Billi. --.---. . . aaatawaaw- "m. VOL. XXVIII. CHARLOTTE, N, G., FRIDAY JULY 21, 1882. N0151. a f if i i GEEAIT B ARGAT1S CAN BE HAD IN s 4 I 't AT ud29 JUST ; 1 6i CENTS i ,itoi'.- t u! it; s : i :A-i-n-- . t. ' raw j 2 ' ; ! i FT A AMD VA HI) 8 Ms TO-DAY :o::o: WE Make treat IWmUM la nmrnf Ltaea ! , Make m Piaailaatlra af 0VU BAH OA I If 9 before Parcaaalas; Eleewaera. New la the Ttsae te Bar LAWKH, AMERICAN M SCOTCH eiNGHAm. Sprlny; a GOOD. ad Saasaaer A. L,ot at Mea's aad Bey a' H ATS a)A fta-at Oaet. s A Reaaaaat stack af CANE MAT TING very Cheap. Hare Jaet Received a le ef tlOS QVITO CANOPIES and .MOSQUITO NETTING by the Piece. We are Offering Great Barg-alae, ana yen ihrald net be slaw te avail Yeareelf af Then. T i eigb 4 &r. r Ju!2 At tliis season, various disease of he towels an? prevalent, end ntany ivfgtrt lost through lack of knowledge of ft gale and' sure remedy. Pekbt I)a vis Pais Ktt.t.ttr is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera. Morbus, Summer Complaint, etx, and is perfec&y safe. Head the following: ' Batkbriihw, N. Y., March 12, 18BL .PlXBT Davis' Pain nmtr fail to afard autoni rUmf fo cramp and patn in the rtomach. The ? medicine I know of for dyseiitery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Hava lued: it lor years, aad It i wn eur everyttme. JtruuBW.DKa ; MorNOOif a, Iowa. March IS, 188L I have Tsaed tout Pain Kit.t.kii In severe capon of etamp. colioand cholera atorbufi nd it grave almoat instant relief. L K. Caldwklu Cinrranui, Oa., Feb. S8, 1881. For twenty years I have need your Path ktt.t.m In my family. Have used it many times for bowel onm plaints, and it Jxy tmrmt. would not feel safa without a bottle in4he house. J. a Ivrt 8AOO, Mt, Jan. 23, 188L Have nmd Pxbbt Davxb' Paik Krf .T. for twelve years. It is , ntrt. ami raliabU. Ko mother should allow it to be out of the family. Wa Tnesran mirur it over thirtv near airo. and a always gives immediate relief. Wcmld hardly duv to go to bed without a bottle in the house. Jlearly every family in this section keeps a bottS In the house, xi & dfarediji'XOM' f CfBsrrLD, Bbevish PBttasrLTebl m, MM. . I have known Pbsst Davtb1 Padi Kii-lik almost from toe day it was introduced, and after years of' observation and use I regard va presence is my . hnwiehew as an iitdinttuabt neemUy. r X a Potth, Tj. S. OomoL BuKTOn-OM-TurNT, Ens. I had' been several days suffering; severely from diarchcea, accompanied with intense pain, when I trtea yow Paui Kn.f.Fjt, and found ahnoet instant relief. H. J. Noonx. SI MOKTAOTTK 8T.,IiONDON, E8. Purina; a residence of twenty-three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrboaa. dysen tery, and oholera, and never knew it te fail to givav reljet - -. BClabidok. ' Ko family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it witlutfth reach f alt for sale by all druggistr at 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. EEERY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, k - k Profidenoa, R. L' aept tw sept A oet. ROCKBRIDGE, VA., LWI-WrVTBrti jOB mote. tbaivnaU a contnry has grown steadl Jl y la raaqUiuaJ a kneilainal agent In a wide range of Cnrotfe UTsgasea. tfaltttudes of women can testify to Its unsurpassed efficacy In the ralef aad cure olnose ajlmentr Decultsr to their sex. 1 A.LilOJf.H In Its varied and most distressing forms is cured a . CBBONICiBBONCHITIS, T. yield wiiUyrn4 oefmneares result. j '. (.'': ' J M ' : f BotOed In. Its natural &at6." fllrect Worn the Spiirjgs wnteh are oeauUtmiy locatea in Bock bridge county. Vs., and are "pen for the reception of visitors from Jane- 1 at to October list, each year; eapacttf, gtiestt.; ..JZIJ For sale, wholesale and retail, by DT J. H. He A.DEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C marI2 iy ? v -ft vrrt WHEELER & miS Oil '3 NEW NO. 8. Lightest Sonniiig and Best Sewing Machine in the riC Trj before buying any other. ..AGENTS WANTED W send for Terms and Price List -Mt Wheeler Wlla;IiBafhetairr f. RICHMOND, VA. may 11 ' CleaveW Mi OPXNSD MAt lSth.1882. TBBSXSprlngs are two miles from Shelby. 