DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1 882. HIJS1NESS NOTICES. Hope for Suffering Woman ! S me tli 11 e Kevv Under the mill Rv re inori of her peculiar rvla'ionB, and her pe cu iar ailments, woman has been compelled to sutler, not t.nly Ji'-r own ins, uut those arising fcr i hr wain oi Kiiowic.iKc, ui ui uonsiueration o . vo wuu wooin sne stands con .lvwMHT. rTl' anon, rne requent :u d disirt-ssing ln'.arttlei peculiar toheasex have thus been aggravated, lo a degree which no ungual cui m lW3 mansions of the tlie patient victim of U s unknown to man. and wtlk n none but she could endure -and without a ,twh- , B,lt n0 the hour of her redemption has a noun n . ,t i r u r 7 Vv uncr miiger, wnen she can firm renei in ir J. Bradtielo's Female keu '!an Best Friend." Prepaied by Dr j 1 J aV Frlce: tr,itl 8lz 75c; large , - ----- - v an uiug sis u- uua, vuuisdnu fever, pna Bilious attarfca P0n y 3 lth Emo,y 8 tannard cure P?Us an lnfmllble remedv: nsiror fii , , certain in their action rui hsu.,. ... M tone 10 the.bodr 9 a household reme 5nnoie7 are uneqnaled For LlveT Complaint their 1. r.uuwu. uiiu uox win nae a wonder nrLH K1" . , case- Tney are used and prescribed by Phjslclans. and sold by Druggists 15 cents New York tie Catharic Pills, best ever made, only If 1 tandard Cure Co., 1 14 Nassau street, Nei Jun21 d eod 6mw McLnre for Coroner. To the Wdltor of The Observer: The friends of Mr. J. A. McLure present his name to the vot- rs of Mecklenburg c unty, for the ornce or Coroner in the coming election. Mr Mc Lure Is a resident of lharloite, consequently inruuiu uo uoar me centre or tne county and more Hccessaoie ror tne duties devolving upon the office than one residing In any extreme part of the cumiij. aa is id .every way oun?inef ror fae posi tion, and 1( a proaipt and. )'4HjjHialij man. ti Is presented hh the people's candidate and win ne supported Dy MANY VOTHS. seit 0 Illcio Vdncrttsemeuts. Absolutely Pure. i IhkP0W.?er Eever vartes.' A marvel of purity. thTfAo nd. w&olesomeness More economical tn in the ordinary klnris. mu unt .i, i SLttt,0,n Wllh lKhe ltud of loi tek sh rt w 'l(?ht. Rl im or phosphate nWfir. . BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO 10 Wall st.. New York. cans sept29 LBK()Y DAVIDSON, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,loss of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Boston, November 26, 1881. Brown Chbmjcal Co. Gentlemen : For years I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and could get ao relief (having tried everything which was recommend ed) until, acting on the yd vice f a friend, who had been benefitted by Brown's Iron Bitters, I tried a bottle, with most surprising rcsuju. Previous to taking Brown's Iron Bittbrs, everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing Brown'sXron Bittbrs, all my troubles are al ah pad. t Can eat any time without any dhagrecabfc re sults. I am practically another person. Mrs. W. J. Flynn. 30 Maverick St., . Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoiiis, such as task ing the food, Deleting.. Heat in the totnachf Heartburn, etc." ' The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md; : S Browne? lron,Ei"S are made by ha? r em,yl e- Baltimore, and h"e cr05"d red lins and trade mark on wrapper. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. Indei to tie w Adrertteeifteiits. Miss Katie Moore Wanted. J Q. A. Orr For Constable. HOME BRIEFS. EfTThe street lamps are to be lighted every night from now on to next May. tW The comet still proves an object of gieat attraction and undiminished admiration. H3F" E. A. Cantey has opened hit bar ber shop at the Charlotte Hotel, and will run it in first class style. ESTMr. C. M. Jetton, of Lincolnton, has taken his place behind the Char lotte Hotel register as nigkt clerk. ISTMr. J. G. A. Orr this morning an nounces himself a candidate for the office of constable of Charlotte town ship. OF" Let everybody bear in mind the appointment of Hon Joseph Davis and J udge Bennett to speak in this city to morrow, and come to hear them. 3FA new and very pretty smoking and baggage car went, into the make-up of the southbound train on the Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta road yes terday. lfT The mayor had two cases to at tend to yesterday. Richard Grigg, for being drunk and down, was fined $2.50. Lewis Parks, for beating Wm Macks, was fined $5. A match game of base ball be tween the Graded school nine and the Macon, school nine, was played yester day, and resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 20 to 14. IB"The hop at the Buford Hoaaa to night will a recherche affair and the gillantry and beauty not only of Char lotte, but of neighboring towns will be represented. tSThe large platform around the grand union depot is to be cut down and relaid on a level with the tracks and passengers will hereafter be able to eet on it without the aid of step lad