessness, Indigestion, psralysls, and melancholy. Price, 50 cents a box, two boxes for $1, six box es for 82.BO. by mall, postace free. Dr. C. W. Bensor, Baltimore, Md. sold by ail druggists. C N. t rlttenton, New York, Is Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Kemedles. lull of visitors from June T7 nhninaaia arui retail. DV Dr J, ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte. N. C. mar!2 17 each H. Mo- WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. aannr. va. the State or Virginia, in which Gannt asked an injunction to restrain the misappropriation of the proceeds ($500,000) of the sale of the State's interest in the Atlantic, Missis sippi and Ohio Railroad. Gannt in his bill alleged that he was the owner of certain State bonds issued under the funding bill of 1871 and under the amended act of February 7, 1872, and maintained that a part of tbe contract under which tbe bonds were Issued was that whatever means were realized from the sale of the State's interest in railways and works of internal im provement were especially appropriated ?a t Tia rprtflmntion of the bonds issued under said act, and that the pledge so made "was a material inducement to holders of the bonds issued by the State of Virginia under acts prior to the said act of March 30,; 1871, to accept the terms and provisions uieieui. xuo bill then went on to recite the sale of the State's interest in the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Road for $500,000, and the two acts or absbujui y w. mutu 6.1882, and of April 21, 1882, under taking to dispose "of the $500,000 by appropriating $100,000 for the establish ment of a normal and collegiate insti tute (colored) and the remainder to the Dublic free schools, under the plea that it was a return to iu.au iuuu ui luuucja diverted from it. Judge Wellford in his decision sustains the position of the complainant, and decides that the ap propriation of the $500,000 sought to be made by the General Assembly of Vir ginia cannot be legally made because the acts mentioned impair the obliga tion of the contract created with the creditors of Virginia by the act of March 30, 1871. In accordance with this decision Judge weurora nieua ue cree enjoining and restraining the board of education from taking or interfering with any part of the money, and order 5t, t.vi treasnrflr of the State to take Lightest Running and Best Sewing Machine in the possession of it and pay it over to the COmmissiuiici.ji ui uuo "minus ho annlied as provided in the act of Msh ao. 1871. It is understood Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund-of f)50.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. its uuand oijnuijs Huuiuut urawings will take place monthly. - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE EIGHTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS H, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8tb, 1882, 147tb Monthly Drawing:. Look at the Following Scheme, under the ex clusive supervision and management of GKN. G. T. BEAUBEWABD. of Louisiana, and Gen.JUBAL a. KARLV. of Virerinla. who manace all the draw ings of this Company, both ordinary and srmt. annual, and attest the correctness ot the publish ed Official Lists. CAPITA Li PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars F.acb. Fractions, in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: $vvMAN CAfXPriEALTH OF OsYMPATHIZEWTs THE HOPE 0f gll Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and South Carolina are intending to purch so PIANOS and OBGANS In the Fall, when cotton comes in. WHY WAll the long, hot SUMMEB MONTHS with Music and make the "HARVEST Buy at once, and enllveu nOME" still more Joyful. f Mid-Summer Specia Offer : Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEP TEMBER, 1882, PIANOS and ORGANS, of every make, style and price, at our very lowest cash rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 8 75,000 1 ... 25,000 1 " 10,000 2 PRIZES of 86,000 12,000 5 " 2,000 10,000 10 " 1,000 10,000 20 " 500 10,000 100 " 200 20,000 800 " 100 30,000 500 " 50 25 000 1000 " 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation PtIzbs Qf $750 86,750 9 Approximation Prizes of : 500 4.500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting to 9265,500 ADniicatlon for rates to clubs should only be made to lhe office of the company In New Orleans. For further Information write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by Express, fipglstered Let ter or Money Order, addressed only to M. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington. D. C. N. B.- Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. Julll World. Try It before buying any ouier. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Terms and Price List , Wheeler &c WiUon ITIanufaclur'tf Co. RICHMOND, VA. may 11 Cleaveland Mineral Springs, OPEMED MAY 15th, 1882. THESE Springs are two miles from Shelby. 54 miles West of Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the Catolin Central Railway running from Char lotte to Shelby. Backs will be at the Springs' Station on arrival of every train. " COLD AND WARM BATHS. While and Bed Sulphur and Chaljbeate Waters a Bowlin Alley in good otder. A good staring band WW tot the season. Livery accommoda tions attached to the hotel. ... S5! further partlcnla gfj, rnWIsrflifl fmif Proprietor. the attorney-general will appeal. The TarifF Commission. Wash. Cor Baltimore Sun. The" expressions of members of the tariff commission so far confirm very f niiv the views of those who have held all along that the scheme of organizing a tariff commission was merely for tbe Durpose of holding on as long as possi- rr r v,:u ...