1 I" a I I It m in :l3 si? II; 1 . . ill" .ft. si p w m urn i'f '''! 3 I:; J-i 1 - j (j It - i I : ft M ;S,.f !- ; '7.' '5 ' ;i ft s r, Si: "Hi1 i if II 1MB I I I Bill III - " " -TIL ULLvTUtf I KNTLKMEN : In ray practice of 26 rears in medicine, 1 have found nothing to Rive the results that Dr. r M . rtvn'h Ir. Transi i . ,j llAmmg PmAtration. Female Diseases. DvimerjiiiA. and imnover. 1 1 iflhed condition of the blood, this neerlesB remedy has, in baffled some of our most eminent physicians have yielded to this (treat and incomparable remedy. I prescribe it in preference to ani iron nrenaration mart. In fact, snch compound as Da. IlaKTEB'B IBOS ToKIO is s no. censitj in my nractMa. ' . 1r. JtOBKRx SAMUhJUa. yoVash Ave.. Sty Louis, MoM Wot. 86th, W8t. It ffives color to Ufe lyfoodLX natural healtKful time & the digestive otVw4rn4 nervous strstem. maictna it annlicable to Oenerai Debility, loss of Appr- tite, Irostration of Vital I rower ana impotence. MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HALTER I 7 ' 1? ill f) I-f s CD Iti relief and Cure a certain aa day follows day by Or. J. A.Shernian'.JIcthod With safety from the dangers of stracgvlalloD and without the Injury trusses lnHlct. Tbose wishing proof should send )0 cents for his dook, containing likenesses of bad cases before and after cure, also endorsements Of pfofeslonal gentlemen, mlntaters, merchants, farmers, and others who hare been cured- Trusses and Ropture sooher or later affect the aervous and mental system hring on organic diseases, lmnotency, deatioy energy and social desires, making the; young old, and the old useless. New York office 251 Broadway. iays for consultation each week are Mondays. Tuesday and' Satur days. Philadelphia. 802 Walnut sr., Wednesdays, Thursdays and Frldayp, etery otha weekvalte June. Boston, 43 Milk st , closed till September. Julll 4w Indian Crayfes all diseases kidneys, skin and emcacy m healing mi Mi to be the Best Kemedy Kitqwiv to Man.. i lF"..,! JL , TBADK MABK. linoBATOBV 77 WEST 3d 8T NEW DowNiNGsTrLLK, N. C, July 8th, 1881. Dr. greatly benefited me for Liver Complaint. jul22 WE ARE NOW 0PEN1NG.0UR NEW Spring and. Summer Styles OF MILLIN1E?, Including all the latest novelties in the MILLINBBY LINK. itATS, RON NETS, fC 1 ' FLOWERS, ' : K ' PI,;iTIES, rirhoivs, SILKS, LACES, AC, In a:l the new styles, colors and Qualities. Also, iillthe new styles and qualities Of LACES, embracing White Goods. Neck Wear, Hosiery Gloves, Parasols, &c. the LARGEST and MOST COMPLKTB STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Bats and Bonnets On Moaday, March 234h,- When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GBANDKST DISPLAY OF JFINK MILL1NKBY t bey have ever seen m this city. , Respectfully,! . ft Qieiiy mar22 ropoutan FOR AUGUST, WITH PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. TIDDY & BROTHER. JU118 f';.' ' f - A. J.Beall &Co. Have lust received 60 sacks choice MEW IFiLJlUfil, which we are offering yerry' low. ' Also In all size packages CORN, FLOUR, MEAL, STOCK FEJD, .i. iVif. : And in fact everything kept in a V29;, -',."' jav. - Spring ' Me f IN 1URI Fits Grocery Store V i abMjftMMi rorwt, i-Jine yrw(iH( of iron not Hatken the other irolipfe pttraHtfng. my hands, madeiBotne wonslerful cores. Cases thai have MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. Blood Stf riip of Ine- fetomach, iret, bowels, blood. Millions testify to its the above diseases, and pronounce TteimiMHationofio,- A .; vn way mjm'jh mm Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. AGENTS WANTED.: lOBK C1X1. D11TJGG1STS SUL IT. i a. - v. -S -c ..r.- Clari Johnson : Ynr INDltNBWOiYIUP ha MBS. JULIA A. SMITH. ptBtcItanctms, ; , FEMALE REGULATOR, ... . "t WOMAN'S REST FRIEND. Ills well known to physicians, and alas! too well known to suffering women themselves, that they are subject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sex,' such as suppression of the Menses, painful and scanty Menstruation, Congestion, Ulceration and Kalilng of the Womb, attended with an end less train of sympathetic and constitutional disor ders, which embitters the whole life, and which havtf long been considered as almost incurable. But at last the remedy has been found In DB. JBRADFIBLD'S FEMALE REGULATOH. It la nika ,'cuTe-an" tout a remeiifof one ciasi of diseases, all of which pertain to the Womb. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can take thld remedy, and thus relieve herself without revealing her condition to any one, and without subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock of an exajnhiailoW a physlcias. - t Tq toring halCh andhappinesr 10 the homes of, suffering women Is a jnteslon before which royal favoMlnks lntinslgnlncance. What earthly ben efaction can compare with one which protects from "That dire d'sease whose ruthless power Wiiht-rs beauty's tanalent fiowaaj?", which gives ease for pain, Joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rose of health for the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging weariness nights of soft repose for heavy hours of tossing restlessnecs. bounding vigor for languishing duli neas, luff sweet imes ouuu grown oaamy jur ime sharp and withered form, of ajn&ciAtlJn, a .long," life of meiitai, physical, social and domestic enjoy ments for a "few sad days" of pain and gloom, ending inn nearly grave? Such Is the mission, such are the results of Dr. J. BftADFULD'd Fa Male KKGULATOa. which fs hence truly and appropriately styled Woman's Beet Friend " "Whites'5 and all those lmgalariaes of the womb so destructive to the healtfc happiness and bpauty of women dLsappeM ilka magic before a single botoe or lb ls wonaenui oompoumu. All who suffer from any of these diseases are most earnestly Inwitni in rtm thin 8sea(jcDiedy a trial. It has cured thousands ana wilt cure you. Don't fall to try It Price - small size, 75 cents. Large size. SI. 60. Manufactured by. .gsJ Btt4DFIELD,v r For ale Everywhere.-! M rt apr27- i It Is the concurrent testimony of the public aDd the medical profession, that Hosteller's Stomach ntttrs is a medicine which achieves results speed ily felt, thorough and benign. Besides rectifying liver disorder it invigorates the feeble, conquers kidne and bladder complaints, and hastens the convalescence of those recovering from enfeebling diseases. Moreover It is the grand specific for fever and ague. . - - . ." -. . . . FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AN I DEALERS GENE BALLY, lull Disease is an effect, not a cause. .Its origin Is within; its manifestations without Hence, to cure the disease the catjsx must be removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAB NEB'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVEB CUBE Is es tablished on ust this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT, of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver and it strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon, these, great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. For the Innumerable troubles caused by un healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of lm posters, imitations and concoctions said to be lust as good. For Diabetes, ask for WABNEB'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. 0. II. WARNER 4c CO., Rochester, If. Y A LARGE Quantity of WHEAT and OATS; will pay highest market prices. lul2S lm W. J. BLACK & SON. ffiE KEEP A Full stock of the best CIGARS for the Retail xraue. Iul8 R. H. JORDAN 4 CO.. Druggists, Tryon Street T. C, Smith STOMACH 8-llTErS5 r- : " - ,. -, I .- cure: 1ST m i. T8 ctostjjiiera' atfentldn in his stock ot LN4tTfiS chd Green and BlaiL Teartrfbes low enougl agh to satisfy all tfru 5 13 IV LIFE, SENATOR HILL'S - SU FF JERirVUS AND HAPPY STATE OF MIND. fe Sick Statesman's Daily Battle with HDire Diisease DescTlbcd His Heroic W Rpsi?iiiinn and christian Philoso- phy. ( Atlanta Post-Appeal Desirous of presenting to the public aomr"celiable informaiion regarding Senate1 Hill's condition, a Post-Appeal n?an called upon Dr. E. B. Ridley yes terday evening with an inquiry relative to the sufferers mental and physical statiaiand the means taken to render his last hours happy. In modern, an nals there-has not beea a case recorded so full of horror as that of Georgia's great orator and, statesman, Nor has the resignatlon'and Christian philsso- Shy hp. exhtbit been excelled. Slowly yrnr of oncf of the most acutely pain- ful and distressing of all diseases he is cheerful, patient and resigned to his fttte. ; ! Mr. Hill is put to sleep every night about 8 o'clock with a hypodermic in iection Of morphine; and siumbersl un til 11 otilock in the morning; He is then dressed and spends the day in an easy chairnear tne window of a pavil ion attached to the north side of his residence, with a window and door opening to the east on to a veranda. There he sits the whole day, the sub ject of the most assiduous attentions from hik devoted lamilv. He reads a little, newspapers, his mail and some devotional works, also writes down bis nasaincr impressions, indites letters and communicates with those to whom his almost i inarticulate murmurings are intelligible, Three erains of morphine are admin istered daily, the patient never being allowed to come thoroughly from under its influence; His food consists or milk, irifco.which theyolks or eggs have Deen oeacen, ana a iixue wiua&ej m i s i:ti.i r j added. ' About three pints of this mix ture is bassed into the patient's stom ach1 every day through a tube, ho por tion of the fluid touching his palate, i The cancer, for such the disease is -acknowledced . to be "by all butrsome npirsons who hive not had any connect tion with the case. hasdeatxoyed all the, tissues of his throat AQd mouth, on the left side.sis "weli as tie lower -jaw, or submaxillary bone. The