DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVE!! TTJES DA Vt At UTJST 15, 1882. sufi'e IHJSIMKSS NOTICES. 1 1 Tmigliuit s,07, )I'jN r tnj21iens the gums and makes hini nr;u,iy. i-im u-j u'i" the teeth firm- iv !- win"' s tli-j larlitr. ;lvf.s coiiuori. e..onii nloa! or lifii'ilt ;uil money, itn-l wln-u once used will v t i Iven up. Try irOZ0f.NT. iiot hern I Mothers!! Mothers !J! i t'.Murned Ht night and broken of lie vi. I i:i-luroea hi mguuaini u .... in i i 1. Affrlur irritVi (ha ra:t l)V .'I SI" CIIIIU SllllfrillB iUI HJi"S tik i pain of cutting teeth ? If so. go at ' 'I n,, get ii bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S "oofillN'- SYKUP. It will relieve the poor little ,.r, l i!;r,iie(ii;ueiy tnn-im upiM, ,i : yuric is nu 'ill 11. There is not a mother on earth tt.ll1 1' I HI ii.tu "HI ll"i 11.11 Jllll III uuw. ,. ;', ,'t 'u regulate the bowels, and give rest to the ill r :H1 relief and health to the child, operat lil i' if1-""- 11 ls Perfectly safe to use in all iv.i'l pleasnnt to the taste, and Is the pre- !H.,i'i.Mi of one of the eldest and best physicians ' ...... mjuH ft atirt U'itl twit t-.II inn .it ,' mirst s in me milieu ouues. ooiu everywnere. , cents bottle. Yuw JUluerttse.fteuts. Bparm Absolutely Pure. Fills powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholes' meness More economics than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a um or phosphate powders Sold only In 'IDS. ROYAL BAKINli POWDER CO., aH New York. LROY DAVIDSON, Wole Atr', Charlotte, N. C. STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in the often heard expression, "Oh! I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored tg rcbust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 5,01 N. Fremont St., Baltimore During the v ar I was in jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. About four years ago it brought on paraly sis, which, kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I couid not live. I suffered fearfully frpm indigestion, and for over two years could not eat solid food and for targe portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried lirown'slron Hitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. Decree. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to the nerves. RlscclUuierms. LeEOf DAVIDSON, GROCER -AKn- coSSICrHMEHTS SOLICITED KROM iLL SECTIONS. igbest Prices Paid for Oats. rer ii'DlJ I I EJ tMniwiw in curins diseases of the Blood, 6kln n paitiiw in cuniij a Kuv... T- unln eaUntM, Ooiiorrhoeu, Syphilitic n4, Merc,r,'jil .i'.v mi. 1 1. Ill I ll.v. , m wicinj . - . . " r and re rt-mcdici. Call or write for UM of Quel- w be answered by those desiring treauneoi "J "'erlaa rroa Rupture .aoald lMto.,dfrErl Vr team aomethlag to their ii'uUfe. It f"V 1R. IIUTT8, 1 . Sth 8t St. Unit, ff ABL181UU OVER TITJJtTV TEAKS. (us I'oiiiision Merchant TTtc Ctoavlotte taevwer. HOME BRIEFS. Yesterday was what Mr. Vennor bud it would be a disagreeable, muggy day. 2TSunday af teruoon there was not a turn-out at Wadsworth's stables. All gone to the big camp meeting at Belair, in South Carolina. EST There was a remarkable-scarcity of watermelons in the city yesterday, only two or three wagon loads to be seen on the streets. US" Two wife beaters were before the mayor yesterday morning. Their names were Ambrose Patterson and JakeGuinn. Each was fined $7.50. ZW The ladies held a meeting last night in the interest of the festival to be given by the Young Hornets, at, wis Mint Yard, on Thursday night. They offer all they can and are pretty sure to make the affair a success. J2T The lludisill gold-mining proper ty, near this city, is to be sold on the 11th oi September. The object of the sale i3 to get it out of the hands of a stock company and bring it under the ownership and control of private par ties. 3Flt is a lively scene at Elias & Co hen's establishment at present, the force of clerks being kept as merry as