Ill ctf fin 6tptl0ttf VOI,. XXVII 1. CHARLOTTE, N. C., SUNDAY AUGUST 27, 1882. NO. 4,180. -pegram & Co., DEALERS IN s, TRAVELING BUGS, UMBRELLAS, C. TEG RAM & CO., HAVE a PRETTY LIME 07 UMTS AND LiDIES' SLIPPERS. PEGKAM & CO., HAVE THE BEST 8TOCK OF Cents' Hand-Sewed Shoes, IN THE STATE. PEG RAM & CO., HAVE ALL INDS OF Children's Shoes and Slippers. pegr a m & c o., Kep a wtll selected stock of TRWKSand V ALICES OF ALL PRICES 1 KINDS. PEGRAM & CO., Pjjve Jut received a flue t ck f Wool, Frit and Straw Hats O TJIE LATEST STYi.FS P E G K A M & C O., Qy yiT THEIR Farmer Friends With anj kinds BOOTS and SHOES TORY WISH. FEGirxisr" KKEPS ALL KINDS OF Shoe Dressing Freoch PEGRAM & CO., pan supply you wl h the ES? BRANDS and LATEST STYLES r-Pf- Ladies, Mioses and Childreo's Slvics. GMOPIHS AND FJcBttttfiDD AT loots Shoe Hats hukfa Harris' IFirst Arrival -OF- "yE have Just recalved a beautl ul Hoe of FOULARDS and SATEENS. Abo a case of CALICOES In sew designs. Something Lew and nice In RUCHlNGS, 4c , 4c. T. L. SEIGLE Is now In the Eastern Cities, purchasing our FATjXj STOCJ, which will commence arriving In a few days. When our stock Is received we will show you the HANDSOMEST LIKE OF G00D3 S.VEB DIS PLAYED In the SOUTH. Respectfully, T. L Scigle & To. augi 9 Summer Complaints At tills season, various diseases of the. bowels are prevalent, and many lives org lost through lack of knowledge of a safe and sure remedy. Perry Davis' Paih Killer is a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfectly safe. Read the following : AiNSRrDGE, JS. Y-t March 23, 188L bt Davis' Piiw KfLLEp fifver fain ;o tyfwtJ 1mttant relit fop crswnp wfl tain in pie Btomiclr. JpspPH PUKPITT. KioHoi,vn.i.iE, K. V-tFt. 8, J88I, The vtry hett jnedioine I know of for dyseptery, cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have ufied it for years, and it is ur cure every time. Julius W. Deb. . MomoojTA, Iowa, March 12, 188L I nave need your Pain Killer in severe cases pf cramp, colic.and cholera morbus. and it gave almost Instant relief. L. E. Caldwell. ' ' ' CABTrES-vn.i,B, Ga., Feb. 28, 1881. For twenty years I have used your Pain Killeb in my family. Have used it many times for bowel complaints, and it always cure: would not feel safe without a bottle in the house. J. B. I vie. Waco, we., Jon. 23, 1881. H. I. KA-raa. Oneida, K. Y., reb. 19, j&sl. We bean usinf? it over thirty years agt, and it flways drives immediate relief. vV ould hardly dare o to to bed without a bottle in the house. " W. O. SpjOtBT. Coitwayboso, B. O..Feb. 23, 188L Nearly every family a this section keeps a bottle in the house. Da. E. Mobton. TJ. S. CONSTTLATE, Chefbld, Rhenish Prussia, Feb. 8, 1881. I have known Prry Davis' Pain Killer almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard ita presence in my household as an indispensable necessity. ar - I. S. PpTTpt, U. S. Consii 1 BPaTON.M.TpENT. ENfJ. J had been several days enftermrr -severely fpbm diarrhoea, accompanied with intense pain, when I fried your Pain ktt.t.v.h, and found almost instant relief. H. J. Noonk. 21 Montaotte St., London, Ens. Dnrinfraresidenceof twenty-three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to giva relief. R. Clakidge. family can. safely be -without this invaluable remedy. Its price faring 'it within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at 25c, 5Qc. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. 1. sept C Vw sept 4 oct. ROQKBRIDQE, VA., ALUM WATER, OR more than half a century has grown steadl J; ly In reoute as a medicinal agent in a wide range of Chronic diseases. Multitude of women can testify to its unsurpassed efficacy In the re lef and cure pf these ailments peculiar to their sex. -DyflPEBSH- Ip Its varied and most distressing forms Is cured. CHRONIC, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, -CHBONIC DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY, yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result. Bottled In Its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Rock bridge county, Va.. and are open for the reception of visitors trom June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Mc ADEN and Dr. T. p. 8M1?H, Charlotte, N C. marl 2 lr WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Lightest Running and Best Sewing Machine in the World. Try It before buying any other. AGENTS WANTED, ty Send for Terms and Price List Whcclcr & YVilfcon iriAiiafactur'ff Co. RICHMOND VA. mayll Cleavekd Mineral Springs, OPENED MAY 15th, 1882. THESE Springs are two miles from Shelby. 