DAILY CHARLOkTIlfe OBSERVER FfRIDAY, JULY 28, 18 8 2 BUSINESS NOTICES. Unman Prejudice. Some one has wisely said: "There M nothing stronger than human prejudice:" and thU Is true. KDecialW are some mlnda prejudiced against .proprietary medicine." Bccuuite some such medicine ae shams, they leap to the conclusion that all are- As well say. because nome physicians are ais, a I are Th-re are counierfelU of all eood thing, evn of gold cwlns and greenbacks. But there l true monef, and there are true medi cines Among the latter Is Bunt's Beuedy. true nnd tried, and with the lestlmonUU 0f hundreds who he txn healed and saved from the grae T ,t rot all diseases of the kldnets, the liver, the urinary organs; It Stands without a peer. i&rsic(ns Precrlbe.lt, rod the sick ball it with i0J. isn't it cheaper to buy a bottle of It yourself, and take It according to dlwc' tons, -than to pay tor your prejudice by receiving It at the bands of your physician at ten times the cost? Hero &dnt:ttseraents. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. 1 marvel of parity strength and wholesomeness More econo mica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low tost, short weight, a um or phosphate powders. 8old only In cans. BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., v28 Mew York. L'ROY DAVIDSON, Sole Agent, Charlotte, Tf. C. SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong ? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1881. , Gentlemen : 1 hare suffered with pain in my side and back, and great soreness on mv breast, with shoe dv. a oot- ing paj&t all through my body, at .waaea wi I with great weakaess, depres- ' aum of (pints, and loss of appe tite. I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid neys, and spleen, but I go t no relief. I thought I would try Brown's Iron Bitters ; I have now taken one bottle and a half and am about well pain in side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and I havt a good appetite, and am gaining m strength and flesh. It can iustlvbe called ca tni the king of medicituM. John K. Allendek. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung au4 Kidney diseases. DAVID SON, WHOLESALE- GROCER -AND- MHSIGHMEHTS SQIOTJ FROM ALL SECTIONS,; Highest Prices Paid, for' flats. JU25 Save Your Fruit W !? Scarr'8 "ret Preservative- without seal knt can" a twenty-five cent package will jp twenty pounds of Itult-perfectly nannies T. A UMI Alabastine 1 toirJ?rior t0 Kalsemlne-cheaper ttan'IMao " Dom'.EJ? n,1,e1 ad applied by any ane no W1U 60 square yards, two mate lUlttV of Moll. ....: . ZZZ Jln.nt Hi- 1 r Walls inri Milin.. vni-i . Ana ie aiS .!" ndieeiltoo of any MndM&p. 5eit iwaeiV P'MterlBg it is not Kalstmln but iaue dot scaie on. - tsoi uui T, C. SMITH, Piugjt. , 10122 c 25 CENT gitoi, J -unos ot fruit ror sale at Uw . H. JORDAN CO., llOJWtA 1 Stye (ttljarloitt b0crtier. Index to New Advertisements. HOME BRIEFS. tiThe police made one arrest for drunkenness yesterday. tMr. S. Wittkowsky left yesterday for the northern markets, to lay in the fall goods for Wittkowsky & Baruch. t-Wadsworth has just received a lot of fiDe horses from Virginia. They are splendid looking animals and are good travellers. EIrish potatoes are now being bar relled in this market and shipped to Richmond in large quantities. They are bodgbt here at 40 cents per bushel. tf-Hon. M. W. Ransom is to address a political meeting at Mt Pleasant, Ca barrus county, on the 11th of August. He delivers an agricultural address at Poplar Tent Fair on the 9th. t-Mr. W. A. Huffman will open his new buggy and carriage repository m Mr. E. Nye Hutchison's building on College street, August 1st. It will be the largest in the State. t3g We learn through the Farmer and Mechanic that Capt. Thomas Ar- mistead, formerly of this city, has been appointed Superior Court clerk of Washington county. HSThe water works were