ders. tProf. Wm. Miller, of the Com mercial school at Memphis, Tenn., de livered a lecture before the colored grade school last evening, and will make an address to the pupils of the white graded school this morning at 9 o clock. JtlTThe shrubbery, trees and even the houses on Trade street, between In dependence square and the Air-Line depot, are thickly coated with dust, which rises in clouds from the wheels of every passing vehicle. KlTTalking about laige cotton re ceipts, a merchant of this city has re ceived a letter from a friend in Savan nah, giving some figures in regard to the cotton trade of that place that are surprising, but correct. The receipts of cotton at Savannah during the month of September, 1882, were 82,713. The ales were 55,797 bales. HtSTThe area of tracks at the Air Line depot being fo ind to be insuffi cient to accommodate the number of trains that daily arrive in the yards, a force of hands were put to work yes terday laying additional tracks and sidings. At noon yesterday there were oyer 250 box cars and ten or twelve en gines in the Air Line yard. KWA. wonderful cotton boll, grown on the farm of Mr. S. L. Sherrill. at ML Mourne, was exhibited in our office yes terday. The boll, before it opened, was an ordinary sized one, but wheu it did open, the cotton bulged ont in rolls There was a quarter of a pound ofot ton hanging from the boll. Mr. Sher rill has many other bolls of the same sort in his field and he did not use any fertilizer. RESTING ON HIS OARS. Dr. Norm en t Pulls Out to Recuperate and Gives Some "Pints" on the Cam paignColonel Johnston About to Relieve the Suspense. Dr. Norment was in the city yester day takine a rest from his arduous campaign labors. At Monroe he and Col. Johnston parted, the Colonel going on to Beaver Dam and Polkton to ad dress the people, and the Doctor coming back to Charlotte to recuperate. To-day Colonel Johnston will rejoin him in this citv and they will strike out for Hickorv and Icard, on t ie Western North Carolina railroad. Dr. Norment while sitting in one of the Central's comfortable red chairs yesterday after noon, talked a little politics with The Observer and let out some light on the mooted question of Colonel John ston's candidacy for Congress. "I wil tell you," he said, the thing is not yet definitely settled, but in my mind there is no doubt but what Colonel Johnston is to be ,tbe m,an, and he will most cer tainly make bis announcement in the next few days; By this time next week you will know all about it." "A very heavy pressure is being brought to bear upon him to run and I see ne chatice for him to get around it. At Albemarle I told him that if he did not announce himself as a candidate, that-1 would announce myself as the candidate for Congress, but it was agreed to take a little more time to it and withhold the announcement for a a few days." While the Doctor did not tell us out and out, he intimated that Col. John ston would announce himself at Hick ory, where he speaks next Saturday. Dr. Norment seemed to be in very good spirrts'aftd was pleased with the result of the canvass so far, and confident that the Liberals will carry not only this district but also the State, "but I wish it was over," he added, as he stretched and yawned, "I am wearj." Remark ing on the Monroe speaking he said that newspaper reports to the contrary, the Liberal cause was benefitted a great deal, and that many Democrats were converted by the speeches of himself and Col. Johnston. Stanly county-, he thinks will give the Radicals and Lib erals a good majority, they are certain Cabarru and Mecklenburg will, and count on Gaston, Lincoln, Union, Rich mond and Robeson. This is the Lib eral view of the situation, and when the Democrats of this district read it, it will tickle them almost to death. HXtsceUattcotis. THE GREAT CURE FOB RHEUMATISM A Is for aU diseases of the IDN tYS,' y LIVER AND BOWELS.5 It cleonsss the system of the acrid poison only the victims of Rheumatism can reolisa. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of tho r . j,, nave been quickly relieved, in a short ami PERFECTLY CURED. Jed of cases it has ourod whtn all else W, "i" mild, but oflloient, CERTAIN k u ITS ACTIilil. hith.i. in .11 I 1 f?lt ceues. Btrsarthens mmi rives New f J - 10 ait the important organs of the body. i&o natural action of the Kidney lis restored, ine Livr is cleansed of all disease, and the wela move freely ana healthfuny. In this y the w0t diieacas'atreT Crsjdfcafc from "ystenuj TTi.Til 1 I i lthas been proved by thousands that , $tual ininnilj foniUiitiig I ss vbfdaeosvUasu. It should be luseholdasa ' Sli?P Dr7 VestaMe Foras, la tin cans, 4ufy.e f nimaw64afts medicine. ttwmv.7r1" ssjetrat4for Pare jf y Wenoe of those who cannot readily pre- bT ITa siim yt-issVj wfmnfjvj spa. Dti, -UlCHABDgOM AHA.' AnaVL (wm ws 4n Mua v ai. , wm. - , w nam m . . Off for Germany. Mr. J. E. Brady, from Davidson Col lege, passed through this city