- ' . :: ' J - ; : ' -A , VOL. XXVIII CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAYSEPTEMRRR 24, 1882. NO. 4,202. HtVE THE BrST STOCKED CARPET DEPARTMENT, VIZ: Carpets, Rags, Door Mais. -ALS'l- LACE CURTAINS, Iii Webtern North raiollDa. Alexander I Harris. OUR STOCK Ov DHESS GOOrS are equal to any In the city la vnrleiy, style and cheapness ALVXAMJBB&H4RBI& sepi24 " KID GLOVES ARK a specialty with us this seawn. We hY not attempted io luri.lsh a cheap KM, but a goixl nn. ALf XANDHH A Uttkl8 8ep!24 OUR STOCK V Br R' IN. CaSHMRHX and CLOTH GO IDS 1 the target ever nfler d bj us lmfore. o ALKXAND&U & HiKRl-i se-12 I ASK TO SEE OlR CASTOR GLOVJEJ Sarah BararaMt style. Thfty are ixeity and cheay. ALEXlNliEH & HARU16. sept24 LADIES VIICLfl dan tlevantllneof LaMEiS'CLOIHS hiiu i LOAKst ourh iu e sept..4 ALEXANDJtK & HABHU. Yii nTTgen ts 7 ILL find- a superb stock of kKADY MADS VV t LOTBINH. ALKXiNDER A HKKI3. se; t24 OUR STOCK K Lad ins' Misses and CWIdra HOgHSR Y la large, ihefcp aud well assorted. o aLX AlsDER & HARM. sept24 DON'T FORGET Ti lep the 'argeft Stock of CaBP TS In v e:tern North Carolina ALlXiM'EK & HAKRI3. epf4 A MAGNIFICENT eTO"Kif T BLK LINENS. TOWELS. DOT O Lllo NAPKINS, e c . etc. A LEX A IDE -i A HARRIS. DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, AND VALISES. The First Shipment of oua- FnUS WINTER STOCK HAS AlRIVf.D. INGRAM & CO. It VOK WANT A NICE PAIR OF lafo, Hi m and Children's Shoes, Of any kind you can get them at gEgRAM & CO. IF YOU WANT A Trunk, Yak or Satchel With all the latest improvements, go to PEG-RAM & CO. 1K YOU WISH THE LATEST STYLE IN SILK or CASSIMEEE HATS You cm find It at P E GRAM & -CP'S. OUR STOCK OF BOYS, GENTS' AND YOU BOOTS AND SHOES Bas selected with great oare and. soon yon can And ' w. WUA1EVEB VOW WAItV4 ' l K G R A'Mf W YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO ATTEND THB OF OUE Fall Stack, Which will be ready .for your laaneaiaQ on ' j Friday, 22nd Day of September, I and It will compare with any stock of S3UT GOOBS IN THE SOTJTH1' Embracing all the novelties of the season, as It U well known thai OUR HOU6B keeps Bp with all new styles as they gppeajr to the luantet Yon will find In this stoeUfcs ajtealohra shades and prices. Also a large line fft Hashes and Vel vets. Dress Gcwis ta eerytWri ftew. ruoftlrfg in price from 10c to $5 per yad. We will sell you it good colored C&shmere Ccets at from 81.6 to 82 a pattern. Black xhd THournlng Goods a special ty. A full ilne,of Dress flannels la all colors end prices from 2fio to $1.25 p r yard. We have a full line of Goods for making Cioaks and Jackets, also Kur Trlaimiogs A large stock of Domestics and Sheetlnss. uadles', Gents' and Children b Underwear. Hosiery and-Gloves In everything tnait Is new. la fact anything thit can be found bi a first cUss t ry Goods-titore. from a five cent Calico to-a fifteen dollar Lace Collar. Call and see ua aa early as possible and we will take pleasure la showing our stock. Very spectfuliy. j, aeptt7 T. L. SEIGLK & CO. Bledtcai, Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect la often, followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quieklv and surely la such, cases aa ' PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLEltTTia prompt use of this invaluable rented has; saved thousands of Uvea. , PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILI-ER Is non experiment. It has been before the pubHc for forty years, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A ferv.ixtracta from voluntary testimonials read is follows: v. AJpB has been my household remedy for coios lor the past twenty -seven years, and nave never known It to fail in effecting a cure. L. 8. Crocker, JVilliamaville, N y , thirty years I have used Pajn Killeb, and round it a never-f ailing remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Seaman. Have received Immediate relief from colds and Bore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an tavrtuable remedy .-Geo. B. Evsrett, Dickinson, .;,?,?vJ3.Just recovered from a very severe cold. wiffl aain be vmSIS Pa Killeb in my family for forty nlJ??11 nsin Pain Killer in my family twenty. "fo,na nave used it ever since, and have SrT2IOOIincoul1 Md croup it Is the best preparation madeVe would not1e without it A. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Va. KOr tWftnt.