opening is so large that two or three lingers can be passed freely up into the mouth from below, and the palate can be seen when the patient is lying down and one ap proaches him from the feet The outer carotid, artery is exposed, and pulsation is plainly visible. The soft, or connec tive tissue has been eaten away; and only such tough, elastic substances as compose the walls of .the artery are left intact. . What is l$ft of -the tongue is attached to the right, side by a very slender ligament, and the constant fear is felt that it will become detached and fall into the patient's throat, when as leep, and thus end his sufferings, while sufficient strength might exist for a further continuance of the contest with the dread destroyer. His mouth Is kept filled with absorbent and antiseptic cotton, which is frequently changed, as is the dressing on the outside. , No internal remedy is now given, nor has any been administered since the abandonment of the French "cancer cure," which consisted in the injection into the, circulation of purified carbolic acid, the object being to destroy the can cerous germs in the blood. For three years Mr. Hill suffered wilh an ulcerous sore on his tongue before he told even his wife. Then by advice of a friend in "New York he consulted Dr. jBayard, an uncle of the Delaware Senator, who practices homeopathy in NevYork. For eight months this physician treated him and reported con scant improvement. But the patient was, growing worse, and he finally re alized that he. was in danger and placed himself in the hands of Dr. Gross and the Philadelphia hospital staff. ; , The evidences ot tne sunererB bumjo resignation are numerous. The other day he called his son Charles to him. "I am soon going to a better Jand, Char lev, don't vou wish you could come along f 1 Wisn mere was some way w take you. v ;isucn is ine teno-! an iub utterances' to his family5 and friends. In writing, to an old servant now in Ath ens, where he lived when first ; elected to Congress, he reiterated the remark that t$iis was the happiest period of his existence. He might have been thought less in the vigor of health, but now-felt ready to meet his maker. The Lord had given him a good long notice, and he was fully prepared for the summons when it came. The final change, it is now thought, will come from sheer exhaustion. If the morphine was suspended be would soon sink from the effects of the pain. Now all that can be done is to alleviate the suffering and prolong the few days, which, in spite of his terrible condition, he seems to prize more than those upon which he gained his glory. VANCE'S JOKE ON SHERMAN. What Happened in the Senate on Sat urday, 22nd. New York Tliaes Letter from Washington After the broDOsition of Mr. Beck to except proprietory medicines from the v a. . i t; Hi j a i a. . a. list oi articles to ue exempt irom tax had been voted down, Mr. Vance spoke a few words in his breezy way on a mo tion to continue the stamp tax on play ing cards. There was "no particular ' .1 J A 1 . , roan m me country to except inem rffrn this gracious shower of relief,"iie said, and he was curious to see what American statesman was anxious to have the tax retained on salt,, while playing-cards should go free, in the in terest of God and morality. Mr. Sher man made a mud protest, when Mr. Vance, who hadl)een listening very at-, tentiveiy with his band at - his ear and his head thrust forward, replied- in a mischiervous tone that he could not hear a word Mr. Sherman had said, but he was satisfied from his-gestures Khd general appearance that, he was saying something In behalf of the oppressed people who had to pay an extra five cents upon a paek of cards. There was. he continued, not a gambling hell in the "United States that wonld not be grate ful for this relief, and not a man in the United States who stands pat on three jacks or draws a 'full to three aces who would not thank the Senator from Ohio. In concluding, he said: 'I ex pect to see the next new pack of playing-cards bear a portrait of the Senator from Ohio as the distinguishing mark of the joker." The Senate and galleries laughed heartily at this jest, which Mr. Sherman also appeared to enjoy. Mr. Vance's amendment was rejected by a tie vote, Mr. Mr. David Davis not vot ing. Treatment ot Pneumonia by the Inna lation of Ether. Dr. Samuel W. Francis, Newport, JL L, reports the successful treatment of an acute case of pneumonia by the in halation' of snlphric ether. He says that "if seen early, during the first stage, by inhaling ether for thirty minutes, every six1itrr,-many, severe andro tr acted cases of sickness would be ar rested." Dr. Erancis recommended inhalation of sulphuric -ether for bronchitis in 1868. nniii Bow few there are who areiware That soon the' gams and teeth decay, Unless they axe brushed with greatest care With 80ZPDONT from day to day i For this great lefigrfce. we know, j Will keep