V 4 4 l s f il I 1 J ! h U t '; .V i. TnwotSaSSeoSjSSSS3Sao, It Bom'i Ibom Tojno dose labad eooaiwon of mm Mood, taw haffled torn of oar most it la iwamua o any cemiif in bjj praottoa. TtatoMeotorUtthe kid made. In fact, ROBERT SAMUELS, 8104 naturalhealthful tone to H0MSMW0fyCM MM I applicable So General! Debility, Juoem vj jLppm- i Power and Impotence. I MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTUR MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS. As CMttfi Indian art m Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce it to be the Best Remedy Know to Man. Guaranteed TBADJt MARK. LABORATOBY 77 WEST 3d ST., NEW D0WHIHG9TILT N. C. Julj 8th, 1881. D CLiEK neatly benefited me for Lirer Compla ul22 grttgs and gXedjcitteSa FRESH lioaral Water Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at I gABJLTOei CHY, From Saratosa Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, flathorn Natural Mineral Water, tocommended veiy highly aa a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER. 10 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM. CASES BUFFALO LJTHI1 And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARIS Hunyadi Janos Waters. W GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY H TJHTADI JANO& TSM BB8T NATURAL APERIENT. ISA CATHARTIC: Don: A wine glass fun before breakfast. Tht Lanctt "Hunvadl .Tanna -fiimn T.IaMs af. ,ftrms that lU rfchneaa In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." Tha Briiith MtMuA JbrM "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most effioadow BVorujui water. .. Frqf. FircAoif, Berlin. "Invartablj cood and prompt suesess; most valuable." . -, t JTl Vienna. "I lav prescribed writers with remarkable toooess. tJS""0 waistfMigiHeesrtb. none - V .-..v . X-iA.-.. ; ; OHNvH. McADEN, . tapoiaagsjia Korth Tryon Bt, CHARLOTTE, H.& DOIM GO TO SARATOGA. rflUaii J. H. Mm t-u Dnulatand Cbsmik. IT A "' I a is ' A " i " t ! IWIIIUWl -avvw taifsuiy jpreparea &r fxperieneed ; - jwd Dcmrxtetett drasus, taf t ff Up.J.U.MGAdensUru Store u-Whea roa sen get wstev Jast frWnd t. . Cnt M wbM tt flows from the tprtrTi 8mK2S ItVL taints Tl" !tiu Selr. ..nwuMwui m emDtiedtobs r AqnbtnatiofPo UxeiJeoflroa, Peruvian. Hark attAXiutenhoruein. a palatabfe form. The onivpt'epteraHonaftroM Oumt Bill Iht Unnlrmn. the trth.o characteristic ot other iron. vrevaratione. I ftave found bobbing to gtv tha result tba Da. TiqnedJ UA4, ul my aaiMlA, miutt Buna wuiiuwjm cuiwi, umkaBirwra Una hT Tielkxi to this great and incomparable remedy. I prescribe such a oompgand as DR. HABTKB'B tomio a St. Lonis, Mo., War. 2Bth, tSSt. . JOHNSON'S IBIood Syrup to Cure Dyspepsia. AGENTS WANTED.: YORK CITY. DRUGGISTS SELL. IT. Johnsoi: Your INDIAN BLOOD SYftUP has MBS. JULIA X. SMITH. HOLHES' JLINIiTIErr, OB, THX MOTHERS' FRIEND! One of the ereatest comforts to those expecting to be confined is a remedy upon which Implicit confidence can be placed one that will produce tt safe and Quick delivery one that will control pain and shorten the duration of labor. Such is "TBS MOTHER'S RELIEF." Try It and see what A Blessing it is to Suffering Females. This Liniment when used two or three weeks before confinement, produces a wonderful effect, causing a very easy and quick labor, with com paratively little pain, and leaves the monther In a condition to recover quickly or in other words to have a good getting up. Under its use, labor will ordinarily occupy much less than the usual time, and the suffering be diminished beond expression. The condition for which this remed is offered is of such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those Interested In its use are re spectfully referred to the hundreds who have used it. READ THE TESTIMONIALS: I must earnestly entreat every female exrectlDg to be confined to use "THE MOTHER'S RELIEF. Coupled with this entreaty, I will add that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four years.) I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. holmes, m- v., Atlanta, 6a. A lady from one of the counties of Middle Geor gia, who has been acting as midwife for many years, writes: "I have disposed of all THE MOTHER'S RELIEF you sent me, and I am DE LIGHTED WITH IT. In every instance where it ha been used its effects have been all that I could ask. I consider it a great blessing." A gentleman writes: "My wife used your Moth er's Relief at her fourth confinement, and her tes timony is that she passed through it with one half of the suffering of either of he former confine ments, and recovered from It in much less time. She also recommended it to a lady friend who was about to be confined for the first time, and she says: "I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE PASS THROUGH THIS GREAT TRIAL WITH SO MUCH EASE AND SO LITTLE SUFFERING.' " The names of all these, and many others, can be had by calling at my office. Having had the foregoing remedy THOROUGH LY TEdTBD In Atlanta and vicinity, I now offer it to my patrons as possessing superior merits. I am permitted also to refer to the following well-known citizens of Atlanta: C. S. Newton, Wm. M. Crumley, Jr., W. A. Gregg and D. Bain: all of whom are ready to testify to the merits of the preparation. Price, 81.60 per bottle. Prepared by J. BHADFIELD, Sole Prop'r, Atlanta, Georgia. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. C. may4 CELEBRATED That terrible scoume ff ver and ane. and its congener, bilious remittent, besides i Sections of tbe stomach, liver and bowels, i roductd by mias matic air ana water, are notn eradicated and pre vented by the use cf Hostet ers Stomach Bitters, a purely vegetable elixir. Indorsed by physicians. nd more extensively used as a remedy for the above class of disorder, as well as for many oth ers than any medicine of the age. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. sptl Disease Is an effect, not a eause Its origin- to within; Its manifestations wlthsA, Hfcee, to n the disease the causi most .be removed, and In no other way can a core ever be effected. WAR NER'S SATE KIDNEY and LIVER CUBE ts es tablished on Just this principle. It realizes that 5 PER CEHT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which it to composed act directly upon these great organs, both asanas and BZ9T0SXB, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the sys tem. h5ShvtMmn?able double caused by un rri?I ..ne7. Llver and Urinary Organs; for Vtdifelln; Dtaorders ot Women? for Malaria, .t Jl derangements grsSy, tMs BewarSrt iraposters, ""sMJS1 TOntions said to be rustasgwxL MTTWrml8' ,0f WARNER'S JBAE PIA BETES CUBE. For sale by all dealer. H. II. WABNEB A CO., aprlfl lr,Pi.Y. BAR ADD BILLIARD1 ROOM. gas lust been opened next door below the Central wV.l.tun on Trysn street, wnsre tne pares wmESttaUQUiRScanaJtsbeIouo(L, iAsdrMM JnnUsI , . ifBIKGTWT- hetny, KiJr l811"TEs Izi c u Rtr fed. m most wm STATE NEWS. Greeiibboro BqIe: S. A. fioward, tel egraph operator at tins place, naa qoir ten up an lmpmvbU copying inn, wnicn requires no press or prepaied paper. All you have to do is to dampen com mon paper and rub your hand over it. We never saw better coppymg aone with a press. Mr. Howard speaks of applying for a patent. Lexington Dispatch: The mining in terests are still on the increase. Prof. H. F. McCarty reports the sale of the Russell mine to an English company. Raleigh News and Observer: The rains are doing serious damage to the cotton. Just think of it. Here it is the eighth day of September and only three bales ot cotton have been received at Raleigh. Chills and fever are shaking the peo ple in the country and suburbs of the city. East of Raleigh there is much more sickness than west of it, which is largely attributed to the better quality of the drinking water west of here. The wrought iron summer nouse ana speakei's stand purchased by the La dies Memorial Association for use at Oakwood cemetery has been received by L. L. Polk & Co., and the intention is to put it ub as soon as possible. It will be twelve feet in diameter and about eighteen feet high, provided with seats, &c. It will stand on a foun dation of stone, and will present a handsome appearance. Durham Plant: Ab. Paschall, who lived two miles east of Durham, was taken sick on Sunday, the 3rd inst., and . and died Monday evening, just twenty four hours after. He is said to have had congestion of the brain. "Yes, it is John." Boston Herald A St. Louis woman waked the other night, and putting out her hand touched the smooth face of an unknown man. She jumped out of bed and screamed for help. Her brother, who slept in the next room, entered, and, not finding any matches, seized the intruder by the hair of his head, pummeled him sound ly, expressing at the same time, in the most vigorous terms, his opinion of a scoundrel who would be guilty of such an act. Then he dragged him into the middle of the room, thumped him, kick ed him, and threw him out of the win dow into the yard below. The neigh bors, aroused by the noise, came in, and a light was procured. Nothing had been taken, and attention was directed to the miserable object who lay groan ing in the yard. It would, say3 the S". Louis Republican, be useless to de scribe that face, with its nose spread all over the middle of it, one eye bulg ing out and the other closed up, both colored like an indigo