yesterday for Germany, where he will complete his course of studies. He graduated at the State University a year ago, and took the first prize in Greek, and won distinguished marks in other branches of study. He will spend . three years abroad. He sails on the 11th inst. from New York. A Pleasant Ball. The first annual Simchas Thora ball, of the North State Lodge; was given by the Jewish young men at the Pleasure Club rooms last night, and it proved a most delightful affair, not only to the participants, but to the lookers on. At the time The Observer reporter drop ped in there were about twenty five couples on the floor "tripping the light fantastic" to the dulcet strains of Ital-' ian harpers. The hop was a thoroughly enjoyable one and the only matter of regret that could be found was the swiftness with which the hours passed. The Speaking To-Morrow. There will be a large Democratic ral ly in the city to-morrow. Hon Jos Davis.. and Judge Bennett, our standard bearer for congressman at large, will deliver addresses. The people of this section have long desired an opportunity to hear the brilliant Bennett and now that opportunity is at hand, none will fail to take advantage of it. Davis, t w, is' a big attraction and we ean insure our friends throughout the county that they will be exceedingly well entertain ed, and will listen to two of the best speeches they ever heard in their lives. Consolidation of Railroad Lines. At a convention of railroad magnates held in Greenville, South Carolina, on the 2ad inst., the consolidation of the French Broad and Atlantic with the other lines reaching to Livingston, Ky, was completed, but with some changes from the basis of organization former ly agreed upon. South Carolina gets five, instead of six, of the eleven direc tors, as follows: Johnson Hagood, J S Cothran, T G Croft, W Lewis Jones and R E Bowen. The other directors are J H Duckworth of North Carolina, O C King, A H Meigg, C W Merritt, Wm McFarland and Geo Folsom, of Ten nessee. Governor Hagood was elected president, O C King, of Morristown vice president, S S Campbell, of New York, secretary and treasurer, and Capt W J KLrk, formerly of the Atlantic and French Broad, chief engineer of the southern division, comprising North and South Carolina. The headquarters of the company are to be established at Aiken, S C, where an office will be opeL ed at once by the chief engineer. An ex ecutive committee was elected consist ing of Messrs Hagood, Cothran, Bowen and King, who have full power to act with the contractors in building the road, under the contract which has been sigjjfd by all parties. The contractors are a company of capitalists called the Atlantic and Northwestern Construc tion company of New York, with Wm H Schofield as president Their agree ment is to build and equip one hun dred -miles of railroad per year until the whole line of nearly four hundred miles is completed, the work rto begin at Aiken, S C, within ninety days. Bonds are, to b' issued at once at the rate of 622,000 per mile of first mortgage and $15,00 per mile of second mortgage classes, amounting to about $100,000 in all, for floating which it is understood arrangements have already been made sufficient to carry on the work. Gov ernor Hagood, the Charleston News and Courier understands, will give the business of the company his personal attention at the expiration of his term as Governor. Resignation of Rev. T. II. Strohecker. We learn that the Rev. T. H. Stro hecker, who was la$t spring installed pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church in this city has tendered his resignation as pastor to his congregation. Mr. Stro hecker's new field of labor will be in Rowan county. He will be resident in Salisbury, but will have charge of two or three churches in the country. Who will succed Mr. Strohecker as pastor of St. Mark's church is not known, as the congregation have not yet extended a call to any one. The County Campaign Clubs. Reports from Berryhill township are to the effect that the campaign club or ganized in that township last Tuesday night, is too large to be handled con veniently and it has been decided to divide it up into two clubs and the new club will be formed to-night. One club will have its headquarters in the south ern section of the township, and the other club in the northern section. Mr. George H Wearn is president of the club organized Tuesday night, and Mr Wm Berryhill is secretary. Next Tues day night a campaign club is to be or ganized in Crab Orchard township. The New Baptist Church and the Brantley Window. The wallsiof the new Baptist church are going up rapidly and will very shortly be ready for the roof. This building will be an exceedingly hand some one, and perhaps the most attrac tive feature of the building will be the large Brantley memorial window, which is set in the front, between the two entrance doors. This window was given to the church by the late Mr. Brantley, a distinuguished Baptist di vine of Baltimore. Its cost is $300 and in design and finish it will be beautiful. vw omium Qilet; ml.Mllns 1115. low mid lling lOftjc; good ortiinan 1 ( .. net receipts ti,.