VOL. XX VIII. CHARLOTTE, M. (J., TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1882. NO". 4,203. i HAVE THE Br,ST STOCKED CARPET DEPARTMENT, VIZ: s, Hup, Door Mats. ALSO- LACE CURTAINS, I.i Western North Carolina. Alexander & Harris. sipt?4 OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS are equal to any In the city la variety, style and cheapness ALT X ANDKB k H ABBia sept24 KID GLOVES ARB n bdp clally wiih us tU season. We have not attempted io lurnlsh a cheap KW, but a gojd on. ALtXANbKK 4 HaURIS. sepl24 OUR STOCK fV BVRLIN. CASHMW.W and CLOTH GOODS J U the largest ever offer d by us liefore. ALKXANDhK & HiBRIi sei t24 ASK TO SEE OTJB CASTOB GLOVES Sarah Barnnardt style. They are pretty and cheap. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. sept24 LADIES At. dan fleeantllnp of LAIJE3' CLOTHS ' ana luaai 'usut our hju P ALEXANDER & HABBL3. sept24 YOUNG GENTS WILL find a superb stick of READY MADE iLOTIilNtf. A I.KX NDB & HvRRIS. PC! 124 OUR STOCK OF Ladies' Misses and Children's HOSfEEiY Is large, cheap and well assorted. ALVXAbDKR fc HABFtl-!. se 1.124 DON'T FORGET " WE le p the largest Stock of CBP T8 in K't.-tern Nurtu 'aroll' a ALfcXVNUEK & HAhBIS. K'pt24 A MAGNIFICENT CTOfiKcf T BLU LINENS, O LlEi NAPKINS, e c . etc. TOWELS, DOY- ALEXANDE t A HARBI3. sept24 DEALERS IN AND VALISES. The First Shipment ok oua- Fill I WINTER STOCK HIS AHBIVXD. TKGIUM & CO. IF YOU WANT A NICK PAIR OF f, fa and Children's Shoes, Of any kind you can get them at gjjjGRAM & CP'S. I F YOU WANT A Valise or Satchel, With all the latest improvements, go to PE6RAM & 'CP'S. IF YOU WI3H THE LATJISTflTYLS IN ; SILK or CASSIMEBE HA1S You can find It at 1'EGRAM & GO'S. OUR STOCK; OF; ! m, GENTS' AND YOUTHS BOOTS AND SHOES' Hu , i ..." . t- n wcted lth p-eit care and .soo f ... can find ' ft. f i t til f . :Mi & CO'Sl Carpet Irani & Co., Shoes Hats Franks hi (Sottas, moihiuQ, &u ' YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE OF OUR Fall Stock, Which will be ready for your lnspec Ion on Friday, 22od Day of September, and It will compare with any stock of IN THE SOUTH. Embracing all the novelties of the season, as It Is well known that OTJHHOUriK keens ud with all new styles as they appear In the market ' You will find In this stock bilks and Satins In all shades and prices. Also a large line of Flushes and Vel vets, uress woods in everything new, running in price from 10c to $5 per yard. We will sell you a good colored Cashmere Dress at from 81.50 to S2 a pattern. Black and Mourning Goods a special ty. A full line of Drefs Flannels In all colors and prices from 2ic to SI. 25 pt yard. We have a frill line of Goods for making Cioaks and Jackets, also Fur Trimmings, a large stock of Domestics and Bbeetlnes. iadles Hems' and Children s Underwear, Hosiery and wloves In everything that is new. in fact anything that can be touna in a first class I ry Goods Store, from a five cant Calico to a fifteen dollar Lace Collar. Call and see us as early as possible and we will take pleasure In showing our stock. Very respectfully, septn T. L. SKIGLT! & CO. Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect 13 often Followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quietly and surely in such cases aa PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has Baved thousands of lives. PERRY ' DAVIS' PAIN KIULER Is not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued where It is best known. A fevr detracts from voluntary testimonials read t&joilows: Pain Kilieb has been my household remedy for colas for the past twenty -seven years, and nave never known it to fail in effecting a cure. L. S. Crocker, Williamsville, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Ktlueb, and round it a never-f ailing remedy for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and sore throat, and consider your Pain Kiixeb an to valuable remedy . Geo. B. Evehett, Dickinson, . I have jnst recovered from a very severe cold, wmch I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me Immediately. I will never again be without it. C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my f amily for forty rS'a? have never known it to faiL Ransom J-ifwis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Killer In mv family twenty, rive years ago and have used itever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dyer. Druggist, Oneida. N. Y. It is the best s without it For twfiTlt.V-tivA iron-ma T V, o ..rt naA T . fr - lOTCOldB and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Geo.Hoopeb, Wihnington, I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so Inflamed I could scarcely swallow any rood. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely oured. T. Wilkinson. f lJr- Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Pais Kjixer cures diphtheria and sore throat so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to iu m a single instance, make known to the world- This fact you should Mrs. iiLLEN B. Mason writes Mv son was taken violently sick with die chills. Bo many children have died here, I was uraa to au a pnysician, ana tried your fain Killer. - He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists seU it at 35c., 50c., and $1.00 perbotae. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept d Vw sept & oct Tie Central Hote H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. CHABLOTTK, N. C THIS Hotel was completed in 1872, and new additions made In 1875. "THE CENTB4L" Is situated on Independent Square, occupying half a block on Trade street, In the business cen tre of the City, in dose proximity to Banks. Ex press and Telegraph offices, and commanding a mountain view of more than fifty miles. The intention of the Proprietor Is, not only to present to the traveling public one of the finest Hotel Buildings in the South, but one of the most complete and best conducted Hotels In all Its dif ferent departments. Having recently been decorated and frescoed throughout. It Is not only one of the most beauti ful, but the . LEADING AND PALACE HOTEL ? . ; of the South, tne home of Commercial Tourists, pleasure seekers and resident guests. r j H. c; ECCLES, Proprietor, will be pleased to welcome his friends and the traveling public, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage from all who would enjoy and appreciate a home combin ing elegance, beauty and comfort in all Its ap pointments and surroundings. - i BATES $2.00 and $2 50, per day, according to location; . sept2 s WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW NO. 8. Lightest Running and Pest Sewing Machine In the r Worlds Try It before baying anyjoOieiw. : r: &? M- JLGEim WANTED -.-t & - J rtr Send for Terms and Price List A : Wbeelr A Wilson imatnafactntr Co " V. Q. MAXWELL, Agent, Charlotte, N.'C' ' pfl,yj 'L rtr. i Kft IfEotire - t l iuJ -fUST BTCSITED. the Nobbiest. tamp li tt 0. eltf,ior retail cheap, at ; ; . Drag Store, comer Trad and College ra. Call and see Them, iiveptj fall Opening NOON DISPATCHES. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. A $12,000 Bond Grab. . Baltimoke, Sept. 25. This morning whilst the clerk of Wilson,' Colston & Co-t brokers, 134 West Baltimore street, was cutting oil the coupons or a num ber of Columbia & Greenville Railroad bonds in the cashier's room Of the bank of Baltimore two men entered the room. one of whom engaged the cashier in conversation in reference to the pur chase of; Baltimore . and Umo bonds. When through he started to leave the room and the other man seized a pack age of bonds containing $12,000 worth, and the two. ran down tne stairs and made their escape. It is not thought the bonds will be negotiated as banks and brokers have been notified through out thecountry. ' . To be Re-Considered. Washington, Sept. 25 As a result of the emphatic protests against tne appointment of Paul Strobach as mar shal of Alabama, the President has Sus pended action in the matter for a short time at least, and Marshal Osborn will continue to hold that office until fur- notice. The appointments of collectors of internal revenue, Philip Josdph,Mobile, and Wm. Youngblood, at Montgomery, have also been revoked, and Morgan, at am; uue, aau rtapier, at