ij! if Hi I 3 H IP- t) AIL Y CHARLOfTE OBSERVES: THURSDAY 0 C T O B E ft , r, 1882. i 1 i I ..it Si 1 u it if it 4. I i it? if ft ; 5C V: h P I'M 5 . r 1 .II ii i m if r i ma i m n rr ii a rt rt.ii is w i A m m m M J t m it lJ l ii In (gMe of Iron, irmitai oroHfyormiii a paUstaots form. ln mm wBrartwi of iron it wUm( Maejbets tA trriA.se eharacteristicot other iron preparations. my practice of 36 yarns to medicine, 1 nave found nothing to ktit the results that Ds. romc does. In casus of Necvoua Prostration, Female Efoeaaee, DreoeiMia. and innorar. uhed condition of the blood, this peerless rwnodj uaa, in my tiiaila, made some wonderful owes. Itesee that have battled Home of oar most eminent physicians nave yietaea to wutt great ama incomparable remedy. I urtonba lunue. jlu , ku a WUIWUW aa iJJt. XIAjtTEH lllON TAKU! is a IM. WITT., r II nl.bl XII 1 a ; . ' . - KNTLEMKN vT Habtkr'b Ikon Tome does. it in preference to any irort?paf anie. JW tc ceRsitr in ml nractiee. Ia. KUKh.lt I A ffives rolirr to the blood natural hcaltnjul tone to the digestive organs and nervous system, nuiKiny it applicable to General Debility, Txs of Appe tite, Prostration of Vital I'aircrs and Impotence, Ave., St. Loom, Mo.. Nov. apth. 1881. If JJJ JUI IH J U J J I m K Jl. J mam ' j j hA MANUFACTURED BY THE MDICLN CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. 5r-ClLiWlS - JOHNSOIV'S Indian JBlood Syrup As Cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, skin and blood. Millions testify to its efficacy in healing the above diseases, and pronounce to be the .Best Remedy Known to Man. Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. LABORATORY 77 WEST 3d ST., NEW YORK CITY. DRUGGISTS Sf LI, I t. STATE NEWS. NEWS NOTES. TttllM! M IKK. DowsmosYrnji. N. C Jaj 8th. 1881. D Clibs J iHtsot : -Your greatly be treated me for Liver CompU ul22 INOtVN Bf.O 10 UJP has MRS. JULIA A. SMITH. FRESH linaral Water Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Ep.J .H.McAden s Drns Store ! ARATCM3A PRYOR'S OINTMENT Blind or Bleeding Piles, Bemorrhoids, cere, Tumors, Itching of the Farts, 13 A SPSSDT CUBK FOB Sores, Ul-Flstulas and all Kindred Diseases; also of Huron, Corns, Keions, ever sores, gcald Bead, Tetter. Sore Nipples, etc Atlanta, tia., August 25, 1877. After an experience of twenty-five years In sell ing ibis ointment, and during that Hate saving closely watched Its effects, and having the testi mony of my Mends and neighbors toconnrm my ceQ$depce In Us merits, I be same fully satisfied of Its value, and I have bought, the exclusive right to make and sen it, and oner U to you as tne nest rt-niedy In the world, especially lor all forms of Piles. - , - BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS: Ihlsls tocertlfi thatl hate tried Prror's Pile OtHlmeatln a case of pllee, and state that It gave wore relief- than anything I have ever tried. I fur ther state tnaj; aa a remedy" for burns it is unpar alleled, i aiso useaiuor a case oi leuer in my feet of twenty years' standing, and say that it is the first thing that I have ever tried that gave me more than momentary relief. I consider now that 1 am entirely nlleved. from that distressing d.s ease. JOHN D. NEWSON. Troup county, Ga. Having been afflicted for ten years, at intervals, with that distressing malady, the piles, and after many ineffectual trials of the remedies in common use, I commenced a short time ago to use yoiir Pile Ointment I experienced Immediate relief. From the relief experienced In my case, as well as from the reputation so rapidly acquired by your Ointment in this vicinity, I have no hesitancy in expressing the opinion that it Is the most efficient remedy for Piles ever invented. O. A. BULL, LaGrange, Ga. This Is to certify that I used Prror's Ointment in a case of severe burn, and that In a very few days It was entirely relieved of all Inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the first application of the Ointment, the patient suffered no pain whatever. B. J. MORGAN. LaGrange, Ga. Greensboro Patriot: Mrs Fulford, mother of Mrs W B liogart, died at her home in New Bern yesterday. Odell & Co. will ship threw car loads of dried fruit this week. They were shipping dried peaches yesterday to the music of thirty-live cents per pound. The crop of independent Republican candidates in this county is promising. A resolute purpose has been formed to smash the "Revenue machine" this time. Durham Plant: A movement is on foot to purchase a $3,000 organ for the Methodist church. George Hill, colored, a notorious gambler, stole a watch from David Justice Saturday night last. On Mon day morning be was arraigned before the Mayor, his guilt was proven and in default of bail he was sent to Hillsboro jail. Raleigh News and Observer: The revenue collection in this