ptl0ttC VOL. XXVIII CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16, 1882. NO. 4,171. OTXR BUYER. T. T. IS NOW IN MARKET PLACING 0BDRB8 FOB OUR F4LLaod WINTER STOCK flkofs,, Shoes, lats and Trunks, WH CE WILL BE SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE to ji cet the wii -OF THE - OF THE TRADE. OCR HOCK,wbiD HcIved, rf! be Complete, nod W Ak the Trade to GIVE US A CALL UEFORK PUR CUASING, aug9 SAMPLES - or ifflttlliiis AND ) THE NEWEST STYLES, -U3T BECEJVP. We will take Your neaturr, kye Suit made mqd It It Doe Not Give afteraction in Kverr Particular Yon, Need no,t Take lb Suite from S18 to $63. ALL Summer &ood TO BI CLOSED OUT CHEAP. auto GILMER, Pegram & Co. Meander & Harris. J?vn (Goad, lotTxttxe, TO-DAY : o : : o : V r. make gr. at Ileductlon iu Many Line of Ooodai, and ask tlie trade to make an Examination of oBH BiB fJAlNS before Purchasing Klsewhcre. Now i the Time to Buy LINf N LA WINS, AMEHIC AIM and SCOTCH GIICIIAnM, Spring and Summer DUES' GOOD. A Lot of ITleo' and Boya' SIKAW HATS at Firat Coat. A Remnant Stock of CANE MAT TING very Cheap. Have Juit Received a lot of ITIOS Q,VlTO CANOPIES and MOSQUITO NETTING by the Piece. We are Offering Grrat Bargains, and you thou id not be alow to avail Youraelf of Them, T. I,. fcElfiLE & CO. Jul2 medical. Summon Complaints Jt )a igacfiq, various diseases of the bowels are prevalent, and many lives are lost through lack of knowledge of a safe nd sure remedy. Febuy Pavis' Paih Killer, is a tre cure for Piarrhcea, Pys erjtery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Bummer Complaint, eta., and is perfectly safe. Kead the following : Bainbbidoi, IT. T., March 22, 188L PKBBT Davis' Pais Killer never fails to affori wtant relief for cramp and pain in the stomach. Joseph Bcrditt. Niohol.vtli.e, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1881. The very heat medicine I know of for dysentery, cbplarft mprbuo, and cramps in the stomach. afa used it for years, and it is sure ur every "time. ' -v-1 ' Jur.ru8W.DfcE. Motnoona, Iowa, March 12, 188L I have used year Pnr IIilIbb ur severe cases of ramp, colicand cholera niorbuslsttd itgave almost instant relief. L. E. CalDweli? i tp"! i pave useq ypur F-Af" uil i used it many times 1 dt bowel irti i-i r . tvnilM Tint f Artl HftfA nVtWt .TWl3 ir, rVk fi " ""-r li JT Baoo, Mj:., Jan.13, B1, Have used Perry Davis' Pain Kjluck f or twelve Stars, It is af, ur, and reliable, Ko mother aould allow it to bo out of the family, H.I. Natw. LrNETDA, - A., a f. We bejran tislnfr it over thirty years afro, and It always thves immediate relief. Would hardly dare to go to bed without a bottle in the house. W. 0. liEFKBT. GpljWATBOBp, 8. 0., Feb. 23, 188L. Hearly every faailV flj tlns s&aonTke!enB a bottle tnthS house. ' rr T&. E. Mobtom. V. 8- COUBTTLATE, Cbefild, Rhenish PBUssiATeb. 8. 1881. I have known Pterbt Davis' Pari Killer almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use regard its presence V0? household as an tdpnqJe nieeuifv. . 3. foiTTEB, u. B. Consul. Burton-on-Tbent, Eno. I had been several days suffering severely from diarrhoea, accompanied with intense pain, when I tried your Pain Kir.i.m, and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noose. 21 Montagttt: St., London, Eng. During a residenceof twenty-three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to giva relief. . . R. Clabidqb, No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it ijitljir "the reach of all. For salp bj all druggists at 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per- bottle. PERRY PAVIS SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. J. sept J lew sept & oat. ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, iOR more tban balf a century has grown steadl JF If In repute as a medicinal agent In a wide range of Chrocte diseases. Multitudes of women can testify to Its unsurpassed efficacy In the relief and. dure of those ailments peculiar to their sex. DYSPEPSIA In Its varied apJ most distressing forms 1 cured. CHRONIC, BRONCHITIS, 8CBOFULA, -CHBONIC DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY, yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result. Bottled In Its natural state, direct from 'the Springs, which are beautifully located in Bock hrirtm nountv. Va.. and are ooen for the receotlon of visitors from June 1st to October Lit, each year; capacity, 1 ,000 guests. J0BN and D?. T. 6. SMITH, Charlotte, N C mar)2 ly WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Lightest Running and Best Sewing Machine In the World. Try It before buying any other. AGENTS WANTED. tr Send for Terms and Price List. Si Wheeler & Wilson Manufactur'g Co.. RICHMOND, VA. mayll Cleavelani Mineral SpriDgs, OPENED MAY 15th. 1882. THESE Springs are two miles from Shelby. 