f- - if jr. DAILY CHARLOTffi CgBSERyER;, T U E.B Y -. ,A V & ft T , 3, .ijjj. 1 ' I r"r-.-v' I . . ' .V1-. ... , . .... i , ! : r - , . " 1 -- - - . - ll Ih r J. ! IF1 V ll J t JJJJ J.J, J AJ r-w.M 41 'iKNXUfiMKN s In my pmctio of 85 "'"J Htrs Inn Tosfn dons. Hi of .nervous iXed oondittonol the blood, it in preference to any iron pmratK- ffffii' baIiUKKS, IW oeesity in my practice. ' imbuiimw In fact, X ive eoUf to tJui td4itl, natwai lu-althful tone to I the digestive organ ad nervous wy?Yr tite, Prostration of tttall Toert and, JmpoteneeJ MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARIER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIWST.i ST. LOUIS. Dr-OLAM Ctircs all diseases of kidneys, skin and blood. Million, testify io its Qinc&cy- jn:ineaung'j, nau do i iseases, a n w i ui iwiuuu it to be the Best JJemedy Known to Man. 1 ma Guaranteed' IBADJB MARK. LADORATOltY 77 WEST 3d ST., NEW DowNfWHtt ;H ti iifly 8tb, 188l.-Dr. CLAHK .... ...ti f.llM7rAMr.lfiliii "r? greatly nutncwniiflvwiuovpicuiiu. m lnl22 WE AM TOW 'OPENINfi TOR NEW OF- Including all tbe latest novelties In the MILLINERY LINK. HATS, . BONNETS,- , FIOWKR54,- RIBBONS, SILKS, LACESi, ic In all the new atjles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qnalltles of LACES, embracing White "Hioods. Neck Wear. Hosiery Gloves, Parasols. Ac. th LAKE3T and MOST COMPLETK riTOCK IN THE CITY. Our Pattenr-JHats and Bonnets ... , - - -r On VMS$W$ 27 . - When w win be pie spd to show the Ladles the GHANDE3T DISPLAY - OK ' FIMB MILLLNKKY t hey havever seen in this city, Ippectfu!ly,S Mrs. P. Query. mart 2 f T ... ' JUST RECEIVED. -J fa ; TIDDY & BROTHER, jull3 A 111 Have Ju3t received 50 sacks choice mm- which we are offering very low. Also In all size packages CORN, FLOUR, HAY,., rvPfW n. STOCK FEED, And In fact everything kept In a A.J.Bcall&Co. d29 YOU CAN .BUY i ;. ClIAItLOTrE to Asltt-ville for 8,30, GUEENSnoitO " 0.70, pBALBIOH ' 4-. ; ;M, j 13.75, VIA THJj,-- try r :. M- n ,ili ( Spriofe apd Summer Styles MIIiMINBRY letisplita W FORplKHIST, P UIITU PATTFRgS. T'ii in m AIM Wera NoFih Carolma irojiBi Mroai A umM nation of Jlp. " tnariie o f Iron, triitmian oniw preparat ion fSrtn ti. Ai mill not Mttdtem the teeth.no ehurrrticof wammw I uwaw - - " r - n . . TnrCuut to nive the riilta ht DB. r"' TTJthiriUV- 1 P snob, a compound as Dr. Habteb'S Ibow ToMIO sn Ave., rc. Auw, jno. iiuv. jam, P"i.. .JOHNSOS'S the stomach, liver, bowels, to Cure Dyspepsia. YORK CITY. DRUGGISTS SELL, IT. JOHN3W;-Yow INDI1N3L00D SYBUP has .. . ijW iTTWajnfn.l A A . SMITH. DE. J. BEADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOIt. WO.TIAIV'S BEfT FRIEND. It Is well known to Dhyslclans, and alas ! too well known to suffering women themselves, that they are subject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sex, such as suppression oi the Menses, painrui and scanty Menstruation, Congestion, Ulceration and Falling of the Womb, attended with an end less train or sympathetic and ' constitutional disor ders, which embitters the whole life, and which have long been considered as almost incurable. Bat at last the remedy has been found In Da J. BBADFLILD'3 FEMALE REGULATOR. It Is npt a "cure-all" but a remedy for one class of diseases, all of which pertain to the Womb. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can take this remedy, and thns relieve herself without revealing her condition to any one, and without subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock of an examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to the homes of suffering women Is a mission before which royal favor sinks Into insignificance. What earthly ben efaction can compare with one which protects from "That dire d'sease whose ruthless power Withers beauty's tianslent flower?" which gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rose of health for the pallor of dis ease, the light, elastic step for dragging weariness nights of soft repose for heavy hours of tossing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dull ness, the sweet lines of full grown beauty for the sharp and withered form of emaciation, a long life of mental, physical, social auddomestic enjoy ments for a "few sad days" of pain and gloom, ndkxMn ftn eart? grave? Such is -the mission, such are the results of Dr. J. BBADFLBLD'd FE MALE KEGULATOB, which Is hence truly and appropriately styled "Woman's Best Friend." "Whites" and all those Irregularities of thfl womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear Hke magic before a single bottle of this wonderful compound. " All who suffer from any of these diseases are most earnestly inwlted to give this great remedy a trial. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Don't fail to try it. Price small size, 75 cents. Large size $1.50. Manufactured by J BHADKIELD, Atlanta. ia. For sale Everywhere. apr'27 Fostc-tier's tt.in; ch Bit; ers extirpates dyspepsia with ureMer cc ltHii ;y iii.u promptitude than any known lenn fly. unci is a n ost genial invlgorant, ai'pettwr ar.o Md to i-tc etion Thf se are Dot f rnpty asternr-ris. as thouj ds of our countrjmen mid women who have ext eilf-nced Its effects are ar.-ut itrelhc edit) br irrefragable proofs. The Bittern also luve a )i-altbiul stimulus to the wnnaiy, crg;;ns OkALE BYSLLTTlUtfGISTS-AND DEALERS GKNEUALI.Y. Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin Is withifa; its manifestations without' Hence, to cure the disease the causk must be Removed, and In no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE Is es tablished on just this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food l and r.E&TOEKBfand, by placing.'. them In a healthy eunui.i'.'U, vriyo . uiseitso ayu 'jffua ixpm uur sys tem. ror ine innumerable trouDies caused by un healthy Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equaL Beware of Impostors, imitations and concoctions said tp be just as good. rur uiaueies, cms. ir WAKMJSH'O HAJ JS VIA.' aa rjfis vukjs. a or saie oy ail dealers. i J , I t MM. M. WAUHEn & CO,, aprl5 BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM, EVER IN CHARLOTTE trai Jst been retf nexf door below the Central H fji&vB auawuAa Hia. always pe iound. KENDRICK & BIX BY may 19 tf filETROPOllTAN LIFE UNVEILED! "WAJVTEni . KortlxcltingEooklinul COOpijet. 150 lUnitMtlonil Reveaitng miseries of hisrh and low Ufa in AnwrlK'n great cities .fashion's foUiea sad frivolities j behind tho , mou i preny anosiTmsj oisysnon and poort iasoi vious oorru ption as Washington ( rain of innocent Hiruiviunonry-nseaea sinners Druas-ugnt tewltalnsj Sirens vlotirx Voodoa a4 Mnrmon horrors art. f.ims; 2levU l PHce 00. lust'd eiwnliiV 4 l l? rl,i 1 N )F PUBLISH O. , ..... .,. . .5. ,v . . ... .,''" rSV,.; I ugl THE JMELEGANT STATU NEWS. Rateigh News and Observer: ji i.u.r t.wilr liiH nulll of office Judge before Chitf Justice Soiilli on 1 nday, and left on tbe afternoon tram tor Madison -county, where lie holds his hrst court. The thirty-lour miles of track of. the Seaboard and Kaleigh Railroad, be tween Tarboro and Williamston, will be completed by October 1st, it is said. Undertaker John W. Brown says that the deaths this year to date are only about one-third of those for the same period last year. Raleigh was never so healthy. It is said that there were 7,000 water melons in the city Friday. They sold, when- sales could be made, at 2K5c each by the load ; it took a good melon to bring 5 cents. So heavy was the rainfall eight miles north of Raleigh that fences on quite high ground were washed away and 5,000 feet of lumber lying near a little spring branch was washed clear away. The ram was unprecedented. The rains are damaging the crops. The State papers come to us with re ports of such damage in all sections. Wheat, not yet threahed, by reason of the greatness ef the crop, is sprouting in the shocks, and cotton is turning yellow. While attempting to cross Hairsnipe creek, beyond Tucker's mill Dr. Daniel Jackson, a well known ola citizen of this county, was washed down by the flood, and his life was barely saved by some neighbors. He was unconscious when taken fiom the water. His was unconscious when taken from the water. His wagon and two mules were washed down stream a hundred yards, but all were finally saved. The county roads are in a bad con ditionvery bad, in fact. They abound in quag-mires, and atdhort intervals are depressions which prove fatal to many a vehicle. There is not a road leading out of the city which does not need at tention. NEWS NOTES. Chinese agents are buying lands in the British colonies with a view to in troducing Chinese families as agricul tural laborers. The Porte has drawn upon the Khe dive for the expenses of sending Turk ish troops to Egypt, and the English consul-general has warned the Alexan dria banks not to honor Turkish.drafts. An informer named Connell is going to testify to the existence of a secret organization for the disposition of Queen Victoria. The Hon. Artemus Hale, the oldest ex-member of Congress, died at his home in Bridgewater, Mass., Thursday night, aged 9S years and 2 months. The administrator of the late George F. Doughty, secretary of the Cincin nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific railroad, who made an overissue of 4,045 shares of the stock of that com pany, think that his estate will meet all his liabilities. The business failures reported to