they could wish, opening the immense stock of new fall goods that the house is now receiving. They have piles of prints stacked up behind which Jumbo could hide himself. J3TMr.E. M. Andrews, the furniture man, has rented the house formerly oc cupied by II. Morris & Bro., next to Wittkowsky & Bruch's, and will move into it this week. He will have more room, better Jighr, and will sell his fur niture a heap cheaper. If you don't be lieve it, call and see him. IL3T The two circuses that are head ing this way are Barrett & Co.'s and Maybury, Pullman & Hamilton's. The former will be in Charlotte on the 6th of September and the latter on the next day. 7th. From here, one will go down the Air Line road and the other will take the C. C. & A. Nat Gray, the city bill poster, will begin putting up the pictures this week. A Big Camp Meeting:. As many as one hundred Charlotte people attended a big camp meeting at Belair. last Sunday. They say that over seventy South Carolina candidates were on the grounds during the day c-lectioiteering and that the number of people present was nothing short of 2,000. Twelve preachers called the mourners up and there was the biggest sort of a time shouting. Fully one bundled sinners were on their knees. The Charlotte crowd all came back un converted. Mr. Jones Gets Out of Jail. Levi Jones, who was put in jail with Frank Langtrain. about two weeks, ago for raising the racket with a pistol on board the cats near Matthews' station, has been released from jail, his father having come to the city and entered in to the proper bond for the young man. Jones, it will be remembered, was not a party to the shooting, but the pistol was lis, I, tngtrain haying jerked it out of Jones' pocket. Jones claims that he knew nothing of Langtrain, and scorns the insinuation that they were com panions. Jon s bus a wife and several children at Buckingham and has gone to their bosom. - Hotel Arrivals. Charlotte. D K F Everett, Wil mington ; N Dumont, J Closter, Lowell, NC;DrIW Herron, S II Hilton, T S Ellington, J Watt Kirkpatrick, J M Cross, J T ltich, J Little, county ; A Yanderhilt, Cincinnati ; S M yick, Wil mington ; T E Dudley, Mrs R P Dudley Miss Jane R Dudley, Bennettsville; W II Brown, Wilmington ; Capt W TR Bell and son, King's Mountain ; J B McLellan and son, Alabama; John M Hanna, Gastonia; John Carrigan, At lanta; W E Moffatt, Chester; Wm C McCall, W Y Perkir, Monroe ; Z Camp bell, Chattanooga; Lemuel Stone, Robe son ; Daniel O'Donnell, Richmond; L Henry Atlanta; T L Shields, county. The Jewelry Thief Captured. In The Observer last Wednesday, mention was made or the entrance of the residences Qf M". John Vogel and Mrs. Fasnacb, in broad day light, by a little negro boy, who carried off a lot of jewelry from each house. The thief, a young ward of the nation by name of Ambrose Caldwell, was caught on Monday by policemen Hill and Farrington, and was yesterday morning arraigned for trial before the mayor. He confessed to the tneic ana was put under a bond of $75 in each case for his trial before the Interior court. Of course he could not give the bond, and was sent to jail. All of the jewelry he had stolen has been recover ed. He sold some of it. and threw some of it away. He told officers Hill and Farrington where he had thrown the jewelry, and on searching the spot he described, they found it. - Dead, My Lord j, and More's the Pity. Ben Withers, the negro man, who, on the 14th day of last March, committed the brutal outrage upon Miss Moose.on the farna of Mrs. Cynthia Hampton, in Lemley's township, this county, and who has since been confined in the jja.il at this plape, has escaped punishment for his horrible deed upon earth. He died in his cell Sunday niorning, after a lingering illness of "jail fever." Sun day afternoon his body was buried at the expense of the county. In the death of Withers the gallows is most grievougly cheated. Uot one of the readers of this paper have lorgotten how, upon a bright Spring Sabbath day, this brute waylaid Miss Moose, who was on her way to church, and wound up his hideous assault upon her by cutting her throat and leaving her for dead in the fence. corner. He has gone to face his victim before the Judge of all, the Judge who never errs, and from whose decision there is no appeal. If you are subject to 8gue you mus, be sure to keep your liver. Dowels and kidneys In good tree conMtlon. 