-flVA VMM T o ... aA . TT For twenty-nve years I have' need Path Knxara for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best lur cuiuB auu cnappea nps, ana consider it the best mediane ever oilered. GEO.HooPEB,Wilmiiurton. N. C. throat was bo inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Kiixeb, and after .taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Tour Pain Kjlleb cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm. lny prevalent here, and has not been known to fail in a single instance. This fact you sheuld make known to the world. Mrs. Eixen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish It could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equaL It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell it at 5c, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept A oct The Centra H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. CH1RL0TTE, N. C. THIS Hotel was completed In 1872, and new additions made In 1875. "THE CENTRAL" Is situated on Independent Square, occupying half a block on Trade street, in the business cen tre ol the City, In c ose proximity to Banks. Bx press arid Telegraph offices, and commanding a mountain view of more than fifty miles. The Intention of the Proprietor Is. not only to present to the traveling public one of the finest Hotel Buildings In the South, but one of the most complete and best conducted Hotels In all Its dif ferent departments. Having recently been decorated and frescied throughout. It is not on'y one of the most beauti ful, but the LEADING! AND PALACE HOTEL of the South, the home of Commercial Tourists, pleasure seekers and resident guests. H C. ECCLKd, Proprietor, -will be pleased to welcome his friends and the traveling public, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage from all who would enjoy and appreciate a home combin ing elegance, beauty and comfort In all its ap pointments and surroundings. RAT KS $2.00 and 82 50. per day, accruing to location. - sept2 WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Lightest Running and Best So wing Machine in the ' World.; Try it bef ore buying any other. If i AGENTS WANTED, fJ . t- Send tor Terms and Price List Wheeler 4e Wilson majiufaciurv Co., - RICHMOND, VA. - D. G. Mi WELL, Agent, Charlotte, if. C , '"rnaJll;,,. ' ' TU3T mTOElVtR ttMobMrt Umyf tn tbi J lty, for wtoli ffie V. at - - '' Wglsuire, corner trade and College :l r CaU and see Them. epjl ' Gran ote HOON DISPATCHES. B T THE ASSOCIATED . PRESS. Report From the Rio Grande Fever District, Galveston, Sept. 23. A News' spe cial from Brownsville says : "We have now a strict quarantine against Mata moras and the conflict of authority be tween the municipal authorites and Drs. Murray and Comb was settled by the Governor's proclamation. Citizens think it will destroy, trade but have to submit. . The Bio Grande is still rising and the houses of many are inundated! Morgan's steamer from New Orlemj has arrived at Brazos and Edard from Bordeaux. The effiCdM rxtfto 24 hours to 10 a. m., is 18 new cases of fever anQ two deaft;'6tie of fevei There are 17 cases in the hospital. Yes terday the committee aided 328 famfr liles. or 1,670 persons. There are nin pasws Of "f er at PoW rs4b)TandJk) a. in" this mbrhfng five deaths"t)f ret er in Ma;amoras. The steamer brings 4 large mail,' the flrstyaelVeW wjfekf j Making Good His Indebtedness, Richmond, Va., Sept. 23. A deed was executed yesterday bv the friends of John B. Davis, president of the re cently suspended Richmond Banking and . Insurance Company, xoreTittg aB that gentleman's indebtedness to the the bank and securing to depositors the'full amount of their deposits. The ded isuot recorded but will be to-day or Monday. m An Erroneons Report. MfYRTT.'w A T. A Sorf 05. Tha anuilol from -Pensacola to New Orlaans isle- grapnea North, was in error in saying that W. P. Hoyt, a merchant of Pensa eola, lost two children from vellow fe ver at Canal Station, Ala. Hoyt lost oqtj cnua on me 20tn, and the pnysi-1 cians certificate cavn thp disaso an congestion of the kidneys. There is no yellow fever at Canal Station. Big Failure of Dublin Distillers. London. SadL 23 a dftanwr. tn th Pall Mall Gazette from Dublin, says the failure is reported of a commercial nrrn or long standing, the name of which is not triven. Th- liahilitipq nf the embarrassed house are estimated at from 100,000 nounds to 400.000 pounds. London, Sept. 23. Understood Arm is George Roe & Co., distillers. Philadelphia Star Routers Convicted'. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. Thomas A. McDevitt and Christian Price, were last evening convicted on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government by means or bogU3 star route oontracts. Lieut. LeGrand, an ensign, indicted wiui uitui, waa acqmiiea. A Jeans Factory Burned. Chester, Pa., Sept. 23 The jeans factory of Led wood & Son was entirely destroyed by fire last night. Loss $S0,- 000; insurance $60,000. Forty-Three New Cases at Pensacola. New Orleans, Sept. 23 A Pensa c la speciat reports 43 new cases of fe ver aud t o daUis j'ttsUrday. - Damietta Surrendered. Alexandria, Sept. 23 Dinietta has surieudertd. STATE NEWS. Greensboro Patriot: Oaehundred thou sand pounds of dried fruit were brought into town yesterday and to day by the crowd coming to see the show. People are here to see the show from the lower edge of Montgomery. One old man' 92 years old, hale and heartv, is here from that section that hasn't seen a circus since 1856 He brought eleven of his own children along who will view the sight for the flrst time. Raleigh News and Observer:' On Wednesday, at Elizabethtown, Bladeu county, Dr.- Robinson, who killed Mr. Dan Laughlin, at Smithfield, last week, was taken before Judge Gilmer, on a writ of habeas corpus, that the matter of bail might be considered. From Col. T. C. Fuller, who returned to the city yesterday, we learn that Dr. Robinson, was admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000. Statesville Landmark: Mr. Elli8 Hanes, of York Institute, Alexander county, brings us the largest apple we ever saw. It was raised by Mr. Solo mon Davis, of Sugar. Loaf township, Alexander county, and weighs 25 ounces. It is simply immense, and Mr. Hanes assures us that there are plenty more of the same sort and size where it came from. Blue Ridge Blade: Uncle Burter Lowdermilk, raised four muskmellons in this county, the four weighed 104 pounds. Who can beat that? Not the Right Man. Beldsvllle Times. Sheriff Johnston and Deputy Martin who went to Brinkley. Aikansas, for Wyatt Mc-Keever MeKinsey, the es caped murderer from this county, have returned without their man. It was Wyatt's brother Bill they had in jail. Mr. Alspaugh from Winston, who was out there and had seen Wyatt once in this county was certain it was he, and so were the citizens. Bill is a tajl raw boned fellow with a long face but gen eral expression like hiibro hir; 'h y call him out there "Wild Bill." "I don't know what for," said he, "on ly I whoop and sing while I'm workin' at the saw mill, they pay me sixteen dollars a month ; 1 havn't seen Keeye (his brother) since we left North Caro lina together, we parted in Tennessee and I gave him all the money I had, $100, and told him to get out of the United States and try to be a better man, an' I havn't seen him sinqe ; I ain't wrote home in three years and- they think me dead. I don't want to hear from there beeause I never hear any thing good." The man that had jailed Bill paid him twenty dollars for the time he had lost and they quit even. Sheriff Johnston and Mr. Martin then went by Georgia to take a look at the man out there they claimed was Wyatt McKenzie, but they found he had been sent up, for 20 years. Vance Wanted. Milton Chronie'e. Our people in this section white and black are all very anxious to hear Sen ator Vance speak in Milton on the sit uation of the country. Hundreds of them never saw the man, and we hope the State executive committee will make an appointment for him to speak here at an early :day. "The harvest is ripe r and a ig-rowd guaranteed. Malarial Chills land ever, "find Bilious attacks bosltivelj cured with Imorj's Standard Cure PlUs an Infallible remedy; never fall, to cure the most obstiaate. 10n standing -cases, canstag no OTiDlnxor Durglne: they are mild and efficient, certain In their action and harmless in all cases; they effectually cleanse the system, and, give new 1 ii 4 and tone to thebodf;- as a fioueehoTdjeme di ther r unequaled. , For liver Complaint their eauais nottnown: one twx will have-a wonder iul effect qb the werst case They are used $nd described by Pajskrian. And sold by DragglsU everywhere, 2B and ,50 nt boxes. Kmrs Standard Cure Col 14 Nassau street, New. York. J lunai q eop omw .. , - , . j 1 j 1.1!". i it a vtinnt that a lanre rortlon ol our city peo- " . . " : Ilea, IWMA11.M Iwntldftejriya im'ti!ndy h msi cannot prep - '.