district last month were !?!".ii64 17 It 19 thought that this week there will be received here over 3,000 balea of cotton. We learn from letters to friends here that Dr Pritchard is homesick, out at Louisville, longing to be back in North Carolina. We now have 56 telephones in oper ation here and one of the best exchan ges anywhere, thanks to clever Mr J L Jistee, the manager. The number or calls in week days is about 400 to 500, and on Sunday only about fifty or sixty. Wm. Maxley, the man captured at Greensboro as an escaped convict, was brought back to the penitentiary Sat urday, is from Yadkin county and is under sentence for a term of ten years. He escaped by digging under tne stockade, or rather some one helped him dig a hole under the "poles." The postmaster has received the fol lowing on a postal card: "Prophecy Saturday, October 7th, 1882, exactly at 9 o'clock a. m., the comet will run into the sun, and darkness will invade the earth for 72 hours, the length of time Christ was a prey to death: and the west will be ingulfed by an earthquake The darkness will be so intense that it will be impossible to have any light. The Lord's Prophet. J A Wallers, Milford, Ga. September 27, 1882. From Saratoga Springs, 'N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended vey highly aa a cathartic and al e rati re and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, By the advice of Mr. Wynn, I used your Pile Ointment on a servant lrl who had twen suffering for eight jears with a most aggravated case of piles. She improved from the very first day's use of your Ointment, and before using the box she was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER, Cusseta Ala. Thlslstocaitifythat I have used Pryor's Pile Ointment, and say that it Is, In my opinion, the best remedy for piles ever presented to the public l say tnis irom a positive application or tne reme dy on my own person. THOS. B. MORGAN. Troup county, ua. For sale by all dealers In medicine. Price 50 cents per box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. DR. J. BRADFIELD. Atlanta, Ga. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. 0. mayl T (J0STETT J CELEBRATED STOMACH P Wit . g CASKS CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES BOCK BBID6E ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED AP0LL1NARIS AJtD Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY I H UNYADI JANoa THE BEST KATUBAL APERIENT. AS X. CATHARTIC: DODtt-AwIn glass full before breakfast. The Zak "Hanyafll Jaaos. Baron Lleblgaf firma tht It rfebnet In Mperient salts surpasses tfca oi all othf knon watem." The Britith Medical Journal' 'Hnnyadl Janos. The most agreettklejaiest and mast efaeaelaus , ateitoQt w5er.; VjJ i Pros. VifcAow, TOrun. "Invariably good and prompt success; saoai vaioaDM. Pro. Bamberger, Vienna. "I hate prescribed these writers with remarkable success." ttg.,fe""w, Wursabarf.1 prescribe Eaak Prof. iAfi&sr -Brunttm M. D., F. B. B., London. "More Pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy . pira-fo' rtchsnftll.". The trne 'antidote to the effects of miasma la Hostottar8 USksjBach B&sis. JXnts medicine Is one of the most popular remedies of an age of successful proprietary specifies, and is in immense demand wherever on this continent fever and ague exists A wlneglassful three times a day Is the best possible preparative for encountering a ma larious atmosphere, regulating the liver, and in vigorating tne stomacn. FOR SALE BY ALL DBUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. octl The Drift of Manufacturing Westward and Southward. The time is not far distant, says the Boston Commercial Bulletin, when the phrase, "The Manufacturing East," as distinguished from "The Agricultural West," will have lost its significance. Few people nave any idea or the enor mous stride the West has taken in manufacturing, or what proportion of the industries or any given State is manufacturing and what agricultural. The figures of the census of 18S0 are not yet at hand to show accurately the relative importance of the various States in the two great industrial branches, yet the previous census, that of 1870, is sufficient for our purpose. Ftom the tables there enumerated, it appears that Ohio's farm products were valued at 190,256,000, while the manu factured products amounted to S2C9, 700,000. Indiana manufactured S10S, 800,000 worth in 1870, and grew but 55123,000,000 worm or agricultural pro ducts. Illinois manufactured 200,600,- 000, and grew but 210,800,000: Michi gan's productions (other than agricul tural) were S11S,300,000: agricultural 831,500,000; Wisconsin grew 878,000,000 worth, and manufactured 877,000,000 worth; Missouri, in 1S70, manufactured 8206,000,000, just twice the value of her agricultural products. Iowa manufac