yoi,. xxvin. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDA f . OCTOBER 28, . . , , - si a r , mm ARB MAKIUG A SPECI iLTY OK - ETC., ETC., This Season. WE BAVK A MAGNIFICENT STOCK. THIS when voi' w .r CARPETS! :: :o:- OCtS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF TS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, I'ulises id tain Baa IS N W COMPLETE. It litis been selected with unusual care to meet the wants of the Trade, and to give them the BEST GOODS MANUFACTURED. LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S ioe Boots, Shoes and Slippers A SPECIALTY. OTJE STOCK OIF1 Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags 18 LAUGH AND VARIED. HATS ouu unI of ) HATS -IS COMIOSKD OF THE - ,irT mi AlVns and I j A TEST STYLES OF SILK, STIFF I FELT. "Caii aodtrj tin Old Established House of. mm exander & Hams. PECRAM $c CO, Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and II promptly attended to can easily De curea; dui neglect is orcen followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which w-ts so quickly and surely In such cases as PERRV DAVIS' PAIJV KILLER. ThO prompt use of this invaluable remedy has Baved thousands of Uvea. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER is not an experiment. It has been before tne public for forty years, and Is most valued wnere it is oest Known. A few -Ktracts from voluntary testimonials reau ifc lonows : Pais Killeb has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty-seven years, and nave never Known to lau m enecumt a cure. L. 8. Crocker, Willlamsvllle, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Etllkb, and round it a never-failing' remedy for colds and sore throat Bahton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and pore throat, and consider Vour Pain Kili.kb an myaiuaDie remeay. uio. u. evi&ett, Dickinson, I havfi mat. lwnimiwl fwim m. vhtv severe cold. which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Fain hilleb, wmca relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it. C. O. Ioece, wwnaes, ua. Have used Pain Killeb in my family for forty Eears, ana nave never Known it to i mi- xiANSOM ,Ewi8. Wavnesboro. Oa. I beg-an ueinjrPAiN Killer in my family twenty, five years ago and have used itever since, and have louna no meaicine to raw its Place. u. w. JJYkb. DruiraTBt. Oneida. Ti. Y. For whoopinjr-cougb. and croup it Is the best preparation maae. w e wouia not De witnout it. A. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Va. For twenty-five years I have used Pain In.ua for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best mecucuie ever onered. Gxo.Hoopeb, Wilmington, N. 0. I wu Hufferinpr severely with bronchitis, and my throat was bo inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely curea.i. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Paiw Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm i t i yl v nreva1Tt new him not been known to fau in a single instance. This fact you should maxe Known to tne world Mrs. Ellen R. Mason writen : Mv son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, hiffh fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was airaia to eau a pnysician, ana tnea your riin Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednfwrtav his th rot wail clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle ot Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell it at 5c, 50c, and $1.00 per Dctue. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietor. Providence, R. I. sept d Vw sept & oct lie centra H. C. ECCLES, PROPRIETOR. CHiBLOTTE, n. c. THIS Hotel was completed In 1872, and new additions made In 1875, "TBE CENTRAL" Is situated on Independent Square, occupying half a block on Trade street, In the business cen tre of the City, in ciose proximity to Banks. Ex press ana j eiegrapn omces, and commanding a mountain view of mo'e than fifty miles. The Intention of the Proprietor Is. not onlv to present to the traveling public one of the finest notei Buuuings in tne South, but one of the most. compiece ana Dest conducted Hotels In all Its dif ferent deuaitmeats. Having recently been decoratpd anrl fMmrwrt throughout. It is not only one of the most beautl- iui,-at tne LEADING AND PALACE HOTEL of the South. te home of Commercial Tourists, pleasure seekers and resident guests. H C. ECCLEb, Proprietor, wlil be pleased to we come his friends and the traveling public, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage from all who would enjoy and appreciate a home combin ing elegance, beauty and comfort in all its ap pointments ana surroundings. RATE.H $2.00 and 82 50, per day, according iu location. septus Valuable Plantation KNOWN A3 THE Porter Place, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. fH MONDAY, the 6th day of November next, J at 12 M., we will sell at the court house door In Charlotte, N. C. , that valuable tract of land con talnlng 539 acres, lying In Providence township, Mecklenburg; county, six miles from Matthews' station on the C. C. Railroad, about the same dis tance from Plnevllle, on the C, C. & A. Railroad, and twelve miles from Charlotte, known as THE PORTER PLACE, Said Kinds are highly Improved and very pro- duo'.lve, being well adapted for cotton, corn, wheat, oats, fcc. . &3. There Is a good residence, orchards, barn, gin house and other necessary outbuildings on the plantation in good conditio and churches and schools are at convenient distances. The lands will be offered In four lots: First lot, containing 177 acres on which is situ ated the residence and other buildings. Second lot contains 45 acres. Third lot contains 137 acres. Fourth lot contains 1 85 acres. They will also be offered as a whole. TERMS: Om-fourth cash; balance in three equal install ments at the end of ore, two and thkei years, with interest at the rate of eight per cent pr an num. SALE POSITIVE. Purchaser can also buy on favorable terms the stock of Horses. Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Farming Im plements, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Hay, kc, now on the plantation. II. II. WIITH Oc CO., 109 Pearl Street. New York. octlO till nov6 W. J. BLACK & SON, Charlotte, N. C , Dealers in Groceries, Cotton, Bagging and Ties FBESH STOCK JIJ8T IN, And will be pleased to see their fi lends, septo ly t DR. DYES Electric Appliances are tent en 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, "l If HO are suffering from Niwvous Demlitt, y Lost Vitality, Lack or Nerve rosea axb Vioor, Wasting Weaknesses, and all thoe diseases of a Personal Nature resulting from Abuses and Other Causes. 8peedy relief and complete resto ration of Health, vioor and Manhood Guaranteed. The grandest discovery of tho Nineteenth Century. Bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address V01TAI0 BEIT CO.. MARSHALL,: MICH.,-; ote, augl dw ly eod NOON DISPATCHES. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1,000 Cases and 325 Deaths at Mier. New Orlkans, October 27. A Times Democrat, Camaego, Mexico, special, says authentic reports from Mier give the total cases of fever during the epi demic at 1,000 and deaths at 325. The cases now under treatment number 450. The prominent citizens having the fever are the following: Manuel K Canales, Julius Wormser, Antonio F Canales, Dr A Edward Webb and daughter. The following have died: Mrs M G Canales, Francisco DeGarsa, Enilio DeGarsa. There have been 150 deaths at Camaego since the disease appeared. American Missionary Association. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 27 At the afternoon session yesterday of the American Missionary Association Rev. Dr. J. E. Hoy, of Georgia, read a paper on the New South. The association closed at night with a mass meeting in the tabernacle, at which speeches were made by ex-Priest Hayes, President White, of Cornell University, and Hon. J. L. M. Curry, of Virginia, the agent of the Peabody Fund in the South. The topic of the evening was Southern ed ucation. The Walking Match. New York. October 27 When Ha- zael retired last night his score was 4l4 miles and one Ian. His knees had civen out. Hazael and Rowel 1 slpnr. in thpir tents all night and wpre taken awav this morning. Amono- hpttino- mn Noremacis the favorite. "ITiio-hPa re- uneu nuiii me race at 12:20 pm, an nouncing the fact at the Judge's stand 4-; j iv . At 1 OClOCk the score stmwl Fit? gerald 481 miles and 5 laps; Noremac 465 miles and 2 laps; Heity 450 miles and 4 laps ; Hughes 450 ; Hart 435 ; Vint iiu uiues. Lyons Panic Stricken. London. October 27. A nnrrfisnnn dent of the Central News at Lyons tel cKirfuuo Lo-uay mac tne sit nation is critical. A panic has seized the popu lation. Theatres last night were empty xue uiuu uireaten to attack banks and puDlic. buildings. Measures of nrecan tion have been taken. .NEWS NOTES. Mr. Wilfred Blunt is confident of success in Arabi s defense. It is rumored that the Sulfas has or dered the proceedings against Arabi Pasha to be stopped. James Farhurst. aged 45 years, com mitted suicide in Philadelphia vester- day by hanging himself to the cellar door. Dr. Wm. H. Harris committed suicide at Greensboro, Ala., last night by tak ing morphine. He had been drinking neavny. Richard