-' -'f-f " ,. h4 i vol. xxvm. CHARLOTTE, N. 0M SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1882. NO. 4,192. .... . ARE NOW riUT'PTn ATT? 1X7 j. iijlix ix jij yy rnutj Which, when mplete, win be EQUAL TO ANY E7ER OFKEBKD IN TB8 M IRK T. THEIR FRIENDS AHE INVI I D TO CALL AND SEE THEM. septIO Ppni k Co., DEALERS IN Boots, Sloes, Hals, Trunks, AND VALISES. The First Shipment r OF ODB FALL s WINTER STOCK HAS AHBIVBD. jEGRAM & CQ. ir VMI WANr a Nick HA IK Or lafc, Km mi Children's Shoes, Of any kind you cai gat them at PEGRAM & CP'S. I r YOU WANT A. Wltn ar the latest lffiprovementt, go to PEGRAM &. CP'S. 1J? YOU WIdH THE LATXS T STTLJC IN SILK or CASStUEBS HATS Ton can And It at IE GRAM & CP'S. OUR STOCK OF GENTS' AND YOUTHS' BOOTS AND SHOES 'h,..,. . - ""wea wttb great e ire and soon yoa caq find ST Just m Ladies' Cloth mi Dress Flannels, ALL 8 HADES. HANDSOME STQCK NECK WEAK, LACE3 AND EMBROIDERIES, TRUNKS and VALICBS, All S!zos and Prices. ANOTHER LOT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. Call or send your orders to T. L Seigle & Co. septS SBXedical. Summer Compainfs At this sCSSOtt, various diseases of the bawels are prevalent, and many lives are tost through fcftS of knowledge of a safe and sure reraer Perby Davis' Tigs Killer is a rj9iie Ibr Diarrhoea, Dys entery, C&&teja?Sja!ei Morbus, Sumi6r Complaint, eta, 3S& is perfectly safe. Read the ibilcwitlg i t- B.nbi'3e, J?. Y., March 22, K8L PKHRT Davis' Pain KlLliKB never fails to afford ' relief for cramp and pain In the stomach. . Joseph BtrBDrrr. NloriotviLLE, N. Y., Feb. 2. 1881. Tne very best medicine I know of for dysentery. Cholera morbus, and cramps in the stomach. Have uaea It for years, aad it ia sure cure every time. Julius W. Dee. -. , MorsdON a, Iowa, March 12, 188L I have used ybnr Pain KitLEB in severe cases of cramp, colic and cholera morbus.and it gave almost Instant relief. x, & Caldwilu . . CABNESVltLE, Oa., Feb. 28, 1881. i ienfy rears I have used your Pain Killkb in my family. Have nsed it many times for bowel 2m.plalntP- nd 11 almiyt cures. Would not feel safe without a botUe ia the bouse. J. B. I vie. Have Tilled PeKbt Davis' Pain Killer for twei baco, ME., Jan. should allow it to be oul of the f ami! VF'xnj Tf. ...f. ii is tare, rare, ana rttUe. No mother H. I. NAVK8. We be (ran nsinir always mves immerfi: to ko to bed without a bottle in the house. W. O. SEBBR COlTWATBOBO, S. CFeb. 22, 188 Nearly every famiy ia U4s section keeps a bottle H8L tn the house. 3cnox Da. US, Cm moj IOBTOS. Ckefelc, Rbznish Prussia. Feb. 8, 18SL I have known Pejyis Davis' Pain Killeb almost from the day it was introduced, and after years of observation and use I regard its presence in my household as an tnd&nenaoAfo necessity. T. 8. Potteb, U. 8. Consul Bubton-on-Tkent. Eng. I had been several days suffering severely from aiarrhoBa, accompanied., with intense pain, when I tried your Par Kjlleb, and found ahnont instant relief. H J. Noosk. 21 Montagph St., London, En. During; a residence of twenty -three years in India, I have given it in many cases of diarrhoea, dysen tery, and cholera and new knew it to fail to give relief. . B. Clabidsk. No family can safely be vrithout this invaluable remedy. Its price brings it within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. PEKRY DAVIS & SOX, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept A Oct. D. 8. CWSTTLATE, lb Centra H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. CHARLOTTE, N. C. THIS Hotel was completed in 1872, and new additions made In 1875. "THE CENTRAL" Is situated on Independent Square, occupying bait a block on Trade street. In the business cen tre ol the City, in eiese proximity to Banks. Ex press and Telegraph offices, and commanding a mountain view of more than fifty miles. The lntentloa of the Proprietor is, not only to present to the traveling public one of the finest Hotel