-i; roB 6,ur37. saJ 9.0OO -to 44186: eioorw to Oreat Britain 2,5. 0; to Kranoe ; vvstwlae 5,626; to continent ; to chan nel . Mobile -Wea ; middling 10i,c. low ail '.dln 103; good ordinal lOlg?: net 'welpts 2.1HI; guns 2.191; sales 2W tok 7,22 exporte 89H France ; to Great Britain ; to con'lnent . Memphis -Lower to s-tt aldd' ICts ; low mid dling 105&c; good ordln-kry 10c net rM ne 1,308: ctoss 1,822; shipment 1,822 sale? 1,600; stock 5,277. AueusTA-Qu et; mlddMn IWfei; low mid dling 10c; Kood ordina" jJi.v monitx. 2,101; shipments ; sales 1 SU6 CHARijffm)M-Dull;mti!llng 10 IMflc; ov mid dling 10120: irood ordinarv i(c net elts 5,4f)8; Kross R.40H wile 2.000; uek 41,. 68; ezi'onji eo.rwt!- 4 4ii to ureal B''C!n ; to continent ; to France ; to chan nel NxwYork Ste. dy; sales 844 b,Ws; midd.lraj np'andsl.14 mlduilng oilens 117-lGcc; con solidated net receipts 25,179: expoih to Great Britain 8.9( 2. to France 59 to continent oOO. Independent-Republican Candidate lor Clerk of Superior Court. TO THK TOTXRS Of MiTKLSNBCBG COUNTT: At the earnest solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce mj self as an Independent can didate for Clrk of the Superior Court of M cklen burg county. N. C. In submitting my claims to the voters of the c untj for the office of Clerk. I do so s a Republi cs, leaving it to be determlmd by the people of Mecklenbuig county, at an election to be held on the 7th day of November. 1882. as to their choice. My record In the past most be a guarantee for my course In the futu'e. While 1 en'ertaln liberal views on all party questions, I do not as a Repub lican, deem It advisable to abandon our party or ganization to gratify the whims of a few office seekers If tne masses of the Liberal party (so-called) are anxious for the defeat or the Bourbon Lemocrals they will vjte for Republic ns oct I J C. CALL 1H AN 479 FDTUBK3. Nbw Yobk Net receipts 277 gross mures ciuseu wens.; saies isviRKj bales. Der- 1 94ft 00 November 10 79 00 December 10.780 10 8788 February lttf3.H March 11 10 II r11 11 22 23 II 33.00 June- II 4H 44 July 11 f 2 53 iugust - 11 6 (7 rtl September Note -The Post has no cotti n r p rt this after noon. FINANCIAL. NEW YORK -AT TB1K- or gtnerally unchan ged Kxcb'tnge. . Governments New 5's Fjur and a half per cents, Four per cents, Money State bonds dull and nomlnsl . 8ub-treasury balances -tiold..... " Currency New York 11 a. m 4.H01A IOO14 I 12C 8f.l An Incorrigible Young Thief. About ten days ago a little negro boy named John Manuel, who was commit ted to jail for larceny, was bound out to Eli McLure. John had not been in the employ of McLure but a couple of days when he ascertained that McLure's shoes and shirts would fit him pretty well, and on making this discovery he appropriated McLure's Sunday shoes and a ruffled shirt and stole away. Mc Lure got on track of the boy and final ly came up with him at Fort Mills. Esq. Turner heard the case and sent the boy back to Charlotte to be cared for by jailor Griffith. Rev. Burwell Johnston, the revivalist, will now have a first rate piece of timber to work up on. S86 9C0 4,034 TtlA Sfnolr marbt t nr ann1 Irregular with only fraction changes exeept lor Altou & Trre Haute, Nashville. Chattanooga and oi. raui, aiinueapous & Manitoba, eacnf which were 1 per cent below yesterJay's closing figures. In early dealing the market was weak and prices fall off ViQlli per cent, Louisville & Nashville, Michigan central, Unloa Pacific, and New Jersey Central being most prominent In the dec It e but HM. 'c;ocli a recovery of lfeH8 took place, Michigan Central, Louisville 4 Nashvll e and Nashville & Chattanooga leading therein. Stocks Irregular and closing weak Alahama Class A. 2 to 5 Ala! ama Class A, small Alal ama Class B, 5's Alabama Class c. 4's . Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie Kast Tennessee '. Georgia, Illinois Central. Lake Shore . Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nashville and Chattanooga ... New York Central Pittsburg Richmond and Allegheny Bichraond and Danville Bock Island South Carolina Brown Consols, Wst Point Terminal Wabash, St. Louis t Pacific. Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. - Bid tLast COME AND SEE What There is and Huw Cheap They ARE SELLING. C. SI. ETH EREDGE, I'ndcr Trad rt' National Bank. cctl Cotton Fac ory tow A. SEx. Dlv FOREIGN. COTTON. 80 80 9d HI 14 1.44 i.e-t 4214 10 "1.49 1 39 1.1214 fifiVi 55 53 1 23 1.