B. Cornevall, who was in dicted for eSkoezzling S70.000 from the r ourth National Bank of New York. is supposed to have jumped his bail and fled to Europe. His bond, amounting to $10,000, has been forfeited. Acting-Secretary of the Interior Jos- lyn has decided in effect that 7 years absence may be taken as proof presum ative of a soldier's death, and such proof shall warrant the issue of a pen sion to his family if other requirements have been complied with. The surgeon-generals of the army and navy have recommended a plat of five acres in the southwest corner of the Hot Springs mountain for the proposed Army and Navy Hospital, for the con struction of which an appropriation of $100,000 was made by the last session of. Congress. United States District Attorney Stewart L. Woodford, of New York, and Col. John O'Byrne, of Wilmington, Del., have got into a controversy over a speech made by Col. O'Byrne in Wil mington, in which he charged that tis sue ballots were used at elections in the district in which Mr. Woodford re sides. Richard Magee, a Philadelphia-brew er, while ascending the stairway ot a building on Walnut street, was jostled by three men, who afterward apologiz ed and then passed out. Mr. Magee discovered a few moments afterwards that a wallet containing $2,200 in mon ey had been taken from his pocket. It is expected that the case of the United States against the Nasheville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad for the recovery of the interest due on cer tain bonds, in which Indian trust funds amounting to $153,000 were invested, will come up at Nasheville. Tenn., dur ing the present week. The company has offered to compromise by paying $125,000. In answer to a circular of the Civil Service Reform Association in New York, Gen. Slocum, Howard Carroll, Charles Rhodes, N. W. Mitting and Lewis Beach, congressional candidates, have expressed themselves in favor of the Senate bill to regulate and improve the civil service and the House bill pro hibiting political assessments, measures which the association are strongly ad vocating. In the United States Supreme Court Wednesday, Gen. B. F. Butler filed a motion to advance the case of Peter Schreiber vs. Walter B. Roberts, which involves the alidity of a patent for in creasing the production of oil wells by exploding torpedoes therein. More than 0,000 suns now penaing in JNew York and Pennsylvania will be de termined by the decision in this case. Leprosy in America. Leprosy is popularly associated with the East and the Hawiian Islands; but in the past seventy years it appears to have become securely domesticated in this country and is likely to break out at any point where a large swarm of immigrants of a low type of morals or hveiene has settled. The subject is discussed in an article on the subject bv Prof. J. C. White, of Harvard, in the current number of the American Jour nal of Medical Sciences, with specific reference to the contagion of this hor rible malady. The existence of leprosy in New Brunswick, on the Mlramichi river, in a low fishing population, and upon Cape Breton Island, has been tor sometime familiar. Contagion appears to have been clearly proved in the for mer settlement, but in the latter all the cases are the descendants qf one wo man, a significant suggestion of pre cautions which should be taken in eradicating the disease. In the United States several cases of the disease have appeared among Nor wegians in the Northwest, partic ularly in Minnessota. Nearly all the cases are of those infected before their arrival, but a well authenticated in stance of the transmission of the dis ease by descent. It has alsa appeared at intervals since 1846 in Charleston, S. C., while in Florida it was prevalent more than a century ago, agd the large number of cases in Louisiana in 1785 required a special hospital. In .1866 it reappeared in Vermillion parish, in the State, and other cases are now there. In California and Oregon the Chinese immigration has, as might be expected, introduced the disease. Dr. Jackson closes with the ghastly suggestion, of which he submits proof, that as the dis ease now exists iD six or seven States it is tolerably easy to spread in default of tsharp and rigorous preventative meas ures. ' i STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer: The first frost of the season made its ap pearance Wednesday. It3 coming was delayed. People who have chills, and there are now but few such unfortu nates, luckily, will be grateful for the frost. There continues to be talk about the use of a new hotel here, and from what we can gather the project is about to take shape. At Ilutchinson's store, yesterday af ternoon. Toco Mangiim, a resident of Barton's Creek township, was knocked in the head with a piece of fence rail the blow taking affect on the temple' and causing perhaps fatal injuries. The bl w was struck, it is said, by U1,C ,un Matigum.of this city, the two nn-n ing engaged in an altercation ot a per- it dead, and ins recovery w;.s not ex expected, but last evening, it is lep.u ted ne rauiea souiewudt. ine were la.