DAILY CHARLOlTl E 0 S E R V E K - T II IJ K S D A V l6jDW-W, ' : " "- --- -- T "': ' i 3 BUSINESS NOTICES. Hi iman Ptejudicfe. j t gome one htJidJj "There li inkti ..ntter thahtJpprfJfdlcei"?aii hl 14 tnla. I'lVmlU are taove itd8 preJ-Kiteed gldt ,inriuirlfWy medicine." Because some such Hllcln aie shams, they leap to the conclusion -ill are An well say. because rouie pbjftlclaos 1 Miixchs. a 1 are Th-re are counterfeit of all V . it,n9, evni ot gold C"tus and greenback, u it there. Ii true money, and tare are true medi cines Amomf thJUR4 ; punt's Remedy, true, Slid tried, and with 1hettstloii..U of hundreds who have been healed and saved from the grave hi it For all diseases of the kldne.s, the liver, the urinary organs. It stands rltbout a peer. llie ' ,.,ih It. anil iha alnir v.ti . . tn. Isn't It cheaper to buy a bottle of It rouwelf. aireenon. tbaft touai ?JJLK. hndiof luoauur. ri ! i, t i if ; i 1 OTXT7T i 4 Absolutely iPiirci This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness ldor economics than the ordinary binds, and cannot be sold In competition wu& me multitude of low test, short weight, a nnvor p to powders.. Sold only in; cans. ' B0YAL XmG.XOWDSfcOO.. onsa " New York. IROY DAVIDSON, Sol Agent, Charlotte, N. C. health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. ; " How ? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. - Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1881. Gentlemen : 1 hare suffered with pain in my side and back, anqgreat soreness on my breast, itith hoot in? pains ail through mv body, at ing teni tended with great weakness, depres- sion of spirits tite. I have taken several different medicines, and was treated byronv inent physicians for my liver) kitt neys, and spleen, but Igot no relief. I thought I would try Brown's Im Bitters; 1 harwBow uVenone bottle' and a half and am about well pain in side and back all gone soreness nil out of my breast, and I have good appetite, and am gaining in strength and flesh. It can justly ft called the king 0 mtdiciius . - John K. Auskdh. . niu un' v vvs- BrownIron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholjc tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve ail Lung and Kidney diseases. ILeE AVI paw, -WHOLiaiLlt- G ROC E R 5 ? AND 1 mission COHSIGHMEHTS SOLICITED FRO if ALL 8ICTI0NS, Highest Prices Paid for Oils. Jul25. . i ' t WITH Sea it's Frolt PreservaUve- without seal . ed cans-a tweftty-nve eent package wlU eep twenty pounds of Fruit perfectly harmless ty it-sold by the package, dozen or gross, at Jul22 Tc. BMlTfl'fl Drug Store. Ah Tasnieikl X Dllnj.nn Ka mlvA an1 sartnllAii hVAsQT OOft ' nv pounds wlU cover 60 square jards, twoeoats -no sljurjf of wails required-twelve different (OlOni Inr Ball. . mnw Irttut ablM -wcm in piastennc t is no Misvi"re v s. PCKil iJtiAU.&i, n .xM still nre. 0 UH re SEEK torn Merchan A it . -rvr dex to New AdTYettlrfeWeotsi V , "st-aee notice. - , J. L. Cobb Cotton Factorrfor toM 1 f ? B- Dadon-Baiiroad stack, rw sale -. . - r HOME BRIEFS t3SHt. J.Fous Young has resumed his place 011 the Air Line liailroad and is now makihg Ids iold trips. tW Mrs. F. A. McKinch and dangh- li tr left yesterday to" join Mrs. A. N. Mc- ; jtinca anu iamuy at King s mouunuu. i f tsA S. P. Alexander is summer ing at Saratoga, and Col. H. Gratz Springs is taking his recreation at the Warm 9prings. Vm m. . . I . n. f htm TAOftfV y V$J ioe nr aepartuioAiK Ped an invitation to attend the lawn party tofntght, and will be there in a W Mrs. X, J Walker has reiurnea from West Tennessee, where she has been spending a couple of months vis iting friends and relatives. , , Rev. Wm. R. Atkinson, wife and arty of yourjg ladies, who have been visiting the northern summer resorts, returned to the city yesterday. BCapt. Tomniie Alderman, of the Carolina Central BJallroad, is off on his summer vacation, -and Capt. Shannon-. house is running his train. "Ssf" A number of delegates to the .District Conference, which assembles in Wadesboro to-day, left yesterday evening ta be in ay.endahqe,, . The con ference will ' continue through- next Sunday, -- , jtSRev T." DeWitt Talmage and fam ily, who are now at the Virgina White Sulphuy Springs, are expected to. arrive at the Warm