&8 19ft 105 133 1.02V2 36 87 (Asked. Natural Fruit Flavors. Literary Notes Regarding November Century. A full-page portrait of Henry James, Jr., engraved by Cole, is to be one of many special features in the November Century. It is to accompany a critique on Mr. James's novels, by his friend, former editor, and, for the nonce, rival, Mr. W. D. Howells. The numerous readers of "Daisy Miller" and "The Portrait 6f a Lady" will have hardly lean curiosity to see Mr. James's face .than to know what view of his fiction Mr. Howells will take. Feople who, 'for any reason, are not "kble to go to Venice, are warned not to read the pa per on that fascinating city, by Mr Henry James, Jr., in the November Century. At the start, Mr. James pro- Personal Notes. I fesses himself a lover or Venice, ana, Capt V E Mc Bee, one of the popular from the Century announcements we Why is it Thus! To the Kdltor cf the Observer. In looking over the proceedings of the board of county commissioners yester day, I notice that Mr W W Pegram re signed as registrar of ward 3, and Mr t Li ilurbam was appointed in his stead. Now as Mr Durham is a citizen of Ward No. 1, 1 can't see why he should ue appointea as registrar or ward JNo. 3. According to law he will be neces sarily at the polls all day in a ward where he cannot vote. Ward 3. By contracting a severe cough and cold, I was compelled to give up my dally work and keep to the house. A nelgnbor recommended me to try a bottle of Dr. Bull's c ugh syrup; It was procured and used; to my astonisnment relief was instan taneous. ED. W. CLAYTON. Waverly, Md. For Constable. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Ofllce of Constable In Charlotte township. I do so as a stralghout Democrat, and respectfully bubmit mjsetf for the support of the Democratic voters of jthe township. j j. OHU. .QCtS V MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 4, 1882 DOMESTIC. railroad men of the State, was in the city yesterday. Col J J McLure, a prominent citizen of Chester, S C, and president of the bank at that place, registered at . the Central last evening. Mr Wm V Walsh and family have re turned from the springs where they have been spending the summer and have taken rooms at the Central. Dr John H Mc Aden is in New York. E K P Osborne, Esq. , has returned to the city from a month's jaunt over the hills of Buncombe. He saw several ' eaves while in Buncombe, but none to compare with the one he explored at King's Mountain. Mr. Ed. Overman, of Salisbury, has accepted the position of book-keeper for Messrs. Brown & Weddington, one of the prominent hardware bouses of this city. Mr,' Georfce GWt who i? about aa popular "in Charlotte as a yeung man avi' igeJa to bereaves tlie city thia. af ternoon for QreenviHe, to take a splen- diri nhnittan in a hardware house at that ptaeai;i- OeorgVs departure from Char lotte i . gtftftJjtf refitted t7 his many fiiEiida iieie. muv ac wme new nome. .,: - judge that the paper justifies the pro fnssinn. It is said to be written in the author's most delightful and popular vein. Toward the last it takes on a poetic glow, in keeping with the won derful Venetian light he describes. A Groom's Bad Luck. There was a wedding n6ar Gastonia yesterday evening, but it occurred a few hours behind the time set, all on account of the groom's impatience to get there. Yesterday afternoon, just before the south bound trains pulled out from the Air Line depot, the groom, accompanied by his friend, drew up with a rush, and, being flustrated and excited, did not take the trouble to no tice which train they boarded and of course they got on the wrong one. They foudout their mistake when the con ductor came through to take up tickets and let them off la the ditch five miles from the city on the C. C. and A. Rail roadV They- tramped back to town, hired a team from, Wadsworth and put plitfat i40 $4$ th diection of Gastonia. As they left the stable the boys : cast a coupia of old shoe after them, ex pressive of their good wishes and hepss that no furtber ilHuck would befall the belated groom. NAVAL STORES. Charleston Spirits Turpentine flrmer, sales held at 45c. Rosin steady; strained and good strained 81.45$!. 50. wrxjoneTOH spirits Turpentine steady at 45c. Rosin Qtrn S1.32 tor strained; ZlAiV for good' stralnted. Tar firm, at $2 00. Olde TuroentWe Irregular, at 81 5J$1. 70 tor hard; 82.50$2S0 for yellow dip. PR0DUCB. LooisvrLLB Flour, steady with a good demand. Wheat dull and unsettled, amber 8587; No. 2 red winter. 90. Com dull and unchanged; No. 2 white 65 66. Oats -steady; No. 2, 38; mixed 85 Provisions generally unchanged but some sale were rather higher; mess pork advanced 12c Bacon shoulders advanced l&c; clear advanced Vlc Whiskey quiet, at $1.16. Chicago -Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat steady; Regular, 94l&94i4 for October; 94tyffi 94 for November: Sk for the vear: No. ! Chicago spring 94a 94 for cash ; futures s me as Regu.ar; No. 2 red winter, 98 for cash. Corn -unsettled but generally lower, at 60 for ca?h; 60O for October; 60 for November Otis steady, at 81 for cash; 8184 for October. 32 ;or November, whiskey steady, at $1.18. BaLTTstORK-NOON-Flour. steady and fairly active : Howard street and Western super $3 00S83.65; extra $3.75J4 5 : family $4.75$5 75: City Mills super. $3.U0$3 75; extra $4.7586.00 Rio brands $5 50.