Montgomery, uvo ueen reinstated, pending action in Buried Under a Coal Slide. CUMBERLAND, MfL., SEPT. 25 A heavy fall of roof coal occurred this moraine in the Kincsland Min nf t.hfi Maryland Coal Company, at Luacom- iiig. jc our miners, including the Mine uobb, w m. uyer, are Known to be under the coal. The dead body of James Brehaney has been brought out. Louis Oook, another miner, has been brought up m a aymg condition. The Last of the Trio. Louisville. SeDt. 25. Vested av J. l). Usoorne, surviving partner of the old newspaper firm of Prentice, Hen derson ec usoorne, ot the original Louis ville Journal, died suddenly of heart disease. Age 04. J : - Thirty Nine New Cases. PEUSACOLA, FLA., SEPT. 24 Thirtv nine new cases of fever and four deaths reported to-day. The Elections of 1882. Alabama elected Democratic State officers and Legislature August 7; will elect Congressmen Nov. 7. Arkansas elected Democratic State officers and Legislature Sept. 4: will elect Congressmen Nov. 7. California will elect State officers. Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. Colorado will elect State officers. Leg islature and Congressmen November 7lb. Connecticut will elect State officers. Legislature and Congressmen Novem ber 7. Delaware will elect Governor, Lf-gis-hture and Congressmen November 7;b. Florida will elect Legislature and Congeessmen Nov. 7 Georgia will elect State officers and Legislature Oct. 4; Congressmen Nov. h. Illinois will elect Treasurer, Superin tendent of Instruction, Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. Indiana will elect minor State offi cers, supreme .Uourt judges, legisla ture and Congressmen November?. Iowa adopted a prohibitory amend ment J une 27 ; will elect minor State officers and Congressmen Nov. 7 Kansas will elect State officeis, Leg islature and Congressmen November 7th. Kentucky elected Democratic clerk of the State Couit of Appeals August 7th; will elect Congressmen November 7th. Louisiana will elect Congressmen Nov. 7. Maiue elected a Republican Gover nor, Legislature and Congressmen Sept 11th. Maryland will elect State Judges and Congressmen Nov. 7. Massachusetts will elect State officers, Legislatuieand Congressmen Novem bei; 7. -; Michigan will elect State officers Leg islature and Congressmen November 7th. . Minnesota will elect Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. Mississippi will elect Congressmen Nov. 7. Missouri will elect minor State offi cers, Legislature and Congressmen, and vote upon an amendment concerning the State" judiciary Nov. 7. Nebraska will elect State officers, Legislature and Congressmen and vote upon a woman's suffrage amendment Nov. 7. Nevada will elect State officers, Leg islature and Congressmen November 7th. New Hampshire will elect Governor, railroad commissioners, Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. New Jersey will elect Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. New York will elect Gevernor, Lieutenant-Governor, chief juuge of the Court of Appeals, Assembly and Con gressmen, and vote upon amendments making the canals free and providing for the election of additional Supreme Justices Nov. 7. North Carolina will elect associate judge of the State Supreme Court, six Superior Court judges, Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7. . Ohio will elect minor State officers jind Congressmen Oct. 10. 1 n Oregon elected Republican State offi cers, Legislature aDd Congressmen June 5th. ! Pennsylvania will elect State officers, Legislature and Congressmen Noyefm-i ber 7. ' ' Rhode Island elected Republican! State officers, and Legislature Aprili 5th; will elect Congressmen November 7th. - ' . -1 South,Carolina will elect State, offi cers, Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7th.; r.. ' Tennessee rejected a proposition to hold a constitutional convention, Aug. 3; will elect Governor, Legislature and Congressmen Nov. 7." . ' j Texas will elect State officers, Leg islature and Congressmen Uovember; 7th. rrrA ; - Wermontl elected Republican State officers Legislature and Congressmen Sept. 5, - "" ; - i . ytrginia will elect Congressmen No vember?. RVV-W ! 