CIIAS. K. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. 7 X STKBD AT TKB POST-OlTICa AT CHAKL0TT, . C. AS SBOOjro-CjLAflS MATTKB.1 TIIUKSDAT, JULY. 27, 1882. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. Election November 1th, 1882. FOR CONGBESSMAN AT LAKGE: RISDEN TILER BENNETT, qf Amon. FOB lUIlOE STPKKJfK CGCBT: THOMAS RVFFIN, Of Ordnge. FOB SUPERIOR COURT JTJD01S: 1 Lislrict-JAS. E. JSHZPEERD, qf Washington. 2d " -EKED. PHILIPS, qf Edgecombe. Hd " ALLMAND A. McKOY, qf Sampson. 4th " JAMES O. MacRAE, qf Cumberland, " JOHN A. GILMER, qf GnUjordL - -6th " WM. iLSHIPP.qf Mecklenburg. FOB SOLICITOES: d Distrkt-JOHN H. BLOUNT, of Perquimans. 2d ' WM O. BOWEN, of Northampton. jd -SWIFT GALLOWAY, of Greene. 4 th " -JAMES D. McIYER, qf Moore. Eth " -FRED N.SIRUDWIVK, of Orange, Qth " -F. I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. Emerson Etheridge is the prohibition candidate for Governor of Teonosaee. . When Arabi Bey retired from Alex andria he scooped in about $125,000 that he found in the Custom House. There wil be six tickets in the field for the sovereigns of Pennsylvania to choose from in the fall election the last being a labor ticket. Fresh fish are being successfully transported now from the Atlantic sea board to the Western cities in refriger ator cars. Hubbell is far-reaching with his as sessments. At last accounts, he had got as far as Hell Gate and wis let yiQg on the workmen there. If he keeps on he will get in after awhile. Miss Mamie Hatchett, who was the cause of the duel between R. B. Garland and Joseph Allison, recently in Virgin ia, now has the satisfaction of realizing that her inconsiderate letter killed her lover, while Garland lives. The Washington correspondent of the New York Sun says Gen. Logan is com ing to the front as a candidate of the Republicans for the Presidency in '84, and that the Western woods are full of Logan men. They say Logan's wife is a whole team as a political manipula tor when she gets started. Rumor says the programme in South Carolina is to nominate Wade Hamp ton for Governor, elect him, swear him in, then re-elect him to the United States Senate, and let the Lieutenant Governor serve out the term. If that is to be the understanding there may be an unseemly rush for the office of Lieutenant Governor. A writer in the Philadelphia Record suggests that a law be passed requiring, in addition to the usual precautions, all poisonous drugs to be kept and sold iff bottles of a trangular prism shape, and that bottles of this shape be used for no other kind of medicines. This form would give a danger signal the moment it was picked up, even in the dark; and, while it would cost a trifle more than the round form, the difference would be slight in comparison with the advan tages gained. There is one way of accounting for the unfortunate financial condition of Egypt. All Europeans in that country are favored by exemption from taxa tion. English, French and Italian mer chants own the finest cotton and sugar plantations and employ hundreds , of hand3 without paying one para' of tax to the State. This concession was ob tained by Napoleon in 1799, to run one hundred years, and it has been respect ed ever since by Governor and Pasha. It is not strange that the native Egyp tians, who are ground down unmerci fully by taxation, should have so n rce a hatred of the privileged European?. Admiral Nicholson in a report to the Navy Department, says the riot in Alex andria on June llth, began in a dispute between a Greek or Maltese and an Arab. The Bedouins outside the walls rushed in for plunder, and that order was restored by the authorities as soon as they could. Commander Batcheller, of the Galena, writes that he gave reiuge to an Europeans who had no vessels of their own country to take refuge in. On June 30th there were not more than six Americans in Egypt, most of whom were office-holders. Dur ing the riot seven officers of the Galena were on shore but were not molested. He says that from all the information he could gather nine-tenlhs of the na tive population of Alexandria and Cairo were heart and soul withVArabl Pasha. ROBINSON VS. ROBESON. Robeson of New Jersey, familiarly known as Secor Robeson, in a debate in the House last Thursday sneeringly al luded to the deafness of W. E. Robin son, of the Second New York district, during the absence of that gentleman. The following