64 miles west ot Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the CatoUna Central Ballway running from Chart lotte tp Shelby. Backs will be at the Springs Station oh arrival of every train. COLD AND WARM BATH3. Fain . Tk-.JI Onlnttria m-nA arvKol-Kal'Dffat HTaTaM a Bowling illey In good order A good string Br- iMxurtperawi g, MCB.T08TON. maiRtf . . "opneior. s fVt :"SKi-aaa - Disuuy.tKT i 1 1 . uunnn RESTORED, l iti n i w w - . r " ; r . ,a.L1 TAd.HUHHLfHC to his feltow-sufferen, address . as. 49 Chatbavm N. Summer c aavnVJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i ia a v scsorxntiA, 3 . Springs, POlilTICAlt, ROTATION. The action of the majority of the National Republican convention of 1880 at Chicago, in thwarting the wish es of ambitions men by defeating the nomination of General Grant for the Presidency for a third term, will go down in history as commendable. Not only were the advocates of imperialism rebuked, but the men who had brought disgrace upon themselves and the ad ministration of President Grant were so completely routed as to be scattered almost to the four winds, thus allowing (heAmerican people to breathe easier and freer, for what might: have.hap pened in the event of the etPresident's being inaugurated Chief Magistrate a third term no one could in Jul jV 1880, foretell. Though the rale offennrs during good behavior is usually ftUutary one with respect to judicial a3 adminis trative o faces, the practice of rotation, of peremptory change of regime from' time to time in the political depart ments of the govern meat must con jnjend itself to enlightened and free 'spirited citizens, on grounds of public utility, as in the interest of general re form in the public sense. Experience has shown that chronic security of tenure even for the best of officers and employees in the non-political depart ments tends to generate and, diffuse both inefficiency and corruption. And all experience has shown that long pos session of power, in the political sphere, attended by a sense of Immunity from crucial inquest, from impeachment for corruption or any kind of punishment, is invested with the same fatal spell to corrupt the possessor, and through the possessor generally corrupt the govern ment. It is about the ' same whether the possessor is a dominant individual, a' dominant clique or a dominant party organized as a close . and irresponsible political corporation. The beauty of the system of republican government lies in the fact that the people can choose their rulers, and the same rulers are the people's servants. TheDosses- Hnon of too much power has always been too much for the virtue of human rulers. Even angels, it has been said, clothed with too much power and in trenched against responsibility, could hardly be expected to retain their vir tue. A free people, therefore, have reason to insist upon political rotation, if for no other purpose than to offset; the corrupting tendency of power among political chiefs in the public service. This rule should apply to Na tional, State, Congressional county and municipal offices, . It does not follow that elections ought to be numerous or arbitrary re moval made for the mere gratification Of aspirants for places. Too much of this latter business has been done, The people, as a whole, have no interest in "new deals," and "clean sweeps," simply as such. The head of a department concerns trie people more than thfi Dod y and tail pf. it' As a rule the people are wearied and bewildered ' by a multi plicity of electrons and of elective of fices. The fewer persons they have to elect the more certain they are to take a real interest in polities, the more in telligently will they exercise their elec toral functions, and the more surely will they impress their views and their wishes upon government and public policy. It is not a clean sweep of offi cers the people want, but a clean sweep of abuses, together with a practical change of policy in conformity with the progress of public opinion. Of course the legislative body ahdl the executive head Of k the government, whether President, Governor or