54 miles West of Charlotte, and within 1 mile of the Carolina Central Railway running from Char lotte to sneiDy. tiaeKs win oe at tne springs' Station on arrival oi every train. COLD AND WARM BATHS. white and Red Sulphur and Chal)beate Waters a BOWIing Alley i uw uiuor. a. gwu duiuk band secured for the season. Livery accommoda tions attaenea to we uuiei. ur For further particulars address VB- iur v s McB. POSTON. maylBtf Proprietor. VIRGINIA Female Institute, STAUNTON, VA. M-s. Gen, J. E. B. STUART, .PrLndpaL THE next session WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 14th, with a full corps ot teachers. Training thorough and terms moderate. Catalogue sent upon application to we uiraii. JullSeodew m GOD. NOON DISPATCHES. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Murdered by an Insane Wife. Wortiiington, Inlv, August 26. Win Chaptnitn, an elderly gentleman, was murdered here last evening by Lis insane wife. Preparations had been made to send her to an insane asylum and her husband had been watching her for Beveral days. It is supposed that he was so fatigued he fell asleep, when she cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. Her two daughters bearing a noise hurried to the room, but found the door locked and their lives were threatened if they broke in. They called assistance and the murder ess was secured. Enlisting Albanians. Alexandria., August 26. It is stated on good authority that two thousand Albanians have been enlisted for ser vice in Egypt in the quarantine and other departments, as it is feared that native troops cannot be trusted. The troops are urgently required at the quarantine station at Mosswell, near Suez.. The attitude of the Bedouins there is threatening. . - The Egyptians Pull Out and Abandon Their Camp. London, August 26 The Times has the following dispatch : Ismailia, August 25 This morning the enemy turned out of their strong position, near Ramseh station and re treated, leaving their camp behind them. They took some guns with them. Judge Reagan Renominated for Con gress. Galveston, August 26 A News Palestine dispatch says the Democrats of the second district have renominated Judge Reagan for Congress by accla matioH. The Mecca Pilgrims. Constantinople, August 26. Lord Dufferin, British ambassador, has prom ised that pilgrims to Mecca will be per mitted to traverse the Suez canal as U3ual. The Blockade Established. Alexandria, August 26. The block ade of the Egyptian coast was estab lished yesterday. Wolseley Reports a VictoryHe Routs the Enemy, Captures tJqns, Rifle?, Amunition, &c. London, August 20 Sir Garnet Wolseley's dispatches, dated Ismailia 25th, evening, report that Friday's oper ations against Arabi were entirely suc cessful. He flanked the Egyptians at Moshameh railway station which he took, routing the enemy with consider able loss, taking fiye 5rupp guns, seventy-live railway carriages laden with provisions, and a large quantity of am unition and rifles. VVolsely's losses were not over a doz en killed and wounded, but forty-six cases of sunstroke occurred, one fatal. Wolseley pi ves high praise to all his soldiers. Following up his adyantage he took possession of a lock on the freshwater canal, which gives com mand or a sate route across the desert to the cultivated lands pf the delta. Wolseley Want? More Troons. London, August 20 The Standard says it has reason to believe that Gen. Wolseley has applied for more troops. This, it adds, probably means the third division of the ormy corps now mob ilizing at Aldershot. The CornfcU-ConUlinf Controversy, Baltimore Bun. The Cornell-Conkling-Gould contro versy in New York is getting lively and