morning Mr. Robinson rose to a question of personal privilege and got in the following sledge ham mer reply: ' i "I acknowledge, Mr. Speaker, that Providence has seen fit to afflict me, not exactlv with deafness, but with hardness of hearing. I know of only one gentleman more to be pitied than I, and that is a certain gentleman wno has had fastened on his head the ..charg es of liar, thiet and perjurer, and was the only member who did not hear them." L.ET NORTH CAROLINA BE REP A RESENTED. The National Mining and Industrial Exposition to be held at Denver, Colo rada, in October, promises to be a grand affair.. Buildings have been erected on a most colossal v scale, and nothine has been left undone to make it a success in every particular. "Why may not North Carolina be rep resented at that exposition ? As a cen tral point of the great mining field of the West it would be a splendid place to show, what North Carolina can do in the way of minerals. Any exhibit" she would make would be sure to - attract attention in! V. section where the miner a Taonnraao nr nni Krara area (ill I r u itti. known. Wer believe that such, n ex- hibititlon asehe could raakei if some competent person were to take the matter in bairkl, would compare favora bly with iany jthat tori mineral Biectionsi uuu tueio oulwu ,pxQuuce, ana wouia bring North' the front, and result in great bcheOt:. The opportuni ty rtibu never be 'neglected oi haying , uui p bti i9 iopiestmieu tU) BiMjn anexposi tion,ijor U pjs,and we trust; e-ag-gestion we make may meet wi'ttt' the consideration pf those who desire to see our mining interests advanced. rM$i; AIDING IIUBBELIw The letter of Secretary Folger, pub lished in yesterday's Observer, iht have been written by Mr. Hubbell, for Mr. Hubbell certainly could not have written one that would have answered his purposes better. . It is cunninglyJ phrased, to hold out the.ideVttyft ployes in the treasury department will not be punished by dismissal for refus ing to respond to the assessments made upon them, but gives the aforesaid em ployes to understand that if they bfr- lieve in the soundness of the principles of the Republican party and desire its perpetuation they may make such con tributions as their judgment suggests, jusj; as if they were in a meeting house and the preacher presented some cause which sought the aid of the charitable, and asked them to contribute. Gener ally speaking people who refuse to con tribute in such cases are not regarded as OYsr disposed to "lend, to t)ie Lord; in fact not to hare quite as much of the spirit of religion in them as they ought to have, and he who Tails to attest his belief in the "soundness of the princi ples of the Kepublican party," by a rea 8onable contribution for the perpetua tion of the party will be regarded as lacking in the quantity of Republican ism thfctall men who hold placfi in .the gift of the party ought to have. And they know it. They know this view will be taken of it, and that they who refuse to respond as called upon will be marked fox future consideration not withstanding all thefaere hollow talk of President Arthur ana secretary x oi ger. If he had tried Secretary Folger could not have found a more forcible way of telling., the employes in shis own department and other departments of the government that they shemld not only subscribe tfut should subscribe cheerfully to the cause, in the triumph of which all good Republicans should take a lively interest.; The demand and the giving both have his entire appro bation, while he gives the assessed in dividual the poor option of refusing to contribute if he has "the moral courage to refuse, in face of the influence that he will be subjected to. The only pre tense that the refuser can offer for not complying will be poverty and inabili ty, which pride will keep many from offeriog though they can ill afford to pay out of their meagre salaries the de mands upon them. They can't plead conscientious scruples, nor the illegali ty of the demand since their superiors in office recognize the legality and the propriety of it. Mr. Hubbell may take Secretary Fol-' ger's letter and enclose it with his as sessment circulars as a companion 1 piece, for it is just such a document as he wants and makes him solid on his tax levying. There will be no further trouble about raking in the funds and the business will go right along with out