tured 815,500,000 and grew 8114.400.0C0. For purposes of comparison the States further west afford no figures, as they have undergone such changes since 1870. The South is fast finding out that the more corn and meat it grows and the more cloth it weaves, the more cotton it will raise. Another Pittsburg is growing at Birmingham, Ala.; another Lowell at Augusta; another Lawrence at Columbus. Progress in manufacturing West and South is marked by the adoption of Yankee methods of business economy, and the railroad, the telegraph and the "drummer" are carrying these methods on every train, telegram and trunk. Enough has been said to show that the East has no sole light to the term "manufacturing;" the drift is west ward and southward, and is already a larger one than is generally supposed. Nor has the West a monopoly of all food products; hay, potatoes, butter and cheese are essentially eastern pro ducts. The time is not far distant when the breeders of domestic strife will be relegated to another clime, or at least to where they will cease at tempting to array one set of industries in this great country against another set. Six hundred Jewish families have left Pressburg on account of the riots. Isaac Ste'yerman, a drummer for Bernheim, Reisinger & Co., liquor deal ers, of Cincinnati, died in a closet at the Commercial Hotel, Americus, Ga., on t nday, and his body was not discov ered until Monday. Mr. A. P. Hepburn, who was nomi nated by the Republican State conven tion, oi JNew York, lor Congressman-at-large, has. written a letter to the chairman of the Republican State cen tral committee, declining the nomina tion and recommending the calling of a new convention. The American Distiict Telegraph Company of Chicago discharged all the messenger boys who strucK on Satur day and advertise for others. The dis charged boys gathered near tne compa ny's onice yesterday prepareu co aitacK their successors, and the police were called upon to disperse them. Judges Wallace and Cox, sitting at' Utica, have refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus in the Mason, case, in rendering its decision the court held that a judge-advocate-general was sim- piy an advising official or ine war de partment, and that Congress never in tended to give him power to reverse iqe findings of a court-martial. Rev. Geo. B. Simons, the Baptist min ister of GreeDbush, N. Y., who was charged with writing love letters to a young ladv of his congregation, re signed on Sunday. During his farewell sermon many women in the congrega tion wept and appeared adverse to part ing with their pastor. Among the companies incorporated at Albany, N. Y., Monday, was the Mexican Northern Telegraph and Tea phone Company, of New York, capital 8200,000. Its line is to run from New York, through the State of New Jersey and thence in a southwesterly direction to the city of Laredo, in the republic of Mexico, and two other cities in Mexico. Some months ago the Rev. Joshua Aldridge, colored, was sent to the in sane asylum at Ward's Island, N. Y., upon the certificate of two physicians adjudging him a lunatic. The Supreme Court was petitioned sometime ago by his brothers for his release, on the the ground that he was sane and able to take care of himself. The matter was sent to a referee, and he has report ed that Mr. Aldridge is perfectly sane, and recommending that he should be released from the asylum. Btotobo altjm Aim Iron SPRiires Winre And mass. The great tonie aod-alterative eotalns twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum ninm than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring, weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. may 11 tf A THEOLOGICAL DEMOSTHENES. ilk SECURE l A Greek Preacher Whose Eloquence Wipes Out a Heavy Debt. Philadelphia Record. The Northwestern Presbyterian Church at Nineteenth and Master streets, rejoices in having found a preacher who can fill its empty pews, put money in its depleted exchequer and arouse an enthusiasm in the con gregation that makes the auditorium, lecture room and vestibules too small to hold the people. This new preacher is Waldo Messaros. a Greek, from Le panto, who c ui appeal to his auditors in eight languages, both living and dead, when the Queen's English is of no avail. Last evening the church was crowded in every nook and corner. People stood in the aisles, sat on the rostrum steps, and even tilled the lec ture room, the doors from which open ed into the auditorium ; but the belated ones were unable to see his gestures, the eloquence of winch is the great charm the Greek exercises over his au dience. Messaros has been preaching at the Northwestern Church since last July. The congregation was then without a pastor, and the ui jk was engaged as a lay supply. Scarcely fifty persons