-"-"rl-r, lianld form ol any druggls Squally effective In either form. -atoM Deuocrav j ham -i READ IIIH OUT! J. i. murruir Xisq.is tne "wicked" editor and propneto or. the Hickorv Carolinian, anq u ne.uon t Dehave him self better in f Uturethe "bosses" wil1 call an indignation njeeting and have him kicked out of th( Democratic par ty. Just near mm m -ms last issue: -When we expressed our views rm the county -government question, w6 were toio we snoum uvb waited until the Convention had told . u3 what to say. That is not our style. We have ai wavi been able to do our own thint. tntr.and had the indejendence to ex- press pur uymiuiia. i wcuis some 01 th understrappers have led Senator f Ydce to douhD ana 10 inquire about rour pbliticai status. --41 ne had asked us we could have informed him that J we are tbesania -maa- we were in i860, t when tha oldwMa)arty had Jeen I fthnridoriRd itt the tfOTW. and we vntorl 1 fpr Breckenrldg aijfane as the only nope 01 luJa uiu. jo te tue same miurvi wte in 1862,twhen in Onnnsi. rUorrfo all the5 leadft the Confeder ate war, machine partvjor thiit.day, and gaint .the advic&oOriends we ' haz arded an election tosiaj State Senate by advocating th ejection of Col. Vance to be Goverw of North Caroli na rather thanjjbl. Wjta, Johnston, the 1. regular uopwef Jta machine war party iu i-fio ?ivo. .(t.&jbuuiu on prin ciple to-dy as we did, Ji 1862-63, when we sided with-that aanie Dartv which elected GqV. Vance aniElhe friends of and treache rous influences ne so ne: ically resisted and which so complex of the confidence of "aS possessed him onest people, -The democratic parWhas its faults, and has made some gf joyous mistakes, which, whether we suoteed in their correction or not, still , leaves it the more congenial home of honest white men, one of whom we yet claim to be. "We owe the Democrailc party noth ing beyond what sound-. principles de mand and true citizenship is ever ready to render. The Caroliniaa is ours; we say what we please." ji THE DUTY ON &ALT. How Farm 'Taxed f Protect the v Manafaetoretv Portland Ajgus. 1 j The farmers of the United States use nearly l,00$oX,J00 pounds of salt annu ally. ,To protect a few salt makers a duty of from 40 to 65 per cent is impos ed on salt. The salt he could buy for $1 if. there was no duty he bow has to pay from $1.40 to $1.65 for. This is a heavy tax on an article almost as abun dant in the world as air and water. And a singular fact about it is that the prptetcted manufacturers of salt have in years past sold their salt in Canada to compete with the salt injjported free of duty. This was before tie Canadian tariff. But the facts show.-ihow tariff works sometimes. In this ease it gave the Canadian farmers anr advantage over our own farmers. We were re minded of this fact by the tiistimonyof the witnesses before the Tariff Com mission a few days since in. regard to the effects of the tariff on copper. A practical copper manufacturer stated that American manufacturers could not compete with foreign manufactur ers because tbeyTOnlaerwpper ffvtj' cents cneaper a pound than it could be bought for in this country ; that the En glish, for example, could buy American copper five cents per pound cheaper than it could be had for in this coun try. The effect of this operation is to put our copper and brass workers at a great disadvantage, simply to give a bonus to copper producers. The latter put only on the market what will sell at the foreign price with freight and duty added. The balance they send abroad and sell at the foreign prices. In each of these cases, the foreigner is given an advantage over our people; and our Republican Congressmen in both branches say amen to it that it is all right. The Ontlook in the State. Ba'elgh News and Observer The outlook in North Carolina is ad mirable. We have everything to as sure us of victory. Dockery's canvass, said by those who have been over much of the same ground, has been without result, while indiscreet ex pressions here and there have positive ly harmed him. Latham's election, at one time doubt ful, is no longer sb. Green will beat Canaday by an increased majority. Robbins finds the enemy's camp divi ded into two hostile factions Dr. Cooke being bitter and massing at least one-half of the Republicans under his banner, while Dr. York has met with the fate that follows all politicians who desert their colors on the eve of battle, and gets but little comfort from either hi3 old Democratic associates whom he now denounces, or from his new revenue friends whom he so lately de