interesting. The charge brought by the Albany Journal that Mr Conk ling, as the counsel of Jay Gould, was a party to the attempt to bribe Uoy Cor nell to sign a bill relieving the Manhat tan Elevated Railroad from back taxa tion, has brought out the countercharge that Cornell got up a "blind pool" in American District Telegraph in con nection with Gould, Sage and others; that to carry out his speculation he drew, as treasurer and vice-president, thirty thousand dollafs of the com- Danv's mouev. and that on tne strength of the names of Gould and Sage he en gineered the price of the stock up from sixty to eighty-two dollars per share on a par of one hundred dollars, sold out, and has not yet paid over tneir propor tion of the profits to his associates. Further, that after carrying up the price of the American district Tele graph stock to tne highest point he could and pocketing his gains, he turned round, put out a line of shorts, and by the assistanpe of a riyal company then started with the old general manager of Gov Cornell's company as the execu tive officer, the District Telegraph stock was forced down to fifty dollars a share, and has since sold much lower. This ventilation of the doings of politicians and speculators has by no means in creased the chances of Gov Cornell for a renomination. while it ha certainly added nothing to the reputation of Mr. Conkling. An Important Case. Rtlelgh News and Observer. A rnrnmpn t. in t he r.ase of the Western North Carolina Railroad vs. the Georgia - r . n .1! T - "I and JNortn uaronna xxauow uuagc Railroad, praying for an injunction to restrain them from occupying the loca tion of the first named road through Red Marble Gap, Cherokee county, was rnnfltirler1 Thursday before Judge A A McICoy, at chambers. Judge Schenck and Fab II ttusbee, Esq, appeared for tha Western "North Carolina Railroad. Ill V i xvwv. Gen. Phillips, of Georgia, Mr Posey, of . a i r ti i e CheroKee county, jiessis uaiue tx. aiui decai appeared for the other road. Ar gument was conciuaea late in me even inrr tvhpn flip .Tiifloffi tofik the Daners Uft'intimntpd that he would erant the restraining order, but said that he did not have sufficient jurisdiction to grant the injunction prayed for. Maj Joseph W Wilson, Mr Eager, of Boston, Mass, and others testified by affidavit. The case has excited special interest, the ground of contention being the ooiiinir hv the nt.hpr road nf the, nrnipct- Ol i.lll, KJJ w I ed route of the Western North Carolina Railroad through Red Marble Gap, Cherokee county. Late last night Col A B Andrew?, Judge Schenck'and Maj Wilson left for the west on a special train. paralysis in Alexander County. Btatesvllle Landmaik. One day last week Mrs. Ambrose Robnett, who lived near Taylorsvillp, was stricken with paralysis and died. Thursday of last week Mr. Isaac Rus sell, of Sugar Loaf township, Alexan der county, was stricken with paraly sis, in his field, and was found speech less and unconscious: he has since ral liftd some. On or about the same day Mr. J. P. White, of Wittenberg town ship, the same county, sustained a pa ralytic stroke. It is the common obseivaUon that the standard n.h.i hoaith and normal activity, amons; Ameri- unmiM can women, Is being lowered by the Influence of false ideas and habits or rue, engendered dt fashionable ignorance and luxurious living. It Is -' iiannv r.lrcnm stance that Mrs. Lvdla E. Pink- ham has come to the front to instruct and cure the sufferers of her sex Too Tbankf nl for Word. . v . . u. no looA . (.oai Bon irusamic, A-m., nai wi 100 - - - . . m v .n a HianVhl tn a. it. warner a w. bub aw w iuuiui w express In words the good your Safe Kidney and Bev. P. F. JIARKLIB, NEWS NOTES. Six Turk3 were landtd in Baltimore by the German steamship Caasius from Elba. The corporation of Limerick has voted thn freedom of I he city to Mr. E. Dwyer Gray. Warrants for the payment of $io, 000,000 on account of pensions were is sued from the Treasury Department Thursday. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has purchased all of A. T. Stewart's horses and wagons for their express business in New York city. A telegram from Vienna states that over one hundred women are now on trial at Gross Becskerek, Hungary, charged with poisoning their husbands, The guilt of thirty-five of the women has been proved. Henry J. Hall, paying-teller of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, at Providence, R. I., Thursday confess ed that since 1875 he has embezzled $21, 100. v 4 At a meeting of the PJtUhsrjr window-glass manufacturers Thursday the opinion was expressed. ';that there will be a boom in the trade this fall if the iron strike ends." The bi-centennial reunion of the de scendants of John Sharpless, who set tled on Ridley creek, near Chester, Pa., August 24, 1682, was held Thursday on the old homestead. Nearly 4,000 people were present. Orders have been issued to the post masters at Corpus Christi, San Diego, Laredo, Point Isabel and Rio Grande City, Texas, to thoroughly fumigate all mails before forwarding them. All mails, except first-class matter, at Brownsville, Texas, are to be held. The unveiling of the Confederate monument at Front Royal, Va., Thurs day, was witnessed by a large crowd of people, including a good representation from Baltimore. Gen. Charles E Phelps, of Maryland, delivered an eloquent and patriotic address. A Washington dispatch states that the straightout Republicans in Virginia have been greatly encouraged by the assurance that ex-Secretary Blaine is throwing his influence on their side. Whilst in the cabinet Mr Blaine never sympathized with Mr Mahoue. Gree nsboro Patriot. The Midland Road to be Built, The stockholders of the Virginia Midland held a meeting at Winston yesterday. Among those present were J. Turner Morehead, Maj. Hairston, Rev. W. C. Wilson, Jos. A. Kelly, G. M. Bingham, A. W.Booe.S. A. Woodruff, J. D. Johnson, J. A. Williamson, A. l.eazor, J. S. B. Thompson and J. M. Vaughn. From Maj. Morehead, who passed through this mornin, we learn that two million of the bonds of the company will be issued at once, and that all the money necessary to complete the road will be at once available. There is now no barrier in the way of the road's im mediate completion, and Major More- head is sanguine that it will be done with all the expedition possible. The outlook is now more assuring than at any time in the history of the project. Iredell liberal Ticket, Statesvllle Landmark. For the House II. A. Neill and D. M.Furches. For sheriff W. F. Sharpe. For clerk of the Superior Court It. S. Templeton. For register of deeds W. D. Sum mers. For treasurer G. W. Clegg. For coroner J. F. Anderson. tOf the above Messrs. Summers and Anderson are on the Democratic coun ty ticket) I Would Pay Tea Dollars per Bottle for it. Brunswick county. Ya., Nov. 5, 1881. I have been entirely oured of a most fearful look ina and painful sore on mv ankle, bv the use of M s. Joe Person' valuable Remedy. It came more man twelve monins ago, very mucn lite a ring worm. I painted it witn Unc iodine, it be came a very paintul and bad looking place, then i eouiiueLcea to try everytning 1 could tninic or hear of, unUl It became so very painful that I could scarcely walk. Then I went to the best doc tor in theXhole country for advice, who $old me iic vuuiu cure uic 11 i wuum IttfcB iu uis wu ana there remain for four or nte weeks, and if I did not do tbi pretty sqbn t could not be cured at all; the bone would become d seased, and my foot would have to be taken off. Imagine bow I felt to be told that I would have to lose mv foot, or to give up all business? lather of the remedies wou nave rumea me. Mind you, this was the advice of one ol the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place hi 8t February. I continued to burn, as he advised, with caustic until September, but found no bene fit at all from his treatment. I was then advised by my friends to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. I ordered haf nlnta from her, and took the first d se on the Ivib, ot September, using the Wash also, and now I am a well man, the sore is entire ly cared, and 1 can walk as far, dance as much and Jump as high as any maq. Put