tested yes terday under the heaviest pressure yet obtained and two sections of the main bursted. The damage will be repaired to-day and the test continued until the pipes are found to hold. tSF" A paragraph is going the rounds of the papers to the effect that Gov. Vance has been presented with a pair of twins by Mrs. Vance. This is a mis take and there is no truth in it what ever. Vance was never born to meet with this sort of luck. 3FThe only case before the mayor yesterday was that of "the cyclone," whose capers were reported yesterday. The cyclone was truly sorry for what he had done, swore it was his first offence and would be his last. The mayor let him off for $1 fine. J3T At the Democratic judicial nom inatingj convention, held in Hickory last Wednesday, Mr. J. S. Adams, the present incumbent, was nominated for solicitor of that district by acclama tion. He has proved a good officer and a better nomination could not have been made. Jt2T"That a brisk fall trade is antici pated, is evidenced from the heavy pur chases the merchants are making. The front of Wittkowsky & BarUch's store, was yesterday literally hidden from view by the goods' boxes piled on the curbing. The pile contained six hun dred cases of shoes. C3TTiddy & Bro.'s book store is now decorated with the newest and prettiest thing out papier mache plaques. The designs are handsome and unique and must at once take the eye of all who fancy home decorations. Call and see them if you want to look on something beautiful. 83FA lot of wagoners camped in one of the back lots of the city Tuesday nieht. and yesterday after they had gone a wooden leg was found, which one of them had left behind. It was docked with George Cox's plunder at the courthouse and Coroner Alexander was notified to hunt up the balance of the man. An Ex-Railroad Official, Col. A. Pope, who has been for so long a time a moving spirit in the railroad business of the South, was left out in be cold at the recent election of officers for the associated lines, and is now without a railroad. He has been in the service a long time, has been a bard working man, an efficient and capable officer and an upright gentleman. We learn that he is preparing to take atrip to Europe and will leave in a few days. The Man Who Wanted a Quart of Gas. In our Southern mail yesterday even ing, this message came on a postal card : "Don't say that the man who wanted the quart of gas was from South Caro lina. When a South Carolinian wants a bottle of gas, he goes to a bar room for it." The card was sigried S. CT," and as well calculated to wither us like dew before the morning sun. S.C.'s intentions are no doubt well meant, and while we are sorry that he gives his countrymen away on the bar room racket, we are compelled to disregard his order not to say that the gas hun ter was a South Carolinian, for he was. At least he said he was from South Carolina and the man certainly ought to know what State he was from. . Personal Items. CoL Wm. Johnston is at the Warm Springs. ' , f Mr. Wm. I. Colvert, of Eagle Mills, Iredeil county, was in the city yester day. Mr. W J. Black has bought out the store and stock of Mr. Jos. Mclaughlin and will conduct the grocery business hereafter. Hiss Carrie Clark son has gone to Columbia to spend a few weeks. Miss Bessie Myers is at Cleaveland Springs. Mr. John Pharr has returned to his place in Berwanger's clothing house, after two weeks of-roughing it in Stanly county. Last Tuesday he caught the boss cat fish out of the Pee Dee, but this was not all he caught. The young man came back wearing a button-hole bouquet, which tells its o wjji tale. The Lawn Party, The mint yard presented a very live ly scene last night with its illuminated bowers, thronged with gay youths and maidens, all taking in the Varied pleas ures of a lawn party. , The party was riven bv the congregation of the Bap tist church, to aid