at tended the first service, and the money that was gathered in the contribution box could be counted on the fingers. The church was burdened with an StS, 000 mortgage and the interest was 8840 in arrears. Soon Rev. Mr. Messaros began to draw crowded bouses, and the interest manifested by the people was attested by a collection of 8540 that was taken a few Sundays ago. Since then the floating debt has nearly all been paid, and now the pews are being rent ed. They are scaled to bring in 86000 if all are taken, and already over 83000 has been raised in this manner. The collectors last evening gathered nearly a gallon of Bilver, nickel and copper coins. Mr. Messaros has been invited to become pastor of the church, and will be installed as soon as he can be or dained. He has been in this country about ten years, and for half of that time has been lecturing and lay preach ing. He has never taken a theological course. Disease Is an effect, not a cause. Its origin la within; Us manifestations without. Hence, to cure the disease the cavsx most be removed, and in no other way can a cure ever be effected. WAR NER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CUBE la es tablished on lust this principle. It realizes that 95 PER CENT. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and It strikes at once at the root of the diffi culty. The elements of which It la composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a rooc and BiaroBZB, and, by placing them In a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the system. For the innumerable troubles caused ht m- healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Onams: for UB aistressing uisoraers oi women ; tor Mai an a, and for physical derangements generally, this great remedy has no equal Beware of lmposters, imitations and concoctions said to be ust as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. . II, II. WARNR dc CO., Recbeater, Id. Y. aprlS McADEN, !'! hnqorttng and Desslns; Pharmacist. HosthTryon 8L, yalTSS l 93 DM eavatatty sseoared far airerlaneed MsBMtoai dnatta, day or mght THE MOST ELEGANT I X .1 c A J3u Thackeray's Stage Fright. New York Sun. Mrs. Kemble vouches for the fact that William Makepeace Thackeray, on the occasion of his first delivery of lec tures on "The Four Georges," was, de spite his great reputation and undoubt ed genius, absolutely unmanned by fear of his audience. This accomplished lady happened to look in at Willis's rooms just before the hour fixed for Inackeray's reading, and to her sur prise she found the eminent satirist standing, "like a forlorn, disconsolate giant, in the middle of the room, star ing about him. "He held mv hand like a scared child." writes Mrs pannn Kemble, "crying: 'Oh, don't leave me! lm sick at the stomach with frinrhfr "But," said I "Thackeray, you mustn't stand here. Your audience arohpo-in. rung to come in,"' and so saying Mrs Kemble kindly led him out into the re tiring room adjoining the lecture hall The novelist had left tha - . -uMMUk7Va.ALb his lecture on the readincr d.H Mrs. Kemble volunteered to recover it for him, and in so doing scattered t.h leaves all about the floor. In the great est confusion and distress she took the wreck of the manuscript back to Mr. Thackeray, thinking she had done some irreparable injury. The real kindness of heart of "Mr. Titmarsh" hnaH u - - A , self at once. "Mv dear sonl " ho "you couldn't have done better for me' I have just a auarter of an VinriT f wait here, and it will take me about that time to pace this acain. anH it ta the best thing in the world that could have happened." "So I left him." adds the daughter of Charles Kemble' "to give the first of that brilliant course of literary historical essays with which he euuuaniea ana instructed countless audiences in England and America." John Kelly. Gath," Thomas Kinsella. lone 9n ant jfrrviat of Tammany Hall, said to me a few days ago of John Kelly: "That man has the courage of his convictions. He is sincere. Instead of beine the brata he is represented in the cartoons, he is mild as a woman. He has more culture than almost any man of his opportuni ties. There is an old devout Catholic element, believing in divine govern ment on the earth, that will stick to Kelly as long as he is in politics, feel ing mat ne is conscientious and lives in tne rear or uod." nmurhs can be nMhAiinfl Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. Church-yard Honey of Hi A NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN. "" From the Boston Globe. 