jpittti VOL. XXVIII. CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 1882. NO. 4,207. H&1IE THE BfST STOCKED CARPET DEPARTMENT, VIZ: Carpets, Rugs, Door Mais. gyg &aoflg, QlviMuQ, Set. YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO ATTHND THE Gran (1 -ALSO LACE CURTAINS, Opening OF OUB In WesUrn North farolina. Alexander & Harris. 8'Pt?4 OUR STOCK fY DRE39 GOODS are equal t J In variety, style una cheapness sepi24 any In the city i ALVXaMjKB & H4KB1S.- KID GLOVES We hove ALEXANOKK A HAHHI3 RW a oneclflltT with us this season iV not attempted to tumlsh a cheHp KW, but a good on. sept'24 O OUR STOCK F BT-RUN. CASHMFHX and CLOTR GOODS U trie largest ever offer d b) us before. serV2 4 FallStock, Which will be ready for your inspee'lon on Friday, 22od Day of September, and It will compare with any stock of DRY GOODS IN THE SOUTH. Bmbiaclng all the novelties of the season, as it-is well known thai OTJfcl HOUSE keeps up with all Dew styh-s as they appear In the market . x W will Und In this stock silks and aailns in all shades and prices. Also a large line of Plushes and Vel vets. Dress Goods In even thing new. running in price from 10c to $5 per yard. We will sell you a good colored Cashmere Dress at from SI. 50 to a pattern. Black und Mourning Goods a special ty A full line of Dress Flannels In all colors and prices from 2rc to $1.25 pr yard, we have a full line of Goods for making Cioaks and Jackets, also Kur Trimmings. A large stock of Domestics and Bheetlnas. uadles', Gents' and Children s Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves In everything that is new. In fact anything that can te found in a nrst class i ry Gods Store, from a five cent Calico to a firteen dollar Lace Collar. Cai 1 and see us as early as possible and we will take pleasure in showing our stock. Very rrspectfully. sept 17 T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO. NEWS NOTES. iiu atcai. ASK TO SEE OUB CASTOR GLOVEJ Sarah Barntiardt style. They are pretty and cheap. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. neiC24 LADIES "WIl.Lfl d an elegant line of L AME3' CLO TBS and .LOAKIGS t our h u e ALEXANDKR & HARRIS. sept24 YOUNG GENTS "7 ILL ffnri a superb strck T T i LOTHINU Of READY MADE sett24 ALEXANDER &HvRRI3. OUR STOCK F Ladles' Misses and Children's V large, cheap and well assorted. .sei-t24 HOSIERY is ALEXANDER & HaBkH. DON'T FORGET 7K keep Uie largest Stock Of CaBP TS in Western Nortu Carolina AL1-X1NDER a HARRIS. tept'24 A MAGNIFICENT STOCK of T'BLKi LIKENS, TOWELS. DOY LIES. NAPKINS. C . etc. ALEXADE i 4 HARRIS. - sept24 PPIII & Co., DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, AND VALISES. The First Shipment Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily toe cured ; tout neglect Is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which. acts so quickly and surely in sucn cases aa PERRY DAVIS7 fAlfl JV 1 I tt iru I v. prompt saved t The use or tins xnvouuaoie remeay nas thousands of lives. PERRV DAVIS' PAIN KIIXER 13 not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is moat valued where it Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read i&eollows: Pats Killeb has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty-seven years, and nave never known it to fail in effecting a cure. L. S. Crocker, Williamsville, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Killer, and found it a never-failing remedy for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds ana lore throat, and consider your Pain Killer aa invaluable remedy. Geo. B. Evebett, Dickinson, N. Y. I have just recovered from a very Bevere cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it. C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty fears, and have never known it to faiL Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pin Killer in my family twenty, five years ago and have used itever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dxes, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough- and croup It is the best preparation made. We would not be without it . kouts, -LiDerty aims, va. For twentv-five vftars T liavp nap Pa TV TTtt T.ra for colds and chapped lira, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Geo.Hoopeb, Wilmington, a. v. I was mfferinir nevarelv with bronchitis, and mv throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doeea was completely cured. T.Wiuunbow. Dr. Walton writes from cosnocton Tour Pain Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, bo alarm- ; here, ana Has not Deen Known to snake known to the world. Inclv TirAvalfmt fail in a single instance. This fact you should axe known to the world- ..