me back to the first of September, let me know as much as I now do of the merits of Remedy, and I would not hesitate to pay ten dollars per bottle for it If I could not get it for any less. I think more of it than any medicine I ever heard of. It is not only the best remedy In the world to purify the blood, but I believe It will cure all skin and Wood dis eases, and it will certainly cure a love of strong drink. It g ves me pleasura to furnish this for publication, as I know tnere are many si.fferers who would be cured, c uld they know of and ob tnin Mrs Joe Person's Remedy. Vtry truly and respectfully, iJOS. R. MASON, Jk , South Gaston, North Carolina. Sore Breaking Out Over the Face and Neck. Raleigh, N. C, Sept, 27th, 1881. Mrs. Joe Person, Frankllnton. N. C. Ceai Madam: In reply to your letter asking what I think of your Remedy. I would say that the sales have been very fair, and so far as I can learn the Remedy has txen very satii-fictory to my customers who have used It, especially so In the case of a little girl of this ct y, ten years of age, who was troubled for a long lime with sores breaking out over the f uce and neck having the appearance ot Scrofula, and which had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long time. She tok four bottles of the Bitters lat spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and up to this time fhe has had no return of them, her skin looking as fair and clear as any one's. Trusting that you may receive the success which your Hemedy seems to merit, I am Very respect! u ly yours. WM SIMPSON, Drugg its. BT" fend for circular of remarkable cures In this State. 4 000 bottles sold, asid not an unfa vorable repoit. For sale by druggists generally and by MRS J' E PERSON, Agents Wanted. Frankinton, N. C Jul29 flisceUancotts. M 1 IN iriiAL L A N D FOR SALE. A BARGAIN Is offered In a tract of land in Mc Dowell county, lilng on the road from Ruther fordton to Marlon, and about 12 miles from Ruth- erfordton. It lies dlrectiy on the Vein Mountain strata, which has developed some good paying mines. No development ha been attempted, but several pieces of gold weighing r om pwts aown have been found In the branches on it The tract contains 100 ac es and will be sold cheap, nplyto CHAS. U. JONRS, aul 6 Charlotte, N. C. FRESH ROASTING EARS, New Sweet Potatoes, Fine Peaches, AND NIW CBE353B, at S. M. HOWELL'S. ul26 WAIN TED. HIGHEST cash price paid for COTTON and WOOLEN RAGS, BONES, SCRAP IRON, BEESWAX, BRASS, COPPER, PEWTER, LEAD. ZINC, OLD B(A)JtJ, UUBBEB, ttOPK, AC. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Oualltv and weight guaranteed. Country store keepers and others will find It to their advantage to cau on or aaaress J a. nuua, Charlotte, N. C, opposite C , C. R. R augl9 Freight Depot, Trade Street. A FULL STOCK OF TPRENCH and American Toilet Soaps, Puffs and I Ul8 JVUUAaXWi, VIUgglBIS, XU?l V. A Heiucdy tor Her Ooly. Cheaper lhan physicians' bills, and to be used by womn exc uslvely. it is prepared tor lhem only, and is especially adapted to casss where the womb Is disordered, and wl 1 cure all li regulari ties of the -menses." or "monthly courses, wheth er acute or chronic by restoring the discharge This great boom is Dr J. Brdfield s Female negulator, and known and recognUed as Wo man's Best Friend." PrepHred by Dr. J. Brad field, Atlanta, Ga, Price: trial size, 75c; large sze, 51.5). tor sale by hll druggists. Hew Jidtjcrttsemcuts. From the tpricgBeld Republican. A GENEROUS ACT Tbat Will be Appreciated by all WUo Care for Their Complexion and Skin. It is not generally known that the nervous sys tem has a wonderful Influence over the skin, but this Is a fact known to medical men who have given much of their time to the study of diseases of the skin. No one can have a clear and fair complexion unmtxtd wLh blotches or plmp'tas who is very nervous. - Whatever tends to a healihful condUion of the nervqua-ifstem always be'auUfles the complexion and removes roughness and dryness of the skin. Some skin diseases are not attended by visible signs on the surface, but an intolerable Itching that