them pure and white as snow. BaTDWrBD AlTjM iitD 1 8X98 WAilR AlTD Mass. The greatr tonte mtr ahattrerontaln Iwios as much Iron and fifty per cent more alum--taum than ani "alunt mA iron- jnaa"? known. Just the thing tat the "prini wefaaeas' now? so general. Sold by . all di or any standing. pnees reduced one half, t r I f ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. William Calver.a, mining, expert' j ot iv asiungton, u. un is about to patent h invention of his discovery tnat promises, to revolutionize the present process of reducing ores. By means of conveying ..the . reflected light from twenty small mtrrors, he has reduced metal to a liquid state. He says he can make a heat powerful enough to melt, the Goddess of JLjiberty pa the. cupola of . the Capitol by putting his mirrors sev eral srfuafresway. ."'""' S wimKpipg plates are one of the latest novelties. "TheVarft'dpsfrrlbed as flat disks of Jight pino wood, from eighteen 10 iweniy-eignL i aches in eircumier ence, and are adjusted to the bands and feet by straps in such a way as not. to interfere with perfect freedom of mo tion. It is claimed that the BWitamer can propel himself seven feet further at a stroke with these plates and carry -from fortyjto fifty pounds weight. The lost arts are gradually being re covered. Among the recently discover ed arts is that of fusing gold and other metals With fine pottery - and glatw- It was one, of the embellishmejr4J)fii an-i cietit Egypt but passed away with the decay o the land, of. Pharaohs, and, al though numerous attempts , have been -made tci restOr it if radiscovery was left for Mr. Theodore Pirral, of Brook-f lyn. This gentleman has been at woitk upon Chje problem of metal and glass fusion for several'years, and has made manv nther disf.ovettes of ornamental vln1n trlsakn .wni-fcinc dnriBCT his CX- npriments in fteamhf the lost art. At. last his efforts ha,ve been crowned with Success,) apd his work is so pronounced ,ty experts and scientists. The! flow of lava" which threatened last year to destrbrHilo, the only city on the Island of . Hawaii, is now still and cold, presenting the appearance of a black, gleaming, turbulent river. It started from the crater of Maun a Loa, ahd for nine months made its way t Blowlv down the side of the mountain. a distance of seventy miles finally stop- .ng within a quarter Of A mile of Hilo. he natives ' firmly believe that the Prinhess Kortikdlani sated the- place. She ceremoniously threw ia live pig, a bottle of in and a pound of tobacco in the lava river, accompanying. the act with certain incantation?, andwithin a f evir. days the flow ceased. ? Thfc story' of Mrs. Lincoln writing, tlrvhen a young gin, a letter in wnicnsne expressed a determination to become the wife of a President, is confirmed by the production of the document, now in the possession of Gen. Preston, of Lexington, Ky. It was addressed to a daughter of Gov. WickHffe, and con tained a playful description of the gawky young Lincoln, to whom she was betrothed. She said: "But I mean to make him President of the United States all the same. You will see that, as ,r always told you, I will yet be the President's wife." STATE NEWS. Ealeigh News & Observer : The cool- -ness of the nights is injuring the cot ton. The Penitentiary is now furnishing large quantities of excellent brick. These are used extensively here in building operations. The Midland North Carolina Rail way's steamer "Tiger Lily" has been S laced regularly., on the line between fewbern and Hyde county points, for a general passenger service and freight traffic. Wilmington Review: Watermelons and canielou pes are plentiful and are gettting cheap. The cotton planters complain of too much rain. They say the weed is growing too fast. Wilmington Star: Cumberland coun ty is in luck. She has one candidate for llepesentativ in Congress and two -candidates for Judge. A colored child in tnis city, arxut 'Me year old, tumbled out of an upper pla2za about fifteen feet high, a few das ago, falling on its face, ahd never received the slightest injury. Capt. Albert Worth, of the steamer Hurt, dropped in upon us last night with a small bundle containing Seventy-One rattlesnakes, all Of which he. bagged atone shot yesterday while on his way down the river. ., ; Minister. Marsh. Mr. Geoxge Perkins Marsh, the Amer ican Minister to Italy, who died at y ai fafmbrosa Monday, W as . born Match 17, J801. i A'fter being -engaged for some years in the practice of the law he was elected to Congress in 1842, and re tained his membership in that body by re-election ..till 1849, when he was ap Dointed bv President Taylor as minister resident at Constantinople. In 1862 he was sent on a special mission to Greece. Returning to Vermont in 1853 he served 'as railroad corfi'missiorter, and subse quently as fishcommissioner until 1861, when he wasppointed minister to Italy, a post whjfih be . held still at the