Buildings in the South, bat one of the most complete and beat conducted Hotels in all its dif ferent departments Having recently ben deeorated and frescoed throughout, it Is ijqt eiy one of the most beauti ful, but the LEiDlSlrVJJLiCE HOTEL of the 8outh. tesJC 4? fommercial Tourists, pleasure seekees te5Wit guests. H. C. XCCLEdt .aorfteQ)'. will be pleased to welcome his friends tp4 the traveling public, and respectfally solloite a share ef patronage from nil who would enjoy an anpreclste a home combin ing elegance, beauty and comfort in all lcssp polntments and surroundings. BATES 82.00. a 60, J3.00 per day, sec rd Ing to location. sept2 WHEELER&WILSON'o NEW NO. 8. Lightest Bunnug and Best 86 wing-Machine tit the ' World. Ti it before buying any other. ' . -'JQggfgg WANTED. fcy Send for Terms And Price LIat,C3 Wbceler fic TTUmmi 9tatnnfmctnry; Co r: filODSQSV, TA mail! ri.ti.-fy iiAnnis bemedy co.?'iiasat y nA.taio net. tint lii aad others wbt suttee? Iroi .Ncrvow aaa rhysleaj bu tyr-rmmM tihsMttm aa4 their Mis.iT (Iwmy eoaMqacmea, Mr Hioklr -a4 wMemUy tmnii Tha BenefT it Dut-m la bum. .. lu. I (lailinc a montfl), U. B.t (ewnifh taefkh aennr, ante in tereracawt,) Si tmsi am. wm riWwtiM tar bin. mrafrnf Amphletaaacrtj 8nt by anil ioplaia vrawrs, ote I , JX- r rf'iimm 'I i Blfll I I T -E -M..r 1 1 NOON DISPATCHES. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i . .4 The Fever Decreasing at' Matamoras Increasing at Brownsville. Galveston, Sept 9. A News Mata moraa special says: The yellow fever epidemic is rapidly disappearing from this city. During the 24 hours ending this morning at 9 o'clock, there were but two cases of fever recorded, and so far this week but seven persons have died in this city of that disease, an enormous reduction from the same pe riod during the past two weeks, and the fever does not spread to any alarm- in e extent among the rancnes. A report from Brownsville says that the fever seems to be increasing slow ly. The official report for the last 24 hours shows only 48 new cases and two deaths for that period. Tne relief com mi ttee furnished aid yesterday to87 families. Col Grasty is reported to-day as dying. VYm Scanion is very low. Several new cases have broken out among the soldiers stationed here. Maj Witherell's son is down. Unless funds are placed in the mail contractor's hands we will soon be without mails. Trading Ofl the Pennsylvania Land Iieaguefs. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9. The Times to-day publishes a letter from Ool. A. K. McClure, Editor-in-chief of that paper, addressed to F. P. O'Malley. Secretary of the Central Branch Land League at Scranton, Pa., in reference to the charge made by the Times that certain assumed leaders of the Irish Land League were bargaining with leaders of the Republican party for the transfer or sale of 30,000 Irish votes. The letter is of great length and reiter ates in detail the charge originally made, which is that the contract was to be made with Cameron on a basis of the removal of Lowell from England to enable Edward O'Meigher Congdon to mislead the Irish, and a payment of a liberal amount of money to Congden. n Tbe Star Route Jury Asks for Further Instructions. Washington, D. C, Sept. 9. The jury in the Star Route cases came into court shortly after ten o'clock and an nounced that they had not agreed upon a verdict, and asked for further in structions. These were given by Judge Wylie at considerable length, and their general tendency was strongly against the defendants. At their own request the jury was allowed to take their notes to the jury room, and again retired. They will report at two o'clock, to which time court took a feeess. THE OTHER SIDE. REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT. A Reply to Mr. C. A. Cook Chairman of the Warren Board of Commissioners. by the County Warkenton, August 28, 1882. The following is an