DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1 882 - lY4s7ltTjOXCs Editor and PropHor. jmE rosT-OrriCK at CharlottkN. . -SicoNi class Matter 1 "Prinocracy is a sentiment not to be appalled, cor rupted compromised. It kncnos no baseness it ccnoers io no danger; it 02Wcsses no vxakness; it is destruc tor ofdesitothfm; it is the sole conservator of liberty, labor and property; it is the sentiment of equal rifM, of cjual obligations, the very laics of Nature i 'xdfi-ervadino the land." know no safe depository of the ultimate powers "of society but the people themselves; and if we think ' them not lightened enough to exercise their control "Wlthau Jd)lesomediscretion,the remedy is,not to take 'it from them, but to inform their discretion by edu "cation." THOM4S JEFFERSON. FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1882. Ben Butler's friends claim that lie will carry Massachusetts by a majority of 2o,000. - It is said that JNorihern capitalists hold mortgages for $1,000,000 on Geor gia farms for money loaned the owners. One hundred and fifty thousand strangers Hocked into Philadelphia to witness the Penn landing tomfoolery. TAKING TOO MUCH FOR GRANTED When Dr. Mott began to revolve the Republican-liberal-anti-Prohibition-co- alition problem in his fertile brain he set aside the colored vote of the State as a dead sure thing to begin with, for past experience assured him that he could count pretty safely on that, as he had hurled it solid against prohibitiou. Then he penciled out the Republican white vote and argued himself into the conclusion that as they had been pretty generally w hipped into the sup port by the bosses, that it could be done this time. In this, however, he made a slight mistake, for a very considerable number of the aforesaid Republican vote stood up Hat-footed and emphati cally remarked that they'd be or words to that effect, if Dr. Mott could corral them in that style. For Repub- (iov. Bill Allen once said: "You might as well try to run an ice house in hell as an honest government with a full treasury." The heirs of John Slidell have a claim pending before the government for 123,000 acres of sugar plantation lands in Louisiana. A Chicago man with a beard twelve feet long has been on a'.visit to Raleigh. It took him twenty-two years to raise the crop. The funeral of Major Thomas O'Con ner, who was killed in the street shoot ing scrape byyoung Mabry, a short while ago, was the largest and most imposing ever seen in Knoxville. The Germans seem to be breaking away from the Republican party. In many States they were a very impor tant factor in that party and held the balance of power between it and the Democracy. General Clingman i3 out in another card in reply to Gen. R. B. Vance, in the Eighth district. He is still "harping" on his "Washington party." We sus pect the new party will have to wait awhile. Confederate Brigadiers were for years the scare crow that the Republicans put up to terrify timid Republicans, and now Billy Mahone struts about Washington and dictates terms to the Republican bosses. There is trouble for the Republican bosses in Colorado. They are afraid the Democrats are going to carry it, and Secretary Teller, who wants to be Uni ted States Senator, has gone to see what's in the wind. lican principles, they said, and for men who advocated Republican principles, they were willing to plumb the line, work and vote as they had been work ing and voting, but when it came to walking up to the polls to cast their ballots for the new recruits who come in to share the spoils they insisted upon being excused. These people are giving Dr. Mott a vast amount of unanticipa ted trouble. The next point to be considered was how many Democrats could reasonably be counted upon to vote his ticket, and he concluded that by some sharp ma nipulation, by forming a joint stock company with a few prominent men who had formerly affiliated with the Democratic party, who, it was presum ed, because they were voluminous and loud, had considerable influence and considerable following, he could rope in a large number of Democrats who were opposed to prohibition and voted against it. In this his calculations were somewhat in error, too, for the anti prohibition Democrats didn't file in af ter the distinguished leaders as he and they nattered themselves they