54 Trrtles West ot Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the Carolina Central Railway running from Char lotte to Shelby. Hacks will be at the Springs' Station on arrival oi every train. COLD AND WARM BATHS, White and Bed Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters a Bowling Alley la good oider. A good string . . 0nm . l.A a 41 . DAn T nam AAiutrnMiula. tions attached to the hotel, rar- y0r further particulars address 8. McB. POSTON, maylB tf Proprietor. VIRGINIA Female Institute, , STAUNTON. Vi. . Gea. J. E. B. 8TUABTJ..,..-v v-MnclJ1- rfvn next session WILL fBPTEMBJB thorough and j lerms moderate, catalogue ien upon application to the Principal. Jull8eod6w TILE KEY .NOTE IN THE COMING STATE CAMPAIGN Frank II. Darby, the Liberal Candi date for Superior Court Judge Defies the City Authorities of Wilmington lor Their Proscription and Business OstracismThe Kid Glove Gentry Handled With Gloves Off--A Telling Document. The following is the letter presented by me to the board of aldermen at their meeting on the 7th inst., in response to their resolution requesting my resigna tion. It was by the action of that body laid on the table. My, apology, if any is necessary or proper, for having it puDiisnea, is tnat tne Doartt caused the resolution referred to to be published before I was even notified of its adop tion, ana not oniy neglected to iurmsh the following reply to the Daily Press as a part of the proceedings of the meeting, but the proceedings were so reported by the city clerk and treasurer as to leave the public in entire ignor ance of the nature or contents of my communication or what position I had therein taken on the action of the board. Respectfully, F. II. Darby. Wilmington, N. C, Aug., 5, 1882. To the Honorable the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Wil mington : Gentlemen: I am in receipt of a letter from the city clerk and treasurer, asking on the part of your body my re sponse to the following preamble and resolution: "Whereas, Mr. Frank II. Darby, in a communication to the Democratic county executive committee, declares himself as opposed to the present form of county government, which we con sider of the utmost importance to the people of this city, therefore it is "Resolved, That the clerk of this board is hereby directed to inform Mr. Darby that his resignation as city at torney is expected and will be accepted by this board." In response thereto 1 have to say that I cannot comply with the request, em bodied in the above resolution, for the plain reason that I have nothing to re sign. 1 am not holding any office from, by, through or under you or any other person or corporation. You did employ me, perhaps by the year, perhaps dur ing the term of youj board, to attend to your law business. This I nave done, receiving therefor very inadequate con sideration. In fact, you are and have been about the poorest paying clients in my law office. Your withdrawal therefrom will give pleasure rather than pain. The loss of your patronage is of no consequence to me. Possibly it involves the repudiation of a con tract by you, but men who conspire to rob a free North Carolinian of his lib erty of opinion, cannot be expected to observe the inviolability of qoutracts. Do not imagiqe that I would make any claim that there was a contract between us, in order to throw any obstacle in the way of a dissolution of our official connection. I am too well informed of the utter and CQnterQptihle hoilawness, of the hypocritical pretensions to polit ical purity of some of you to tver de sire a very close official connection with you. Those who under the cover of se cresy, through political friends, buy off partisan opposition before an election, by considerations in votes to b9 deliv ered afterwards, are no. ip, gay the least, such official Qompanions, as one Would desire to be in ttfo close com munion with. They are, more tban that, freighted with minds ill-prepared to brook the candid opiqiona of an out spoken man. Your action, as shown by the fore- cninc rpsnlntinn. is onlv imoortant. be cause of 'the public trusts which you r 1 L t A. A. nave given ior your couuucu jMiLrusi ed with the power and duty of admin istering the public affairs of one of the municipalities