-... Mrs. Ellis B. Mason writes : Mv son was taken tfolently Hick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. Bo many children have died here, I was tfraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain lIller. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful (Hire, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are loams; so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KIIXER has noequaL It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell It at 3c., 50c.,and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept 4 oct Tod fa TT rai note ok otia- PLL i WINTER STOCK HAS AHBIV.D. PEGRAM & CO. IF YOll A NICK PAIB OF lafo, Hikes and Chilta's Shoes, Of any kind jou can get them at PEGRAM & CO'S. IF YOU WANT A H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR CHARLOTTE, 21, C. THIS Hotel was completed In 1872, and new additions wade in 1875, "TBE CENTRAL" Is situated on Independent Square, occupying half a block on Trade street. In the business cen tre of the City, in c ose proximity to Banks. Ex press and Telegraph offices, and commanding a mountain view of mo e than fifty miles. - The intentloa or tne r ropneior is, w um; present to the traveling public one of tbe finest Hotel Buildings In the South, bdt one of themost complete and best conducted Hotels In all Ws dif ferent departments. t- . Having recently been decorated and frescoed throughout It Is not only one of the most beauti ful, but the . . LSaDINQ AND PALACE H0TKL of the South, the home of Commercial xouusw, pleasure seekers and resident guests. - ; H C. BCCLKS-, Proprietor, will be pleased to welcome his friends awl the traveling public-and respectfully solicits a share of pntronage. from all who would enjoy nd appreciate a home combin ing elegance, beauty and .comfort in ail itaap- M. Le Clanche, inventor of the Le Clanche eclectric , pile and other im provements in electricity, is dead. There are an unusually large number of colored men running for Congress. It is understood that Mr. Chandler is a candidate for election to the Senate from New Hampshire. Gen. Wallace has secured from the Sultan the release of a number of Greek prisoners. A new church of the Methodist Epis copal Church South is to be erected in Northwest Baltimore. The comet is now an object of inter est at Quebec, where it is visible at 4 a. m. Arabi Pasha continues ill. It is stated that bis ailment has inflicted so. severe a shock on bis constitution as to have left him a mere wreck. The son of a land agent named Keane has been found dead ! on the roadside near Kildysart. Ireland. His father had recently ejected some tenants. Wm. TL Burke, aged 23 years, of Brooklyn, died Wednesday night from lockjaw, caused by a wound in the hand f rbm an explosion of a cap on a gun which he was examining. The registration in Brooklyn, N. Y., Tuesday, showed a very large increase in the stlJng Democratic wards. The New Yorit Ximes is disposed to regard this as evidence that the Democrats are wide awake and propose to bring out a full vote. The last spike in the completion of the Live Oak (Fla ) and Rowland's Bluff Railroad was driven Friday last. The road is five feet gauge and standard.and first-class in its construction and equip ment. The comptroller of Milwaukee, Wis, laims to have discovered a shortage of nearly $480,000 in the city accounts, caused by overdrafts and mismanage ment on the part of his predecessors in office. It is said that a Boston company is about to be organized, with the object of building up Brunswick, Ga. The company proposes to improvelands in the lands in the vicinity of the town and to erect wharves, docks, etc. It is said that there is a large sum.of British capital at the back of tha enterprise. A shock of an earthquake was dis tinctly felt at bpringtield, 111., Wednes day about 4 o'clock in the morning, and and at Centralla a half hour later. The shock seemed to come from the West, and was accompanied by rumbling sounds. Mr. O'Donnell, member of Parliament for Dungarvan, telegraphs to the Lon don Times from Dublin that serious ap prehensions are felt for the health of Mr. E. Dwyer Grav, who is suffering acutely from an affection of the chpst, which has