accurate and true state ment of cur finances from the records, under Democratic boards, and also a similar one for a s ries of years, em bracing the financial administration of county affairs under Republican boards, in none ot wnicn years did they levy any special taxes by legislative authori ty. The following statement shows the amounts disbursed of general and school rund3 trom December 6, 1878, to Decem ber 6, 1881: UNDER DEMOCRATIC RUL.E. a DISBURSEMENTS s a C5 o o x Of fuuds recclveu from retlrlnar Re publican authorl 1 1 e s, Including Z4K av conecc ed under tcbed- ule B and O for 1878. and 8205 -38 collected un der gcnedule B and C, for 187 , In 1878 1 1879 1 188U 81 3.563.58 88.356.59 7.017 82 8,465.69 Total txpenditurea,3 years Average an'l expenditure.. " monthly " I $22,025.27 15,374.41 5124.80 427.07 $7,341.76 Bil. 81 In the total amounts of general and school funds disbursed by Democratic boards as shown in the above statement is included the sum of $13,114.81 of the general fund and the sum of $7,021.21 of school fund, which sums were in part the accumulations of several years taxes, levied and collected by their pre decessors, the Republican boards, over and above the constitutional limitation and over and above the necessities of the county. The flagrancy of tional levies, which below, is the more these unconstitu is, fully explained apparent when we state that in August, 1878, the time for the levying of taxes for the next fiscal year, the Republican board, knowing that the county was free from debt, and that there was more than fifteen thousand dollars general county fund in the Treasurer's hands, the greater part of which was placed there by the sheriff a week before that time, decided not to levy any county tax on property, but did illegally levy and collect 61 cents on the poll, making $1,625.65, which the Democratic board refunded. And further, notwithstanding these unwarranted, unlawful and unneces sary levies by the Jiepublican boards: during these back years, there was money in the Treasury only occasional ly, and county scrip or orators from 1873 to 18T8 were generally sold for from 50 to 60 cents in the dollar. On the pther hand, the county scrip stoce th Demo cratic board took charge has always been par and the credit of the county A No. 1. In August, 1879, when the Democratic board, with the Justices, met to levy taxes for the next fiscal year, after dis cussion and mature consideration, they concluded that the money in the treas ury, to-wit, $7,376 03, with a small loan, would be sufficient to defray the cur rent expenses of the county and save cost of collecting the amount needed, and they determined not to levy any tax for county purposes. So that under the administration of the Democratic board for the two years beginning Sep tember 1, 1878, and ending September 1, 1880, there were no taxes levied for county purposes on property or polls. It is to be further noted, that out of the general fund above received there was expended the sum of thirteen nun drerTtlollars for repairs and improve ments made upon the poor house' and jail. ' The following statement shows tbe amount disbursed of general and heol funis from 1873 to 1877 inclu sive: UNDER REPTJBLICAH RULE. a ijrSBTJttSEMXNTS. I Taxes collected on lists of- 1873 1874 8.706.53 M24 43 t,3J6 84 2,107.67 6.277.01 4,441.08 10,60.V8 1 f VI i t !87e1l2.22&7a 1878 1877 tt.48T.07 10.567.48i Total expenditures, 5100.t 23.076.53 i Average anT expendltura s I000:i81 4.915.80 , BS4.61 i - v'ut vinqnuuy. tf J. 858.861 In addition to the abote, the ,Repub lican Beards for th five Tears inclu- (led in the table,, collected, the, sum of $13,11481 general fund and $6,021.21 school fund more than the table shows as disbursed, and turned the same over to the Democratic Board as before sta ted; which sums added to the aggre gate general and school funds disburs ed; makes the