of theState, holding that trust for the beneht, not ot a pari, oui of all its inhabitants, occupying a place wriPrA it. should he vour pleasure, as it is your duty to be examples of public virtue, you have prostituted your trusts by an exhibition of petty spite and ftag- ronintnloranpp. VOll tiavfi bv VOUr example sought to establish a reign of political proscription ana Digoiry. i ou Dust fn vMLnisth. f rftft men. because thev dare to differ with yon. You would STARVE men who ao not consent to receive their political opinions from you or from those whose willing instru ments you are. You atetnpt to carry politics into a mere business eln ploy men t, which justifies me in1 charging that yout seek to establish a reign of terror in business and soeiety, under which free Americans are Xo be the slaves of a bigoted, proscriptiveand in solent oligarchy. You seem to forget that it is against just mis sort oi tyiau ny that the white men of North Caro lina are now rising in rebellion. They are tired of being driven and bossed in politics. They are beginning to think that it is almost time for another eman rinnfirn nrnclAmation . this time for the benefit of the vhite mep, and they have almost determined to issue it anu exe cute it themselves. This is the fun tal rliffprence between the two contending political forces in Southern politics the Jjouruon ana tne LdDerai. The Bourbon, true to tha instincts and traditions of his ancestral party in France, seeks to maintain in the South as near as may be, the status quo under which the great body of the white men were simply the political and sopial serfs of a few semi-feudal lords. To this end he seeks to shackle free thought and trample out its free expression. The Liberal, on the other hand, con tends for the largest liberty of thought and speech. He makes no war on any man because of his opinions. He in sists that the Bourbon shall have his opinions and the freest expression of them. He would take from the latter no right and no privilege, except the privilege of denying their rights to oth ers. He would impose upon him no burden except that of respecting the rights of others. He would tolerate everything but intolerance and pro scribe nothing but proscription. As if to aid in intensifying this issue, you step in and open the campaign by advertising that Liberal lawyers must be starved into submission. Of course you would apply the same treatment to all other classes of men. My offence with you consists in my having declared in favor of taking from the "bosses" and giving to the people the right of electing their local officers. There are fifty thousand Democrats in the State who believe as I do. You have given them notice through me that if your party have the power they shall surren render their manhood or starve. In short, I am told that I must not express opinions differing from those held by a majority of your body, even about mat ters unconnected with my duties as city attorney. If I do I shall be made to suf fer. I have heard of such actions be ing attributed to the Bourbons of France or the grandees of Spain, but never imagined that this free country could raise up men who would be guilty of such, tyranny. " I will venture to say that Great Britain, limited monarchy as it is, contains no parallel of such in- Iam wiell aware that your thrust at meia not entirely attributable to the fact that I nave aarea to uewaie iu i A-vinr t hoot, Wal municipal govern UL bantu v" v . . ments from the "bosses" and giving thnm tn tha Twnle. This is not the whole head and front of my offending. IV answers ior au cavusd iu a wuukj where the laboring white men are again Av ha VamlAil with t.VlA otftlfi CrV Of "n6- i --. nminatinn " Tint there are other fKtV UWUiliw" ' . - (reasons ior your auuuu wu"-" , . the less controlling and powerful, because they are attempted to be concealed. One of these consists in the fact that being neither by birth or adop oneof the "annointed," and without having obtained the permission of the highly respectable "bloods," who con sider themselves, and by their "chattels" are considered, "the chivalry of our people," I have dared to aspire to sta tions which they regard as theirs by divine right. My crime is that I am breaking into the unwritten law, under which none but the patrician class shall aspire to places of honor and power. This is hot the first time that I have' been made to feel that I did not belong to what some are pleased to term the favored class in Southern politics. Even while