renders life mteerable. We copy the following deserving and Interesting compliment from the Tribune, which says: "Dr. C. W. Benson's New Remedy, 48xm Cobb,' Is re ceived by the publlo with gieat ownfldenee, and It la regarded as a very geneiouaact on the Doctor's .part to make knowa and prepare for general use his valuable and favorite prescription for the treatment of ktn diseases, after having devoted almost his entire life to the study and treatment of nervous and skin di-eases, in which he took great delight. Be was for a number of years Physician In charge of the Mary'.and Infirmary on Dermatology and an) thing from his hands Is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The remedy is fully the article to attack the disease, both Internally, through the blocd, and externally through the absorbents, and Is the only reliable and rational mode of treatment These prepara tions are only put up for general use after having been used by the Doctor In his private practice for years, with the greatest success, and they fully merit the confidence of all classes of sufferers from skin diseases." This is for sale by all drug gists Two bottles, Internal and external treat ment. In one package. Don't be persuaded to take any other. It costs one dollar. OH ! MY HEAD ! WHY WILL TOU SUFFER? Sick headaohe, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, and brain disease, positively cured by ijr Ben son's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They contain no opium, quinine, or ether harmful drug. Sold by druggists. Price, 50 cents a box, two boxes for 81 . s'x box es for 82.50, by mail, postage free. Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore. Md. C N. t rlttenton, New York, is Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies. augl LYDIA E. PINK HAFT'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure For all thoto Painful Cpmplalft aa Wttfamw o eomgApji 9t Vfjt fct female popnlatlon. A Sledieine for Woman. Invented by Woman. Prepared by a Woman. Tit Grtatmt Xwlieil DUcorerf Since the Davn of Hilory. tarit revives the drooping spirits, Invigorates and harmonizes the organic functions, gives elasticity and. Irmness to the step, restores the natural liistre o the dye, and plants on the pale cheek c-f woman the trc&ix roses of life's sjirtefif and early sunjimor time. 'Prtfsjctens, Use. It and Prescribe It Freely It removes, fain.tnes8, flatulency , destroys all crav ing for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is uuTurpaMed. LTDIA E. PrVKHAM-S BIOD PFHITIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, oj man woman or child. Insist on iiaving it, Both te. Compound and Blood Purif er are prepared It 833 and. 235 Western, Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of Vther, at Bbt bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form oi pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box Cor either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry o Enclose Sot. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No family should be without LTDIA E. PIXKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. Thoy cure oonstipation, biliousness. and torpidity of the liver. 25 oents per box. jkT-Sold by all Drnggists.'u 0) n on wry FOR SALE. BY Virtue of a decree or the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P. C. Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Sprin Term, 1882, of Catawba county Supeiior Court, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at Public Sale, at the Court Bouse at Newton, N. C, on TUKSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1882, the fallowing Valuable Property, to-wit: The factory of the Long Island Cotton Mills, to gether with lfitfc ucres land. Including the entire water power of seven feet head, factory building 60x40, two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton houses, blacksmith shop and five tenement houses, and the following machinery; 1 picker, 1 86-lnch double beater and lapper, 6 8tf-inch 1 4 top flat cards, railway head, 2 drawing frames, 6 deliveries each, 4 ring frames (Brldes