bag, an open mouth, and a row of twisted teeth, much less to recognize it; but, as the excitement slowly subsided and cool reason began to reign, a thought sud denly struck the wife that made her turn pale with horror. "Why, it can't be it must be yes, it is John! He has been to the barber's." It was true, he had. He was her husband, and on his way home lite in the evening, feel ing his long and heavy beard oppres sive in the heat, he had it shorn. EI is wife was asleep when he crawled into bed, and he soon fell into a comforta ble nap, from which he was rudely awakened to the experience above re corded. She is now making the best poultices and chicken soup she knows how. A Text With a Parenthesis. New Haven Journal Recently an eloquent clergvman in this vicinity, a Boanerges in the pulpit, announced his text in this fashion : "And now abide these three, faith, hope and charity." Then addressing a good sister who sat below in one of the front seats ready to drink in the whole sermon, and who was fanning herself vigorous ly, the near windows of the church op posite the pastor being closed on ac count of the good man's rheumatism, he added : "My good sister, don't fan so furious ly, it annoys me but the greatest of these is charity." The audience could hardly repress a smile at the juxtapo sition of the iniunction and the declar atory clause of tbe text, and as for the good8ister her fan was not opened again till ''meeting was out." The Prohibitionists. Spirit of tbe ige. Prohibitionists have Dothing to ex pect from either party; but they can ma help seeing and appreciating this difference between the two as they now stand before the country : That me is supporting the nominees of the Anti-Prohibitionists and keeping up the fight against Prohibitionists the other is letting the matter stand as the people decided it. It the .uocKery ticket is eieciea me temperance ticket cannot hope to do much more in this State for years to come. It is the purpose of the party w hich put up that ticket to unchain the fiery serpent, giving it license to invade the precincts of home, school-houses, and tjven the churches of God. No true temperance man or woman should de sire the success of that ticket. An American City in Mexico. A thoroughly American city has been laid out in the Mexican State of Chia- as. The site is a beautif bl plateau of and, through which runs a never-failing stream of mountain spring water, clear as crystal, iun ot nn, uu anora inir Dower for any amount of manufac turing machinen', at an altitude of 3,000 feet above the sea level, on the line of the Mexican Southern Railroad. It is called Allen City. The surrounding country has been taken up for coffee Elantations, and it is said that there will e over 3,000,000 coffee trees in nursery cultivation at tbe place the coming year, all to be transplanted and raised in bearing itbln the next four years. All supplies for the colony are admit ted free of doty. Tbe colonists thus far are from California. The Cotton Trade at Oldham The Chinese Figuering in Corea. London, Sept. 9. A correspondent writes to the Manchester Guardian that something like tbe crisis in the cotton trade at Oldham beginning before the week's stoppage for the recent holidays should have been the rule not the ex ception. Short time will soon be al most compulsory unless there is an un expected change for the better. A dispatch from Pekin dated the 5th inst, which has been communicated to the Times states that the Chinese au thorities intervened boldly in the Corea, and seized the father of the King and bro'ught him to China. The King has been reinstated by the Chinese troops and ships. A Wonderful Thing Is a Seed," Bays some song writer, and then he adds r "You can sow to day; to-morrow will bring ; - The blossom that proves what sort of thing I the seed, the seed- that you sow." . All of which Is true. And Hunt's Remedy is a wonderful thing also It, also is treated by ex perience. You idve tt to one who Is severely af- or money ais i while, reveals thine" tta: for It nrovas Itself to pv -ine xnena m neea." ine enre xor wnicn you hare been b Ring. This Is the experience of thousands. We do not fear t but invite the most rigid testing Hunt's Remedy In kidney and met4llseasesj,v8) -.writes?.--..,.'