'For when so, you win be safe from all attacks. The remedy to use ls Kidney-Wort. It ls the best preventive of all malarial diseases that you can take. Bead the advertisement In another column. Translated from the New York Zeltung. If you have any skin diseases of the hair or scalp, any Itching or dlscoloratlons, sun boms, freckles, rough or dry harsh skin you bat e In Dr C. W. Benson's Skin Cure, a sure, perfect and ele gant remedy. Sold by all druggists. Ladles and all uffrer8'fmPn -strz.-. ,r.iairit wiu find without a nvai HUU Biown's Iron Bitters. i NORTH CAROLINA PHARMACISTS Their Meeting at Winston and a Re view of Their Work. The North Carolina State Pharma ceutical Association met in convention in the opera house, in Winston, on the 9th, inst., and the subjoined report of the proceedings of the meeting is taken from the secretary's minutes. President S. J. Hinsdale, of Fayette ville, was called to the chair, and the meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. B. W. Daougherty. Dr. T. C Smith, of Charlotte, was secretary of the meeting. Fifty members answered to their names as the roll was called. Dr. J. F. Shaft! ner, of Salem, delivered the address of welcome, which was re sponded to by Dr. W. C. Porter, of Greensboro. Applicants for membership were considered and eleven new members were elected. The total increase of membership during the past year was shown to be one hundred and seventy one. Two members of the association, Drs. T. W. Bickett, of Monroe, and Lawrence Steward, of Rockingham, have died since the last meeting of the body. A memorial notice of the de ceased members was read and ordered to be printed. Dr. W. H. Green, of Wilmington, of fered a resolution inviting the physi cians and the press of Winston-Salem to the priviliges and courtesies of the meeting. The reports of the president and treasurer were then read, each showing a healthy and prosperous condition of the association. The report of the treasurer, J. S. Pescud, of Raleigh, showed that there was then $500 re maining in the treasury. Dr. V. O. Thompson, of Winston, chairman of the committee on educa tion, read a report recommending an increase ot facilities for the education of druggists in North Carolina. A reso lution was adopted to the effect that the estate University at Chape Hill, should be provided with everything necessary for the education of the young men of the State in the art of pharmacy. A number of interesting papers were read by members of the body showing much intelligence and familiarity on their part, with the pharmaceutical topics under dispussion, President Hinsdale read a paper on the manufacture of laudanum, showing that much of this drug now in general use is far below the stapdard qf strength required by law. A very creditable exhibition of arti cles in the drug line was made by dif ferent drug houses and manufactories. The most striking among these, per haps, was a machine for the speedy bot tling of oils, which was patented in Greenville, S. C. During the meeting the rebate system of selling patent medicines, came up for discussion and the body condemned it as oppressive and unfair, and urgently requested all members to withdraw their patronage from all such drug houses as operate and persist In operating under the said system. Messrs. Home & Williams, of Fay etteville, exhibited a very creditable and handsome display of pharmaceu tical productions, for which they were rewarded a diploma A communication waa read showing