24 Messrs. Editor . ' The above U a good likeness of Mr. I.jTlla E. PtnK ham, of Lynn, Haso., who above all other human balnea maybe truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woman," as tome other cerroipondent love to call her. BhB is aeaiously devoted to .her work, which Is the outcome of a life-study, and U obliged to tee Hx lady assistants, to help her anrvrerthe btrg-v correspondence which daily pours in upon her, each bearing; its special burden of sufferingr, or Joy at release from it. He Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not evil purposes. I have personally investigated It and am satisfied of the truth of this 1 On account of Its proven merits. It far recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. One says: "It works like a charm and saves muck pain. It will cure entirely the worst feni of falling of the uterus, Leuoorrhcaa, fcrresrular an painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlngs, all Displacements and the eoni sequent spinal weakness, aad Is especially adapted to the Change of life." It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes f aintness, flatalencyf destroys all craving for stimulants, and reheyes weakt ness of the stomach. It cures "Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General DehUity, SleSplessness, Depression and Indigestion. That f eng of, bearing" down, causing pain, weigh? and backache, la always! permanently cured by its nee. It will at all times, mud under all circumstances, act inharaony wjlii theaW that governs the female system. j It costs only $L per bottle or six for $5., and Is sold by druggists. Any adrioe required aa to spocial eases, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can bs obtained by addressing- Mrs. P., with stamp for reply, at her home in Lynn, Mass. ( For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound ia tmsurpasBed as abundant testimonials show. " Mrs. Pinkham's Liver Pills," says one writer, ' are the best in the world for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood Purille; works wonders in its special Une and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. All must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole ambition is to do good to others. Philadelphia, Pa. ( Mrs. A. H. D- uaw, April 30th, 1882. No. 50 Leave ooidsDoro 1 0 on a m Arrive Baleigh, 220 nm Leave RaleUzh q P? L AfTBivA Durham I " ",J w r n ! a mm nm 0.4nni akto weensooro 8 05 n m T a "'B" wllllii, ..... Asrfve aaugbary,. . Arrive Charlotte ." From the Richmond Dispatch SEVEN MILLIONS Of Pores Ouen. and You Live and Breathe in Atmospheres Which Poison Your Blood, aud Then FoIIowh Skin Dikeanev, Nothing ft more dreaded than salt fheumor eczema, which has fully a dozen species, going under various names, nearly all of which defy the ordinary remedies, destroy the hair, the sIn and the flesh, and In many cases death cOme9 as blessing. Scalp and skin alike are subject to this as well as to dandruff, tetter and other scaly dls eases DroduclnK baldness, eruptions, ulcers and other troubles Intelligent people should beware of taking pol sons as remedies for this class of diseases of the skin and scalp, and the various remedies which are sent out by unskilled men should bj avoided as one would a plague. There Is but one "Skin Cure" which can be re lied on, and that is Dr. Benson's, and its name is an earnest of Its worth. It is not a patent meo!l cine, but the result of his own experience and practice, and Is a sure cure for the special diseases for which It U offered. It makes the sklu soft and white and smooth, removing tan and freckles, and Is the be;t toilet preparation In the world. It Is elegantly put up, two bottles In one package, con sisting ot both internal and external treatment S.mple In its combination, pure and free from all poisons, it may be relied upon by all those who wish to have perfect health and freedom from all skin diseases of whatever nature, whether they are Eczema, Testers, Humors, lnnammauons. Milk Croat, Bough Scaly Eruptions, Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Tender Itchlngs on any part of the body. Price, One Dollar per packnge. All druggists have It for sale. The following- Schedule stre fw rected by the Railroad Officials, and may be Relied on -aa. Correct : North Carolina Railroad. . 00UDEUSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, April 30th, 1882. Left Charlotte Salisbury, " High Point.......'.... Arrive Greensboro. Leave Wreensboro Arrive Htlhfboio, . . j. . , Arrive Durham,. Arrive uaieign, . ,..t. Leave Raleigh. Arrive GroldsDoro', '. No 51 No. 53 Dally. 1 Dally. r4 00am 440pm 5.53 a m 6.24 p m 7.20 a m 7.35 p m 8.00 a m 8.05 p m 9.30 am 11.47 arn 12.2(3 am 1.40 pm .-. 4.06 p m 6.30 pm TIE MOWN No. 17-Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . ..5.00 p m Arrive at BaMgh 1.51 a m Afrrive'at Goldsbord,..7.20 a m 51-Connects at Greensboro' with BAD 4 W. &. R. for Wll- Ko B, a. for all points North, Kast and West, via Dan vine. At, uoiasDoro wim w, mtosrton. - Ho, 63 connects at Salisbury with w t r B. for all points in Western North Carolina: dally uiuwuw.v u, a. a. Mir m nta ,1 at North, East and TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 52 Daily. 