time of .his. deatlu He will tie Iqngest remembered as the author of a gram mar in the Icelandic tongue, "Lectures on the English Language," and .various treatises of a more or less practical character. . . . . ffcncvsvav m I and icure tqe long axperieaee ia curing diieawi t the HI Skla aad itonea. narvoin weww. Weakaeaa,. tiwaarrawa. By p. wWK .af. . rA mmwm mnuieii Call tie and Herearlal eieattflo Driaeiplea, , VIIUM Call Of vrlte tor Litt oCQoW- ., h. k. thMAMirfntf treatment br xnau. a4lMMmUiacUfalra4aiita. It h aat a tnua, Address, DR. BCTTAt I H. Sta St, St. Laah, Bo. aWTABlOSlLED THIBXV YEAJtS. , hntUr.iM toM if As It is for all diseasee of the KIDNEYS, ! LIVER AHD BOrELSV: i ( It oleanaos thjryW the rclA.Wa that oaoBM the doaifAjCferiBSwRidV bat? fee -vlcQins oTBherimatisTn can realise. iTumieimino nr siero 1 ol the woait faria nf Chla-lamfbM fUssssW IhAvebeeii ftiotoiviii b JEM XT id an i said toereryjlertof fasrOonntorjl. In-: has.-: areas' or cases 11 nasj ovrM msn saaeu isra failed, Itle nJldV e. WaHcTAIlJ t. U B; ACTtun, -bttt aaaniiess in.auasess e Life to all the -impertant orsrans bffsmebodyl Tie-natural action 6tth Kldneya i s ni il-s 9-1 Tha IUtbt la n1nanan1.s-11 illaa aiil tti II I Bcnreiainove rroeij- and AealtUanr.' .- lit nut way tihav worst diseases tee BrBdloatea tront tnesystem. ith ...ii :, .frf.nfH:??. As it has been pTored stfcoistBs thafe t UthinoMeflBOtaaliemeioreleaaalli;tlxe system of aU pa orbid seerettons. Itsoooidbe usem every household aa f SPRING MEDICINE.- Always oores BUJOTTBinBSa. CONSTTJA TtJON.PILXS aiUTXBULI rtiseasee . & pat np inDry TetablePenav Uittn cans, one BBokage of whieh,ma)cesS quarts jnedtoiBa . ' Also ta liasM Pens. Terr Ce at rstoa for the eucTenteHCe of thowhocanawraadUy pre- & pare it. Itaettvnh tqmai tguuatm tmurjorm. os norTOUB PBoeis ,i$q,iA , WELLS; BlCHARSOCrvff' , (Wiosend the dry PaVpal.iI aM WWfti?? ! WANTED. ACTIVE. A.GEN.TS IN EVERY COUNTY AND TOWN TN North Carolina, to whom libera terms win be X given hr the Tiillonal Matrlmonlal -Allinnr. NashviUe, Tenn.; Chattanooga Motnar-Ald Assor eiaaon,.tjnananoogs, xenn., ancr tne yueert city tatnmomai Associanon, uommDus.ua. - ' - ,atBT" Tfutiowtna mAAm ' - THnif I a aoTPBmn .a t ... . . i BUTTS , . i -WOMAN, 1 !tf.s ifae sfwt tonkhr-" ' To bring iaakhAnd happiness to the 'htaes of) strffefteSx women la a mission before which royal favor sinks UrtarlnsignfieaBes. ' What eanhly ben , faction can iconTpare with one which proteeta tram, , . L"That dire disease whose ruthless power . Withers beauty's transient flower?'' ' ' ' whkm grre ease for pain, tor for sorrow, smiles (or tears, ne roses oi maim ioc tne paitor w un ease, the light, elastle step for dragging weariness bights tiflsoft repose tor heavy hours of tossing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dull ness, tfee" swelling lines of full, grown beaals for the sharp and withered form of emaciation, a tone -fife of mental. Physical, social- and domestic n- !oymentslf4r.a few. sad days of pain and, gloom, lOncuuK 18 an eany graver oucn it uwuimni' such &relbTreulU of Di J.. Bradfleld'a Female Hegotanr, which is hence truly and appropriately stjled "Wohian's Best Iriend." : i , "Whites' and aU tbose lrregularlUes of the womb so destructive to the healtn, happiness and beauty of Women, disappear like magio before a tingle bottle pt this wonderful compound. Physi cians prescribe tt Prepared by Br. J. Bradneld. Atlanta, Kia, Price: trial size, 75c; large size, $1.60. , Fdr sale by an druggists. Froih ijraok lsUes Iuuteewspaiperl ' TJUoTellErid Pmple! No, I Csvn- PrabahiV two thirds of the ladies m society and homes of our land are afflicted with skin' aMasW of various! kinds, tor dd away with which, if It eouM be done without UJury , wolr W tne ,,haiaTb?rt event of tlelr Uves. Then she would Jivlnead of a.dlsagbred! and marred qntenance..pne .that would be handsome, or at least, kobd-iboklnjj', lot any one with a dear, put4 sfemno qnatterwhati the cut other features are, hai a certain amouttk of good lobks which attract everybody. A ft Is now, she Imagines every one sees and talks about "those fieckles." 'those horrid Dimples," and other blemishes with which she is afflicted, and this is true of either sex. To lmptove this appearance great risks are ta ken;, arsenic, mercury, or high -sound tltrlTiamd; articles containing these death-dealing drugs, are taken in hopes offsetting rid of all these troubles In many dases, death Is the result No alleviation of the burning, neaUng, Itching and inflammation Is given, lift troubled with Eczema (salt rheum), Tetters, Humors, Inflammation, Bough Scaly Eruptions of Any felnd. Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, SdrQfula, Ulcers, Pimples or' Tender Itch lngs orbahy part of the body, should known that there .! hope for them In a sure, perfect and ele gant remedy, known as "Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure? ft. makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the w.,rld. It Is elegantly put up, two bottles inl One package, consisting of both Internal tnd external treatment Our readers should be sure to get this apd not some old remedy resuscj tated on the success of Dr. Benson' and now ad vertised as "The Great Skin Cure." There is only one it bears the Doctor's picture and Is for' sale by all druggists. $ I per package. A SENSATION SAB OFTEN BEEN MADS by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They really do eure sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness,' sleeplessness, Indigestion, paralysis, and melancholy. ' Price. 50 cents a box. two boxes for SI. six box es for $2.50, by mall, postage free. Dr. c. W. Bensor;, Baltimore, Md. Hold by all druggists. C. N, Crlttfjnton, New York, IsrWholesale Agent for Dr; C. W. Benson's Bemedles. lull LYDlA Co PI NKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A SvreLQtire f fill FKDTAT.B WEAK NESSES iBclndlns; Auferrheea,t Ir- . regular and1 'Falnf oi Menstraatlon, iBdatematloW nd IJlcermlissi wf ' tb Woas, Slodioc,i PSO . :.; t LAPSUS UTKJU, ce. ; : , , fTTlewaAt to th taste, affic&ciona and imnieUA In it effaec It Is a treat help ill pregnaaer, ai f Ueres pala during labor and at resrslar periods. rHTsicujis tsx rr ahb raxscsniK rr nzru. tarFoa AU. WBiXKBSSBS of th genecatiTa orfaos of father sex, it is second to no remedy that has erer been before tha pabUci and for all diseases ofthe KisxxTB it Is the QrttUu( Remedy in Of World. . , tSKLT?fBT COMPLAINTS mt Either Sex Find Great Relief U Its Use.", : ' I,rDiA K. PINKHAM'8 BLOOD PtXPTEia Sll eradicate every TSBttge of Humdrs rom.tbc ooa, at the same tune will glre tone and strength to thesystem. Aa rnaxreUxris in resiUU as the Compound. ry-Both. tba Compound and Blood rurlfleir 'are 'pre pared at 235 and 335 "Western Arenne, Ijnn, Vaaa. Price of either, (1. Six bottles for $5- The Compound is sent by mafl. in the forra q pills, or of loxensrea, on. receipt 6( price, $1 per box for either. rf.: Plnkhaat freely answerskll letters ut.haatry. Xnefose,ten stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thit Paper. CBLttha X. PncxHAif'R Lrvna Vtuls cure Constipa tion. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. & ran la. . jaa-Sold by aH Drngghstf HETpcmAil LIFE UNVEILED! HottSxUag Swk Israel. oOOpagei. 150 niurtittloiil RereaUn miseries of high nnd low life tn America's great oitiesvtashion's follies and frivolities ; behind the aaenee i tneks of pretty deceivers ; city's rich and poor ; ..lasoiTtons corruption at Washington ; ruin of innocent Stris; eld hoary-headed sinners bygas-light ; bewitching; sirens IA Xetlqn i Voudou and Mormon horrors ; Startling- aevelatloasl Price tlSO. IJlust'd circulars free. owthuW iJad, . Anchor pubushjq cp. ST. XJOyxS, Mo. CiiiUAUO, ill. Aliian x A. vra. KITCHEN CRYSTAL t 6AP, Eopolio and Bath BHcs at . O ... . H. H. JORDAN 4 OO'S.v jol8 xxyoa ouwet. F. C. MUNZLER AVENT FOR BerEDBf & Engel Brewery-Cflffiliaiiys iOf PlUladelphta, Pa ,) "i (fit brated lager Beer. ' . ' In Kegs and Bottles. l'i BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY, - - aarHave lust received a small lot of BOTTLED ALB apd PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Address FRED C. MUNZLER, 1 t Lock Box 255. Charlotte, N C. ' mbr28 THE NORTH STATE OFSAiUSBURY,. N, C. J. D; HeNEtLX,. .. t . .......... President. Yloe-Pre8't and Gen'l Manager. ' M. ... i .. i . .. 8eeretarr. TH tO. BUERBAUM, . -. . i . . Uj J.-. 8 AMU EL, MeCUBBINS. Treasurer. 4tDr. JNO. WHITEHEAD.'........ Medical Director. pTn J8i HADSKBON...... ..Legal Adviser. f.tmrj, and editor of this paper, as to the character "ana stanauig or us pincers. ...... ., u-y j i or .pians j. Dians: appuceuons, and r terms to agents, address the Secretary.---11 1 i . v Reliable and ehergege a-ayeluu and local agents wanted in every town ahd count In "North and Boulb CarollnA .REFERKKrya REUClKEDi . '.voh'.f ale Inititei WSWOMAN dANyTHEACTH OF WOMAm vOSYMPATHZE WIWiS THE HOPE 017 W0MAN.T1HE RACEt Mrrj. Geh. J. M&ttkttekJi&JXiititi&tLM rrHE nexV session AVTLIwmr RZPTTittiui t? it-1 14th. Wttha f alLOOIDa etteaehena. . TraJnina 1 I thorough and. terms niftflafi rtTn,, u?1 t . - . :. 2 .T"yi. tom. , apon application. to ine-xTmctpai.1'4 '"" juilO wow-'" 'kmouhx ,vt i.. gjflOii iU f.k f 4a1: .... ... . . . eSrti i list's ffinl&t. is followrlsisr ftheMalersu I-.T fllotivlac 8IIalew vSai Cor- 1tee ft turn Rsqawst Of flrlwla, smd ssssty bo Relief sCfirTett JVorlhi Carolina Uailroad OOHDEBSED SOHEDTJLEB. TRAINS 0010 XASTI. '.ate, AprlT SOth; 1882. No 61 Dally. No! 63 Dallv. Leave 4 00 am 5.68 aim 70 am 8.O0 a m 440 p m 6.24 pm 75 p m 8.e&m 4 .,i HlghPolnA,.