New York during the past seven days numbered 104, as against ill last week. The Eastern States furnished 10, the Western o0, the Southern 17, the Middle 21, the Pacific coast and Territories 13, New York and Brooklyn 4. The action of the powers in estab lishing a European protectorate of the Suez canal creates uneasiness in Eng land. M. de Iesseps has telegraphed to the Porte liis protest against British oc cupation of the canaL Gold mining has been resumed on the Isthmus of Panama. Several quartz mines have been, opened eight milt s from Aspinwall, and alluvial deposits are being worked between Cruces and Emperador. Chinamen have taken out a considerable amount of gold from placer mines, near the headwaters of the Chagres river, which were worked long ago by the Spaniards. Col. E. B. C. Cash, who was tried last year for killing Colonel Shannon in a duel, announces himself a candidate for Congress in the 1 nth South Caro lina district. Ex-Judge T. J. Mackey, who was a prominent Reputlican dur ing the administrations of Govs. Scott and Moses, and who became a Demo crat in 1870, announces himself as an independent candidate for Congress in the same district. At the Newport torpedo station ves- terday a device for exploding torpedoes under an enemy s vessel, designed bv Lieut. J. C. McLean, of the American navy, who was a delegate to the recent electrical congress at Paris, was suc cessfully tested. A launch was sent out by aid of electricity, no one being on board, and was made by the use of one electric wire to start, stop, back, go to port, to starboard, and drop and fire mines. ROW AT SMITH VILLE. A Ngro Arrested and Rescued bv a MobUnited States Marines Called Upon to Assist the Officers. Wilmington 8tar, 5th. Smith ville was the scene of consider-. -able excitement yesterday. It seems that a colored individual, by the name of Sam Kelly, was asked by a Mr. Weeks for some money he owed him, when Kelly commenced cursing Weeks. The Dotner oitne latter interfered and finally a general row ensued, during which Jvelly drew a knife and tried to use it upon the Messrs. Weeks, two brothers bv the name of Fiver nnri others. Finally a warrant was spr.nrpd for the arrest of Kellv. who had hpp.omo so violent in his behavior that nothing couia be done with mm. and hft was soon afterwards arrested. By this time. however, quite a mob of colored people had gathered and rescued the prisoner. or prevented the officers from nnt.fi n bim-in iail. In the meantime. the authorities hari applied to the -Revenue Cutter, which was lying the harbor, for aseiStance in maintaining law and order, and about fifteen marines, under command nf ?ieutrRoss, were sent ashore. As soon as-tne moo perceived the reinforcement approaching they fled precipitately to the woods, carrying the nrisoner with them, and the marines scoured the neighborhood in search of Kellv. but failed to find him. They succeeded however, in arresting five or six of "the ringleaders of the mob who rescued the prisoner, ana tney were held for inves tigation. Loss ofthe Egyptians in tb,e First Battle. London, August 7. A Reuter dis patch from Alexandria says that Gen. Allison estimates the enemy's loss at 200 to 300. One officer of the Mustaphe zen regiment and fourteen men were taken prisoners. They state thjtt the e2!myi f orce consisted of a batallion Of the Second Infantrv. a rpcimpint 1 9nn strong and 900 of the Mustaphezen regi- .. icuiiuu me reDei icrce at Kafrr-El-Dowar at 1600." Forming a New French Ministry. Ijondon, August 7,-Specials from Fans report that Senator;: Duclerc has accepted the task of forming" a hew minisU:y. - Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bilious attacks poBjtively.cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an Infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most obstinate, long-standing cases, causing no griping or purging: they are mild and efficient, certain in their action and harmless In all cases; thei effectually cleanse the system, and give new Mfe and tone to the body. As a household reme ,e.7 " apeaualea. For Liver Complaint their ?.?.iln ?owa: box have a wonder Iui?cect on the worst case. - They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and wld by Agists t?F?!?' IS,04 60 bow- EmorFs Llt S? Cl2.Puls' T made, mly lB centa. ; Erea Oreiuet than DeetMsi ' 'I t J Richmond, Tai. Jasu'81 1881. -irTWJ57!CT W'Kl-:Too Sate EMney S?!? TCa W life when the draoa --..w t.1 , i - vJov o. UAIU. Proved to be Yellow fever. 6 a 'lveston, August 5 The cases of suspicious sicKBess on . uie scnooner Uenrierxa rrom Matamoraa, now lymg at -quarantine station 6-mile from; tbia city, have- -developed in yellow, fever. )ne death.ocearrd on board. It is Impossible for a woman" to suffer from wetkness after taking Lydla E. Pinknam's Vege table Compound. 