Mayor, because eminently political in their, functions, should be elected by the peo? pie. The people should always be al lowed to govern. A BRIGHTER OUTLOOK. ' The Agricultural Future of the State. The efficient and gentlemanly Com missioner of . the Kfprth Carolina De partment of Agriculture, Mr. M. Mc Gehee. in the last monthly bulletin is sued from his office, gives some kindly bdvice to the farmers of this State in an article under the heading "A Plea; for Home-Grown Supplies." Mr. Mc Gehee, who is a most attentive obser ver, takes a pride in the work of bis of fice, and in everything that relates to the prosperity of the State, says that t whatever may be the outcome of the fcropsnow growing, the present .yoa? will be a marked one in the aftfepltiarf al history of the State. It has demon strated that the dependence of our peo ple upon: the grains of the West is not the result of necessity, but of choice ; that the tfUjute paid by he farmers of North CaJdlfsTl is a voluntary one, from which, by a manly effort, it is easy to emancipate themselves.. This is the truth in a nutshell, and we do not tevBjthat there is ope farmer in twenty who will not' admit it. Too long have our farmers been the slaves, we might say, of a speculative class and1 of the middJemenand too Jong have they been cottrpelied to pay a tribute to them and to be dependent on the West for supplies. Thejbave been obrijftd to submit to extortionate Charges for bread and meat, for the reason that they could not help themselves but luckily the farmers' sky ig growiDg brighter. Twelve months ' ago, as Mr. McGehee aptly tells us, the drought was upon us in full force. The fruit crop had failed and the partial failure of tho wheat and oat crop had inspired a feeling. Of mis giving and alarm. "The staff of life to a portion of our population had been stricken awy: ono of the principal sources of support for our teams was 10SU X He ro reutaium a puooiuuuj the vegetable-and corn crop, and our :"1 nrA rtnnfri fKtfni ' Rilfc t.tlA summer were onr and while, in the striking language of scripture, the heavens over our head were as brass, streams and wells failed, the vegetable and corn crop witheredaway, and of the natriral Jierbage hardly green thing Was left upon our fields When the Fall was approaching it was natur al that with the ; recollection of the seyerity ofne preding winter fresh in miorj people,, should look .for ward to the coming one with, anxiety 1 anaflread. Gloomy 'forebbdings were indulged with regard to tne suDSia&ence of the poor among our people; in cer tain parts of the State the expediency of killing cattle for winter food was debated, since it was thought impos sible to subsist them. There was a&ren era! feeling of profound despondency.' Then it was that the good advice of the Department of Agriculture was heard and heeded. Farmers were "urged to cultivate the turnip for win ter for food for cattle, of rye for early spring forage, and the cultivation of wheat upon the largest scale and with the most thorough preparation as the earliest provision for bread. Its- coun sels were seconded by the press, and by their aid the f aimers were induced to act and act with energy. To very many of ur . f armers these, resources were well enough known tetore the agency of the Department and press waaV 4n making that universal among ttem which would otherwise have been con fined to a few. But that difference was incalculable in its results, as things I turned out the difference, namely, bfrl tween plenty among tne many and among the few. A mud winter suc ceeded and the flouxrsMng appearance of the small grain crops Was the subject of ax miring comment with every one who traveled oyefVStSrte; "The win ter was succeeded by a spring favorable beyond any in human memory to the maturing of wheat and the grass crop. To-day these crops are harvested, and the most cautious admit that never be fore have the- bounties of Providence, at this season, been poured upon us in such abundance.' The oat crop has at tained its fullest perfection. With the better varieties and unon. the better