Springs, m Madison coun ty, fills State, next Tuesday. ItSThe factorv of the Long Island cotton ;miHs, in 6atawba county, as an wunced in an - advertisement ise-. where, is to Je sold on the 29th of All gust, at Newton. It is a most valuable piece of property and the terms are liberal.; .,. ., , 'tMr. Jas. Gamble, of New York, the boss cf the water works, was in the city y$8teaday and made an inspection of. ;,; everything connected with the work?. Le sas the whole thing is en tirely satisfactory, aed that At, js the best job this side of Richmond. i&T A- party of young folks went -out t the iplantation of Mr. Hannibal El wards, about five miles from the cit.i , yesterday morning, and had a de lightful picnic. One of the features of the day was a big country dinner, cooked on the picnic grounds, by, some of the young ladu s of the party. They returned-to the city abojut dusk, ex pressing 'themselves highly pleased with their day in woods. The Boy Firemen. ' There was a reet race last night on Tryon street between the Young Hornets and Pioneer companies, result ing in a victory for the former com pany. The race was run oyer the usual track and was witnessed by quite a cro wd who were attracted by theshouts of the boys and the clatter of their; reels. Thiswas the score made by each com- pay in two runs Plug. 1 40 30 . . 60 . 41 Water. 15. failed, failed. Hornets, 1st jun, 2nd." Pioneer, 1st run, 2nd " BingWm't School Reopened. : We are glad to announce fifeati.Uie old' hand excellent Institution known throughout all this broad land as the Bingham school, is ready to Tesume business.. The buildings destroyed by firen 1st of last May, have been re placed with fine brick structures and the students are once more gathering at Mebanesville. Capt. Pride Jones put off thirty cadets at that depot yester day, The new buildings are not all fin ished off and entirely completed, bat enough of them are finished to accom modate the students for the present Ilotel Arrivals Yesterday. Charlotte F A McCorkle, Atlan ta; J F Bland, Mooresborough ; S M Thomas, Laurinburg; W E Thomas, Rockingham ; J W Coxe, Atlanta; Lem Harris, N Y; Samuel T Jones, ? Rich mond ; J B Robinson, Chas Henderson, Mecklenburg ; "W C Leak, Bostoni Ga ; K C Barrett, Atlanta; Chas Townsend, Baltimore; W SSteadman, Mobile; H J Lee, New Orleans; W H Stewart, Fort Mill ; J S Sowers, Nashville ; A A Douglas, Lynchburg; Geo Cook, Staun ton ; Richard L. Murphy, Wheeling, W Va: R-Lorance, Phila; W H Warren, Cleaveland.sN" C;.C N J.1 H John, Camden, A Sdranffe Disclosure. Dr: J.F. G. Mifctag has made another raid upon his store' of learning and brings out this piedeof information for the benefit of The Observeb readers, Ha says that "it is possible to discover the name of, an indrvi?ual by an inspec tion of his , face. Mutes : understand, eadh ottierLby motion of their lips and asour thoogbts move the muscles of the face through which they are habitually expressed, the thought of our name is attended with a legible mo-, tion of oiirr lijjs. More than twenty years ago I Afforded, in the North 'and South evidence of this." The Row at Mt. Mourne. ; Mi-. S. O. Beard, of Mt Monrtie,'writes us that our informant gave us ait ex travagant account of the ro at the picnic held tlrere last Saturday. He says the rains hadi a re' dampening effect upon the success oz vac picruu than the fights did. As usual some of the boys took on a little whiSKey ana at 5 o'clock in the evening, ISz. W. A Mayhew and Mr. "Joseph" White, who had! had a difficulty at Davidson College, met each other and renewed the "quar-re,l.- Mayhew knocked White down and got on him. The fight . then lasted but a few seconds. At the end of it White was sitting on Mayhew and had brought ont the red in. several places. Mayhew,Jhen gave evidenee by- words, thai ha was tired sjid'cedfcflif strugV le and White was then taKen on that is simply all there was or i f. ir.i.Ha Hhflls and Fever, and Bilious noattivelv cored with Mefft vely cured witn Mart Btmuta care us tvw Yrt. . fail tn swiws fthsm -tA lntollll most pbstbiM. wnT 77 1 urftt flanateSP In all eases; . .... ! ..mmmt mm I mmmt III, I teeud tone to Um body. As a hewrjojojfeme- TaaiPici.. : tmj Lit-: him. and ro raiace,t;M l raveienu