$5.75; Patapsco family $6 25; super patent $6 75. Wheat Southern flrm9r; western a snade better and closing oulet and steady; Southern red l.05$1.09; amber 81.07- (X81.12: No. 1 Maryland J6I.O8M1 asked: No 2 Western winter red spot. October 81.055feffiSl.051i. Corn Southern steady; Western higher; Southern wnite 80; southern yeuow nominally at 80K81. Baltimore night Oats, easier: Southern 4347; WMstern white 45S47; mlied 42S4S; Pennsylvania 43 47. Provisions h!ghr and firm; mess pork, t 25. bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed ll 1 5m- Bacon -shoulders 12; clear rib sides 10; hams 16- 1iA. Lard retlned 141A Coffee dull; Rio car goesordinary to fair 79V(. Susrar higher and firm: A sort 9 Whlskei aulet. at Sl.2t - 81.21. Freights quiet. St. Louis - Flour, steady and unchangfd; treble extra $3.5o$3.70; family $4 054 15; choice 84.55S4.rto. Wneat-easier and very slow; No. 2 red fall 9ll&-92 lor cash and October; 93tfe for November Corn dull and lower, at 63Vfc for cash; 62tfc for October; 6556 for November. Oats-blger. at 8314332 for cali; 81V for October; aua lor wovemoer. wnisKey quiet, at 81.17. Fork hlaher; Jobbing at. 823 25. Bulk meats firmer and onlfarjeddlingtrade. "Bacon1 1 strong and scarce; shoulders $11 121811 25; short ribs 816.00; short clear $16 73. Lard dull and nominal. 0 , Cincinnati Flour, fi ' m but not quota bly higher; family $1.60$.80; fancy $.V0085 60 Wheat firm; No. 2 red winter 96 9 for spot; 96 bid for October; U6-M4. toriiwember and the j ear. Corn -stronger, at 643t8 for spot,; 61 for Octo ber; 5353iArorNomrjer.' Oats-firm, at 34 84 for spot; 82 bid 'tor the year; 84 bid for May. Pork firm, at $23 25. Lard stronger, at 812 75. Bulk meats scaroe and firm ; shoulders 810 25; clear rim $14 75. Bacon - ationg: should ers$11.26;ribs8l5 75; clear 8Jtf 75. Whiskey 8ctlve and firm, at $1.18; combination sales of finished goods 890 barrels on a basis of $1.16. Sugr steady; hards 9310Vs; New Orleans 7t 8. Hogs -firm; common and light $6 2r- 88.25; packing ana Dutcners 57.70358 .8 Receipts 1.000; shipments 5,000. COTTON. Livkrpootj -noon Fair business at previous prices; middling uplands 6d; middling Orleans 6 In lOd; sales lo.OOO; speculation and exports 1,000: receipts 2,400, all American. Uplands lew middling clause: October delivery 6 28-64d-6 29-04dS 30-64d6 29-64d: October and No vember 6 19-64d6a0 64dffi6 21-64dft 20-64d; November and December 6 i7-64d6 18-64d; Decmber and January 618-640"; January and February 6 18 64d; February and March 6 18 64d- fi 1 9-64d: March and April 6 I 9-64d6 20-64d- tr0 21H4de?6 20 64d; April and May 622-64d; May and June 6 2H-64d vd-RArirhK op hi. uuLio auu; ui o to uuiures barely steady. Tiverpool 1.80 p. m. Uplands low middling' w.. w..Lwvyv.t ucii.cij t io ouj ucujuer auu November 6 19-64d6 18-64d; November and December 6 17-K4d6 lrt-Rdd! rswmhoF ann January 6 17 4d6 in 64d; January and Febru ary 6 17-64drt ie-64d; February and March 6 17 64d6 18 64d; March and April ft 19 64d; May and June 6 22-6 4d; June and July 6 24-64d. Liverpool 3 p m Uplands low middling clause: October delivery 6 27-64d; October and N)vember 6 17-64d; December and January 6 15-64d; February and March 6 17-64d, Livkrpo-il 4 p. m. Uplands low middling clause : October and November delivery 6 18 64d ; December and January ft 16-H4d: inrii anri Mav 6 19-64d. Liverpool-5 p. m. Sales of American cotton 8,050 bales. Uolands low mlddlne clause: Oe toner dniivery r) 26 64d October and November 6 17 64d; November and December 6 15-64d also 6 14-64d; December and January 6 15-64d, also 8 14-rt4d; January and February 6 15 64d Febmary and March Rlfi64d; May and June 6 2 1 -6 4d; June and Ju'y6 22 64d. Futares closed PRODUCE. Liverpool 5 p. m - Corn, 6s 4VW for old mir ed Lard, 64s 3d. EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impuritiei Have gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual ity. Admitted by all who have used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural favor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MANUFACTURED BT STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., Bakers of Lnpnlln Tout Gem., Tr. Price', fresm Baking WE MAKE NO SECOND GRADE COOD8, STILL FORWARD! : o : : o : SOMETHING. NEWI I TUT f ' -w ' " CHARLOTTE JOUHfiJLISU! NAVAL STOKES IjOndon 7 f . -TnrpqnQno, i3r)86d.168 9d. . ' ' t ' FINANCIAL. Paris 2, P Rentes; :80f and 70c PabW -4 p h.rBntB88f and 62fcc. LONDON-ContOle.'lOnR-lft fnrmon"v: inflQ.Irt for account. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office op Ths Obskbtjr, i Charlottk. October 6. 1882. 