been aggravated by his con finement in prison. The Khedive will issue decrees ap pointing a' special commission for the prosecution of acts of rebellion and courts-martial for the trial of cases re ferred to them. All officers, from cap tains downward, except those who di rectly participated in the riots, are to be amnestied. J. R of the defendants in the star route cases on trial in the Uni ted States District Court, was pros trated by an affection of the heart Wed nesday, in his oflice, where he had gone from the court to obtain some papers Dertinent to the case. Judge Butler, however, upon being notified, decided' to proceed with the trial without the presence of Mr. Black. A Mistake! Anson Times. It has come to our ears that some per sons think Col. Bennett "is opposed to the Homestead law." This is a mistake. And while, when elected to the the of-' fice of Congressman from the State at large, Col. Bennett will have nothing on earth to do with the Homestead and could not injure it, if he wonld, still we think it right and proper to correct an error like this, which may have been started by his enemies, to keep some from voting for him. Col. Bennett was in the Legislature of the State, in 1872 and '73 and while a member of ILfat body introduced a bill to enlarge that Homestead. It will be remembered that originally the home stead was onlv good during the life of; the debtor, the bill of Col. Bennett aimed at increasing this to a fee simple. But for some reason tne Ajegisiature failed to pass the bill, and the home stead stood as it was until the session of 1876 and "17, when a bill was intro duced, (which embodied the main fea tures of the one introduced previously by Col. Bennett,) which wad passed, and the homestead became good for all time. , , In view of these facts it is a little; strange that Col. Bennett should be re garded as hostile to any body's home stead. He is the last man to excuse any one for failing to pay honest debts. At the same time he recognizes the wisdom of that law that often times protects the innocent wife and children from the consequences of a husband's ex travagance, and that sometimes relieves against the pittiless storms of misfort une. . .gQOlSLPISPATfiHES. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. From the Rio Grande Fever District. Galveston, 29 A News Browns ville special says: No new cases of fever were reported for the 24 hours ending at 10 o'clock this morning; one death from fever since that hour. Dr. Matos was taken down with fever this afternoon. , , ,. In Matamoras m tbe 24 hours ending at 3 a. m. 3 deaths, two from fever. The Steamer Astanas from Vera Cruz has arrived at Bagdad bringing a number of passengers. Dr. Comb has been telegraphed for from King's Ranche. It is feared they have fever there. Yesterday nineteen new cases and three deaths were re ported at Reynosa. The people living Ltt Arrayo Colorado outside the Cofrdon are suffering for want of food. They cannot go to Corpus Chnsti, or enter Brownsville. A soldier at Fort Brown died to-day. Major Wethenll is con valescing. Duel in a Darkened Room. Dallas, Sept. 27. Fifteen years ago George Hallenbeck and W llliam Strat ton quarrelled in Palmyra. - Yesterday they met near Carizzo pass, wentinto a darkened room and fought a duel. Stratfcon fired four ttmes. Hallenbeck fired, killing Stratton instantly. Another Star Route Jury Fails to Agree. Philadelhhia, Sept. 29. The jury in Star Route prosecutions reported this morning they been unable to agree upon a verdict, - All the Suspects Released. Dublin, Sept 29.--All "suspects" in custody have been released in view of the expiration to-morrow of the term of the Coercian act Be sensible. You have allowed your bowels to become habitually costive, your liver has become torpid, tbe same thin alls your kidneys, and you are Just used up. Mow te sensible, gtt a package or bottle of Kidney-Wort, take it Taithfully and soon you will forget you have any such o'gaus, for J you win De a wea man. Aioany journal, DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for tTnirersal family Use. A NEGRO MISER'S DEATH. The Miserable Existence of an Old Preacher, Who Leaves $100,000. Philadelphia Record. No more conspicuous character ever nourished on South street than Rev. Joshua Provine Bond Eddy, or "Old Josh Eddy," as he was familarily called, who died on Monday in a two story frame hovel at No. 511 South street. The veuerable