in raising money for the new church Duumng, and it proyeq to be quite a sqecess, financially and otherwise. The yard was pretty well rrnwded and the various, saloons were liberally patronised. All of the bowers were fitted np noose attractively, Dut the one that commanded "the most at tention was the Japanese pagoda, which waa rraided ver: br several young ladies,ttiredinthe;8tyle offhe Japs, 'order With colored 'llghts.fancy' paintj ings,etc?;Counting intthe ate money and allthe sum realized will approxi mate $1007a right handsome little sum. Xtfe-LMff Belief. Richmond, Va., Jan. 81, 1881. n . a. r . tArm Vnnp flute EldMT COUNTY POLITICS. Fixing the Slates for a New Board of County Commissioners Other Local Political Topics. The discussion of county politics has lately been growing and waxing warm, and has been quite animated during the past week. When the magistrates meet on the first Monday in August there will be something more than talking done. This meeting is looked forward to with a great deal of interest, as important matters are 10 come oeiore it, ana its re sults will be of the greatest moment to the Democracy of the coun ty. The probable action of the board of justices in regard to the election of county commissioners, has been a sub ject of a good deal of discussion and surmises, the general drift of which is that not a member of the present board will be retained in office, but an entire new. board will be elected. Yesterday the Observer reporter met severa magistrates and in the eourse of gen eral conversation felt them on the sul ject. They were not willing to tel their programme, but admitted that there was a decided feeling among them against retaining the present commis sioners in office and that they would in all probatulity vote for a new set alto gether. ThisAvill be done as a harmo nizing measure and not for any incom petency of the present board. No fault has been found with them individually as officers and gentlemen, but the party feels that it will be too heavy a burden to carry them through the campaign on account of their unyielding course in refusing to grant licenses. They have disregarded.."; will of the people as expressed atthe ballot box, and have robbed, the county of hun dreds of dollars in refusing to license the bars and thereby refusing to re ceive the money that should accrue from this source. The record of the present board is against them and it is the determination of the magistrates to elect men who will be more Democratic in their legislation. The new board will be entirely Democratic but composed of both wet and dry men with the chances in favor of the former being in the majority. At this meeting of the board of jus trees a solicitor for the Inferior Court is to be elected, and we hear that sev erai candidates will contend for the place. Sending: South for a Piano. McSmith has scored a signal victory over the Northern piano factories and dealers.He sold and yesterday shipped a $600 piano to Mr. J. P. Prince, at Wash, mgton City. Mr. Prince, in ordering tne piano stated that he had tried all the dealers around him, but found that none of them could give as good a bar gain as McSmith. The piano left on yesterday evening's through freight. This is a feather in McSmith's cap, and a pretty large one, too. It is nothing new for the South to buy from the North, but it is seldom that the order is reyersed, as in this instance, The II ornets' N est Riflemen . This excellent military company, which has so long been the wide of Charlotte, has recently disbanded with a view to reorganization on a new basis. It is proposed to form a new company from the ranks of the Hornets and the Grays, with some of the old veterans. to officer the new company, which will still retain the name of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen. The guns and accoutre ments of the old military of the city are