interruption. THE MOTT INVESTIGATION. The Raleigh News and Observer, of Tuesday reviews a portion of the testi mony elicited in the Mott investigation at Washington, which was published in this paper a month ago, the princi pal charges in which, however, Dr. Mott asserts have been explained anl satisfactorily setttW long ago in tbe department at Washington. The in-" vestigation has been suspended for the present and will be resumed some time in the fall, at some point in this district, when the probabilities are that Gov. Vance will devote himself vigorously to showing up the alleged crookedness, and Dr. Mott will be on hawlith his defence, both primed for thei contest. England sold her Jumbo to Barnum but she bus much larger elephant on her hands now in Egypt. DOWN AT MOREHEAD. Note tiom NorthCaroUnaGref t Sum mer Resort Who are There,and How They are Spending the Time. To th9 Editor of the Observer. The largest crowd of the season is here now. It is surely lively ana gay. There are now over two hundred at the Atlantic. The tram Drougnc aown about thirty-five last night. The hotel may be said to be crowded there being only three or fyur vacant rooms in the nouse. ine mat iuw ui. ttta0 umug built on the sound is about finished. These rooms will be very desiraDie on account of their locality and privacy. I learn they will De iurniaoeu auu reauy for occupancy on tne loin oi August. Tbis row will be called and known as the "Charlotte row," and will be formal ly assigned to all the Charlotte people who may be here at that time. The oth er row will be ' called the Augusta row." It is doubtful wuetnerxne see-, nnd row will be may-ior tms aeaeon. The fishing and snrf seem tx e particu-t?f lailv fine this season. iae uotei ia weu kept, and I near or nocompiaim. ----- The crowd is as select as any I have ever seen here; There; are several from Georgia, who seem to be delighted with the place, and will remain during the season. Kaieign, unariou. xarooro, Wilson, Goldsboro and D'ayetteville are well represented, mere are more young people man l nave ever seen here. There were., twenty-two couples on the floor last night participating in the German and the nail-room pre sented a very gay appearance. There are several families here. Col. Holt and 'fnJnilv. Dr. Barnes and f amlly.of Tar- DOro ; JVir. VV liiiauis uuu lamiij, ui. j: jf- ettevil e : Mr. Grimes and family, Mrs Rrancb. of ' lUieiBai wen. ttoKe- ana family, Mrs. Mordicai and family, Mr. Mullen ana tamiiy, uoi. jvenan ana family, Mr. Lee and wife; Lieut. Hall and wife. Mr.1-iiryan ana iamuy, or Newborn; T. B. Hill and family, of Raleigh; Mrs. Blaek well and family, of Durham, and many others I cannot now recall. Misses Manly, Mordecai, Cowper, Blackwell, Miss M Haywood and Miss I.,Haywood, Miss Bessie Grimes, Miss Jahet - Wuson, miss uarxer,3 rrom rial eighi Misses Holt, from Haw Biver MisseaBryan, Misses Manlr, Miss Har rison aid Miss AtrnetteV of Newborn "Rfiaa : Williama : f iaa 1 MiirriiBhnir!n'rt Miss Leak: pf " Eayetteyille ;,,,Mi8Ses Dowd, Miss J Addie jcreng and Miss Morehead, from -Charlotte;: Miia":Colr lins.from Hillsboro; Miss Stone, fr6m Texas; MissesTOraxfeof Halifax ? Misses Gav and Murray of ' Wilson ;- Misses Perfv. Miss DayU: -of . Louisburg ; and many -.others .whotei names.:; 1 4o'not Col. AtMrews : tiiff aupennterident and Mr. Caddiffari. thefsecxetarv of the Midland aflroyj; sawi $b i ladies, a nice utile na& urcneir navasome paiace car up to Newport and bSCk.This car is exquisitely ..finished, rMtn. parlor, jBleeping.apartnent$ and ccjbfcing appa-J rattis; &c. was built in Newbern under the superyision of 'Mr. ;MaBlyv their n aster, -in'apWnJstL' -;It ;. was ..pfecnliarly ratrfying to - know - tbat jisucK. ork could be 6xecdted1n ny old State. Col. Andrews and Mr. Caddigan add jrreat t deat to the life of lbis;piace:-TnBiitake purticular paias-J'offer little cotirte sies to the guests, and are always ready &nd foremost to cetnD little excursions jand boatdes.,an4j;'the Mk-fortkei pleased to'make their acquaintance,; ana round tnem to De genuemen or cultivation and refinement, and the qg'A b fafa s e nyh & r ? ft guests of the hotel, (Mid" particularly the young ladies, will long remember their extreme kindness and considera- -tien MeckLenbukT. Morehead City, July 25, 1882. . . WOKK IN CONGRESS. 