would. It didn't pan out worth a cent, which shows that Dr. Mott, shrewd ss he fan cies himself to be, or may be, did not thoroughly understand the people whom he undertook to draw into his new movement. His imagination ran away with him, he became too demon strative, showed his hand too plainly until the true inwardness of the thing became so apparent that all saw it. Democrats saw through the thin pre tense the purpose to re-instate the Re publican party and that was something they had not bargained for when they voted against prohibition. They don't propose to be captured nor driven by Dr. Mott under any false pretenses, into supporting a party to which they have been opposed for years, and this the Dr. and his assistants are beginning to discover if they have not already discovered it. Governor Jams and the Senatorship. The Greensboro Patriot having pub lished a report that there was a plot to defeat Ransom for the senatorship and asked the question whether Gov. Jarvis was in the plot, the Governor writes the following letter: Editor Daily Patriot: I have read with no little indignation your paper of the 20th inat. I was not brought up in a school of falsehood and duplicity and have ne'yer resorted to these mean devices in politics. I have never dealt otherwise than openly and candidly with the people of North Carolina, and I denounce the imputation contained in the sentence, "Gov. Jarvis himself claims not to be a candidate against Ransom, but there are strong suspi cions to the contrary," as slanderous and unjust. When I want to be a can didate for any position. I have the man hood to say so. Had I desired or ex pected to be a candidate for United States Senator, I would have gone open ly to the people with my claim if I had any. I have not done so, because the idea of being a candidate has never en tered my head, or the desire my heart. I have time and again stated that I was not and did not intend to be a can didate. No human being has ever heard me intimate a contrary purpose, In my opinion it is neither to the in terest of the Democratic party or Sena tor Ransom, for his special champions to be constantly beating around for an opponent. They may after awhile stir up one that may give both trouble. I have taken, and expect to continue to take, an active part in this canvass, because I do not believe it to be to the interest of the neoyle of North Caroli na that the present enemies of the Democratic party shall eet control of the legislature. I know that there has been a rapid growth in the materiatin terests of the State in the last few years under the beneficent laws and wise administration of the Democratic party. I also know something of the purposes and ability or tne present ad ministration to push this material de velopment to a still higher degree of excellence unless thwarted by the hos tile action of a hostile legislature. I have ereat hoDes for our State under good laws and wise govornment, such as I believe the Democratic party is alone able to give. The man that links his name inseparably with the materi al and educational interests of the State will, in mv opinion, not only best serve the State, but will leave a name for himself that will live long in the hearts of the nennle. I have tried to do what T rvmld tn advance this material and educational interest, because I believed T was sprvine' the best interest of the iipnnle. and not because I was seeking a seat in the Senate. If my activity in these matters or my efforts to keep the State government in the hands of the nartv that has brought around the pres ent rapid development of the material and educational interests oi ine &taie and that will continue to push these great interests onward and upward, creates "strong susuicions that 1 am a candidate for the Senate, then I shall have to rest under suspicion till time shall relieve me. Very respectfully. Tnos. J. Jauvis. Raleigh, N. C , Oct. 21, PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS. Sheriff Alexander, t-heriff Alexander will meet the peo ple at the following times and places, when the county candidates will also be present and discuss the political issues : Pineville, Friday, October 27. Mr. Bailey. Mr. Bailey, candidate for the Legisla ture, will address his fellow-citizens at the following times and places ; iiig &pnng Church, Monday