being collected and will be returned to the State arsenal, and application will be made for new and lighter guns. A meeting of the company will be called next week, when steps will be taken for the re-organization of the company. What a Bolt ot Lightning Did. We learned yesterday the particulars of a remarkable escape from death by lightning, of a man, boy and party of children, near Sharon church, last Tues day. A son of Mr. H. M. Caldwell had discovered a bee tree that morning and in the afternoon, the young man ac companied by Mr. J. M. Hargett, a ten ant, and several children, went out to the tree with the intention of cutting it down and procuring the honey. They had been cutting a short time when they stopped to rest awhile. They were all standing around the tree looking up at the hole and watching the bees going in and coining out, when there came a blinding flash of lightning which struck the tree and tore it all to pieces and went into the ground at the root of the tree. The current struck the axe in the hands of young Caldwell and turned it perfectly black, while his tongue, as well as that of Mr. Hargett, was burn ed severely. A little girl standing near was thought to have been killed by the shock, but after being carried some distance she recovered, and was found to have sustained no serious injury. A watch in the pocket of young Caldwell had the lids of each side thrown open by the Bhock. The bees and honey were destroyed. The Grasshoppers Coming. The happiness of the farmers is des tined to be rudely disturbed by the ap proach of an unexpected pest the grasshoppers if we are to judge from neighborhood reports. The grasshop pers are working havoc with the farms just across the South Carolina line. On the farm of Mr. John Ratteree, there is said to be millions of the pests. They attacked a patch of corn and literally tore it to pieces. The Rock Hill Herald man has been investigating the matter and reports that the grasshoppers, when they strike a row of corn, strip every blade, but leaye the stem troubling neither the stalks nor the ears. They are of various sizes, from an inph and a half in length down to the size of a bee. Most of them are of a deep gieeu color, but some are parked with a dark red stripe. We have not heard of these insects appearing in any other locality, and it Is rather singular- that this one field should be infested with them. They are perfectly wild and by going ahead of them and making a noise they can readily be driyen back. Adjoining the corn is a wheat field from which the grain na? beep harvested recently, and there they can be found clustered together by thousands. Can any one fral ijs whence' they gape 1 j Br a 1 majority- the people of the Dotted States hav declared their tatta in Kidney Wort, as a remedy for all the disease of the Kidneys MdiS!some. however, have disliked tne trou ble of preparing; It from the dry form. Foraocha rVeaKppear ta thejfcape K Wney- Wort in lilQUia orm. wuvmm"i easUytaken and Is equally efficient as the dtj. Try It LontsvUie gouner louram. Notice to Mecklenburg Democratic Ex ecntive Committee. Office of Democratic Executive Committee of Mecklenburg Pn i Charlotte, N. C, July 24th, 1882; The members of the Democratic Ex ecutive committee of Mecklenburg county are requested to meet at my of fice, in Charlotte, on Saturday the 29th inst, at 12 o'clock M., for the transac tion of business. A full attendance is requested. H. C. Jones, Ch'n Deni. Ex. Com. of Mecklenburg co. The following is the committee, vil- H C JojJfes, chairman ; W W Flemmine'i R P WaHng.I W Herron, T T Sandifer A G Neel. Edgar II Walker, E P Coch rane, W B Harry, S B Smith, J G Potts J T Kell, W J Yates, Frank 1 Osborne! Fiat Jmstitia. To the Editor of the Observer. A statement was made in The Ob server yesterday concerning a race run between the Juvenile Pioneers and' the Young Hornets, in which the latter were victorious. The Juvenile Pioneers did not mean this to be a race, for the reason that they had never run before, and knew nothing about making the' connections, while on the other side the Young Hornets have practiced a month or more. Hoping that the citizens of Char lotte will have a better opinion of the Juvenile Pioneers than they had when they saw their running time compared with that of the Young Hor nets, I am Yours Respectfully, A Member. Charlotte, N. C, July 28th, 1882. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JULY 27, 1882 "PRODUCE. lhabueston - BBiflts Turpentine aulet. at 42c Bosindull, at 81.50 for strained; 81. 65 for good oucuuou. WmnNGTON Spirits Turpentine quiet, at 42Vfec ivooiu iiuioi, i.uur Birainea; si.ou ior good strained. Tar steady, at 82 25. Cmde Turpentine urui. ai, i.m r naru; sa.uu tor yellow dip S? v!;..Ior . Vlr81n- Cera -aim; prime whit 91.1 tn, mixea ut. Baltimore noon Floor quiet aDd unchanged uunoiu owCTi wiu nesiern super fr-j UUQ)3.75 cAira uuic4.2o; family $5.50$6.50; City Mills, super &U00$3.7f; extra $4 00ffiS7.00; Bio brands 86 25386.50. Wheat Southern iuwor; TTosieru opened nrmer, deellned and clos fo6,8?'' Southern 1 red 81.0781. 18; amber 81.12 ui.i, u. 1 Maryiana $1.1 31A asked: No. western winter red spot. $1.12$1.1314. Com ouuiueru tower; western strong, higher and In acuve; aoutnero whit Sl.08ffi81.lO; Southern BALTIMORE WTOfrr Hat a milet nnri Bouhern B267; Western white 65ViQ 67; mixed uoitut, c-BuusriTajiiHOda'oj. provisions steady mess pork, 822 259)828 25. Bulk meate-should ere ana clear rib sides, packed 1 1 a 1 3. Bacon - Biiouiuers 12; ciear no sides 15V4; hams 15 i" jjru reunea 14 uonee nrm; mo car goes crainary to lair 8149 sugar aulet: A """Wfe whiskey steady, at 81.18. Freights to juireryuui, uuciiaogea. CTNCDiNATi-Flour, dull; family new S4.75S So.OO: Old S5 3hf?Sfi.4n: fancy Srt nn7 ir Wheat unsettled, but generally lower; Ho. 2 red wiuujr. I. uu ior spot; 81 uwi ror July; 81.0014 81 00 for August. Corn easier; No. 2 mixed 81 ior spot; 81 for July; 79 bid for August. oats scarce and arm; No. 2 mixed, 6Hfe. Pork qum, at S22 00. Lard -dull and lower, at 812-lrt. buik meats-quiet; shoulders $50; clear rib aio.uu. wnibKey-nrm, at si.itj; combination sales of finished goods 445 barrels, on a basis of si. 10. sugar nrmer; naras yeclO$h; New Or leans iHams. Hogs -firm; common and light S50ffi88 85; packing and butchers S7.80S- Chicago Flour quiet and steady. Wheat - No, z iva winter, in fair demand, at 81 r2Vi for c ish and July; No 2 Chicago spring, 8l.29S81.29iA T. Anck. O I tilt . T . . ( A, An., 0 U jyi wuu, 01 iwr duij; 91.UUV3 ior August Regular. 81 OOtfc for July; for August corn-rainy active and a shade higher, at 7 for casuauu juiy v Dg ror August, uets ralrly ac tive, firm and higher, at 57 for cath; 57 tor Juiy; 6 ior August Pork quiet and weak, at 821.00 for cash and August Lard In fair de-: m and and lower, at 812.208l2.22t& for cash and August. Bulk meats steady ant unchanged: shoulders 8-76; short ribs 8.1 2 6fi; short clear sid zo. w nisKey steaay ana unchanged, at 011 1. COTTON. GAL VBSTOH - Quiet; middling 121Ac; low mid aimg 12c; goou ordinary nc; net receipts iu; gross iu; saies 01; siock 1,493; ex ports coastwise ; to Ureal Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to channel Nobiolb: -Steady, middling 12 7-1 6c; neirec'pts 1U3; gross 1113; nock 2.449, exports coast-,. wise n; nmeii 141; exports to ureal Britain ; 10 comment Baltimore-Uulet. middling I23ia. low mid dllng 12 5-16c; ood ord'y 11 7-16c: net rec'ts ; gros 129. sales ; stock 7.662; exports coastwise ; spinners ; einom lo Great Britain ; to continent . BosTOjr Steady, middling 13c; low middling 12 Vac; irood ordinary llc; net receipts 52; kium mu : BtocK o.oiaj; exports to ore treat Britain to France - Wilmington steady, middling I2lie: low mid. dllng 1 1 