1 Would Par Ten Dollars per Bottle for it. Brunswick county, Ya., Nov. 5, 1881. I have been entirely cured of a most fearf al looking and painful sore on my ankle, by the use of Mrs. Joe Person' valuable Remedy. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ringworm. I painted it with tine, iodine. It be came a very painful and bad looking place, then I commenced to try everything I could tninn or hear of, until it became so very painful that I could scarcely walk. Then I went U the best doc tor in the whole countiy for advice, who told me he could cure me It I would take to my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and If I did not do thU pretty soon it could not be cured at all; the bone would become d seased, and my fool would have to be taken off. Imanlue how 1 felt to be told that I would have to lose my foot, or to give up all business? iiher of Die remedies would Iiwd rutned me. Mi ml you. thli whs the advlca of one of the best doctors in the btate at North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn, ass he advised, with caustic until September, but found no bene fit at all from his treatment. I was then advisea by my friends to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. I ordered ha1! pints from her, and took the first d 'seonthe 17thof September, using the Wash also, and now I am well man, the sore Is entire ly cured, and I can walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man. Put me back to the tlrst of September, let me know aa much as I now do of the merits of Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay ten dollars per bottle for it If ! could not get it for any less. I think more of It than any medicine l ever heard of. It Is not only the best remedy In the world to purify the blood, but I believe It will cure all skin and blood dis eases, and It will certainly cure a love of strong drink. It gives me pleasure to furnish this for publication, as I know there are many sufferers who would be cured, ciuld they know of and ob tain Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. Very truly and respectfully, . , - JOS. R. MASON, Jr , South Gaston, North Carolina. Sores Breaking Oat Over the Face and Neck. Raleigh, N. C, Sept 27th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton, N. C. DeaT Madam :-In reply to your letter asking what I think-of your Remedy. I would say that tha eulaa havB hnnii verv fair and 80 far as I Can loam thA RnniAd has been verv satisfactory to n ..mim mhn hacn liocd H.. psneclallv SO in the case of a little girl of this city, ten years of age, who was troubled for a long lime with sores breaking out over the face and neck having the annearance of Scrofula, and which had resisted th usual alterative treatment for a long time. 8he took four bottles of tbe Bitters lat spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and up to this time she has had no return of them, her skin mnwn aa fair ana clear as anv one s. Trusting that you may receive the success which your Remedy seems 10 merit, l am Very respectf u ly yours.. WM. SIMPSON. Druggists. or Send for circular of remarkable cures In thin stata a nnn bottles sold, and not an unta- vorable report. For sale by drugglsts generally and by MBS. JuE PERSON, Agents Wanted. Franklnton, N. C jul29 "v THE GREAT CURE ' FOB RHEUMATISM As it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Jf cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadful coffering which only the victimB of Rheumatism can realize. 'THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. iaiiiiBi7VflBiairril has had wonderful success, and an immense sale in erery part of the Country. In hun dreds of oases it has ourod where all else had faned. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IS ITS ACTION, but harmless in all eases. OTteleajues, Strengthens and s-Itcs New I J re to all the tmBortant organs of the body. Tho natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. ' Jn bla way the worst diseases are eradioated from the system. As it has been proved By thousands inai is the most effectual remedy for cleaasinst the L system of all morbid secretions, it snouia oe used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures BOJOTSNEaS, CONSTIPA TION, PTLS3 and all PKMAUB piseases. Is pot up in Dry Vcp table Form, in tin pans, l one uackaee of which makes 6 quarts medicine. II Also in Liquid Form, Tery Concentrated fo the convenience of those who cannot readily pre pare ft. It acts trir.H equal efflriencyin ritherform. QET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICtU.O