--.. amave useensooro, ... Leave Hreensboro.. Arrtve HBUboro, ., Arrive parhain ...... Arrive Raleigh, Leavd Raleigh, . . : Arrive Goldsboro'... V.S0 a m 11.47 am 12 2a 1.40 d m 4.05 pm .80 pm Na 17-Dally except Saturday, . .. Leave Greensboro. . ..5.00 p nt . Arrive at Raleigh,... .1.51 am ' :- Arrive at Goldsbpro. ..7.20 a m j i 1 1 ' " i 1 1 ' t 'i i : i in I -i I 'i nil i - Ho. 61-( at reensboro' with BAD. S. RfoV vllle.. At 1 points North, East and West, via Dan hubdoto wim m. yi a. tti ior wu- mtngton. at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. K. Tor i in Western North cwouna; dally vittr B. D;B ft, for all points at gi Worth, E and Wst, - -tbaxw omq jWs1v Date, Aim 80th. 1882. j No. 50 No. 62 - ' I ' Yt f .i-1 Pally. Dally. Leave GoUlsboro i. v.iiaoO a m , .'. Irrive Raleigh.. ..f. 12.20 pm .......... Leave Baleigh. k-.j. . 4.. .w. IL55 pja Arrive Durham IT Otf p m Arrive Hlfisboro 4.... 548pm ...... AirlvftfiriensbpH), A05pm fTe?1fhPo,nt" - 9.60 par 10.10 am iS M2F,; 1 1 -1 2 P iffl 1 1 2 1 i S Arrive Chariotte,. .ioam i.QQpm No. 18-Dally except Sunday, i Leave Goldsboro, ..250pm ; Arrive at Raleigh, . . 7. 1 0 p m , Leave Raleigh 6.00 a m 5 Arrive Greensboro,, 3.15 pm - : i-d : Na KO-rConnects at Charlotte with A. 4 C. Alr Ltoe for $11 points lri the South and out h west, andjrtth p., C. A A, B. R. f pr aU points South and Southeast; t No..62-Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C Alr Llne or All points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with Ce. 4 I B. R. for all-points BdUth and Southeast ., r . N. W. N. C. RAItVROAIr GOJNG WHTf!' rT- NO. 50-Cany. ' Leave Greensoord 9.25 pm Arrive Eernersville. 10.41 pm Arrive alein 11.25 pm NO.- SS DaUy, except Sunday Leave Greensboro... ....r. 9. . 9,50 am .lliOl am Arrive Xemersvllie Arrive Salem.. . . . ; 1 1.5 a nt efMf s xast. Na 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salenf .v. .V. . .. 5. l fi a m Arrtve Kerfaerevllle 5.50 am Arrive Greensboro....... 7.00 a m ,,-rj ; i Na 53 Dairy. Leave Salem 6.00 pm Arrtve Kemersvine 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro.. 8.00 pm state university Railroad. NO. 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chanel Hill 10.40 a m 11.40 a m Arrive University No. 2, Dal y ex Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Arrtve University... Arrive Chapel Hill, 12.10 p m 1.00 p m FulliaH Sleeping. Gars Widout Change On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greeosboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte, and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. . gar-Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest West North and East, for Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest address. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND &DAUVILLER.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. tyOn and after April 80th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air line Division of this road will be as follows: Mall and WESTWARD. Express. MalL ; No. 50. No. 62. ! Leave Chariotte, M. 1.00 a m i2.50p m Arrive' Gastonia, L 2.02 a m 1.47 p m Arrive Spartanburg, K 4.31am 4 06phn Arrive Greenville, H. ...... 5.59 am 5.29'nm Arrive Seneca, G v.'. . 7.43 a s 7.5s p erf Arrive Toccoa. Fw,...., 9.18 am ,&80pm Arrive Rabun Gap Junction 10.00 a m - 9.10 p m Arrive LuhvB ,. 10.87 am 9.46 pm Arrive Gainesville. 1 1.06 am j 0.15 p m Arrive Atlanta,... 1.80pm 1 2.40am : ' ' ' Mall and EASTWARD, . Express.; ..MalL No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta............ .. 2.15pm1! 4.00 a m Arrive Gainesville,. ..... . 451pm 6.19am Arrive Lula, n . 5 22pm 6.60 a m Arrive Rabun Oap Janction, 5.59 p m 7.41 ajn Arrive TocooevF.... j. ...... 6.40pm &17am Arrive Seneca, G. 8.06pm 928am Arrtve Greenville. H. 10.06 p m 1 1.03 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K. 11.40 pm 12.24 pm Arrive Gastonia, L ......... 2.06am 250pm Arrive Charlotte, M . 3.15am 4.00pm JX1NNEQTIONS. A with arriving trains Of Georgia Central ahd A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georsla CentraL A. 4 W. P. and W. 4 A. Railroads. . , , C with arrlvlmr trains of Georitfamflroad.' E with Northeastern: Rail road of Georgia to ana F with Xlberton AbvLlneto and Mom Elberton. GeoreiA g witn uorambia and Greenville to and irom Columbia and Gharlesten. S. C H wtth Columbia and; BreenyOle ' to1' and from Colum bla and Charleston, a. C.. i..: . . . K with SnartaDbnizand Aabevlile. and SDartan burg, Union and Columbia braad from Hendersen; and AshevilSB. and Alston and UHornWa. . l - L frith Chester and Lenplr Narrow Gangetb and from Dallas and Chester V Ai.: 11 with C . C- 4 A. C O. R. AD. and. A,, T. 4 0, for all nofnts West North and-East - ; Pullman sleeping-ear service on trains Nos. 60 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New xora. a. rurs, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. H. R. Tatxott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE, Superintendent C., C. & A. R. R. CO. 00in)ESED SOSEDULESa In Effect Sunday, June 4th, ,1882, Jk Train ' Train ' No. 62. No. 48. ' i Passenger. iPasseng'r. Leave Charlotte,. 