Mai.J.,C. Winder" and Cacti V. ? CM Jqhnstdn, railroad magnatesVarrived in the city yesterday, by the same train but each one in his own private car. Durlng'the day they VjsitW and tnade an official inspection 'of the new Cari Una Central Depot, the ne w platforms side tracksandfgeneral.sourroundings. Maj. Winder c il not like the portico part of the depots bui with this . excep tion everything w'as voted entirely sat isfactory; i?bey left the city yesterday evening,; Capt Johnston in his car, Maj. Winder in his; They took supper in their portable palaces like two old bachelors, each one having a cook for himself, Moonlight and lee Cream; - The yungjadies of Japan and China were interviewed by a' chosen few of our young men y$sieday evening7, and they -stated that they would positively assist at the la wji party to-night. very 'effort Is being made to make th "enter tainment a success, and as everything ever gotten up. by the ladlesof the Bap tist church has always been' successful, a good tirt may be anticipated. The entrance Tee r is 'only ten cents. Ice cream and other, refreshments will be furnished ,at,r reasonable, rates, and a good Una is anticipated. by young and old. It is rumored that the work will soon be resumed on the Baptist church. Let all our citizens help on the. good work. Making Bricks for the Pavement. Mr. D. K. Cecil, ot Lexington, who has the contract for making brick for laying5 the pavements of the city, ar xived yesterday with his wagons and teams; and commences work to-day at the old Taylor yard. He is to make 500,000 brick and says he will begin de livering them within three weeks. Hi3 contract is to make the brick and lay them in the sidewalks at the rate of $12 per thousand. All the brick are to be hard burned and of the best quality. He brought hia wagons and brick yard material from Lexington to this place through the country and will have everything unbundled and at work this evening. Oscar Wilde Coining. McSmith yesterday received a letter from Osgar Wilde, who is now at Cape May. Hew Jersey, accepting the invita tion to lecture in the Charlotte opera house, and stating that he 'would visit this city about thfrSeth.of October. He is in no hurry to return to his home across the waters, and has decided to spend the winter lecturing in th Southern cities. Of course he will draw a large house, not that he or his lec ture are worth five cents, but just be cause the people will not be able to miss the opportunity for seeing the great sesthetical jackass who has been stalking through the land trying to persuade the men to wear knee breech es and raise sun flowers. The secret of Oscar Wilde's success is that he is a fool of such an extraordinary calibre that the foolish people spend their money just to see the fool and his fool ishness. The City Court. At the mayor's court yesterday morn ing Wm. Pennington and wife, t&e par ties who gave T)ttle to 'the police the .day before, were brought up for trial but an examination was waved and the trial was set. for to-morrow morning. Pennington and wife ,ga'ye' fjQnd -for their appearance at that time and were released (KimcustodyVThenegrd mans' wounds had been attended to by Dr. CDonoghue and he did not -seem to be suffering ':ma6h.: His - scalp was laid open on the forehead In a gash about three inches long and there were other abrasions and contusions all ever his head. He had lost-his bullying air and was meek as a kitten, and tried to lay the blame for the whole affair upon his wife. He will be represented by coun sel before the mayor this morning and the trial promises to be interesting. Henry Dunn, colored, was before the mayor, charged with committing an assault on Henry Pratt. Judgment was suspended on payment of costs. A Few Personals. W. M. Barnett is fishing for shad in the Catawba. E. W. Mellon, Elias & Cohen's good looking Ed, is buying sheep at South Point. S. B. Tanner has been granted a leave of absence for a short time, and is leaping the precipices at Saluda. Everybody's friend, Mr. Landecker, says Charlotte is good enough for him, as long as he can get three meals a day, and a long beer to wash them down with. Two popular young book keepers of the city, Mr. J. H. Aiken and C. M.Cres well, took