1 The market yesterdiy closed weak at the follow ing quotations: ?d Middling .I01ai0 3-16 MlddUng 910 Strict low middling 9&t Low mlddllnn 91 8 alns and Tinges 8914 Receipts yesterday 536 bales. Crttarlotte Produce narkei. :o: :o: Determined to meet every demand of the public, and in order to keep in the Front Rank of Modern, Progressive Journalism, durltig the Month op November THE OBSERVER! Will send out gratis to Its subscribers, (Dally and Weekb), SEPT EM BE 8 28, 1882 BUYING PRICES. BK.r,v--v"-"-.v."""".::-iffilllihA BEAUTIFUL ANNUAL FOR 1883, BsANa, white, per bushei Pkas, Clay, per bnsh Lady, " White. " Flour family 2.50a2.75 85 90 1.25a2.60 I.OOal.10 l.OOal 25 1.25 .13,000 COPIES Extra. Super Oats, shelled, Dries Fkuit Apples, per ID Peaches, peeled. . . Unpeeled Blackberries Potatoes Sweet, new Irish Butter North Carolina. 25 30 .niirtrs, per aozen. Poultrt Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per H Oeese Beef, per n., net Mutton, per Tt., net-. . Pork. ' " 8a9 2.00a225 2 00 30aS5 4a5 7a8 5a6 3a5 45aK0 60a75 I6al8 25a80 12lal8 20a25 8 25a80 8al0 Of this Dertrabte ALU AX AO wM be Imted. r :o: :o: PRICES- WHOLESALE. SELLING Bulk Meats Clear ri0 !,1los J6alr vur i AVu eALTESTOH-Steady , middling ICI4C; lo uiia dllng lOtc: good ordinary 1014; net receipts 4,871; gross 4,871; sales 2,067: stock 41,759 wxports coastwise ; to Hreat Britain ; to continent ; to France 8,802; to chan nel . r Norfolk Dull, middling 103,ic; ne' receipts 8,851 ; ktoss 3.351; stock 8,710; exports coast wise 1,858; sales 291; exports to Sreat Britain ; to oontlnent . . , , Baltikorx Quiet; middling I lJfee; low mid dling ill 16c; good ordinary lOiAe; ntnoelpta" 89; gross 1,821: sales 50 stock 5,165; export eoastwtw ; spinners ; experts ,t Great Britain 1,300. to continent Boston Steady; mlddllna lltic; row Tnlddiinn llc; stood ordinary 10?; net receipts 66; gross 868; sales : stock 1,510 exports to Sreat Britain ; to France . WrLMiNeTON-Quiet; middling lCAki; low mid dling 101-lrVe; ood ordinary 9e: net receipts 493; gross 493; salea ' ; eteek 7,111; exports eoastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent PtmAPgJMA -DuH Mtrtsllln(-H,at . low middling 1113; good ordinary lOttO: reoaiota net ,7tl groM 78: sale ; 4448 ex- IJSiM. amt frttain ; to oefafTij SAYAN ah "Steady r middling lOlborHow mid. dllosT 10io; good ordmarr neti refleipts' 5,783; grotts 5.788; sales 8,400; stock 61,421 1 exports coast wise 5,860: to Great Britain ; to France : to continent . Prime hlo .'. Good SCG.R- WIJ,lte 10al m eIIOW 7a9 Molasses - guba 35a 0 Sugar Srrup 85a5' vnoice ew urieans... Common Salt Liverpool finf l.ral.25 " coarse 85al.0O Whtsxet Corn, per gallon $1.75a2.00 ny 82.00a3.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon...'.... $2.00a3.00 12al5 10al2 H5a75 40a45 W The almanac, while being a desirable reference book, is Intended at a souvenlrwhlch can and will be preserved by our friend and patrons. t ' tar The book will contain fifty beanttful Illus trations on wood, chiefly by Darter. Moras, Schell, WhltneyWoodRaj-d, and other Ceiebrte4 4merl can Artists.' This publication wul M 8 iwerk of Fnr AXTinjgetjt respect, having a AiaoME ILLUMITIP eQVjR, tha inside jagef printed on fine Tlrrte Paper wlA-41wj-bwt Wed-tt Ink, and the A-dxbttskmknts win. be mai4ftied with the greatest degree-ot T7rraUc EHUence and Taste. It wtir be not TnerelPan blAnac for 1883, but will commend Itself as a fine specimen of the Printers' and Engravers' skill, and arsuch aouDtiess te preserved in every household to which it will be sent. tS The Advertisements will be Interleaved with the almanac matter, which will impart every month an equal prominence toihem. FOR SALE. "E Y virtue of a decree of the ruperior Court of -- lauwba county, made in the case of V. c. Shuford and others, plaiutifls, vs A M Powell and others, deTendants at Pprlng Term. 1882 of Catawba county Saperior Court, the undersigned as Becefver, will sell at public sale, at the court onse In Mwton K. c, on MONDAY, the 6T1I DAY of NOVEMBER, 1882. the following valu able property, to-wit : The factory of the Long Inland Cotton Mills to gether with 1614 acres land. Including the entire water power of seven feet head factory building 60x40. two stories high, flouring and saw mills, store and cotton, houses, blacksmith shop and 5 tenement houses and the following machinery; 1 picker, 1 36 Inch double beater an lapper, 6 w inch U top flat carvls rallway , head, drawing frames, 9 deliveries each. 4 rini frames rides berry make), all in good order, t Danforth cap frames, 132 spindles, total number pindles 610, l Travis card grinder, bunoh and baling press ; also a large lot of old looms, pullies, shafting, &c For more accurate and definile descrtpflofi of the property and the conditions of said sale reference is hereby made to the decree above re ferred to. TERM3: Twenty per cent, f the purchase money cash and the balance In equal Instalments of three mouths and six months, bond and ap proved security required of purchaser, or the Receiver is by said decree 'authorized to vary terms to suit purchasers. Tho Receiver is also authorized by said decree to sell said property at private sale, upon such terms