1.85 p ml".. ........ . Arrive Rock HUl,..... 288 pin ...... ..... Arrtve jOhester,.v---- a80pm., .......... Arrive Wlhnsboro,...;...... 4.85pm ........... ArrrvsCoraiiibla,.,.. 6.00pm ........... Leave; Columbia.. . . : n07 p m &15 a m Arrive Ixlngton,...., ..i... 6.50 p m . 7.15 a m Arrive Rtdgw 8prtng,. .- 8 02 p m 8.80 am Arrivi Granttevllle, ......... 9.12pm 40am' Arrive Angnata, .; . 10. 15 p n 10.22 a m Train No. 20, Freight., Leave Charlotte, 5.80 p m Arrive Bock Hill, i... 7.53 pm Arrive Chester, 10 00 pm Arrive Winnsboro 1.18 am Arrive Columbia, 450am Leave Columbia, . Arrive Lexington ,; .,,.,....1 ..... Arrive Ridge Spring . .v.' Arrive Grsnitevule.... Arrive Augusta..-. , . , . r Train Na 52, Daily Connects at Columbia with the S. C. R. R. for Char eston, and with the C. 4 G. R, R. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, Ac i At Augusta with Central Georgia B. B lor Macon, Savannah and Florida pomts. Trata:No48. DaUy-Connects at Aorusta with the Georgia B. B.,and Central Georg B.-B, for Macon. Atlanta, Bav&nnan and viottda points. ; Trains Nos. 18 and 20i local,, tri-weekly, , Mon dars. Wednesdays and Pridava. 1 ' . ' TralnAfrom.the'South arrive at Charlotte, pas. senger, dally, at 5.85 p. m. . Frelghi, daily except ouuuaj, mB.4as.Di. ami .K p. ra. ". a ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO DiYfBION. TiamNi)..iaiu', " 1 ' ' , i LeaveJ Charlotte.. .........."S OOtrm i Arrive at States vIDe, . ....laotSom Trata N0.52J l)allj i . , , i WT Kstswafe -:..:.v.8.(X) m ' ArrtvSatCbArtottA,.........,, ets sold to an'rjotnlB 'i 8outhea8tnnd through. , No ii, anai rxfXBge ; teibr. tver allowed on loiarriaia I Hi If Taiwrf Gen'lP IwnMirtnA I A. POPS, . nw,n 1 1 rPril"nla fvtt4ltt86&'iil yf lAiN lElJaUaAXjLfl i a .... c. I'i 6 X'C? i r I ti mm o: bat w on m'oazTmf, ''-BVlslssl' ita art a :.iit 1 R'wa!4 vd nfeti?' bijAll'eisMm preaapOr i oil .H1rrr ; i-l l ..oa etutf fc r-ioiaUni. nnj.i ;vi9.:iwiiyjw:sui m- i 9 Wtln&H'iUiut IPrJwda jIhaJ. IB , .thod 911 lit ftifnl rvrtrJ QsittaliBoieU, 1 i4tsWfci juiay Vfc.' "ii Seasonable Goods Id great variety, just received, at the C II I N A STORK or- J, Lot of elegant BABY GflfinMGlSj AMftiMKATO and ICE eflEl? FLY FANS AND TLY TRAPS. i , ICE CttEAITI 'EBStWwika.vl.. i . - " AIR-TIUHT FMtJIT JARs. WATER COOLERS. PORCELAIN LtNlD. v.. ; Moddng Bird Cages, Canary iind Breeding Gages BsbyflMsHTS. etc. etc - a-sy a mil iiraanavroM , trery31as! Lamps. Fancy Goods ann suverpiatea ways on nana, whoesale add retail at prices. Please give us a calL' iT Res ire 2tt MOOKFJkUM CO. j may 9 a BOSTON METALLURGICAL WORKS 83 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON MASS, Metallurgists, t : i GOLD stud SILVER REFINERS, Practical MUl-Runs oholls iQO 1 refractoiijpa)ri Surveys,, Mine Examinations, and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. . MANAQE;:: The New W;; 30L.D, COPPER and LEAD ORES smELTED ON RETURNS . or PfJBCHA9Bftr COPPER MATTE" AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. THOM, AS BINNSv. . v ........... . .MiTALLtX8(8T. A. H. KIDNEY,..!.. ....... tfnrxa EfiftttBB, JOHN HOLLIDAY,... PBOV. CHtttrsT mar8 tf ESSEflflEa -sfajsiackji'o. i -8 -vxw--e?crjevr,w o PS :ttS a)si as skat & f7 O CM o 5 H SBCII0 ft Q X 64: : ig.f -f-f S, S t S S dr i : fill .4 OS M Z H O H o c o aaaaB-saeeBp PS a t S s.-t fit d&i jtlh a 6 M actoiMctei 4 Trttln No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with B. 4 D. B. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh, Pull man' Palace Sleeping tterrfrpai Greensboro' to : Henry a Connects at 8;abievfire wlttfe A.,' T. 4 O. Division of C, C. 4 A.rR. ;R with Sleeping Car from Charleston, & C? to Henry's. Open obser vaOenicars run over the mountain both ways be tween! Henry's and Warm Springs, affording a magnificent day-light view of the Mountains and French Broad river. Connects at Warm Springs with train of E. Tenn., Va. 4 Ga. R. R for Morris town and points South-West Trstln No. 3 Connects at Warm Springs with E. T..Ya. 4 Ga R B. PuUman Sleepers from Henry's to Greensboro', and Sleeping Cars pott Henry1 to Charleston. B. C. -nBeelt Stltesvllle with A., I.tO. Divl- SlOU QI Uie V., U a S. D- a .ii" R. 4 D. R. R for a'l points North and South. a i Thronsh TJcKeia cn sale at Salisbury, StatesvUle, AshevUls and the Warm Springs to an principal dues. Hnmmer excursion tickets on sale from alt points North and South. t , , fi. a. uavmunw, Jah2 1 Auditor, G. V. 4 P. Agent IF0E OFFER FOR SALE ON FAVORABLE TERM THE ENGINE ir FORMERLY TOED BY THE HOC at I ISLAND, JKmrjf, COBBPANY -Call on or addreA$T JS0.1 O "i t Ayr! f; im -'f;:- . ! J' f Si if fnajllaisli "41 li1 INI nntsmla Sl - i.tajwts ituot witf1 w-r.i4 saaseeabt lis. and iwardsi ReDorts. Sketche .a ca n am wm (..,- . ;-.'.- 1 :- ' I i(.; -I t : "MUf-i: it , '! Sias-lis, WE.. V.-.v- A r,ftaUt Jtmte nwtiT i r f I!