class of lands, t. is hard to .estimate the yield. Bunches bayc1)een exhibit-H ed wnn staics, me prod action ox: sin. gle ranging from isa to HG- One has ieetr placed in the Museum whiclv hasjl82 stalks. Allowing but twenty, grains to the head, the product from OB& grain is wn alrrioBfrHriracar ousi Everyone speaks of the abundance ana rich golden hue of the wheat crop, showing that it ripened ,ia perfect health, and giving assurance of aplump eloped grain. - Of hay ivovery kind a larger crop has or will be reaped than ever before. Of fruits and veget ables of every kind the supply, both in respect to quantity and qualit. exceeds all experience. It is impossible for any person, however indifferent he may be to the course of events, to contemplate these results, so fruitful of blessing to to animated nature, without a feeling of gratitude. And in the breasts of those who habitually refer such results to Divine dispensation, this feeling will be touched to its profoundest depths, when they contrast the bright certain ties and sanguine anticipations of the present summer, with the deep gloom and dark forebodings of the summer of the past year." the above picture is certainly one to encourage our farmers, and we join the Commissioner in expressing the hope that the vantage ground gained by the agricultural people of North Carolina may not be lost ? We should not again become pensioners on the West for our food and supplies. With our land teem ing with plenty, the product of our own htbor and our own good soil, shall we be beholden to others for the supply of our needs? Let our farmers answer this question. They should, with one accord say "no. Mr. McGehee takes strong grounds against the single crop system, and says that it is only by a rotation of crops that land can be improved, or its origin al fertility preserved. He savs: "The cultivation of one crop makes an incessant draught upon the elements which enter into it, and after a few years the land sinks into exhaustion. But this system of culti vating one crop is the basis of this mode of farming. This system then discards light and knowledge, and de liberately pursues what reason con demns. With improverisbment visible everywhere around us, we have gone on, and still go on, as if our lands were an exception to all others. "The fruits of the system (the single crop) have been bitter enough. It has been as injurious to the best personal qualities of the farmer as it has been to bim in a material point of view. It has destroyed his independence of mind, and made a class of men who should be independent of everything save Providence alone, too often hum ble waters on those from whom the credit is sought on the one hand ; while on the other, it has, to procure a pres ent .accommodation, snatched from the rewards of a year of toil. It is true! that some may seem to enjoy prosperity forawtiHeunder this state of things, but it is feuod -after .a. time to be delusive land shortJiv,ed. . The evil day .will come.ropa will be sometimes short; isometimejajthey fail entirely. Then the payment promised by the farmer is but partially met; or not met at all. Hia creditor regard him with looks of eold Desi'R'nrreproHch, or with averted eye. Words are addressed to him -that cut him to the quick. He and not the sea son, he is told, is responsible -for the re sult. He had hoped to save the glean ings of his stinted fields for the support of bis family; but these are covered by the chattel mortgage and are no longer his. Meantime he becomes a prey to sbatne and distress, which unnerve him for all exertion, while privation and suffering fall upon those who aire dearest to him. Sometimes, indeed, a generous consideration is extended to him in his misfortunes, but such cases are rare.' ' Woheartily agrae with Mr. McGehee, and commend his advice to our people. We are sorry that our space will not admit of the publication of bis entire articled r BanroRD alum ahd Iboh sfkikos Warn an Mass. The greet tenie aney alterative-eoatains Iwloe aa-muehlron aad fifty per anc more alum inum than any "atun and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness1' now so general Sola by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. ntayll tf ; September 14th, 1880 Hop Bitters Co., Toronto: I have been sick for the past six years, suffering from dyspepsia and general weakness. 