that in some places the pharmaceutical law had not been respected during the past year. This matter was referred to the board of pharmacy, at Raleigh. The following appointments were made for the ensuing year ; Delegates to the American Pharmaceutical Asso ciation, which convenes at Niagara Falls, on September 12th : Dr. E. V. Zoella, of Tarboro ; Dr. T. C. Smith, of Charlotte: Dr. Wm. Simpson, of Ral eigh; Dr. J, G, M. Cordon, of Tarboro, and Dr. S. Lee, of Raleigh The officers for the ensuing year are: President, Dr. Wm. Simpson, of Ral eigh; Vice Presidents, Drs. E. H Meadows, of Newbern, T. C. Smith of Charlotte, and V. O. Thompson, of Win ston; Secretary, James C. Munds, of Wilmington; Treasurer, A. S. Iee, of Raleigh : Lopal Secretary, J. H. Hardin, of Wilmington ; Executive Committee E. N. Nadall, of Wilson ; U. S.Mace, of Newbern; N. R. Tunstall, of-States- ville; H. R. Home, of Fayetteville ; J. P. Steadman, of Raleigh, and. 8. R. W. Martin, or vyjnstoq. The following persous were elected to fill the vacancy in the Jioara of Pharmacy, one of whom will be se lected by the Governor, on the 1st of J uly : J. G. M. Cordon, E. V. Zoella, E H. Meadows, H. R. Home and B. E. Sedberry. The discussions of the meeting in reference to cases of poisoning and the great responsibility of druggists in pre paring medicines for the public, were full, free and of much interest. A resolution was adopted tendering the thanks of the association to the citizens and druggists of Winston-Salem for the handsome entertainment received, and also the railroads and hotels for reduced rates. A banquet was given complimentary to the association at the Central Hotel. The association received invitations from Greensboro, and Wilmington, to hold the next an'nual session at those places, and after some discussion it was decided to select Wilmington as tne next meeting place. The convention was not so largely attended as was de sired, but it passed off most pleasantly and will no doubt redound in much good to the pharmaceutical profession of the Sta,te. Political Meetings and Speakings. There will be a grand rally of the Anti-Prohibition and Liberal party in this city, on Saturday, August 10th. Speeches will be made by the Hons. J. ivt. Leach and Chas. Price, two ot the acknowledged leaders of the Anti-Pro hibition and Liberal party. The speak ing will take place at the mint yard, and will commence at 12 m. Mr. L. H. Fraley, chairman of the committee of the 7th congressional dis trict, has issued a call for a convention of the Anti-Prohibition Liberal party of that district, to meet at Yadkinville, N. C, on "VYednesflay, August gOtb, aV 11 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of or ganization and consultation, with view to nominate or agree upon a can didate for Congress, and the commit tees in the different counties are re auested to take immediate steps to se cure the attendance of full delegations, - Horford' Acid PonJiae In Dy pepuia tv. 1 Tontrtnii lleoot Tnlla W. H . MVS: "I have prescribed It and can testify to lto seemingly al- ousness ana morDia Tiguaxup ur wawuaw County Convention. A convention of the Liberal-Anti- Prohibition party of Iredell county, is called to meet in btatesville Saturday, August 19th, for the purpose of nomi nating a legislative and county ticket, and to appoint delegates to the Liberal Anti-Prohibition Congressional con vention for the Seventh district, to be held at Yadkinville, N.C., on the 30th of August, 1882 The township committees will call primary meetings in their respective townships, to be held at the usual place for such meetings, on 1 nday, the 18th, for the purpose of appointing del egates to the county convention. Prom inent speakers have been invited. Personal Items. J. S. Spencer, Esq., is home from Warm Springs. Judge Thomas S. Ashe spent Sun day in the city. Miss Ada Ramseur, of Lincolnton, is visiting friends in the city. Miss Bettie Hawkins.of