-t evening a thousand and one sheet i li enors about the artair. it i.s said tha uuncan juangum iku huu nas not yet Deen capcuieu. Asheville Citizen: All parties inter ested will see me omoiai notice from Judge Dick postponing tne opening of -f ederal court in una piace until l ues aay.tne ytn or ovemoer, in order to give all time to vote before leaving 1 . .. . 1 .) . l . .. . o nome to aiteiiu toe court. we are pieasea to be able to state that tne ii?4U,ooo oonds recently issued by Asheville for macadamizing our principal streets, and for the establish meuiui wrttei woiks, oeaiing six per cent lmeiesi, nave Deen sold at par. ayetteville Examiner: Col. Albeit w ortn nas lecently suffered a good deal irom tne wound received by him tvven ty years ago, during the then prevail ing "unpleasantness. Mr. Zach Piumer, and old and respect ed citizen fell dead from apoplexy while puiiing xouuer in ms held. baiem Press: Internal revenue col lections in the Fifth District for week ending uctober 21, were $24,903 65. Ihe oak mast is bountiful, but there never nave oeen so tew hogs in the country, in our recollection, to consume mem. Salisbury Watchman : Mr J L Craven passed through here on last Monday evening wim nineteen Indian boys. ihese boys are educated at Trinity O 1 1 J college. Mr u (j .board, formerly a citizen of this county, and well known to many of our people, died at his residence in Newton, N C. on the 13th inst. 1 he Silver Vallev Mining Comnanv have recently closed a contract for their entire out-pot of ore for sereral years to a large sroeitmg concern in Swansea, aies. a representative of the con cern recently visited the Valley, the re sult or which is as above stated. The facts were furnished us from a private, tnougu reiiaoie source. Lenoir Topic : Mr Joseph C Norwood, wno lately sustained some severe in juries m falling from a horse, is im proving. Messrs J II Brown and John Ragan, oi v atauga, caned to see us last week and report every thing bright for De mocracy in the mountains. A rather strange disease has been lately prevailing among some of the horses in this neighborhood. Several nave gone suddenly ound, remaining ound a day or so and as suddenly recov ering their sight. Col Kent lost a val uable horse from it a week or so since. .Monroe Enquirer and Express: We learn that Ike Young has information that Union is the damnedest Democrat ic county in the State. Captain Charles Price had probably heard the news also, wmcn win go rar to explain why he didn t have the courage to, speak here on jyionnay. Capt Jonas Cook, postmaster at Mt Pleasant, refused to respond to a notice or assessment to the Liberal-Republican corruption lund, and he was promptly uisunsseu. mis is itenublicamsm. Mr Stewart, the IndeDendent, candi date for the Legislature, fails to say who he will support for United States Sena tor in the event of his election to that body. Democrats will do well to re member this fact when they come to vote. The Last of the Irish Kings. Alexander H. Stephens lhi3 room." said Mr. Stephens. wnirnng into a bedroom adioininsr the library, "was occupied the night it was finished by Smith O'Brien, the last of the line of Irish kings of Munster. He spent a week with me and was the grandest man in some respects I ever knew. His book on representative government is the profoundest work I ever read, except Mr. Calhoun's, and is much more elaborate. He was the fore most of the Irish patriots in dignitv and power. I had Toombs here to meet him frequently, and it was interesting to see them together. Mr. Toombs was then very extreme it was in 1859, and had resigned in view of the coming storm and was fond of painting to O'Brien what a magnificent reDubhc we could make out of the South if we were only cut off from the body of death, as he called the North. In Ids quiet but positive way O'Brien would insist that the perpetuity of the Ameri can union was the only hope for true representative government on earth. I never entertained a greater man than this brave and saddened Irishman." A f ter all Else Failed. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 23, 1881. H. H. Warner & Co: Sirs I exhausted all other remedies tor kidney and liver diseases, only to compirie cure in your bate Kidney and Liver Cure. S. CHAMBSBLAIN. A g-od medicinal tonic, with real merit, Browu'ni Iron Bitters, so all druggists say. IsJ Satisfaction fur Ten. In our family f ten for over two pears Parker's Ginger Tonic hs cured headache, malaria and other complaints so satisfactorily that we are in excellent health and no expense for doctors or other medicine. Chronicle. While other Baking Powders are largely adulterated with Alum and other hurtful drugs, has been kept unchanged in all its original purity and strength. The best evidence of its safety and effectiveness is the fact of its having received the highest testimoni als from the most eminent chemists in the United States, who have analyzed it, from its introduction to the present time. Ho other powders show so good results by the true testthe TEST OF THE OVEN. IT IS A PURE FRUIT ACIO BAKING POWDER -MADE BY- STEELE & PRICE, . Clxioago, HI., and St. Louis, Mo., feafketarari af LapsUa Taut Gni, Dr. Prlec'i Sped! piargrUg Extract, aad Dr. PrWi Caiqa rnfimmfc For Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Chronic Diar rhoea, Jaundice, Impurity of the Iiiood, Fever and Ague, Malaria, and all Diseases caused by De rangement of Iaver, Bowels and Kidneys. SYnPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Bad Breath ; Pain in the Side, sometimes the pain is kit under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Khcumatism ; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy', with Considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption, the p.uient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; fe-etcold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of tne skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Persons Traveling or Living in Un healthy LocanUeS,Ty taking a dole occasion a y to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau se.?,.iJr.owslns, Depression of Spirits, etc It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no in toxicating beverage. If You have eaten anything hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator In the House! whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly purcatlve. nltpraiivo For, safe never be out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not Interfere with business or pleasure. a a JT ,? rURIXY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Ouinme, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says : Have derived some benefit from the use of bimmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. T'Vrhe ,?nly Thtog that never fails to iteiieve. 'I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent bimmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medians, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thincr that t-w- f;i ' 1 !. i Acma iu iteiieve. r. m. Janney, Minneapolis, Minn. tJT. a. . Mason says : From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am Satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. BfTake only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper ths red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of f, H. ZEILIN & CO. Z2JEXL DRUGGISTS. The Public is reouestcd careful.lv In notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. J- CAPITA I, PiIZr, sr 5,000.-5$ Shar a In Proportion Tickets a Jy $5. Louisiana State Lottery Company incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature tor Educational snri r.hni-it-ih.i fund of 8550,000 has since been added. rJy an overwhelmine nonniar vnt itu frunohiuo rr!,nJHd?a Pa1of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879 The onlv l.nttor. .,j j . people or any State. It nwr nonpa - tal1? ",?AND SJpjGLE NTJMBEB Drawings will A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY iu wifl A JfUKTnNW P.rRVT?NTTW nniNn DBA WING, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, KOVE.1IBEII 14th, 18S2 150th lonihly Draw ins-. LOOk at the Fnllnulnir Srhsm. ..nWo. , . , J . ... v .... , 11 1 i VJ I 1 me Ci" S,'" aupeivision ana management ot GEN. G. T" li?FB(JAKD-01 Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL . Mai,!, oi viigima, wno manage all the oraw- wmytuiy, uotu urainary ana semi. SnDUal, and att.itthp r-nrrpnrneoa rf tho nnhii.h ed Official Lists. CAPITAL, PRIZE, S75.000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE g 75,000 j ;: 25,ooo J " 10 OOf 2 PRIZES of 86,000 ialooO " 2.000 10 000 20 i" i.wiiu m.nnn 600 10,000 200 20,000 l'u 30,000 25,000 25,000 100 800 500 1000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. P Approximation Prizes of $750 26 750 t Approximation Prizes of 500 4 500 9 Approximation Prizes pi 259...' 