1 have used three bottles of Bop Bitters, and they have done wonders for me I am well and able to work and eat and sleep weB. I cannot say to mueh for Hop Bittern. SIMON BOBBINS. Tartar . Are barnacles on the teeth; at first oreamy, then crusty, then removable only by the dentist It loosens the teeth, and makes the gums tender. Don t permit to gather; use 8OZ0DONT, and keep the mouth clean and the- teeth healthy. 1 ' s ii...'.' ..uSSMi ii..:. u- Llrer diseases, headache, and oonstlpatlon, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. Harsafara's) Atla rhaeaaate Is beneficial In Inebriety and in many diseases where the nervous system js unstrung. WATERMELONS ! ' Just arrived a card Load ef Watermelons and fenteloopes. Tor sale, wholesale and retail, by S, M. H O f E L L. yal20 WE KEEP AVuU stock of the best CISABS for the Retail Trade. B. H. JOBDAM CO.. jol8 Drajgists,Tryon Street T. C. Smith T IQUEST8 eonsnmers' attention to his stock of XV Be-Wo-Tea and ereen and Black Tea prices low enough to satisfy all WOSIAN. Better (haat aha Sat Ilea af Klaga. To bring health and happiness to the homes of Battering women la a mission before which royal favor sinks Into taslgnflcencei What earUUy brae. lacawD can eomaajeajQione amen proterta rrom 'niatdlrtdlaaaMW&oMrttthleaep Withers beauty's transient flower?1 which glvea ease for pain, toy for sorrow,' smiles for teafs, the roses of health for the pal wr of dis ease, the Ught.-elaatlotBp far damaging vemrteaa. nights of sott repose tor heavy hours of teasing reetleaaneas. bounding rigor for lMgufthlng rou neas, the swelling tmes of roll grown beauty for tfoe sharp-and withered form of emaiatkm,along life of mental, rhrneal, social and domestic en Joymeatlor a few aad days of pain and gloom, ending in an early' grave? Suen is tb mission, such are the retorts of Dr J. Bradfietd's ?etmale Begaiator, which hiaeace treJy and anoroDflatoly Kyied Woman's Best Frieod." "Whites." and all those Irregularities -of the wonooetraetr?eto tbeneafth, happineesand beauty of woman, disappear like magic before a single bottle of thta wonderful compound. Physt dans prescribe U, Prepared by Dr. J. SradneKL AUant, Oa. Vtttr. trial slse, 15c; large size, SLfiOJ lsay en druggists. : flTom iamjkj Leslie's Illm !A EADY SAID MThaee HsrrM PlsaplesI No, I Caa aaa fis. Pleaee Freeeat air Excaeee. ProUbry two thirds of the ladles in society and homeaof our land are afflicted with skin diseases of various kinds, to do away with wbloh, If tt could be dene without mjnry. would be the happiest event ot their lives. Then she would have Instead of a disfigured and marred countenance, one that would be handsome, or at toast goeHooklng. for anyone with a dear, pure skta, no matter what the out ether featores- are, has a certain amoont of good looks which attract everybody. As tt Is now, she Imagines every one tees and tails aboot "e frecaes,'' "those horrid triiaties, and othetbWmlshes with which sTw to amkrted, and tbte Js tru or either sex. 1 Tojlmpiove this appearance great riks are ta ken; arsenic, mercury, or high -sound titled named articles containing these death-deanng drugs, are taken in hope's of getting rid of aU these troubles In many cases, death is the result. NoaUevlaflon of the bornlDg, heating, Itching and ulaammatlon Is given. All troubled with Xczema (salt rheum), Tettera, Humors, Inflammation, Bough Scary Xruptlons of any kind. Diseases of the Hair ahd Scalp, Scrofula, Uloers. Pimples or Tender Itch lngs on any part ot the body, should known that there Is hope for .them in a sure, perfect and ele gant remedy, known as "Dr. C. WV Benson's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and Is the best toilet dressing in the world. It Is elegantly put up. two bottles In one package, consisting of both Internal and external treatment