Louiaburg, is visiting friends in the city. Capt. F. S. De Wolfe, mayor of the city, has returned from his vacation at Warm Springs. Dr. T. C. Smith and Dr. Robert Beck have returned from the conven tion of pharmacists, lately held in Win ston. Judge David Schenck, of Greens boro, spent yesterday in the city. He left in the afternoon for Statesville to attend to some court business. Miss Pet Bradshaw, a former Char lotte young lady, but for several years past a resident of New York city, is paying a brief visit to friends in Char lotte. Mr. Cbas. Fetter, who is evangeli zing commercially for the fine tobacco house of Richardson, Denny & Co., of Reidsville, is now in Charlotte, selling some excellent brands of the weed. Mr. John R. Harris, a capital sales man and one of Concord's best bpys, has come to Charlotte to live and is engaged with Messrs. T. L. Seigle & Co , where he will be glad to see his friends from Cabarrus and surrounding country, when they copae to the city. Political Meetings. Pursuant to appointment Senator Rangom and Judge Bennett made po litical speeches at Mount Pleasant, in Cabarrus county, on last Friday. Sen ator Ransom spoke for over two hours, a crowd of about three hundred people being present. Judge Bennett had been suffering from chills, and somewhat disappointed his friends. His excuse was that he had a chul during the speeph. Both gentlemen made strong speeches, Gen. Ransom's being a mas terpiece of eloquence and fine oratory. Neither of them changed a single vote, and there was considerable disappoint ment at the size of the crowd. On Saturday the speaking adjourned to Concord. Chas. R. Jones opened the ball by formally declaring himself a candidate for Congress trom the 6th congressional district, in a speech which is published elsewhere. He was follow ed by Col. Wm. Johnston, of Chaylotte, in a speech of about half an hour, on the subject of politics as viewed from the Liberal platform. A recess.of an hour was taken, when the court house bell was again rung and the live hundred who assembled were addressed by Hon. Chas. Price, of Salis bury, and Hon. J. M. Leach, of Lexing- tori. Both were in favor of the Liberal platform and were received with en thusiasm by the audience. Having re ported both gentlemen in these col umns our apace will not permit us to notice them further to-day. As we have not been able to report one of Col Johnston's speeches in this campaign we hope to be able to do so at an early dav. Both Price and Leach are billed to speak here in Charlotte next Satur - day, and everybody ought to hear them, whether they agree with them or not. etarting a Daily Paper Efforts have recently been made to establish a daily paper in Charlotte to oppose Tiie Observer. We have just been put in possession of the result of of a similar effort on the part of the KOod pe0ple of Mobile, Ala., whioh we publish for the benefit of those engaged in the new enterprise here. John L. Rapier & Co. are the proprie tors of the Mobile Register, now in its 62nd volume. It is a good newspaper and it i3 fully identified with the best interests of Mobile, and of Alabama as well. It is Democratic to the core, and in f uH accord with the majority party in the State, but its manager is a Catholic. Among many of the people very strong reasons existed for the es tablishment of a daily paper to be con ducted by a Protestant. Mobile has nnnnlation of fortv thousand, and twenty-five thousand dollars were sub- I scribed, half of which was paid in, and the balance subject to call when needed, to start the new paper. The Daily Chronicle was started and run six weeks when the manager called the stockholders together and informed them that thirty percent, of the money put in had been expended, and the out look indicated that the whole amount would have to be expended, before the paper could be brought to a paying bai sis, and then it would have to fi.ght for life with a paper that had