! ;(, : Constitutional skla diseases of s scorbutic char acter are successfully treated with Dr. Benson's Bkln Curs. Internal and external treatment both pleasant it certainly removes sorofulai emptloni dandraft anjj tan and makes the skia smooth and ' Refined and educated women' wlir suffer In silence for rears from kidney 1 I consUpaltan and piles, which could easily be cured I t oyapacKage oi aianey-wort, , xnere is nawiy 8 1 by a package or woman to be found that does nnt nt mm tim ;T suffer from some of the diseases for. which this 1 jyittfLt Kttnajl fa arwhrtl A n T la nni mm - and d town, eiAialicr efficient -Springfield Union. NEWJ8 JTOTE& Hon. D. Tilman was renominated by the Democrats of the Second South Carolina Congressional district yester day. Jesse Paer, a Mississippi farmer, was murdered near Winona, yesterday, by two men, who escaped. Poland, Rep., is elected in Vermont by 1,363 majority, and Stewart, Rep., by over. 8,000. The Mormon priesthood have been circulating a secret circular giving in structions to their people directly op posite to the law rulings of the Utah commissioners. Judge Schereau, of Montreal, Thurs day dismissed the case of Fenwick vs. Ansell, which was a claim for margins on stocks, declaring they were the same as gambling debts. The greenback labor convention at Lincoln, Nebraska, Thursday resolved to fuse with the farmers' alliance and the anti-monopolists in the nomination of a State ticket. Secretary Lincoln says he has no senatorial aspirations whatever. He added that there was not the slightest possibility of his becoming a candidate for the seat of Judge David Davis. While six boys were out rowing Thursday afternoon at Bangor, Me., their boat was upset and two of them, aged 15 and 12 years respectively, were drowned. Mrs. Youngblodt, aged 83, who was brutally beaten and kicked by her nephew, Frederick DeHaas, near Ja maica, L. I., August 10, because she re fused to give him money, died on Wed nesday night of her injuries. Three ot the Philadelphia guardians of the poor have resigned, owing to the exposures of almshouse management. Mrs. Adams, the housekeeper of the fu gitive Superintendent, Phipps, is still under arrest, having been unable to get bail. Mrs. Elizabeth Guckert, living three miles from Reading, Pa was bitten in the arm bv a dog ten weeks aero. The wound healed, but on Wednesday morn ing on going to mac cuy on Dusiness she became mad, and her death is mo mentarily looked for. The annual meeting of the Pullman Palace Car Company was held at Chi cago Thursday. The report showed an increase of revenue over the preceding year of $742,000. An extra dividend of 1 per cent, was declared out of the manufacturing profits of the company ror tne past year. Early Thursday morning fire broke out in one of the richest and most valu able blocks in the St. Roch suburb of Quebec. There was no water in St. Koch when the fire was discovered, and none was available for fully half an hour. Thousands of people thronged St. Joseph and the surrounding streets half dressed. The loss will exceed 8100,000. The ship carpenters employed at the Camden Dry Dock Company's yard, in Philadelphia, struck in a body Thurs day. On account of the pilfering of chips and pieces of wood, contrary to the express rules of the company, a stringeni notice was posted up request ing those who could not resist the temp tation to quit the company's employ. This was taken as an insult. Lord Spencer Thursday ordered the release of the following suspects : The two Wheelans, at whose house on Bra bazon street large seizure of arms was made; Kavanagh, who was bus-pected-of an attempted murder in con nection with the same affair; Mecla, who was arrested on the charge of par ticipation in the murder of Bailey, an informer; and Doyle, Davis and Keogh, who were accused of being implicated in the Seville .f lace murder. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy; never fall to cure the most obsUnate, long-standing cases, causing no griping or purging: they are mild and efficient, certain in their action and harmless In aU cases; they effectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household reme dy they are unequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known; one box will have a wonder ful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Lit tle Catharlc Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau street, New York. Jun21 d eod 6m&w The only iron pieparation that does -not color the teeth, and will not cause u adaehe or consti pation, as other iron preparations will, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. A Bright Bangor Barber. Wm. M. Martin, an intelligent young colored man a resident of Bangor, Mich., came to this city for the purpose or collecting fifteen thousand dol lars from the Louisiana State Lottery Company, due him as tbe holder of one-fifth of ticket No. 5 008, class G, which won the capital prize of 875,000 in the drawing of July 11th. He bad been investing in lottery tickets at intervals dur ing a year, and&ad