btrrymake), all In g od order, 2 Danf orth cap frames, 132 spindles total number spindles 810, 1 Travis card grinder, bunch and balling press; also a large lot of old looms, pullles, shafting, &c For m re nceurat and definite description of th) property ai.d Hit- conditions of said sale refer ence is hereby madd to the decree above referred. Also at the sain time and place, I will sell for cash the Insolvent evidences of debt due the Ca tawba Manufacturing Company, as appears upon their b"oks. TERMS: Twenty per cent of purchase money cash, and the balance in eoual Instalments of three months r nd six months, bond and approved security required or purchaser, or tne Heeelver is by sxid Decree authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers, 1 he Receiver is also authorized by said Deoree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall be agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he will entertain private bids until day of sale. Persons wishing to examine said property will find Dr. A. M. Lowell and Mr. Levi Shuford on the prem ses. either of whom will take pleasure In Fho Ing the same. Address JOHN L. COBB, Be oelver, Lincointon, Lincoln county, N. C. Jul27 ds FOR RENT. THE Store House now occupied by E. M. An drews as a furniture store. Apply to (icn, O. BAJUUKUAJB, aug22 lw or E. M. Andrews. wanted; B F SEPTEMBER 4 lb. FIVE or six Music Scho'ars. Rates reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Apply to Mrs. N. DUL9, Comer C and 6th streets, or T. L. Selgle & Co. aug20 2w TURNIP SEED. w X have Just received a full stock of jui varie ties, a. s. juttuAxt a co, Jul8 Try on street BURNETT'S f -OOCOAINE, Creole Hair Restorer, Ayers' and j uau's uau vigor, ana ravers nau uaisam. a. a. rfUKuaxi iax, ul8 Druggists. 0 ETcfcw IFaflll (BdDdDdllsi JUST RE 'RIVED A PBINTS and SATINES OUR "bargain counter, BLEACHED DOMESTIC. HAEGEAYES & WILHELM SMITH BUILDING. at-gl8 DDgfinng' (LDontt Sgafle OF MM siik miTin(; -:o: -:o: WE HAVE REDUCED Our own Manufactured Suits, former price $22.50, now $18.00, Our $18.00 and $16.50 Suits, at the uniform price of $14.00. A handsome line of $15.00 and $12.50 Suits at uniform price of $10.00. Our Entire Stock of Men's Summer Underwear at Cost. A Handsome Line of Boys' and Children's Suits at and Below Cost. These Goods mmt be sold In ower to sejure Room for FALL GOODS. The prices given are strictly CASO. Call early anl sectre Bargains. Respectfully, IL. Berwanger & Bro., LEADING FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILOR. MUSIC H0U8E, CHARLOTTE, IU. C. BRAMTOB Of Ex3 Thousands ot Musical Families throughout North PIANOS and ORGANS In the Fall, when cotton the long, hot SUMMER MONTHS with Music and Under our Mid-Summer Sale, we offer to sell during TEMBSR, 1882, PIANOS and ORGANS, of eveiy Mid-Summer Special Offer : On PIANOS $25 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882. On ORGANS $10 Cash, Balance November 1st, 1882, WITHOTTT IHTEEEST 08 AST ADVAHCE IS P8ICE. IF BALANCE CAN'T BE PAID IN THE FALL, Longer time will be given, with a reasonable Increase of price. AH instruments of every grade and price Included In this sale. Tell your musical friends of It Write us for Catalogues, Price Lists and Circulars. This-sale closes October 1st 1 882 Early purchase secures cash prices" and easy terms. hlx (rt) years guarantee. Stool and Instructor with every Organ. Freight paid both ways If no sale. Test them in your own hon es. Address PROF. WM. BAKER Is my authorized Tuner and Repairer. All work guaranteed. Send orders to this house. FOB TEN DAYS IN ORDER TO REDUCE S1Y STOCK B1FORE MOVING INTO TH1 LARGE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY H. MORRIS 4 BROS . NEXT DOOR TO WXWKOWSKY BABUCHV Don't Forget For Ten Days Only HAND30MK LINE OF :o:- eta CX2 S3T2 and South Carolina are Intending to pureh se comes in. WHY WAIT? Buy at once, and enliven make the "HARVEST BOMS" still more )oyfol. the months of JUNE, JULY. AUGU8T and SEP make, style and price, at oar very lowest cash rates H ucsmith. AT Kim

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