nigm, October 30. School House, near Mr. Robt. Sloan s, Tuesday, October 31, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Norment's Store, the night or me 31st of October. . . Spurrier's Store. November 1st, at i o'clock, p. m. Whitlex's Mills, the nieht oi jxovew- ber 1st. Hick's Store. November 2d, at one o'clock, p. m. The night spaakins will commenuo at 0:30 o'clock. H. C. Jones, Ch'm Co. Ex. Committee. Col. Wm. Johnston. Col. Wm. Johnston, candidate for Congress, Hon. Chas. Price, and omer Liberal speakers, will address their fellow-citizens at the following times and places: . Launnburg, Richmond, county xn- day October 27. L . Rockingham, Richmond, county oov urday, October 28. Troy, Montgomery county, mouuaj, October 30. Albermarle, Stanly county, Tuesday, October 31. Concord, Cabarrus, Wednesday, No vember, 1. Charlotte, MecKienourg, inursuaj, November 2, at 7 o'clock, p. m. London, Oct s3. A Paris dispatch rpnnrts that 30 persons have Deen ar- rested in pans, ijyona auu ousmue, jw suspicion of having been connected With riOtS in JVlUiiixettu j-ico diiuco. a mnnff thpm is a man named Faure. who, it is alleged, has been for a long time in correspondence with the Nihil ist Prince Krapotkine Steamer Burned. New Yokk. October 26. A Chatta nooga, Tenn., special says the steamer Dugger was destroyed by fire here last n'ght. Loss sio.ooo. Swallowed by the Wayes. London, Oct. 20. During Tuesday's srale a bark was wrecked oil ureal Yarmouth ana tne crew or 16 were an drowned. Richmond Advertisement H. M. SMITH & CO., Main Street, Richmond, Va. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements I ) R Y (iOOS)S. -:o: :o: OUR MR. S. A. COHEN JUST RETURN FdOM THE NORTHERN MARKETS WITH AN OF ALL KINDS. We make a. Sput-ialty ef Couoiructinsr Elevators for Stores and Warehouses and keep In stock the Justly celebrated OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Which are acknowledged to be the Rreatett Plows ever Offered to tne Mouinern Planter or Farmer. we make and deal In WHEAT THRESH ERS and HORSE POWERS of all kinds. Bend for catalogue. H. M. SMITH A CO. oci7 xt&nsxv: Op DDD D D r D D D DDD RKR R K KRK R R it R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y OGO O G G G GG GGG OO O O O O O O OO OO O O O O O O OO irr n D n i) D D DDD imhm V1V Willi Hate Shoes Genei 6) UIvIds: his personal attention to the pu'ebase of situe from Manufacture rs and tlinir .-ignnU Our I WHOlSorMT?! Trade isovar, we can offer special Inducements to close buers either -a 1 S'lnnS generally Va !' th y fi-nA ,hu t,I rTial h . Vn k . . i. ciaiiiiue uur otocs Deiore Duying, ana inut t ley win find that the place to buy will be at the old established noue of sept20 ELIAS & COHEN BURGESS NICHOLS, R. K. MtLTKR. W. B. JOHNSTON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE1LER IN Formerly of charlotte, N. C ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE MILLER & JOHNSTON, bedding, &c. Uorbford'M Acid Phofcpliale ppia In Frant ls H. Alkins. A. A., Surgeon, U. 8. A, says: "For djspepsia. whether In the lean or corpulent. In nervous debility and In night sweats of con sumption, U has commonly given speedy benefit, and some of my army friends are quite enthusias tic about It." IT IS DOUBTLESS CORRECT. If what we hear is correct the revs- niiR hnsspa arfl not t,nt.inT fair with their Liberal candidates; the fiat has gone good, of Georgia, Genl. Clinton 11. Fisk, ,vards ot JNew lorK anu nev. ur. j. r. The American Missionary Association. Ci,kvi;,.xi), Ohio, Oct. 20. At the evening session of the American Mis sionary Association, yesterday, addres ses on the special work of the associa tion were made by Kev. JJr. A. u. llay- Tlie next United Senate will proba bly stand 3S Republicans, 3G Democrats and 2 Virginia lleadjusters, which fact will probably make the two feel their importance, a3 they will hold the bal ance of power. At ex-Governor Leland Stanford's recent dinner in San Francisco to the nabobs of the PaciGc coast and their wives, the latter were presented with gold baskets filled with roses, the bas kets costing S50 each. The white frost is spreading from the Canada line to the gulf. In the last days of last week frost was reported in all the States north of the Ohio river, and even at some points in Kentucky and Tennessee. This week promises to extend the frost belt