darkey was 84 years of age, and after living a miser's life for nearly half a century died in rags in a cheerless room, leaving behind him property that is said to be worth $100, 000. Besides the South street house Eddy owned thirty-seven houses in dif ferent parts of the city, nine in Camden, two farms in New Jersey, some prop erty in Frankford, and still more in Chester. He leaves a brother on Lom bard street, between Sixth and Sev enth. Eddy was born a slave in Virginia on March 15, 1798, and came to Pennsyl vania with his parents when a boy, and learned the tonsoral art at Cannons ville. When 20 years of age he em braced religion and became a member of the itinerancy of colored clergyman through the aid of Bishop Allen, a col ored minister of some distinction in this city in those days. He became a Deacon and then an Elder over eight churches, traveling the circuit from Elizabeth to Mount Holly, N. J. He marrifd Bishop Allen's daughter, and settled down to a local position in Col umbia, Pa, where he preached and shaved for several years, and then drift ed back to Philadelphia. The skeleton in his home was his wife's frailty, and, becoming convinced of her infidelity, Eddy sued tor a divorce and obtained it. He at once fell into miserly habits, denied himself every comfort and hoarded up the word ly treasurers which he leaves behind. Mrs. Eddy after the divorce married her companion in sin, and only died a few years ago. Thein terior of Eddy's South street home was devoid of furniture except a rickety table and a few dilapidated chairs and stools. Tbe whole place was squallid and sickening. His hobbling form dis appeared from the streets about a month ago, and the miser laid down upon his filthy couch to die. A will he left will be probated in a few days. Tut Valise or Satchel, Wlib all the latest Improvements, go to PEGRAM & CO'S. IF YOU WISH THE LATEST STYLE IN DolntmentB and surroundings, BATES $2.00 and $2 60, to location. ; per day, accrdtng sept2 WBEEIEIt&WILSOP NEW NO. 8. Beware ! Sail-bury Watchman. Documents are being circulated by parties from Thomasville. N. C, asking farmers and others whp have minerals on their lands to fill up and sign papers sent them, after a full description of the property is given, as follows : I hereby authorize to sell for me my tract of land in county, State of containing acres, and I agree to pay- commission if sell or the means or. selling it. 1 I will also pay uie usuai State tax1 on sales made by agents. I .irorttPft th title of- said land to be good. Witness my hand and seal day of-188- this seal. SHE or CASSIMEBE HATS B You can find It at PEGRAM & CO'S. OUR STOCK OF BOYS, GENTS' AND YOUTHS' BOOTS AN pES ... . .. i ... ... . E been selected with greV care Mid tooa Von Lightest Banning and Best Sewing Machine In tbe 4 WotlCTiT before buying any otner. . ; rv "? A fi F.HT8 WilTTED I ' kb flAnil for Terms and Price List . Wheeler Wllon Mauiuf acMS&Ctt" i i.j r - Any one can see through this power of attorney. It takes all the right away from the farmer and allows the other vwrtiss all the advantages, without any guarantee of good faith. We warn our people to sign ho such paper. ; ; Not a Reading People, Btehmond Stats. . We are not a reading peeple by any means. - A few evenings since a young man in company with a dozen parsons of both sexes and 11 intelligent people, happened t remark tbatthe Christian cy divorce case was ended at lastvwben, to hjs surprise several of taen inquired, what he'meant, and bald they had never hoorH nf t ha matter at alk ; Be thep tried them with the.Egyptian war, and found two or three who didn t know thatthere had been any war In Egypt ; whereupon xur informant very muca doubted if 1 some of theriL had eyjr heard- of the Confederate war. No wonder the newspapers are not better supported. v :" ' ; Eradicates - MALAGA,, For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, Sali vation, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Pox, Measles, and all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known ta spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Extraordinary Growth of Dixie. Balelgh Farmer and Mechanic. The London Times, the most power ful journal in the world, in reviewing the prosperity of America, notes with many expressions of surprise the won derful fact that the destruction of $500, 000,000 slave property, and an equal am aunt of material property, by the Northern