" ' 'T '" r ' . f VOL, XXVffl L m l. r ! .,' CHARLQTXK, ,N. ,C, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1882. IC NO. 4,225 Are now opepIOD(SMtetagtj and IFinest tochsof fl " I ? 5 f ? ' i s 'I 1 ; ft' EYJSK OFFERED BY THEM. They have just received a large lot of Virginia Cat&imers and Kerseys, which will pay any one to look at. IF )!' -I'd L.jLi ANYTHING IN THE y We have a'very large s'tock" of Children's, in eofid colors "ttnii all the; new shades. In Fancy Goods also a large stock of " i : n't ' yr. j Our Hiliti DcpaiiniPiil 'it Is well assorted and very cheap. We ."will be glad to have you. call for !,4iuuuuu. tj ininK you can De Bmuea. ,. , ALEXANDER & HARRIS. i i r l i il ir m p JflUp pT moVR f v JiT? . - . in all the new shades, solid colors, fancy striped, grays an black. ABd, a nice line of . ; Wool Hose for Ladies. i GENTLEMEN cv Will have no diflBeulty in getting; what thy,jiirknt in this line, as have a large tock in British beeae6yaC"w6U as a nice line ou-h FANCY IAilF'HQ$E. ALEXAIXRE HAlRfe: ; THEjSTETIEIsIN - A" . J l j IB5;;W 31? ft? $J SB. Can be fotindtiii our stock, as well as a nice lot of Military Braid, Sm-J TABLE Argettiig low, oir house is tbiplace to replenish. 4 ave an el knotted and frWeoVat low titices.' h j u 1 s !f T rin (ran o t lAtr -rfi A large stoick oi crash and nic j lii&SrffM .V JTrC1 ,.TC r'-'MV ' H ZZ TURKISH RED rrABlie DAMAStt. y a . , vf " AIiEXANIE.R . & HARRIS. WE-DESIRE TO SAY T6 PARTIES aIN NfeED OF11' ' ' i . Kid Gloves. We are now offering a O 3B5 LOT OF Grloves Which aT better than any ever sold in this market. We have in stock ah entirely new and elegant line of Kid Gloves. It has ; .. , not been our object to offer a cheap Kid, but a good one, and our frisnds can rely r ' ' on ours as the IN THE MARKET i V C'j"O.T mil nut I.-.THT . , ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY' ? Where you can get a t, c ... i. deoaioe IFoster Hid Glove. I i o 1 " 7 , MOU JUS 38A:1 OHA IT f H3' ,00 r-n a UOBKIS f OBil loqaef tJ3 raOi, vote fociiiid in. NorthCarolina for 81.00. We carry a large, line, of. fine &irtsJ all grades, with collars Jalnd cuffs. .Send around, and get a Shirt j for your little boy. We have -lhem cheaper than you can buy .thema L terial ahdSiiake.tHni. . . ' .. ... . ' r. . ALEXANPER HARIUS- tiresr-goods. viz : Body BrussefsVTap-, J Jixtra aunim r&m itrq ira ;, -Three-Plies. Alsda large t all fcomjloill If Thatnmkaya Mskndid line of; estrv Brussels. Suner andi Extra 8TAII ( 0 i5!J ; I lO 1KLJ J ladies' Circulars, Cewports and 4H III Misses Circf hrrs and NeytJDrl .71 a dojjsot keep tKeKw-t)rked flUjBEgP1 m throw aside L SselerCit f-Lrl a gol re to e ? 1i. m iwrn lyurf HI LElN lmt if you yftTlill be Bireto ii yQi ipj tion Gossamers, suj ewe loknecw wlIISiheaDelPsio fi4trne A to- W tat your nioney.rjom apjr wlra3b 8. d He rn ANT ANYTHING flQ ILK Gev Sat:ave.a.nice lfeSVf BrocadgSlns, Silks, etcS- splendi W-v a llw sold very tr" 73 pn k Be r, 80me novelties in PjuftlSS velvets, LJked at lon 4 mattfrtf-iwtoa kw.tt mit Grades of CarJ ZThR 3 & HARRISi Tf AVE J tT nwrYED -r I . ( i r S KAMI 4 a. A xeauuiui jjinvww am ci .00 3 r.iAnoBq , mbotm mm wtmmym WMa i I i i aM mum an mwm JIl 4a .1.1 a tesr- of oi k-fcntm vn mt 1 I Mtaalatf I 'y - , ' 7 hHHl 1 :ihi ii f ,T 1 j .:imj ii . 1 IH.I t.S ! -. io ai I ; " ' We have -the Foster Patterns m; 9.her makes, which will 'give8a'tsfac ,"""! ' .'tfon. ' eior8'fB one 6f iur Snecialties. and we have ari: 1 " ' line oi an graaes. ALI-KXAJNJJJ3K "11AKK1d. -u v t ... The Best Onlaundried Shirt 1 i- :-,-,!, . !... I i M H 14 OUR STOCK OF ..v ..".Tim.,. . IJfiejCIhlBpRewll Plushes, Basket lanneK.&c egual 'l'WUiByHfftlWwtyattat'iae lowest possible-jwoeaaiPlease ask to see them ; it waLcot yufwsf hingao look, artayJ sn vfe tmBO m e money. '" HKf! ALEXANDER HABMB. -r.fi 1 ' if lut now ,MMMMi3 .Mtllfl Ml, 1.1 If mam fen tmnen Ita io .'IM iim I Ttwtlti T'o-J not afi I l ft TfMA JBtmai Mti tot' I BTTT.&TXN r n J83ri A8 SSJM1!? inS JT11 want tn the FltttneMrne. I -wl' L nm tewtfw tJa.8 0f I f I mftlte tlatB f .A a. TO:. mn men, Doys, oia laaies, young maies, nine gins uu uuuuroi. Don't lore-et the comlort ol the little lolKS. aney IT. . I O . . . . have a laro-a Una hich are offering -rerr I ought to be kept warm. J 1 . . . -mm-m. n TT- a T Ta T ATKTA-NTTVRTR Jk TTAHRIS. ALEAAN DiSxt S HAiiXtlO. 1-aL '" L1 """- MKT m ft) Ji; j .Taota h'.i' iIjc Ill 3 efaVS l.)tm fiimor. vHJ TO !i,f Are very useful in Witer. We have a large stock on hand. 51ase do not forget it. ALEXANDER & HARRIS.