5 West Virginia will elect judge of the, Supreme Court of Appeals to fill a vat cancy1,: Legislature and Congressmen Oct. 10. "r ' : - " '' ' ! Wisconsin will "elect Legislature ani Congressmen", Nov. 7, and vote upon amendments relating to residence and registration of voters, and the election of county officers, and providing that general elections of . State and county officers, except ijudicjay shall be . held biennially in the eiea years after 1884 those who veere chosen In 1881 to ' hold bverunUlOiijjne amepuinenvw .adopted. ratkhAMiri:SiC I VaTArfA. culls and Feyer." and Billons attacks n wiLivni cured with Xmory's Standard Cure fills X-an lnlaillnle remedy t, nerer, lall to cure the most obstinate, long-standing cases, causing nb griDlng or purging: they are mild ana efficient, certain In their action and harmless In all eases; they enectuauy cieanse ue stbusiu, iuiu Kf. unit tnna tA fhA tuVlV. . 1 a. hOnfltlOld lem-. AT tbey Hrennequaled... rIAverCmplalntiUwlr I eaual is not known:. one boxjhaTeawraider- I ruienect on me worst case . auoi o u prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Lit tle Catharto Pills, best ever madtvonly 15 cents. Standard Core Co., 114 Kassao street, Hew York. Jun2Ldeod 6m 1 STATE NEWS. Asheville Citizen: Mr. Jas.Thomaa has- broken ground for a tobacco fac tory on the street in tne rear of the Farmers warenouse. Raleigh News and Observer : Bishop -Liyman is now iu oiuuimo. ft vm- nria thousand white and colnrwi children are now attending the four graded schools ot itaiejgo. . Old bonds of the North Carolina Railroad were yesterday exchanged at the State. Treasury, to ; the amount of $227,000. . Thn atAam cotton em of Messrs. B. 1? Mnntan-nftand Wi T. Hodge.near VVak Forest, was burned Thursday night. causing a loss or 4w. . Cholera is destroying many hogs in various parts or ine ooate. Democratic prospects in the county are brilliant. ' ' The Republicans yesterday nominated Gen. John a Gorman for sheriff. , The State convention of the Young Men's Christian Association will clo ven at Shelby, on the 12th of October and continue to the 15th. Died, at her residence in this city Saturday, Miss Emma Caswell White, aged 80 years, 6 months and 11 days. The deceased was a daughter of Wm. White, Esq., who was for many years Secretary of State, and grand daughter of Gov. Caswell. The funeral will take place from the residence, at the corner Morgan and Blount streets, at 4:30 p. m. to-day. The friends of the family and the public generally are invited to attend. Glass Shingles. A patent has been taken out for the manufacture of shingles composed of glass. It is claimed for this material that it is so much more durable, stronger and more impervious to rain than slate or any other substance now used. The manufacture of the shineles will also be comparatively inexpensive, and can be placed in by any ordinary workman. These shingled have the advantage of slate in several particulars. In conse-quence-of tbeir shape they lie solid on the roof, and can be used on compara tively flat roofs, and they will admit of persons on them without danger of fracture, a quality which slate does not possess. They are interlocked so as to leave no interstices between them, and one rivet holds each pair of shingles, so tuat tney cannot be forced from their places by the wind or atmospheric dis turbances. They are also made so as to have very little waste material. It takes 300 slates, each 8x12 inches, to cover what is technically known as a "square roof" (a square measuring ten feet either way,) but 150 of these shin gles will suffice for the same space. Glas3 is likewise a non-conductor of electricity, and houses with these roofs will need no lightning conductors. Al though the kind of elass intended to be used in these shingles is non-trans parent glass, a root with colored border and opalescent body is said to be very uauusoine. The Elements of the New Cometh Boston, Sept. 22 An approximate computation of the elements of the new comet, completed by Mr S C Chandler, jr., at Harvard Observatory, about