ooce before struck It for SI 00. He presented his ticket, he said, and was given a check on the New Orleans National Bank for the full amount, and the funds he invested la two bills of exchange on New York. He proposed to enlarge and rent his barber shop with a portion of his money, but had not decided on the investment of the remainder. He, however, remarked "I will certainly put it to a good use." New Orleans Times-Democrat, July 23. Natural Fruit Flavors. EXTRACTS. Prepared ftom the choicest fruits, wiffin out coloring, poisonous oils, adds orartiiic ial Essences, jlftyqya uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impuritie! Hare gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and.qaal tljr. .Admitted by all who havs used them as the most delicate, grateful, and natural flaror for cakes, puddings, creams, etc : MAKXTF AtmiBSl) BT . STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, m., and St. Louis, Mo., . Wfenaf Lnaatla Taaat Ornn, Bn. TrtmH Cream Baklag Fkwder, aad Dr. Friea'a Cnlqne Pert. WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE GOODS -A SQUARE MEAL- AT ALL HOURS. Wr, 8H I DER announces to the public that he has, in connection with his Bar, a fifet class Bestourant,-anLwill. fumlsh you a Square Meal at any time between tbe hours of 5 a. m.. and 11 p. m. The B r is suppUed with the best of Liquors, Clgais, Ac. - Give him a trtaL septd lm MOZART SALOON, J03t FI3CHB33ER.-. Proprietor. f ME11V At AL.li HTJItS "5-3.1 ...ttt tv " J.' i. t63 ot night' ' Tdroff street, below Central Hotel i -.4 - s r : spur fliOyERADlYiINlA 4' The '&Sd lnaoaT Session berms' f3XPTEMSZs Mtn. b pedal Provlslea tor xoung Boys. 6eo oacaiogne. , , augu aimegir . : SpatkiDg Ey9 Rosy cheeks and clear complexion only accompa ny good health. Parker's Ginger Tonic better, than anything, makes pure, rich blood and brings health, Joyous spirits, strength and beauty. La dles try It Bazaar. - m , a t. t si i A Delicious Appetizer, That ensures digestion and enjoyment of food; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervous; a harmless diarrhoea cure that don't constipate -Just what every family needs Par ker's dinger Tome Oh, maiden with grim teeth, a vaunt! Though fair you seem to look upon, Because you don't use SOZODONT, The sweetness of your mouth Is gone; Your breath is heavy, and, from this, Your lips no more invite a kiss. LYDIA E. FBNKHAM'S VEGETABLE 00MP0UM). Is a Positive Cure For an those Painful Complaint and Weaknesses o common to our beat female population. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared hj a Woman. The GratMt Hedleal Dbeonry Sine tha Dawa of Hiatorr. tWlt rovirea the drooping spirits, lnvlgoratea and harmonizes Uxe. organic funotions, plves elasticity and lrmness to the step, restores the natureJ lustre to the ye, and plants on the pale cheek of wo-nan the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. "Physicians Use It and Prescribe It Freely." It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That fooling: of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For tio cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound ia unsurpassed. T.TT)I V E. PETKHAsFs BLOOD PURIFIER. will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared t StS aad 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of stther, SI. 8ix bottles for $5. Sant by mall in the form af pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry Enclose Set stamp. Send for pamphlet. Vr, famllv should be without LYDIA 3. PKTEHAST8 - . LIVES PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness. and. torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. jJ3"8oldby all Druggists.- ' From the New Haven Register. J SIFCELERYJl AS A EEMEBY FOE NERVOUS DIS EASES. What tbe Medical Profession say About it, and tue Good Results Attending: its Use. Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousuew, Sleeplcss-netis and Dyspepsia. 'Dr. BENSON'S preparation of Celery and Cham omile for nervous diseases is the most important addition made to the "materia medica" in the last quarter of a century." Dr. J. W. J. Fnglar, of Baltimore. Br. Benson's Pills are worth their weight in gold in nervous and sick headache." Dr. A. H. Schlleh?cr, of Baltimore. "These Pills are Invaluable In nervous dis eases Dr. Hammond, of New iork. 