-.( at io tariff bla to me present ing" yiuwcvu.w rvu mart of Mr. Hayes, the chair msn of the commission, indicate quite Dlainly that the only result to be expect ed from the labors of the commission will be a tinkering with the tariff with the interests of the protectionists kept steadily in view, and .not t revision which will m any bbdsbusuwu .uo dens laid upon the people by the pres ent tariff. tla -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF j THE- Rev. Henry Giles Dead. V fcinrftDreserlption of on.-Th M ; ! liOSTO w ilulj is dead; aged 76. lL-JJew Henry Giles m-jr. a - n l ;0,,. . to worry about any Liver. SMney TrOTbieei ipeSally Bright's Disease or Diabetes, iBUterrSjs ota core where ;a mm In the eity of Louisville, on MONDAY, JULY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on Maroh 81, rendered the foUowlng demons: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large resene fund Bead the list of prizes for the JULY DRAWING. I Prize, - ?X,mn 10 PrizesVsilqpp each, 10,000 20 Prizes, sou eacn,.... fX'SK irtsi tMm irm an-h . 1U.OUU XW a. luwo. ivvj , -- -- - in fWl 'inn iM.ua Kn AAh 1U.OUU 600 Prizes, 20 each; 12.000 inivtiuia inuh lO.OOO 9 Prizes, 8300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,700 ft Prizes 200 - ' l.?Q0 100 " ' " LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Snre Cure for all FEMALE WEAK NESSES, Including fcencorrbcea, Ir regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO LAPSUS UTERI, &c. rJppioas!mt to the taste, efficacious and immediate In its effect. It is a great help in pregnancy, and re lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. pirrsicuss rsi it axd pkesceibe it freely. tyFoE all WEAKrassis of the generative organs of either sex, it is second to no remedy that has ever bgen before the public j and for all diseases of the Krcmnrg it is the Greatett Remedy in the World. 3?" KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relief in Its Use. LYDIA E. rrXKHAM'9 BLOOT PTJEITTEIt wiU eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, at the same time will give tone and strengtn to the system. As marvellous in results as the Compound. rw-Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $1. Sir bottles for $5. The Compound is sent by man in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose S cent stamn. Send for pamphlet. Mention this Paper. tylmiA E. Ptkkham's Ltvfe Pnx8 cure Cpnsrt'.pa tion. Biliousness and Torpidity o the liver. 25 cents. jg-SoId by all Prngciata."& p) PELOUBET S C07 ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, BAINES and GATE CITY PIANO S WITHOUT INTEREST OE AHY ADVANCE IN PRICE. IF B.1LANCE CAN'T BE PAID IN TOE FAIL, ToiKrpriime will he elven with a reasonable Increase of price. All Instruments of every grade and ffi lnc Sded in mil saTe. Tell your muXl Mends of It. Write us for Cata.ogues Price Lists and C wars This sale closes October 1st 1882 Early purchase secures cash prices arid easy terms r-ix (rt) years guarantee, btool and Instructor with every Organ. Freight paid both ways ir no sale. Test them in your own homes. Addre. MualQ Houo. PROF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner and Repairer. All work guaranteed, tena oraers to this house, 8 Prizes, 9 PriTSes, 900 i .twin Prizei.. : - - 1112.400 Whol- Tickets. $2; Half- Tickets, $1; 2 Tickets f ' 50; 5 Tickets, S100. b.iiVnnwnr Ttnnir Draft in Letter, or send bixpress. . DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED TV&iroTt POSTOFFICE ORDER, t Orders of t5 and upward, by Express, can be tent at our ex mim."' Address all orders to .t,.;. r BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal 'Bunting, IulsTflle, Ky or 809 Broadwai , Hew xorx. ; 1ul4 - ---- BIG" SALE OF FRESH TOMATOES, AUGUSTA water MELONS, Caiiteloii a 55 NEW YORK PIANOS. It is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisement?, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I ask is a trial and this can cost yon nothing, while It maybe the -nevn v saving yon a great deal In an Instrument, w Organs always la stock either to sell or rent. Caii on or address ... r?T! r jjoek Box 27 JNO. B. SDDINS, . ... s , y Charlotte, N. C. mar23 : ' - --.i AT jnll pes PERRY'S Peache s, AT le FOR JULY, WITH PATTERNS I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A new supply of goods, including CROCKERY, ' PICTURE FRAMES HOSIERY, I ACES, EffilNGS. LINEN COLL . U HAMjKI RCHHFd, &c 4c Alo FliUIT JARS, quarts find Vs gnllons C. M. ETHEREDGE Variety Store, under Traders' Nat Bank. Jun25 Greensboro emale Col GREENSBORO, N. C. been place all the JUST RECEIVED. rrTllS nroHnenms Institution has JL upon a permanent basis, and offers The fall session of 1882 will begin on the 23rd of August. Charges per session of 0 weeKS. Board, (exclusive of llght and washing.) and En glish Tuition, S75. Extra studies moderate. Ap- Plful6 1 m?,0gUe W ffient. "' WANTED A WASHINGTON Hand PreTand material for a 7-column newspaper. Addreas unl4tf 8helby,N.C. TIDDY & BROTHER. : Jun9 NOTICE. North Cabolina. Railroad Company, j Secretary and Treasurer's Office. V Company Shops, N. C June 20th, 188J. ) THE Thirty-third annual meetig of JJ" holders of this company will be held In Balelgn on Thursday, July 18th, 1882. . tIckeg fSJg nntn lSJuIy j . ' Secretary.