one o'clock this morning, based unon the observation of Prof Swift, of Cincinna ti, of the 18ih iust, at 3 p. m , together with that taken at 1.30 p. m.. on the 19th inst. at Cambridge, and that taken at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 29th. also at Cam bridge, is as follows: Time of perihel ion passage, 1882, August 30, 5; long, of perihelion 271 degrees; long, of node, 173 degrees; inclination of orbit, 17 de grees; perihelion distance, 27,000,000 miles. At the time of the first obser vation the comet was about 36,000,000 miles from the earth, and at the time of the three observations 32 500.000 miles. This corresponds to a rate of speed of 1,500.000 miles a day. Assuming the above to be correct. the comet will approach within 15.000.- 000 miles of the earth, being nearest in the early part of October, but will then be visible only in the Southern hemis phere. It will probably be visible above the horizon for a few davs here at a little before sunrise. Further verify ing observations will be taken before sending this result to Europe. Censns Blundering. The Northwestern Lumberman makes a very serious attack on the accuracy of the lumber statistics of the present cen sus. In thft upper peninsula of Michi gan, where .6,000,000,000 feet are given by the census, twice this are to be found : in Wisconsin a single tract of 3.000.000.- 000 feet was omitted, and from a tract estimated at 75,000,000,000, 400,000,000,000 have been sold, and in Minnesota the Lumberman "will stake its reputation" that the'government estimate will be trebled. As one result of the govern ment report, pine and Dine lands have advanced in value increasing the cost of every house now building and the Liumoerman says that the man selected to act' as expert "by instinct, associa tion and policy trains with the large Dody or men whose pockets demand that the price of pine lands be forced to the highest possible notch." It is plain that the management of the census can not neglect charges of this character. Is Lying Ever Justifiable? The Rev Dr Patton, president of Howard University, and the Rev J M Buckley, editor of the Christian Advo cate, have had a disagreement over the question whether lyiBg - is ever justifi able. Dr. Patton says that a lie intend ed to deceive a murderer and thereby save a life is sinful, and he blames Dr Buckley for-teaching, otherwise. .Dr Buckley reasserts hia vie w&aS follows: "In case of an .attempt to" commit mur der or any other? high crime, a denial of the presence 'or the ""person or an an nouncement of his-departure seems to me to be right.. The nan about to do murder has no claims uponne growing) out of human or divine la wv If possi-j ble, I must seize and confine - him, and' hand him over to the officers of the law. If this cannot be done hy force, I must; prevent his act; if' this, be impossible; or hazardous, any stratageni to accom plish the end is right' Collapse $f a Corner in Corn. j ' Chicago, iLL-fSept. 22. There; was a big ' drop in corn to-day. s The Dears combined to break the September Cor ner, and succeeded in forcing a decline of cents from Thursday. The lead ing manipulators of the bull raid were busy for the past two days closing out their deals. . There were enormous transactions on 'ChaDge, and great loss to tailers on the bull Side. Septembers closed at 64 on "call, and Octobers at There was a farther drop on the 'curb:'- ""Wheat and pork also show a de cline. Hutchinson, Kershaw and others have, engineered a successful scalp in corn and cleared a quarter of a million of dollars. The clique of New .i'ork railroad capitalists who have been hold ing up the corner will Ipse $200,000, it is said., v --a, -.'..." &Kf , . pi ;s inning; Against Ue Party. Hew York enlngJPost, ' - r - - The MississiTkalliarijce -with Green- ("backers tss disgracefutay the Virginia alliance Jwitn repudiation, ana ic re quires an extraordinary measure of ef frontery, even foxi professional politi ticians, to present as a regular Republi can candidate a "Democrat like Chat mers. who has been turned out of Con gress for the meanest and most shame-- nlypj prnar.1a nf tha Mt1aafpp1 Plan, ' "A lufl. Hitlfloo- waaHooHlWI less election irauas,' wno. is uie -recog- bv these politicians asi Mthe hero of the FbrtaPillow .massacre" and .the perpe trator of the i worst, atrocities dring andsinda the war. I'9 -3U 4 HI -ft .