2 250 1967 Prizes, anjounuiu; to hork enn App'lcatlon for ratt-s to CiUbS should nnlv h maae to 'he oflice ol the mmimnitii n-i..., For further information write clearly, giving full addre.-s Send orders by Express. Registered Let ter or Money Order, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, TVA1X7 Hrlfiana T o or M. A. DAUPEIIN. ' " 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. N. B.-Orders addressed to Now OrlAna mill ,a. celve prompt attention. 0CE1U POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City or Louisville, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundavs ercent. ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Conn or, Mumn Hi . rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. I Its drawings are fair. I'ht Company has now on hand a iarge resene fund. Road the list of prizes for the OCTOBER DRAWING. 1 Prize - 830,000 i Prize 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each,... " 10,000 i0 Prizes, 500 eah, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each 10.000 000 Prizes. 20 each 12.000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, SB00 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes. 200 " " " " 1,800 9 Prlzea, 100 " " . " ' 900 1,980 Prizes 8112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets 550; 55 Tickets, 8100. Bemit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Bullcing, Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. octi Bulterick Patterns, WITH METROPOLITAN SHEETS FOR NOVEMBER, JUST RECEIVED, BY TIDDY & BROTHER. oct24 FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite crpRrrlntinn nf ntio nf ty most notad and successful specialists in the TJ. 8. (now retired) lor tbe cure of Nervou Debility, Iiomt Manhood, tVeakiiesm nutl Deeay. Sent in pOiin sealed en velopeyVee. Druggists can Oil iu Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. Ml RECEIVED -: o : A NICE Line of Felts in all colors. Also, a hamUomo line of Ladies' Neckwear in all the new designs. Our stock of that verv popular 12c and 15c Cashmere has been replenished ; call and get a Dress of it. A large stock of Velvets, Velveteens, Plushes, in plain and brocades, Cashmeres, Snoodahs, Dress Flannels, vc. Silks, Sa'ins, Ottoman, Surahs all colors. Military Braul and Seus all colors in silk and worsted. Call and see our Shawls, Jackets, Dolmans, Paletots, &c. A job lot of Circulars very cheap. Is, Shoes, Hals, Caps, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Domestics, USTIEW SATTEEN3, &C, ALL G HEAP. m Call and see us; we will please you and you will please U3 by buying. Truly, oc 22 L. BERWAWG Leading Clothiers and Tailors. New Goods ! Correct -:o: Our Patrons: The People. Our Study: Their Interest. Our Maxim: Pair Dealing. OUR REWARD: SUCCESS. WB Manufacture our own Men's Clothing, and therefore can sell at much lower prices than any ed stock ot HEAD YMADK ttie 8ame (Jood3, We are ntw I,rePared t0 offer tne largest aim best assort- CSILbO'QFIEIIIE'RJCS- In this section. OUa Furnishing Goods Department comprise the latest out, and we are confident that ror beauty and novelty will compare with any In the South. The last but not least, our Hat Depart ment, consists of only the latest out, and finest that could be found In the market. We have taken special pride this season to secure such goods that cannot be found elsewhere. Our prices In each and every department are Invariably bottom figures, and every article sold wlih our guarantee. -Thanking the public kindly for past favors, and soliciting a share of your trade In the future, we are Very Respectfully, L. Borwauger 5 Bro., octl Leading Clothiers and Tailors. o CO o o c-f- o o o to Xfl o m O w o CD o. P rt- 3 B ae ffl X 9 C H J (I) -8 O B o c Cf) m rx CD X3 5 a CO d B cr CD 1-1 OS o p O 13 m a CD t-K CO o no 2- 52 3 o5 02 O I l o P loo p pec - CO o f I NOW The LARGEST and Ms- O O - B 8 g B J UjC g O a O !! . O SL p aa a r- S S S B- c: ?T FfftNITUKE EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, WHICH I INTEND TO SELL AT Borrrrojvr All are invited to call and learn the Prices. E M. ANDREWS, Wholesale and Retail PER EXPRESS, : o : in Style, Quality and Price of Good Hargravcs it Williclm, Smith Building, East Trade Street. ER k MO. Styles! Closest Pre! :o:- c lis H w c n2 O tr1 H & m H H5 2ts H- 5 tp. ri Co wo 0 h2 B9 H is 2 ' CD Q ! 03 CCW O W tSi-J CD a 25" CO S8 l-j 9W CO HAVE Prettiest Stock of prices: and see my goods Furniture Dealer S w H td te N w Q Gfi I H O 11 4 i in 3 II mi m til t. i m III IIS - - .1