total levies and collec tions by them for the five years $93, 713 48. Of this.sum thirty-one thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars and ninety four cents' was levied and collected illegally and unconstitution' ally from the hard earnings of our peaceful and law-abiding citizens, for the Constitution says the "tax on a poll shall be equal on each to the tax on property valued at three hundred dol lars," and it further says, "the State and county capitation tax combined shall never exceed two dollars on the head," therefore the tax on $100 worth of property cannot, except by special act and for special purposes be more than one-third of two dollars that is 66 cents. Now then, in 1873 the total of State tax levied was 50 cents on $100 .worth of property, which, deducted from 66. the maximum rate fixed bv the constitution, leaves 16 cents as the maximum rate that could lawfully be levied by the cotinty, but the rec ords show that the Republican Board levied 48 cents on the $100 worth of property deducting then 16 cents, the amount which they eould levy from 46 cents, the amount wnicn cney aid un lawfully levy, leaves an illegal and un constitutional excess or 5295 cents on every $100 worth of property in the county, and as tbe aggregate value of property in the county that year was $2,251,208.00, this multiplied by the ex cessive 29 cents, gives $6,678.58 in ex cess ef what law allows on property, Ana tnese unconstitutional levies con tinued during the whole series of five years. The following table shows these unconstitutional levies in detail on both property and poll3 : UNDER REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. Aggregate of o assessed t Year. value of Total, propertg. 1873 $2,251,208 00 .29 $6,678 50 1874 2,191,778 00 .23 5,114 13 1875 2,236,766 0r .23 5.219 11 1876 2,235,174 00 .23 5,215 40 1877 ...... 2,123,092 00 .21 4,29 25 Grand Total on property. . $26,756 39 Year. Total No. of) Total. roils, 1873 2,434 .25 $ 608 50 1874 ' 2,370 : .25 592 50 1875 2,473 .25 618 25 1876 .' 2,610 .19 495 90 1877 2,691 .25 672 75 1878 2,665 .61 1,625 65 Grand Total "... $4,613 55 Total am't illegally collected on property and poll $31,369 94 And furtbf r, the Republican Boards repeatedly allowed the sheriff to give promissory notes for large amounts in payment of balances due by him on tax lists in his settlements with the Treas urer, and turned over to him the new tax list, when tbe law is imperative that they shall not permit any sheriff to have succeeding tax list until he has accounted for and paid over all moneys due on former list, and thesw notes were allowed for years to lie idle in the treasury, and too when county scrip was going at a heavy discount. They also paid a large amount of interest, to wit, $1,088.78 on county scrip for the years 1873, 1874 and part of 1875. We have left out of this jcomparison the present year's operations for the reason that the Bherilf has not paid the whole of the taxes levied and due for said year, he being behind on account of general fund $2,9286, and on ac count of school fund $4,827.58. Suit has been brought according to law on his bond, which is absolutely good, being justified for about $30,000. The county is not In debt, except for $3,500 recently borrowed, $1,488 of whieh was in the treasury on the first of.August, From this, it is apparent that if tne amount due by the sheriff had been paid in at the proper time no loan, would have been necessary on the part of the county. Erom all of the above it appears con clusively, that tbe annual county ex-penditures-for ordinary purposes under Kerffitilican . rule .