- J 1 J 1 'I Why Ue Didn't Take IU Not long ago an old pioneer, who bad lived in Texas in the days of the early colonists, w;w boasting of the good old Limes. - vv u y, sir, said ire, l was once offered a league of land for a pair of uiu ooocs. "Didn't you take it?" said the party ue was laiKing io. "No, sir; I didn't." -"No account land, I reckon ?" KIITI 1 1 . -vny, Diess your tiearr, sir, it was the best piece of land outdoors. Grass five feet high, a clear stream of water running through it, and an undevel oped silver mine in one corner. "And why in thunder didn't make the trade V" said the other. you 'Because, said the old m-in, in a sad and regretful tone, '-because I I didn't nave the boots." What Texas Shows. During the year ending on the3l3t of August last the State of Texas pro duced 878,854 bales of cotton, valued at over $50,000,000 ; 22,299,000 pounds of wool, worth $5,128,000; and 13,572,000 pounds ot hides, worth $1,628,000; be sides $16,000,000 worth of cattle and over $1,000,000 worth of horses and mules. The total product of the State, including lumber, grain, cotton seed, sugar, molasses, andother articles, was over 959T.OOO.OOO. Tlr'ii. ... . . . uLunn tne year, amo, mere were completed 1,641 miles of railroad at an estimated cost for construction and equipment of $44,525,000. The State has Bow 5,908 miles of completed railroads, the cost of building and equipment be ing placed at $165,806,900. Native Southerners. Through Texas The late census shows that while in 1880 the total population of Virginia was 1,512,565. Ihe total number of per sons in the United States who were born in Virginia was 2.118,460. Ten nessee, total population 1.542 359 : total number of Tennesseans in the country, 1.787,404; North Carolina," population 1,399,750, total North Carolinians, 1,648, 690; Georgia, population 1.542,180, Geor gians in the country 1,719,068; Alaba ma, population 1,262,505, Alabamians in the country 1,319.189; South Caro lina, population 995.577. South Carolin ians in the country 1,183,311. 81500 per rear can be easily made at home working for K. G. Bideout & Co , 10 Barclay street rewYork. Send for their catalogue and full nar tlculars. oct21 ly Bad ComnlMrlnns Soap. huts Hair Dye, black and brown, fifty cents. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute. DAItBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Use. For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, SaU vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Fox, Measles, and Eradicates MALARIA. aU Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known ta spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst fn:l.j : -ii . cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Feveredand SickPer sons refreshed and Bed Sores prevent ed by bathing with SMAIX-FOX and - PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid'; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. Darby s Fluid. Impure Air made harndess and jfarified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Channgg, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved - and cured. I Diphtheria Prevented. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. ' I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. " It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Ala. The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollenwbrck, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Scarlet Fever : V , Cured. -: Prophylactic Fluid is a valuabli le Vanderbllt University, Nashvflle, Term. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lupton, Prof; Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia - Rev. Chas F. Deisms, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof. , University.C. Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Piebcb, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. TheFluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. . For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, r ar. H. ZETXIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. DOBBINS STARCH POLISH. An important dis covery, by whicl every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. t'OR SALE BI JT. S, SPENCER & CO vnd FIELDS BROS., Cbarlotte, N, C TART LING LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prema ture. Decay, Nervous Debiiity, lost Manhood, etc., having tried iavain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self core, which he will send EJU5B to bis fellow-sufferers, address JT. II. REEVIiS, 49 "UiatintKi tst.. SU Y. . FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A -favorite Brescrintiori of one of the ' most noted and successful specialists in theTJ. S. (now retired i tor lb cure of Xervowm MMtUity, Xjomt MtttthooA. WeoUnea and Jeeav. Heat in plain sealed cuytjlope'ree. Druggists can till it. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. , ii ij ... i HARRIS R"iEDY C0.,SS8b. i a i f urwhu man oom rrvw tM PaOFJARRIff PASTILLE REMEDY Vobb; Xnt mint otben who nfler ' fnua Xarvvtm Ud Pkjiiol Debit Ujr, rmuM iThMwttoa aa4 their aaar fMtamj mnaeqacaeaa, ' sra auisur sad radical! cand. I Th Ronedy la pat p im baxaa. lit. 1 (tawing a awath), . (a. S (eaough to afieal a on re, anlcaa is aerera eaaea,) as ' p-'-g time montiw), 7. Brat by Bull in ptaia wrappera. ; - PliaHlanaaar IMaaatreopaayaaaai Box. Pamphlet deaerl. Mug M dii and OMtieof sua acut eitaief aa applioatka. ! 1 i - . . ... .i . f Mjl ETROPQ LITAfi LIFE UNVEILED Koitfcetthig,BiilBu8l"6Mpeei.150 ClutntioBit . Bereeilos miaerieaof hiph and lowllfein America' great cities : fashion's folhea and frivolitiea : behind the aoenea ; tnoS oi pretty aecetvers: eitrinco ana poors ' lasohrloaB eorraption at Waahingxoa ; rain of innocent gins; old hoafHiesdad sinners bigaa-ilght ; bewitchinf airena k victim ; Vondon and Mormon Jaonors t Btar- llna-FLAvajlAl:iana! Prirwt S2.VL I HnBt'a eircrjlRra fre& Ontflta 75c Add., ANCHOR PUBLtSH'O Oe it 8X,IiOXnB,Mo. CHIOAOO.I11. AXIAITTA, Ga, .IS '-A Vualuawabaud Msw WD WE ARE NOW READY TO SLTOK One of k Haodsomest Stocks of Golds ever Shiva ia Charlotte. Look at Our French Drew Patterns from W9.O0 lo t6J.O0, Our MCompriSfiS EYERnaUffi NEW ill FANCY DRE33 GOODS an TRIMlNQI Silks, Satins, Moires, Ottomans, SURAHS AND BROCADES endless variety. Cashm5r$$, Henrietta Empress, Shoodahs, Silb, VELVii'f., VELVETINGS. Ijvia and Brocade PLUSHES, FLlrTNELSa MJIIING!), KEPeLLlNT9,o:c, &C ' A HANDBOMB LINK OW OOLiyiAHS, CLOAKS, ULSTERS AND JACKETS' Look at Them TBDNKS and VALldKJ, alarg stock oi C5 TTj o , THI H ET &9 AT VPBY LOW PBICK3 have anvthlnir TOIl Want In RnTlTH RTTllva niTO nn r 1 T3 tu i n-r cri.mno . . Sui wmnti foS ?ewE ,0U verIthtI,e we . SMITH BTJIXjIDHSTO, GRATES 1 1 FILL ID :o:- WE ARE NOW And when complete, we will announca It Remember, a Finer Stock CaDnot be ESPECIALLY OF Stocko Fall and Wink Which areHIannfaclared In onr Hoaie; fine Genu Furnisbinir Goods, the very Latent Style of Hat, Ac Look Out for School Suits for Boys, A Large Stock of CHI LDEKN'S SUITS. Call and 1L. Berwanger & HSro.. LEADING FASHIOXABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. o o it o 09 Si o a 05 o 2 2"" o esgo o to a i . 05 fl 05 g 03 03 O 3 a " U 03 03 r- C8- o 00 as T3 s be 55 at (-1 6C 9 CD CO Q Q 5 08 aej W aaal a( a u 9 eSjCJ 05 j no w ,M 0 t 21 r . "a CD o in IT V "T a-j ,d m ffl -l Z, r m D Sim S 2 S C3 CO CO cs a w ' 9 S 03 M no nU9 h 00 S3 ca 0 os fl M tZJ M J 1 p o a CO o I NOW The LARGEST and EVER BROUGHT All are invited to call is mm VltotGsalb'ahdlRogilurnitu bae. and If we don't sell you. It will not be becaus & WM1BIL1. WINTER. 1882. aitd 1883. :o:- RECEIVING OUR Clothing Daily, and have a day set apart lor a Grand Owning. Shown by any House in the State, THOSE GOODS examine. Very Respectfully, W CO .a. rH o S3 w H O CO h-I CO H as a -a a ZT2 Prettiest Stock of 5MARKET, and gee my goods and '.7.' J i TO THI - s

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