as shall bo agreed upon between him and purchaser, and he wUl entertain private bids until day of sale. ' Persons wishing to examine said property will And Dr A. M.Towell attu Mr. Levi Shnrord on the premises, either of whom will Lake pleasure in showing the same. Address JOHN L. COBB. Receiver. seSCtds Lincolnton, Lincoln County, H. C. -boston-METALLURGICAL WORKS 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayers and Analytical Chemists JOLD and SILVER REFINERS. Practical Mill-Bung of Ores 100 lbs. and upwards REFRACTORY ORES TREATED. Surveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketche and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MANAGERS OF The New England Smelting Works GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and LEAD ORES S .TIE I.TED ON RETURNS or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Reasonable Terms. THOMAS BINN3, METALLURGIST. A. H. SIDNEY MiNisa Engineer. JOHN HOLLIDAY Prop. Chkmej? mar8 tf NEW Fa and filter ST'iTiiES MILLHEHY. WI aie njw teoilTlng our Fa Hi and WtNTKR stock of HtfA.Tmuv ZmXItJLLvA!: all the latest stylesjcolo s and qualities of Straw. e.'u,5eaver' C10tt1' el?et, Silk. Plush and Satin HAT8 and BONNETS for Ladles', Misses and Children. Ribbons. Silks. Safins Pi Gimps. Laces. Pins, Ornaments, Plumes. Tips, Feathers, Birds. Flowers. &c.. for tri every color and quality. In fact we hare now the largest ana Most Complete Stock of Millinery Goods in the Slate. Also all the new styles and nnvolilaa in fii nvwa HOSIERY. UNDER-WEAR VNIT nnnno' SHAWLS, 8ACKS, HOODS, JACKETS, INFANTS CLOAKS, 8HAWL8. HOOD8. ROBES, Ac. Great variety of Nobby Little CAPS and HATS for little boys. All kinds and colors of Zephyrs, Wools. Yarns and a general assortment of all kinds of FANCf GOODS and NOTION8 for Ladles- and Children.' SC. Terms, low nrlcAa aiut roiaH at ik. .i..,.,. Wholesale and Betau. I Mrs. B. QUERY. ' sepUJO STARTLING nisrnvFDVf LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of yoathful irriDnidsnee caniina Prpm. ture Decay, Nen-ous Dftbiiity, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, has dis. covered a simple self cure, which he will send FREB to liis lellow-guflerers, address J. H. KKEVEM. Aft I'hoti'iiiii .f -a; -v Peach, Wine. Scuppernong, per gallon. RETAIL. Cheese.... Lard, per H. . Tallow, per lb Btoon N. C. hog round Hams, N.C. Hams, caavassed. Bid Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl s Mountain, " Fish Mackerel Na 1.. " -No. 2 . " -No. 8. Codfish Cabbase, per lb. .... . . wv r2.60 150 20 . 15a163 7a8 16al7 I8a)9 18al9 9al0 3.25a350 8.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 56 i ADYEBTI8EMENTS SOLIOITED. r PRICE OF SPACE IN THE ANNUAL: iSecond and Third Pages of Cover. $4000 nePage 25.00 Bait Page, 15.00 Quarter Page, 7...... 10 00 W The business men In Charlotte and else where who desire to secure space In the Annual are requested to send In their orders at once, as the ptimber of pages to be" devoted to advertising is limited and the work will be put to Dress aa soon as the requisite quantity of advertising has been received. Let us have your ord rs for space tU 119 ydj(C9. AUU1CH spt26tf Till? OBSERVER, CharaHe, N. C. PLANTATION 1 MILL - FOR j&sLE. T OJFIB for sale at fa hflnWin WANTED. , T P. fJZLg1 e&nwtresi. Apply to Miss ., : WANTED. ' , men mTT fJlnlfot tn MnM. XV itus toetThWdd, dTed eanoaug ramiv iu A. CAR. Co.; V Anr J u. tw. iu, w. A lata ma et, Atlanta. Qa. .1 call on octi ut mo-we-su .. . , . I ,apr21 ana paruy wjuub tne - incorporation of PUivllUV. esji w acres or rate bottom land of. tne Terr best in 'Cull qwaotr, an 40 to 60 auva- ttofw besides the bottom adapted t the culUvaUon ofiepUon.eora,B. J On the premiseYTnere Is a fin merchant and saw mill, lust newly renovated, with wator mar I Slmd. Th nnhllA mart Ihwumh . i.jri sired. The public road leads through the plants? uuu, iuiu ura resiae Ml?DyfnW H.00 pages.. nillLUlUdil cai rarties, History of all PollrJ. br Senator Crvmwt at,t ".gi'es everything pertaining to PflllTTfV PoU'lcs. and unites history, ln 1 UL1 1 lvO, structlon and ready reference. Sold '.only by subscription; but subscrtp bt Uons sent direct will be forwarded tt by mall or C. O. D. at Publishing HON. THOS. Co' s expense. Agents now wanted. v Must aPP1 early, for territory la be- Y. COOPER, tog rapidly assigned. Prospectus now ready.. Address FIRKSID PUBLlSHINO COMPANY, Jun la tf 20 North Seventh street, Phils. W. J. BLACK & SON, Charlotte, If. , Dealers In . Groceries, Colton, Bagging and Ties FRESH STOCK" JUST LN, And win be pleased tp see their friends. septS 1y OfBce on Trade street, nearly opposite Court House, CHIRLOITE, rt, a vwa dAwtf . Richard A. Springs. xTTOEiTTBT k OOUHSELLOB at formerly AlTUJUIi.X & 00UISELL0R at La W aVU 1 wltt well yronrpt nepaoa m Jill 1 pa mi m I si I w ' aa I I '3' 1 1 1 i C FT J U'fl h 5 .1 -1 1 I , , ! fimspas,,. J v.? 1

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