$10,300.18 ana those under Democratic Z rule were, ,.,.. .7,341.76 showing an arinjial saving un der Democratic rule,. $2,958.42 And that the antihal expendi tures for Schools rinder Dem ocratic rule were,..,,,. $5,124.80 and those under Republican rule were......... 4,615 30 Showing increased annual ap propriation unaer Demo cratic Board,...., 509 50 It is proper to state ' In conclusion, that the public schools under Demo cratic rule are more numerous, more largely attended, and -conducted by more competent teachers than under Republican rule r Waltkb G. Plummer, Chfarman'Comm'rs Warren County. August 26 1882. ; An Important Arresfc Btttafgh News and ObeereJ.: - Special Aefent Boo,tb of lh4 Postoffice Department returned v&teiwlay from a hasty trip txrranklih. csanH in which he made antsjportanteirtesll; He states that for soiae months Una maa, named Walker an Champion, hij been ad vertising extensively iB;weafcetfpjapers "Japan clover seed" for sale at Wilton, This clover was represented to be the finest in the world, and numerous were the orders they received! for it from gullible peopte. They were receiving a great many postoffice money orders and registered letters.': Instead of jwnding clover seed, they only Bent purchasers boxes Ailed with air t.: This was a vio lation of the postofSee laws, which for bid the perpetration of frauds through the mails,. Mf. Booth caught the man Champion and arrested, nim, taking him to FranklirrtoiL: wpere- he was held to appear at tbe next term ef the Fed eral court at Raleigh. Ha admitted the frauds, but said Walker was the perpe trator. Walker was not captured, as he was absent temporarily but they will no doubt get Dim in a day or two. We also learn that, the frame parties advertised extensively tbe merits of "Walker's' Mineral Springs" s a sure cure for consumption, the advertise ments locating it at Wilton Granville county. Several parties came from out West to test the'mf racuJos properties of tbiOoii:nsi.oim ago a couple of invalids from Kentucky came there, and were coolly informed on ar rival that the springs had sunk the day Wore V But both games 'aje blocked now. t "t Big: xoni Factory tBrna ; : .Sr-Lotfts. Sent r9A fire broke out (-about midnight in, the broom factory of sarrraeiiJUppies txr,AB0ntn : second X street ano3estroyed thwhole: build- tnfTnelosiis esiimatedat 01O$OOO;4 kxxm-im tBonjrtu&tH wins ajtd lUflB-Th mat tontn and: altezeciva contains. jwtoa aa Btnoh Iron and. Srtgt . per eenw more alura- tnum than any 'alum and iron maai". known, Justtbe thing for tbe prlag-w8luiesBM now my general. ttuia oy aa aruggua any-sranmng. nufU-tt' 7 I Dorsforda Acid Photpbate for Over worked PrfrktnsU men. ..rL,!- T- Mltehell. Canandalgua, N. T., says: I think it a grana restorer of brain force or nerv ous energy." While other Baking. Powders are largely eddfteraUtf nffth Ahm and other hurtful drtqjs, ' ' I ixi iii has been kept unchanged in all its original purity and strength. The best evidence ef its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its having received, the highest testimoni fs from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. No other powders shot so good results by the true testthe TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS A PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POVJCER MAXKB BY STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, m., arid St. Louis, Mo., Kanfutaran of bapulla TutGera,, Dr. Price'. Spealal riATOrUg Extract, ud B?. Prie'i Daiqna PerfUM. DAEBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Hdngebohl Article for family Use. Universal Fcfr Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, XDhtherla, SaU TUon, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Pox, Measles, and Eradicates allContagfoBeTHseasee. Persons waiting oa the Sick should &m it freefy. Scarlet Fever haa never been -known tt tprad where the Fluid was used. Xeflow Fewer Ifta 6en cured with it after black vomit Had taken place. The worst cases ot Stffetfe$fci yfeid&it. FevnsfafidSfJfcWrrv j SMAXXtPOX PETXrNO of Smafl Pox PBBVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid j the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. IaArs iTbrl. Impnre Air toad harouess and Jfarified. For Sore Throat k is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Cbafings, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. BMp Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Clefitffee the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved end cured. Erysipelas cumcL Barns relieved instantly-. Hears prevented. Dysentery oared. Weands healed rapidly. Scurvy enred. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Prisons, Stings, etc Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollenwkrck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MABION SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." I used the Flui3 iuri 9 our present afflicoon Scarlet Fever with de- cided advantage. It is indispensable to tbe sick, room, Wm. P. SajsU- pord, Hiyme, A&. VanderbUt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. -N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by Hon. Alexander It Stephens, of Georgia Rev. Chas. F. Dbems, D.D., Church pf the Strangers, N. Y.; - Jos. LkContb, Columbia, Prof.,University,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battl, Prof., Mercer University ; Rev. Gbo. F. Pikbcb, Bishop M. E. Church. DO)ISPK8ABTja, TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggjst a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEIXIN A CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. TTRET & KJXJUl. W VVII ESTEY, ROSEDALE, ORGANS. Steinway, Webber, Decker Bro's, HHNE3 and GATE CITY PIANOS NEW YORK PIANOS. It is conceded, lead the World. I am agent for all the celebrated New York makes and SELL THEM AT FACTORY PRICES. Do not be fooled bp flashy advertisements, but give e a tttgl fee fore you bVKDfri$ show yjtj -Itf irt tors, botb In prRsaud terms. All I ask la triaand this cm cost yon nothing, wMle It may be the net r saving you a great deal In an Instrument. O always in stock either to sell Or rent. Cal on or address LoeJfBox 274, JNO. R. EDDINS, Charlotte, N. C. my2S DANIEL O'DONNEL, PRACTICAL Plumber and Steam Fitter, Office under tbe Central Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N. C. AB orders proorptly attended te. YOTJ CAN BUY A RODND TRIP TICKET 5 -, HARIaOTfi to AMTUIe for t CREErfSBORA A .Tf, twgS& x KAI.EIQU u TH HI esteni.orlh Carolina: Railrcafj.: Scarlet Fever Cured. PELO Another Arrival of In vary tranisome patterns. Oalt and select one, as they are very stylish. OUR FALL GOODS tmttIl'mSvllm the Pettiest stock of goods ever shown in the city, tome in, we will take pleasure in showing you all the new styles, dust received soms goods In the "TERRA COTTA" SHADE, The prevailing shade of the season. CALL and SEE 1 CALL and SEX l LEAVES SMITH BUILDING. sept9 1882 AKO 1883. FILL 11 :o: WE ARE NOW Stock of Fall ani Winter And when complete, we will announce It and Remember, a Finer Stock Cannot be ESPECIALLY OF Wblob. re SlanQja r ijBwiisiyiei wi uau, tve. Look tut for School Suits for Boys. A Large Stock of CHILDREN'S 8UITS. Call and IL. JBerwanger & Ero., LEADING FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. o o a eS a d CO o n ffl L ffi l B la S3 a 2, .S " o I o ID bt qs: .is e?-"0 in S t3 S5 eS gn V W S " (5 D S3 i-i 3 fl o m s ii CO CO a - 3 U9S O o . ? g, Z fifi iZ H N P a Z.' W W BR9M ar lilSIi alii S , h. & W & I M f ft P Pi o H 3 M Jtf I AM NOW IN and: CALL AKD kSEE ?!S iMNESX PAELOE v.u .MB. T6lt AMDRiWS IS OV Also some new designs in & WIILiBSXjM 1882. AKD 1883. :o: RECEIVING OUR have a day set apart for a Grand Opening. Shown by any House in the Stale, THOSE GOODS fill tn oar Hoaee; fine Gent' Farmiehtn.fr Ooodw, the examine. Very Respectfally, r I M EH 1 wm HAVE SET 1 Ph "ill S 6 I Hi m H t m m H iwuu r l ." .. J INTUEjeiTY.;J".r;,'r:"V, NORTH BUTINCf A FALL BTdOL 1 "

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