WELLS, RIMABDSOS & Co., Prop's, rtnil send the dry postpaid '" lH'Rl.n0!f, VT. P01 Uh BY Virtue of a decree or the Superior Couit of Catawba county, made la the case of P. C Shuford and others, olalntlffs. vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Superior Court, tbe undersigned. as Receiver, will sell at Public Sale, at the Court House at Newton, N. C, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 29th, 182, the following Valuable Property, to-wlt: The factory of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether with lrito acres land, Including the entire water power oi seven reel neao, racwry ouuaing 00x40, two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery: 1 Dicker. 1 36-inch double beater and lapper, 6 86-inch 14 top flat cards, railway head, 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brides berry make), all In gcod order, 2 Danfortn-cap frames. 132 spindles, totarnuinber spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and balling pwss; also a large lot -of old -looms, pullles, shaiting, Kor more accurate and definite description of the property and tne conditions oi said sale rerer ence is hereby made to the decree above referred. Also at the same time and place, 1 will se'l for cash tbe insolvent evidences of debt due the Ca tawba Manufacturing Lornpanj-, as appears upon their books. TERMS: Twenty per cent of purchase money cash, and the balance In equal Instalments of three months end six months, bond and approved security required of purchaser, or the Receiver is by said Decree authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. The Receiver Is also authorized by said Decree to seir said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain private bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr. A. M. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom will take pleasure in snowing me same. Address JOHN L. COBB, Rf ceiver, Llncolnton, Lincoln county, N. C. Jul27 tds PELOUBET d CO., ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HAINES and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YOSK'PUNOS. it Is conceded, lead the World. Iam agent for all the celebrated New York: makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY -PRICES.- Do not be fooled by flashj adxerilEeme.nts, bat give me a trial be fore you buy and I will show you that I can distance all competi tors, both in price and terms. All I 'ask is a trial anl this can cost you nothing, while it may ka the means;. wSig you a great deal 1 In ah Instrument. -, Ofgi r' Lock Bi x '21 A. JVO R. TtnniTfoi I S ; . ? r ? . Charlotte. N. C. may)) (;irai 0 it - mm v sn. rm. mm A' Hemody- for Her 0bI. Cheaper than physicians' Mils, and to be used bjf woman exluivJy It la prepared tor,-them only, and la especially adapted to cases where the WBBrtj ta disordered j and win am ali frregulart ttas of the ."menses," or "monthly courses woeth er acute oi chronic, by restoring the discharge. This great boom Is Br. J. Bradfield'S' Female Regulator, and known and recognized as " Wo man's Best Friend." Prepared to Dr. J. Brad- field, Atlanta. Ga. Price :,trial size, 75c; large size, $1.59. For sale by all druggists. Bedford altjm and Ibon Spbihgs Watxb ahd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fffty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Jusi the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. marl 1 tf , . . liettf &flvzxtlszxazut&. From the Springfield Republican. A GENEROUS ACT Tlittt Will be Appreciated by all Who C'tirc for 1 lioir Complexion and Skin. It is not ge,iier..Ily known that the nervous sys tem has a wouderrul influence over the skin, put this Is a fact Anown to medical men who have given much of their time to the study of disease's of the ? kin. No one can have a clear and fair complexion unmixed wi.h blotches or pimples who Is very nervous. Whatever tends to a healthful condition of the nervous system always beautifies the complexion and removes roughness and dryness of the skin. Some skin diseases are not attended by visible signs on the surface, but an intolerable itching that renders life miserable. We copy the following deserving and interesting compliment fiom the Tribune, which says:; - "Dr. C. W. Benson's New Remedy, 'Skin Ccbk,' Is re ceived by the public with gieat confidence, and It Is regarded as a very generous act on the Doctor's part to make know a and prepare for general use his valuable and favorite prescription for the treatment of skin diseases, after having devoted almost bis entire life to the study and treatment of nervous and skin diseases, In which he took great delight HO was for a number of years Physician In charge of the