yesterday afternoon a flying trip but to the Rock House, where they will rusticate for a short while. Mr. E.M. Stitt and J. F. Blair, the two handsome young men of the city, have, we learn, gone on an excursion to the sea shore, where Mr. Stitt will seek his level by taking ja dip in the surf up to the ears, and Mr Blair will do the city of .Wilmington on his bicycle be fore; he returns. A Wedding Happily Ended. Yesterday afternoon Mr James Alex ander,colored,walked.up to Esq.David soni offlce'with hir'ktrong right :nand firmly cemented to the hand of a blush ing colored damsel whose name was Harriet Williams. Those who saw the two shuffling along to the magistrate's office knew at once that some- splicing business was to be done, and hurried along to see it The4 expectant tride and groom were somew"hat thunder struck wheifthey found " that it would require an outlay of about two dollars cash bef or the operation of ; resolving them- into one could be performed, and as they did not have the money and the BnoW;was .about to go under, some magnanimous person passed the hat around and sufficiency of . cash was raised; after which the ceremony was proceeded ' with. When the . Justice pronqunced the knot firmly and eter-, nally tiedl alderman John Schenck,wbo na4 contributed rost; liberally to the marriage fund, stepped up and claimed 4 arkiss from. the bride. The husband consented and fJohsr jgaya her a kiss that sounded llk6 a cust-ifd- dropped frnm a HAcood '. stotv, nvindoWv Af ter i lylllES lHJlsUSSSHMiw 'j V 4 4nnul TiattiV find trwvlr pair onco won theirbridal tour to a distant cotton patch ! The sttmffttlilcof wtoaa who tnost i4saMi Iplinpies ana oiun5oniicwfcwvv. I rhahid.aieeosae of Dr. Benton's subaws m List of Litter Remaining in the postofuce, at Char lotte, N. C, for the weekending July 24tb,1882: ;.'' W;Joel Alexander, Nonie G Alexan der, Mss Conelia Bryant, Mrs J E Barn hart, Atmster Brown, Mrs S J Brown, Mollie'J Clark, F C Caperf, Mrs Maria Davison,' Reeie Downs, James Elard, Rev RB. Glass, George Gathery, George MGrearSallie Gause, Eare Henson, Henry Hoover, Lubbus Hirnes, Mattie Harris col. 2; Simley Holland, Mrs A Mullis, Abraham M Lemon ; Henre McDopald, Hattie McMoraee, J M Mor ris, Maly McLirry, Dessie Martin, Nan cy Nagora, Alfred Page, Clara Peasse, J.p Q.Rohinsonfaallie Singleton, Mary J I Sutjncer, Mrs a H (smitn.-L. w Thomas, Cell ail IT lUgCb, i uuu -- nauci, in, LB Lola Weeks. When calling for any jof the above please say advertised. W. W Jenkins, P. M. An Ungrateful Dog. ' Abont 2 o'clock Tuesday night, Mr. Will Myers, who had some in on the train and was walking along home, thought he heard sounds as of a man struggling in a well, while passing the new Carolina, Central depot, and in formed officersJBlackwelder and Carter of the fact The policemen inew that an old and deep well was located under the platform of the defcrt, and getting a lantern they crawled under the plat form and peered into the .wel,,and there sure enough, was a bull dog, almost exhausted, but strll struggling feebly. Mr. Black welder got a rope, fixed a noose, iri it threw it over the dog's neck and pulled him out The animal proved to be the large bull dog owned by Capt Jno. Cooper and which had always been kept chained in the yard. Immediately ojx recovering the dog made for the officers and put them to flight. After saving the dog's lite and then being treated in this way by the ungrateful brute, they were strongly tempted to kill him, but their first thought was to get out of his way. The dog is a bad animal and is still at large with the rope and a piece of chain around his neck. A Collapsed Cyclone. Yesterday evening while Mr. Walter Brem was quietly at work at the desk and the clerks were busying themselves in various ways about the store, they were rudely disturbed by an inebriated stranger who came into the store with a. hop, step and a jump, slammed his hat to the floor, threwhis coat on a top shelf and began to make a -fourth of July oration. He was "a rail old Ar kansaw cyclone, across cut hurricane, and contained the sort of grit that the Moorejcounty mill stones are made of" He wanted to expand himself and mix up Walter Brem and all the clerks with the large and varied