lo the lowlands of the gulf. Macon Telegraph: The Jacobins claim to be fighting for the Sabbath, Temperance and Christianity led on by Keifer, Cameron, Arthur, Robeson and Bob Ingersoll. It i3 decidedly probable that the devil has the claim in charge, and will see to its being prop erly staked. The Republicans are even doubting whether they can hold New Hamp shire. A large number of Republicans in that State have declared war on Sam uel W. Hale, the man Secretary Chand ler forced on them as their Gubernato rial candidate, and swear they will not have him, and would prefer the elec tion of the Democratic candidate, Ed gerly. Prominent Republicans will take the stump against Hale. Philadelphia Record: To make up for losses in Congress already sustain ed or anticipated in the West, Mr. Jay A. Hubbell and his committee have turned their attention to the South, but the outlook in that direction is still more gloomy. Careful estimates put the Democratic gains in the twelve States of the South at not less than thirty-three members. The Southern representation of the present Congress stands 69 Democrats and 21 Republi cans. For the Forty-eighth Congress the estimate is 92 Democrats and 11 Republicans. In the new appointment Texas has 11 members, all of whom are claimed by the Democrats a gain of 7. Counting off and on, the Democrats claim further gains of 2 in Alabama, 2 in Florida, 1 in Georgia, 3 in Kentucky, 7 in Missouri, 2 in North Carolina, 4 in Tennessee and 5 in Virginia. Should these estimates be realized in the No vember election the Democratic major ity will be ot unwieldy magnitude. A SAMPLE LIBERAL. Ikey Young has Docketed ftfin.nnn nf the people's money ($5,000 a year for the last twelve years,) as collector of forth to sacrifice Folk, Darby, Edwf and all the anti-prohibition-liberal Democrats, who lent their names to that ticket, and to rally the Republican forces for Dockery and Guthrie and the Republican nominees who are on the ticket. Ralnigh News and Observer. The information is doubtless correct. They do not expect to elect the whole so-called Liberal ticket, and they are trying to harmonize and save as much as they can by rallying the Republi cans to the support of the Republicans on the ticket and let the others go by the board. The result will show on the day of election that Dockery and the other Republican candidates have received a pretty solid Republican vote while their Democratic associates were scratched by the wholesale. "Whether the bosses are a party to this thing or not it will be dene, for there are thou sands of Republicans who will vote for the Republicans on the ticket but will not vote for the others. The North State, published at Greensboro, and the organ of the anti-coalitionists,seconded by the Winston Republican, also anti coalition, advise this course and urge the Republicans to support Dockery and the other Republicans on the tick et, and they will doubtless do it. The Democratic Liberals, however, are ex pected to walk up to the ballot-box and put in a straight ticket and help elect the Republicans while their own candi dates, for want of Republican votes, will be left in the lurch. That's the way the thing crops out just now and that is the way it is going to pan out when the ballots are tallied. Jubilee Day in Memphis. Memphis, Oct 25. This is jubilee day and 30,000 people line the side walks viewing the procession of the manu facturing and business interests of Memphis which moved promptly at 11 o'clock. The parade included all the tocai military companies and tire de partments. It was three quarters of an hour passing a given point. At noon Judge J. W.Clapp delivered addresses in the court square "upon the South, Memphis and her growth." To-night a display of Mrework3 followed by a grand masked ball in the Exposition building concludes the day's entertain ment. 15,000 people from adjacent pomia are in me city. Hehrend.of Rhode Island. Rev. Dr. Ilaygood speaking las a southernersaid he was glad of an opportunity to speak in the city where lie the remains of Garfield, a great leader of christian ed ucation and the friend of the blacks in the South. Ho spoke of the rapid in crease of freedmen since their emanci pation from slavery. There were four million at the end of the war but now between 7 and 8 millions, increasing at a per centage