Maryland. Infirmary on Dermatology and anything from his hands Is at once accepted1 as authority and valuable. The remedy is fully the article to attack the disease,! both lntemal'y, through? the blood, and externally through the absorfents, and Is the only reliable and rational mode of treatment These prepara tions are only put up for general use after baring been used by the Doctor in his private practice for years, with the greatest success, and they fully merit the confidence of all classes of sufferers from skin diseases." This Is for sale by all drug gists Two bottles, Internal and external treat ment, in one package. Don't be persuaded to take any other. It costs one dollar. Oil! IUV HEAD ! WHY WILL YOP SUFFER? Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, and hrain diseases. DOsltivelv cured bv Dr Ben- ann'a Oelerv and Chamomile Pill's. Tber contain no onfum. aulnlne. or other harmful drug. Sold hv drueelsts. Prir.. KO cents a box. two boxes for SI. Six box es for bv mall, bostaiie free. Dr. C. W. Rsnsnr. Raltlmorp. Md. C N. Crltten ton, New York, Is Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies, augl LYDIA E. PIN KHAKI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Io a Positive Cure , ; For all those Painful Cossplalnts and Weakness 01 common to our best female population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented ty a Woman. Prepared by a Woman. The CrmtMt XMicai ptuwrerr Since tbe Dswn of TCI tory. rsrit revlTes the droopltuT sflirits, inTteOfes nd harmonizes the organic tmactioqM, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pule cheek of woman the fresh rosea of life's spring; and early summer time. tW Physicians Use It and Prescribe It Freely. "u It removes folntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, oaostog; pain, weight and backache, is sisays permanently cured by its use. For the care of Kidney Complaints r either sex this Conpaiud la unsurpassed. TniA e. pixkhamFs bloos puruter will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of inaa woman or child. Insist on no ving it. 1 Both the Compound and-Blood Parifkr f.re prepared at 233 and 335 Western Avenue, Lynn, Uass, rriceof alther, 81. biz bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of losenges, on receipt f ?pcrtox for either. Mrs, Pinkham f reelj asswej-i t ?'nptf ftf inquiry. Enclose Set stomp. Send f pi'jiaci;.M t. Vo family should be without LYDIA E. PIXKJTAM'S LIVEB, PILLS. They care constipation, bflioastius. and torpidity or tne uver. 25 cents per box. (i) ROCKBilJJbGE, YA., ALUM WATER, jOR more than half a century has grown steadl X1 ly In refute as a mtdlcinal agent in a wide range of Chror.lc diseases. Mtiltttwle of women can testify to Us unurpaised efficacy in the relief and cure ol tuose i-l ments peculiar to their sex -DiiPF3H In Its vailed nni most distressing forms is cured. CHRONIC, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, -CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY, yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result Bottled In Its natural stute, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Rock bridge county, Va,, and are rpan for the receptlon of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. J. H. Mc ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. marl2 ly THE NORTH STATE OF SALISBURY, V. C. 3. D. McNEKLY.;... President w T. LINTON... Vice Prea't aiid Gen'l Manager. THK.O. BUERBATJM.?: - S?cret5r J. SAMUEL MeCUBBINS. -." Treaanrer. Dr. JNO. WHITJSHKAD, Medical Director. Hon. J. P. HENDERSON.'. .Legal Adviser. Refer to the bank and business men of Salis bury, and editor of this paper, as to the character and standing of its officers. J or plans, blank appUoatkms and terms to agents, address the Secretara t Reliable and" energetic travirig.anrrocal agents wanted in every town aiidc aDunty In North and South Carolina. REFERENCES REQUIRED. JulU lm y: F. C. MUNZLER AGENT FOR The BroerS Engel Brewsry Compys ' (Of PMadelphlai Pa ,) ' Celebrated lager Beer, ' ' In Kegs and Bottles. i ! i ... '. .. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY. l3PHave Just received a small lot of BOTTLED , ALE and PORTER, which I offer to the public at : . FRKD C MUNZLER, . Lock Box 255. Charlotte, N. C i mbr28 i '., : WANTED. A.??552K?S.?? nd OATS; will Jul254lB JbwJ.BLACK & SON. Life and Nuptial AssociatioD COAP. aoDOLo IDd Bath Rrlclrs. at j ...... V Tryorf Street l- s no r no win r h-iw. Reeled by the RttftaMtd . lA1TTTTirf " uunmi.gigjxL' SUiiEDTJLEB. TRAINS GOING KAST. Date, April 80th, 1882. No 51 No 53 Daily. Daily. Leave Charlotte 4 ou a in 4 40 u m " Salisbury. 