assortment of hard ware to be seen on the shelves. Mr. Brem had no idea of being mixed up in this manner and advanced on the cy clone, which immediately died down to a dead calm, asked for its hat and coat, and wabbled out. Leaving the store, the cyclone swept zigzag across the pavement until it found itself; centred around a policemen, who guided it to the guard house and compressed its form within the narrow confines-of a cell. The cyclone wilt be investigated by the m'ayor to-day., The New Paper Project. For a week or two' past there has been some talk of starting a new daily in this city, in opposition to The Ob EitVER,by parties who think that this paper ought to be conducted differently from the way in which it is, and an ef fort has been made to 'establish such a paper. It was proposed to raise a cer tain number of new subscribers and a certain sum of money as a foundation and put the paper in the hands of Mr. W. C. Wolfe, of the Monroe Enquirer, and Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell, of the' States ville Landmark; the former to take the business management of the enterprise, and the latter to be the edi tor. The two spent Saturday last in the city, considering the feasibility of inaugurating a new daily upon these inducements, but did not come to any definite conclusion. The matter has been in an undecided state, but yester day Mr. Caldwell announced authorita tively to his friends in this city that he had concluded to remain in States ville and continue his Landmark, a paper that be is doing well with and which he is not willing to give up in order to take hold of such a doubtful -and vicis situdinous undertaking as that of estab lishing a successful daily paper. Wheth er Mr. Wolfe still contemplates takiDg hold of the proposed new paper, or not, we do not know, but we suppose this is final in regard to Mr. Caldwell. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Xkmrt of Catawba county, made in the .case of P. C. Shuford and others, plaintiffs, va. A. M. Powell and others, defendantsat Sprint Term, 1882, of Catawba eoijnty Superior Court, -Khe 'imaecslgned, as Receiver, will sell at Pnbllcfiale, at the Court House at Newton, N.O.. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 29th, I882r -tb following JTaluaWe Property, The factory of the Long Islaed Cotion JUDs, to gether with lAVb seres tand. Including the entire water power of seven feet head, factory building 60x40, twe stories -high, flouring and sawmills, store and ootton heps as, blacksmith shop and five tenement bouses, end the following machinery! 1 picker,! 86Vinch. doable beater and lap per, 6 36-lnch 14 top flat ards. railway head, 2 drawing frames 6 deliveries each, 4. dag frames (Brides berry make), alt In good, order. 2 Danforth cap frames, 132 spindles, totaUnumber spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder,, buneh- and bailiDg press; also a large lot of oid iooHikv pwUea, shafting, 4c : ;i t-, rs.-y 'f For more accurate and definite description of the property' and the condltrom of said sale refer ence la hereby made to the decree above referred. Also at the same time and place, I will se'l for bash the Insolvent evidences of, debt due the Ca tawba Manufacturing Company, as appears upon their books. TKBMS: Twenty per cent of- purchase money cash, and the balance to 'Cqaal instalments of three months end six months, bond and approved security reanlred of iMn-ehaser, er- the Beoflver is by said: Decree authorized to vary term to suit purchasers. The Beeelver is also authorized by said Decree to sell said property at private sale, upon sueh terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain private bids unnl day of sale. - Persons wishing to examine aid property will find Dr. Jk'Jtf. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom wnrTake pleasure Id showing the same. Adiiress JOHN L. COBB, Bfeelver, Lineolnton. LlnoolDrconnty, N. C. ,Jul27 ids i fK Mnday, the 7th day of .August, will be ex i ' posed to sale 1 5 shares of Atlantic, Tennes see , Ohio BaUroad stock, at the court boose door in Charlottet 12 o'clock V. Terms cash. Jol27 tds , .. A.B. DAVJDSON, Adnfr. UMBRS&kA LOST. tVrHntVTO carried'off a he f Rk Umbrella by .vYY '.mistake during tho estartalnment at the Mint yard Thursday night, will oblige the owner 39 returning it to the OBSXaVEB OFFICJ. ; 10127 At Cowan's Ford. K. C, Mrs. M. C Blakely. wife of D. A. Blakely. departed this lite July 12th, aged 88 rears 9 months and 24 days. Bhe left a fami ly of children and many friends to mourn her death. In Plnevtlle. July 15tb. at the residence of her son, S. P. Blake ns tup. Urn. Matilda Blakenshlp, in the 83d year of her age. . We are persuaded tbat tbe ancient Hermes with all the subtle art and natural resources of the Alchemists, was a very poor doctor compared with Mrs. Lydia X. Flnkham, of Lynn, Mas. Hermes may have been after all only a clever piactloner of the Black Art; but we know there Is no bum bug In the pharmaceutical chemistry of Mrs. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Wae is Mrs. Wlsslow ? As this question Is frequently asked, we wUl sim ply say Oust she Is a lady who' for 'upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, bhe has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is moreover, sura to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from, an early grave by Itp timely use, and that millions, yet un born will share ita benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty 4o her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given It the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, mothers try it now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by ail druggists. 25 cents a bottle. By a large majority the people or the United States have -declared their i&lth In Kidney Wort, as a remedy for all the diseases ot the kidneys and liver, some, however, have disliked the trou .bje pf preparing It from the dry form. For such a new candidate Appear tartee shape of JCtdaey Wort In Liquid Form. It is very concentrated, is easily taken and is equally efficient as the dry. Try iL-Loulsville Courier Journal lUrnifUT 1100 cae ?a. History of all Polm- MlLrUWi cal Parties, bV SENATOR COOPTTR. It gives everything pertaining to polities, and unites history. In struction and ready reference. Sold only by subscription; but subscrip tions sent direct will be forwarded POLITICS, BY Dy mall or C. O. D. at Publishing HON. THOQ. Go's expense. Agents now wanted. t Must aPPtt early, for territory Is be- V. COOPER, lng rapidly assigned. Prospectus now ready. Address FIRESIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Junla tf 20 North Seventh Street, Phlla. IF YOU WANT TO GET Big Prices for Your Wheat,Oats, &c, SHIP THEM TO Commission Merchants, 1S41 CAHY STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. REF1HEIVCES : It. in. irifiier A; son, Commercial National Bunk, Col. Wm. Jvhnttoit, Alexander A Harris. Jul23 d&w tf Youog Ladies' Mountain School. MT. 8T. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY of the Blue Ridge, conducted by the dlsters of Mercv and under the psAronage of Rt. Bev. Bishop Northrop, D. D , Hlckorytown. Catawba county, N. C. Board and Tuition at 8 i 3 per month. Address felSTEB SUPERIORESS. ulll oaw 4w ME El I NO OF THE Mecklenburg County Hit Society. THE 52nd Anniversary of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society will occur at . Hickory Grove M. E. church, 9 miles east of Charlotte, on the 2nd Wednesday of August next. (Wth), exer cises to commence at 1 1 o'clock, a. m. An ad dress will be made on the occasion by Be. Mr. Bagwell, of Charlotte. Every Evangelical church in the coontyl3 earnestly rf quested to send dele gates and the public generally are cordially In vited to attend. S. W. RE ID, Jul26 2t Secretary. GOSHEN BUTTER OF the very best quality Just received at tbe CLIMAX Milk ana Butter Store. Also a lot of very fine Butter made from tbe Jersey cow. lee Cream all tbe Ume of the very best quality, rain or shine, winter and summer. Jul26 It FRESH ROASTING EARS, New Sweet Potatoes, Fine Peaches, AN D NEW CHEESE, at S. lyi. HOWELL'S. Jui26 D ESP BOCK MINERAL WATER On draught, larger glasses for 5c than can be found in the city, at WI LDER'b Drug Store, Comer Trade and Conege Streets MACON SCHOOL. 'PHIS School, embracing an English, JL Academic and Commercial De partment, will open on the 4th ot September, 1882. For catalogue, address W. A. BARRIER. 