been in exis tence fcj many years. lie advised the stockholders to take back the unexpen ded "70 per cent, and drop the enterprise. It was done, and the Daily Chronicle was decently interred in the journalis tic grave-yard. If Mobile, Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Maoon, Columbus, Atlanta, (which has only one morning paper) Richmond and Raleigh can sup port only one first-class daily paper, we suggest that the proprietors of the new Daily Journal in Charlotte will have some trouble in getting up to the pay-. ing basis. The Richmond Uuspateu spent $60,000, in a city of OOQ popula tion, before it paid expenses. W, e charge nothing for this informa,tion,. ' m. k w Eminent physicians are prescribing that tried and true le&edy, kindey Wort for the worst cases of biliousness and oonstlpaUon, as well as for kid ney complaints. There ls scarcely a person to be found that will not be greatly benefitted by a thorough course of Kktney-Wort every spring. If you feel out ot sorts and don't know why, try a package ot Kidney-Wort and you will feel like a new creature. Indianapolis Sentinel. still Anoiber. Cpeta, Ala,., Mov, 1, 1880. H. H. Warner & Co. : Stri I have been cured of Anliecilon 6f the Sidneys by the use of your Safe Kidney and Liver Core. J. a CONDON. DjIED. On the 9th of August, 1 882, of lock Jaw, Joseph Christopher, Infant son of Joseph and, Annie K. Kee,ag7daysi 0 ! to o 3 3 50 o o Hi o H ! o H m m H td 93 0 PS be CO ffMNRflHMVnBsl r i IHWSKY& IN ADDITION TO OU T? I TJEI I IRi I US EXTENSIVE YOU WILL FIND A SPECIAL BARGAIN DEPARTMENT! IS LADIES', US AND CtllDK SIR TO THE PTTBLiTC! would sUt " OFFKBWGS THIS Wm are de- w "uv' Blrable OooUs and are the BIOUBST DRIVES ot the Season. No. 1 Bargain Counter. Mourning Goods! Mourning Goods! Mourning Goods! Black C&kluueres, Black TuuIm, Black Crape, Black Veillag, Black Tlbbit, Black Bombazine, Black Etorap Do'Alama, Black Henrietta, Black Camel's Hair, Black Freacn free, Black Carterr, Black Bautlnr? Black Elelatae, at a Prica CTJCKC BELOW THEIE MAEKET VALUE. NTo. BAB-AIM a white Goods, W CONSISTING OF- NAINSOUK, Plain, striped and Plaid; iiarn d, Ntrtpcd ana Plain; SWI89, Plain, Dotted, Striped and Plaid; LINEN lawns, Plain and Colored; DEDACCAo, Plain, Striped and Plaid; BISHOP and VICTORIA i-awns; organdies, Pnfflnir and Tucking-, at Price that Will Anton ikb You. TAKE NOTICE.- No. 3 BABGrAIST m. Large Lots of Ladleb' and VHlue HOSIERY, to be sold Without Reeryo 100 Linen IfUter and Dolmans wnlcb w will Cloee out at Han Value. We will Offer PARASOLS: ft 12. 00 Paraaola at 7.50; IftlO.OO Parasols at $6.50; ftS.OO Parasols at 5 00; 6,50 Parasols at 3-75; 5. 00 Parasols at 3. 75; 3.00 Parasols at 81.75; all others In Proportion. THOSE WHO APPRECIATE BARGAINS WTT.T. NOT T.OnRTS THU OPPDRTTTN ITV. RTTT CHASES WHILE OUR COUNTERS ABE LADEN THEIR REAL VALUE. WITTKOWSKY DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An important dis corery, by whicl every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE BY J. 8, SPENCER & CO nd FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, N. C PROF. J. H. GARDNER, of Alabama, a College Professor of Ion a and successful experience becomes a partner and co-principal of the school; Mrs. Uardner, as Lady Principal, assumes control of tbe Home Department. She has never failed to give complete satisfaction and to win esteem and love or pupils. Rev. B. H. Thompson and wife, efficient and popular teachers of last session, give full time to instruction. Three new teachers of Art, Music and Modem Language, thoroughlj Qualified by nature, educa tion and experience, complete the Faculty, unsur passed in tne ttate. rne scnooi is now piacea an a firmer footing than ever. Board and English Tuition per term. 875. The 26th session opens September 4th. For Catalogue address ii. M. KHUNUAttl, I pinp.nai J. H. GARDNER. " " ' aug!2 dlw-wlaa WANTED--AT ONCE. FIFTY Granite Cutters to work by the day or by the foot on a six months lob of Bagging and curbing at Charlotte, N. c J AM CO A. junnsi un, augia 2w Contractor. METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! i..u:..cuVT..n.il RnnL 150 mnitritloMl Revealing miseries of hia-h nd l?w life In America ereat cities ; fashion's follies nnd frivolities ; behind the scenes; tricks of pretty deceivers; city srich snd poor: lascmoaa oorrnpiion n ""'"S""" ,""rr girls : old hoary-headed sinners by gas-light ; bwitohing ling Revelations: Price U2.50. Ill"''d. "''."J? ITS?" ST. LOUIS, Mo. CHICAGO. 