13-ldft; good ordinary 10 15 16c; receipts ; gross ;salea ; stock 488; exports eoaatwiM , ; to Great Britain ; to continent :. Philadelphia Quiet; tnlddttaK lJRbc low middling, 1 2 c: good ordinary 11: rewipt net ; gross 763; sales : urk 7.414: ex ports Great Britain ; to continent . Savannah Steady: mlddllnz 12c: low mid dling lls; good ordinary lOtoo; net receipts 8; gross 8; sales 25: stock 183: exports coastwise 10Q, to Great Britain r ; to France : to continent . New Orleans -Steady: middling 124ic: low mldaLng I24fec: good ordinary 1 lic: net recelDts 45; gross 45; sales 1,400; stock 28,694: exports to ereat Britain ; to France ; coastwise 634; to continent ; to chan nel . MoBTLE-Qulet; middling 12(&c: low mlddllnn 1214c; good ordinary Utfcc; net receipts 174; gross 174; sales - ; stock 1,118: exports eoast ; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Msmphd Steady, mlddllns 12lAc: low mid dling 12Vfec; good ordinary 1144c net reeetms 64: gross 74; shipments 40; sales 1,075; stock 4,349. AUGUSTA Quiet: mlddllnn 12c: low mid dling ll&fec: good ordlnarv 11 lie: receipts : shipments ; sales 9 Chahlbston- Quiet: middling 12M: low mid. dllng 12c: good ordinary llic; net receipts fi; gross 5 sales 8: stock 480: exportseoastwlae , 4o Great Britain ; to continent : to Branca : to chan nel . NEW York Stead 7: saMb ft R21 : mlddltnc'tm. lands 12 13-lflc: middling Orleans 1 S 1-1 ftc: eon. solidated net recelDts 588: exoorta to Great Britain 880: to France K14: to continent 212; to channel . , LrvERPOOL-Noon FbauMr msidllng uplands iitMu nuaoriDr Orleans iik&L. as 744Alea J5GQ; 8.000; iiptsSSO, peculation , ana exports all American. Uplands low middling clause Jury delivery 7 3-t54dffi7 5 64d; July and August 7 2-64da7 4-64d; August and September ?2-64d-7 4-64d: September and October. 6 57-64d- tt 5864d; October and November 6 45-64d- 6 4B-H4d: November ana uecemoer 0 42 H4df7- 6 43 64d; December and January ; January and February 6 42-64d; February and March . Futures firm. LtvxbpojL-5 p. vu-Sales of American cotton 11.100. Uplands low nilddling clsnsei July de livery -t : ' July aad August ,7.8-84d; Aug ust ana uepiemoer ; cepiemper ana 00- ;ober 6 57-84d; Oc ober. and November - .; ovemberand December n : Deoemberand January -.; January and February . Futures barely steady. FUTUKK3. New York -Net receipts 141: gross 141, Futures closed steady; sales 65,000 bales. July 12 803.82 August 12.78.79 September. 12.59a.60 Octobet,...: 1 : H99S.00 November ......... t 11.810(82 Deeemfter.... 11.8201.83 January ll.92a.93 FeUaary 12 02Q.04 March J 2 1491.16 April..........: ia.2tk?.28 May . June. rt,NANUL. Kew yohs. Kxchanne . 4.8514 1.01 1.14 1.20&8 304 884 417 5,480 Oovernmenta-strong , New 5 8, Four and a half per oaoU, , Four per cento,.. -.,,, Money . State bonds quiet' Sub-treasury balances Gold " ' Currency-. . Stocks Irregu'.ar anJ closing strong: Alahama Class A. 2 to 5 ........... Alaliama Class A, smaU Alaltama Class B, R's Alabama-Class C, 4's....... Chicago and North western '. Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Krle -- last TeoneiNte.,,, GocwiSUW .'.. Illinois Central....... Lake Shore. LooJsvUlearjdMaahvniw?.. ...... Memphis and Charleston Nashville and Chattanooga. New YoricCentmL........ pittBbuig. Richmond aqsl AUeghenj. BJchmond and Danville Bock Island " South Carolina Brown Consols, West Point Terminal. ............ .. Wabash, 8b Louis A Pactfte.. , Wabash, St Louis ft Pacific pref erd 1.08 XlVa 1.371A 1.60tfc 40 12 1.65 1.881 1.16 74A &7 64 1.86 L88 t 254 1.17' 1:8314 l.OSte 2i 8Hk western union. -. . . 89t 1 CITY COTTOI, MARKET. Oma or Thb Obskbvkk. i CHAHLOTT, Jul 2K. 1882. I The market yesterday closed stearty at the fol lowing quotations: Wood Middling. 12 Middling. 128 Smet low middling. 1214 Low mlddllne ia Storms and Tinges S& 1 1V Sales yesterday 213 bales. Charlotte Produce nmrlteU JULY 27, 1882. BUYING PRICES. Cork, per bosn'l H' 6! 