5.53 am 6 24 p S High Point 7.20 am 7.85 pS Arrive Greensboro 8.00 am 8 05 Dm Leave nreensboro, 9.30 am Arrive HUlsboro, 11.47 am "" Arrive Durham, 12 2rt a m " Arrive Raleigh. 1 1.40 pm Leave Raleigh 4 05 p m Arrive Goldsporo',. (5 80 p m No. 17 Dally except Satarday, Leave Greensboro. . . J5 00 p m Arrive at KaMgh, 1.51 a ra Arrive at Goldsboro,..7.20 a m No. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with K & i R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan vllie. At Goldsboro with W. & W. a R. for Wil mington. - Ho. o connects at Salisbury with w. N. c. R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina: dally at Greensboro with R. & D. R R. f or all points North, Bast and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, April 30th, 1882. No. 60 No. 52 ' Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. 1 0.00 am Anlve Raleigh 12.20 pm Leave Raleigh 8 55 p m Arrive Durham 5 0ripm Ainve Hlllsboro 5 4t)pm Arrive Greensboro, . 8.05 p m Leave Greensboro H.lSpm 9 40am arrive High Point, 9.50 pm 1010 am Arrive Salisbury 11.12 pm 11 2l Am Arrive Charlotte, 110 am 1.00 pm No. 18-Dally except Sunday, Leave GoWsboro,..2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. .7. 10 p m Leave Raleigh 6 00 a m inlM f2.ranfthnrn ft 1 R r , , AH W " w"u " , v.xv 111 No. KO-Connects at Charlotte with A A C. Air- Llneor all points In the South and bouthwest. and witn u., J. a a. a. a. ior ui pumu coum ana Southeast No. 52 Connects at unariorae witn a. u Air Line for all Dolnts South and Southwest: at Char lotte with C, C. 4 A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast . N. W. N. C RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.25 p m Arrive Kemersvllle. 10.41 pm Arrive Salem 11.25 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kemersvllle 1 1.01 a m Arrive Salem. 11.85 a m GOING KAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kemersvllle R50 a m Arrive Greensboro- 7.00 a m NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem 6.00 pm Arrive Kemersvllle 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro 800pm STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. . Arrive University,... 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2, Dal y ex. 8unday. GOING SOUTH. Arrive University.... Arrive Chapel Hill,.. 12.10 p m 1.00 P in Pullman Mm Cars Witat Cliw On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. E&"Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest West, North and East. V tr Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent may2 Richmond, Ya. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSEHQEE DEPAETMEMT. On and after April 30th. 1882. the passen ger train service on the Atlanta Charlotte Air Line Livlslon of this road will be as follows; Mall and WESTWARD. kxpress. Mall. No. 6a No 52. Leave Charlotte, M. 1.00 am 12.6U p m Arrive Gastonla, L 2.02 am 1.47 pm Arrive Bpartanburg, K 481 am 4 06 pm Arrive Greenville, H. 5.59 am 5.29 pm Arrive Seneca, G 7.43 a m 7.03 p m Arrive Toccoa. IT o.is a m 8 30 p m Arnve Babun Gap Junction,. 1 0 0 a m 9.10pm Arrive Lula, E .. 10.87am 9.4Bpm Arrive Gainesville, 1 1.06 a m 1 0. 1 5 p m Arrive Atlanta, 1 -SO p n.j 1 2.40 a m Mall and EASTWARD. ICxpress. Mall No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta 2.15 pm 4.00 am Arrive Gainesville, 451 pm H19am Arrive Lula, K 5.22 P m 6.50 am Arrive Rabun Gap Junotlon, 5.59 p m 7.41 a m Arrive Toccoa, K 6.40 p m 8.17 am Arrive Seneca, G 8Q6pm 0 26am Arrive Greenville. H. 10.06 p m 1 1.03 p in Arrive Spartanburg, K. 1 1.40 p m 12.24 p to Arrive Gastonla, L 2 06am 250pm Arrive Charlotte.M J 3.1'5am 4.00 pm CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains ef Georgia Central and A. tv. r. nauroaas. Xwlih wnving trtlns of Georgia Central. A. Sc. w. f. and w. & a. Raiiroado. C with arrlvln trains ofGMmrlA Ojinnuui E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and lruui Aiuens, us, F with Elbertoa Alr-Llne to and from Elberton, Georgia. - G with Columbia and Greenville to and from . ioiumoia ana unanestoB, o. C, h with Columbia and, Greenville to and from voiumoia ana vnarieston. s. C K withSDartanburg and Ashevllle. and 8nartwi eurg. Union and Columbia to and fiom Hendanon f w'tii uesier ana uenoir arrow uaoge to and uvim uiwso una vnaBiar. M with C., Q Jk x. C. C R. 4 D. and A., t. 4 0. for ail DOints West. North and Kant Pullman fewping-ear- se-niee -en trains Nos. 50 aim oi aauy,.w.inout change between Atlanta and ew lore. A. POPE, m Q nenU Passenger and Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott. Gene al Manager. I. Y- SAGE, Superintendent J., U. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SOHEDTJLES. In Effect Sunday, June 4th, 1882. J Train No. 52. Passenger. Train No. 48. Passeng'r. Leave CharloHe Arrive Reck lilll,.... Arrive Chester Arrive Wmnsboro... . Arrive Colu uibla. . . . Leave Columbia...... Arrive Lexington,. . . . Arrive Ridge Spring,. Arrive Granltevllle, . . Arrive Augusta, l.Ho pm 2.88 p m 3.30 p m 4.85 P m 0.00 p m 0.07 P m 6 50pm 8 02 Dm 6.15 am 7.15am &80 a m 940 am 10.22 a m 9.12 p hi 10.15 p m Train No. 20, Freight Leave Charlotte, Arrive Roek Hill Arrive Chester. Arrive Wlnnsboro, . . . Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington, Arrive Ridge Spring. . Arrive Granltevllle,. . Arrive Augusta,. .. 5.30 p m 7.53 pm 10 00 p m 1.18am 4 50 a m r HrN o2;?Jt5necU Columbia with the 8. C. R. R. for Char eston, and with the C. 4 G. R. R. for Alston, Newberry, Abbeville, 4c. At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon Savannah and Florida points: loraacon, .vTIaNJ- 48, Dally-Connects at Augusta with the Georgia R. B. and Central Georg & ft. for MiCD?' Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Nos. 18 and, 20, local, tri-weeklv Mon days. Wednesdays and Friday vnWK "on- T rains from the south arrive at Charlotte, pas senger, dally, at 5.85 p. m. Freight, 4aieept Sanday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 45 p m. 9 ATLANTIC, TENNES8EE 4 OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 58, DaUn . Leave Charlotte. 'Arrive at Statesvflle, Train Nw 62, Dally, : Leave Statesvllle Arrive at Charlotte, . . . ....800pm ..1005 pm ....6.00 am 8.05 a m & ? aU Potote South Southeast and i- es,V 813(1 bagfcee chtck. through. No ;laMveraJUowedOT local tlcketa, A. POPE, T. M. a Taloott, GenTlPa jenger Agent t.! GenllManager. Jmbla,B.c Juiwta. 1882. . . ): . DANIEL O'DONNEL, Ui, ' i: 'VUAVrtkcAl. 1 ; : i ; .. Office under Um Central Hotel. 7 i. . i. . CHARLOTTE, M. AU orders promptli 1 - -.1 j y ' ' "" T r attended to Vrr , Ptate and-Steai Fitter Jr l JO&24 -J'-f-' Seasonable H In great vai.ety, Just received at tho CHINA STORK OF- J. Hi & k Lot of elegant BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGEMORS and ICE CHESTS. LY FANS AND FLY TR IPS. ICE CREAM FHEF.ZRRMeu made AlR'TIUHr FHHir JAKs. WATER COOLERS. PORCBLAIN LINED. Hocking Bird Cages, Canary and Breeding C;es Baby Swings, etc, etc. fcy A full line of China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods and Silver platea Ware al ways on hand, who esale and retail at reasonable prices. Please give us a call. Respectfully, J. BROOK FIELD & CO. may 9 -BOSTON' METALLURGICAL WO MS 83 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical ChemMs CO lit? mad SILVER HEFIiVF.ItN, Practical Mill-Runs of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards. REFRACTORY ORES TREATED. Surveys, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketch and Maps made. Constmctlpns of wprlrs and Supplies furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Kote GOLD, SILVEK, COPPEK and LEAD OKK SMELI ED ON ItETI or I'lIUCIIAM'.p COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasons tle Terms. THOMAS BINNS Met altruist. A. H. KIDNEY, Mining Enginkeh. JOHN HOLLIDAY Ppop. Chkhzst mar8 tf SSE XJUISM09 XI- "C : r 1 - ; r -3-4 Q 1 a rs o s o a n Q aSSSficcssE: rite s t a a a -i- lieo:ci?!tNi:t W o ? w fa m Oh cvj x t- m " P3 '? o a o M O SEaS5Ec: S5 E6 d AACk&QO sr. SICCJiCQMv-CC..:- In . . o iC IJJ IC 1C cc O C fl - P CO H BEE5ca a a 6 Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. B. R. from all points North and South and from Baleigh. Pu i man Palaoe SleeplmrCar from Greensboro 10 Henry's. Connects at S atesvllle with A..T.i'; Division Of CV, C. & a: R. R. with Bleepinc la. from Charleston, S C. to Henry's Open cbse, vation cars run over the mountain both aystc tween Henry's ard Warm Springs, h fiord i 1 if j magnificent day-light view of the Mountains arc Terich Broad river. Connects at Warm b fP wltji train of E Tenn . Va. & Ga. R. R for Morn towp and points South West. Train wo. -a Coppeo's at Warm Springs with E.T..V A : Pullman Sleepers from Henry's to fJieensiJ.-. sfidSreepingCargfroiriHeriiy's to C,iariesto,u CT Connects at States We with A., T a 0. V Won of the C, C.41.KR and at Fallsbury R. 4 D. RJ R for a'l points North and SuutU. Tlironsh Tlclietn ensale at Salisbury ,'statesvlile. Ashevllle and u Warm Springs to all principal cities. Summer excursion tickets on sale mm points North and 8outh. M J. R. MACMr, Jun2 1 Auditor, G. V. & P- 6enL IFOE SALE. OFFER FOR SALE ON FAVOHABLK THE ENGINE FORMERLY USED BY Till ISLAND MAR'F'G COMPANY. Call on or address- JonlE . Democrat copy. s-( T1SPiPERt M INK. put ud la 25 lb. packages, ""T, "fcub&har of aountrv newsDapets. 4"".VbR. w 7 . - . w M nnUKHIT'il i ns uww 7 . si s Infill am KJui .sVMv ra..rinug 9 t-y r. VU'V