0.50 Dm in 10 a m l. 12pm 11 21 am l.lOaml 1.00 d m No. t.S-Daty except Sunday, ave Goldsboro,..2 50pm Arrive at Baleigh,. . 7.10 pm . Arrive Greensboro, 8.15 p m MO. Have on hand a stock or COTTON GINS, FEEDERS & CONDENSERS -t.u.repuulslel We alt manufacture 56-( Connects at Chnrlntto mith i i. r . .1 Line for all points In the South and Southwest and with C. C.tlR H. for nil wQ uJ ",1we?ti eOUflreast. ' ovum auu v i&,(?0Qn6ct3t Charlotte with A. 4 C Air ii?1 P?"18 South and Southwest; at Char afflSst. iot m polnt8 "nd GWATHMEYS IMPROVED ECLIPSE BIN." with Double Boiler Hulling; Attachment and all of the verj latest Improvements. saws, patenrbiush, strong iron frame, the der N. XV. N. C. RAILROAD. GOING WTC8T. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro. . ; 9 25 0 m Arrive Kernersyllle , 10 41 nm Arrive Salem ( 11.25 pS NO. 52, Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9 50am Anive Kernersvllle 11 01 am Arrive Salem. 1 1.35 a m GOING KAbT. ' NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. ' Leave Salem 5.15 a n Arrive Kernersvllle 5.60 am Arrive Greensboro 7lon a m NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersvllle 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m 8ollda2 ine made im- immedlAte supervision of HfchArd u GwathBasr; the patentee. TheKcHwe Gin is de signed for hly trashy cotton, but with the im provements we have recently added It can be use to great advantage in all public ginneries ;imi large plantations Ely Send for circular and price list. THE BSQWU OOTTON GIN 00 , Hew London, Oodd, aug3 STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD, GOING- NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. Arrive University,.. No l, Dally ex Sunday,. 1 u.4U a m 11.40 a m GOING SOUTH. No. 2, Dai y ex. Sunday. Arrive University.. Arrive Chapel Hill, 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Pullman Mm Cars Wfflont Chance On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Kfchmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. Sr-Througb Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Baleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest, West, North and East, if ur Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. may2 Blchmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENQEB DEPARTMENT. yOn and after April 80th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Alr- ae Llvlslon of this road will oe as louows: WESTWABD. Mall and .Express. No. 50. Mall. No. 52. A Revolution In the treatment of nervous diseases Is now taking place. Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, many years ago discovered a sure remedy In his Celery and Chamomile Pills-they have had a wonderful sale and success. They can be relied on 10 per manently cure sick and nervous headache, neural gia, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and all nervous dis eases. All druggists keep them. Price, 50 cents per box. Two boxes for $ 1 , six for $2.50. free py mall on receipt of price. Dr. C. W. Benson, Balti more, Md. C. N. CrlttentonrfOf New York, Is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies. octl Leave Charlotte. M. Arrive Gatonia, L Arrive Spartanburg, K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Toccoa. F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula, E... Arrive Gainesville Arrive Atlanta, 1.00 am 2.02 a m 431 am 5.59 am 7.43 a m 9.18 am 10.00 am 10.37 am 1 1.06 a m l.SOpru EASTWARD. Mali and Express. No. 51. 12.50 p m 1.47 P m 4. 06 pjm 5.29 p m 7.03 p m 8.80 p m 9.10 p m 9.46 p m 10.15 pm 12.40 a m Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta Arrive Gainesville Arrive Lula. E Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive xoceoa, r Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive uastoma, 1 Arrive Charlotte, hi . 2.15 pm 4 51 pm 5.22 p m 5-59 P m 6. 40 P m 8.06 P ml 10.00 p m 11.40 pm 2.06 a m 3.15 a m 4.00 a m H.19am 8.50am 7.41 am 8.17 am 9 26 a bi 11.08 pm 12.24 P m 2 50 pm 4.00 pm If it was true, as said, that Sims had cheated 300 negroes out of their votes, he was the very man they wanted, so that he might cheat for the negro a while. Prince Brown, colored, at the recent Republican convention. Bismarck's Enemy. A singular enemy of Prince Bismarck is a man in Potsdam, who lost his only son in the war of 1870, which he attri butes to the agency of the Prince, and whom he regards as his son's murderer. Taking a hint from the caricaturists, who have made the three single hairs of the Chancellor's bald head famous, he wreaks his vengeance in an original manner. He is the owner of