nounced. "The filth and mud of Radi calism," his favorite expression, does not commend him to his new allies. In the other Democratic districts there is practically no opposition to our candi dates, while Hubbs and C'Hara are fighting over the only cheese the Re publicans will get in this State. Ben nett s election by not less than thirteen thousand is claimed with confidence, while the opposition to liufhn and our judicial ticket is barely respectable. We will have the .Legislature by our usual majority two-thirds in the Sen ate and nearly three fifths in the House. In fact the Liberal movement is a flat failure. Before the Liberal convention met we expressed ourt doubts whether tlje Republican leaders would be so want ing in political wisdom as to affiliate with it and disband their old time or ganization and throw overboard their old local leaders in, order to get a few sorehead and impracticable Democrats for standard-bearers. Happily for us those whom the gods sought to destroy they- first bereft of reason and the most impolitic tmng tne itepuoncan leaders could well have done they did. The blunder once made was irrepara ble. From then local dissensions have become wide-spread. The Republican party is rent and torn into all sorts of factions, while the two State commit tees keep wagging, and try tp look cheerful. The fifty-odd thousand white men whom the census tells us did not vote at the last election will not follow Leach, whose famous words are now known to all: "The leopard cannot change his spots nor the Ethiopian his color, but, my God, Dockery, how soon a white man gets to be a nigger when he joins the Radical party." A survey of the State, with such in formation as comes from sources here tofore reliable, makes us buoyant, and we feel that the Democratic party is better organized, growing stronger and more united daily, while the enemy is all to pieces and so hopelessly divided that it will be quite impossible to heal their breaches and reconcile their dif ferences. And it was the revenue ring and the little gourd-full of Liberals that did ft. We think a vote of thanks to Price, Leach, Johnston, Cocke, Mott and Harris is in order. . In no way Is the power of the press more surely shown than la the universal knowledge that has In less than a year, been diffused throughout fifty millions of people of the wonderful coratlve properties of that standard remedy, Kidney-Wort. From the Atlantic to the Pacific hare the people shown their Intelligence and their knowledge of what la in the papers, toy already making KldneyJ : Wort their household -remedy for ail diseases of the kidneys, liver and bowels. Oongregatlonallst : Foir Register of Deeds. . ; 'rst I hereby announce myself a: Jcanflldata for the office of Register of Deeds for Mechlesburg coun ty, in the cause of theAnti-Prohibition 'Liberal Party. -J'-' i BERJ. X MOBBOW. 4 nugl5 j NEWS NOTES. A plot against the life of the Austrian x.iupres3 ib suspected. The indenendpnt A mcriojn nartr in Baltimore claims to have 12,303 names uu n rous. The London Times declares that the neutralization or the Suez canal must mean mat it shall be regarded an arm ui iiic sea. An agitation against the intmrlun. lion of Chinese labor in England has uccu aianeu in ijOliUOn. A movement is on foot for an inter State industrial exhibition in Balti more in 1884. Arabi Pasha took ab.mt $1,000,000 out of the Egyptian treasury at Cairo. Paolucci, the Italian naval lieutenant who joined Arabi, ha3 been sentenced by an Italian court martial to dismissal from the service and two years' impris onment. The Pittsburg Commercial Gazette says that au attempt is being made to get up a corner in oil, and that about 12,000,000 barrels have been bought and taken out of the market. The Home Insurance Company of Columbus, Ohio, has made an assign ment to J. W. King, of Greene county. The assets of the company are $60,000: the liabilities are unknown. Mr. John G. Bigelow filed a petion in the United States District Ceurt at Buf falo, N. Y., yesterday for a writ of habeas corpus for the release of S -rg't Mason, now in the penitentiary at Au burn. The case will be heard at Utica about October 1. In an action brought in the XunremA Court of New York Citv bv L H Rlair to recover $867 from the Richmond Hanking and Insurance company of Virginia, an attachment was granted vesterdav asainst the nnmnanv's nrnn- erty in New York, on the ground of its being a foreign corporation. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, expres ses the opinion that Gen Bate, the Democratic nominee for Governor, will be elected by at least 20,000 majority over the combined vote of all his oppo nents. Brig. Gen. Dockery. Milton Chronicle. Dockery denied here that he accepted the appointment of Brigadier General of Kirk's army. The editor of the Ox ford Free Lance, who knows what he is talking about, affirms that he did ac cept. And Mr. Jacob A. Long, in his speech Saturday, at Prospect Hill, af firmed the same thing, and said he would give one hundred dollars for a certain letter Dockery wrote to Gov. Holden. Mr. long said he had cause to know something about Dockery's ac ceptance. A FATAL MISTAKE. How a Blundering Judgment May be Responsible for the Most Serious Re sults. Mr. Edwin Booth said recently that he sunDosed his lungs were affected, having a persistent cough until he saw Dr. H-.ckenzle. of London, who fjuntf that this 8jmpiom arose from a disturbance 01 tne nver.-. y. ueraia. - The above item, which has been going the rounds or .he press, is ol no special significance other thnn to the personal li lends of Mr. Booth, except that it brings to ltght a truth of the greatest importance to the world. Few psople pass through life without the affliction of a cough at some point In thtlr career. In most cases tbls is considered the result of a cold or the br ginning of consumption, and thousands have become terri fied at this revelation and have sought by a change ui mr auu iub use ui cuuku meuicmes to avert ine Impending disaster. It may safely be said that more man nail me cougns wnicn a e afflicting the wuriu m u;ij co uoi nave meir origin in tne lungs but are tne ieult of more serious troubles In omer organs 01 tne Duoy. "Liver cougbs" are ex ceedingly common and yet are almoit wholly mis unde bto.d. Arising from a disordered state of the liver they show their results by congesting the lur gi. In fact, the efforts of the liver to throw off the disease, produce coughing even when the lungs themselves are In a healthy state. But it Is a mistake to suppose that such delicate tissues as the lungs can long remain in a healthy condition when tbey are being constantly agitated by coughing. Such a theory would be absurd. Consumption, which was feared at first, is certain to take place unless something 'is done to check the cause. This must oe plain to every thought f ul mind. It stands to reason, therefore, that the only v. ay in which "liver coughs" can be removed Is by restoring the liver to health In this connection another fact of great Impor tance becomes known, which can best be explain ed by the reiaUon of an actual event Mr. W , a wealtby cattle dealer of Colorado, became great ly reduced in health and came east to CMcago for the purpose of being cured. He consulted Dr. J , one t f the leading physicians of the coun try on pulmonic subjects and began treatment for the cure of his lungs. But his cough Increased while bis strength decreased. Finally he deter mined to consult another physician and applied to Dr. B . After a careful examination he was informed that his lungs was perfectly sound, while his kidneys were in a most terrible condi tion. He had all the apparent symptoms of con sumption, but he was suffering from the terrible Brlght's disease. The symptoms of consompUon are often the sure Indications of Brlght's disease. The above truths regarding coughs have been known by the adiog physicians for several years but the public have never been Informed of them They are serious facts, however, and should be understood by all, so that dangers which might otherwise prove ftal may be avoid ed. They clarly prove one great truth which is, that the kidneys and liver are such vital organs that their health should be constantly guarded. The dietressing, hacking cough, which is often dreaded as the forerunner of consumption and the wasting strength which accompanies it, in all probability may arise from weakened or diseased kidneys or liver, to restore which would cause re turning health. How this most desirable end may be attained has lODg been a problem, but few people of intelligence at the present day have longer any doubts that the popular remedy known as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has done more to correct, relieve and restore these organs than any other preparations ever before known. There are hundreds of instances which have oc curred within the past