greater than the whites. Dr. Ilaygood said the North and South are beginning to understand pach other better. They will be divided only geographically in the future. Church and school house must come together in the South on plans adopted by the American Missionary Association. At the morning session of the Asso ciation papers were read on lay work by Wm. E. Brooks, of Texap, on higher education by Rev. E. M. Craveth, of Tenn., and the new South by Rev. Dr. J. E. Roy, of Ga. During the forenoon the women's missionary meeting was held in the chapel of Plymouth church at which papers were read by Mrs. G. W. Andrews, of Talladego, Ala., and Miss Annie Cohill.of Nasheville.Tenn. To-night a mass meeting will be held in the Tabernacle which will be ad dressed on the subject of southern edu cation, by ex-President Hayes. Presi dent White, of Cornell University, and Hon. J. L. M. Curry, of Virginia. Sqaeaiultlineit, There Is a certain fastidiousness among some people which is greatly shocked at seeing the terms diabetes, Brlght's Disease, albumeuarla, or even liver or kidneys. In print. They would fain forget that they had a liver or kidneys, or were subject to disorders of these organs. All of which would be well. If such Ignorance or fastid iousness could drive these diseases away. The true way to banish reference to them Is to employ Hunt's Benifdy. the great kidney and liver medi cine, to cure thein; and then all mention of them will cease of itself, bo long as flesh is heir to such Ills, we must tell of the one great suecltic, Hunt's Remedy, that meets these 11U and over comes them. ary Mrcer, Richmond, Va, WM O LEU A L E DEALERS IN- Grain, Bagging A FULL LINS OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, rAKLiUi ana uiia21cb.js ouiia. uuj1 - iriDib oi ail kinds on nana. xso. r west Trade street, Charlotte, North Carolina. '' Wallace Loss of hair and grayness. which o'ten mar the prettiest face, are prevented by Parker's Hair Balsam. AND - Statesville, INT. C, -LARGEST STOCK- As an ounce of prevention Is better, they say Than a pound ot the best sort of cure. Let us a l keep our teeth and gums from deciy. And our mouth and our breath fresh and pure For a bottle of SOZODONT Is all we require, To speedily realize all we desire. From eminent W. L Almon, President Medical College. Halifax, N. S : "Colden'a Liquid Beer Tonic Is invaluable for fever, Indigestion ami weakness, and Is unsurpassed for female com plaints." (Take no other.) Of druggists. For Constable. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for ths ofllce of Constable In Charlotte township. I do so as a stralghout Democrat, and respectfully t-ubruit myself for the support of the voters of Char otte and Charlotte township. J. Q. A. OHB. oct5 ti Heavy Groceries. Consignments solicited and prompt pay ment remitted. Very respectfully, oct7 MILLBB 4 JOHNdTON. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS UrCtD Itdujerttsjemeuts. STILL FORWARD ! : o : : o : SOMETHING NEW op- GENERAL MERCHANDIS N THE MOST FAVOR All L.E TERMS AND IN COMPETITION Willi AW JOBBERS IN TOE COUNTRY. THEY WILL, BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES TO THE TRADE. marl8 ly o IMMENSE STOCK OF INI AND KEEP YODR MONET IN THE SOUTH, CHARLOTTE JOURNALISM! PT TjfrNGlUUB French Anarchists. Paris, Oct 2G. Le Paris publishes the details of the anarchist conspiracy. They show that it is composed of a small number of staunch supporters in all the towns and manufacturing villa ges ot France. The members are most ly young men who distribute revolu tionary papers. Each group has a des tructive name. A letter seized bv the authorities recommends that the groups should pretend to be trade unions. All groups in a department form a federa tion, the same having a secret symbol and these federations are the links be tween the groups and the central committee. Democratic Rule. Balelgh News and Obserrer. The benefits of ten years of Demo cratic rule in North Carolina are shown by the increased value of our property. In 1809 property was on a fictitious basis. The premium on gold was about 33 per cent, and the assessed value being in greenbacks e must deduct about one-fourth in order to get the eold basis. According to the tax lists the value of land in 18b9 was $68,240,000; of town property, $12,900,000; of horses, &c, 817,424.000, and