4l q . TILE RE YEN UE BULL STAVED IN THE SENATE. OFF The House Aeeepts the Ccriaiereiice Re port on the River fcnd Uexlmr Bill.! and Devotes the Remainder - of the Dar to th Consideration of Ia e A flairs. Washington, July 26. Senate. As soon as the routine orders ot busi ness were disposed of, Hale moved to postpone all present and prior orders, including the revenue bill, and to take up the naval appropriation bill. A long discussion followed in which the mo tion was construed on both sides of the chamber as having the effect to dis pose of the subject of revenue and tax ation for this session, and to facilitate probable adjournment in the course of a few days. In farther progress of the debate the position of friends of the revenue bill was commented on as a virtual aban donment of it. A vote was finally taken when the motion to proceed with the Naval Appropriation Bill prevail ed, yeas 34, nay 26, Hall, Hoar, Ingall, Kellogg, McDill, and Plumb were the republicans voting with the democrats in, favor of the motion. The negative vote was entirely republican except that of Mahone, and Davis also voted no. Van Wyck offered the following: YV hereas, The tariff commission from their headquarters at Long Branch have on two occasions imploringly ap pealed to the public for information, and no response has been made thereto, and after inviting into its presence manufacturers, importers and traders, it .ia now wrestling with the serious question whether gentlemen so invited 'cap. relate their experiences and ex plain their theories without taking an oath duly administered to tell the truth, evidently with a laudable desire to pro tect itself from imposition. Resolved, that the Att'y Gen'l as soon as in his judgment he can confidently withdraw his personal attendance from the star route prosecutions and can ful ly satisfy the president and his cabinet that members of Congress are not of ficers of government as to legislative of political assessments, be directed to proceed to Long Branch to aid said commission in determing the above important and intricate question, and he shall advise what to him may seem proper to protect said commission from imposition by men wise in matter of trade and revenue either by stringent oaths or other fines and penalties. Nu merous objections to consideration of the resolution were made simultane ly and it went over without action. The Senate took up the naval appro priation bill as in committee of the whole, Harris in the chair, and Hale, in charge of the bill, addressed the com mittee. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, chairman of the naval committee, at the instance of that committee, moved to recommit the bill with instructions to the appro priations committee to eliminate all of its provisions relating to the reorgani sation of the navy. Passing over the merits or demerits of these provisions, he protested against the usurpation by the appropriations committee of a func tion which legitimately belonged to the naval committee. This proposition brought on a gene? ral debate, which was stilt pending when the Senate went into executive session and soon after adjourned. : The Senate, in executive session, con firmed the nomination of Merritt L. Jnelyn, to be assistant secretary of the interior. 'House. -Hiscock, of New Tori, pre sented ft conference report on the gen eral deficiency appropriation Dill stat ing that the conference committee had been unable to agree upon: .the only matter in controversy, thrpayment of mileage to Senators for attendance at the extra session. Hiscock moved that the House from its disagreement to that item stating that though, he waa opposed to it he did not desiie?ttat the passage of the bill should be endangered or de-IavmI- After discussion the motion was lost and a new .conferencejoimittee: appointed. ' - -."