three months where Indi viduals bave believed themselves the victims of consumption, when, in reality It was deranged kidneys and liver, which this remarkable medi cine has completely cured, as witness the follow ing statement: Buffalo, N. T., July fi, 1882. I believe it to be a fact that thousands of cases of so-called con sumption can be successfully treated by simply using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure as directed. I was one of the "given up to die" per sonshad every symptom of the last stage of consumption-bad cough of four years standing, night sweats, chills, etc, etc. A season south did no good, and the fact was the case looked dis couraging. I took Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and in three months I regained ovtr twenty pounds, and my health was fully restored. W. C. BEACH, Foreman Buffalo Rubber Type Foundry. There are thousands of people in America to day whn believe they are the victims of consump tion and destined to an early grave and who are trying to save themselves by the use of consump tion cures but 8re growing worse each hour. Let a'l such persons stop, and calmly consider whether they are not seeking to check a disease in the lungs when It is located in the kidneys and liver. Let them then treat the disease in its original stronghold and by the remedy which has been proven to be the most effective and then look for the return of health and happiness which such treatment is sure to bring. Bad complexions restored with Glenn's Sulphur Soa D. Hill's Hair Dye, black and brown, fifty cents. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute. DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An important dis covery, by whicl every family ma give their linen that beautiful fin ish, peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. FOB SALE BY J. V, SPENCER & CO nd FIELDS BROS., Charlotte, N, O STARTLING iis DISCOVERY! . LOST MANHOOD RESTflQD u.l ' ' A victim or you thru Uipn&eiMM eanrisg'Pwn. faro nerv Nerfons Debility; Loai M&nbuocL having tried in vain ewry known remedy, has; die- covered a finrpie eir own. wuca do will sead to his fellow-sufferers , address J. H. KKEVts. 43 CHatm tiU, J. , v . , y WE ARE NOW READY TO SHOW One of the Handsomest Stocks of Goods ever Shiwa in (Mrlotfe. Look at nr French. Dream Patterns from 20.OO to S63.00. Our Stori Comunses EVERYTHING NEW ia FANCY DRESS GOODS and MMM. Silks, Satins, Moires, Ottomans, SURAHS AND BROCADES IN" ENDLESS VABLKTT, Castemes, Henriettas, Empress, Shoodahs, Silks, f AtLVfc'r, VtLVETiNKS. Ptaiu and It roc ad e PLUSHES, FLANNELS. MIII'INCS, UGPELLimT!), Ac, &c. A HANDSOME LINK OF DOLMANS, CLOAKS, ULSTERS AND JACKETS1 ; Look at Them. T BUNKS and VALldB 4, a large stock of O PH? V. AT.YfiBY We have anvthlnur vou 'want In nnfVTS. snnitl TUHNEB'd SHOES. The best 4-1 B Lit A fill NO call, as we Will be elad to show vou evervthtner we oar prices are not low enough. SMITH IBUILDIDCsTOv 1S82 AND FILL ID 1883. -:o: WE ARE NOW Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing Dailyr And when complete, we will announca it Remember, a Finer Stock CaDQot be ESPECIALLY OF Which arellanufacinrcd in our Home; fine OenU' Furnishing- Goods, the Very Latent Styles of Hats, Acc Look Out for School Suits for Boys. A Large Stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS. Call and L. ISerwager & H&ro., LEADING FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS, o o 0 S-l o a CO a cs to CD CD bC a CD C tl CO rn . CC o a-o g, P a H We -a .Og ISso cs2 o 3 " co . 0 CD O J3 CO m -ac 5 32 o CO o c CD a bC CD ! .2 2 4) CD CS cj a p ctf CD CO o"ja en t- a i-i cD caJc4",eB 9 J5 , o-ttu o a be g 3.5 O CD .CO' 'Ocd2.0K?:;,3 tq i 3f O D O 2 M L 3s .M o ca o M CO H-t H as g O cd 03 CO 9J i o CC " tn CD CD i s u ii S3 S3 O CQ P CD O 00 t P5 O 0) o I NOW The LARGEST and EVER BROUGHT FURxNTTUEE WHICH I TNTENB TO SELL AT BOTTOM Allure ihvifed to call rn itne prices. H3-i IJiiifStAJk.-t (BuD(iDdlb:j 3HI H ISST Z3- LOW $ICS3 .... wits ini pipj pimut amnra vviptoi ..j over nffAral ut (e n varA- nalr t mjL It ni.o . . have, and If we don't null von it will not tw Iwuim WINTER. 1882. AND 1883. :o:- RECEIVING OUR and have a day set apart for a Grand Opening. Shown by any House in the State, THOSE GOODS examine. Very Respectfully, w co 5C2 GO o o O P" 53 o l-H H O CO I I rJl w (X) h3 a Z2 HAVE 4 Prettiest Stock of TO THIS MARKET, PEMOla and see my goods and - I m m m . .. . m 4 - i a- 3 ... I