of solvent credits, &C $22,344,000. The total value of property assessed for taxation was $120,910,219, Deduct one-quarter and we have the value in gold, about $90, 000,000. The value ten years later, according to the returns found in the Auditor's report for 1881, is as follows: Lands, $83,137,000; town lots, $19,208,000; horses, dec , $lu,02U,oou ; solvent credits, $50,927,000; total, $109,878,000. Now, these are gold prices. The difference between the gold valuation in 1869 and 18S0 is about $80,000,000. Such are the effects of Democratic rule a rule of peace under which agri culture has been fostered and the in terests of the people cared for. Is it desirable to keep North Caro lina in the line of progress and assist in developing her resources? If so, keep the administration of her public affairs under the control of the Demo cratic party. It makes taxes lighter. -: o : : o : Trunks, V i Travelling loots and Shoes Just leceiveri. For the most reliable Goods and the Lowest Prices, O-O TO- Determined to meet every demand of the public, and In order to keep In the t rout Kank of Modern, Progressive Journalism, during the Mohth or Kovxmbkr AND - GRIP SACKS, J. MOYER'S, mm boot. THE OBSERVSP ZD -FU05I- :o: Will 9end out gratis to Its subscribers, (Dally and Weekl)), TTmnpniDAL FOR 188371 H. W. Rountree S Bra., T(if this Desirable ALmJnAO roM be iMued. Y What Too Much Whisky Did. Winnepeq, Oct. 20. A man named Archie McDonald, of llael Portage, was snoi inrougn tne neart in tne (Jale- Arrest of the Tennessee Safe Robbers. New York, Oct. 20. A Times spe cial from Atlanta, Ga., says Ed Morri son, one of the three Loudon, Tennes see, safe robbers, arrested here, confes ses that he was present at the Ross murder in Glendale, and knows all about it, but refuses to tell the story to anyone but an omcer lrom Cincinnati. His story is not credited, as he is in terror of going back to Tennessee lest he be mobbed. Ayalise belonging to burglars has been found here in the hands of their Attorneys containing a full set of burglars tools, dynamite and a copy of a paper containing an account -:o: :o: - The Almanac, while being a desirable reference book, Is intended as can and will be preserved by our friends and paSXhe book will contain fifty beautiful Illus trations on wood, chlelly by parley, Moran. Scheli, Whitney. Woodward, and other Celebrated Ameri can Artists. This public -itlon will ork ot Fine art In every respect, having a Hinusuiis 1LLUMINATKD COVER, the Inside pages printed on fine Tinted Paper with the best Wood Cut Ink, j ,v, k onTTairapuTi! wii ha dismayed with the greatest degree of Typographic Excellence and Taste, it wm De noi mereij on i 1883, but will commend itself as a fine specimen of the Printers' and Engravers' skill, and as such doubtless be preserved in every uuuscuuiu iu which It will be sent. E3- The Apvebtiskments whl be interleaved with the almanac matter, which will Impart every mouth an equal prominence to mem. Hit HJIOND, VA. We Manufacture the best class of Goods In our line and guarantee to duplicate Northern prices. Send for Trade List. H. W. BOUNTBEK & BRO., oct7 Blchmond, Va. J. A. TANCET WM. B. ISAACS, JR. W. M. WADDT. J. A.YANCEY & CO., -WHOLESALE TeniiwLi eanilpMni, ADDED SEPTEMBER 25th $5, $10 or $15 Per Day. STATlONEtiSiK BINDERS j yji a,; etc uiicutur ui I j : ... , . . . . . . . , . . I a uu uiuia the Kaleigh revenue district. Lexinu- fT "V"51 1Je m8Qt oy one kodc. of the n033 murder. Officer Buchanan tm Dispatch. "-1U'J P1 lh ? ate.?r of the Atla Several years ago we heard the lata Richard C. Badger say that at that time x oung a annual pay was run $19,000. It was razeed after that, but we sup pose he has averaged at least $10,000 since the revenue aspirant changed his politics, for he too' was a Democrat. Wilmington Star, Col. Young is oae of the disinterest ed, patriotic gentlemen who are labor ing to "destroy the Republican party" and build upon its ruins, yes, ruins, a more progressive, liberal party, with Col. Yourig as pne -of the chief engi neers. Considering the amount of lucre the Colonel has drawn from the Repub lican party, how many people of com mon sense can , there be who believe him sincere in the professed desire to oeo tne itepuDiican party buried. It s too thin for this latitude. Georgia, and onlv thrpftda. in t.herir. from the South, where he was a loco motive engineer. The tragedy was the result of a drunken quarrel. The po lice took the murderer in custody at once and lodged him in jail. Atlanta police force left for Cin- cinnati, this afternoon, to investigate the statement in Morrison's confession. Sheriff Foute, of Loudon, is here await in; a requisition to take the prisoneis to the scene of their crime. Fatal Boiler Explosion. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 26.-The "Nig ger boiler of the harbor tug De Soto, belonging to Messers. Brown & Jones exploded this morning, killing Dennis Bohlen, watchman, and a negro named Joe Holman. The tuz was nnlv alight. ly damaged. " J Floated and Towed Back. -L0roN' October 26. The bark City ot &t. Aaoph, from Coosaw, previously reported ashore at Port Talbot, has been floated. The ship Nettie Murphy, from Ant- Weather. Washington, Oct. 20. Middle At lantic States generally fair weather, winds mostly from southwest to north west, higher barometer, stationary or slight fall in temperature. South Atlantic States generally fair weatner, light variable winds, slight changes in temperature, stationary or sugnt rise in uaromeier. BXDVOBD ALUM AND IBOH 8PRIK&S WlTKB AjlD Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice aa much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the thine for the "BDrtnut weakness" now so werp for New Orleans, ha8J been towed ISSSSaSSir-11 f 11117 8teDUn& back, her cargo having shifted. I majll-tf uuouou ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED. PRICK CF SPACE IN THE ANKUAL: Second and Third Pages of Cover $40.00 One V age, zo uu Half Page, 1R-00 Quarter Page, 10 00 y The business men in Charlotte and else where who desire to secure space in the Annual are requested to send In their orders at once, as the number of pages to be devoted to advertising is limited and the work will be put to press as soon as the requisite quantity of advertising has been received. Let us have your orders for space nits pages. Address THE OBSERVER, sept26 tt Charlotte, N. C. METROPOLITAN LIFE UNVEILED! AGrETffTS WiSJffTBDt lCoftlxcitlngBooklwUd. SOOpaget. 150 IllurtritioMl Revealing miseries of high and low life In America's great cities : fashion's follies unci frivolities ; behind the scenes ; tricks of pretty deceivers; city's rich and poor: L&sclvioaa corruption nt Washington; ruin of innocent Kirls ; old hoary-headed sinners by gas-light ; bewitchifis sirens A victims ; Voudou and Mormon horrors ; Start ling Revelations 1 Price 12.60. Illast'd circulars free. Outfit 75o. Add. ANCHOR PUBLISH'O CO. ST. LOUI3, Mo. CHICAGO. 111. ATLANTA, Ga. 1125 JTlain Street, Richmond, Va. KEEP IN STOCK BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS. ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OK Printers Stationery, AND GAUiANTKE TO SELL To Printers and Dealers as cheap as New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. A trial order solicited. J. A. Yaneey & Co., KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. TWO CLASSES $300 PER MONTH. DAY PLAN $1,500,000 in Policies Issued in Six Days. BENEFITS, LEAST EXPENSE, QUICKEST REIIHH 300 MEMBERS IN FIVE DAYS. RULE & NICHOLSON, General Agents. OFFICE ROOM NO. 3, BUFORD HOUSF oct8 lm The inempbis) mutual Aid Society, ITIeiupliiv, Tenn., pay 4-Momli marriage Kenefit, a 20-I)ay HiriH KenefiU and have theMtroncesit 1-Day Maarrlage Assur ance Company In Existence. Telegraph Application at oar expense. Membership cost noihiny for .JO day. 1135 oci7 main stree't Blchmond Ta octl dw lm WANTED. A dozen eood. live, energetic agents, to canvass Charlotte and vicinity to solicit for memoers to the Boyal Benefit Association, of Nashville. Ten nessee. JuemDersnip now nve inousana. Call on or address J. L. nichoiu, At Buford House, Charlotte, N. C. dtf MOZAKT SALOON, JOS. IiacaiSSXB, Proprietor. iriEALS AT AL.Ii HOURS DftJ Clfalsltt. Tcyon stiest, te'.cw Cen'ral Hotel septs LAUNDRY WOK For Our Neighboring 1 '''" I WILL pay Express charges and do .p1. Work at my remar list prices on i al I m 1o,- to me from neighboring towns, when sein of 5 worth of work at one time, specw lor hotels ana scnoois. tw I iU'c LauDary macmucw - - AP. SMITH. octl8 Charlotte Steam Lau- . i have some low. Price list turnlshed.

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