Our readers should be sure to get this and not seme old remedy resusci tated on the success of Dr. Benson's and now ad vertised as "The Great Skin Cure." There Is only one It bears the Doctor's picture and Is for sale by all druggists. Si per package. A SENSATION HAS OFTEN BXSN MADS by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. C W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills. They really do cure sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, sleeplessness, Indigestion, paralysis, and melancholy. Price, SO cento a box, two boxes for 91, six box es for $2.50, by mall, postage free. Dr. C. W. Bensor:, Baltimore, Md. sold by alt druggists. . C N. rnttentoa New York, is Wholesale Agent for Dr. a W. Benson's Remedies. lull LYDIA E. PIMKfiAlVVS VEGETABLE CQMPQTOTD. A Sare Cava for all, FBMAtK WEAK NESSES,. Tnclndlaa teecerrbsea, Ir regalar aad Painfnl ItfeaatraatlesY, Inflaaimiaclea aad TJIeeratlea ef the Weaab, Fledlngt PBQ . XAPSTJS UTEKI, &e. fypleasant to the taste, eftVaeioas and tmiasillsls in its effect, It is a great help in pregnaney, aad rs Heves paia during labor and at regaiar jerioda rtrrsiciAifs usi n uuv raxscantx s ysnxv. tVFoa AixVTSAzmasxs of the rexeratiTc of either sex, it i second to no remedy taat has erer been before the public and for mil diseases of the KiDmrrg it is the Qrtatett Bemedy in the World. CSTKIDNEY COM PLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great HjiWefialte Use. r,YiiA e. ptJncirAM'is Bioow rt'tAiijt will eradicate every Vestigie of-Humors from the Blood, al.thp Btuae tomo wfll gtre tone and the system. AamartellcBrfa resolteastis Ootnpouad.. "tySott the' dbUjkrtns and tnooairiflef are prl pared -af -assi 'ttS Westarh-AveBa. .Inn, JIasa, Price of either, $1. Six bottles for 15. The Compoand is sent by mail in the form ot pills, or of lozenge,' on. receipt ef price fl per boxf or, either.. Jfrs, Phikhate freely answers ail letters of inquiry, yncioee 3 cut stamp, Senforpamghlel, jCtaoa ai ffajxr. rw-LvTX ay. nmaAVs Lima Tru m Censtipa. tion. Bilioasness aad Torpidity of the Liver. K cents. JS3 Bold by an Drnggists.-e & METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! AjGtWXOB "VPVAJS8 ' AAiiX f ' Moftlielttag Bool Issue! tOOpagci. 160 Elurtnttail Bevealina miserierof Mob aad low life in Amatlea's BTaitiw:fasBioafelIiesnndfrivoWiesbesaadt&e scenes; tricks ot pretty deceivers; city's rich and poor: lascivious eorrapooa at Washington; ruin of innocent - ejrl; old hoary-headed sinner bgas-Usht; bewitching sirens A victims ; Vouddy and Jajwroom honors i trt linir KevelaUcuu ! Prieo 92.50. lllost'd eirontars free. Outfits TSo, Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. aTtLOnSkVo. Chicago, m. atlajbtta, oa. PELODBET & CO., ESTEY. ROSE DALE, ORG AIMS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINSS and GATS CITY PIANOS NXW YOBE PIANOS, it is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and BILL THXM AT FACTOBT PRICKS. Do not be fooled by flashy advertisements, but give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can warajyiw all competi tors, both In price and terms. All I ask Is a trial and this can cost yen nothing, while it maybe the mean v aaring yon a great deal to an Instrument. Organs arrays In stock7 either fr'leli Call on or address . rent. vaa va nwiiwa . r J , r . J . i , asaaaWajTaa W af: may28 vmwi svw awe asa GsYMPATM2VVTrrS THE NOPE OW 3S r it 4 U i IhiL A Me W TO CALL AND GET A DRESS OF OUE BMIDMIIL MOT, HL."4 TIP' rard-eolors good. LADLK9' 8AUZI UriDXBWXAB very ebean. A Ian stock ot LADUtS' UNaN and MOHAIB ULaTKBa. We are onrtng Bargains te DaaBSOOODa. When you want LACKS call and see our stock, as we have fee largest and cheapest tn tows. SABS BIB80NS In aUeeiorsaadqaaitfea HOOPS! HOOPS! TPLI!,. "PaUBL" 8HTBTS, rvTTTS and TUBNXBS' 8BOXS. A large stoakof tf??