'Dr. Benson's Pl'.ls for the cure of Neuralgia are a success. "-Dr. Q. P. Holman, Christianburg, Ya. These Pills are a special preparation, cnly for the cure of special diseases, as r amed. and for these diseases they are worthy of a trial by all in telligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to and wiU cure sick headache, nervous beidache, neuralgia, nervousness, laralysis, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. Sold by all druggist. Price, 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw st., Baltimore, Md. By mall two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2 53, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure. ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, "MILK CRU8T, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINC Son all parts of the body. It makes the taan man, bok ana anuxna; removes tan and frecaues, and ia tho BEST toilet dreading in THE WOULD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, conaiEtir.g or Dotn internal and external treatment. AllflrBtolaasdrnggistahavelt. Fricet 1. per package. C. N. Crlttenton, sole Wholesale Agen for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies, 115 Fulton st. New York. septl BEFORE - AND - AFTER Eectrlc ADolianoes are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY) YOUNG OR OLD, WHO are suffering from NBRVOtrs Debility, Lost Vitality, Lack of Nkbvb Fobcb A8t Vigor, Wasttno Weaknesses, and all those diseases of a Peksosai. Katxtre resulting from abuses and Other Causes. Spoedy relict aad complete resto ratlon ot Hbalth, Viook and Manhood (Hjaraxtebd. The grandest discovery of tho Ninoteoath Centnfy. 6eid a noe for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address fOLTAlC BEIT B8 MARSH Alt-, MICH. gugl diw ly eod METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVE1LEDI Jtort Exciting Book Israel' 600 pages. 160 Illustrations! Revealing miseries of big-h and low life in America', great cities -, fashion's follies nnd frivolities ; behind tha scenes ; tricks of pretty deceivers ; city's rich and poors lascivious corruption at Washington ; rain of innocent girls; old hoary-hended sinners by gas-light; bewitching sirens & victim; Voudoa and Mormon horrors ; Start ling Revelations I Price S2.50. Illnst'd circulars free. Ontfits 76c Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. ST. LOUIS, Mo. ..J2-......?LAA,aa, FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. favorite proscription of one of the most notd and successful specialists In the U. S. (now retired) for the cure of ilTervous Debllitp, Itoet Mafnood, Weakttemt and 0rav. Sent in phlin sealed en velopeVee. Druggists can fill It. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo, ROCKBRIDGE, VA., ALUM WATER, liOR more than half a century has grown steadi X1 ly In repute as a medicinal .agent in a wide range of Chronic diseases. Multitudes of women can testify te Its unsurpassed efficacy in the redet and cure of those aliments peculiar to their sex. .DYSPEPSIA to its varied and most distressing forms is cured. CTBONIC, BBONCHTTI8r8CROFrjLA, -CHRONfC DURRHOKA AND DYSENTERY, . yield most rapidly, and permanent cures result. - Bottled ta its natural state, direct from the Springs, which are beautifully located In Rock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception ot visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, l.uuu guests. For sale, wholesale and Tetail, by Dr. J. H. Sfe ADEM and Dr. f. C SMITH, Charlotte, C ,t mariaiy W.'V V,,;,.;;,;,',; D Ttio followtnsx Scbednles" an Cor rected bjr tbe Il&UreiMl Of ftcf svla, and may be Relied on am Correct : North Carolina Railroad. OPPOSED SCHEDULES, TRAINS BODiO EAST. Bate, April 80th, 1882. No 51 DaUy. No. 53 ftaily. Leave Charlotte, . . . " Salisbury, . . " High Point,. Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Wreensboro, . Arrive Hlllsboro,... Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh, ArrlyeGoldsboro', . 400am 5.53 a m 7.20 a m 8.O0a m 9.30 a m 1 1 .47 a m 12 26 am 1.40 pm 4.05 p m 6.30 p m 4 40 p m 6.24 Dm 7.35 p m 8.U5 p m No. 17 Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. ...5.00 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. . ..1.51 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,..7.20 a m Sio. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with R&D, R. K. for ail points North, East and West, via Dan vuHj. ai wuosooro with W. & W. B. R. for Wil- 1UU IIAila NO. 53 on n P&ta at flalfahnn nritt. m w n n R. for all points m Western North Carolina; daily gJ&'SSft? ,w"n D- B. R. for all point! vj w, hom ami west. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, .April 30th, 1882. No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. T-nX f, , 7: " i o.uu a m f"'"n- 12.20 pm a?S5! 3.55 pm Arrive Durham. 5. On Dm Arrive Hlllsboro,... Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro,, irrive High Point,. Arrive Salisbury,. . Arrive Charlotte,... 