?"" Thfl conference committee dot the legislative, executive and judicial ap pronriaUoa-bul reported another dis-' greement. . me .riouse wsiswu. upuu its position and ordered another con- f CIt3DC6 " The House then voted yeas 114, nays 77 to reconsider the vote by which it vesterdav refused to agree to the conference report on the river and harbor bill. The conference report was then agreed to yeas 111 ; nays 82. The floor was granted the committee on Indian affairs, and the debate on the first bill was taken up, permitting a sale of a part of the Omaha Indian res ervation, occupied the remainaer or tne day. Adjourned. A Fight with Indians. .LordsbtjrGv M- July 26. A cou rier from Clifton reports that a large party of Indians attacked a waeon train, tbree miles tnis side or uiirton yesterday morning, killine two men The teamsters, seven in number, stood off the Indians for two hours, moi tally wounding one, wnom they dragged Jnto camp in the face. of heavy firing and alter the tight was over scalped him and roasted him alive. Italy Inyited to take a Hand in Egypt ian Affairs. Lobon, July 26. The Daily News says it understands that England and France Monday jointly invited Italy to participate in the protection of the Suez canal and that it ia probable that within the next 24 hours Italy will be invited toco-operate with Great Britain in restoring-order in Egypt. A Colored Candidate. Eiohmond, July 26. The central committee of the etraight-otit Republi cans met to-day and postponed indefi nitely the calling of a State convention and selected Rev. J. M. Dawson, color ed, as the Republican candidate for congressman-air large. Another Brnte Swung. Cuableston, S. C. July 2&Martin Beckett, colored, who was committed to jail at Hampton G. H. on Saturday, for outraging a white girl 12 years old, was taken out of jail and lynched. On a placard on his body was written: "Our women must he protected." Heather. Washington, July 26. Middle At lantic, fair weather; winds mostly southwesterly, stationary temperature and pressure. i :. South Atlantic and East Gulf, partly cloudy weather, occasional rains, winds mostly southerly, stationary tempera ture and pressure. v The celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort can now be obtained in the nsual dry vegetable foravor in llauld form.-, It Is put-up in the latter way for the especial eonveniebee of those who cannot readily prepare, it. It will be found very concentrated" and wtti act with' equal efficiency in either casej .ne sure ana reaa tne new- aavemsement ior par- wim.w)i)Bii ana. west, j , . t ij , y !- . , 81.1 . tti. m in ... 1 ,. Nervous debilltv-tha finrM nf thA 1 nunlMn rwtn pie, immediately UU to the aoUon of Brown's -5 itiim jLafljif and alckly .elrit&utetaneneohV. , wm nna. frown's Iron Bit- tic 1 ' Richmond. Vai.Jui. ai. aaat i 1L& Warner ft Co.i StrsToar Safe "XHnei and Liver One has entirely cured me -of aJdner difficulty that had been life-long. K. H. FXBOUSOJt. tlABEETOBY JULY 28. 183fe CHABLaLroi-pirito turpentine wile, tt42lfrc Bosln qutoC, u tl.60 tor attaint, fl.60 tor food trained. , WrutTH won Spirits TunwiattW qnlet, t48c Bosln dull, Si. 46 tor strmlneaTf 1.55 for good trained. jTu firm, at S2 25. Crude Turpentine StTS Jte hard; 9300 tor yellow dtpj 9&.tX) lor tlvfn. BAianKHM moil -Float evsedy, nwre, doing; Howard street and Western super $&00$3.75; extra S4.0oaf4.25; family tiJ&i- fcUs, super U00$8JJ5 sm $4.0O$7.00; tKlOfiiSitiA: mhr ci.isi.iK: Ma 1 Mary land' r-r No.1 2 Western WinJet red spot, 81.iSSL18U. Gorn Southern asler; Western Neglected; Southern white 9140; Southern yel low nominally at 00091. Baltimore wight Oats, qvlef and steady; Southern mO68; Western warn 66887; mixed 68ffl85;PnneyiTanls 668)68, PlwltOM-tealj; mess pork, $22,25828 25. , Balk meats should ers and elear rlbeldes, packea HOtS. r houlders 12; clear rib sides hams ilWfcOK 16 14. Lard-reflned 14. Coffee-firm; Bio car-Roee-ordlnary ialr8l9tt. 8igar-alt; A soft m ;Wblskey-quleC 84 11.17- Freights to Liverpool; slow and easy. ,, Cincinhati Floor , steady: J"i'llWwf,6;- for August Oats-scaree and Pjjo" JSS$SSr No. 2 mixed, 60061. Po-eady. 822 O0S $22 6U Lard-dull and towe at S12-2& t 3J meats-quiet! shoulders S9 7P5 ctear rib S12.75. Whiskey-steady and m, at $ia6mMna0on sales, of finished goods 420 "lvS? xrE. 81.16. Sugar-Ormer; hardstMiaiOtej New Or leans 78 Hog-steady; eommon and Meht 88500)88.36; packing and butchers 87.803) 88.80. .a . :-. Chicago Flour easier; common to eholee ' spring wheats 84.75SSa75; -winter wheate $8 OOa 87.00; low grades 83.0OS84.75. Wheat-No. 2 wd winter, unsettled and -ganefalhj lower, at fl 02I?S81.J03 fo cvh; 81281.028 for JuW: No a Chicago spring, steady and firm, at 1UI ausjuon. ior ac tive and a shade higher, at 56Jfor cash; f&Va for July; 55ffl66?8 tor August Pork Id rfalr de mand but lower, at 821.00 for cash and August T.niiinnttiAd arid (generally lower, at818.27Wr 05812.80 for cash and August Balk tneatH- shoulders 8 75; short ribs 812-66i short clear 813 25. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at 81.17. COTTON. 8ALVWroa- Quiet; middling 12o; low mid dling 12c; good ordinary lisc; net receipt 50; gross 60; sales is: kock i.oia; ex- ports coastwise ; w rawi oruuo ; mi continent ; to nance 1 ; to cnannei Norvolk Steady ; middling 1 2 7-16c; net reo'pts 88; gross 86; stock 2,782; exports eoast wiie ; sales 27; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Baittmobx Oulet ; middling I2tte: low mid dling 12 5-l6c; good ord'y 11 7-1 8c : net no'ts ; gross 88; sales a stock. 7.533; exports ooastwlse ; spinners ; exports to Brest Britain 404; to continent . BoerroN Steady; middling 18c; low middling 12tc; (rood ordinary llc; net receipts 253; groM Vb3: sales : stock 5.B0O; exports to final Britain ; to Franoe . Wilmington Steady ; mlddllne 12Uc; low mid dling 11 18 16c; good ordinary 10 15 16c; receipts gross ; saies : stoca 486: exports coastwise ; to Great Britain : to continent . PaxLADkLPHlA Quiet; mKKUlmt 1846c. low middling 12c; good ordinary llo: reneints net gross 711: sales : stork 6.651: ex ports Great Britain ; to oononent Satahhah Steady; middling 12e; low mid dling llc; good ordinary lOtye; net receipts 45; gross 45; sales 250; stock 1.926; exports ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; to Franee ; to continent NkW OBUEAHS-Unlet; middling 12e; low mVbiUng 12M5- goou ordinary Hike; net receipts 57; gross 72; sales 850; stock 29,371; exports to ftreat Britain ; to Franee ; , ooastwlse 893; to continent ; to chan nel . Mobil- Quiet; middling 1256c; low middling 1214c; good ordinary llc; net receipts ; gross ; saies 20; swex experts coast : France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . MncFHis Quiet; middling 12lfe; tow mid dling riic; good ordinary 11 14c net reoeiDO 41; gross 41; Boiymeuu ; mw ou; Stock 4.82o. AuecsTA Quiet; middling 12e; low mld- dllng lUfee: gooo orainary iivio; receipts ozj shipments ; aales 22. riiiTMroH-Qulet; middling I2i: low mia- riitna le: kooq orainarj iic; ue recw t. orrrtmm . : nun iw ! " ' m. 1 exnorti eeastwlM ; to Qrt to continent to France net f - Haw TOkx Steady; sales 757; iuu 1 9Ue: mlddllnK Orleans Blddllng op 18c: eon-1 soudated net receipts 500; exports to Great Btttalh 404) to jitanea - 10 . continent ? (ocaaanei - LrrSBPoaii Noon Firmer: mlddUng. uplands ?d; middling Orleans 7 8-l8df eales 2.000; reculatlon and. expoTt-7.000; reeetpta 4,000, all1 Ameriean; - U pianos tew mmmmg wuse July delivery ion I i-04air z-o,; uw mm u 64d; aagust and SeptemberJ l-4d-07 2-64dj September and October 6 67-64d&-H 8-64di . October and November 644-64dO-6 45-64d; November and December 6 41-84d; December and January 6 41-64d: Janoary and Fabraary-A 41-64d; February and lurch 6 44-64d jruturesnrm. LrvxBFOOi. 5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 10.000. Uplands low middling clause; July de livery 1 July and August ;; Aug ust and September 7 2-64d; beptember and-Oo-tober.6fi7-64d; Oc ober and November ; November ana December ; December ana January January and February Futures steady. FUTUBX3. Nbw Tom -Net receipts 2 Koss 1,126. .lea. Futures closed steady; sales 93,000 July. 12.7501.77 August..... 4 18.749.00 September 12.64a.55 October... ll.9flS.00 November.. 11.789.79 December. 11.79S.00 January ll.8fla.90 February. 12. 00 .02 March. 12.12 Oo April....: 12.24a.26 Mar......''- t... June... FINANCIAL. Nbw Ton. Cxca&nge.- 4.85U Governments unchanged .. New 5's 1.01 Four and a half per cents, 1.14 Four per cents, 1.20 Money,. w ....... . . . ... . 3W2V State bonds generally without fea ture ... . .. Subtreasury balances Gold- . . " ; " Currency., 888 910 5,698 Stocks Ingn!ar In the main and weak: AlabamaClass A. 2 to 5 81 80 LOS , im 1.881 1.49fe im 1.65 1.87 1.14 741 56 63A 1.85 1.88 25 1.14. I 8314 1.081 61A 83 68 69 Alitl ama Class A, smu ...... .-r Alabama ' Claas C. a. -. . . . . . . . . Chicago and Northwestern. unioagn ani rjorvuwtMni pcaieRea, srie . Kast Tennessee. . ... i ...... : Gr8ii-..:.u. .... nilnoU OemraL. L&ke Shore ulsville ani NH-n;ti Mrrnphls and Chir!r n Nashville and Chattiwi .. Sew York Oautra . " Plttsbdrg : . . . , Rtehmoodand Anegheny......T.r... uicnmond and Danville..... Socklsland' South Carolina Brown Consols, west feint Terminal, Wabash, St. Loul A PhcWc Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific preferfd western umen . ....... . CTFT OOTTOft MA EXIT OrriGx of Tra Obskbvxb, 1 CHAaurrrK, July 27. 