a lot in the cemetery of Potsdam, where, since the interment of his son, he has erected a fine mausoleum, on the top of which is placed an artistically sculptured owl, the head and features of which bear a striking resemblance to those of Prince Bismarck, the "three single hairs" in cluded. A few years ago the man built a house, over the cornice of every win dow in which is carved a Bismarck head, the historical three hairs being represented in the shape of as many cannon. Quite recently he built an other house with the same portrait dec orations, this time, however, having three serpents take the place of the cannon in the Prince's capillary ornament. -AND- The Citizens of Charlotte : F. C. MTJNZLEll AGENT FOR Tie Benner & Mel Brewery Ow. lOf Philadelphia, Pa ,) 'Celebrated Lager Beer, . 1 : In Kegs and Bottles. BOTTLED BEER X NPf-X'IA I.TY. y Have Just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALS and POKTEH, which I offer to the public at a reasonable price. Add res FHKD C. MUNZLER, Lock Box 255. Charloite, N C mbr28 PARLOR SKATING RINK UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS! GREAT ATTRACTION!!! THE management, determined to m;ike this n popular resort during the fall. Winter and Spring months, have cecided to place the ADMISSION FEE at 10c H for srentlemen, ladles being Admitted free at night as well as in the afternoon. Come and bring jour wives, sisters and sweethearts. sept28 DANIEL -O'DONNEL, PRACTICAL. :o: :o: cured by Halb's TTo at.-rf rtntrhv aavinsr that he bad JLA.U OVCA WVA V v w J " v O ome there to beat the Democratic par ty and the best way to do that was to be harmonious and endorse the L0." al ticket. A. W. Calvin, colored at the Republican convention last Saturday I Dcaire to have it Dixtlnctlr Under stood, that I am still Hiruiebing Books for the Graded Schools either bf Exchange or Introdnctory Prices ... nnv one In the City. It does not matter to Whom yon are In structed for yonr Books by slips fflyaai yonr Children, Understand Always, chat they can be filled at the Same Rates by Sending them to me NO ONE CAN UNDEH-BUY ME ; NO ONE CAN UNDER-SELL. ME, IS "MY MOTTO." Very Respectfully, CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Railroads. B with arriving trams of wsoma central, A. a W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with-arrivine trains of Geonda Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens. Ga. v with Eiberton Air-Line to ana rrom jupenoB, Geonria. G with Colombia ana ureenviue to ana rxom Columbia and Charleston. & C a with Columbia ana ereenvuie to ana rrom Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with snartanbur: and Asnenne. ana Bnartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle. and Alston and Columbia. 1a with Chester ana iienoir aarrow-uaugs to ana from Dallas and Chester. . m with c. c. k a., c. c. k. jtu. ana a., t. x u. for nil rioints West. North and East. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nbs. 50 and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta and New York. a. ruts, G neral Passenger ana Ticket Agent T. M. B. Taloott, General Manager. L Y. SAGE, Superintendent. C., C. & A. K. K. CO. Officb General Passkngks Agent. (W Schedule In effect September 8d, 1882. SOUTHWARD. No. 52 dally mall and express. Leare StatesvUle, 700am Arrive at Charlotte, A 05 a m Leave Charlotte, e) 2 00pm Arrive at Columbia, (b) 6 30pm Leave Columbia, (b) . 6 87 Dm Arrive at Augusta, 10 50 p m No. 20 daily, except Sundays. With passenger ooach attached. Leave Charlotte 4 20 p m Arrive at coiumma, 1 2 Bo a m No. 18 runs daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte, 5 00am Arrive at Columbia 8 82 p m Pliiier and Steam Fitter, Office under the Central Hotel. CHABLOTTE, N. C All orders promptly attended to. 3un2 , ; v.' Bfltterkks' Fashion Sleets AND PATTERNS for OCTOBER. TJavj ben. received, at sept28 '. ' " TIDDY 4 BHO'3. FRESIT STOCK OF GROCERIES, DRY GOOD8, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, Just Received by J. J. J. W. ADAMS. Tryon street, Opposite Methodist church. septlO tf . . Engine FOR WXOfR FOB SALE ON FAVOBABLK Ti John R. Eddins. Brown's Invigorate is m: ! I 1: 9J-TT-W'.l;rJM TTTW ' r t --4 . . I ua& onD BtLUARO: ROOM. l!l !.U ll hnai KUlll DUO! ..LdlJ 1 il'T " . Id wsi ii next fleer betow th qentrai Waster toTrtmmit Suicide. WllmliigtoUuvie'vl - l iJiettie Harrrov. .,a., dAsravAd. y dtowninu on Friday hfghfc. The teasjn ? sT'rfv' r!- rtrowneaiast py.ajwatcJaman Btandmn oa-the wharf. JI.Hl" rJw tbe place where Brown's bor OBS canlways be found. ; 1 vpaa tHnnnvar ,- 3: KENDRICK & BIXBY 1 mayi9 tf was aiscovered, and iwas rn the act of making the leap into the dark water, wnen sne was grabbed by the watch man. PutTt. weak and sickly children, need Tmn Rittrj Tt alii strengthen ana them. ' My good woman, why are you so of sorts,, never able to tell folks that you "?h2"1IS one It's all caused in the first Poe y habl tual constipation, which no doubt Anally caused ide van bfHnnVC QTirl IlVr. 1 II O .Uio w i.