5 46 pm o.u5 pm .15pm 9 40 am 9.50 Dm 10.10 m 11.12pm 11 2l am l.iuaml 1.00 p m No. 18-Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro,. .2. 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7. 10 pm Leave Raleigh 6 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 p m No. 50-Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points In the South and Southwest, and with C, C. & A. B. R. for all points youth and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C Alr Llne for all poiuts South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C. t A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50-Daily. Leave Greensboro. 9.25 p m Arrive Kernersvllle. 10.41 p m Arrive Salem 11.25 p m NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.50 a m Arrive Kernersvllle 11.01am Arrive Salem. 11.35 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kernersvllle 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am NO. 53-Daily. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersvllle 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No. 1, Daily GOING NORTH. ex Sunday. Leave Chapel HU1, 1 10.40 a m ArrtTe University, .....11.40 a m No. 2, Daiiy ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars Wittont Change On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. BPThrough Tiekets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East. J or Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. may2 Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. FASSENGEE DEPARTMENT. n and after April 30th, 1882, tbe passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line 1 1 vision of this road will be as follows: Mall and Kxpress. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, M. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Spartanburg, K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula, E Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta 1.00 a ni 2.02 a m 4.31 am 5.59 a m 12.50 p m 1.47 p m 4. 06 p.m 5.29 pm 7.03 p m 8.30 p m 9.10 pm 9.46 p m 1 Ort 5 p m 12.40 a m 7.43 a n 918 am 10.00 am 10.37 a m 1 1.06 am l.BOpn Mail and Express. No. 51. XASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, Arrive Gainesville Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 pm 4 51 p m 5 22 p m 5.59 P m 6.40 D m 4.00 am 6.19am 6.50 am 7.41 a m 8.17 am 926 a m 11.03 pm 12.24 pm 2 50pm 4.00 pm 8.06 p m 10.06 p m 11.40 pm 2.06 a m 8.15 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W.4A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Klberton Air-Line to and from Eberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with Spartanburg and AshevTlle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas aad Chester. M with C, a 4 A, C. C., R. ft d. and A.. T. ft O. for all points West. North and East. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New Ttorfc A. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Taloott, General Manager. L Y. SAGS, Superintendent C., C. & A. R. R. CO. Office Gkkebal Passknokb agest. Schedule In effect August 18th, 1882 kobtewabd; No 53 dally mail and express. Leave Augusta, (a) 7 85am Arrive Columbia, (b) 1 1 45 a m Leave Celumbla. (b) 1152am Arrive at Charlotte, (c). 4 80 p m Lewe Caarlotta.. ........,.. 3 00 p m Arcfve a btatesffle, 7 05pm No. 19 dally, except Sundays (With passenger cwach attached.) Leaving Columbia Saturday, lays oft at Chester untQ Sunday night. Leave Columbia, ',. 7 00 p m Arrive at Charlotte 4 00 am No. 17, freight, with passenger coach attached. Buns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Columbia, , 515am Arrive at Charlotte, 8 40 p m BOUtHWABD. No. 52 dally mail and express. Leave Statesville 7 00 a m: Arrive at Charlotte,.... 9 05am Leave Charlotte, (c) l 80 p n Arrive at Columbia, (b) 6 00pm Leave Colombia, (b) , 6 07 p m. Arrive at Augusta, 10 15 pm. No. 20 dally, exeept Sundays. With . coach attached. passenger ! Leave Charlotte... .. t w , 4 85pm juiito a,i, uuiuiuuio........ ....la ob a m No, J8 runs Tue8dars. Thursdaya.and Saturdaya.1 Leave Cluwlottep 6 40 &m Arrive at Columbia, 6 10 p m comrsenoira. (a) Wltn all lines to and from Savannah, Flori da, and tbe South and Atlanta. Maonn and tn ' bouthweet (b with South Carolina Railroad to and from Charleston: (c) With Richmond ft Danville Railroad to and from all points North and Carolina Central Rail road. "I'man Sleeping Cars run on Trains No. fa and 53 between Charleston and Washington. Dt 9v la I2?1Tllle" Lynchburg and Charlottesvillei A1)K?IlTrln8 6 ud 53 between Charlotte and Richmond. , , Above schedule Washington time. There will also be a line of comfortable sleep tng cars run on trains Nos. 52 and 58. between Charlotte and Henry's on the Western North Carolina Railroad for the accommodation of pas. engen. to ana from .Western North Caroline points. ' I for farther lnforraatlon, address 1 f ,i . R. TALCOTT. finnerlntendent ? 