1882.1 The market yesterday closed steady at the fol lowing Quoxauons: Good Middling. - 12 Middling.... 12 atn low middling. ...... 1214 Low middlliw. 13 Storms and Tinges.... '-. 8911 Sales yesterday 9 bales; A FtjLt UNX OF Patent MecJicines, AND QTHVB , . . -D-E-TT-G-S- Fresh and Pure, QoallCy and Pr Oaaranteed, PRESCRIPT 0: Wilder'Sf i Comer-Trade !Jull5 OLD POINT COMFORT, H Y G E 1ft H 0 situated 100 yards from ForT Konroe. Open all tbeiear. Xqual to any hotel la the U.S. Sur roundings unsurpassed. Bathing, boating, fishing and; arlvlr jypfoially attractive) .. Pre-eminently a it aeeomnedatieaa tbaani Climate free from Malaria: and for Insomnia wonderiul In its soporific effect, send for etamhw mayl8 m HARRlfiO PHOKBUS, Prop pts stock 498; Britain ; i ; to cnan- - p ft SQ4 W llrWENlidl: i $ b:-?WE FORiM tletsL . Wa kMothe bast Whteh U now Call and complete. dor dtoek embraces a f uU Una of Goods of all grades, and of various styles and prices, being well adapted to the wants of bofe Sw?! J?. 1x0 iUrcaaiwrs We invtte aU'to give as a call and satUfy4tt6malvea at t&e truth of our assertions. 7 - 7 wdMMniYtrad Both Foreign and Domestic, JastBeeetTd, at & "l 1 ABATOGA From Saratoga Springs, N. A new water n sembKng the Imported yiojby. BeoonHnaadsd as an antacid; uses dyspepsia, aids diges tion. Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic; - Also, ' &ato Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia, ALSO, g CASKS CONGRESS WATER, Q CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 20 CASXS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full anppjy of IMPORTED 4P0LLIHARS Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN K8VELTY I JJUNYADI JANOS. THX BXST NATURAL AFKBIBNT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosas A wine glass full before breakfast. The Jkwierf "Hunydi Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that Its richnea In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The BrititA Mtdical Journal-"Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious Aperient w&terM Pro. Vtrehou, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Seamoni, Wurszburg. I 'prescribe none but this." Pruf.Uptief Bnmttm. M. D., JL B. S., London. "More pleasant than its rlvai axt surpasses them In efficacy." prof. AiKen, M. D.. w. R. 8., Boyal KUltary Hos- nuai. neaer. "Pteiewea to Pullna and ncnanau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St.. - - CHARLOTTE, N. a DONT GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block On reservoirs which we return as soon again every week. as emptied to be refilled J. H. MdADZN, Druggist and Chemist. PreserlpUons carefully prepared by experienced and eompetent druggists, day or night u1y28 FOR THE TEETH Q OZODONT. Oelontlne, Cherry Tooth Paste. KJ oriental, Ec, at B. H. JORDAN & CO'a, Jul8 . Druggists. MOCKING BIRD T7HX)D and Canary Seed in pound packages. a mu. Aiso, rea s I gravel for bird cages. tt. a. JORDAN a co , Tryon soeeL )ul8 BURNETT'S iOCOAINS, Creole Hair Restorer, Ayers'and v uau's flair vigor, and Parkers Hair Balsam. a. a. juadiAS a uu.. Inl8 Dmgglsta. COLGATE'S VIOLET TT7ATXR, Florida Water and Imported Bay Rum f v ior tne touet a nvsn supply at B. H. JORDAN & CO'a, ul8 Tryon Street A FULL STOCK OF FRENCH snd American Toilet Soaps, Pufis and Powder Boxes of all kinds. JU18 B. H. JORDAN ft CO., Druggists. NOTICE. P.C. Shuf ord and wife, and others, vs. A. M. Powell, et al. BY virtue ot an order of the Superior Court, held for the county of Catawba, bnrimr Term. 1882. notice Is hereby riven that the nnderslimed. Referees, will meet at the court house, in Newton, oa TUESDAY, THE 1st DAY OF AUGUST next, to receive evidence and proofs of all debts against the partnership described in the plead ings la said causes, to-wit: Tate, Powell & Co., uajweu, roweu a vo., uatawDa uanuiacturai Company, Powell ft Shuford and A. M. Powei All creditors of ettner-ot sakl firms. -will sresent their claims to the undersigned at said time and place, with proper proofs tbereoi. aiso at said time ana mace we wui proceed to take, and state the accounts of the liabilities and assets of said partnerships above named. i jr. BASON, R J. SHTPP, un24 Referees. T. C. Smith O UPPLIES Chewers with the genuine Graved T. C. Smith OFFERS Drugs, Patata. dgare anfl other goods at rock bottom price, to solid buyers. T. G. Smith TZEEPS that leading brand ot five cent Clears I XV "THE BEST OF ALL" Immensely popular sous isyiuij. ulH Bingham School, ESTABLISHED In 1793, MEBANESYILLE, N.C., is FRX-XMiNENT among Southern Boarding Schools for Bora, la age. numbers and area of patrouaoe. Toe I77tn Session will begin (in new boildingj) For catalogue giving fop. particulars, address ul4tt J1AJ. B. BUHIHAM, Sunt. M HARRIS. i J ! ATT0B5ET AP LAW, OOoeonrastr Baaki BaWgilivabeTwiii Bynattv ex-Judge Snpremecoart NorthCaroUna, WJjyiG&iisBrD m !ti.'