-ndJli4ae toaa, al rodueed pricea A large variety of Ladies' Neckwear. We have some very eheap. awwHoe raraaou wat we ww eea very cheap. CALL AND SEE US. SMITH BUILDING. lulls MUSIC HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. of XjTTXT33S2T0' 75 Z-J' in " sjj'lilu 00 ' , WHOLESALE & RgWjy ' ' nBsHMUgicMfiuaijy . Sasawss " f!jlfB 'MiiiiimiI -him- , i , ; r ' ' ctJo I I Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and South Carolina are intending to purch se PIANOS and OBGANS in the Fall, when cotton comes In. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven the long, hot SUMMIB MONTHS with Musi and make the "HARVEST HOMX" still more Joyful. Mid-Su inn Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, ADGTJST and 8SP TXMBZB, 1882, PIANOS nd OBGANS, of eveiy make, style and price, at our very lowest eash rates On PIANOS $25 Cash, On ORGANS $10 Gash, WITHOtTT IHTEHEST OB ir BALANCE CANT Longer time wttl be given, with a reasonable Increase of price. All instruments of every grade and 'price Included In this sale. Tell your musical friends of ft Write us for Catalogues, Pries Lists and Cu-cuiarg. - This saie'closes October 1st 1882 Xariy purchase secures cash' prices and easy terma r-lx (B) years guarantee, stool and Instructor, with every Organ. Freight paid both ways if no sale; Teat them hi youx own bomea. Address . ., -. L 3JbX0xkxt2i 3VXulsb1o IXouae. tV1 PROF. WM. BARS Is my authorized Tuner and Bepatr&r. All work guaranteed. Send orders to this house. H. VcSMITH. GEORGE PACE & CO, TWsa aTaaie aeasaamwaw ' ' Paient Portable Cixeular i SAW- AlioStitiaMryaalSnaUS' STEAI.1 DtulllES. 5 B,&7E&QI)B BTi , and aad faw'Catatleaasw CIVIL, MXCHANICAL and MINING XNGI NBKBING at the Bensselaer Polytechnic In stllute, Troy, N. Y. The oldest engineering school in America. Next term bectns Heotember 14th. The Beglster for 1 882 contains a list of the gra duates ior ine past 66 years, witn ueir posioons, also, course of study, requirements, expenses, etc. Address DAVID M. GBXKNK, Julll 4w Dtector. BIG SALE OF FRESH TOMATOES, AUGUSTA WATER MELONS CaoteloDpes a Peaches, AT PERRY'S AT tjro3 n rtanested fat the Immolate etnstrnc- xj nonoti the College Bulldtog at Btddls Ublver- efflrWl mile from Chariottej M. a Coritractors (may bid for the entire work or ior parts thereof.' T4E rtieaiea proposals to ne nxnrea wnm toe saw. Jan of tbebuUdtacescemtitee before Vaesoay, tab 2th day ef Jnly I88S1 . The-eommlttea will not be obligated to accept, the lowest or any of thebida , . - n' , ,-- . ; Plans and speeltleatlehs mar he seen at the of flee of X. Nye Hutchison. a MATTOON, -A Chalfn Building Committee Bidaletlnlyarslty. Cliarlotte.irarJulr 12th, 1882. -T- U118 2W -i: -iOii 3;;: , awaasaaaaasaawa mm aj r, . asBSBTascz I Ir.a - ar OM Dim Mi l I ablaH WIimI. Wm WMHtw irrerMachioe? , fihinctff MfliS Oiretnsr Sawa, OnwwHaa a 11 fTrtWJT HsWlli a WT M W XJW3W S3 mt. Another stock of remnanta of Lacea, Suauner BUks Balance November let, 1882. Balance November 1st, 1882. AS7 ADVANCE IN PBICR BE PAfD IN THE FALL, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED CROCKEkY. PICTURE FRAMES HOSIEBY, LACKS, EDGINGS, LIN IN COLL A B HANDEIBCHIBFS, 4c., Ac Also FBUIT JABS, quarts and Vs gallons. C. M. ETHEREDGE Variety Store, under Traders' Nat Bank. Jung? LAST NOTICE. ...Si .i V : . ' ) 1,m : ALL deliuQuent tax payers an hereby notified, tor the last time, that tbey erase some up and settle for thetr taxes. I bavs bean aa Indulgent and forbearing as any one could expect me to be and I give fair notice now-thatsBdebnoatf taxes remaining unpaid at the end of the next 80 days. wUl be collected by distraint Come tip and pay mb tax au C AJUAAAavaB, ln28dltwtf Sheriff. " : tffiaXNSBOBO, N. C THIS prospervos InsUtuUon has been place upon a permanent basis, and oners all the advantages of a first-class FemaM College. TTteWtesafea 1882 will begin on the 23rd of August- Charges per session of .20 weeks : giuh Tuition, $75-; Xxtra atadles i ply for catalogue to ' -"t: isJ6 lm.i- qx'r. j-.'i Board, (exclusive OI iasw aaa wnnmi,) uB w- sL'unaas, PreaMsav WANTEDS. A-WASHINGTON Hand Press and material for J. a 7-oolumn newspaper. Address . . - rf , gfi, f gYJUBVawasv wavaiii JUnldtf - , L . j ;,...! T ' ""avBaBSBaB er Special Offer : Female Mm

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