1' T.v;:n BLAUflHTER, enl Pass. a, '0 HEWSP.APER MEJ.-, , Just Keceived a lares Tot ot rirvKuau P a33M I NEWS INK. nut an in 2B Bk BackasesJ auuble.'far. Mem jancrtteeraents. WORTH SEMlHGloR memsei es afflicted with "uPDose witn, or lungs. UU Mitt. THE HISTORY a U. S BY ALEXANDER HTEPHENf ' I contains over three hundred fln and engravings of battles and oih e,?rirafs scenes, and is the most cmpleteT,,! hls,t0r'' 8.tor eJer PiWished. it is sold bvTh Wui""e only, and agents are wanted lneverp "P'lon for circulars and extra terms to ?0oij Send NATIONAL PDBLIohSqJ. . Mitota, d& ft" INVUuNIBTrATo IN THK TREATMENT OF YELLOW Ftlfl. During the last epidemic ol the "Yeiin which was so fatal through liVfe00,' slppl Valley, no external remedy wasVo u used, and with such great success, as the Bit 5 ,2 i CAPCINEPQRODS PLASTKR ' ne "KNcJUii Applied at the commencement of the divas over the region of the liver and spleen, by their powerful stimulating and alterative action thev Incite a free flow of bile (mm tho nvorin i stagnant liver, causing a fne the bowels, and in thi the system of the sufferer the poisonous material which was robbing him of life. BENSON'S OAPCINE POROUS PLAS. TERS are a sure preventive and were used by a sirfw whole SouTh." ' .unworn the Apply them at once; don't wait The? r sure relief If used in time. 1 are a SE BUR V & JOH-VSOV, sept6 Manufacturing Chemists, New York A CARD. To the Ladies of Charlotte. Having received a great many letters from ev ery portion of the State asking information con cerning the merits of my Remedy, I have con cluded to canvass the State for the purpose of per sonally Introducing it, and will be In Charlotte on the 14th and 16th of September, at the Central Hotel, where I would be pleased to have the ladles Interested in the subject call on me, between the hours of 9 and 12 a. m.. and 2 to 6 p. m., when I can give them more extended Information than 1 can by letter. When not convenient for the tur tles to visit me I will call on them, if requested. Information in both cases FREE. The virtue of my Remedy was discovered ht me, almost by accident, more than ten )ears ago, when my child was lying at death's door f n m Scrofula. I tried this Remedy tor the first timp and it effected a perfect cure. I then sent it to ev ery case t f scrofula I could hear of, and In every instance a permenent cure was effected. I hnve sold over 4,000 bottles and have never known 1 to fail, and It is now indorsed by the leading div gists of the State. Not only is It aremedfta Scrofula, but it will also cure Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Chronic Bilious Colic, Eruptions and 8kin affections, and all diseases arising from im purity of the blood, and as a Tonic and Alterative Is unequalled. Respectfully Inviting the ladles in terested to call, I am, : Very truly, MRS. JOB PKBSON, ao31 Frankllnton, H. C MINERAL LAND FOR SALE. A BARGAIN Is offered In a tract of land in Mc Dowel! founty, lilng on the road from Ruiher fordton to Marion, and about 12 miles from Ruth erfordton. It lies directly on the Vein Mountain strata, which has developed some good paying mines. No development has been attempted, hut several pieces of gold weighing f:om 8 pwts down have been found in the brunches on it. The tract contains 100 acres and will be sold cheap. 1 pply to CHAS. R. JONFS, au!6 Charlotte, N C. A.J.Beall&Co., Have Just received 50 sacks choice IFLOfUR. which we are offering very low. Also In all site packages CORN, FLOUR, HAY, BRAN, MEAL, STOCK FEED, And in fact everything kept In a First-Class Grocery Store, A. J. Brail &Co. n23 TIE HI0W1I COTTON GIN CO, NEW LOSnON. (OS. v J Haw on hand a stock of COTTON GIN8, FEEDERS & CONDENSERS brush belts and all" made this season, with two 1 for in"roe latkst nrPEnvKiiKKTSL boxed, ready dlate shipment Any of the regular s'ze9slilpPel the day the order Is received. No delay. Pf,oe at heretofore published. Send for circular- Im manufacture "GWATHMEYS IMPROVE" ECLIPSE GIN." with Double Boiler Hulling Attachment and " 0 ... JQ ID' the very latest improvements. sua saws, patent biush, strong iron Irt"16' ft $ Iri-Perrlslon Jrf : fiwatlunej.'the patentee. Th cMP signed for huUy trashy cotton, but with provemebts we have recently added it oanW to great advantage hi all public finn large plantations, JBT-Send for drcnlarsnd price W- ' ' ; XffE.BRO rTB" 00TT0K ftff if Jew Loader 4 - ' MEW HHIU1 Vf

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