1 00 WHXkX, 95al oo Bs-uta, white, per bushel 1.26a2 50 Pias, Clay, per bnsh. .OOal.10 Lady, " i 50 White, " , k J1 2.75aH.00 g1 "- 2 25a2.fi0 OATOheiied." v;. v.v.v 'Eo Dhikd Fkctt Apples, per lb.. . . 45 Peaches, peeled 7 Unpeeled b&6 Blackberries aafi Potatoes Sweet, new 2.00a2 25 Irish 45a50 Butter North Carolina. . . . . lees, per dozen. Poultry. Chickens , Spring Ducks Turkeys, perm Beef, per lb., net. . . , Mutton, per lb., net. Pore, . 20 25 lOall a0a25. 40al5 '."3 . 8a9 SELLING PBICES WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats e Rio 12al5 fflar:::": 10aU3 . cuDa.. 45 Sugar Syrup 3Ka5,, -Choice New Orleans r)5a75 gammon 40a45 Liverpool fine l.r.Oal.25 m coarse 85al.00 Tf AXlSJUbX . Com, per gallon 81.75a2.00 Brt- I2.00a8.00 PPie, per gallon. 82.00a3.00 rWiNs, Scupoernong", per "gallon! ! ." .' .' ! ! ! 8L50 RETAIL. Chkbsx 20 Lard, perm .!...!!."!'.!!".'.". I5al6 Tallow, per Tb tJ2 Bvoon . c. hog round Hal 5 una,a.K,... . Ibal8 Hams, canvassed. ltfai8 8al0 Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl 3.25a3.50 mountain, " ... 3.00 Fish Mackerel No. 1 1 95 " -No. 2 1.00 " -No. 3 75 Codflsh 15 Cabbage, per m 5ag Mzvo tltrertisements. on factory FOR SALE. T Y Virtue of a decree 01 the Superior Couitof XJ :atawDa county, made In the case of P. r. Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. a. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Sprint Term, 1882, of iuiawuii cuumy aupe' ior coun, me unaersigaed, as Receiver, will sell at Public Sale, at the Court House at Newton, N. C. on 1 UKtSDAY, AUGUST 2Wth. 1882. the -following Valuable Property, to-wit : The factory of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether with 1816 acres land, inoludtng the entire water power of seven feet head, faetory building 60x40, two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery: 1 picker, 1 36-lnch double beater and lapper, 6 36-lnch 14 top flateards railway head, 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all In good order, 2 Danforth cap frames, 182 spindles, total number spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and bailing press; also a large lot of old looms, pullles, shafting, For more accurate and definite description of th property and the conditions of said sale refer ence la hereby made to the decree above referred. Also at the same time and place, I will sell for cash the Insolvent evidences of debt due the Ca tawba Manufacturing Company, as appears upon loin 11 if'URB. TERMS: Twenty per cent of purchase mr ney cash, and the balance in equal instalments of three months rnd six months, bond and approved security required of purchaser, or the Receiver is by said Decree authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. 7 he Receiver Is also authorized hv said Decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him ahd purchaser, and he will entertain private bids until day of sale. rersons wishing to examine Raid nronprtv will find Dr. A. M. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom will take nleasom in showing the same. Address John L. COBB, Receiver, Lincolnton, Lincoln county, N. C. ul27 ids AMI7BTP4I "OO pages.. History of all Polltl- n Jiuiliuail cai sanies, by Senator Cooper. It gives everything pertaining to policies, and unites history, in POLITICS, struction and ready reference. Sold only by subscription; but subscrip tions sent direct will be forwarded BY by mail or C. O. D. at Publishing HON. THOS. Co's expense. Agents now wanted. Must apply early, tor territory is be V. COOPER, ing rapidly assigned. Prospectus now ready. Address FIRESIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Junl3 tf 20 North Seventh Street, Phila, MACON SCHOOL. r pHIS School, embracing an English, X Academic and Commercial De partment, will open on the 4th ot September, 1882. For catalogue, address