my Democracy was unques tioned, and 1 held the position of City Attorney, that compensation and con sideration to which I was clearly enti tled was withheld from me. A sort of freezing out system was pursued, so that I might ask to be allowed to retire, in order that some favored friend of some of you might obtain the employ ment, that many of you, under the pressure of circumstances and against your inclinations, were forced to confer on me. The opposition to me has been ill concealed for some time. I have never applied for this position or asked -any one to vote for me for it. I held it through the kind intervention of friends who did me the honor to think that mv capacity and services entitled me to this public recognition and I have retained it thus long in the face of such opposi tion, solely out of respect and apprecia tion for the kindness of those friends. Then how should any one be surprised that I took the honorable opportunity some time ago offered me, to say that while professing Democratic principles I severed myself from that element where honorable services never met with other treatment than that dictated by intolerance, illiberality and proscrii tion. The time has been in these Southern States that no man could rise unless he did so as a parasite of the slave nobility. To break up this despotism and open the way for all, without regard to birth or social surroundings, should be the purpose of every patriot. Instead of this you, some of you, from instinct and habit, others because you are the slaves of a power which vou do not un derstand, rush in to crush any young pieuian, wuo aares 10 snow bis bead above the still and putrid waters of Southern Bourbonism. Everyone ot you who seek to strike at me by this petty blow will vote for Judge Ruflin for the Supreme court uencn. as democrats what more have I done than he? He accepted the sup port of the Republican Dartv. ran fnr Judge against the Regular Democrat and came near beating him. Why don't you ostracise him V Again, you seek to make a parade of taking your business awav from me be cause I dare to have opinions of my own, because I dare to have views of the present system of county govern ment which are not in accordance with yours, It was not necessary for vou to have made all this parade in order to have terminated my official connection with the city, A simple resolution thatmv services were no longer required or de sired would have been as effectual as this course, but that would have had a disadvantage, iu that it would have de prived some of your members of a never-to-be-lost opportunity to publicly parade as paragons of liarty fealty and as examplas of party loyalty, when they owed the ease with which they were elected to secret negotiations with party enemies. Such a courae .would also nave deprived some of vou of an opportunity of ending in a great blast of trumpets a long line of ilNeoncealed opposition to me. Ever sinee 1 have been of age, while I have alway professed Democratic principles, I have persistently contend ed for that toleration, liberality, free dom of speech and opinion which is guaranteed by the laws of our country to every citizen, it tor such sentiments as these, men are in effect told by an autocratic cotorie that they shall be de prived of the legitimate results of their labor, and whenever possible of em ployment they, J am sure, will manfully meet the issue, and if such is inevitable and is the fiat of the people of North Carolina, then I as one of them, will sadly take my departure as others have done before, to some land where the air is more resonant with the chimes of liberty, where there is more freedom of thought and opinion, and where men are not grudgingly, but "cheerfully ac corded their rights as freemen under the constitution and laws of our com mon country. I have intimated to you the course by which to terminate my connection with your board; you may proceed. Of course this letter has no reference to Aldermen Chadbourn, Telfair, Willis and Sampson, who voted in the nega tive on the resolution requesting my n signation. Respectfully, F. II. Darby. Twelve Ne-,v Cases at Matamoras. Brownsville, Texas, August 15. There were twelve new eas s of yellow fever yesterday 10 Mexicans and 2 Americans. There was but death, that of a Mexican. There were 6 deaths in Matamoras from fever. The disease is spreading among the poor of this city, though it is not so malignant as in Matamoras. The weather continues cloudy. Mail service will be resumed to all parts of the country to-morrow. - 1 Would Pay Ten Dollar per Bottle for It. Brunswick county. Va., Nov. 5, L881. I have been entirely cured ot a most fearful looking and painful sore on my ankle, by the use ot M. a. Joe Person's valuable Remedy. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted It with tine. Iodine. It be came a very painful and bad looking place, then I commenced to try 'everything I could ttilnk or hear of, until It became so very painful that I could scarcely walk. Then I went to the best doc-' tor In the whole country for advice, who told me he could cure me it 1 would take to my bed and there remain for four or Ave weeks, and If I did not do thU pretty soon It could not be cured at all; the bone would beeome diseased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Imagine how I felt to be told tbat I would have to lose my foot, or to give up all business? lther of the remedies wouid nave ruined me. Mind jou, this was the advloe of one of the best doctors In the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn, as he advised, with caustic until September, but found no bene fit at all from his treatment. I was then advised by my friends to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. I ordered half pints from her, and took the first d se on the 17th ot September, using the Wash also, and now I am a well man, the sore is entire ly cured, and I can walk as far, dance as much and Jump as high as any man. Put me back to the first of September, let me know as much as I now do of the merits ot Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay ten dollars per bottle for It If 1 could not get it for any less. I think more of It tban any medicine 1 ever heard of. It is not only the best remedy In the world to purify the blood, but I believe It will cure all skin and blood dis eases, and It will certainly cure a love of strong drink. It gives me pleasure to furnish this for publication, ai I know there are many sufferers who would be cured, C3uld they know of and ob tain Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. Very truly and respectfully, JOS. B. MASON, Jr., South Gaston, North Carolina. Sores Breaking: Out Over the Face and Neck. Baleigh, N. C, Sept 27th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton. N. C Dear Madam: In reply to your letter asking what 1, think of your Remedy. .1 would say that the sales have been very fair, and so far as I can learn the Remedy has been very satisfactory to my customers who have used it, especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, ten years of age, who was troubled for a long lime with sores breaking out over the face and neck having the appearance ot Scrofula, and which had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of the Bitters last spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and up to this time she has had no return of them, her skin looking as fair and clear as any one's. Trusting that you may receive the success which your Bemedy seems to merit, I am Very resneotfuily yours, ' WM. SIMPSON, Druggists. gend for circular of remarkable cures In this State. . 4 000 bottles sold, and not an unfa vorable report For sale by druggists generally indby MBS. JOE PERSON, Agents Wanted. Franklnton, N. C. Jul29 WOM11V,... A llcuiedy for Her Onlv. Cheaper than physicians' bills, and to be used wuuicii exclusively, it is prepared ior mem only, and Is especially adapted to cases where the ttuhiu 13 uisuiueroo, ana win cure an irregulari ties of the "menses," or "monthly courses, wheth er acute or chronic, by restoring the discharge. Thin wnm r ) w , . r , I u i .1 . . Regulator, and known and recognized as "Wo- maiiaDCTirncuu." treparea Dy vt. J. Braa- fi.ela,.At!anUi- Ga- Prlce: size, 75c; large size, $1.59. or sale by all druggists. We call attention to th advertisement In an other column of Mr. E. B. Whitman. The tenden cy of the manufacturing business for years has been towards making but one line of goods to a factory, as workmen become very skillful and can turn out better goods and more of them when kept at work upon one thlDg year In and year out The success of this policy may be surmised from the Immense factories and enormous sales of the various concerns engaged in the manufacture of reapers and mowers, grain drills, fcc. Ac Mr. Whitman represents three separate factories: one manufacturing plows and plow castings, and an oiher, the champion tiraln Drills, and another, making the celebrated British Mixture. He Is not In the general agricultural business, but for plows, grain drills and fertilizers, claims to be able to compete with any other manufacturer In the land. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an Infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most obstinate, long-standing cases, causing no griping or purging: they are mild and efficient, certain In their action and harmless in aU cases; they effectually cleanse the sjstem, and give new lite and tone to the body. As a household remo dy they are uneqaaled. For Liver Complalntthelr equal is not known ; one box will have a wonder ful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggets everywhere, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Lit tle Catharlc Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents. Btandard Cure Co., 114 Nassau street, New York. jun21 d eod 6m&w DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Use. For Scarlet and Eradicates MALARIA, Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, SaU vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small, Pox. MtpaKlAs. nl all Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely.' Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Feveredand Sick Per SMAIX-POX sons refreshed and Bed Sores prevent ed, by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and jJurified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafings, etc. Rheumatism cured. Boft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burnsrelievedinstantly. Soars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Aia. and PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid); the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. Trie Tlvirianc lire use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment nf T 1 1 rh tVi .,-,-, A. Stollbnwerck, Oreensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION STW9, M, D., New York, says: "I ara convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Scarlet Fever CnrecL Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. . janjv "' musi excellent qualities oi .Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. X. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry, Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stamens, of Georgia Rev. Chas F. Peems, P.D., Church of ihe Strangers, N. Y-; jos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof , University S C Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University: Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY IIOMK. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. i The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have ahundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZKTXIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. July 2 7 d eod eow ly&w THE GREAT CURE 1 FOB RHEUMATISM As it is for an diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadful Buffering which only the victims of Rheumatism can realise. Thousands of cases of the wont forms of this terrible rllasmw have been quickly relieved, in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. mi has had wonderful guecess, and an immense sale in every part of the Country. In hun dreds of eases it has cured where all else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN, k l i s avtiuji , but harmless in all caees; t ?rlt cleanses, Strengthens and elves New Life to all the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases are eradicated from the system. As it has been proved by thousands that is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the system of all morbid secretions. 1 1 should be used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures BHJOTJSITES3, CONSTIPA TION, PILES and all FEMALE Diseases. Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cans, one package of which makes 6 quarts medicine. Also in Liqnid Form, very Concentrated for the convenience of those who cannot readUy pre pare it. It acta with equal efficiency in eitherform. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST, PRICE, $1.0 WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co., Prep's, T4 QVfll eend tho dry poat-pald.) BrRLUtiTOW, VT, Cotton Factory IFOR SALE. BY Virtue of a dcree or the Superior Court of Catawoa county, made in the case of P. C. Shuford and others, p:aintlffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Spring Term, 1882, of Catawba county Supei ior Court, the undersigned, as Heceiver, will sell at Public Sale, at the Court Bouse at Newton, N. C, on TUKSDAY, AUGUST 29th. 1882, the following Valuable Property, to-witj The fat t ry of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether wl h lriVi acres land, Including the entire, water power of seven feet head, factory building B0x40, two stories high, flouring and sawmills, store hnd cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery: 1 pick' r, 1 36 Inch double beater and lapper, 6 36-lnch 14 top flat eaids, railway head, 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (BrWes berry make), all to good order, 2 Danforth cap frames, 182 spindles, totalTnumber spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and bailing press; also a large lot of old looms, pullles, shafting, For more accurate and definite description of the property and the conditions of said sale refer ence is hereby made to the decree above referred. Also at the same time and place, I will sell for cash the Insolvent evidences of debt due the Ca tawba Manufacturing Company, as appears upon their books. TEEMS: Twenty per cent of purohase money cash, and the balance la equal Instalments of three months end six months, bond and approved security required of purchaser, or the Receiver is by said Decree authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. The Beeelver is also authorized by said Decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain private bids until day of sale. - Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr. A. M. Powell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the premises, either of whom wn take pleasure to showing the same. Address JOHN L. COBB. Beeelver, Llneolnton, Lincoln county, N. C. Jul27 tda Diphtheria Prevented. IFOR TIE MOT miWlII) WK WILL BARGAIN COUNTER, SOMB GOODS AT PBICKS THAT ABB BOUND TO SILL THEM. YIZ: Lace Mitts at 15c to 82c; Summer Gloves at 8c to 35c; Hosiery at prices that will surprise you; Ladies' Gause TJn derwear at 25 c; Job Lot Corsets at 40c to 82c; Sandals t93c to $1.25; 2,000 yards Lawns at 4c, worth 8c; Dress Goods and remnants at a sacrifice; Figured Linen Lawns at 14c to 30c; Cotton Satines at 10c. linen Collars and Cuffs, Cretones, Lawn Tics, &c. We have many other things that we will give you a bargain to. and all we ask. It for you to come in and we will convince you that we mean exactly what we say. SMITH Jul23 mm -:o: -to: WE HAVE Our own Manufactured Suits, Our $18.00 and $16.50 Suits, at the uniform price of $14.00. A handsome line of $15.00 and $12.50 Suits at uniform price of $10.00. , Our Entire Stock of Men s Siimer Merwear at Cost A Handsome Line of Boys' and Children's Suits at and Below Cost. Tbese Goods must be sold In oruer to secure Boom for FALL G00D3. The prices given are strictly CASS. Call early an 1 secu-e Bargains. Bespectfully, L. erwaDger'& Bro., LEADING FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILOB. MUSIC HOUSE CHARLOTTE, IM. C. cLn5 j lmm.cut - l Fiiiiii''ih;tJ Thousands of Musical Families throughout North and Sooth (Itna::hiterinnMio parct se PIANOS and OBGANS In the Fall, when cotton comes la WHY WAIT ?. iBnji i Ma hee, and enll ren the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and make the "HAJjy JT . HOMJt?, till more Joyful. 1-Sii w Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during the months of JUB, 4ULY,. .AUtJ8T and SEP TEMBBB, 1882. PIANOS and OBGANS, of eveiy make, style and price," at oar very lowest cash rates On PIANOS $25 Cash,- Balance November 1st, 1&82. On ORGANS $10 Cadh, Balance November 1st, 1882. WITHOtJT ORBSBST 08 - IF BALANCE CAN'T BE PAIS IN THE FALL, Longer time will be given, with a reasonable increase of price, AU Instruments of every grade and price Included tn this sale. Tell your muslcarmends of it' Write us for Catalogues P Lists and Circulars. This sale closes October 1st 18822 rvvmXmmvaniymm. Stt (fl) years guafaatee. ' Stool ana Instructor with every. Organ, freight paid both way " no sale. Test them in your own hoses. Aduresai I - innAn nru- T inn l M- anfrhAtnj Tnr,ar rrLKJT . T OL. DAADH IB to tills' louse. -AT FOR TEN DAYS IN ORDER TO REDUCE KlYSfOCK BIFORX MOVING INTO THI LARGE LATELY OCCUPIED BY EL MOBBK3 & BBOS., NEXT DOOB TO WlIffKOWflTT JBDCH'S, Don't Forget For Ten Days Only. PUT ON A BUILDING. anil Sfle OF- J A - fill 1 :o:- :o:- REDUCED former price $22.50, now $18.00. Obi mmZr - -T-'.i-.! jjna" ' 'HI "S5 02 iMRP - mnA PoTAHlTWr All WOTlt ffOSJYnteed. ' fj6Bd Ord n ttfr.aifTTIT mm Miilj ' 1 Mai3Cii3 i A Offer Furniture St,

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