onslaught upon the South, and the dozen years of "reconstruction" robbery not only-failed to crush and cripple and ruin the Southerners, but actually left them Stronger in numbers, in wealth and in power than ever be fore 1 The Times says : "At the close of the civil war lew would have predicted that in the pres ent political census, while Miine, New1 Hampshire and Vermont have to sub mit each to a reduction of their repre sentation in Congress, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia leceive an increase! It is not by any means so surprising that the South western States shouldlmake substantial gains, for these, and especially Texas, were to a great extent unsettled at the date of the war, and their vast natural resources were certain to be stimulated on the restoration of peace. The older States of the South, however, weresup po3f d to be altogether dependent on the system of slavery for their pros perity and political importance. "The disasters of the Confederacy were believed alike by Northerners, by Americans, and by foreign observers, to have given a fatal blow to the social center of the secession. . Within the past ten years this has been trium phantly disproved, and the fact is placed in evidence by the re adjustment of the Federal representation. Of the thir teen Southern States, not one loses a representative in the new apportion ment, and only four are stationary." , Western N. C. Railroad Notes. j Salisbury Watchman. s The newly elected directors of this road had a very pleasant meeting here on last Saturday and re-elected the en tire list of officers, all of whom are good, faithful men. Travel over this road was 70 per cent, greater in August of '82 than for the same month in last year. - We learn that a Burvey has been or dered from some point this side of mud cut to the too of what is known as Mitchell's Peak, on Black Mountain. This scheme is intended to open to the public at once one of the grandest scenes in Western North Carolina, and when done, will attract visitors trom both hemispheres. ' Nervousness, peevishness, and fretting, so ofen 'connected with overworked females' lives, Is rapid ly relieved by Brown's Iron BltteKT' . : - sA lecure ie ' ' WOT MMMH 111 Hf PrTntiv of Malarlad Disease. ' kmnVr Vmlnmt Dr. fit B. Walton, of rpoulTS COLDEN'S ,M(Pj W TONIC, is par excellence, snperlor toJivwlor any thing I have ever used In wastexl ortmpalred con sUtutiona, and extremely beneficTaT as J Preven trVemaMdUeasefc- (Talw nd Um.) pi f 4 UUS., '....llr (rrtrf l"f minUt CmlirritM FeveredandSickPer- sons refreshed and Bed Sores prevent ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and rJurified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafings, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burnsrelievedinstantly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Ala. S3IAJX-POX and PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was .not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented. Scarlet Fever Cured. . The physicians here use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollenwerck, Greensboro, Ala. Totter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." V anderbilt University, Nashville, Term. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia ; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia, Prof., University ,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEIXIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. XKCE; OOlfTHASTl While other Baking Powders are targe fy adulterated with Alum and other hurtful has been kept unchanged in all its original purity and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its having received the highest testimoni als from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. No other powders show so good results by the true test the TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS A PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POWER -MASS BT STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, HL, and St. Louis, Mo., anurMturen of Lnpnlla Teut Oemi, Dr. Prlec't BpeeUI FUYorfBg Extracts, ud Dr. Prleo'i Unique Perfume. PILLS I S3 A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the preaeht generation. It Is for the Core of this disease and its attendants felC&HE APACHE. BILIOTTSirESS, DYS PEPSIA, C0KSTIPATI0K, PILES, eto., that ITTTT'S Pf,-8 have gained a world-wide reputation. Ho .Remedy has ever been