W. A, BARRIER. JUNIUS B. FOX., Charlotte, N. a Jul28 dlw then eow tf I Principals. HOUSE AND LOT FOR $1,500.00. "MEED ING the money for the erection of its Al new bulldine. the Charlotte Bantlst hnrrh off-re4ts present house ot worship, and the lot whereon It stands, at corner of B and Seventh streets, at the above extraordinary low price, to an approved purchaser. The rear line of this lot is the rear line of the main church building, and the purchaser at the above price will also get the ma terial composing the rear rooms attached, and be allowedaov reasonable time desired within hir-h to remove the same. call or write at once, as this offer wilUnot be open after the 15th August, 1882. Further par ticulars can be obtained of TH0M4S L. VAIL, Cashier Traders' National Bank. Home A Democrat and Rlhllsw.) RamwlMmni tf and send bill to T, L. Tail JU12D ti FRESH ROASTING EARS, New Sweet Potatoes, Fine Peaches, AND NEW CHEESE, at S. M. HOWELL'S. Jul28 MPOBTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Death to Insects, such as File Ant RnoAso Fleas, Bed Bugs. Mosquitoes, Aa, by using the Persian Insect Powder; for sale at wildeb'S Drug Store. Corner Trade and College Streets. pBTf THE "MEDICATED NEST EGG" To prevent verm'n anions tout Rhtakena.- nnlv 5e a piece, at WILDER'S Drug Store, comer Trade and College Streets. PRESERVING POWDER At WUder's drag store. Keeps Cider in any Fruits, &c.; perfectly stage desired, for preserving harness: 26o oer box. at wiAiUJUt's vrug oiore. Corner Trade and College Streets. rTJST RECEIVED. A large lot of flne'y selected Cigars, where all can be salted in a smoke, at wiLDBB'S Dreg store. Corner Trade and College Streets. T. C. Smith FILLS orders for Horsford's Bread Preparation and Add Phosphate at New York prices la all quantities-no freight added. T: C: Smith HAS en and ahelot of those mfld Clga : etea. with velvet mouth nieee-onsidereh the best call for Duke ot Durham brand. TURNIP SiJED. TT7 1 have just received a foil stock of an varie- v ties. B. XL JORDAN A CO, fn!8 0 WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. -:o: ENLARGED GIYE FJLARGEP THERE are people within Trading Distance of us, who do not understand it fJi K Ye manage to sell goods BO OHEAP, but it is no mystery, nor many advantages we possess. The Great irUDlic Enow it. and let us tell vnn t.h tui t o.f r,,- e f .v . ti... - . - -ww ft AND THIS IS We buy in large quantities direct. We avoid the middle-man, ard we are con tented with the very smallest profits. In our PEREMPTORY SAXjE, COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 4TH, 1882. WE WILL White Goods, White Goo is, CONSISTING OF NAINSOOK, Plain, Striped and Plaid; JACONET, Barred A: Striped; PIQUES Barred, striped and Plain; SWISS, Plain, Dotted, Striped and Plaidt LINEN LAWNS) Plain and Colored; DEDACCAK, Plain, Striped and Plaid; BISHOP and VICTORIA LAWNS; OBUAKDIEii, Puffing- and Tuckingr, at Prices that Will Aatonihh Yon. Attractive Sale and Tremendous Reductions of Towels, Napkins.Table Linens, Quilts, &c. We will offer to close our entire Remnant Stoek of SUMMER MESS GOODS, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Nun's Veiling,&c.,way below Cost THE ABOVE BALE BARGAIN IT mm coo FOR HldDtl WsaitDnQ0 M2.00. GRASS CLOTH in a targe Variety tUIB SIT CD) CD IK IS COMPLETE nira n II NN N IIN N N UN NN UN NN U MM MM MM MMEKBRRR UMMMMMMMMB R B UMMMMMMMMEK RRR UM M MM M MR R R a a u UU M M MM M MKKBK B WB HATS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OV HUMS MD Ever placed upon this Market Speeialtiefl In UNDBBWEAH; and toe beat 0BES9 SHIRTS. :o:- FACILITIES AMANTAGES ,. um oiuic ia lun lcsurt ui mors THE MYSTERY: HATE ON OUR COUMTER CONSISTS OF POSITIVE OFFERINGS. 4 SACK COATS of Patterns, at 35c TT1TKEEX XTTTTU U RRR KKBaS8a UE RK 5 8 x K X X T U T EK X T IT T K XX U UK BI T KEIX X T UU R BEER MiPMM lite Goods, BARUC ITSt IUJ u