1 . . . JON1U5 B. KOX, f Principals. Charlotte, N. C. jul23 dlw then eow tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR $1,500.00. NEEDING the money for the erection of its new building, the Charlotte Baptist ohuroh offers Its present house of worship, and the lot whereon it stands, at corner of B and Seventh streets, at the above extraordinary low price, to an approved purchaser. The rear line of this lot is the rear line ot the main church building, and the purchaser at the above price will also get the ma terial composing the rear rooms attached, and be allowed any reasonabletlme desired within which to remove tbe same. Call or write at once, as this offer will not be open after the 16th August, 1882. Further par ticulars can be obtained of THOMiS L VAIL, Cashier Traders' National Bank. Home & Democrat and Biblical Recorder copy tfand send bill to T.Lv. ViL ul25tf fpo FARMERS. A large lot of Lai.dreth's Fresh Tnrnlp Heed, of all varieties in bulk, at WILDER'S Drug Store, Corner Trade and College Streets. "JMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. " Death to Insects, such as Files, Ants. Roaches, Fleas, Bed Bugs. Mosquitoes, 4c , by using the Persian Insect Powder; for sale at WILDER'S Drug Store. Corner Trade and College Streets. .TBY THE "MEDICATED NEaT EGG" ' To prevent verm'n among your chickens; only 5c a piece, at WILDER'd Drug Store, Comer Trade and College Streets. J RESERVING POWDER . At wader's diug store. Keeps Cider in any stage desired, for preserving Fruits, flee.; perfectly harness; 25c per box, at . WILDER'S Drug Store. Comer Trade and College Streets. JUST RaCElVKD. A large tot of fire'? selected Cigars, where ail can be suited In a smoke, at WILDER'S Drug Stora. Corner Trade and College Streets. - , i . 1 1 . i ''.IM'.- i T. C. Smith TJHLLS orders for Hereford's Bread Preparation ;-JC . and Acid Phosphate at New York prices In all quantities-no freight added. IV T: C. Smith HAS on and anotbewlot eXthoee-mUd Ciga . (rtes, wtth- velvet Jnouth piece -eonsldereh. the best call Tor Duke of Durham brand. --, - TURNIE SEED. Wl lhave Just received a full stock of all varie Ues. B, H. JORDAN CO, 1 Jol8 Tryon street lEATJATMC. :o: ENLARGED ENLARGED THERE are people within Trading Distance of us, who do not understand this, nor how we manage to sell goods 0 0HEAP, but it is no mystery, nor is it so incredible, if you consider the many advantages we possess. The Great Public know it, and let us tell you the exact faet : Our Store is the resort of more people than any other in the State It is the greatest outlet for large quantities of useful Goods nearly anywhere; AND THIS-IS THE MYSTERY: We buy In large quantities direct We avoid the middle-man, and we are con tented with the very smallest profits. In our COMMENCING- MONDAY, JOLI 84TH, 1882, WE WILL MJ&Xi&A.TE& COUMTERj White Goods, White GooJs, White Goods, CONSISTING OF NAINSOOK, Plain, Striped and Plaid; JACONET, Barred & Striped; PIQUES Barred, Striped and Plain; SWISS, Plain, Dotted, striped and Plaid; LINEN LAWNS, Plain and Colored; DBDACCAV, Plain, Striped and Plaid; BISHOP and VICTOBIA LAWNS; ORGANDIES, Paffins; and Tncklnr, at Price that Will Antonlkb Yon. Attractive Sale and Tremendous Reductions of Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, Quilts, &c. We will offer to close our entire Remnant Stock ot ffl31E! HDE188 GOODS, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Nun's Veiling,&c.,way below Cost THE ABOVE SALE CONSISTS OF POSITIVE BARGAIN OFFERINGS. fffiffii HIT -FOR- a GRASS CLOTH SACK COATS In a Large Variety of Patterns, at 35c. S W M S TT D D E. IS COMPLETE II NN N rSSU VMM MM MM HMEEBESR IINN N 5 V UMMldHHMliMt. B R UN N N SSoU U M MM M M MM M KB RRR 11 Pi n n m Sv U m m. n m. m m k n. U UM M MM M MK R R II N KN "Sh" UU M M MM M HK1UK WX HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OT Umm AR1DD ALPAA8 Ever placed upon this Market fwelalHesin UNDERWEAR; and the best DRESS SHIRTS. :o: FACILITIES ADVANTAGES HAVE ON OUR 2.00. TTTTEKE X XTTTTIT URBR EKK aS8 T K XX T U CR BK 2 T KB X T V URBR KB "S8a 1 tv in v u n a, a a 5 - K I KICK JL JL I UU is 1 KICK Uti" 5 MICH Tryon streeti ' gMsun us w " wr

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