discovered that acta eo gently on the digestive organs, giving them vigor to"aa similate food. As a natural result, the Nervous System is Braced, the Muscles are Developed, and the Body Bobust. Olxlllfli and Sexresr. B. RIVAL, a planter at Bayou Sara, La., says: My plantation la in a snalarial district. For several year I could not make half a crop on account of bilious cUse&aea and chill. I waa ' asarly discouraged whan I began tbe use of TUTavS FILLS. Tbe result waa marvelous: my laborers soon became hearty and robnat, . and I have had no farther trouble, They relieve the eiiaorged Over, elesaMg ski eremriat UMWQuea. I 8 (aC'gTu no, WK v R -In Mew IFsaDU (EdDdDoDso" WE ARE NOW READY TO SHOW One of the Handsomest Stocks of Goods ever Shown in Charlotte. Look at Our Frencli Drem Patterns from ( f.65.00 Our SM Comprises E7ERYTHING NEW in FANCY DRESS GOODS aM TRIMMINGS Silks. Satins, Moires, Ottomans, SURAHS AND BROCADES in endless variety. Castoaores, Henrietta?, Empress, Shoodahs, Silks, FlYlNttKL,, VEI.Vf-T . Vl-L.VETtNfJJ. Plain nnt Brocade PLVSIIE. A HAND'OME link of DOLMANS, CLOAKS, ULSTERS AND JACKETS' Look at Them TRUNKS and VALIdBS, a largs stock of CS ILa O 3HI 3T O-, AT VBBY LOW PBIJX3 - . 4 -e bave anything ion want In BOOTS. SHOWS. HATS and CAPS. PKAEL SH1BTS. KVITTS' and TUHNKB'd SHOEA The best 4-4 BLSiCBINQ f-ver offered at 10c ner yard: ask to see It Give us a call, as we will tw glad to show you everything we have, and If we don't sell jou, it will not be because prices are not low enough. smith: BuiLDiisras MI & WJILIIEttil. tbe Blood from poisonous nnw tbe bowels to srst naturally, With out whlen no one can feel weU. , Try this remedy tUrtr, an y?? Price, tSCcaSk flee,oa Murray sit . x. TUTTS HAIR DYE. tt . n. VsnrrM chanced te a GtOSST Bllci DV a ilngle application of this Dy. It topans a tSaTcolorJand acts lriatantaneoMly. gfcid dv Druggists, or sent by express on receipt Office. 88 Murray Street, New York. (Dr. TUTT'S 1UA.N VJLJj or gnfoftnmtio- smg PaeW oje iciZi ssuNleal ntSB os wpWewWnA :o:- You are invited to call THIS DAY for the inspection of OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FINE CLOTHING, Gents' Famishing Goods and Hals. IL. Berwanger & Bro., LEADING FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS H H Z5 a O 03 H 5 fid 03 0S5 as S5 o o 2 . i2 -5-5 03 H03 03 2 O o cet-t aoo2 nS 5s 03 n 03 1 0 H 0 H to O .HOPhSI ooHBssgo- oo o z s A3 a M o o 0S at 4-3 8 p. bD oo - a c5 I I 03 c3 O 03 O X &4 m 3 3 CO S-c u c3 "rt Q : IZ2 CD 2 Z 6 03 r ja 1-1 t a a P. a DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. An important dis covery, by whkl every family may give their linen thai beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine i laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. sag o (fi W eh p. !io a on 4 z i A s i ,, ft. h rt & -l w-fl.ii.. m-$M i t isrow HAVE The LARGEST and Prettiest Stock of 4 FOR SALE Rf jr. 9, SPENCfSK EVER BROUGHT; TO THIS MARKET, WHICH I INtENDMOtSEEli AT , , 7, aT I 1j VLLa1 Vlliilitli. HARRIS REMEDY CO., i i . .u .v. 'l-.lti' MS 1EG,R A M ' & GO'S. .T - i'Vi ..1 MEXCnX.thHoWJie Amni m m . a riatlama. m2 Drag Store, corner xraue awwunw tirf fcl Vl: Benson, of BaStnbre,ltrP4.? sUa enre that ti the best thlnr jtof "Wn fflaeaajef andaU rongh and scaljr sMafflseasei tothe short est Ume. Boldby aUdtogaistsaiwpOTpwauwo. MTj 'kfn.i.l. 4 Bole rrbs U PHOf -WRRiy PMT11E BOrtDY Mrm ttttn Whs MM a tb Beta Vb i- la. I (eseock ntfeit 1 " ate qiiiektar anS. radically. or. pt ap U bora. aJ.1 fluting oratk), SJL icfintacara, aalaaiDMvaeeaMi,) at) ta4 tkm moolhl). Bl. -: Mractiwnlbr Cstasaccampaaj wa Sox. Pamphlet ooeii. Sent bj Mil in ptait wipera,.r Msg tail alwaiesnd mode of oars eeut icaletf on applioatiga. MnrrVnuihi All are invite to ,calLiwd 8My .Q and HETROFOUTSN LIFE U HVEIL0)! leairn theiie'"" iai.iJoiiiaa-rTwrTOi-tf ' f. . if7TilJ HVi IHw ii Ju-' a as m as at a " mmm ss.xla J .... i ? UorterdtriiffBooklsrud. fifXleirsL ISO XUastM&SBi! Bevealins: Bdseriesof hib and tow life In Amariea" .1 aoaoea; tricks of prattr.deoeivvrs; citj' rich and poor I "j u f taaciTioaaeorrantiooat Wsanlngtoa; rata eCiaaoonis tria4 eidbinrr-beatwsiaasrs orimowHBia Ijk Mreniivictiinsj Vowkmsad,. iSt&rt- nee.jj On&U 75c Add. ANCHO R PU B L 1 8 rVO C O. , 8X.ZXxnS. Ko. CfrTTCAOOj UL AXJuAJrTA,Ga, JlWholiesaledndBReftail ! Furniture Dealer all ana see xnew. - II C

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