-t a ABiahrtitAri Kidney-Wort. It arsoT.pflc-mrroraTl kidneyand liver dls- eases. Thousands are cureu uj tw Try it at once. Toledo Blade. . m Korsford's Acid Phosphate For Nervousness, Indirection, etc. Send to the Bumford Ohemical Works, Provl denote it. I., for namphlet. Mailed free. , 0 . SvKnffTjer year -can be easily made at home working tor E. G. Bldeout 4 Co., 10 Barclay street New YorX tjena ior taou cowumuo tlculars. oct21 U Satisfaction for Ten. Ih ur family of tea for over two years Parker's Ginger Toole has cured headache, malaria and other complaints so satisfactorily that we are In excellent health and no expenaft-for, doctors or other medicine. Chronicle. 1. r,. mtmmm II IMIW-g-- METRuFOlITAN LIFE UNVEILED! MotitttlagIAlnBil, sOfipags. 150 UluiUatllMl aTfaaiKfr?,oU?bdth: soenas ; tricks of prsUr daottl vers ; city's rich and poori laaolvlaas corruption at Washington; rnia oflnnoeent girls ; old hoary-beaded sinners by gas-light ; bewitching sirens A victim ; Voudoa and Mormon horrors ; Start tine-Revelations I Prtce 2.80. Illust'd clronlars free. Ootnts75o. Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. 81. LOUIS, Mo. OiTTCAQO. 111. ATI-AT A, Oa, sepi23 ROCKBRIDGE, YA., ALUM WATER, ijOB more than half a century has grown steadl- Jj Iy In repute as a medleinai agent m a wiae n cm nt Chronic diseases. Multitudes of women can lestifv to its unsurDassed efficacy In the relief and cure of those ailments peculiar to their sex. DYSPEPSIA In its varied and most distressing forms is cured. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AJtD DYSENTERY , yield most rffptdlr, and permanent cures result. Bottled In Its natural State, direct from the Spring, whkm an beautifully Vacated la Book bridge conntv. Ya.. and are ooen for the reception of visitors from June- 1st to October IM, each year; capacity, 1,000 guests. nor sale, wnoiesaie ana rei&u. Dy ur. j. n. w ADEN ana Dr. T. C SMITH, Chaslotte, It C. marl2 ly -A SQUARR MEAL- IT ALL HOURS. ! ixjrr- 8N1DEB aahoonoea tbx the f v DUblle that he has. in connection wun nina BAstaurant. and will furnish? Meal at any time Detween tne nours and 11 p. m. The Bar Is supplied with the best of Liquors, Cigars, Ac. Give him a trial, septa im NORTHWARD. No. 53 dally mall and express. Leave Augusta, (a) 7 85am Arrive Columbia, (b) . .11 45 a m Leave Columbia, (b) 1 1 52 a m Arrive at Charlotte, fc) 4 l R n m Leave Charlotte, 5 00 p m Arrive m omieavuie, 7 uo p m No. 19 dally, except Sundays (With, nasseneer. coach attached.) Leaving Columbia Saturday, lays off at Chester until Sunday ntght. Leave Columbia, 4 05 p m Arrive at Charlotte, 1 05 a m No. 17, freight, with passenger coach attached. Runs aauy except Sundays. Leave Columbia, 5 00am arrive at cnanotte, a 15 p ra CONNKCnONS. (a) With all lines to and from Savannah. Flori da, and the South and Atlanta, Macon and the Southwest. (hi With South Carolina Railroad to and froms Charleston. (c) With Blchmond A Danville Railroad to aad from all points North and Carolina tjenttal Ball-road. Pullman SleCoins; Cars run en Trains No. R2 and 53 between Charleston and Washington. D. C. via Dantnie. Lynchburg and Charlottesville. Also, on Trains No. 52 and 53 between CbailoUe and Richmond. Above schedule Washington time. ThAra will mlon ba a Una of eomfortabla sleeiK ine cars run on trains nos. 52 ana bit, neiweeik Chartotts - and Henry's on the Western North Carolina Railroad for theaccommodation 01 pas sengers to' ana rrotB western aorta trouaa ior runner miormaaon, aoaress " e.B. TALCOTT.Superintendeht, M. SLAUGHTER, Gen'l Pass Agt, B. C AKTitfaSX, Skhmoi WE DUblle theA I iMn tiriHfnini!n TICM i f VM'W SB IBB a SSBV B B -BlSBSasBSBBB 1 lirnBi.-aB nis Bar. a nrt- u 111.1101 hi a.ll milii. P" oa Boaate Just Received a large lot of FinHahaaNE W of 5 a, m.. I M INK. put up in 25 fix packages, suitable n publishers of country newspapei 1111 mar28 s. Aaaress OBSKKYTtRr Cbarlotte N CV THE ENGINK unf H FORMER L.Y USED B I"" " ISLAND MAN'F'O COBP-"' -Cali on or address Springs & Bl Junl6 Democrat copy. THREE SAFES theTtest ot makes. One small, ..MHnMtUl AnalaMKS. AP" J plytowaddijeas n ,r osk Tl mtlt Ja wi - apr!8 tf -aTfi MINERAL LAf FOR SALE. ' Li . . tract Of lBUr.die' A BARGAIN M onereu oi - trom Dwell county. bWJ?'ffM lordtoatD Marten, Mutr vsin WH exioMten. BARGAIN is offered m a J tract 1 r"Z:.r.' ' -hnnt 12 I ZZZZVon the veiu-;- !J!?ITirat5 mrv.rz. s,nmoV'J Jr 1 . aw Mr. L Aa aM sMlfSrfmUl Bw TL tsact contains iuu acres -u:s r t auio 4 t

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