111. ATLANTA, Qa. HARRIS REMEDY C0.,8liK8SSta. I m 1 g ii;tui;-i nal CMiie rrop i oi I PP.OF.HARRiS PASTILLE REMEDY I Young SUh and others who suffer I from N crvom aud physical Debil I ity, Premature Exhaustion and I their many gloom consequences, are auicklT and radically cured The Remedy H put up in boxen. K. 1 (lauing a month), fS. Ko. 2 (enough lo effect cure, unless In serere cases,) IS Vq.4 (lasting three months), 97. Sent by mail Id plain vracpaie , Dirftlonfc for Cslns; accompany c-arh Box. Pajnpkk desert Ung this ditietse. and mode of cure seut scaieii ou spj'lioalioflu COLGATE'S VIOLET WATiR, Florida Water and Imported BajHum lor the toilet a lresh supply at K. i. JUttUAM a wo., julg Tryon Street. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. f.nn.'ln . ..! rit J rtfl ftf fltlP Of the most noted and sii-ve-srul i"ciiilists in tbe U.S. (no retired 1 lor cure of ,1i-mB Debility, lAtat Sfanhonrl. IFew and Dreay. jUt inplftiti sealed eiivc-loptyi-ee. DruggtslgcajU fill it. Address DR. WARD & CO., Loui8fin MOCKING BIRD F OOP and Canary Seed in pound packages, Iresh. Also, rea gravel ior Dim cages. a. a. juuuafl a to , Jul8 Tryon street. MACON SCHOOL. THIS School, embraetng an English, m- Awuvuuu " w partment, wiu P on tne tn 01 September 1882- or catalogue, address Charlotte, N. C Jul2iJ dlw then eow tf J. B. Thomasville Female (Me ARUCH. COUNTER, JACONET, Barred 4c Striped; PIQITBS 0 lite Goods, White Goois, .SATURDAY, THE 12TH, WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE OUB BARGAIN COUNTERS FOB THIS SEASON. COTJNTEJE, WILL CALL EARLY AND MAKE THEIR PUB- WITH DESIBABLE OOODS, AT LESS THAN TIE MOWN COTTON 6IN CO,. NEW LONDON, CONN. Have on hand a stock of COTTON GINS, FEEDERS & CONDENSERS made this season, with two brash belts and all the latxst UFBoruixNTB, boxed, ready for Imme diate shipment. Any of the regular sizes shipped the day the order is received. No delay. Prices as heretofore published. Bend for circular. We also manufacture "GWATHMEYS IMPROVED ECLIPSE GIN." with Double Boiler Hulling Attachment and all ot the vea latest Improvements. Solid 12 lneh saws, patent brush, strong Iron frame, made un der the immediate supervision of liichard B. Gwathmey, the patentee. The Xcllpse Gin is de signed for hully trashy cotton, but with the lm provements we have recently added a can be used to great advantage in all puMIe ginneries and large plantations. W 8end for circular and price list. THE BEOWN COTTON GIN 00., He London, Oonn. aug8 . FOR THE TEETH SOZODONT. Oelontlne, Cherry Tooth Paste , Oriental. a, at B ajoBDAN4CO8 Jul8 Druggists. SELECT SCHOOL. M1 ISS H. MOOBK will opB her school on Monv day. the4tholBepierjiDer,i8S2. jrrencnana music taught on very reasonable terms. Tor further particulars see circular. augiu u DIVIDEND NOTICE. K0RTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., Secretary and Treasurer's Office. Company Shops, M. C, August 8th, 1882. THE second payment ef 8 per ceet. of Dividend No. 20, will be doe September lft. and paya ble to stockholders ot record on the 10th of Aug ust, 1882. The stock books of tbe company wUS be closed from the 10th to tbe lit September, 18S2. P. B. BUFFIN, Secretary. auglO Oil septl THREE SAFES. T?OB SALE, any two ol three 1? Fire Proof Safes, all of them hn tvaat nf VULkAA. OM S&all. one meaMmanonuo. -v iv p w w & JONES, Prop'r 0w sasistfi mm.