. il HUGH f . Batent&Bi 8,61 TO OUR STOCK OF- toNG AND SUMMER TRADE, v , . . adods made, will sell them-Aheloisst1bWhJe Dricf RtiH cr.,at ,J... I " s f S jS.J8&BBmW BRO BURGESS NICHOLS, . WHOT.aPAT.K AMD RETAIL DKLBK TS 4LL KINDS OF ' it BEDDING, &C, i FULL LOntOF -:--X CHEAP. BEDSTTEKDS, LOUNGES, rfMAja ana CHAMBER 8DITS. COF FW8 of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Xrada, street? Charlotte, North Carolina. Statesville, -LARGEST STOCK- GENERAL If THE MOST FATOBABCBTBRnS AltD I If COM PKTI TlOflf WITH ATiT dpBRt .IIrjISTBY. THElTWILI.BKGf.ADTO tiUi) VllMTtt !0PSCES TO THE TRADE. marl 8 ly - - As My Fall Goods are PRESSED And must have it, I win OFFER MY ENTIRE At very low figures. It includes a large assortment of and Boys Low Qaarlererf . SHOES of all Styles and Qualities. Also, all LADIES 6LJPPKB3 serge and fox goods at J. MOYER'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. r Two of the finest SHOW CASKS In the city, for sale by J. MOTKR. AMERICA STILL twin n n n m nj?frTrTu (THE BEST THREAD Six Corel Mt Msl Spol Cota Awarded all the Honors at the .TL A.3STT A. International Cotton Exposition, 1881, "TEE BES'i THREAD for MACHINE and HAND SEWING." Two Gold Medals and the Grand Prize. For Sale to the Trade by J. Roessler & mar 18 , - - , Washiogton and Lee University, ueB,u w v LisiS) president. THOROUGH Instruction in LAjroruexs, Litzba tdbx and Scrjorcx, and In the professional schools of Law and PBUimiuie. Healthful location in the. Valley ot Ylrglnia. Necessary ex penses ior ine wneie session, exclusive of Dooas and clothes, need not exceed $225 to S800, 8es swn opens eepsemoer zist - jror catalogue ad dress . . J. L. CAMPBELL. Jb.. Clerk. iuill eod iir r;;. A Lexington, va. LAW SCHOOL OF r WASHINGTON :-AND LEE UNIVERSITY. Gen. Q. W, 0. LEE, President. ,lt-. r . aLL v vtL I Son Law Snd 5: Tucker; LL. D.. Professor Constitutional Law: Judge H. W. 8hefley, LL. Lecturer on Wills; Judge Wm. M. McLaughlin, Lecturer on Pleading. Session peemsjBepwmneraiavig&S. For catalogue and full Information- address Prof. C A. GRAVES, Lexington, Va KlBf sMolBll KING'S MOUNTAIN, N, & EXT session opens 4th Monday in Aug School is thorouchlv nrenaratnrT -wtSt -i. nam at specuu Business Department, . Number of stu oenu last year 176. Average cost of board and SS?n 2fi2nS0&,"' andJwo Buii o uniforms, aU6 d2irjwiftf j; Wi Tj j B. BILL, ;?xMdent . T. C. Smith WfXL sen yoa mefaiesteent Cigar tn Char- pure Key T.:iSmrth 11 if- -f www wssuue pnees-any qusnmy. . -liiint n -- 11 1i.11 1 iiii,; u - in WerraJsrphia Tumln Seed all eed oa hand" supply yourself now. - CXLU NaturU Mteeml vratereerWWpRotfl I D and Ibntnn. Kir tha Wv fmnr t- SmmwI f I .ftinr? M-t nnoHWAM nn t .istrwiiiksVi;!, INVITEATTENON OIF- MEROKiilDISfc DM ! Now Arriving and as I Am FOR ROOM, STOCK 0 "M" "T.T?, GOO IDS FURTHER AHEAD I roRSEWINQ MACHINES.) FOR Co., Charlotte, N. C. :r JUST RECEIVED A new supply of goods, Including CROCKERY, FRAMES HOSIERY, LACES, EDGINGS, LINEN C0LLA& HANDKKRCHIKK3, Ac, c Also FRUIT JABS, quarts and Vi gallons. C. METHEREDGE Varietr Store, under Traders Jlkk Bank. )nS :-4 -Tbj ' To Contractors and &iiiders. BIDS are requested for the immediate wnstroc don of the College Building at Biddle UnJ Hty-1 mile from Charlotte, N. C. Contra." may bid for the entire work or ?r jrts thereor Sealed proposals to be lodged Jb,, man of the building committee before ' "ffj?,7, the 26th day of July, 1882. The "of not be obligated to accept Aha. lowest or any tbeMda. . I A-- .itaaof- , Plans and specioeaiions iV7r)N. flee of E Nye Hutchison. UTTW i ChanTn Building Committee Biddle unironww Charlotte. N. C, July 12th. 1882. Jul 18 ZW iODEGT SIOORE & CO., H. j .n.iL v-. New - h - i ImnMiillite j and Hoax, on which Icortespondence solicited. Mm fiMi. sake uoew mil let

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